PACE TWO HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, JUNE I, 14 K -,. STANWYCK ULl- 1 1Wj 1 CM AMIES L ...Yj? I -53 4c OBUB n rx' aSuM ' R0GI1S.3 Jr. High Graduation Rites Held Elshth grade diplomas were pre sented he 233 members of Fremont Junior high school's graduating class In Impressive ceremony at Peli can court Thursday night. The OAR award to the outstand ing girl in homemnklng was pre sented to Marllyu Wheeler. Honor students who have maintained a grade average of 1.7, were presented during the evening. This group mak ing up the Honor society included Frances Stearns, Nancy Hagglund, Sylvia Hillis, Beverly Eells, Marilyn Oerber, Beverly Hunt, Martha Ivie. Jean Owens, Mary Ann Preston. Marilyn Wheeler and one boy. Dick Tracy, was presented with pins by Mrs. Walter Nltiel, adviser. The class entered the court with the processional played by Uie Fre mont school orchestra followed by invocation by the Rev. victor A. Schulze. The girls glee club, the barbershop boys and Uie mixed choir sang during Uie evening. Malcolm Epley, managing editor of The Herald and News, was com mencement speaker and he spoke on the timely subject of problems facing the class as they enter Klam ath Union high school In the fall. He urged students 10 lay their courses so that they would find a definite Interest in one activity or along one line of study so Uiat they could excell in that parUcular field. Lowell Kaup. Fremont principal, then Introduced the class followed by the presentation of diplomas by Howard Bamhlsel, member of Board 1. The recessional was played by the school orchestra directed by John O'Connor. The vocal director was Patricia Hunt. 4v ! u M 1 For a Grim Laugh Later J -r vr V h,t t " i V t i' L ;:-- 1IT1 "r '-4 US' - W RAINBOW THEATRE TODAY OAT Show MS MO i. Glenn Ford in "Framed" run "Riders of the Badland" "Last of the Redmen" AND "Crime of the Century" imUmLJmm, lie ENDS TODAY CONTINUOUS SHOW f BOM iim r. M. nin ON TNI STA6T 1 WORKS" "Vow, r-n IT Ml 1 J I I l 1 1 i J r I Hewitt Hands In Resignation Circuit Judge David R. Vanden berg said Friday he has received a letter of resignation from Ron Hewitt, county probaUon officer, effective June 30. Hewitt is said to have accepted a post as probation officer at San Bernardino. Calif. Several weeks ago Hewitt was center of a courthouse controversy when the county budget commit tee whacked SIM a month off Uie 1948-49 fiscal year expense esti mate for the Juvenile officer's sal ary. Later the amount was restored in the 1948-49 budget with Uie I tacit understanding that Hewitt in j tended to resign at the end of Uie fiscal year. it! Pi '-4B i ,y ,4 fry i- vi rnW mil bsQbl , fr. If.- fem&H " 5 I . ' .'-A lki. w- .. aV . v j.-- . -Ai... 1 Hysterical Jewish woman, followed by youth, rushes from hrr bombed home durlm Arab air raid on Tel Aviv. In her fremy to salvace some personal beloncinics as bombs rained on the elty, she still holds first object at hand ironically, a garbage pail. Photo by NEA-Acme Staff Correspondent David S. Boyer. Judge Clamps Down On Repeaters Police Judge Howard strode Is getting tough on frequent otlemi ers, passing out fuli-xlred Jail terms along with flnen In an attempt to cut down on the heavy run of drunks ctly police have been bring ing In. Several, nuully Indians, arrested Thursday night, got 10 and 19-day Jail sentences when they pleuded In municipal court Friday morning. An even stiller Jolt was handed Sieve K. Wilson, 4A, who was caught selling a bottle of blackberry wine to an Indian on Klamath avenue lust nlglil. Wilson was fined tlou and sentenced to 30 days on that count and gut another 10 days on a drunk churge. The Indian, 4D-yciir-old Muck David of Chllonuln. was fined -S and sentenced to 10 days (or pos sesion. Tommy Matson, 40. Metropolitan hotel, will be In Jail IS duys for kicking glass from a broken beer bottle Into Khuuutli avenue. Ho was churgrd with drunk uud dis orderly conduct. A Una of $15 went along with the Jail term. 1" 10TH TH1ATIU 1 SUNDAY Midnight Prevuc Twite Pelican CONTINUOUS SHOWS nM ikm r. m. May Receipts Klamath Falls post office receipts for May, 1948, amounted to Sl8.186.75, exceeding May. 1947, receipts which were $16. 594.42 by $159233 or 9.595 per cent. Comparisons for the hall year with i other years will be announced early I in July, Postmaster Burt E. Hawkins j said. Classified Ads Bring Real Results! ie mating jsrf - ' V - a I I Ford EVELYN M .-: mm ml ;' -I h& 1 a ' - c m I 'J 1 1 1 j I ) j ENDS TODAY COHTtHUOUl ftOM U )0 f M fLOS "WINGSOVtR WYOMING" PELICAN THEATRE NOW SHOWING EXTRA! FIRST FILMS! OREGON FLOOD! Entire City of V import Wiped Out! Thousands Homeless! Army Closes Area! Complete On The Spot Coverage! PCA Confab Under Way A district conference of production credit associations of Oregon was under way Friday at the Willard hotel. Represented were the Klamath Production Credit association, the Willamette association at Salem, the Mid-Columbia association at The Dalles, the Central Oregon associa tion at Redmond and the Southern Oregon association at Medford. Directors and secretaries of these associations were on hand for the conference. Among those present were Ernest Henry, president of the Production Credit corporation of Spokane; Otto Allgaier, secretary of the Spokane corporation: w. E. Meyer, president of the Federal Intermediate Credit bank of Spokane; Art Holcom. credit examiner for thi. FCIB: Judge D. Brinck, legal counsel for the Farm Credit administration of Spokane. The sessions will continue through noon Saturday. Lee McMullen. manager of the as sociation here, was in general charge of local arrangements for the confab. Marshall Admires Granddaughter Game Violation Fines Handed Out I Few game law violation cases jare coming to Justice court these I days but state police want to em- phasize for the umteenth time that Los river Is closed to fishing ' in the month of June. It was also Mrs. Molly Winn of Ft. Leavenworth, Has., holds her four-month-old daughter. F.llene, as .Secretary of State George ('. Marshall admires his granddaughter during a brief stopover at Kansas City, Kas. He was en route to Portland. Orr to make an address. The unannounred stop was made to drop off five-year-old Kitty Winn, who had been visiting at the Marshall home in Leesburg, Va. Travel on a Magic Carpet Take a MOVIE VACATION Not far away from you the magic carpet i waiting ... a magic carpet of film, not wool ... to take you on a "movie vacation." At your favorite theater, it will take you on a round trip to delightful, care-chasing unreality. For a coat counted only in pennies, it will take you to far, romantic places; show you fascinating people; and enable you to enjoy differ ent talk and delicious laughs. Frequent rides on this magic carpet . . on movie vacations . . . are good for your family and you. Movie vacations will refresh you in mind as well as in body, give you a new point of view, and tide you over until your long vacation. . Why not plan a trip on this magic car pet today? You'll find your choice at any Klamath Theatre. 1 closed during the month of May. i Two local men, Roy Hall and j Bernard Howard, paid $10 fines j for angling in the closed stream. John Monroe Ezell of Alturos was fined $29.50 Friday morning for Illegal possession of a game ' bird. He said he had picked up the pheasant which someone else had shot. Hans Norland Fire Insurance. Ph. 60C0. W A MUST SounJ Motion Pieturt I W for Evtvv rrnt Eicalltnl 1 Car Crowded Into Ditch Here An automobile with two Klam ath Falls men aboard went Into the dith on the Merrill highway early Thursday morning about two miles above Mac's store. The men, Bill McCauley. 2912 Vandergrift, end Sherman Carter, 5600 Harlan drive, were shaken up but not injured. A Tulclake taxlcab driver, Elmer Henne, brought McCauley and Carter Into town. They told city police that they were coming to ward town from Merrill when an oncoming car failed to dim its lights and crowded them Into the ditch. The second car did not stop. Klamath Man Tells Of Vanport Flood Certulnty that many persons died in the Vauporl flood disaster of lust Sunday was expressed here Fri day by Joe Mick. Jurkeland Motor company mechanic, whose wife and three small children managed to grt out of Vanport after the dike u)ened. Mick Is working now In Klamuth Palls and was here last Sunday, but Ills wife and children. Shirley, a, Derold. 7, and Richard, tl, were at Vanport, living In an upartmrnt on Luke street about half a mile from the dike break. He went to the scene Tuesday and said that the entire townstte was a lake and that he found no trace of the building in which his apartment was located. In talking to persons on the srene, Mick said he formed the opinion that many persons died in the flood, althuugh Portlund officials Insist that no bodies have been recovered from VauMirt. Mirk's wife and children started out of the city by bus as soon as the dike broke, but had to walk out when the bus was stalled by a log. The youngest child. Richard, got separated from the group but was carried out of the water and re united with his family a short time later In Portland. The: Micks lost everything In their apartment but a small radio one of the children carried out. They were given some clothing in Portland and are now staying In Salem with friends. Joan Gets Brooch Back """'J " f Am::: tit 1 I'SWi !' -V I i a I...,, i r,.,.r,,r,l who reuortrd lo nf a ro.000 diamond brooch in a Hollywood night rlub, gels II Imck from Itetrrllve Nit. t. II. (iourlry. who nld a waller found II, Ihouihl II was only rotluni Jewelry and look II home. Time Switch Set For Next Sunday Causes Confusion Although th date Is set nnu ter. t:jo raruic mminnni umr, lour Klumalh Falls Is drflnltrly going on daylight saving time, the new time picture Is not absolutely clear to ninny Klamath folk. Outlying communities are expect ed to fnllow the city's lead In setting up their iliH'k.i, but official action on the nuttier Is left up to city councils of various towns. The Mrr rill city council met Thursday night and agreed to swing Into the day light time trend at the sumo tune Klumath Fulls will-mldnlght, Bun day, June 0. Mitliu city fathers huve said they are nut too krrn on the Idea, but they are cxiiccled to go along. Other areas are al.-.o exiiccled to go on day light tune Kutiduv at midnight. The Klainolh Kalis eliv council still will have to cope wilh daylight saving time Mondnv night at lis regulnr couurll session. Counrllmen pawed a speclol reso lution this week okavlng the time : witch, but a formal ordlnanre con firming the rrmlutiim will be read i next Mniuluy. Cltv Attorney Henry ! Perkins salt! trKlav. I Just to be on the safe side, the I council win inrlude a provision In the ordlmmre that the council meet ion davlit'ht saving t'me. Time for j council meetings Is set bv city ehar- tlmrs monthly on Monday. The ordi nance will provide that the council meet on daylight time. Oregon Vocational school will also go daylight at midnight. Monday Di rector Winston I. Purvlne stated that stale Institutions have been given authority to go on whatever tune arrangement Is In effect In their area. Despite some confusion, however, Klumalh Falls and the Klamath area will liegiu daylight time a. 1 , midnight this Sunday. That's th time to set your clocks ahead one hour. Housewives' dream... Mooseheart Film Shown A film on Mooseheart. the child ctly of the Moose lodge, Is being shown today at the Pelican theatre. The movie w as taken on the grounds of the child city where the lodge provides eduratlon and care for de pendent children of deceased mem bers. Mooseheart Is located about 35 miles from Chicago, and Is a private school maintained entirely for chil dren of members of the order. The film Is being shown to help with the James J. Davis memorial membership campaign now under way. A large class of candidates will be Initiated Into the Klamath lode In honor of the supreme governor. rtoy r. rose, wno win visn mis lodge Sunday, June 27. HAIFA (7P The Jewish popula tion of Haifa. Palestine, quadrupled between 1D.U and 104A. No wrappers or bottle tops are required to enter the navy's new Win a Trip contest. Ev.rv rnt tic.lltn r.l. l Fall,. I f-smily. Pelican Theatre TONIGHT As An Added' Attraction To The Regular Program, THIS IS AM CXTKA. you wiu aiso set "The Tender Years" and "Speed to Spare" Mrs. Ray Ordered To Mendocino YREKA, June S At a sanity hearing conducted hero Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Donna Ray, 24, was committed to the Mendocino State asylum on order of Superior Judge James M. Allen. She will remain there, the court announced, until legally discharged. Lawrence E. Ray, the young woman's husband, will enter a plea Wednesday, June 9. at 2 p. m. In superior court In answer to a charge of murder In connection with the death of their 7-wccks-old son last May. Wanted Young Man Desiring business experience and training In retail merchandising. Opportunity for advancement. High school education required. Earnings to start approximately $240.00 per month. Apply Standard Stations, Inc. Dill and Klamath For the "new look" that lasts! Sherwin-Williams PORCH & FLOOR ENAMEL Here's die handsomest of porch and floor finishes... nude to keen its "frcjhly paintcd" look season after season! It's tough, wash ablc. wear-re sistant! Pro- against IP 4 wood-rod 5.50 (iaL Woodwork I painted with SHCRWIN-WlLLIAMt ENAMELOID You'll paint miracles 'round the house! Give new life, new glamor lo woodwork, walls, furni ture with cay-ii. apply, rasy-to-clran i'.namcloitl. Dream colors galore! One easy. brushing coat is all you need lor a lough, rich finish! 2.05 WALLPAPER STORl 5? Formerly Patterson Don Paint Iters 1 F.ast Main s Phone 1.111 rmtl 13 Missing In Vanport Disaster PORTLAND, June 5 P) The Red Cross still listed today 13 per sons not located since the Vanport flood disaster. There were nine children and four adults. The children: Donna and Joyce Anplnwall, Lucille Austin, IS; Vivi an Chambers; Richard Parkert, 16; Robert Watson, 6; Raymond Ward, 10 months; Jean Fowler, 17; Mais tra Harris. The adults: Mrs. Izuml Abe Oyama, Sidney Bnker, Mrs. Efflc Dawson, Mrs. Helen Banks. On Vacation Mrs. Elsie Hccht, Marlon apartments, has left on a three-week vacation to La Crosse, Wis., where she will visit with her daughter and other relatives. HI-HO! NEIGHBORS ... GET WITH IT! BIG WESTERN South 6th Street CORRAL Dance TONITE Sat., June 5th By Popular Request "POOR BOY SLIM11 AND HIS WEST COAST PLAY BOYS . . . Featuring Johnny Holiday and Effio, the Sweathoart of the Gang, on Twin Guitars COME ONE! COME ALL! Your Friendly Nite Hawk Cafo Will Bring Thit Event - Over KFLW 10:30 Till 11:00