HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON 10 Real Estate For Sal CLOSE IN Kit N. Bill HI., only 6 block mirth of Main, wllliln runy wnlklnii ilU Uiico of town, ft liiruc room, din ing roiiin, ulrriilim ixirih, cement bAAFiiiont, Itraiuiiiiiule pi ir ami terms. SUNNYLAND 4 Bedrooms Unlit In 11140, nllriietlve mixli'rn 7 ronm lining with linrilwixul flncirn, dining riKim, furnnre, K""t Htirtinn Willi wnlk-ln ooolrr. (lux I Ml ft. hit, invl iUTCt, oil bun Hue. (UbUU, terms. Going - Going Welt ooiintruriril modern liiiiim on Itewy Drive. Two lurue bcdrmi , cement biineiiiriit, till ftirimce, hunt wood f loom tlirouulmut. Kxlrn lurKe lot, nice lnwn, ilirulin, Uuliin fur $111100, terms. RIVERVIEW l-blriKiin, modern attractive liome built In lli-W. Hardwood floors thru out, luricn closets, excellent oondt lion Omioul. Uood itnriiKe, lnwn, shrubs. I0IIM), Ol or MIA terms. Main Street Restaurant Good rentnursiit, bent equipment, steady plromK with nuuird In come. Kxcellelll location nn Mulll Rtreet. For quirk sole, t.'U&O. Bee ITy Moon (eves, cull (W77) Joe Leonard (eve, call BrtrtO I CHILCOTE & SMITH RrntKiri mid Imuiruiice 111 N. U 8L I'honri 4.VH or 5M0 FDR sai f Beautiful lnnie 2-ledrooin with dining room mid lnnie utility, com pletely Innulntrd. Maple floom. Ex ceptionally well romtrurtrd I n 1UI1B. Choice location, Willi 100 ft. frontage a. flth. $10,800. t Excellent J-bedroom, brlrk r o n trurtlon. fireplace, hardwood floors, part bancment, pled fur nace, large double garage. (7600. 1-bedroum. welt constructed mod ern home, concrete foundation, plaatered throughout, Inxulatcd. On S acre good Irrigated Innd. Ixita of fruit. IM00 uiifurnlahed or M00 furnljihed. Choice location, 1 block from but. beautifully landscaped, excellent oil, Irrigated ' acre. 2-bedroom modern home. Outbuilding' suitable for 3-bedroomn. i!i2M). Neat 4 -room modern home with basement, 2 gaa heaten and gaa range Included at 13400. H acre good Irrigated land on Huniedale. ssiO. Hap Csldwell, phone 4008 Bill NeUon with Newt Nclxon, Realtor NELSON REAL ESTATE 1M 8. 6th riinne 67M FOR SALE Fine house on Rnaeway Drive. 6 Urge plaatered rooms, full con crete basement, piped furnace, hardwood floors, on 4 lota. 111,600, terms. Two Houses On adjoining lota, each 3 rooms with bath and utility porch, pum ice block foundation, stoves In cluded. I73M). Good Six-Room House with fireplace, and gas fur nace, pumice garage. $8400, Lot Near Hillside Ave. Beautiful view. Bee Verne McClellnn with Eddie Richardson Ileal Estate ftrokcr 13 Mnln Office Phone B241 (Evenings call 6'J01 or 4a.r.0i 30 Real Eitata For SoU Business Opportunities Pumice tile building with 1340 suuare fed of floor apace. Very well constructed, aullnble for most any type business, Also has 6 rimiii home on same lot, located on a busy street. Full price 1 J.7&0. Toi mi. Wholesale new tire and retread huslncns. Fully equipped for all types of retreading and recapping, and a 1D41 Ford pickup truck. Mulldlng Is leaned and well con structed In a very good location. Price complete $0760 plus Inven lory. Pumice tile business, reasonably priced with good terms. Contact us for furuier ininrmaiion. Other listings Include grocery store, apartment house, a hotel for sale and a hotel for lease. Small Acreage Approximately 4 acres and a 4- rooin home, lust off Airway urlve, Price $4000, M00 down and fib a mouth. Bee Everett Ball with AL LONGE REALTOR 111 Bo. 8th Phone (383 I Evenings 8071 or 81)041 Apartment House Beautiful brick apartment house splendid location, close to business district, corner lot, 17 units furnish ed. Furniture In very good count Hon. This la one of the best apart ment houses In Kmmalh Falls Full price 187.1100 with llberul terms. Income Property 36-unlt apartment house, brick building, good location, complete ly furnished, over 113.000 yearly Income. Full price 167,000, terms. HOTEL 36 rooms with large 3 -room apart ment. 6-year lease with renewal; llnS a month. Tills Is a money, maker. Full price 110.000. Suburban Grocery located In a good district, this store Is modern equipped, has two large walk-In refrigerator boxes, new meat case, large store room. Mulldlng and equipment goes at this remarkably low price, fl6,000. Stock at Inventory. Bee At Bchmeck, with J,E. HOSKING REALTOR 617 Main Phone 3311 FOR SALE 6 ACRES nf good sandy soil, located on the corner of Mhiistu Way and Madi son, partially Irrigated. Tills land Is priced to sell and can be han dled with reasonable cash payment, balance to suit purchaser. And we also have several nlre building lote on Lakeshore Drive for sale. Bee us for dcUills R. P.. Oliver, Realtor A. V. McVcy (603a Mob Ttosj (3023) Ann M. Oliver Dornn Brett (2-0973) Htove Mom ((MOO) TIB N. Bill Phono 4710 or 7177 Close In Suburban Drliglitful dpicrlhon this ncnrly now two-bedroom homo. All rooms la rue, ouk floorn throiiyliout, nt tached riimrc. A most nit motive modern Kitchen. Well lnndflntped lot 75x167. exceptlmmlly well lo cated property. Price- $0050. Dale & Howes REALTORS 611 E. Mr. In Phono 7206 or 6046 "Buy Now" yoil flAI.K'rrfiHoniit)ie, modern 4-roum hniiBa, a blnM!ini, fiirnUhcrt, fur Hi lar tn oofl L'nnminn; tnitnne quipped with ntw conk tovf; lot HHixiim, Hlvorvlew Addition, on 1, nil ml Nt, (In nut MlKhwny 07 In Carl Fret' Rlrhfield HUtlon, turn right, mo nut lilnrk, turn In ft, go one block, turn right. I.iinL hmine nt find of fttreot. l0THMKN FAHMKHR-IH m-rci Irrt. gnted on ItOMt MlVftr. 7.1 ncrps In hurley, Wonderful mil, wondnrful hiiullng. new tun rrimr, other hutltllnHi, Priced In mill tnnrhlnery tnt'hidrd, Intinetllntft p(tt.eotlon, Phone tin;i(J. TiiU flAI.K: fl-rnom modern hntiie, 10 m-re. (HMrO, mmr ternn, 1015 Honu dale Hnnil, phone HS47. , POHHKSSION IMMFDlATltLY 4-rnom home with outbuilding!, 3 rrei under Irrlnntlon. $mt down, pr hionlh Including Inlerent. 1'rlr 94000, noa iinrry van with II F.N II Y NKWHOUSS llrjillor lonn Smith ttlh nnd Knnt Tnln Phon Dftia - Evenings 8304 Huge Profits Oregon, California, Washington Tax Delinquent Properties 1 to 640 acres, 25c to $3 acre minimum bid. Froction actual value Send 6c postage for circulars ond maps. PACIFIC LANDS Box 33M VZ Hollywood, Calif. Cleaned Serviced Repaired Installed Soles FOR SALE 10 acres in wheat, very good soil, excellent location to build. Very good 30 x 12 ft. brooder house built 4 years, well insulated, triple walls and floor, and double ceiling, liveable. Additional buildings, lots of heavy lumber for cor rals or hog pens, good well powered by electricity, 110 x 220 volts. Fenced with heavy gauge woven wire. $2000; $1000 down, balance to suit buyer. Turn right at Bratton Pack ing Co. from Highway 66 south on gravel road 1 14 miles. W. W. Ridgley Rr. 3 Box 421 -B FOR SALE An Idrnl home, overlooking the lnkc; 3 brclrooins, 3 bathrooms, Inrita living room, dlnliift room nnd brrnkfnst nook; fine carpeting turn out, sprinkler system, automatic laundry, piped oil nutomntlo fur usee, adequate closets end built Ins, Shown by appointment only. J. W. Sanders, Realtor T. L. Gibson, Curl Williams Salesmen, 1313 Main St, HOMES FOR SALE Everett Dennis 131 N. Sth St. Ren I tor Phone 8401 tr FOn 8AI.K t-hedrnom modern home, lertrlc water lieitler. git furnnre. lartre uriii with sleeping room. Hoime In good condition. tiiuuouiMi poMesHinn. ,1-rnom furnUhed hom, north purl of elty. Quick poiaeulon. I'rlct 93500. Terms, t J -room horn, cany walking dUlanct of city center. Prlro t:uHi. Termi. see rrea t-'nrer TtAltNlUHKL AGlCNt'Y 119 I. Rih Phone 41011 fOll SaLIC by owner. 8-beHroom home. 1711 Wall r'Olt SAI.K hy owner, fiirnlhrd S hed room mniiern liotne on acre; large chirk en home, Located A nillen from Klamalh l'all on Keno Highway. RC a, Pok ann. C. l.amont. Modern atimmer home with 300 ft. front age on Spring Creek, 300 yardi from new late hlghwav. Fireplace. Knotty pine Interior. Phone tCIIM. KOIl fiAT.E or trade for Klamath Fall Kropert.v, aniatl modern well located nma In Tulelake, Thone a-04fl4. 30 Reol Etta For Salt Mills Addition Complexly furnlnhrd one-bedroom mudtirii home, litrito Kuruife. clone Ui ftchool end bug. i'llto $3600, lernu. Dale & Howes iiKAiroiw 611 Euit Mitln I'll. 7200 or 6046 "Uuy Now" VOIl HAT.f ."hic'inie property "on H." 4 lh Hi. Thl proptrly it paying W on I'tn.lMHl and can lie purTiatd tor i4,HM on lerina. He owner at 4304 Htiniritr line afler 4 pin. VOH BALK, In M.rrlll. 9 -bedroom home', part liakemvnt, gai fl'tor ftirnat-e, lo trie hot water, very nice kitchen. I'rle H2M). til loan avallalile. Phone 9UI3 or write Herb Uraytel, IMerrlll, Oie, TON RAI.K YH TltADR:Mtdrn 9 bed"- room home, Mllla Addition. Phone .maa afler fl p ro. fOlt HALE, 9-(drooiM home, floor fur nace, InaulaUd, ellflhle for il loan. HI rroru I'nrk Phone pnAtf. 32 Building & RomoJolinq low Piticrn MiMfiRn We feel there ! e need for tome of the lower priced liKniwr, and have added those lower gradra which will serve In many places as well as the better grades at the higher prices. We Iwheve you will he eurprlsed at tha quality for the prhe asked, Ae low at 41 per thousand feet. See It BUiLurnH i.tiMneit co, 3074 g. eth. U. TYPKS Or KOOFINO applied end guerantaed hy an estahllshed firm ne Hlg Uesln Lumier Co or phone I4 HY.7. 1fR"for-rnur" painting needs." It'e Dutch Boy If you want a good paint Job. nuiLnrnn U Mitrn co. anil ii eih hi. OOM'YOtfH IIOI'HC NKKD ilDINn? Ke Us for redwood or ptne bevel sldlng-aatwtlfks or ted radar ehakee. Terms may be arreogrd Hlfll.OKHN I.UMlir.n CO. r74 M oih Ht. CONCltCTK and rock foundatlone. aide walks, retainer walls and repairs of all kinds Free estimate HILL FY ATT Phone 32'M) 313 Gage Road Pt.AHTKR nOAHI) and Insulating board at long last. Finish up those interiors. Terms, of course. If needed. 2074 S. 4th Ht. Bt'MDKIlH LUMUr.Pl CO. 34 Fuel-Heating New or Used OIL STOVES GOOD SELECTION BOB PORTER 801 Spring Phons 7708 Oil B urners Stoves -- Furnaces Sparks Stoves H. C. Little Floor Furnaces Ollomntlc Furnaces Ray Burners Coal Stokers FREE SURVEY OF YOUR HEATING SYSTEM A Fuel Conserving Check PEYTON & CO. Phone 6H9 BIS Market FLOOR FURNACES OIL GAS BOB PORTER 901 Spring Phone 7708 Wood to Burn SLABS 16-inch Dry Mill Run $8 50 12-inch Dry Fir Slobs $11.00 Blocks $8.50 PROMPT SERVICE CONVENIENT CREDIT Peyton & Co. SIS Market Phone 8149 Oil burner and oil stove serv ice Any make. BOB PORTER 801 Spring Phone 7708 PRM-TO-LOG9 - Phone Mai, Cl Yaden'a Signal Service Station. South 6lh and Midland fined, for delivery. We give S & II Urrcn SianiD l5BYPlNR RI.oL'KS (or sale by "truck or trailer m Rmsf linos s eth and Altamnnf Drive Phone MM 35 Automotive 35 Automotive Winter's Over Timely Service Means "Savings" Our Springtime TUNE-UP Stops Wear Saves Repair Bills SEE US Rose MotorCo. 4th and Klamath Phone 8164 ton SA!.1! lo:t7 4-donr Plymouth erdah, new lircn. gonn renin ann neater. Motor 2 veara old. See at ftUfl Main. ton SALK to highest bidder. 1941 Pontine aerian, excellent condition. Call 20flfM he t wen .1 and 8 P. m. iEW "CllKVftOI.RT aerian, good condi tion, newjalnt. 34:ia While Avenue. foil MALR - Equity In IIU7 Mercury Torrint sedan In excellent condition Ton RAf'C new truck' and van; S-apeed axie. j'none ouau evenings. INMAN USED CARS Are Better Reconditioned and Priced Rite 1946 Lincoln Custom Sedan 1946 Mercury Sedan 1946 Mercury 5-Poss. Coupe 1946 Chevrolet Tudor 1939 Olds Coup. 1941 Studeboker Champion 1942 Olds Sedanette 1941 Ford Convertible 1941 V-8 Tudor 1941 Ford 6 Tudor 1940 Ford V-8 Tudor 1940 Ford V-8 Coupe 423 and 424 So. Sixth Tel. 7778 or 7029 Your Lincoln-Mercury Dealer SEE THOMPSON FIRST! We are paying the highest prices for late model, cleon used cors ... the TOP dollar. Whether you are buy ing or selling . . . see Thompson first! THOMPSON USED CARS 7th it Oak. Opposite P. O. Bo. Phone 7258 For Better USED TRUCK VALUES see Steve Mosher or Joe Daly at West-Hitchcock Corp. Your White Truck Distributor 877 S. 7th 8t Phone 7771 COMPLETE RADIATOR Service CLEANINC FLUSHING REPAIRINC BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Mnln st Espl-,nde DO TOO NEED Auto Glass Installed? Reasonable Prices Prompt Service Call At Kimball's Glass Shop 537 Wnlnut Phone 7378 FOR A GOOD Used Truck See Jerry or Juck JUCKELAND Truck Stiles & Service. Inc. Uth Klamath Phone 7755 rr0R SALK. CMC army "Type flxfl truck, very little used. Wm. M. Bray, 4 tulles from Chlloqutn. M Ol.bSMORlLE. Rood rubber, heater, motor tn ffoori shape, $000. Call W9l, or ltM Pine St. POTTSA1.15. '38 Pontine tlx 4-door teden. new motor, 60; rubber. Phone 404, tlnnanta e'OR SAl.POinfl ll-door Chevrolet eedari, H(1 Hope. Call after A o'clock week da t. 36 Miscellaneous For Salt fORRAl.t One practically" new, New Holland automatic baler. Call 4201, Tulelake. f OH 6ALtttamire7orkine ttneii $3.83. 11 runt-. Spot, 707 So. flth St. fOH SAI.K IB-foot house trailer, sleeps two. eee at Shell Station, Tulelake, Cnllf. Price W00. fott SALIC HnndlesT'tor axei, t hove Is, rakes, hoot, ptoks, hammers, tnwt (all klndai namaln Spot, 707 So. flth St. ton SALE -8-wheel trailer, 940. 3903 Austin. f On RALKi i outhojifj motonT Sea Kings, 1 hp., saa.oo; 5 hp., 15(1. IK); both reconditioned. Also trailer box. Phone 11433, 1349 Warden. fOH SAl.K Davenport and club chalrT Phone 9331, FOR SAl.K A plpeleiu combination wood and coal furnace. Phone 4630 or call at 130 Melrose St. " br.KP tRKKZE BAROA1KII We are remodeling and have for eale ft real food combination freezer box and cooler. Deep freeze, 17 cubic feet, cooler. 9 cubic feet, all tn one box. Oregon Food Store, South flth. 33 Automotive 35 Automotive Due fo great demond for this special we have been requested to run this over to give more customers a chance to take advantage of this special. Summerize Your Car Now! SPECIAL (lor 30 day,) We Will- Lubricate your car Change your motor oil Change your transmission grease Change your differential grease Pack your front wheels Wash your car Vacuum interior Adjust your brakes (Regular price $11.83) Now All for the Special Price, $6.75 Link River Motors 606 South 6th Phone 3650 Anderson's Guaranteed Used Cars Every Car Thoroughly Reconditioned 1947 Hudson Super 6 Sedan Radio, overdrive, low mileage. Like new $1850.00 1946 Olds 6 Club Coupe Radio, hydramatic. Per fect condition 1995.00 1946 Hudson 6 Tudor A-l condition .... 1700.00 1942 Dodge Sedan Fluid drive 1195.00 1941 Hudson 6 Sedan Overhauled from stem to stern 1075.00 Anderson Auto Service Co. 632 Walnut St. Telephone 8166 36 Miscellaneous For Sale AMERICAN tLOOR & A KD Eft j e3ieT leteet type, dustlese. swift and easy to operate. KLAMATH VAU.EY LUMBER CO., 190 S 6th. Phone 4fllfl. FOH 6 A I.E. 6-ft Oliver rsln drill with grass eertr attarhmcnis, good con dition, f 300. Pbone 4211 Tulels k e. C 1 i f . SAlJE, ' new bed daveno. Pfione 74811 ADDING MACHINES, CALCULATORS. Typewriters. Cash Reels ten. Desks, Chairs, riles. PIONEER PRINTING & STATIONERY CO. 123-124 S 0th St. CINDER. SAND AND GRAVEL, suitable ior cnnrreie ana anveways. j. at BARNES, phone 7630. FOR SALE", same as "new caterpillar tracton D-2. D-4. D-6. D-7. D-a and TD-01, with or without blades and drums. Trucks and other logging, construction and mining equipment, new end used. See or write Melvln Wallace General Delivery, Malln, Ore., or phone Leo King. 263 Maltn. to contact me. f OR SALE, Westcrert"ho"usetreUerrTM7 model. 3 -room de luxe. 315 N. 3rd. fOR SALE.'certlficd Bllss" Triumph seed potatoes. Call Wodeckl, Box 1111. orColonlal Hotel. phonet89. POR SAI-E: Trallerhouse, practically new. Stone's Signal Service. 9lh & Pine. TOR SALE:-Taylor Tot buggy, garden tools, electric stove, nearly new. Corn er cabinet, single bed. mirror, vanity taole. Phone 2-os8. BEDDING PLANTS: Perennials and an- nuats. Tomato and pepper plants. Nursery stock, evergreens, flowering shrubs and shade trees. Klamath Flower Shop Greenhouse. 9614 South 61 h- F"OR SALE; set of new International Encyclopedia, 34 volumes, good con dition. Phone 9S37, 9 to 5:30. FOR SAXE like new Baldwin Acroeonlc olano Phone 7468 XTXIS-OTaLMERS Crawler "IraefbrTiln HO 10, with cable operated dozer. Stanley Johnson, Malln, Ore. Phone lot, evenings. N"ETTED GF.M "rJROPSEErJTlMiacks". one jear from certification. Priced to sell. Wolff Ranch, Williamson River, phone 3T3. FOR SALE Good used Servel gat re frigerator. CALL MERIT'S. 609 SO. TH Phone teen FOR SALE B sacks' cut. dipped Cem seed potatoes. 7 sacks large see a. Kelly Bros., Rt. 1, Box 350. BEDDING PLANTS Perennials 'and an nuals. Tomato and pepper plants. Nursery stock, evergreens, flowering shrubs and shade trees. Klamath Flower Shop Greenhouse, 3614 South 6th. PTANTSVege tables, annual and"per ennial flowers. 2603 Kane. Phone 302.1. Coooer's. FOR SALE. 16-ft. boat n'tratferTRalpn Dunlap Tulelake. Calif. Phone 2338 Tulelake. or Box 358. FOR SALE7" white enamel wood-coofc stove witn copper coin, a mo eo-gai. hot water tank. Phone 8344 after S p.m. fOft "SALE,-res tau rant-wood rinfeTS grills, 40-gal. tank, water neater. 73. Valley View Cafe. Weyerhaeuser Junc tion. Klamath Falls. fOft SALE.tastem buiirSI-fooTmodern house trailer. Permanent bed and daveno, plenty of storage apace. Butane for cooking and heat. Tn good condition and very clean. 91173. 5575 Shasta Way tin rear", or phone 8053. fOH SALE. Rex cement mixer, used S weeks, just like new. 3l-sack size, on run her tires; also wheelbarrow. Cost 84fl4 new. Sell at a bargain. Pnone 0661 . 4 WILSON GOLF 'CLUBS andag. ftaSlfjS. Ladles English riding Doou. size 7 narrow, 10.00: large feather tick, 820.00. Phone 7057. 36 Miscellaneous For Sale FOR SALE Oliver No. 30 Combine, com plete with 6 ft. clover pickup, 10 ft. groin header, pickup reel ond hydraulic lift. JOE MICKA Molin, Ore. Phone 131 EJLECTR 6dX"CT.E A NER fc AIR PURIFIER Sales and Service 869.73 same price since March 1, 1939 TARKEL TWEET 1132 Main Phone 7167 FOr5aLE, lawn and filTdirt. Phone 9253. t'OR S A CI-wreisyedRusian squi tTe) locks fur coat Small size. 850- Pbone 8153. OR SALE Int T D 18. FntrchTsetTnew 1&46 with Isaac. Hyd. front end power unit Angle Dozer In good cond. Int. T D. 14 Sid. Gauge, good cond. work ing with S.W.70 6-yd. Be Ge Carryall Scraper. Sell tog or sep. Model M. Carryall LeTourneau Scraper. 6 7 3 yd. with or without Model T. dbL drum power control unit for T.D. 14. Hyster Logging Winch D-7 N Model V.W. like new for D-7. Tel. 3551 - 3933 - 4738. P. O. Box 667. Grants Pass, Ore. Everett E. Robinson. 6AHLlAS7all colo.ni!"geexhlblt(on" miniature and pom-pon. Nice bedding plants ready now Some blooming site. Also roses, peonies, bleeding heart and perennials. LAKESHORE GARDEN NURSERY pnone 4286 driveway Cinders Phone 4677 FERTILIZER and topsbll Phone 304T STOVES REPAIRED, all available part stocked Used furniture S:ove bought OK Second RandStore 2401 S 6th fOn SALE: New 6-lncH-black pIpsT Also we can supply l inch and Inch galvanized pipe with plumbing fixtures DAVIS PLUMBING CO.. 337 East Main Phone 3781. FOR SALfirWin Chester 7 Model 7S"Twen-ty-two Pnone 7468. 38 Pets ANDERSON BOARDING KENNELS 5688 Delaware, off Homedale Road Phone 3047 PEDIGREED English Springer Spaniel pups. 10 weeks old. Champion stock Phone 9365. ACANOD KENNELS RegfsteredCocker Spaniels. Also stud service. Cham plott Lines. 6320So. 6th, fORSALE Three yellow female can aries, price 83.00 each. 324 So. 9th. Phone 4856. fOH SALE Pedigree Slarnee"kltteni, mother from champion stock. 3150 Reclamation. Phone 9903. FORSAL Year-old blonde female cocker, registered, papers available now. Has been spayed and permanent ly inoculated for distemper. House broken. 1603 Esplanade, Apt. 1. 42 Livestock ond Poultry BOAR services Registered Hampshire Phone 7837 or 3004 reL FOR SADC 2 saddle horses, gentle for children. Phone 2-0367. fOR SALE Woman's or child's gentle saddle horse, 3 years old, 893. Box 17, Modoc Point. Ore, 42 Livestock ond Poultry 42 Livestock ond Poultry AUCTION SALE 75 Saddle Horses The Sixth Annual Horse Sale will be held at the Klamath County Fair Grounds, Klamath Falls, Oregon. Consisting of: Well broke, gentle saddle horses, a lot of good, well-reined cow horses, Palomino pintos and good colored horses; also a numbei of Palomino and, good colored fillies. A few Shetland ponies and some children's horses. Every horse will be guar anteed as represented, no other horses sold In this sale. ' ,,,, Sunday, June 6th, 1948 ,'! Sale will start promptly at 12:30 p. m. . ,! R. E. "Bob" RHODES, Auctioneer .' George Martin, Hall Hotel, Klamath Falls, .0r. n -nr nn i i 'ininnnnnn- iirrr i --r -i-r-rrr i-i-i-i-rni-mnn nn r nminriin irvn rmnrVir 42 Livestock ond Poultry 48 Businesi Opportunities- POULTRY WANTED Cash paid tor any amount. Top market prices for good quality. Por quotations PHONE 3857 Klamath Poultry Farms 3229 Boardman 8treet tfRETdRD herd or r range bull, breed character, healthy, active, 1800 Ibe. Placed well at Red Bluff and sold as one oi top ten. A half-brother sired the top there this year. Priced well under cost. M. Goode. Macdoel Calif. HIGH PRODUCING straight run White Leghorna hatching May 31st at S10.00 per 100. These chicks have been sell ing fur S18 S0 per 100. On band now, 10U0 Leghorn pullet at Te less than day old price. It pays to buy locally hatched chicks. Phone 6095, Oregon State Hatchery. 2720 8. 6th St. fOR SALE, two -year-old registered Hereford bulla. Leonard Meshke, Tulelake m fHOM now until June 1st, good line of planting gladioli and dahlia bulbs, at greatly reduced prices. Pats Pets, Oregon Stale Hatchery, 2730 8. 6th. Phone 6003. FOfTSAXE. weaner plgsflicht feeders, young sows farrow in July. RU 1, Box 373; A.N TED Large colored hni." Chris? Poultry Farm. Phone 4060. 3004 An- tierson Ave. SADDLE HORSES7or sale or trade for dairy heifers. Fhone3058. WANTED TO BUY: 4 or 5 weaner calves. Phone 5012. 2 GENTLE sadehorses. one pinto, one sorrel, 4-year-olds. Phone 941. 900 heavy New Hampshire fryers, we dress for locker. 6 miles north Kla math Falls on old Bend highway. Shady Pine, 2nd house north of ser vice station. Orders taken any time. Route 3. Box 1147. FCr SALtV-Five year old Guernsey and Jersey milk cow. 6 gallons a day, $150. W W. Ridgley. Rt. 3. Box 421-B. " AUCTION Saturday, June Sth, 1:00 p. m. We have one consignment of registered polled Hereford cattle, consisting of 6 heifers and cows with calves by their sides. 2 dry cows, two 2-year-old heifers, 2 yearling heifers, one 14 moa. old bull, one 3-year-old buU. Another consignment of 69 head of White Face cows and calves. SO head of White Face yearling heifer steers. 45 head of slaughter cattle and our usual run of livestock and hogs. BRAHS BROS. Grenada. Calif. Phone 2398 NtW lower prices on all' chicks at your own local hatchery. S17-S0 per 100. or 18c In smaller lots. It pays to buy locally hatched chicks at the Oregon State Hatchery, 2720 8. 6th. Phone 6093 ETULL foi service at your placeTPhone 2-0086. 44 Miscellaneous Warded WANTED TO LEASE Large house t3 or more bedrooms) or rooming house, close In, north of Main Will consider purchase later If suitable. Phone 4963 HIGHEST PRICES paid for hogi.Veal. lambs and cattle Johnson Packing Co Phone 3J23. day or evening. WANTED, dead or worthless animals Call collect, day or night, fo prompt service Phone 4636 or 5323 KLAMATH TALLOW CO WANTED - Pasture lor 100 head of cou-- and calves Phone 194 Malln KLA M ATH-hlg h school prlncipaPneeds 3-bedroom house as soon as possible. James L. Brown. References. Phone A. L. Gralapp at 9219. or write 3024 N.E. 122nd. Portland. Ore. HUSlNtSSXECUT-Vf! desires 2-beJ-room unfurnished home. Will con sider house for summer months only. Write Box 1R2. jrare Herald-News. WANTED TO BUY: Girls Juvenile "bi cycle in good condition. Phone 8246. WANtEDTO RENT by veteran and ex pectant mother, furnished house or apartment. Phone 4775. WANTED TCTtEN? by contractor with grown family, 2 or 3 bedroom modern house, furnished or unfurnished. Will give lease If deslred. Call 20160. WANTED TO RENT: 2 or 3 bedroom un furnished house, with double garage, or extra shop room, preferably In Altamont district Phone 4938 after 3:30 p. m. n n n n f , nr , m-innr 48 Business Opportunities REAL BUY, a good going cafe near largest mill tn Oregon. Just painted inside and out. seats 31. Nice small house on property. Valley View Cafe. Weyerhaeuser Junction, Klamath Falls. R'EW RESTAURANT, close to town on highway 97. Nets MOO a month. Will sell business, stock and equipment. One to five-year lease. Write Box 136. care Herald-News. Raise Chinchillas (Not a Rabbit) ' : 1 For Information regarding breed ing stock, see R. A. Johnson, own er Klamath Lake Chlncllla Ranch, Route 3, Box 1043. Klamath Falls, Ore. Phone 2-0989. Visitors .wel come. fOK LEASE or Mia to Hvewire 'coupTeTa well established fountain lunch in good Klamath Falls locatioat. Toe particulars phone 9263. FOR SALE. " complete service ' atatlom equipment, 2 Erie pumps, hoist. Devise compressor. Alemlte grease - set, ell dispenser Stronghold Cafe, phone 4333. Tulelake. fOR SAL. grocery store and' service station. For Information write Boa 179. care Herald-News. . . - 46 Financial PHONE FOR ' ONE-VISIT : LOAN SERVICE On Your Salary Only Or on your car or furniture. Loans 'til pay day or you can re pay In conTtnlent monthly amounts and take the n, rc payment time. LADIES! YouTl find borrowing at LOCAL as simple and convenient as shopping at your favorite store. COME IN OR ... r' PHONE FOR YOUR LOAN,' LOCAL1 LOAN CO. (ESTABLISHED 1808) A Corner Main and 10th 115 No. 10th Phones 7400 or 7543 - Bill Duncan, Mgr. ' 1 M354-6276. "" See "Chuck" Bailey for . . Quick - Cash - Loans ($25 to $1200); A. Auto Loans- '' Up to 11200 whether paid for or not as long as 24 months to repay a convenient way for a quick cash loan. - i B. Furniture Loans- Up to $300 character' and ability to repay means more than the security Itself an attractive loan plan. C. Personal Loans-' A simple loan plan up to $309 for all people with permanent employment. D. Private Car Sales Financed. ' Klamath's Oldest Locally Owned Loon Company MOTOR : INVESTMENT CO. C. A. Bailey, Local Manager M-275 8-241 114 North 7th Phone 3324 OUR BOARDING H0USI . . With . . MAJOR H00PLE OUT OUR WAY WILLIAMS By J. R. l wc wrsho-I? fT-BHMftx' irs ear so I -that, fine that a dumb V ICB CUBES WU 5WOES.' mm LEWDEl 'XD J HAVE TD HANG 1 I SOME MEN WAV TO-HINT 1 I En0HIMf , l T , STUFF ON TH' ) ) NAWULDNT l FOR AN OVER- I FLASHU6IAT---IT'LL OfOLV MB AT THE ZOO BMSTOKEEPIT S I KNOW WHAT HAULtN' OR. A : TAViS hB A FEW I PATTIKKTHETlSER. J , FROM CHATTERIN' I TO DO FOR 1 NEW MACHINE" I AMNUTESTD PRETTY" UP J 1 ON4TW6 NbOS6 AN' BORIN' OVAL J V THAT-NICE I MAKIM' IT WORK Nl ONCL6 BULGYS 1 THfi PULLING T V HOLES r i r-" f WORK. SO1HOW BE- V