W1DNESDAY, JULY 20, )99 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE SIX 'Without Foundation' Is Acheson Reply To Russian Charges Over Italian Pact WASHINOTON. July JO i-Sec-retary Acheson today described as utterly without foundation" Rumtn protest that Italy'! mem bership In the Atlantic alliance would violate the Italian peace treaty. The secrelsry of state told a news conference he had received the 80 Tlet protest only today. Moscow sent a protest to the Italian. British and French gov ernments. Britain already has denied the Soviet contention. Italy has sinned the North At lantic alliance, but has not yet rati fied it. Acheson aald the Russian argu ment In the case of Italy like other 8ovlet objections to the treaty, as aurnea that the treaty Is directed against Russia. Acheson said that Is not the case and the American government has aaid many times that the treaty la purely defensive. The Russian protest in the case of Reds Accuse Big Three In Italy Deal LONDON. July 30 Russia ac cused the three bif Western pow ers today of causing Italy to vio late her peace treaty by Inviting her Into the North Atlantic alli ance. Britain denied It and an Italian foreign office spokesman aid the Russian charge was "sb aurd and ridiculous." Moscow radio announced Rus sian note have gone to Italy and the big Western powers making the complaint, at a moment when the Italian parliament U debating ratification of the act. In a swift rejoiner. the foreign e.'Iire declared the Western pow ers have no Intention of building tip Italy's armed forces beyond the limits laid down In the treaty. A spokesman termed invalid Rus sia's complaint that Italy, by Join ing the pact, unlawfully had en tered an alliance pursuing aggres sive aims. "The North Atlantic pact Is es sentially defensive undertaking. Dot directed sestxist anyone." the spokesman told a news conference. The spokesman said the text of the Russian note has not yet been received. He based his comments on news agency versions of the Russian radio announcement. Foreign office comment at this stage before the text of the note has become available is unusual. Italy differs from other earlier ob jections against the pact, he said. In that it claims that Italy's mem bership in the pact will violate the Italian peace treaty. Actually, he said, tne state de partment has publicly stated many times that this Is not the case. At the news conference, Acheson also: 1. Spoke out agsin on the con flict between Chechoslovakia's com munist government and religious leaders. He declared the Cxech regtme is guiltv of "tyrannous dom ination" of reltcious organisations in violation of human rights standards being worked out In the United Nations. 2. Pledged the t'nited States -to extend firm and Impartial assist ance" to both Jews and Arabs In their resumed negotiations at Lau sanne. Swttrerland. to establish peace in Palestine. S. Said the United States remains aloof toward the idea of partici pating In any Pacific pact but does not discourage other nations from making arrangements for security measures. 4. Reported that President Tru man will decide when the proposed tl.4M OOO.000 arms aid program will be submitted to congress. WHY WE SAY a, lln4 J. V LION SHARE aV i p f Y4 "T KEMAlNlNr'ri,i. ,ca,,i,ig lite Urier alia V4 M from Aeop Kl.le which tell. I Ftire I , the lion oVn.amlctl onr-toiirlh aa his .tiiT . i . r . I .... t inr yj7s own special prcrogamv. hia ejHfinl slrcnjttlu one-fourth (or Ins . ... irate ami then delicti anyme to put, hia msaac-ion ol the mitaiiimg V r com Mitt see va S The World Today; DVITT M.U'KKNaUK Af orris n Affair A rial) at in of i t ivra. I rvlurm- ( 7m 5? Ml M auk r nil Us Uv ULi New Plymouth On Display The brand new Plymouth "Sub urban." latest addition to the Ply mouth line, is now on display at local Plymouth dealerships. The "Suburban" has aroused a great deal of Interest wherever shown since it incorporates both "sedan beauty" and "sation wagon utility." Basically it is sn all metal, two-door, station wagon. Plymouth officials believe that Its sleek, practical beauty will appeal to sportsmen, suburbanites, farmers and tradesmen alike. For passenger service. It seats five people comfort ably, with plenty of room for lug gage. For -hauling" service, the rear seat can be nested up against the front sest to provide an en closed load space 69, inches long. The tailgate and lift gate operate similarly to the station wagon and the spare Ure nests in the floor to give a smooth load space. The new model has the regular deluxe sedan forebody with sta tion wagon contour overall and with the added advantage of the all steel body. Local Plymouth dealers extend a cordial invitation to view the new model this week. GLADSTONE. July JO (A The Oregon Seventh bay AdventlsU' MnfmiM t nti w listwl n-.n-l ! tignments and transfers. I Elder R. O. Schaffner. Sunny, j side, goes to Salem and Elder : Wayne A. Scrlven. Orants Pasa, goes to the Idaho conference aa home missionary secretary. The Utter will be succeeded by Elder L L. Huntington. Kelso-Lonjvicw, Wash. ! Bridges Named l To New Position I PARIS. July 10 The com muntst newspaper L'Humanite today announced the election of Harry Bridges as president of a new In ternational union of seamm and ; dockers. j Bridges heads the CIO Longshore men's and Warehousemen's union I In the United States, j L'Humanite said Bridges whs I chosen at a week-end meeting In . Marseille of leaders In the world j federation of trade unions. The I unions of non-communist countries have withdrawn from the federa 1 tlon. I V....... ...... .........M A salute to Jackie Robinson, for mer noted college athlete and now the Brooklyn Dodgers' slur second Daseiuan. lor his inspiring dole- I ration of (atth t In our country j befure the un- American activ- ( Ittra committee of the house of representat That declare tlon coiutitutea a moving hu man document a notable chapter in the hiatory of our troubled times. It was a difficult young Negro to take the stand and voice an opinion regarding Paul Robeson's statement in Paris that American Negroes wouldn't fight against Russia because Uiey lose that country so much. Robinson had been urged by many people, mostly communists, not to comply with the commit tees request that he appear before it. Why then did he do It? In his straight-forward way he told the congressmen It wain I easy to find the answer, but he guessed "It boils down to a sense of responsibility." Jackie said that If Robeson made the statement attributed to him. It sounded "very silly " The witness declared that "most Negroes and Italians and Irish and Jews and Swedes and Slavs and other Amer icans would art as all these groups old in the last war. They'd do their best to help their country stay out of the war; If unsuccess ful they'd do their best to help their country win the war against Russia or any other enemy that threatened us." But this declaration of loyally waa by no means all to be got out Come See Heor En The Evanaelistic Gospel Troop Dynaswie Evangelistic Messages. SPECIAL GOSPEL MISIC Where? ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHURCH Chileenin. Oregon When TONIGHT 8:00 P. M. Centinelng through this week. Everyone Welcome! PILES IHIMOaSHOIMI e (CTl AND COLON AILMtNTS e stomach oisoaoc as Trtatat mast latata lawstas rv.TT JIT Cib.uo "o and FM., wiH I ias.)4S Writ or coll tar VIII McnttM boomer The Dean Clinic In Our 39th Year M I Cm I g.rsilS. mm4 S4 1 T.liph. I Air ISIS Mlirt 14. O . h0 25t - " ey air WSJ AT All 0RUO AND COSMETIC COUNTERS, Act Now! Offer is Limited I Store Hours 9 o. m. to 5:30 p. m. 9th at Pint Phone 3188 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 4 BIG JULY airgaiiH. Days! SPECIAL VALUES IN ALL DEPARTMENTS Repeated By Popular Request AT AN ALL-TIME LOW . . . You'd Expect to Pay $5 and $6 for These Junior and Miss Styles FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED! SO PLAN TO BE HERE EARLY! if ot Jackie's testimony. Vmler It all apiwared lo be an uiuieriuriTiil of faith that America Intel nal racial problems were on the way l solu tion. He didn't rsaite tins ilelliate Issue In his testimony. Fur in stance: , "I don't pretend to be an eieit on communism or any other kind of political Ism. . . Hut you can put nie down as an exrt on being a colored American, Willi 31) yeais of experience at it. And Jul like any other colored person with sense enough to look around and understand what he ares, t know that lift In these t'nited Htatrs ran be mighty tonsil for people who are a little dillrreiil from the majority In their skin, color ot the way they worship their (tod. or Uw way they spell their names." That stated the Issue plainly enouiih, but Kobinson went on to relate how he had been used as "the laboratory aiMsrliuru" In In troducing Negro players Into or ganised baseball. Since then some six other colored plsyera have been signed up "a start has been made, and progress goei on." And then: "We're going to make progress In other American fields besides baseball If we can get rid of some of the misunderstandings and ron fuaton that the public still auffris from . , t can t speak tor any 16. OOO.mK) people any mote than any other person ran. but 1 know dial I've got too much Invested for my wile and child and myself In Hie future of this count! y. and 1 ami other Americans of many races and faiths have too much Invested i In our country's wellare. tor any of us to throw II away because ul a alien song aung In basa." Illaik bears are fond of roots, nuts, berries, and trult, but will also eat flesh and flah, Tin American black bear still sur vives in many of Hie Ul, eastera states. FREI CIFT TO HEARING AID USIRS rr ma-Vtam hce'lMf Hi fllrlets. IkM .OIK 111 It Kit, tNU s . f lla(lH alsj f fmm ta,e m t imsI will ukMll lh thr ts,i4 ar hwatlMfl fataan, Jmm will ratlta CHIK A KelUry 1 , Jamaa N tall AaaaUlM 111 UW Nmik Ate. fat IU Mil ft, Uraa We Delight To Honor PAUL A. LEE Our District Supervisor in Klomoth Falls, vho ogam tualilie lor the NATIONAL QUALITY AWARD This award Is presented annually to outstanding underwriters whs have done an especially fine Job In serving the people nl his community. The award la presented by the National Association of Life Underwriters. THE SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA A. M. Heaver. Hranrh Manager fartlaod. Oregea v. Store Hours 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. 9th at Pine Phone 3188 NOW! SAVE 10 TO 15 PRE-SEASON LAY-AWAY SALE OF JACKETS PAY l NOW... NOTHING MORE TILL OCT. 1" r : a i - r;i. . ... i I J .1 I 111 i ..J n V I. " I I' , 1 . U 1 V B.I t m 9 ' "" - sas VSa ft CHOOSE FROM ADVANCE FALL SAMPLES You save dollars just by being early by selecting your jacket now from Wordi complete line of advance samples. New est styles prime leathers, fine wools. No carrying charges nothing more to pay till you carry It home. Here's the way to male sure you hove the Jacket you want, right at the storf of cold weather. But hurry this amazing pre season offer Is for a limiltd time onlyl LEATHERS Top-srode, wind-proof capeikim ond horiehldei, warmly lined. Choote from many popular styles. WOOLS Macklnowi, cooli, Jacket styles In many colon, sev eral weights, lined ond unlined modslti' STREET FLOOR