THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1948 HFRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. ORECON PACE THIRTEEN V Western Mail DBag a a New Mexico Opens Another Quarter Horse Track HILVKIl CITY. N. M Juno 3 l11-Tlie land of tlm iUiirtrr Imrsa Is tnklnii mi tlinroimlibri'd riulim In bin wuy. A mill Now Mrxlcn true k- CMKMrnu Hllver Park, will) purl inutuel brtlhiK opens tod n v fur three uerk-rnda of ratlini. Mrelliws urn hrld niiiiuully lit I'arinlUKtiin, Uiilnn. Itiildnan mill Al biiiiieriiio'a alnte fiilr Willi tot 11 1 plant oullaya Hint run will over n million dollars. Thill's Jnal iihout 'i per ciipltn (or nil III tliln stale of wliln open spares. I'm I iiiiilui'la wero In Iu:i7. New Mrxlniiiii. who always ' Iwvn been wllllnK U wimrr a few I htirkN. rutiuht on oulrklv mill the MJSTANDINGS KAK WKHT W. I.. Bnlllll Itmn 11 13 Orovllln Ift II Kliiiniilli Falls lit VI Itrddlnu M la Murvsvllle 13 14 Mrdtord i:t 19 wuiowii ii in PltlnutirK II ID Yealerday's Itriulla Klninnlli Kiilln 0. Willows 6. Vnlfnrd a. Marvavlllr 4. f'llt.ilnim lit Ormllle 14 ItrililliiH 0, Hiintit Honu fl. Pit. .mm im AM .sin Am .4411 .4117 .407 14 If) 17 SI 31 34 211 AMKIIK AN I.KAdl K X-tMrvrlnml 31 13 L'l-.llndrlphla 311 ftrw York 11 Ft. Uillls 17 Il-trnll 10 VnhliiKtun 10 itmliill IS ('hli-scn 10 x-Terhnlrslly Cleveland lit linlf pame behind aerolld plare IMllln d"l"hla. However. Cleveland U the barter berame of li hlpher per rrnliiKc which In the drternilnliiii fmior, Yr.trrrtav'. IliMitilu Nrw York I. Drlrolt 0. HI. UillU 3, ltonlnll I. WiinlllliKton 3. Cleveland 1. C'hlcoito 7. I'lillnitrlphlit 3. NATIONAL I.CAIII K New York 31 14 Ht bulls 30 1(1 Pittsburgh ... 30 17 H'wtnll 8 17 Philadelphia in 30 llnmklyn 17 30 flnrlnnnll in 33 Clilmiio in 33 YeMerd.v's Re.tilia Chlroo 3, Philadelphia I. New York 7. Cincinnati 4. Ilrooklyn 8. m. Uuili 3. PAC'IKIC t'OAKT Hun Kranrlsro an 33 Seattle 34 21 Ix Anseles in 2 Oakland jn ja Bun Dlfdo 33 jn l'flltvwood , 3 34 Hacramento 30 3n Portland 30 41 Yetrrdav'. Itmulta Racrainrnln 3. Hollywood 1. Sun Weiio , Oakland 4 1 Porllnnil S, I on Anurlea 0, Heattle 3. Sun franclsco 1. Jim Brink Tops College Net List SEATTLE. Juno S uiv-Headed by Jim llrlnk, nationally ranked lennin plnvrra, II University of WaMilnmnn athlete have been named lo roin. pete In national rollmlata aihlellc rhamplnnhlu Brink and Jack I.ow. both un beaten In northern division plav, will no to Los Anitelea for tho tennis tolirnev. M Draper, Joe Oreene. Jim Mal lory and Oeorite Holland will repre ent the arhool In the national golf tourney at Hun Francisco. The unlvrralty will send four track men to the nnllonala at Minneapolis. Tliey are Hob Mulr. const quarter mile champion; Don Wold, team captain and two-mller: Jack Hen. ey, half-mller, and Dave Dalby, dlacua thrower. handle lal year waa t:i,l41,000 In tn duya ol riiclnii. Thiil bi'tllnu flnrn la nil old Nrw Mexico ciiatom. The rlpnulnrda bronulit love of liorae rnclnu and in k fliihtlnv. They bet, too. Moat of thean WilKl'rltlK ovellla now nren'l formal nfliilra. Nonlhe leiia the aide beta often run Into four and five fluiirea. The Hllvrr Cltluna who financed Hllvrr Pink nenr hrre atlll rrcnll how two Kl Piiao. Texiina. Iiet Tom my t.youa, tho cuttle baron, 13400 Hint a bicycle rldrr could bent n horao of llielr rhooaluK over the 40 inllea from Silver City to Drin- I1IK '1 hut wua In the allvrr niliilim hrydnva of 1HIIH. J. W. Clntnti and Dr. W. H. Hoi Ion hired II J. Kennedy lo ride the bike. Hilly Kline wna iernundrd to ride a vldoun 8-yeiir-otd pony. Itntller. The ryrlliil ird lo nn enrly lend but bouued down In nuiida of n rnnyon recently wnhed by n cloud burnt. Itnltlrr went ahead then and rvrry lime Ihe bike Irled lo puna. Kiiik maneuvered the horne ao the flyliiK luKivca ahowrrcd iiravet on the Kntllcr rrocd the flnlnh line 3'a nillea ahead. Indians Swap Off Pat Seerey WAWHINOTON, June 3 Tim Cleveland Indiana lodny aaded Uielr aoiitetiiuo aluKkrr Put A4crey and Itrllrf Pitcher Al Clctlrl to thi ChlcuKo While Hox for Outliclilcr Hob Kennedy. Beerey aim Cleltel are to report lo Die White Hox In Phlliideliinu today, and Manitucr Iou Uoudicau Mild he intruded to auirt Kennedy III r.Klit Held hrre lonmhl for III. tribe. No carh wua Involved III Die deal. lloudrrau aald the trade wua made "to help the b.UI club" nuU thai Kcunrdy would be uil III Uie uutlleld anaiiuil aouthpaw piichera. alternallnu us Hrerey did wlt.l Ijiny Doby, who la atnrled In rlglil field nvalnsl riKhtliundris. Salem To Switch Time At Midnight SAI.KM. June 3 i,1'.Hulrin will to on dullKhl snvlim lime nl mid lUKhl toiiluht by Inti nlithl t action of the city council. Indcprmlruee ndvuucrd lt clocks totlny, ajid Hilverton will do no nrxi Hunduy. 'the Salem council'! action cnnic after a poll allowed merchants ri for It 376 to 31. The council alto voted to Rive city employca aalary increases of 15 a month. Wnter iienelriilea but abort dla tnnre Into wood even when It has been lying for weeka In soaking ruin. The grunt la one of the few flshea cnpuble of producing a Bound al though It hna no voice appnrnlua. How' gome weigh le.u than 3 pounds. WE BUY USED GUNS Appraisal r'ret Sport HAL'S Shop 511 Main Phnna SSS Wanted Young Man Desiring bualneaa experience and training In retail merchandising. Opportunity for advancement. High aehoal education required. Karnlnga to atari approximately (240.00 per month. Apply Standard Stations. Ine, 6th and Klamath IF YOUR CAR or HOME RADIO needs repairing . . . visit ASHLEY'S RADIO DEPARTMENT I'se our convenient budget plan . Nothing Down 12 to 24 Month to Pay! All makci of car radioi lo grolled and repaired! Serv ice for all makci of home radioi! Our radio department la equip ped with the luteal eleetrnnlo teat equipment and staffed by expert technicians. We're ready for action! Drlng your ear nr home radio In today. We. guar antee you reul pleasure from your ratlin! ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 South 6th Phono 4113 IK Hour W recker Servlre He Wants It Back hi ' - -7 - J sst. A - 1 er A; v it iii.A si.iil'7i i mull) Tour .ale makrs II plain that he wants the middleweight boxing rrown bark. Iliilb Hie rliallengrr nnd the chump, Itocky (irazlano, are polishing up at Stlllmun's gym In Nrw York. Moose Team Gains First Softball Win The Moose soft bull tenm gained Us ftrat victory of the scheduled smson lust iiIkIiI- nnd how. The score wna 21-17 over Trlro nnd the defeat wna the first of the season for the losers. Other gnmrs plnvcd nt Modoc field saw Tlllelnke VFW top Wever hneuser 8-0. Klnniiith Falls VFW bent Merrill 8-2 nnd Euglca drub Calhoun 14-t. The Calhoun siiiid hna vet lo get on the win side of the lrder. hav ing lost four atrnlitlit for und's puted iMMisrsslon of lust plnce In the 13-tenm circuit. Four Star Merchants. Ashley Chevrolet. KnlKhls nf Columbus and Tlllelnke VFW are leading the lea gue at two wins and no losses. Lest nielli's defeat wns the first for Tel-n and first win for the Eaglea. names rhedulrd for Fr'dnv nbtht will see FlltiiKson's mill tilnylng As'-lev Chevrolet In one 1:30 game while the KC outfit meets the Mer chants tn the other. At 8 30 p:aples play VFW In Ihe only tilt alnled Freight Shippers Free On Delay Pay WASHINGTON. June 3 (TV-Rail-rood freight shippers will not have lo pny for drlnys caused by Pacific Northwest floods, Ihe Interstate commerce coiuinlslon said today. The ICC suspended the demur rage rhurge yesterday on cars held in those accllona of Idaho. Oregon nnd Washington affected by hlgh walera of the Columbia and Bear rivers or their tributaries. The order la effective throughout this month unlras modified by the ICC. Teds Take Class 'B' Ball Title Itoosevelt school's lze D softbnll team won the grade achool chum plonshlp for Ha division yesterday by defeutlng Mills arhool 9 to 6 In a game played on Modoc practice field. The Itoughrldera hud beaten Mills 6-4 Tuesday In the double ellmlnntlon tourney. Mills lost yesterday' tilt on walks, giving up 10 of them and only five hits. The fourth frame waa a dis astrous one for the Mills team as Itoosevelt scored aeven runa, mostly on puasea and errors. Ocne 81. John waa on the mound nnd he gave up four walk that Inning before being relieved by Don Dexter, who gave up a couple more before getting the aide out. Up to that time the score had been 2-2. Mills came up with four runs In the lust Inning but the rally fell short. Don Dexter waa the hitter of the game, getting a (Ingle and two home runa although the last homer didn't count, lie forgot to touch third base. Members of the championship team Include Danny Lowe, Jim fJcvuhs, Ingram Montgomery, Rich ard Boettcher, Delbcrt Cummlngs, Wayne Winkle, Olen Winkle, D. Nlebaur, Joe Shearer and Ro-sa Tomlln. Roosevelt coach la Darreli Poller and Mills coach Is Dean Jonca. Grade achool awards and trophies will be handed out In special as semblies tomorrow. Ben lee becomes fresh at the end of the summer It forms. The salt mells down Into the water again. The smallest gasoline outboard motor ever built was one half horsepower. The Antarctic penguin cannot fly. but la an excellent swimmer and diver. Underwriters Name Putnam For Prexy Life Underwriters nominated of ficers at their noon meeting at the Wlllard on Wednesday with Eldred Putnam named for president. Loy Enrkcr. vice president; O. E. Thomp son, secretnry-treasurer, and direc tors, Ben Gibson, Melvln Bowman and Onll Webb. Don Wilson was a visitor from Portland. National Quality awards were niesented at the meeting to Myrle C. Adams, John Houston, Martin Rw anson, Paul Lee and Paul Winter. Tile world's largest strliied buss enught nn rod and reel wrluhed 73 pounds. II was ratight at Vlnevard Sound. Muss . In 1913 Bports Afield Authorrud OUTBOARD MOTORS Alll and SIRVICI IWIS aik MOTSIE'S BASEBALL GAMES Gems Stadium Willows June 3rd & 4th Medford June 5th, 6th and 7th Reserved and General Admission Tickets on Sale at Oregon Woolen Store 8th & Main Phone 6873 ...FROM ANY ANCLE s Whether you're looking for top quality, or real thirst-quenching goodness... you'll find there's nothing finer than a Canada Dry bev erage. Whenever you're thirsty, refresh yourself with your favorite flavor from a bottle with the Canada Dry shield. Enjoy them all . . . all your thirst desircsl Get some today! CANADDRY BEVERAGES Rainiers Creep Up On Seals Only Three Games Behind Now Hy The Associated I'resa The Brattle itnlnlers, like the Uirudse In that fabled race, are cluing In on the front running Han Francisco Heals In the Pacific Coast league. Six weeks ago Seattle sat In the cellar. Today they're perched in second place, only three games and a handful of pcrcenluge points be. hind the Seals. The current series Is even at a game apiece. Recently Hcattle has enjoyea some fiincy pitching and last night, when they sh..ved another game off the Heals' margin, 2-1, they bene fitted by revived hitting form of Ed Mlerkowlcz In one of those crucial spots. Big Ed, In a slump for a week, whacked a triple and scored on an Infield out for the winning run in the sixth Inning. Johnny O'Nell singled In Earl Kupp In the second for Seattle's other tally. Mickey Rocco's single and Joe Brovlas triple produced the Seals run In the sixth. Seattle didn't win without a strug gle, however. Seal runners were tossed out at the plate twice, once In the ninth Inning. I1KSKE VS. I.KIS Righthander John Corsica won It for Seattle, giving seven hits to Bill Werle's eight. Tonight It'll be He man Besse 17-1) for Seattle and Al Leln '2-1) for the Seals. Portland's Beavers shackled the Los Angeles Angels. -0, on Jake Motty's flve-hlt pitching and hom ers by Charley Silvern. Hcrm Relcn and Harvey Storey which produced four runs. Reich batted In the other two counters with a double. SADDLES Red Adams gave up all the 12 Beaver hits. Mooty. who struck out eight men last night, was on. of six Beavers who lost their homes and belongings In the Vanport, Ore., flood disaster The others were Mayo 8m!th, Frankte Zak, Duane Plllette. Ford Mullen and Fenton Mole. Smith's family was rescued from the roof of his house. It was a bit freakish when Sacra mento got only three hits off Holly wood's George I Pinky) Woods yet won the onll game, 3-1. Rex Cecil gave the Stars nine hits. Ban Diego homers by Daln Clay A blurglll sunflsh may be best distinguished from a pumpklnsced bv a dark spot at the rear of the dorsal fin ton the back). A pump klnseed has a bright orange snot at rear of the gill cover Bports Afield. TEX-TAN LAWRENCE KEYSTON 98.50 up GUN STORE 711 MAIN 8th at Fine All Wool Gabardine SLACKS Pleated front styles; sad dle stitching. Long wear ing gabardine in tan, blue, brown, and grey. Sixes 28 40. 12.95 to 18.95 MAIM FLOOR and Lea Handley and Jack Graham's three-run triple with loaded base constituted the heavy blasting In th. Padre. 8-4 defeat of Oakland. Vfou Wouldn't Do'Wis To Your Car... but down underneath It takes a worse beating Yw car's imdrprtt tafc Wvtal ywdlwg hm rkf mtd gravel kvHMt at tfrvlrof again. Imt metal. "UNOtR- JI AL," m Vi' lk rwbWlxd jwdtraaa coating, prc-tcctt y9wr car from (tM artclva vftlthmc'nt. In MMm, "UNDMJIAl" tMlt 4vtt, NmT, cM ana" fwmlf agatntt nrcl ami tmrtlitj mokee yaur tor rMg qur4r, fait Ion gar. Bring yavr car In fadoy far an UNDIIU 5IAL" ab. And ramambar, "UNDMSIAL . It gworsnfaad ta lad far th Hfc af yaw car H. E Hauger 25 Years Your Bulck Dealer 1330 Main Ph. 5151 Awning Material Just Received LARGE SHIPMENT AWNING CANVAS Greatly Reduced Prices Priced as low as 69c yd. Enjoy a Full Season of Easy Living! ORDER NOW SUN DOWN 123 No. 4th St. Phone 4329 WolirSyirplysi Miniey-Siveirs Hair Loiion 2 for 29c n. a: TENTS WATERPROOF FLAMEPROOF NEW - 14-OZ. 10x12 . ' . 34.50 12x14 n . 39.95 14x14 . . . 42.50 16x32 - - . 39.50 9x9 Umbrella 34.50 .e.'-o.O Prim Deodorant 2 for 25c v VsoV sv CSs Esquire Shoe Polish 2 for 25c Enamel Cups 7c Barbasol Shave Cream 2 for 49c Open Fri. Eve. Till 9 High Quality Paint at Low Cost f ASPADF MFRf ANTIIH 0 527 Moin Phone 3523 Where Quality Comet First