Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, June 11, 1948, Page 7, Image 7

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    FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1948
Charming Regatta Queen Is Surrounded By Smiling Court
Vmi lly i-louily lnnlalit ami Haluiilav.
nYaltattlt illi'Wfll aarly ImiiImIiI. Illatl
ImUy aluml Wl. I.uw Innliht 2. Illsli
Haltilllnv '11 til 70.
NilHTMKIIN I'Al.iroilNIA: I' r I I y
lmaclv (liar. Ilillll alii Kallllilav.
nlinwail III aslniil lliiltll loilay. I.lllla
rhanaa In laliiialtn Moilaiala wail
In niiilltwaal wlmls "It euaal.
WrxirilN filir.iKlN M'lly HiKirtr
ttllh light rain In ttnllll lMlay aitri to.
tilahl. aaltirilay iarttv rlomlv with
wulfly -allairil ituiwara t'milar In
nrth today Hlalis aft to In ttli ttats.
.owa ft'J to an (janlla tu inndaiala smith
llula lift coast.
KAHTr.MN OHWION! Partly clmnly
with almwaia tmtav anrl Itilil.-tht. ttariiltt'
tug wlilaly ai-allarait HnIhmUV I.tllla
rhsnga In lamtiaraliiie. Highs TO to HO.
Iiuiirrtlun Nl(ht Monday, Julia
M, will Imi Inspection nlKlit lnr tin
Dciirre nf Honor. and will bo pre
ceded by bniiiiiirl at 6:30 lit tlit
Wluema hotel. Ilescrvallnna should
be made Hsturday by rnlllim Clrare
Hock. 85411, nr Kstelle Hlllllll, 8IIH8.
Minnie IJiivln Card, district or-
anlser. Ii In town now mid Kthcl
Lltulholm, national Commit trcwuni
mi, will arrive on Mnnrtny. rollriwliut
the banquet Initiation mid Inaner
tlnn will be held In the KO hull l
I p. m.
Film '"I'll" Clod of Creation."
rrllitlmin-nrlf ntitlr movie, will b
hnwn lit till- Klrnl Covenant rhurrh,
8TJ Witlnut, thla Hunday lit 8 p. m.
Tlir film la produced by Irvln Moon
under auspices nf the Moody nibl"
.Institute of CIiIcbko. "Ilie public M
vrelcnine. There l no admission
rlinmr. but free-will offering will
be taken to defray excuses.
Varallnnlnr Hera Mrs. Cluy llsr
miin arrived Wedneadny from Kan
ana City for mnnth'a vlait with
Mra. Curl Mnaon. 2035 Lawrence
ller daughter Chsrlrne lliirmon will
arrive llila week-end from the tJnl
verally of Oregon where she la a
Junior aludeni. The Harmons are
former rralilenta of llila city.
Work In Anrhorat-e -Walter Dlel
rlrh and Murray Dlrklaon. 338 N.
4th, made reaervnllnna throuirh the
Klamnth rails office of World Wide
Travel bureau for plane travel from
Hraltle lo Anchnrnee where they
plan lo work The men left Inat
week for Beattle.
Tu rwtland Mra. Oenrne Chea
fain. wife of tha lal Oeorge Chaa
tain who paaaed away here Monday,
haa gone to Portland to make her
home with her aon and daughter-in-law,
Mr. and Mra Chnrlea Clieslaln
frlenda may write lo 1004 Cam
paign, Portland.
To rlrlflan (onio Anne Mill
more Pendleton, of the Malm high
arhool faculty, haa realsnrd her
poittlon and will leave anon w ith her
husband for Africa. Ilrr husband la
a aoll specialist and will be at
tached to the llelglan Congo region.
Meeting In Halem Carrol B.
Howe, who will lake over aa Kla
math county auierlutendrut of
achnola July 1. la In Bnlem thta w eek
attending a meeting of county achool
To El Halvadnre Mra. Josephine
l. who haa been vMltlng a
daughter. Mra. I,nwell on Darrow
atreet. left Thursday bv plane for
Fan Kalvadore. El Balvadore, to
visit another daughter.
Farm llualneaa Fred Pratt,
farmer field ninn from the AAA
atnte office In Portland, waa In
Klamath Fatla on business with the
local office Wednesday and Thura-rlay.
Correction Registration for Mer
rill Dlble arhool will begin Friday at
J 30 p.m. Inatead of 12:30 p.m. aa
announced previously.
Itualneaa On Coaat Walter Fleet.
Internal revenue agent, la In Coos
Hay thla week on business from the
local revenue office In the poat of
fice building.
Revenue Rualneaa Paul H.
Wright, deputy collector formerly
with the Klnmnth Fall office, la
here on Dimness thla week from
Portland. Ilia wife la with him.
Bureau women will hold a regular
meeting Bntiintny at 13:30 p.m. In
the Wlnema hotel.
Lokevicw Girls To
Attend Girls' State
LAKKV1EW, Ore., Juno 11 Three
I.akevlew high arhool glrla have
been aelected by the Amerlrnn
Ugloh aiixllliiry here to attend the
annual Girl Btate at Wlllnmette
university campua, Bnlem, rom next
Mnndny, June 14 In June 31.
They are Mnry Arnica, daughter
of Mr. and Mra. Hnrvcy Arnica,
whoae attendance In npnnaored by
the Legion auxiliary: Wllda Vln
rent, daughter of Mr. and Mra.
Wayne Vincent, sponsored by the
Debeknh lodge, and Unity Bceson,
dntigliter of Mr, and Mra. Homer
IJeeaon, aponanred by the Veterans
of Foreign Wnra auxiliary.
Money wna first milled (atnmped
wilJi raised borders and fluted nr
grooved eriRcs) to prevent the
fraudulent removal of melnl and to
protect coins from wear.
I'rai Hie - iioln the dull luiiiii mid
(Hum corps of the Englca aiixllliiry
will meet tii prix tli r at 4 p. in.
Huiiiluy In the upper FOK hull. All
metnbrra are urged to be present
since time for the convention la
di ii wing uriir.
n California -A card wna re
ceived by the county achool office
here f nun County Bchool Hunt.
llnrold Ashlev and Mra. Aahley who
are vacationing In California. They
plun to visit Clrnnd Cmivoii and
Yellowstone park before returning.
To nledford -Mra. Arthur I.nnuell
returned to her home In Medford
Thursdny nfter attending the Chaa-
tlan fituernl hrrn. Hhe will return
short Iv to make her home In Kluin
ath Falls.
Itrturnrd Or. Marvin C. Davis
haa returned In Ills offices In the
Underwood building from Bnu Fran
claco, He haa been south doing
post graduate work at Htnnford
university school of medicine.
To VUII Here Mrs. Warren
l.lttle. the former Keverly Ilced,
will arrive In Klamath Falls anon
from her home In Philadelphia, I'n .
to visit her mother, Mrs. Nell fleed
Practice Officers and members (
of the drill tenm ol Prosperity iie
lieknh lodge will meet III the fOOF
hall Mnndny, June 14, at 7:30 p. m.
for practice.
In Hospital -J. W. Wright, ticket
clerk for Botithern Pacific, was Ink
en lo the Houthern Pacific hospital
In Ban Franclaco Thursday evening
fur medical treatment.
Card Parties The Women of the
Moose wish to announce that their
usual Friday afternoon card parlies
have been cancelled for the real of
Team Prerllre The ritualistic
team of the Women of the Moose
will meet for practice at 7:30 to
night, Friday, In the Moose hall.
To Karramrnto Mra. Olenn A
Bknjard returned to her home 111
Hacramento Thursday after visiting
here for a few days.
From Portland Mra. E. 8. Veatrh
of this city has aa her house guest
Mra. W. L. Ireland of Portland. Mrs.
Ireland Is Mrs. VraU h's alater.
On Vacation-Mr. and Mis. A. R.
Mlllnrd of the Altamont school
faculty, are vacationing In Cali
fornia this week.
a f ,
3B m S pi
Prlnceaaea for Hie Jayrre boat regalia gather around to amlle their congratulations to Queen Beverly
Voung (Willi bouquet). Hhe Is the daughter of Mr. and Mra. T. B. Young. 1614 Nlmlli. Ift to right, stand
ing: llrlnrea Hire, Nancy Klu.lirr. Dorothea Cogdlll, Mary Lou Klanbrrr, Mary Lou Case. Sealed: the queen,
I'at MarMlllsn. Lou Ann Chase, I'atay Krnnett.
For Funeral Mra. Etta Kllgore
of Bnuanita and Mr. and Mra. Roy
Kllgore of Ijingrll valley were In
Klamath Falls Thursday for the
Chaalaln funeral.
From (illrhrlst-Rnv W. Orhlrrlrk
and Jnmes Field, of Gilchrist, were
In Klnmnth Fulls on business
Thursday. f
To OrlC-Mr. and Mra. A E. Street
of the Malln high school faculty will
siend six weeks In summer school
at Oregon Butte college In Corvallls.
Here for Funeral Mary Iu
Chnstaln of Redwood City, Calif.,
and her brother, Jackie, of Portland,
were In Klamath Falls for the Chas
tain funeral.
To Leave Koon Mr. and Mrs.
Wilbur Roblnetta and children.
Joanne and Jimmy, will leave soon
for an extended trip In the Yellow
stone park region.
To Salem Mrs. Robert Ooss, for
merly of Turner, Ore., returned to
her home In Bnlem nfter visiting
relatives here Thursday.
To Seaside Claude Chastaln re
turned to Beaalde, Ore.. Thursday
after attending the Chastaln funeral
Business Visitors Dsn Drlscoll
and Mm. Erv Qlven of Honsnra
were business visitors In Klnmnth
Falls on Thursdny.
In Salem C. B. Howe of Klamnth
Falls Is In Bnlem attending the
suite county school superintendents'
Improving Friends will be Inter
ested to learn that Mrs. Delbert
Yantls Is Improving after a serious
Vary faw asapla
are by chanoa
la Ida
rhone 7777 731 Main St
What Your Home Needs
Asbestos and
Cedar Shakes
Brick Siding
Beautifies Adds Comfort Sovei Money
Term Available Up to 3 Yearg to Pay
Free Ettlmatei
Phone, 9969 or 5227
Bates Quits
School Job
LAKKVIEW. June ll-The Lake
view achool board Monday night
accepted the resignation of David
Ilntea aa suiiertntendent of school
district 7. relieving him lo accept a
similar position at The Dulles.
Serving two yeara as both super
intendent and clerk of this dis
trict. Hates was the Centrnl school
nrlneipn! here for one year. At The
Dalles he will not have the clerk
duties, and hna been offered a three
year contract.
The school board spent more IhBn
four hours Monday night trying
to persuade the suiierlntendent to
remain In Lakevlew. Pntes. however,
felt that the offer from The Dallei
represented an opportunity for ad
vancement Hint he could not af
ford to pnss up.
Tlie suiiertntendent will remnln
here until the end of this month,
when the fiscal yenr closes. In the
meantime, he will try to help the
bond find a successor fur the position.
Home from College Jim Bocchl
snd Malcolm Eplsy Jr. returned
home Inst night from the University ,
of Oregon for the summer vacation, j
From Portland Oeorge Bottoms, '
Portland. Is In Klamath Falls on a ,
business trip.
In Town Orb Campbell of Olene
was a visitor In Klamath Falls on i
Thursdny. I
Henley Garage
Now under
new manage
ment. No job
too large or
too small.
Jim Guerin, Owner
Grange May
Expand Service
ASTORIA, June 11 ifl't The state
grange may go Uito the retail food,
clothing and freight businesses, it
may also Issue automobile and
casualty Insurance.
These proposals were made yes
terday at the annual convention.
Interim committees were named to
Investigate the suggestions. Int.:
recommendations will be reported to
the 1949 convention.
E. L. Peterson, stale director of
agriculture, told delegates his de
partment might expand Its service
to Include marketing questions.
Peterson also said Portland might
not be able to maintain grade A
milk through next winter, because
of flood damage to paslureland.
The agriculture chief also sug
gested that minimum standards lor
Duller might be belter than the
present grading system, which he
said was hard to enforce.
Peterson said a proposal to hold
the slate fair In late September
would result In smaller revenue. The
grange then voted against changing
from the scheduled early September
Cloudburst Whips
Over Portland
PORTLAND, June 11 bit A near
cloudburst drenched Portland last
night, overflowing gutters and
forcing manhole covers uff some
East Side sewers.
Levees In tne area became softer,
but wealher observers said the rain
would have little effect on Die Lower
Willamette and Columbia flood
Water backed Into a number of
The downpour was measured at
.04 Inches on the West Side, but
the weather bureau said as mucn
as an inch may have fallen In the
storm center on the East side of
Air Trip Oliver Moen of Lamblt
snd Moen, accountants, left by
plane Thursday lor Beattle.
S LOSHS fOnOTCg, tosNaftwstla Tsa '
Daa. teilf.H liinaar rJOllal 4j
i eama. k Falla.Ttia- Darrla ISI
In Portland Mr. and Mrs. L. K.
Ellson, 1745 Crescent, are in Port
land this week vacationing. He ex
pects to be back In the office of
deputy collector of Internal rev
enue, post office building, on Tuesday.
if Oregon is to
have the telephone
service it needs
If the people of Oregon are to have the amount and kind
of telephone service they are demanding and should be
furnished, we must have enough price relief to meet
current wages and costs and to keep our credit sound.
Our price levels in Oregon have lagged far behind
general price levels. The increase in revenues granted last
January, the first increase in over a quarter of a century,
averaged only 91 j per cent. We wish we could pay post
war prices' for all that we buy and charge only slightly
more than prewar prices for what we have to sell but
this is impossible.
Our earnings in Oregon, including the rate revisions
granted last January, won't do the job. Current earnings
on the dollars invested in Oregon are less than half of
what are needed to do the job..
Between now and the end of next year we should
pend $26,500,000 to enlarge and improve the telephone
system to meet the needs of the people of Oregon. To
do this we must go to investors for money. Investors art
alike in one thing they put their dollars where they can
expect safety and a fair return.
To provide a fair return, we are filing new rate sched
ules with the Public Utilities Commissioner of Oregon.
I 'it Prtu'dtMt and Central Manager
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
DAD Will Appreciate
On "HIS DAY" pair
Y I.V.D.
Toa will find Seersuckers, Broad
cloths, and Rayon Pajamas In
stock new at DREWS. Stripes,
solid colors er aaisleya.,
SiM Ull 1
m afaJm
With ExtUaiv
Radiantub Hutting Unit
Only Fngutam Hat It I
Plenty of clean, hot water always
... for baths, shaving, dishwash
ing, showers, blundering, and
many other daily household
needs. No other convenience in
your home gives you so much
help and pleasure for to little
cose ;
40 gallon ...
52 gallon ..
64 gallon ...
,..... $111.73
. .1 . i
4?- vA,,",
9 -rfoArfc
("It's nw In design . . . new In convenience features
. new In automatic operation. Her It truly Corefree
Cooking ot Its best. And quality of manufacture thai
will last for years and years."
Acts ACL these Teafaresf
RaaftaarssV 5-speW testing sails
Ceek-Misler Ovea Clack Centre!
DeeMe-Daty TWniiar ceekar
Walit-kle, tatelieltti type kreder
Extra-Urge ail-percaloia etrta
ArtsaMtlc TlM-Sifeal
neretttal Isase '
Porcelain Inside and out
Mesiy ether fevreret yee tbeeld tee
Madsl KJ-tl Illaitrate
I ruu r"
124 North 4th
Fhone 836S