SEC II PACE 2 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON Yogi Practice Causes Scare BAN FRANCI8CO, June 11 MV Fred Rutzet, 65, retired seaman, put on his Yoftt suit Wednesday night nd went out on a lire escape. A woman on the street screamed A bartender came out of corner saloon and bellowed, "He's going to jumpl" Neighbors screamed, "Fire I" Somccne called the police, who learned that: Ruuct's Yogi suit is long under wear. "It's all Yogi. While I was a sea man on the Oreat Lakes I saw a sign In Chicago: 'Indo Psychology Taught Here.' I learned Yogi Inhale 6, slop for 16 heartbeats, exhale 8. "If It wasn't for Yogi I wouldn't be here," Rutxet told the cops. That explanation seemed to satisfy everyone. Lakeview Gets New Youth Center Engineer Drowns In Flooded River IONE, Wash., June 11 l.f v A rail road engineer was drowned and two other trainmen were hospitalized Wednesday when two cars of a Mil waukee railroad freight train plung ed Into the flood-swollen Pend Oreille river. The drowned man was A. J. An derson, division engineer from La Crosse, Wash. Hospitalised for ob servation were Harry Hook, con ductor, and Leo Prohl, brakeman, both of Spokane. Anderson was standing below the track watching the train pass over bridge and embankment, when the water-softened bank gave way beneath the last two cars of the 13-car train. The plunging cars knocked him Into the river. His body was not recovered. Both Hook and Prohl were rid ing in the caboose when It left the tracks. w i! MB hi Is? : h l i Si s . j t V 1 R IK Si ' ? . I 'I' mm! Fir -v- " FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1948 3 1 W-Atam-m- I. irf.4v1 Jurltirr nvhoulhuusr midrrltuiiif; rriiiurfrliuj; Redmond. Lakeview, who is doing the work. t Lakeview for new youth center. At for right Bike Ridinq Former Killed ALBANY. Ore.. June 11. I.41 A farmer riding bicycle on the Paci fic highway north of Harrlsburg was killed Wednesday by a freight truck trailer. Deputy Coroner John Summers said the victim, David M. Blerly, 73, living between Ha key and Harris burg, suffered head and chest in juries. Summers said the truck driver, Richard B. Crooks, swerved sharply to miss Bierly, but the trailer struck the cyclist ss the assembly Jacl knlfed and plunged Into the highway Lakeview Group To Put Youth Center In Action LAKEVIEW. June 10 Formation ' whose names were not released, are of the "Lake County Youth Founda- . to elect a live-man board of trustees tion," to further youth organiza- ! which in turn will be seil-perpetuat- uons here, wos nearly complete to- nig by electing its own successors, day as the incorporating group T. R. Conn, attorney and spokes awaited return of Its charter from man for the incorporators, said that Salem. j members of the board of trustees Without awaiting completion of ' need not be members of the incor the final legal details, the group Derating group, is proceding with establishment of j J. T. McDonald last year, through a youth center in South Lakeview. the McDonald - Collins trust fund. They expect to have the building put up the finances for remodelling, ready for use by all organized youth i decorating, and equiplng the Lake groups about July 1. j view schools' new kindergarten. The building is a former school- I The building for the new youth girls" lavatories, storage rooms, and a largo kitchen complete wtih elec tric range, refrigerator, modern pre constiucted sink and cabinet as-sembly. Classified Ads B.-lr.g Real Results ditch. Storm Tears Out Power Service PASCO, June U (P Wednesday night's electrical storm resulted in frequent interruptions of power service both here and hi Kennewick across the Columbia river. Most ViT0"' ! " development house owned by the Lakeview Log ging company. J. T. McDonald of that company donated the building and had it moved from the firm's logging camp north of Lakeview. McDonald Is also, through the J. T. McDonald - Truman Collins Trust Fund, furnishing the monev for re modelling and renovating the build ing. The lot on which the youth center is being placed. Immediately south of the St. Luke's Episcoosl church on F street south, was donated by the Favell-Utley Realty comoanvM Materials for the center are being provtueu ai casi oy local mnis ana i ousinessmen. Andy Redmond Is in charge of the work. The youth foundation was set up as a charitv organization in order to ! receive gifts, donations and other i contributions toward supoort of the center was originally built by the Lakeview Logging company at Its logging camp and was operated there, until three or four years ago. by School District No. 7 iLakevlewi. Of strong frame construction. It consists of a large classroom, a room for supplies, and a kitchen for hot lunches. In the new project, this Is being placed over a full concrete basement with large meeting rooms up-stalrs and down, two fireplaces, boys' and TRUCKS FOR RENT U-DRIVE VANS PICKUPS FLAT RACKS Rates by mile, hour or week OPEN SVNDAVS BEACON HERALD AND NEWS COMICS I llljW NOW, CONT TtilA.1 I 1 I II I 1 I -1 l-fl I, , S n 1 . 'II H'r THE 01HER PUPS ui 'lOsir -i ' :burp r-vA1 5 1', ' vT "' 1 i A 1 ' ..mTTTTI .. irr-t: m v i ... ml 1 fcly "e thin we,N vcan t tnKs s' l 8!S"I!5 , 1 11 1 r . m . HrVOW NiAi-OW river west of Kennewick where power line poles standing on flood weakened ground were blown over by the high wind. Efforts are proceeding this morn ing to restore this line from work barges. A tree blew down across the main line to the riverview district west of Pasco shutting off power one and one half hours. activities of the foundat'on. The in corporators, local civic-minded men Enjoy Health. Rest, Comfort and Hospitality at the BUCKHORN MINERAL SPRINGS SANITARIUM Drink our fa mous Mineral Haters tmr KMncr, Blld dcr, StMnach, m4 InleiliBBl All. meals. Gall Blad tfrr Traable, Caa- Tonr Health Is Our Business" Rot Mineral ant Hi! Bilhi f.r Shea, matlini. Arthritia, Nanrlllt, NerTaaa. naaa. blth and law Blaad rreeaara. Skla EraaUaai. Carbaa DlaalSa Vapar Balka far A.m. chilli. ' "" '"' B"' rar raaerrallana ar dalallei Inrermatlan aadreaa: .rrkK.'L?.RN IN':At sraisr.a SAMIAEU M T. I A.hlaod. Or. r Phena Lanf DlaUnra DB. IIIRMAN WEXLEB. Dlrarlar CHIBOPRAITIC PHVSICIAN NOW is the time to PAVE DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS SERVICE STATIONS Complete paving service asphalt paving, concrete curbs, etc. For full infor mation and estimates Phone 4930 ADAMS 8 DAVID CONSTRUCTION CO. 2028 HOPE STREET In the new project, this is being SERVICE STATION II L&J Jt iU V&VJ. 1 J I -ij flfi-s. C iJ "f 2 m hgijmmALj gSt11'1 9. lHS 3 J,iIJE' W -L WADS, BUSTEP-: SOU KW0W...1ME fDWfORIUNMtLW, WHEW I OftlKEpI I foa. ,MI, AMP OINIK A0U4 tUM g M WE 1 M ITA l YW 11 It tE Z.j2SZr l-" T GO Off KD lUVt Mt HI ft ZOO! A C05TIV 8RACHCT. THE HtKCHMll mmj r 4 PEMMHtatCOKt I u a WBsMMMMm 1 MUSICS 111 Sco,, I I SLtNlEI rfeTlycwSER 1 ii Gordon s l-HELP Ffa 7 Pt j ' " ' BOH I Peo.E VMO rTTDUMMOl3 BUT HI3 MMOce-HlrtV'ti Bro- Bur f DOrfT 'A3U P.EflLIZB THE VOU MCOll TH' Tfl51R Tlf-IE MR. PtJUOLE Tn tXWJE A UARoe IT'D Be (rS IP HI I BASIC PROBLEM OP THE HAPO lOetlt I' EARMItKJ ftOnEVy COPfi O" LOTS O' I StCMf MTOP HVrryl Mil LC 4IJT DOWN A 10 I wopuj is the FrriTC Of ie naze txGi I i ieclkt THriR I POLkc-mio yog E of A wxemt j THMrw A rtw tiwowioJ Attention! Truck Owners! ALL MAKES and SIZES Ashley Chevrolet has just installed a new $3500 Bear Front and Rear End Aligning Machine REMEMBER! We handle all makes and sizes of trucks. No truck or bus too lorge. REMEMBER! We handle all makes and sizes of trucks. No truck or bus too large. 90 of all trucks on the road today need front and rear correction. You cannot afford to delay haying your truck on this machine. THE SAVING "I''8 TC"' 9 milc9e, premorure failure of ports . . . will more than offset the cost of repair. Foctory trained specialist handling front end machine. ASHLEY CHEVROLET PHONE 4113 410 SOUTH 6th Sturdy, Smooth Rolling x ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? r T.. ..tiRS 9 0 5-.30 P-' ,.30 o."- Pal'7 Baby Walker SELF-OILING BEARINGS! MOLDED RUBBER TIRES AND BUMPERS! BAKED ENAMEL FINISH! Nationally advertised liahy walker with twlal-prmif molded rulilier tlrrn on cone-type hall bearlne wheel. Removable fool rent and piiahrr hanillri, alio removable play tray. Color blue and Ian. (90 BABY BATHINETTE Practical baby balliinet with llftht weinht mairnraliim metal frame trimmed In pink or blue. Combination bath and tiible. Table top la 22"x31" . . utility shelf 13"30". I'lus a a a bathing hammork, towel rark, and aoap pocket. PKNNF.Y H 8KCUN1) FLOOR A. . T ? ? r ? ? ? ? f f f ? T t I PKNNEY BKCONU I I.OOIl jy..