Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, July 20, 1949, Page 10, Image 10

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Raps Blondell
PRINCETON, H. J- July 30 (
flr. nmHiiw Af tha hurh-brow
Princeton dramft festival eays he
has kpd Acton Equity to suspend
Joan Blondell as result of a "vio
lent backstage brawl" growing out
of th actress' alleged u ol "vile
and abusive" language.
But Joan aayi all aha did was
throw aoma fare tissue at the pro
ducer. Harold J. Kennedy.
Miss BlondeU's husband, Broad
way Producer Mike Todd, aim got
Into tha act. Kennedy charged, and
was ejected by Princeton police from
McCarter theatre her after an
Kennedy aald tha whole thine
happened lait Wednesday, but he
kept quiet about It until Miss Blon
dell'a ahow. "Happy Birthday."
closed over the week-end. Now he
aayi h wanta Actora Equity to sui
pend the Hollywood star.
Kennedy deacribed eventa leading
up to the free-for-all thu way la
a autement Issued last night
through his attorney, Hugh D.
"Miss Blondell waa vicious and
ao constant In her use of profanity
and ao brutally Insulting to the
rest of the cast that she waa Jeop
ardising our production."
This Driver
Had A Busy,
Busy Time
CINCINNATI, July 20 " Na
than Judge, 44, had a lot of things
to explain In court Tuesday.
For almost four hours yesterday
police were busy answering tele
phone accident calls and in each
instance the license number or other
Identification waa the same It was
Mr. Judge, police said.
At 3:60 p. m. the automobile ot
Raymond Stephenson waa hit but
the offender didn't atop. At 4:13
there was another accident report
and It was Judge license number
that was Involved. At 6:30 Edward
Strohmeiers car was hit and Judge's
license number was the one re
ported. There was another accident
at 7:15 but Judge had gotten away
by the tune polio arrived. At 7 2S
Judge's car was reported aa having
hit one belonging to George Ruff.
Polio finally caught up with the
elusive driver at 7:35.
The list of charge against Judge
read like this: Reckless drmng.
two Instances of leaving the scene
of an accident, driving while tinder
the Influence of liquor and failure
to have a driver license .
I X . ff cm iMir a. ut.
Ut iN t w m in M wt
"He's been reading Junior's comic book!"
Alaska Supply
Ships Sail
SEATTLE. July 30 Wv The army
navy five-ship Point Barrow re
supply expedition sailed Tuesday for
Alaskan waters.
The ice breaker Burton bland and
tour landing ships, tank tLSTi
made up the first group. They will
rendezvous August 3 off Point Lay
with the six other ships ot the ex
pedition. These will sail next Tues
day. Some 45.000 tons of cargo, mostly
petroleum products, are being taken
north by the expedition. Army
troops aboard the LSTs will unload
supplies in amphibious assault boats
at Barter island. 280 miles east.ot
Point Barrow on the Arctic coast.
Most ot the cargo goes to the
navy's exploratory oil project on
the far northern coast. Supplies also
are being earned for the coast and
geodetic survey, the air force, civil
aeronautics sdmlnstratlon and the
weather bureau.
cPmmttiai0 uut
fficUni Strvict
Ne Tm last rrft
in Antndmg ffS)c.r-.-
end animus)
Figure Down
Klamath county employment is
showing generally gradual down
grade trend, but not alarmingly so.
Jack Al meter, manager of the Ore
gon state employment service, said
The most pressing problem seems
to be women box factory workers
where shutdown of Big Lake.
Ewauna and Pelican Bay has thrown
many out of work.
The agriculture picture 1 a yet
Indefinite, with employment hing
ing on the extent of the recent frost
There I a (man pickup hi con
struction circles, Almeter said, but
not a much as the last two year.
The uncertainty In the lumber In
dustry with timber price varying,
seems to be the main factor for the
temporary shaky employment con
dition. In the neighborhood of 1300 per
sons are unemployed In Klamath
county at the present time, Almeter
Not Good Enough -For
Two out of three Is not a good bat
ting average as far a skunks are
William Fowlie. riding In a car
which came on three skunks, leaped
to the attack. He got one by stomp
ing on it and another by nailing It
behind the ear with a bottle.
The third fought back aa only a
skunk can. Fowlie came home sit
ting out on the front fender of the
Fell By Wayside
He closed his letter with Greet
ings by one fallen by the wayside.
This man 1 more than good to
hi employed people and In street
meet' igs he used to tell hi Joy at
being saved. And now he says he
Is fallen by the wayside. Let the
Apostle John speak to this man.
In his youth John went about with
Jesus and liter he spent many
year as pastor and leader. In hi
90 John wrote hi Gospel and
the three pastoral letters. And
speaking to such as this man who
aay he ha fallen by the wayside,
John affirms that the saved do
aln and If they deny It they lie.
But, adds John If w confess our
In, Ood forgives us and cleanse
us wholly. See 1st John 1: -. I
SUM IT UP You don't throw
the baby out the window when he
Is naughty; nor doe Ood east '
away His saved ones when they
aln. Instead, Ood wait for them
to lay their sins before Him. Tell
Him all and accept HI complete j
forgiveness. j
And why do w busy American I
Chrlotlan ao lark In victorious j
Christlsn Dower? And whr do w 1
live such llstles Christlsn live
and run with tha world and fU
by the wayside? Is It not our neg
lect of Bible reading and prayer?
Portland 1, Or.
This space paid for by an Ore
ton family.
Oregon Surplus Sales
Our Aim it le Bring You First Quality Merchandise at
the Lowest Price fostible. We Are Never Knowingly
Woodbury Ceeoanut OU
Castile Shampoo
le 8 lie , 15
Just a small ihtpment rtectvctl.
They will g fast mi this pric.
2-Way Mosquita
Levi-Strau Sportswear
Polo Shirt
Value U 1.4
Wrangler Jeans 11-u. Sanforized denim 2.89
Work Shirts Sanforised, will not fad 1.95
Chambray Shirts Navy, sise 14 only . U5
Sun Tan Trousers rat-dyed, Sanforiied , 2.95
Sun Tan Shirts foil-eat. Sanforised 2.95
Cotton Socks several colors fc types 29c pr. 4 for 51
Fishing Tackle 25 to 50 Off
mrr - m0m I HIM
. fiasss sitas rfu
r mmmm
TREMENDOUS DEMAND and lowered row material cost
have mod it possible for the manufacturer of this free
flowing, easy-brushing DUTCH PAINT to pais their avioj
on to us. We, in turn, are reducing our prices to you I
I ri.
Hl-Glo Enamel
Enamel Sealer Undrrcoater ..
Ease-On White Interior Wall
Spar Varnish
Porch and Deck Enamel, Tile
Red ar Gray ..
L.T.Z. Past .
Equally low ptifi by it Quart
Open 1:3 a. m. til . m.
2 Main Phone 166
3.39 In I s
rTT ei . . i
Governor Asks
CORVALL1S. July JO is-Omnn
ran expand Industrially and Mill
preserve Its cherished recreational
resources. Coventor Douglas Mi'Ksy
said here Tuesday at the opening of
the Institute of Northwest Re
sources. He told the 60 delegates attending
the Institute that the important
thing Is to ie Die people to under
stand their resources and conserva
tionnot to lock them up, but to
put them to wie ue.
McKay said he mould have the
heads of Oreiton slat department;,
meet at least quarterly In confer
ences on Orcgon'a resource so that
a mulled program may be followed.
Dr. W. L. Powers. Mill sclent 1st In
charge al Uie Orettou male colltitc
experiment station, reviewed soil re
sources of the rex ion.
The InMltule. which will continue
two weeks, may be made an annual
event If support and attendant'
Justifies It, Dr. J. Orunvill Jensen.
Institute co-ordinatur. said.
Writer Hit By
Japanese Reds
TOKYO. Julv 30 (11 - Llhdri.ay
Parrott, New York Times cor re -sixmclrnt.
said Tunulny Japanese
rtmitmuUMa hart accord him of
"malicious dander and Hbuie" In
an article hinting the reds were
behind labor violence 111 Japtm.
Parrott said Hhojt Noniulo. of the
secretariat bureau of Japan'a com
munist party central commltlre.
handed him a statement from the
secretariat demanding that he with
draw portion of til irtlrl In the
Times of July 10.
Parrolt said lie was not Inllnil
dated by Nomolo nor threatened.
Hi article stated there waa "a
slronf suspicion" the reds were Im
plicated In recent Japan labor
Mu), Diinli l linbodrn, head of th
allied press unit, snlri he would have
those lestMinslhl arrested tor at- 4
templed Intimidation If Parrot
would supply their name.
f ( ! It
Sewing Machine!
1.4 u
Sewing Machine Service
And ttrfetntt
ma hu r sii
Public Accountant
and Auditor
10 North 1th It
Phune SH
From Klamath's Finvst Duirivs ...
y V T I MsT'II '
Lome uater Lane s vine imiks.
Foreman Prank Rickey carefully
weigh out each feeding. Prank
once worked Trial Camps for
Brooklyn Dodgers. His uncle.
Branch Rickey. Is president of
Dodgers; father la Dodger scout.
Kitchen-clean. !g-slanchlon milk
ing room is filled several times
during each milking operation.
Production line system mores milk
through efficiently, under perfect
sanitary conditions.
Refrigerated qulrk-coolini machine
preserves the high quality neces
sary to meet rigid Oolden Ouertt
ey standards. Entire process take
but few minutes. Individual ani
mals record is carefully posted
twice dally.
Mr. L. L. Lombard' "
dala" farm, itocked with
mora then a hundred high
test Guernsey tow., tup.
pliet much of Crater Lake's
eacluiive, premium "GOLD
Strictly modern facllitie
and high quality Mock
mali "Retedole" rank
with tha finest dairy oper
ation aftywhera.
CRATER LAKi: Da..t products
"J believe that every average-income family
is entitled to the luxury
and prestige of big car ownership.
The 1919 Kaiser now makes
this possible.
aiassa. Kmum esMsyr Cfm OeW
SjAL yS' .v
v at
ilrrr art ihf far It ahaut the nne 19 19 Kalirt
Chrk the car..Xhnk the price. ..(.link the talue
before you buy any other automobile.
Luxurinut .Sise. ..long 12.1'i" wlierllnse; 10' 4'i"
of seating space. ..more than any other car but one.
No"short-cr fatigue" in ill this roomy comfort 1
t.uxurlout Power ..Mm miglily Thunlrrhrcl
Kngine, with 7.3 lo-l coinprrasinn ratio higlirr
than ny standard cr within lmot IKKX). Owner
report 23 miles per gallon, and (tnaiing oil ernnnmyl
l.itxuriout Itenuty ...smarlnrss unritiallrd at
any price. You'll lie promt of your handsome Kaiser t
ry arfiiwij. TfciiM fi ii MA 8 fi
i m () iftiMd al mm 4 MM
See how much more jour money buys In a Kaiser I
1$ 4-duor sedan now only I IM)
(II S. th
. Phone lilt
Matm comptftinn
car piks whMlbii tpsc itlie
Ti'isw mk in" w 7.iM
car 2 J03I.M in 68-to-i
car 3 ?i4o.5o w vsvs srioj
car 4 8157.00 vvv,' tioi
"car 5 2J95.00 hi n' 7.02 to-i
car 8 27.co vr 4v 7.02-to-t
car 7 ?24oo nan' yiow.' 7toi
car I 224900 i?o riOH 7.0-10-1
Car 9 2375 00 lHvt' flOMi T.25 to-l
car 10 2K3.00 7o?ii
car il H83oo ito' now' 7.011
Car ji 2S74.50 171' 9 7 018-1
I : : 1
' 'n' I
'rrii-v:;-. S'UAtt.Vs.'i.lilrfJjhrri
.y.-:1' "i ... ..,.. .t ,,..;. . - il
I ,'' If -rf .. s-w J ; ;t ..';
yi?.5MrrV-ET l! Si RETEDALE'
Ask your Kaiser-Frazer dealer for names of above cars