PACE TWELVE HfcRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON Gems Stride Notch Ahead Blengino Beats Willows, 8-7 A squeese victory over the Willows Cardinals last night, 8-7, stretched the Klamath Gems victory string to three straight and lotted the locals Into second place in Par west league standings. Santa Rosa s Pirates, leading the league (or three weeks, fell into third and Ororille took over first. The Gems are just nan a game DacR 01 uie Kea txw. The Gems were out-hit again last night, apiwrenUy a normal routine, but came from behind twice to overtake Willows leads. Lefty Bob Blengino came to his second decision ol the season, nls second ., win against no losses. Hilllard Becson. centerfielder, batted In the winning run for Klam ' ath Falls in the seventh frame, getting a single behind Tom Mankey who had singled and swiped sec- ond base. Up to that time the count had been locked at 7-7. Willows scored once In the first Inning and twice each in the sec. ond. third and fifth. The Gems Dushed across two in the first frame, one' In the second, one in the third, three In the fifth to tie the score, i Tht fifth Inning splurge came on only one hit, a single by Bob Wallace to lead off. Consecutive errors at third and short helped the Gem rally considerably. How ever, the locals weren't spotless in the error department. Wallace let ' a roller through his legs In the second stanza to give Willows two ; runs and HrI Taylor set up an other two-run donation by falling to bend far enough after another roller, ALL EXPENSIVE Rick Small cut loose a wild throw on a rundown and Dick Descalso dropped a fly In left field. All four ' Klamath errors were expensive and . if Hurler Blengino hadn't fanned ' 11 he'd have never come out with a victory. Andy Nunez, Medford castoff, ' pitched fairly good ball for the Cardinals. The game was highlighted by several hot arguments with the . umpires and two Cards Manager ' Jim Tyack and Shortstop Haig Apoian were thumbed out of the . game for prolonging disputes. The Cards finished up with a pitcher - playing second base and another In left field. The two teams meet again to night In the closing game of their '. series, kickoff time 7:30. Box score: WILLOWS ABIH O A g MlUel. 3b S 1 1 FRIDAY, JUNE W4I ' Kiniurd , cf - Simi. rf , . i Singleton, lb - Tyack, lf-M Anson, 2b , ! Apoian, i ' Zolliecoffer, If Harding. tt ; Clear. 3b Morgan, , . ' Nunez, p .5X10 .502800 Catfish Derby Slated Final arrangements for the 1948 catfish derby have been completed and everything is in readiness, ac cording to Chairman Eddie Nave of the Medford 30-30 club, sponsoring organization. The derby will be held Sunday, June 6, at Touvelle state park, which is located near the south approach of Bybee bridge on the Rogue river. Sportsmen are reminded that they may catch their fish anywhere, any time so long as they register entries at the judges' stand not later than 3 p.m. Judging of catfish entries will follow the fun program scheduled to commence at 1 p. m. Prizes will be awarded for the most catfish, the heaviest catfish and the youngest and oldest catfishermen. A hand some gold sweeps Utkes trophy will be awarded on the basis of over all fishing ability. Highlight of the festive afternoon will be the coronation of Queen Janet Coyle, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Coyle of Medford. Follow ing the coronation ceremonies will be a program ol contests and enter tainment reminiscent of an old- fashioned Fourth of July picnic Prizes will be handed out to the boy with the shortest hair, the old est man and lady, youngest baby, most recently married couple, per son with the reddest hair and many others. There will even be a contest for the oldest car. Rainiers Cut Frisco Lead To Two Games By The Associated Preaa The Seals have suds in their eyes today, Seattle Suds. San Francisco's Pacific Coast league leading Seals also have Seat tle breathing down their necks, for the Rainiers are now only two games behind the pace setters. There was a mess of hitting in last night's encounter but when the shooting ended there was Seattle on top. 6-4. The Rainiers got 14 blows off three pitchers while Sau Fran cisco smacked 11 off Herman Besse, who won his eighth straight game. Lett Fielder Earl Rapp ol Seattle collected two doubles, two singles. a waix, drove in lour runs and scored one himself. Seattle HUns Layne got three hits in four trips to uie piate. so did San Fran Cisco's Catcher Doxle Howell. A crowd of 13,5m, largest of tin season at Seattle, watched their lads take a 3-1 game lead in the current series. BEAVERS WIN AGAIN Third place Los Angeles took an other trimming, meantime, from the last place Portland Beavers. 7-5. A run in the third, three in the seveuui and three more in the eighth, in cluding Harvey Storey s homer, were what Portland needed. The Angels tallied on Cliff Aber- son's homer in the third alter Al Glossop and Com Dallesandro singled and twice more in the ninth on Pinch Hitter Eddie Lukou's homer with a man aboard. San Diego tok over fourth place from Oakland by a couple of per centage points by beating the Oaks 4-3. The Padres won on Johnny Jensen's ninth inning single with the bases loaded. Jensen homered in the second. Sacramento and Hollywood di vided a doubleheader. The Salons took the seven-inning ooener 3-1 and the Stars grabbed the full length afterpiece. 3-2. Marv Oris. som pitched the first game win .1. lowing sa hits, and drove in a run himself in the eighth. The Stars got 11 hits in the second game but needed two ninth Inning runs to win. produced when Rip Russell tripled and Lou Stringer homered. F.rll.n AB a OAK Rucker. of 4 I 0 Z. 3 0 140 Lazor-" 1 a 1 a a a rieming. P 1 0 0 0 0 0 Smith. If 5 0 0 0 0 0 Storey. 3b 3 110 3 0 Totals .38 7 10 24 IT 4 KLAMATH FALLS AB K H i Wallaca. 2b 4 11 ; Small, lb 3 Taylor, b 4 ! Anselmo, rt . , 3 Mankey. 4 Mull. 0 3 2 10 110 113 1X0 ; Bccaon, cf : DeacaUo, U Blengino. p . Total, WUlows .301 10 .41 100 .4 0 0 0 1 31 S 0 27 12 4 122 020 0007 211 030 lOx S 2B Mankey. 3B Small, Mankey. Klamath Fall, SUMMARY: Taylor. Simi. SB Ktnnard. SO by Blengino 11. Nunez 5. Walk, off Blengino 2, Nunez 0. EH Klamath ! . Wtllowi 7. LOB Klamath 4. Willow, I Umpire, UhaM ana Ron 3:20. Redding Out-Clubs Santa Rosa Pirates By The Associated Press The value of a smart single, locked at the right time, was dem onstrated neatly In the Far West league last night. Klamath Falls' WUliard Beeson singled, his only hit. In the seventh Inning to give Klamath an 8-7 vic tory over Willows. The blow scored Tom Mankey who had singled and stolen second base. At Pittsburg, Jim Hughes of Oro ville singled home the winning run in the fifth as Walt Evans out pitched Dave Stratum to win, 3-2. Evans yielded three hits. Stratum live. At Medford, Larry Smith of Marysville held the Dodgers to four hits but lost 8-1 because his control was poor. Manager Larry Shepard of Medford had better luck. His four-hitter was minus the walk that plagued 8mith. Free bases helped Redding to a 20-12 win over Santa Rosa. Four Pirate pitchers Issued 17 walks and gave up 14 hits. Manager Danny Reagan and Don Wagner, both Santa Rosa, hit home runs. Belcastro, Knox Have Top Event A battle between Pete Belcastro and Glen (Buddy) Knox second of a series is brewing for the armory main event tonight. Knox and Bel castro are the titular heads of the mat fraternity now current on the Northwest circuit and always afford a maximum of action when In the ring. Last week Knox knocked off Bel castro in a couple of quick falls during a donneybrook match and left the rugged Pete clamoring for a return engagement. The return is scheduled for five rounds. Two other matches on the card will be four-rounders. The Phantom, a new masked wrestler on the circuit, gets a trial with Milt Olsen In the semi windup and Al Szasz collides with Gordon Hessel. another new man to the circuit, in the curtainraiser. Southend Hunters Bring Back Bearskins Perry Haley of Malln and Doe Bowman of Merrill brotuht bark material lor five bearskin run from hunting trip Into British Columbia. A sixth animal was killed but left with friends up north. - Good Angling Seen For Close Of Week Mole, lb , Reich, rf 4 Silver, e - B9inkL 2b-. 4 Tot, p , ........ 1 Mullen-"-2b 1 Total 36 T 11 Strutted for Zak In 7th. Sincled for Tow In 7th. Lw Anfeles AB B Garrtott, cf . , 0 6 Schuster, m 5 0 Glouop. 2b 3 1 1 taiiesanoro. it , ,, -i l l Aberson. rf 4 1 1 CHtrowtki. 3b . 3 0 1 Sanford. lb 4 1 Novotney. C t Burnett -a 1 1 0 Hafer. n 1 ft 0 Lynn, p i 0 L anfranconi, p ..0 0 0 Lukon-aa 1 1 1 Totals 33 S IT 10 3 a Forced Sanford for Norotnay in 9th. aa Homered for Lanfranconi In 9th. Portland 001 000 330 T Los Anfeles 003 000 0025 SUMMARY: Winning pitcher Tote: Losinc pitcher T. Ha fey. Left on bases Portland 6. Los Angeles 4. Two base hits Rucker, Ostrowski. Home runs Aberson. Storey, Luk on. Runs batted in Rucker 3. Lazor 3. Storey. Basinskl. Mullen. Aberson 3, Luk on X Double plays Garriott to Glossop: Glos sop to Schuster to Sanford: Garriott to Schuster to Ostrowski. Time 2:19. Um pires Gordon. Zngeln and Do ran. At tendance 3310. BROOKLYN Frank! e Abrams, 146, Detroit, outpointed Roman Al varez. 1444. New York. 10. MINNEAPOLIS Jackie Graves, 1264, Austin, Minn., outpointed Harold Dade, 123 Vi, Chicago, 10. Softball Loop Has Three Tilts City Softball league play will i continue on Modoc field tonight ' with three games scheduled for the i arc-lighted turf. ! At 7:30, Elllngsons will tangle With Ashley Chevrolet and fh : Pour Star Merchants will take on the Knights of Columbus. At 8:30, Eagles will meet VPW. The other schedule spot for to night's second 8:30 tilt has been left open, and will probably be filled In with two teams not oc cupied otherwise. Fishing Days Ahead Prepare NOW! Fly Rods ; 10.95 2 Tips, Tonkin Cane I Casting Rods -k Lures Galore " GUN STORE 714 MAIN WE BUY USED GUNS Appraisal Fret Sport HAL'S Shop S3 Mala Phone iset The best fishing of the season so tar is the prospect for this week end, according to all reports from lakes and streams in Klamath and nearby counties. In the northern part of Klamath county angling has been only fair all week because of high water, but Odell lnke has been a surprise. Some of the largest fish taken this season have been pulled from deep Odell. Many are taken on red - head plugs, trolling, and average from three to eight pounds. Jo BabcocK recently hooked a 13-pound Dolly Varden on such a plug. Crescent lake -has been poor and the road to Miller lake Is still blocked by snow. Annie creek. Wil liamson and Wood rivers have been good all week and the Upper lake has been consistently good. Some nice catches have been tak en out of Lake o' the Woods. Over In Jackson county squaw lake and the popular Fish lake have re ported good fishing and good trout angling Is expected in all streams of Jackson and Josephine counties. In the main Rogue bait and spinner probably will be most effective. Anglers are keeping an eye on the mountains these stormy days, wondering whether there will be any fishing In such lakes as Dia mond. East and Paulina on open ing day. June 15. Tile road to Diamond lake is open but the branch roads around to the summer homes call for walking and the snow Is still very deep. 19 Make Up Legion Star Ball Squad Nineteen players from last year's American Legion Junior baseball league are called for practice at 2 p. m. Saturday at Recreation field. They will make up the all - star Junior Legion squad that will repre sent Klamath Falls In outside com petition. Jack Bothwell will coach the team. The hooks are out now for games for the composite squad. Six other teams are being formed for the Junior Legion circuit and play is scheduled to begin June 9. Teams will represent Mills. Alta- mont. Conger. Hillside. Tulelake and Merrill. Members of the composite team who will work out Saturday after noon include Gary Dawes. Bob Mc Pherson. Ed Whitney, Wllber Elliott. Dick PetToldt. Alfredo Hcrrera. Har lan Johnson. Bud Banta. Jim Flora. Dick Hobart, John Shade. Ronnie Dlmmlck. Oaynor Huck. Dick Sauers.'Del 8mlth. Joe Ball, Keith Donahoo. Don Allen and Dean Kronberger. U. S. Entries In British Derby EPSOM. England. June 4 (Al American chances of a derby win at Epsom tomorrow rose steadily aa windy showers and slow footing were predicted for the 169th run ning of the British flat racing classic. The chief American hope in the 33-horse event. New York Banker William Woodward's Black Tarquln likes the going heavy and should hr-ve an edge on tough opposition If the bad weather prevails. Bookmakers at the final derbv ccllover tonight are expected to cut the current odds of 100-7 against Black Tarquln. The other American-bred colt. Senator 2nd. is In peak shape for the mile and a half test for three-year-olds. Six Bruins Netted By Basin Men A trek Into the Selkirk mountains near the headwaters of the Colum bia river in British Columbia netted six bears for J. Perry Haley, Mnllii rancner ana M. A. "Doc" Bowman, Morrill realtor, who came bark with two sllverlip grtialtes, two browns and a black bear. One bluck was left with friends In the north. Traveling was rugged and the pair made two 15-lnlle snowslioe trips into the hunting ground, the sec ond made necessary by failure of a plane to drop supplies on land. Food scheduled for the three-week Jaunt luirarhuted Into the river In stead and was Inst soon after Haley and Bowman reached their destina tion. The second supply was taken In on the backs of a couple of guides. ' The bear, killed with .300 Magnum rifles, were taken near snow slides which exposed vegetation for the feeding animals. One especially fine grizzly specl man, a young animal, was brought out. The men also saw mountain goals, caribou and signs of wolverine. They were gone three weeks. Termite queens spend years of their lifetime In dark cells laylnir eggs at the rate of one every two seconds. Ottawa, the Canadian capita). didn't become Ottawa until 1844: before that It was known as By town, after a British colonel, John By. ' South Fork Mineral Springs In Idaho's Payette national forest has an approximate flow of 75.000 gal lons every 34 hours. One theory la that the manna of the Bible was lichen, blown for hundreds of miles by the wind. OUTBOARD MOTORS Authorized SAIIS mn SERVICi IMS S. tk MOTSIE'S PttMftC 4)JIM no.. roof TONDGLHITS Willows vs. Gems 7:30 P. M. GEMS STADIUM Tickets on Sale at: Downtown Ticket Office, phone 8075, IK 8. 8th; Oregon Woolen Store, phone 8873, 800 Main; Ball Park Ticket Office, phone 7433, opens at 8 p. m. 93 pro Yoo wouldn't want to put out a fire widj Hsller's SRS. . . it's too delicious. ITJi it, yen can pot oat the finest highballs yoo ever tatted. Its big her prl means julUr wbiikey Jl. U roa want tri.t,y HalWr. SRS tonight! mm mm 5 Ml III UTO I 1 W 4 5 qf. BLENDED WHISKEV 9 proof-72Vi gram neutral spirit W. A. Halier Corp, phiU, p,. MITAM'S I1ST bmuUt Ui you by Van Heusen Said the fWr; "My wtfurimtr hw hr It' far brtlrr to knit than mak iprtfhrt! Though I firmly MfVtv Hand-knit tot kt can't achirt The prrr tiun a tf 'ttltry Sw k rra hrr 73V ftjjWjW. tf I You'll iiniiiinle the lii-st relnliiiiu ptHsllilo between yiiur foot and yourself vtlicn you treat them to these soft, luxurious virgin wool hose, innile liy WoNny, imported by Van Hi'iiaen. IIUO-HHIlUMi, they will nnlohrink nut of size. Theie all-wool imported lox will out-lost ordinary type many times, All lhadai to choose from. SHORTIES WITH ELASTIC TOPS Pr. 1.65 LONGIES 2.00 Pr JmMu MEN'S SHOP MAIN FLOOR Western Mail UBaq . . . Long-Distance Pacers Have FBI Men In Field PHI, I.MAN, Wimh., June 4 CVi Lung dliiliince runners at the Olympic guinea this auiiimci' will be lucky If they have an PHI ageul on their I rail. If they aren't lucky, they limy be trailing him, The Ll-limn who likes to run down alhlelcs when lie ln't rhanlng criminals Is Pied Wilt, national croMi-coiiiitiy and NCAA two-mile chuinpton al the University of liiilliuiu III 11)4 1. This yrur lie la gunning fur the lop lo.OOO-iucier npm on the U. H. Olympic leuiii. Pred has run Mime iluou unit's In dally workouts over the lust lit years. Mils season he has been pouring It on to develop alumina and (he rhnuces are Hint Will won't wilt. The Ull sent hint to this liunie town of WutJilngloh Hlate rullrue last February us resident agent. Since then ho has been working out steadily on (he Cuugur truck. Juck Mnoucrry, Wuslilngtun ttlutc truck couch, contends thai "any body who brum Pied in Hie Ui.lKRia meters tills full win liuvu to set u new world record to do II." Wilt's bent time thin year lor the 10.000 mi'li'is wits 111 luliiutcs 0 seconds. The world record In WillM. set by Vllju llcino of Pin land. Wilt's lime Is only 07(1 sec onds off the Olympic murk set by Jimusx Kiuix'liMkl of I'olmid In 1UJJ at Um Angeles. Mmibcrry fig ures a lilt In competition would be all thul Will needs to uperd up his time. Kprcud over six miles of running 67 0 seconds doesn't loom big as It docs In the middle dis tances. Wilt has hud to work tint curly In the morning und lute nt nlulu to avoid coulllcts with his Pill work as he tries to gel buck in prewar stride, lie gets advice on Imlnlng from ull over the world. Oosta llolmer, conch of the Swedish Olympic truck Irum since 10'Jt, writes In Ills best P.iikIIs1i to explain how ho developed such runners as Guilder Hurttg. "Al first 1 will tell yuu Hint I wish to give you ull I knew about running." Holmrr wrote, "becuuse we In Sweden are Indebted to America for all your country has given us in athletic." Holmer thinks United Huilcs dis tance runners are "very good" but "quite as we sprint like distance runners, your distance runners run like sprinters." "The difference between Ameri can and Swedish training methods Is Hie runners In UHA Hull! a cer ium distance, but III Sweden we liulu u cettulii time." Looking ini'wurd to the Olymplo gullies In Knglund this summer, Wilt rsprclnlly likes tills messuge fiiim the great Swede coach: "I huie we will meet lit Lon don" Wilt hopes so, too. A ruby-rolorrd humming bird, which iiiukes a noise L'ko a bee mi l la valued ul tlouo. Is owned by P. P. Hopkins, of Surrey, Knulnlid. Oftlclnl entry blanks must, be used when entering the navy's Win a Trip content, obtain yours at M navy recruiting station loduy, J Wanted Young Man Dmlrtttg bulnru vxprrlrnr nd imlnhtf In rrull mrrvhunillilng. Opportunity for advmirrmrnL HUli iwhcHil ftlur-lion rrqulml, KArnliiK to trt kpproftlntjitrty l'MO.00 prr m unlit. Apply Standard HUttunt, Inc. 6th und Klamnth BASEBALL GAMES Gems Stadium Willows June 3rd & 4th Medford June 5th, 6th and 7th Roierved and General Admission 'Ticket on Sale at Oregon Woolen Store 8th t Main Phone 87l ,s. Here's "Double Rich" Value , J. 3 20 45 q. $205 pint "Double-Rich" Cream of Kentucky Gives You "Doiible-Hi. h" SmoollinoM "Doublc-Kich" Kciilucky ThnIc "Douhlc-Rich" Vithic . . . Ihthuhc "Crcnm" aives vt)ii grenlor enjoyment tit a lower price. I ry it today 1 M LI A H.,l M.rli Wbllt.r Blended Whiskey. 86 Proof. 70S Grain Neutral Spirits. Copr, 1948, Schenle, Oiitlllen Corp., N. V. C.