TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1948 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. ORECON PACE THREE WtAIHER KI.ASIATII AI.IJI AND VICINITY! rail lullls'll Sllll WilmiU. rw Ihtimlar sliiiwars itvar iidui ly imilliiUliit Iihiism. llisli luilny nIhiui 71. Low lo main 44 luiii w.mii.c.i.x no. WKHTKIIN UHMIIIN. I'urtly I'lmitly titilay ami WsiliiflsilNy, Willi law I0I MIllMt sllUWaiS Ill lllillllllalll ImlHy. I. nil rhalia III lallllinalllia. Illalis 1U Ul HU. Irfiw 411 Iti All. Mntlviala wHl til IMIlth. V.l WlllllS Uff 1'UHHl. rAH'i'KMN (HiriitiN! I'aiiiy vimiiiy Willi wlilalv si'allaiail allarimim tliliiiilffl- Itiiwai tiMlwy mill WmliiflMlNy. Hllalitlv waimar llils aMeinuull. llllia 711 tti llu. Irfiwa 411 lu 041. NUMTIIKItN C'AI IKIIINIA lllall din lima i-uniI aitJ wlilrly srattivil slu.wais III smith Ullietwlse full toiUy, tiimalll ml Wailitaxlay. nimitlly waimar In luleilur IiiiIn). Miuleiata mirtliwasl WlMlU llff Ci.aal. ItnvlU Tlrkels- I'lckiHn for Uio Jnyics bi ml rniiiltn will bo auld by iiicnilsnra ol Uio Juiilur chumber Mild raudiduies lur the liiumr u( tiurttn up uiilll WriliiFMlny, Jump V. Uie nliihl ol the uni-ons bull, Tho bual show will bo held In lliilsliiar MnUir company's mil's rooms Juno 10, 11 mul 12 mill the reunlta held uii Upper KIuiiiiiUi lnko uu Juno 1J, Huuduy. Visitors Mr, mid Mn. Lester Ko tcxtd nl IOiki, Nrv., wore bi might l tlio air show by Ernest Kulord u( Mrdlnrd, by phiiip where lliry v-ye lupal of Mr. and Mra. Joe IlLks, Ii:i4 I'ncKlo Terrace. Other Hirsts ol tlio Mirks' ovor llic holiday week-end wrro 111 win Jerry mid bride eleet of Ashland mid Torry jiiyer of llelid. Hume Prom Nurlh Mr. mid Mra. Murk Mimtli aro home from mi auuimoblio trip Into tlio lowor Wil lamette vnlley. At I'urtlniid, tlley passed by Vnuoorl Jusl UU minutes befuro Uio (like breuk thul flooded tlinl coiiiinunlty. The Hiiillha stop prd near Aurora to inspect proper ly Uiey own Uiert mid arrived homo Monday. CnlUlril Hilly Joo llodltra. aoll nf Mr. and Mra. Cleriild llodura of Merrill, has re-enllsted In tho air borne 1 1 til division. Ho served one year In tlio air coriia In a previous enlistment, lie received his diploma fmm tho Henley hlitli school this year and I now stationed at Kort Ord. Mr. mid Mra. Hodges operate a restaurant at Morrill. Officers-New officers will bo In stalled at the regular meeting of Sojourners planned for Wednesday a', the Wlllard hotel. Tlio business meeting and eards will bo preceded by a no-hosteaa luncheon In tho hotel at 13:41 p. m. All newcomers In the city are particularly Invited. Iowa Vacation Mra. Richard Mundlln Jr.. and small daughter Penny of J4.3S La Verne, have re turned from a visit with friends and relatives In Red Oak and Daveiirt. la. It has been eight years since Mrs. Mundlln was home. Juna Meeting Naomi Hlirluc No. I. order of the White Blirlne will hold Its regular monthly meeting f tonight, Tuesday, In Uia Masoino lompl al a o'clock. Visiting mem bora sro Invited to attend. To llan Francisco Mr. and Mrs. Charles IS. Larkln. 543 Pacific Ter race, left by plane Hunday for Han 'ranctsco on a business trip. They ripecl to return Wednesday, Lake Cruise Dr. and Mrs. Hugh Hwancy took a party of friends out on Upper Klamath lake Hunday afternoon in their new cabin cruiser. To Hospital Charles Bhtilmlre, 17. 311 S. Kldnrado, was moved to Klamath Valley hospital by am bulance Monday night for medical care. Classified Ads Bring Real Results) Critical The condition ul Itov. Humid Van Duker, pustor of the Hi, pi 1st church at lliiknr, remained critical today at Hillside, hospital. Tho pustur was brought here by iiiiibiiliinco for treutinoiit of a heart ailment. Ills wife, tho former Clrctclinn Hum uf tills clly. It at Ills bedside. Hpeelal Meeting Women of the Moose will hold a special meeting tonight, Tuesday, with election of iilllccr.i mid liilllatliin planned. Es corts and committee chairmen are to wear formula, Week-end Visit Mr. and Mn. C. 0. Overcrin of 1714 UerUniei visited friends 111 Pulrlleld. C'allf., mid Bull Kranclscu. They wcro gone over tlio week-end, returning Mon day, riranaa Tlis lleiilev uruliitft will hold Its regular meeting Wednes day at 8 p. in. Ill the grange nun. Urungo children will huvo charge ol tho entertainment and refresh ments for the evening. Library Committee The library commune ol Uio Women of tho Moose will meet to clean books al tho city library al 2 p. m., Wed nesday. Klerllun The Lllo Underwriters association will hold a regular meet ing at the Wlllard hotel al 13, noon. Wednesduy. Annual election of of ficers will highlight tho meeting. Auslllary Eva Myers of 400 N. Dili will entertain members of the Townsend auslllary at luncheon and a business meeting at I p. m., Wednesday. Driver Held After Wreck Charged with failure to atop al Uie scene of an accident, stale police early Hunday arrested Carl Howard Molgnrd, 3U-year-old painter living al KI43 Johnson. Officers said Molgard struck a car on 8. 8th at about 11:30 Saturday night. Driver ol the car. Kenneth Wllllnm rills, city, said he was un able to catch the offender but ob tained the license number on the machine as It Sed away. A check with the registration book gava Mnlgard's name and the arrest followed. Molgard was dressed In al Uir county Jail and slated to appear In police courl this afternoon. A vacuum bottle used for summer picnics should be thoroughly cleaned and aired each time It Is used. To clean, scald It with boiling water to which a little baking soda has been added. Wide screw-topped Jars are ex cellent for picnic desserts. A baked apple surrounded with toft custard sauce can go into each or they can hold pudding. IVY SUMAC Selene ha discovered aa irelleirt aew treatment for Ivy, oak and aumsc poisoning. It's gentle and safe, dries B the bllsleraln a lurprlalngly short lime, ofloa within 24 boar. Al druggists, 69 Ask for IVY-DRY 23 yeate Ayo. Monday, June I, Ifrii One of the heaviest ruins on record for the punt decntle descended upon tho Klamath country lust 1 1 lu In and this morning and before any signs of clear ing up hud become, manifest this morning 1.6 Inches had fallen. Tuesday. June J. IDiJ Dr. P. W. Sharp, recently of San ' Francisco, has taken offices lu the Hopkn building and will be ready to practice his profession within a few days, Wednesday, June S, 11)25 Bun Francisco . . . Confidential liiforiniilliin from official sources definitely settles the loca tion of the Southern Pacific division point at Klnmnth Fulls. Thursday, June 4, MM Jack McAullffo, one of the best known nloikmiiii nf tho Klamath country, was near death In it LiikcvIow hospital this afternoon from carbon monoxide poisoning a I'rlday, June 5, WXt To rollpvo traffic congpsllnn, Klamath Falls iiutu dealers have opened a parking lol al the corner of Klghth and Main to be known aa "The Business Men Parking Lot." Kattirday, June 8. urea dens Tiinney knocks out Tommy Ulbbons In Twelfth Round . . , now wants match wltii Jnck Urmpscy. Sponsors Note Traffic congestion Is still a problem and Is at present one of the city council's main concern. Dependability should hava a voluo to you. g rain u. i.annry Property - Auto - Fir - Liability Insurance 4 ID Main Street Hume SOU The Courthouse Is Now One lllork Down tho Street from Our Office Sacred Heart Graduation Set Thursday Commencement exercises lor the senior class of Hucred Heart acad emy will be held Thursday at 7:30 p. ill. In Hucred Heart church. Tho Kov. Fiither Linilium will de liver tlio address, Diplomas mid honor awards will be presented by the llev. Father Timothy Casey. Hatred lli urt chorus will provide tho music OraduuU'S are C'urol linker, Cluu dine Caldwell, Oertrude Calhoun, Noriuandluo Howell, Melba Urewiwin, Joann Esperson, Klta llurrliigum. Harriet Lavenlk, Lllllull Mauch. Elsa Ma.uin, Colleen McKnerney, Peggy Mcluleo, Mary J, Miller, Juan Mur pl . , Annie Ncviucz, Hiuuh O'Kccl fee, lues Bavlo, Martha Singleton, Uarleue Minlt ll. Kvellccii Towue, Thcrosu Wosscl, Harry Mullen, Jack Narey, Ullulie bchuli and Duvld Vantlciiucrg, Tho senior class will hold Its an nual builuurt at the Wlllard hotel loiughl al 0:30 o'clock. Parenui of Uie graduates will be guests uf honor. Members of the alumni will also attend. Master ol ceremonies will be Dean Abbott and the ife-v. Futlicr Casey will give the address. Hacred Hearl eighth gruders will also have graduation exercises this week. At 5 o'clock Wednesday after noon In tho school auditorium, dip lomas will be presented by Father Casey. L. Orth Slsemore will give the address. Graduates Include James Ma honey, Marleue Mingo, Mury Kroner, Eugene Keane, Marjorie Hample, Peggy Hays, Joan Sawchuck, Shirley Heldenrelch, Susan Vandenberg, Florence McAullffo, Dorothy Pat leeuw, June Malncy, Jlarbara Mat ney. Mury Frances Mauch, Daniel Murphy, Michael Clans, Roymond Heard, Kenneth McAndrews and Trank Wensel. It Pays to Use the Waiit-Adsl Wins Bike ' . I ' TS ,7" V K T I Miss Itrverly Franks, ll-yrar-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Franks, !U04 (rest street, receiving her new Hawthorne bicycle from Al Mourn, basement manager of Montgomery Ward, nhe was the winner of the contest conducted recently by Wards and the HI Ho Fun Show sponsors at the I'rllran theatre. Mure than 200 entries were Judged. f.llM"J-H e voR&cHmL Featured at SAFEWAY STORES H 'SttWM 6SISII J uui AT WW Mobiioil Sweeps Field in the World's Toughest Test of Men, Machines and Oils - i MAURI ROSE Winner, 500-mile Indianapolis Race at the New Record of 119.813 Miles Per Hour, Says: "Mobiioil hod what it takes today. The engine performed perfectly thanks to the added protection BILL HOLLAND 2nd Place, Says: "Mobiioil helped me greatly today; stood up to the toughest test in the racing world." DUKE NALON 3rd Place, Says: "My hat's off to Mobiioil, it gave my engine the extra protection needed." V . I i. .... Sf I V Mobilgas SOC0NY-VACUUM Top protection that adds thousands of miles to engine life is yours with Mobiioil-the oil that won at Indian apolis. You can get this top-quality oil at . . . Vour Mobilgas Dealer GENERAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION Truck Windows Shot Full Of Holes Bide window and the windshield of hi truck wore shattered by shots from a .22, according to a report filed this morning by L. Motschen bacher, 2841 Blsbee. Motschenbacher said the truck and cat were parked on Lower Klamath lake on the Midland road and the damage was done sometime lata Monday. In spite of their enormous size, whale sharks are quite harmless. Kven when chased and harpooned, they seldom turn on their captors. DON T WORRY JEW THOMAS "I" 'a 1 Johu com. otmvj- INSURANCE NKD5 m n !! t - VI II . )7 m TTW Ann rl Chm ms smj plm tw &Or M tb Ktmttyltr. Voti M jour airs I.U. mUSi, You clever women with your own tdeesi no longer satisfied with floor by thai roll . , . you started tho square by square) way to choose floor. Now you create floors with Kentile combine host ol color to create the floor pattern you especially want Kentile is firrt choice for other reasons, too. Colors go through to the back (can't wear off). Super durable because if 100 floor (no felt or other backing). We'd like to tell you more about Kentile. Drop over, or j phone and we'll gladly come over with samples, give free estimates, serve any way we can. CLAUDE H. DAVIS Floor Coverings and Window Shades 426 Main Phone 46M M oierrfmerfca... Smokers Report MB when you smoke PHILIP MORRIS! than any other leading brand. Every day . . . more and more people are discovering in PHILIP MORRIS a milder smoke, a fresher, cleaner smoke than they've ever known before I If you're tired of "cigarette hang over" tired of that stale, musty taste in your mouth that dry, smoked-out feeling in your throat . . . join the millions who CALL FOR PHILIP MORRIS. Remember ...PHIUr MORRIS if the ONE the ONL Y leading cigarette rec ognized by eminent nose and throat tpecialitttat definitely lest irritating t NO OTHER CIGARETTE CAN MAKE THAT STATEMENT I ., Read What One of America's Top-Ranking , Doctors Says About PHILIP MORRIS "There is no doubt in my mind that PHILIP MORRIS Cigarettes are muoh less irritating than other ciga rettes, lie would be neglecting our patients who smoke if we did not sug gest that they smoke PHILIP MORRIS." From ass sf s mill at PROFESSIONAL STATEMENT Ir EMINENT NOSE and THROAT SPECIALISTS. V -isiWitssMii i i iii smiiinii iaj - i0 CALL pun 1 Willi i t I Wll ?UMi MILIUM