PACE SIX HFRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FAILS, OREGON FRIDAY, JUNE A, CHURCH NEWS Purvine To Be Speaker At Church At the ConsrCRRl tonal church. Garden near Martin, on Sunday niornlnK at 11. the service of morn ing prayer will be conducted by Kenneth B. Lambic. Durst speaker at the service Is Winston D. Pur vine, director of the Oregon Voca tional school. His address Is en titled "A Modern Philosophy of Education." duest soloist Is John A. O'Connor, well-known violinist, who will play "Andante" from "The Concerto for Viola and Orchestra" by Handel. Bnrbara Zlnn Is ac companist at the piano. The choir will be directed and the organ played by Mrs. Truman A. Nelson. A nursery for Infants Is conducted during the church worship period In the Community hall, under the .sponsorship of the Priscilla club Parents are earnestly encouraged to attend the church service and bring th"lr little ones with them. Rev. Oodfrev Matthews is at tending the Klwanis International convention In Los Angeles, as ne'e gate from the Klamath Palls Klwanis club. Holy Communion At St. Paul's St. Paul's Episcopal church an nounces services for this coming Sunday as follows: 8 a. m celebra tion of the Holy Communion. 8:45 a m., church school, for all grades. 11 a. m choral celebration of the Holy Communion and sermon. Vestry meeting will be held on Monday, at 8 p. in. Tuesday night, at 6:30 p. m. there will be a meeting of the St. Paul's Men's club in the parish hall. Chambers To Speak At Sunday Rife Francis Chambers, assistant pas tor at Tulelake, is guest speaker at the Sunday morning services, and will conduct the Communion serv ice at 7:30 Sunday evening at the First Presbyterian church. The morning sermon will be, "There Is a Man On the Cross." The evening table talk Is entitled "He Took Bread." Connie Hunt will sing the solo, "Hold Thou My Hand" by Briggs, at the morning service. At 8:30 p. m. the meeting of the Senior and Junior Westminster fel lowship Is scheduled. Preparations are being made for the Vacation Bible school com mencing June 14, at 9 a. m. and continuing for two weeks. Inter mediate girls who are helping with the school will meet at the church at 2:30 p. m., Monday, June 7. Teachers planning conferences are scheduled for 3 p. m, Wednesday and Friday. Volunteers are wel come and needed. The Vacation Bible school is for all from the age of two, and junior high and high school girls are most welcome to become assistants. The program includes worship service, hymn training, story hour, and a definite course of study and handi craft by age group. Human Chain Used For Rescue Work .i a- t'l . ht MI trr 4, L 'VJ!! Ml Scientists Slate Sunday Golden Text "God. the Only Cause and Creator" will be Uie topic of Sun day's lesson-sermon at the First Church of Christ, Scientist. 10th and Washington at the regular morning worship service. Divine worship is at 11 o'clock. , with Sunday school classes meeting ! downstairs in Uie church at the I same hour. Golden Text will be. "All nations whom thou hast made shall come and worship betore thee, O Lord; and shall glorify thy name. For thou art great, and do est wondrous tilings: thous art God Alone" IPs. 96:9.10i. Among citations are. "Know unto God are all his works from the be ginning of the world." (Acts 15:181, and from the "Science and Health With Key to the Scriptures." by Mary Baker Eddy, will be the follow ing: "There Is but one creator and one creation. This creation consists of the unfolding of spiritual ideas and Oieir identities, which are em- I braced in the infinite Mind and 1 forever reflected." A weekly meeting is held at 8 p. m.. Wednesday, and a reading room Is maintained at 1023 Main weekdays. , -S S&Sffi. Survivor and rescue workers at Vaiiport City. Ore., niakf a human chttln to puu alone wounlrd and crippled persons to safety across a makeshift bridge of planks laid over the wrerkage of their city. Bud Selby To Sing Solo "If I Have Wounded Any Soul Today" will be the solo number to be sung by Bud Selby at First Christian church for Sunday morn ing. The sermon topic. "What Profit Should We Have If We Pray?" will be given by the pastor. The weekly observance of the Lord's supper comes at 11 a. m. each Lordsday, and at 8 p. m. The organ prelude will be, "Pass Me Not Oh Gentle Savior," with variations by Arm strong. Bible school sessions begin at 9:45. The church school has entered a contest with the Christian churches of Southern Oregon. The local church school leads now in weekly average attendance. Christian Endeavor meets at 6:30 for the youth sessions. Ten inter mediates graduated from eighth grades and will now have their own Intermediate group. All young peo ple are Invited to meet with the seniors, intermediates and juniors. Evening evangelistic service be gins at 7:30. This is the informal session in which every person has a part. The sermon will be "The Man of the Ark and the Rainbow, Could He Hold His Own Today?" CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks to our kind friends and neighbors for their contributions of clothing, household furnishings, gro ceries and hospital fund during our recent fire, also Fluhrer's bakery and Crater Lake dairy for their do nations. We are extremely grateful. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parker, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Flackus. Classified Ads Bring Real Results' NOW is the time to PAVE DRIVEWAYS PARKING LOTS SERVICE STATIONS Compters paving service asphalt- paving, eoncrtte curbs, etc. For full infor mation and estimates Phont 4930 ADAMS & DAVID CONSTRUCTION CO. 2028 HOPE STREET Revival Set For Tulelake Church Soon Tulelake Church of Christ (Christian) will begin its first re vival meeting this week under the direction of Howard F. Hutchns, pastor at Klamath Falls, and r le R. Freeman of Eugene. Services will be held over several weeks in the new church building across from the high school in Tulelake. All services will be held on day- i light saving time, and will start at 7:45, and be out by 9 p. m. promptly. Rev. Freeman Is a pianist as well i as a well-known preacher, and will i visit among the people of the com- I munity. Pastor Hutchins will be as- i sisting most of the time in the re vival and will do some of the 1 preaching. A charter membership of the church group will be formed. The i building is entirely free from debt and the church looks forward to : filling a real place In the life of the community. A welcome to all of the Tulelake area is expressed as these meetings start off. Bible School Slated By Baptist Unit The regular Daily Vacation Bible school sponsored each June by the Bible Baptist Sunday school will be gin at 8:55 a. m. Monday. June 7. Children of the soutn suburban area are Invited and their parents are urged to co-operate with the Bible school in this special effort. Six out-of-town teachers are com ing to help including two young couples, students of Uie Powelhurst Bible institute of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Perry, and Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Smith. Perry and Smith will have charge of the boys' classes. Verna Balzer, of the Oregon Child Evangelism of I ice in Salem, will have charge of the music. Mrs. Julia Spencer, formerly of this city, now attending Multnomah School of the Bible will also be back home in time to help. The teaching staff will be made up of 15 teachers and 12 teachers' helpers. Mrs. Elva Brovies is the director of the school and Pastor Keith P. Fields is general advisor. A special class for adults will be In session each morning for parents of children who bring their children and would like to stay. The class will take up the major Bible doc trines and will be led by the pastor. The school is open to any and all children of four years old and older. Book Of John To Be Studied 1 Expository studies of the book of ; John I will be the text for the morning service at the Bible Bp ! tist church for the next five Sun j days. The general theme of ; studies will be "We Know" as It us i found numerous times within the ; book of John I. i Communion will be served at the ; conclusion of the morning service ' and new members received. The time of the evening service will be at 7:45 each Sunday for the remainder of the summer season. The public Is cordially Invited. Cut-Off Road ilinq Starts Church Of Christ Bible School Set ' Bible classes are held each Sun : day at 10 a. m. at the Church o( i Christ. 2205 Wantland. Classes for ' all ages are offered. ! J. F. Hargrove conducts worship ' services which are held at U a. m, i Sunday. Evening Bible classes are held at 7:30. A mid-week meeting completes the week's schedule, and Is held at 7.30 p. m., Wednesday. All are welcome. The Chllcquln tut-off entered Its lliial phase of construct Inn this week when Rogers Construction company moved uul Its big equip ment and set crews to olllni!. Alternate layers of oil and rock will be laid on the 3ti-m!le stretch, which will eliminate the Sun moun tain grade of highway 97. This work will continue throughout the meat er portion of the summer montlts. Although Rofiers exjR'cts to get the Job done before deadline, it will be hue summer before the road Is thrown open to truffle. The oiling actually got under way Tuesday morning front Kirk south. Federal Judge Orders Lewis To Bargain With Southern Coal Producers WASHINGTON, .lime 4 i.l'i Ind eral Judge Alan T, ( today ordered John l l.cwli to liar lain wtlh the Southern Coal Pro ducers association, headed by Jo seph E. Moody, OoldsborouKh mauled it court or dei asked by attorneys representing Robert N. Dcnhuin, gcnci'itl counsel of the national labor relations board. The Judge said that It was ap parent from the record that Lewis did not want In bargain Willi the Southern association became ho wanted to "destroy" It. He suggested that the tUillcil Mine Workers chief ntltht desire In bring about the destruction of the Sntiihern assn-lntlon "because It Is harder to deal with" a slntle unit than with representatives nt the It smaller associations tltroush the "nuth which make up the associa tion. "1'nreasotiahle" "Certalnlv It's unreasonable In th's niTsent case for Hie tin'nn to auv "We're entitled In one representative- for 99 units and the Southern Producers association is not entitled to one renresentatlve fm w associations' " he continued "That Is not only not logical, but I ' not re-snnable " the Indite jntd New contract talk between cnnl nnrralnr and Lewis broke down Vav IK when I.ewU refined In enn sent to wlt iltllor at the eon. frrriK-r tM as the association's representative. Uolibbiiiouuh mild: ', , , Hut when Ihe time cnines Hint any movement whether labor or not mulct Hikes to carry out Its wishes by methods which ultimately disintegrate society nt that point It must slop." The soil eoal contrail entires June 30, allowing, leu than a month (in the operator, and Lewis In make a new agreement. Morn than one third of the na tion's soft eoal Is produced by (he roups maklm up the Houtlirrii association. Cloan-Up Day In Merrill Slated MKIIUIl.L, Jims 4-Htinday, June 111 will be city wide clean-up dav and there'll he no lavln' abed until Hip sun la high If city folks want to help awlslt Ihe (own clean. Oily fire deimrliiieiit buddies will be helped by the Molls club and the VFW pmt and those who will h In charge arc inning that everynns cooperate by having trash In con tamers mil where trucks can pick II up. Vacant lots are also being eyed and alleys loo will rome In for a face lining. Classified Ads 111 lliu Ileal Results! J. L. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor New Office Location 3UII North Itli Hi. Phone u:uo will be married Ihe th. and Dor othy Chlel, daughter of Mrs Lor ell Conley who will be a bride of the 15th. John Bonnarens of I.iikrvlrw was In Paisley Sunday visiting his son. Jo, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde nramlett were In The Dalles at the time of the flood. Taylor Fills In For Tweet Sunday In the absence of Rev. Irvln Tweet, L. E. Taylor will conduct worship services this Sunday at 11 a. m. at the Klamath Lutheran church. The sermon, from Matthew 5:5 Is "The Meek." and was written by Clovis G. Chappell. The men's quartet will furnish special music, "Hear Thou Our Prayer, O Lord." Junior and senior Sunday school classes will meet at 9:45 a. m. Sixth Sermon Due Sunday The sixth sermon In a scries based on the theme of "Victorious Chris tian Living" will be presented by Victor A. Schulze, pastor of the Zion Lutheran church. 11th and High streets, in the regular morning wor ship beginning at 11 o'clock. The topic of this sermon will be. "How To Meet Temptation." Holy com munion will be celebrated in this service. The Sunday school and Bible class will meet at the regular time. 9:45 a. m. The Zion Fellowship club will hold its regular monthly social and business meeting on Sunday eve ning In the social rooms of the church. This meeting will begin at 7 30 o'clock. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all members and friends to attend. Weyerhaeuser Men Complete Courses BLY, June 4 The standard first air course given at Weyerhaeuser camp 6 has been completed by the following: Fred A. Peters. Robert Winfield. Fred West. Lloyd More head. Samuel O. James. Archie R West. R. M. Wtolf. Q. L. Oood. Har old Winfield and Moe Amarol. Candidates for advance first aid course will be held in Bly In the near future. Paisley Week-end visitors In Paisley over Memorial Day were Mr. and Mrs. Bud Pollock of Redmond. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Hadley of Bly. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Banister of Lakevlew. Al bert Banister of Portland, and Mr. and Mrs. Orle Banister and Mr. and Mrs. Clint Banister of Alluras. Calif. Paisley people who were In Lake view Sunday Included Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Moss. Mr. and Mrs. Her man Roberts, Ony Thompson. Steve Roberts Jr.. Lewis DeLarm. Jim Stafford. Mrs. Ray Houston and daughter, Juaiilu, and Ray Nelson. Bartle Banister, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Banister, went for a two-week visit with relatives of Alturas, Calif. June brides-to-be of Paisley In clude Juanita Houston, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Houston, who Don't delay, enter the navy's Win a Trip contest today. First Church of Christ, Scientist A briarh ml Tha Malhrr rbarrh. Tht Hrtt Church f C'hrUI. ArlrnlUt, In Bailn, Ms 10th and Washington Services: Sunday Service, 11:00 a. m. Sunday School, 11:00 a. m. Wednesday Evening Meeting. 8:00 o'clock. Letson-Sermon Subject, June 6 "God The Only Cause and Creator" Christian Science Reading Room 10-13 Main 8L RADIO BROADCAST SATURDAY 3:45 P. M. KFJI Subject, "Proof Thot Christian Science Heals" Rnjor llralth. first. Comfort and Hospitality t the BUCKHORN MINERAL SPRINGS SANITARIUM v- Drink our fa-.W-S room Mineral "it ? ? Walfn 1Uf' Ut KI4n9, lll4 d". Ntomtrb. and ftsV- In-tlnl Ail. -A menu, (iall Hlfttf- VVt7- dr Traitblf, ( ttlptlUn "Your flrallh ! Our Huslnru" Itol Mineral k4 Mv4 Halh far Khu RtAllim, ArlhrltU, N'vurMN, . , blfh mn4 li ttl4 frMr, Hkin Kruptuni. Carbnn nioiltW Vapar Hlh far mm. f.rmmt, .'!, Ulna mn4 Rrn- chltit. Tmr rrrvalln mr aUllt4 InformalUM 44rt nt'CKHORN M IN KRAI. nrHINfl SANITARII M RT. I AiMftn. Or r Than t-ang OUlanra DR. MtRH Wrtl llt. nirvrlar ( IIIROI'RAt 1 l 111 V 4 1( IAN m ':S":' X "opeTT7mo53o"7!Ti DR. OMAR J. MOLES OR. WILLIAM B. SIDDENS Iliis sign says "STOP' tolrouble ! amrovioV Little troubles can grow into big ones. Let our ex pert mechanics make a thorough check-up now and stop them before they get serious. Special equip ment and factory-engineered and inspected parts will help them do the job quickly and efficiently. Gresham Motors Tulelake, Calif. Phone 4871 Ytu'll find tht men who know yevi cor best oi TM1 HON OP Mm 1IRVICI Leons Tots-to-Teens . . SATURDAY ONLY AN "UNUSUAL" SAVING ON INFANTS' TRAINING PANTS AND SHOES ... FOR ONE DAY ONLY . . . DON'T MISS THEM . . . THEY ARE NEEDED ITEMS. EVERY MOTHER USES LOTS OF THEM FOR HER CHILDREN . . . AND LOOK HOW YOU WILL SAVE ... TRAINING . . . Some of the finest combed cotton training pants you'll see . . , specially designed to "stay up" , , , values to 69c . . 3fs SOFT SOLED INFANT ... Y n n rmW Regular (1.49 all-white leather Infants' shoes . . . sites 1 to 3 . , . excellent for fit and wear . . while they last , . . Leons Tots-To-Teens sh0P 602 MAIN FOR THE Give a Gift She'll Use and Treasure . . . You'll Find Them All at Fyock's fo G-E and Proctor Roasters $44.57 up ToaStSTS Nationally knnnn brands $ I 6.95 Up Coffee Makers Popular iliei nd ma krt ... $3.95 up Portable Rotary G-E Automatic Ironers, $69.75 . $49.75 r IrOnS G-E, Hunheam and most other brands $7.00 up fa G-E Irons Combination steam and dry $18.88 Aluminum,' Waterless fa West Bend Cooking Ware .n $17.50 fa Presto Cookers vt, ,d 6-,t. .i $12.45 lip fa G-E Kitchen Radios , $ 1 9.95 p fa G-E Vacuum Cleaners $44.95 up fa Revere Ware fa Apartment Size Washer, fa Sunkist Electric Juicer $12.65 fa Juice O' Matic Juicer $4.50 fa Pin-Up Lamps A bit variety $2.95 up fa Home Hair Dryers $18.00 fa Arvin Sandwich Toaster & Waffle Iron $27.95 fa Sampson Automatic 'Pop-Up' Toaster $21.95 llrmitiful chromo flnhh, ropprr bottom. Vllh Wringer. FYOCK'S 1001 Main YOUR GENERAL ELECTRIC STORE Phone S400