PACE TWELVE Plaque To Be Dedicated At Gold Rush Day : YREKA, May 31- One of llio many event on Uic Yreka Odd Ruh Days program that will held June 34 through 37 Is unveil ing and dedication ot the historical plaque commemorating the discov ery of gold lu the Yreka area In Jg51. Then known as Thompson' Dry Digging" the city name was -v.., In Rlmma Butte City UIT ninnm , . ai.d finally to Yreka. The unveiling program Is In Uie hands of Uie Blsklyou County Historical Society of which Mr. J. H. Wales Is presl- ''otiier features of Uie Oold Rush celebration will be Uie Ooldcu West Olrl and her attendants: an up-to-date Oold Way; parades with a mammoth Historical Parade on Sunday. June 37; old-Ume and mod ern dancing; sheriffs posse com petition: gold exhibits and oUier leatures Uil will round out four day program. The celebration Is being spon sored by Ross Ncilon Post No. 123 of Uie American Legion with Uie assistance of oUier civic and fra ternal groups in Yreka. Fred M. Gardner and Pete Rowbcrry are Joint chairmen of Uie entire affair and Mrs. Orace Cousineau Is gen eral chairman of Uie Ladles Aux iliary of Uie American Legion par UclpaUon. Chas. J. Turre Jr., is chairman of the finance commit tee; Lloyd Johnson and Fred Van Vlict Joint chairmen of Uie parade .committee; Dick Thompson, chair man of Uie publicity committee and Roic Cousineau Is handling Uie Helldorado Camp. ' Natural radioactivity of carbon atoms in the air. that become a part of all living structures, may enable archeologtsu to date ancient civill tatioiu through a study ol the radioacUvity of skeletons. HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON New Fraternity Organized At SOC .;v.J 1 S V ft 3L m iO) m , Alpha Phi Omea. a national serviee frslernilv. ha. been organ bed at Southern Ore.on ' Ash I The SOC chapter I. Zet. XL and John llellbronner and Del Y.ntls. both of Kl.nmlh I . II.. are among new members. llellbronner was Instrumental In organiung me new Willamette university and the University of Washington took part. Reunions Set For Week-End At University UNIVERSITY OP OHKOON. Eu gene, May :1 Class reunions will fenture the 7lst Minimi eoiitnieiu'e- luent week-eml, June 11, 1'.'. and I J, at the University of Oregon, lu'ooril Ing to Lester E. Amlersnn, nlumnt director. Juno 13 has been desig nated at Alumni Day, he said. Opening I he activities of the week-end will be the annual Pauline Potter Homer memorial ten In the library browsing room Friday after noon. Saturday events will start Willi the traditional breakfast of the slate association of University of Oregon women, when women of the 60-year class of lHs'H and this year's senior women will be honored guests. The semi-annual meeting of the Oregon Alumni iissiieliitlun Is slated for Saturday morning with a lunch eon following In John Hi null) hall. Outstanding event of Saturday Is the ground-breaking for the Kru Memorial union. This reremony will be held at 3 o'clock In the after noon. The president's reception lor alumni will follow and In the eve ning class reunion dinners have been planned at local hotels. Onuluiites of 8. IW. '13. "33. and '38 will mret for these eveulK, Saturday evening will conclude with the Falllng-lU'eknian orations. Dr. Henry N. Welman, visiting professor of religion In the univer sity, will address the graduates Him- MHJ IIIMH I, ' umvi..m will Iia helit 111 Mr- Arthur court. Open home Is planned on the campus Sunday iirioinoon will! mu seums and buildings open to visitors. The traditional flower and tern pro cession will also bo a feature of (he afternoon. At B o'clock tiunilay evening, inure Hum 1100 seniors will lorin a pro cessional tor the eoiiiiiienceiiient .........i..... it. M.Ai'iliiii fiiini. Dr. II. K. Newbuiii. president, will deliver tho charge la the griiiiuiiiuiK emu. NEW 1.IIIKAKY Tile world's must complete library on rubber technology will be cen tered In the University of Akron's in . niif.iiv iiLuhiiilnu uiili a complete file of .IoiiiiiiiIh In the fields of rubber, resins and puisnes. TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1948 TKATIMK HNACRH Pi'llta Fours lor nil itllein i tea crowd limy be made Mom Willi or sponge cake baked III n Jelly roll pall. When uie case is emu iv niiunm he cut lulu diamonds, Minnies, rec. . ,.i.,ln in- ciescenls and i'"V- errd Willi a melted foiidnlit colored In a paslel shade. Each small ease can then be decorated Individually wilh a rake decoiator lu variety of colors. Hit And Run Driver Held Kyle Howard Molgard. 30. of 1343 Johnson, was tossed into the county Jail early Sunday morning on a charge of failure to stop at the scene of an automobile accident. Molgard was driver of a car which allegedly struck a vehicle owned by Kenneth William Pitts, route 3, Saturday night. The accident oc curred at Altamont and S. 6th. WASHINGTON, Students irrea ai Aiianioni mu o. . " - , . ... v.i. ... h. ii.ii ' estimate Unit use of rockets In re Puts was able to get the license , . , .. t.. , ! serru IlillC uiuusui iiimu number of the sedan which strucs lKlt(, bout ,nf eiirtiy, upper at- hls car. notified state police and ... ., Molgard was arrested at his home. In the previous 20 years of study. The Famous French Toe Oxblood Oxfords . by NVNN-BUSH are back. They're dressy! Since 1918 -MANSTORE- 733 Main 'rr: ; WW i Ask for Golden value Golden flavor iDo!5eu lUc55ina u.v.,::...'-.., : . 1 IIEDIEI f Hit .11 IUII I!IU SfltlTS II3IM t. HKCI I CI.. ICBEKUT. M. ! A) Sicks'Select t l I More Hum I.OOil.OllO American clllreus are engaged III selling and servicing nilloiiiolilles. To Make Your Car Run Better - Last Lonqer Le us lubricate It regularly with Ford factory recommended lubricants. WASHING POLISHING SIMONIZING VACUUM CLEANING Really gelt the dirt! STEAM CLEANING Motor and chassis. Lot ett type equipment. BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Bring Your Ford HOME For Service! Main at fcsplanade Ph. J1J1 nn " " niii 1:as u i su. Store 9th at Pine Hours 9 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. Phone 3188 Rich pattern styling a priced low! Uiool down pay ment, balance monthly New Styletone Broadloom in 4 colors 598 sq. yd. 9-ft. width Buy Styletone carpeting at Wards tomorrow . . . you'll be os proud of it as we ore! Its thick pile is 100 wool. Smart patterns and warm colors will harmonize with any furnishings. Compare the quality and price . . . you'll save on Styletone. Install it wall-to-wall todoy! 9x12 ft. size 73.95 9x15 ft. size 93.70 Ask For Wards Free Booklet On "How To Care For Your Rugs" Second Floor Store Hours 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 9th at Pine Phone 3188 Tile floors last longer... cost less per yearl 9-INCH ASPHALT TILES NOW IN ASSORTED COLORS Low (R) c As 2 Tie Low As 12c Tie Dark Colors Llfhler Colors It's handsome, inexpensive . . . comparison shows tile floors wear two or three times longer than most floor covering. Constant traffic won't mar the beouty of colors and graining that go through the entire tile thickness. Wonderful for use in offices, halls and the only floor covering to use over basement cement. Come early! USUAL DOWN PAYMENT, BALANCE MONTHLY Tile measures "". -Second Floor A talkative barber, who cuts luir in Gig I arbor, Is as b.iy as he can be, Hi customers say they can listen all day, When lie say., "It's TWO-DliliP" for iiicl" TWICI A J oooo Si IMl DOUHI IICH CMOt:OlAtl CANOT A C7 y. Store Hours: 9:00 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. 9th at Pine Phono 3188 Wednesday - Thursday Only Scatter iyg SHAG RUG Cotton Loop Pile Turquoise, Red, Chartreuse, Blue, White 24xJ6 Reg. 4.95. Special ep CHENILLE RUG Reversible Patterns Three Colors: Blue, Red, Turquoise Size 24x32 Reg. 3.19, Special Colonial Braid Rugs Oval Shape Colorful - Washable 24x36 Reg. 3.59, Special 297 Woven Pattern I Wheat" Cotton Pile - 3 Colors Non-skid Coated Back Reg. 6.25, E-77 CABIN PLAID Colorful - Woven Stripe Red, Green, Blue, Rose Size 22x42 Reg. 2.29, Special 83 Second Floor-