TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1948 HFRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS ORFCON PACE NJNI jAlturas Trek nans rmai Al.TUItAH. Juno 1 All arralniiii nirnta for Ilia caravan lo Wlnne iiiucca. Nevailu on Hit lilll )t June have been ruiiHili'lrd. (Jlvio ormiiiliHtliiiis uuil clminbcrs of cum niorre In Niirtliprn California nml HiiiiUirrn OrcKon, have Ixfij noil (iril. mill liuur tfi'lctiatlun It ex pected In niiiko Ilia trip. The Mixiuc enmity clminlirr nl commerce will be hosts to Uir ilrlr miiiiui fililiiy niulii when dinner Will bo Hltl'VFll U) those lllllllllllllU from ouUltlc iiuliitji. In (ho morn lull Ihry will be served breiikfnsl by tilt cIiiiiiiImt mill tli caravan will leave hero by V:UU H, in. t.'riliii villa will liiive basket liinrh prepared which will ho served nl noon un some selected spot i( Ilia lilgliwuy crosslnit Wushoe county, Neviulu. Arriving nl Wln iicmucca nl (1:00 ) m. I tn-y will be riitcrtaliird by Ihc Wlnncmuwii chamber of ciiiiiincrcc, mid the big mi-i'llnn will be hrlil un Holiday, Juno 13. Anyone bavins nil Interest In pro motinit I J ir biiililiiiK of highway from Wlnncmuccii to Korrkii, me mkrd tn attend, ltura Hunk, sec retary of Uio Modoc comity chamber of commerce, asks llml ntiyono In tKiulinil In iniikc II ic lrl(i, to Inform hrr so Hint aniMiiicmciil can ba mude for tlir ovrr tiliihl mop In AUtirus nnd she run Inform the WiniirimiiTn Liiiiinljrr secretary of the iiiimbrr rxiHH'ird, mi he enn arrange for thr ovrr muhl Atop in Jlijil ci:y. I ho niruvun will br f-ui't ul Uio rliumbpr In Wlnno iiiuitu it Uio iipw Monuiim Inn In llml rlty. Mrs. tiurk, locul secretary emi bp coiiUdcd, cure of Hip chamber of coiiuncicc, Alluriu, Cnllfiirnln. langell Valley Hob HPntri In at Armukle, L'nllf.. rounding up entile. Mm. Healer Jimmy nie with hpr mot hrr, llcssle Campbell. Mr. mid Mrs, Orvlllr UcVatil uitd Mm. I'uul Kltyhugh mid IJclberl re turned rrirtny from Klngnburg. Calif,, wicrc thry vinltcd par piiiii. Mr mid Mrs IIiIIIp IJrVnul DrVmil Imd turn In Hip hospital but l much improvpil. Mm. Cecil CoiiIpv of Clrmita Pas also t Kingsbury with tin" DeVaula, v Kmnonn Hlory of Hpraitiic River pent the week-end with Pauline Nrblc. Mr mid Mm Uny Ilnvii mid Onl ine wiu Tuesday 111 Klnmaih fulls xtth thflr dmuthter. Mm. Johnnie Campbell nnd fumlly. Frank llPiiry nf Onklnnd. Cnllf.. arrived Hiindny to visit Ida niece. Mrs full llumett nnd fnmlly. Tue. ilnv evpiilni! the llurnetta. Jim Womack. Joe Nork mid frank Henry were dinner guests at the Icsvltl home. Mm floh Heater and Jimmy and Mra. llcssle Campbell spent Wedllrs riav at Ashland with Mra. Camp bells brolhera. Claienre and Jay Walker. Mm. Mae Clnle pent Tueday with Mra. Mary Dearborn and Mr Sinn l.evllt, " Mm. Tort' evhmrdll and amall I.inda Kay returned home at Maltn after upending aevernl dnya with Ml. and Mm. W. U. Campbell. Oftborno Womnck of 1'ennnnt, Calif., apent the week-end In lJn gell valley vlnltlng his Hire anna. Jim. Ralph and Prank, and attended high ariionl grnduatlon earrcUiea w hen Jim wn graduated. Mr. and Mra. C. C. Vorce of Klamath Palla ars (pending aevernl daya with their daughter, Helen Noble and fnmlly. Mm. telnnd llurrla nnd daughter, nillle, vlnlted frlentU nl Mt. Shaatn. Cnllf , Wediieiwiny. Mr. and Mra. William Bernard and anna ent Sunday at the flea ', mo Campbell home and helied Eve lyn Sealer cclebriite her birthday. Cora Invltl vlalted Saturday ' with llliea Home. Mr. nnd Mm. Alex Noble of Ann lund vlhlied Mr. mid Mra. Cleorge Ni.ble. Alex and Oeorga are broth em Mra. John Hutllvnn and Mra. Mne dale npent Thumdny nl Mnlln with Mm. Nellie quick and Mm. Stan lev Johnnnn. Dorla llidite of Tnlelnko "pent Ihi dny with her purentn. Mr. and Mm. t-e.Mor Lenvltt nnd grandmoth er Mra. Mary Dearborn. Mr. nnd Mm. Eddie Kupert and Mr and Mm. Mill llnlen and their fiimlllen veiled their pnrenU, Mr. and Mm. Homer Drpuy, lTldoy and Bntiirdny, . Mr. nnd Mm Al Dearborn and llplen ient Hnturdny evening with Mr. nnd Mra. l Lenvllt nnd Mry 'Jfpnrborn. rHI. nnrnnhna guild will meet at the home nf Bonnie Pernhmd. June 3. Fverynne l Invited. ARROW SHIRTS For the Graduate . LUGGAGE BILLFOLDS (ilve him a gift of everlasting use. Our quality line of luggage, all typea of plerea. and our amall leather goods fit exactly Into that category! We will gladly emhnsa Ills name or Initials free of charge In (old on any billfold purchased, I i Sielf lfll-i Jfmf AT YOUir LIIKKAfltY IKIOKH Hi: KN'II.V HI.CKIVKIII lute City ICilllloii by Joseph llerr. berg. 'Un Child la High! by Jiinien llrm mliig. The Bleep I'lnces by Noruiun An gell. Peine or t'm ur by Hiirnld llutler. Clod Coiifronui Mnu III lllsliiry by llriuy Coffin. Itoiimnce of Mlnmp Colleiilng by r ent Kchr. Hliindiiril Book of Hewing by Dru cella Iiwi lo. KxploiiiiK Art by I. nine Kuln.. Diuwlug by Hcelng by lloyt Hhrr luiiu. ,'umplrln Hook of lulorlor Decor ating hy Mory Derlrux. Htiiiibeu Ulii by Junies Plexuer. Ainrrlnill I'nlutlng: Klrat Plowem of New Knuliind by Jumps Plpxuer. HpH of All by l.ulse Kulnz. Camera Art bv Kmlly Oenauer. Hook of Hllllmeaduw by Olndya Tnber. Mother lxle Album by Othelo Wpstoii. Presldrnla on Pnrade by Hirst Mll-hollen. Johnny Christmas by Porrester Bluke. Murrliigo of Claudia by Itnse Piunkon. j Asylum Por the queen by Mildred Jordun. ! Mi'rrhuula of Vulor by Clnrece Kellund. I Another Year by Robert Hhcirlff. Piro by Cieoige Hlewnrt. 'rummy Out of Time by Cld Sum ner. HTOIIM l)r:TKCTI).V Oieuu waves pounding on 1 rocky const, nnd tiny rock waves In the earth's solid crust, can be scien tifically unulywcl to detect storm centers hundred, even thousands of miles nwuy nnd to tell how fast they me moving mid In what direction. HERALD AND NEWS COMICS Honplcsa soiiiis were first used In ' the textile Industry for wool scour j lug and the treatment of fabrics be fore dyeing. ItADIOAf TIVITV I'OrNTr.lt A Oelger counter with a tube only one Inch long nnd less limn llml In ouulcle dlnmeler has been deslnnrd for measuring rudlonctlvlty from single orgiins, or even purls of huge orgnus, In man and the larger animals. HOTELS OSBORN HOLLAND tAtiV.SK (lltK. MF.IIFOHU Thoroughly Modern Hi ml Hii j t tirKr snS ies f.srlir .MANSTORI- Ttl Mala FASHION PARK. Bikes - Tricycles Wagons and Toylortoti llluliy Walkers! POOLE'S Hlcyrtes and Nportlng Ooods OREGON WORLD WAR II VETERANS' BONUS AMENDMENT PETITIONS ARE AVAILABLE FOR SIGN. ING (by any porion registered lo vote In Klomorh Co.) AT THE FOLLOWING KLAMATH FALLS FIRMS: Lowell's Ixiekers g7 I'lne Hi. Ideal llarher Hhop 120 Ho. 7th HI. Drumstick Tavern 10.11 Kast Main MrMahall Notions 1207 Division Walt's Tasty roods g.1 I'lne Kt. Carlln's (tun Hervlre ml Ho. ath O'lMrra'a Itlrhflrld Kervlre Ho. 6tll and Washburn Way Hudv'a Furniture Kxchange J.V'.'l Ko. Hltlh Ht. Wes' Place ITavernl ?.Vi Fast Main Art's Itepalr Service lit No. Illh I ( Hy Mobile Hervlre 1100 Main KL I m Hn' 71,1 lli -1 ...-ri- ..a. vw . linn i "M sa-NsJ J VICTORIES MAKE MWMW FIRESTONE TIRES THE Cm0a 4 ti l pipp npKl' r piiiiifi11111 n)isiff r . v HEADS) (WEa,CAWGONNlT.O ( NOW (M OUT J , 1 PONT KHCW) Vy rT SAVE,) ' (IT WENT DOWN ) ( ArfVf-? J fT! WHETHER TO J TAILS f, THE DRAINPIPE ff, AND J 6TILU J f! THIS MORNING 1 JVJ t"' II, i " rV,U ;j 1 ftfM Wy A-A'fe-,i Asm VJ E PAY ONLY 25 H A WEEK LiSS! Ii:i5 I V BZ3S 3GHE) tmrnrntm GBOEISEIB VaaaassaMKaKMaisBaHHSsssBiiMisaaaaaaHKs!aB1 Xa CHOOSE aaa Bps asji aja m asp aes I Lit I IKE IliAl CHAMPIONS USE... GET EXTRA SAFETY and EXTRA MILEAGE at NO EXTRA COST Mow ii the time to trade nniafe tirei for lafety-proven Firestone De Luxe Champions. You SAVE because WE BUY ALL THE UNUSED MILEAGE IK Y0UE TIRES. With our big trade-in allowance you'll be surprised at how little genuine Firestone De Luxe Champions ooBt. Don't drive another day on unsafe tires. Come In and get Firestone Tires THE ONLY TIRES MADE THAT ARE SAFETY-PROVED ON THE SPEEDWAY FOR v0UR PROTECTION ON THE HIGHWAY. 6th and Pino Phone 3234 ' s y ' '. s I oo''s ocsss it. r.SMT. "TC ox. r think wnj'RE 1 sooo f6 weui.u.''E4. 1 V V A evr ooovk t sins bec.ue uN5uuy n.Jtia. the time- I sjppots it f! ,. to kick up rjfi I or tmvt 1 vvhvtsw vvt machine NW-fi f I A, 1 V V tWVT BCN4) 1 EavOTlAN f TUBN IN roa. CN RUM I I PC? NWtp JX fi A-.Wl'' .L.1 V H -M BK Hone CKE? f T NKSHT? JTTENOEO V I T, 15 PUE FICTION however; these h evtccMCf TwT A NCJUTH ATOCAN PlOPA, PUPIACED 9V A CATA5TBOPHC CHANGE IN CUWATfi, FOUND BEFuat OH THE RANK5 THf Nltl TOU5ANDCir YE AW AtVJ. THAT TME5E ITETJEi FBOM Tl ONCE FESTILE 5AHA2A V.EE LED BV A PEBSONA6S OF SBEAT ABitrrV 15 ATTESTED TO BV TMi OOEST snowv swi-made honu fENT ON THl PLANET, THE SWSTf. ) fsOCWV. H UXW .HOW'.W f A MBTTW I CM'. WtX ,WW?.WlMt.. I 1nZT I I I WOftOMO, I ROO', 1 11 VOO'Rt KUV& Or TACT . V I T(W TO t6Ut WIS OCf?, ViJJ I aoOTS'. pJ BftO fiOUT OOS WAS rwA VCO VI VWW J I I THVVWlVKi'.l TVniO TWtoWWS I ,-, SOM. fcXTRl . i V'' Aotfj yvct J . 'f - lll T.SB1HW. SJ r AS W0U KNOW, EMSOM GWJE OS lHb KWltS,.lftTeH. THE SOUND TRACK WAS ADDED TO GIUE US THE I TM.K.IE6...AND NOW. CONVEHTIWS OD06.S TO fp USHT WAVIES. RECORDED Ok) FILM, 1- -11 OHi MR- ICOUlP,VRS.JADAAlgUTlW0irll MARCONI X .. THE MOTOR CAR BECOMES ' CROOME'. TO0AV DO SCIENTIST CfN FORESEE HAD FORES6EII A LETHAL WEAPON tl THE hAUDft SO VOU'REl WHAT 0IABOIICAU USE WW BE MADE A BEDLAM Of W THE EMPTY-HEADED! WE 6I eOlMS TO VOF HI MOST hMNOCEUT BRWHCWIDI SOAf OPERA MAU ATOsttC PS5I0U AND T CWEIVSTHE a isj-.h- - ! " ' ANOSH06IW& RACE IS OH TO EE WHOU Be SMtlUES!)lE.; ;, Vfc-yr COMMERCES. I f 4T TO fUWCRKE 1 SiOBlt 3tKl 5-W7r- WOULD HE-HAME 'B Jk N rfy? ZZr?tZ' RELEASED THE . Jt 1- OM, SPE&KIMG- TUB61 EH T UISTESJ, MRS. AFFN6V, I'M STAYING RIGHT MERET UNTIL 10U HEAR. WHAT rVC Wl KS SAY But: laeo.the siewj TShe hasnt evem oar A dos-htismvA f WrotiEii rr ts. Yipe ! where d-od ' u y trespassing To rimg- somebooys ao avaAY THAT cote from? , V i-Vi V DOOCBEU. AMD X HAVE A MUMCH TrlC AWATJ ' " 1 'V??6Q;' VWLETHN&S A BLUFF.' jrr. T rW44'' 1 II sClSleUCaZIaSMZais" T ya TOLD H60 ! rTB Cy THe" Otto WHERE DO VTMjX r PATRICK iTlUST ' i ear onmie 'pviid taune wmbt right hoo M rooms over thc I get Tmr voop house voo tolk ukb AND HER DOQ S ) WRONQ, OWNA 1 SOU TO TEU. AfftOCJE ) GflRACSE NOT J STUFF? IT kftS MV ( THE COMMON GE.T OUT ) I TOLO OHMIE J THEV COM MOVE J THE HOUSE DOUGH BOUGHT THIS f OOF YOU ARE? J RKJHT NW IH PLACE "EMEBER T t T T t ? ? ? ? t ? Y Y Y tA X NEW LOWER SHOE PRICES NOT A CLEARANCE ... NOT A TEMPORARY PRICE CUT, BUT NEW, LOWER REGU- LAR PRICES ON MANY OF OUR TOP-NOTCH, BEST SELLING STYLES IN DRESS AND y WORK SHOES FOR MEN AND BOYS, MISSES AND CHILDREN. f GREATER THAN EVER SAVINGS ON MISSES' CASUAL SHOES PENNEY'8 DOWNSTAIRS $?50 5 Drown Leather Buckle Moccasin Neolite Sole, Leather Heel, 4J-8. Av $98 3 Brown Elk-flnlsh Moccasin Oxford, rubber heel and sole. 8Ui IVi-l.