TUESDAY, JULY 19, 1949 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACE NINE Local Boy Makes Good Lawrence Takes Over Sud Helm For Season DEATH-. July 1 41 It ss th old tnrjr ol "IihuI boy mekrt good" today lor Kill Lawrence. Ol' HIaliporkfU. who broke Into professional baseball with Heattl In lt u named lest night by President Emll Hire; to finish out th IMt Pacific Coast league kuhi h headman of Ui Heattl Maimers. Th Unkr former outfielder re tired from baseball In 1MJ but re. turned M enarh of the ftalnlera tills spring. .He succeeded Joyner ( Jo Joi While acting manager of the Heetlle PCL club tut week wUn Whit quit. Lawrenr pUyed 13 of hU nearly two scor yean of profruional be. ball with th Brattle club. He broke In with Heattl a rookie In IK'.' and wa aold to Detroit at th end of th 131 season. Three yean later Jackie Won't Be Caught NfW YORK, July II .-N. tlonal league baumen have Juet out given up hot of retching yfronklyn Jacal Robinson In tli bailing rar. They've been chasing Robinson for vn week now, but alter lest ftunday famra. found Uiemaelve further behind than ever. Through th lamea of July IT, Ol fleet footed second baseman had lashed out 111 hit In IJ2 time at bat for a J3 batting mark. Thai fmur wa t polnu better than Ralph loner's runner-up mark of iil. Th powerful Pittsburgh slugger wreated second plar from New York WlUard Marshall, who lumped off II point to a fourth plar 371. Al Rd Bchoeiulletut of 81. I Hill, on of th many frantic chr-'-e ol Robinson, had to be content with a third plar mark of 331. OH Hodge, teammate of Robinson, moved to fifth place d ur ine th werk with a J21. Another fut moving frnl dur ing th peat week wa Welly West lak of In Pirates, who boosted his aTra( It point to J If. He loot over alith plar from New York Bobby Thnmpeon who alumped to JIT. tddi Kaaak. roo-'J third baseman of th Cardi nal, wa tn eKhth plac with Joi He - tied lor the spot with Bid Oardoo at th Otant. Rocky Wins, But Gashed WtSTflPfUNonrl-D. MaaaJtiL rlt u Rocky Oraalano 60th Vic lory today appeared to be on of th moat costly In hi arvm-year basing career, Th former mlddlrwetf ht cham pion registered hi lath knorkout in 4 tarU by Hopping Jo AtnoeU. another New Yorker. In th aecond round of their arheduled lo-round featur bout last nlfht or for a mo crowd her In th Century atadlum. But while doing o. Oraalano uf , fered a deep gash over hi left eye that, hi management aald. would aidelln hi "from three to tour week." Oraalano buffered th wound early ht th fin aeulon from what ap peared to be an unintentional butt. he was pliked up by Portland but only a few week panned brfor In wai bark In the Heattl fold where he remained until hu retirement. Whether he sticks Heattl man ager d'rnrta on hi success with Hi faillnc Rainier In th final 10 week of th season. Jo'Jo Joins Hollywood iini.l.vwimn i.ii. ia is ..-- - -' " nrr (Jo Jul White hu signed up to piay sail wnn ui Hollywood blare, after qullllm under fir last week from a rival Panfic Coast leagu club, th Brattle Italnlrr. Kurly-year-old Whit had man ailed th Rainier for two full sea sons and parta of two other. He may atart at left field tor Uie Btar lonliht In a series opener with the Loe Angelra Angel. Manager rred Haney aald but nnht he plaiu to alternate Jo Jo In lelt field with PtaiUtl Krllchcr, "at least until Krllehrr gcu out of hu batting slump, and also um htm for pinch. hitting and running.'' Thl U While Mhd year In pro ball. Buppuardly he retired aa an actlv player but year. He darted hu carver with minor league in th aouth, moved to th American league Detroit Tiger, playing with them erven Maaon and through two world arrlea. He played with Philadelphia of the tarn clrrull two seasons and with Clnclnuau of th National loop for on season. II moved to Sacra mento of th Pacific Coast circuit, going to Braille ui nud-IMd. Snead Rally Wins Dapper Dan Play P1TTHHUROH, Pa, July II WPI On rraaon why Bammy Snead ha arqutrrd a reputation for cracking under pressure In a golf tournament la that he el ays under pmuur. Bnead. the alugRer from Whit Sulphur Bprlngi. W. Va.. la th leading money winner on th tour nament circuit again after hU vic tory yesterday In the Dapper Dan open. He alway up among th leaden and he' th man who drawn the galleries. Yesterday he wa under th aam kind of pressure. He wa last off th tee In th rain-delayed final round and hearing from time to Um that Lloyd Mangrum wa alaahtng ttrokea off par and off th Cinema Star Angwer to Pnvloui Puzzle IIOEIZONTAL 1,7 Depleted screen tr 13 Interstice M Wot Indian rodent 15 Encountered 11 Get up 18 Short llrrp ID Moved slvl :i Ribbed fabric JIEb0 23 Short-n.ppd 22 Church fabric festival 2t Food flesh B"1 n 77 KhleM hearlne payment 20 Ocean, lab) 2J Slumber 10 President (b.) 31 Native of Latvia 33 Eye (Scot.) 34 German river 35 Narrow fillet 3A. 37 BiUer vetch 31 H Un In motion 44 burm wood prtto 47 Mother-of-pearl 43 Exist 51 Make Into , law 83 Horn SST.lkinf bird f Lag behind VEBTICAL I Preserve ' 2 Native meUl 3 Harden 4 Daybreak (comb, form) 5 Scheme Rabbit BHSH IIItIX Ftwo c QlBtsI mk BRAZIL IS 1131 T Barrel Type of molding Toward 10 Vat HOirek letter 12 Clamp 17 Medical sun"! 19 Seaport (ab ) 20 Let (all 37. Snare 35 Golf mound 30 Preposition 40 Hurl 41 Tierce (b ) 42 Russian river 29 Boring niml43Nrvad city 41 Paving substance 48 Altitude (ab ) 41 Scottish (heepfold 50 Make mistake 82 Credit (b.) 54 Palm Illy T Ike, Enrique ! Finish Licks LOS ANOELES, July II (JFi Champion Ike William 'and Chal lenger Enrique Bolano wind up their training today for their light weight title bout Thursday night at Wrlgley field. Williams will go through two rounds of light boslng today and will confine himself to loosening up exercise tomorrow. Current odd favor th champion 10-1. Vacationists Is Your Car Ready For The Trip? We Can Make You A good price on BRAKE JOBS TUNE-UPS OVERHAULS Reeopping-Vulcanizing ALEXANDER-YOUNG five-stroke lead Bnead held after th third round. Dapper Lloyd finished with a tlv-undrr-par S7 for a 375 and Bnead needed to tlnlh In par figure. The big and troublesome gallery closed around Bnead but. Instead of crack ing, h fired hu aecond shot on th 470-yard, par-flv hole to the green, got down In two putts and pa rred the next two holes to win by stroke with 374. Mangrum collected 11 9O0 second money for his great finish. Bnead PUMICE TILE S tune-ups f Wflrrtw A OVERHAULS TsTilTl (irfd Meal Piaster Bond III IICVllinCD 'l I ZMMl L i 1 ' " ' New . P-mlc. Blk- ALLAMIllLil , I W X f" x ts ' T Klamoth YOUNG i j b ? VeVWT ' ' '. IB ri ' ' ' Pumke Tile CO. t -Next U th. New Bank- j lUtf) Lji 1 W H !lf.Tf4!V a T ar HERALD AND NEWS COMICS $zzi - jzz I ''''iiliiiliiliiiiiu I h,Lc-i-. i m f C . r - PtVFvBFP. NOW- - f p 3 VCK " f C0OKI6, W1LU - ( t y?lL ( THEN YOU'D BETTEt? 1 ' - r vou please take r v TPSj.T.lo TTS r sevtM op them I I Tj- TTTTTi mmmU -.TMes s cupcakes - v c'f ES ? V. on twe plate, mama vs'L-i ' f-r NEXT OOOCf TO ' f tL.)J$ v FFTw TTrrm kwkzivl . ' e TT 51 """ i KmC ! & ntS jsJ "m H 1 11 1 1 hi 11 1 J Saa : ! a Pm mh w. collected IM00. bringing his total r ?;S 1 I V ' v f -'J I VI ' tor th year to tKM0H. Open t.5l ll 1 . ' " I V v-l -,efT"- 'f Champion Cary Mlddlecoff shot 271 L5"TZ U , '.TV VCgu - ' ll Tit '-' I l U tie with Herman Barron of Whit LA ET- pi I V . fcgti . .-. . 'H I " M -ff 'inea. a-:r-4LJ puuil .Ys- " mM pUc- "n" rwsr1 cw .-uVX -:TFefllyasa-. r-c earned 11274 apiece. r 1 , am I L. i i ' ' ' ' - 1 of VVf TSs- -rSf. 1$&gr ' Klamath Gas Co. j" W ii Qt Ui tl sn' Iltt5 VJK I I ' ' I SJ -f , t I g l"-it- LJ LJ IIIICATIAM PtPt t 1 I r H rrtfU 99 If 1 le w(9r kr ij mmmt N PEYTON 1 CO. I as aurtM si eat, ETHRIDGE MOBIL SERVICE & GARAGE A AH Crrrn Sump Given Weyerhaewsee Janetloa . . . Illway M . . . Phone Z-13M OVKHHAI'LI.NCk MTEAM CLEANING BODY RtPAIHINQ COMPLETE PAINTING ELECTRIC & ACETYLENE WELDING TRICYCLES AGONS BABY WALKERS POOLE'S Biryd aad Bswrtlng Geed V v ss ii aeiiisj-ng wnn '",,y I We Offer Friendly Help With Your . MONEY PROBLEMS taft Efficient LOANS ON Furniture Automobile Your Signature MOTOR INVESTMENT CO. Ill N. 7th rhen MM P H-t SKI None iV, Better!! uj? JAYHAWK GAS 2135 South 6th ,"91" OCTANE t ETHYL 30e, Gal. 100 ALL WOOL GABARDINE Topcoats New Fall Siyles Beige Ton Gray Brown ALL SIZES 41 Regular $50 Values only oo DURING JULY CLEARANCE! A SMALL DEPOSIT will hold en of thi beautiful new fall topcoati far you until cold weather comet! IB WE GIVE S&H GREEN STAMPS MAIN AT 0TH store inc. PHONE 6073 -t.ruC-I 70D -lU WSJUN-" J .rrt -N V I 1 YE I? WELL. THAT mVS tOO WHO'S WHO.' YOOTTA &E IMPDRTAMT PEDPT.E TG.rrCr R PICTURE K. IN TH FHPEK! r rvzim nit. e 1 ALWAV MEMED I picooueaac otksbs fbom i r-ca THE LOOT fVOU wAlO LSCK.V T ItM. WHST lew uks uick is wiry ut's rAtuo mm cues. I to picooue oio...t thc tune i loomua r-oa ths looti or rue bawk a 'Ml wmk 'fl-rTrji' T Hrl CX2 SOME OTHE A r-ZTTH A. Oj 1-14 VJVa7lWlleVTT' I I rtl X " IB JJ I i. , 4 III 71 I 111 1 11 1 I. If ex. IB f7 icauTMiiofO.yoef50M. rslfeYHV.MitXrMtSBatEiaoTWue; V-r- FAIIT5TCiUT H RIGHT. THMlBS VjCASK-VW VOX.Sial ORAi irlV JJJl, V PSKHAPe THE U)CICST PAV HE EVE HAP1. 77-" j, TTZV 1 JiifebfTw V- i"iL Fil l&b th, f PL.. .J?Ts e.v..exa.aaa c-J - 5 3 3 v& .itA rao iVsi con too AOSt VVN lO TvSt VMXvV evwxn YOUR tevs iO tnv; I n Mtocw mows. CW.VftN rSCCWT WtVM I LTe-y I - I i-MJ com. "t unvxi. c 't. U. frr U. a t. or c .8 fTw&t Jtr a Huwl X lmr -hTV?ii iuv. wwai lml trvr I pouy. WJr iwr j. woee Ttu- tHJ, i was T re owe o sJUNb IMC LtVN(K3 V-T" rC DC I Looks Lrve loffciue HE luo us J chlsapet ALU Tub -HUT! THiS SAME Ci!;1,'30 TUlMli r-' Clll L IMVESTICaTION'. 777; y.v TVCVPC coax to trr rr or- nan .V-SeTSr- , w