SATURDAY, MAY 29, 1948 HFRAID AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS ORFCON fACt MINI KUHS Principol biotas Visit Jium-a 1.M lliuwn. irllKliul ot Parkrnai auliool m-iir I'm lliuirt, who i Imi u.frk ni-i rnlrcl the lirlllc IliuKlill) ( Klniiiuth Union liluli at-liwri, U expected litre Mundny to apriid aev. rl days, looklm over 11 10 KU1IB , plnnt mid lili future duties, Brown's Job KUIIH principal fort Into ellrtl July I, wlicn ha apcrta la move liU Iniully to Klum atli Kails. riitHT Ai-rim Tlx flial vulllviiUttl apple orchards af the New World wore III Novu iiiilla. Althoutll various wild uriiU miplra had oevn uacd by Uio Indiana, Ilia Ural dinni-allo planliniia camo from aux k brought u Acadia Iron) Hoi mainly, auoui luoo. pulillo atit-Mi-n to lit hliha.t nl !! ulililar tliar.fur, fur, Ilia lellowlfif uaatriuau ami, 10 wit. 1 llauy Had I llarial ur aa iniuh Iharanl aa may be naraMarr In rlalm uf lha Ullilaiaiaiiail I'll' atuiuaa ul aalil simmIii Dial I'1" nania tl lha imnai itr uaihiiii uu wlli'Mt at'uuiiiil aalii axilla aia lialil la I. K. Kluiluna. Hi" !" aiimuiil ul Ilia Initial .l,iira claim oil aalil gMla la l;i, .17 plua auat of nollca, ailvarllaamaiil auu aala. U.l.d May 21. lata. i'r.lllM.ia WAMKIIOIIKE ll W. C. Ilaimal, Managar. M. U J-No. isa. LtGAL NOTICES " Mllll k 11) t MtlHIOlia Nullre l heili givu lltal lh under lgud liu been aLiuulhled ailnilnlslielils til tha !( itf lwia Ik lilat, d;ed. hy in Ctiuull Court uf Klamalh County, til m tun. aim il uaison navuig i-iamia fgeliial MtU ealel ie heiehy iutlfld u pi via ii I lit a in. Willi piupar VuUntaii, to ilia miu adiiutiLaltaii ia at uMe I, Melhaae llulldliig. Klamath ralla, Ihegun, will. in all muiitlii u( Ih data Ol lit i nolo. Uald Utla MHi day of April. Mi. OPAI. u. ueist. M 1 IS JJ 3 -Nu. Us "oiiii.iArriioviNu I'M II ION AMI ArniiMiNtt iiaii, nm tinuus in uu. i uimv coi n c ot iiu. ttTAIIC Or UllfcUON UH K1.AMA1H COHNI Y. IN I'M. MAI'iril Or 1IIK OIIUANIifcA tion or Mnutu.i, pahK uimiuii. lit ma Ha i u f Ui organ uatlun ul lha rilaillll I'ara OltUH I touting on to Im maid In in i-'uuil on Ma) aid, lUifl, at ,u A. M , on Ih vrlitd uatllloii fllvd jant Itif tit ui ganiaallon ul aald dla tli. Utat Im(m lit llti and ia a ai'pt'litlail ur III itnlliul! uf aaltl fsliil'tii la thla Ci'url. Ilw pallllunara iHiliii h r. J., 'iruliitan, fcl. O , Ili.lavrl 1. Uiaiu( Alono llixigsa, Wll--lain r. Jlmiaii. W, II. lloliikau attd u) C l tat Iiu i t a lit u knr, alloi ua fur ulltltiita, and ald fMllllon uiiij( ac VMiiiaiaiuati to a taint tail couy ul !' lullitii uf L'uiiuiiuit L'uuni'll uf tlia Lll el Mat-rill. Oivn, appiuving ih luiin Unit uf atald uiiliU'i, and ald u til Ion uaing a liu ac itiian.d by gtnrd and uflttiaiit uiulai lahing in fuim atiu tiiuuut ai'inutwu w ita i.uUlt, auu a a aluiu ilia attiMaa w imunt. !.. tlu atat Vtll a taaVf( H gv...r a.l.i i.uiH MM, aMtkJ IMoaatlflt au ali.uiu bMt.g lu lta.l alt, ttU.tekta Ut t,. tlawaSOa-a. I.tiltt, liavv iift,.w tvaa.U tfit..,,. aw Inat ai( taitu M.wt.u tWuiit.M.. u. Ua UawiKaMU bUtll u uu,Mu b ba tuiutattuu wt aa.a u4li uu. liittwt. m .IICHft.UY OII.H(.ti UmI aa.u r...,loi. ov. -ltU .w (M) Miutad, aiu. . I n.tlt.K Uial lit Cu4.u(,.i a. a iaa, ..., .unt..,(-- Mil u...,ii aa uataitniupi. u U1 twu.l. IU Mil. ' l.agmmni al Uia bW cuniar uf a.-. Il" I.. . . t . tU a,..-, Iiiaiira .-.utu. Ui t.i t,wtt9, , t v w M ,u 'u 11 and -u. u...,. i . WM) J... ft.l . Cuiua, Ham to a.. li.i m . duatiiun aiut.g tn n,,, fclMJl,u to ' O.d llul K.-au Uuuui(, 1 !! .W. I.p v . K lu i. 0 pulitl al tlx. .u.ii.i a SK'9 u, fca. aU, 1 p. 40 I, m ,0 a., Umiu al a dlaiaitra ut a's milaa lu Uta NL 'ioTi01.!':"'' 01 . ?L' HUE. ii,.mf, fct,,!, , ,;. lu Ih trtMliair c 1.. . "... ' IBuulh J and . mil, to Hut Una. . aaid lit., u; , ." to point ul iMgutniiig, an m Klamalrt t.,unt, Oirg,,,,, IT m rUHTIItM OnUtKtiJ that an aia Hon tm !-! cl In aaid piiHMj ,ju. Iflrt on 1ular, Jun aa, a. 0 da tormina Whtiar aald Mrrlll I'arh Uia. I i".. hi' .ht at aurn U v"ud'7.rm,nb," 01 " p,h IIONK IN OIKN COUHT Ihta Mlh day pt Ma Jr. 1U4JI. ' V r HrKOKR, County Judga JOHN II, Loininia.iuittr riOtO I I'OI'K, Cumin lu lunar. M m. J, 1 i. i. -Ni. n.i. HU1MK lir mAl.L lu Allllk HAMlllOt ILMAN Ui.N Purauant tu Uva pruvtaluna ul IkcUon 9U.UJ UCLA, nuitca u liiu givan Inat th unilvraiguatl I'aupla'a Hatauutu ui, at I'aupi a Waivnuu, at pxHJtri aih klil, Klatiialh yaiia. Uregun, 1 1 ju t. M , vn J una 10, luid ii ai Eulmc aurtiun Ui Ui hignt ana ot idilr tht (()!, ur rain, m lollowiiig daacrilMid gixxl, lo wit; 1 Trunk I Mux a ar to niucft tharaof aa may It naccaaary U aallafy claim uf Ih umlialgnd lur luraga uf aaid guuda, Id nam ul lha nwiiar or pruti un hta arcuunt aaid 0'tmU ar h id la Iva Killiurn, that lha amount of Ida unlt mintd . rlaim on aald guuda U alttilu plua coat ol not It:, dvariuvnivnl and aala. Ualad May 31. IB4a. I'HJl'l.a. WAKKHOl'tC lly W. C. Baniwt, Managar. M Nu 1.11. Norn r. or mai.k to aiikv HAkl.lltllaLAlA.Sa LI IN Purauanl lu Ilia pruviaiuna ul ftoetlan JI 4.U O.CLA., nuliva la hat a by givan thai U uiuiviaignad l'upl'a Warsnutu tvill, al l'upl a WarriiiiUM, at lU H'lUlh 01 h Hliel. Klamalli aiia, urgun, at I.JO I. M , tin Jun lu. lUia aaii at public auction lu Ih highval and uaal imldar Iherrfur, lor ram. lha lullowiitg daavrilMid giMHla, lu wit. a I runka lluhta I IU...- II ar an mui-lt iharanf aa miv b nrraaaary u aaluly rlalin ul lha undaialgnad for luraga uf aaid giKHla; thul tna nam of Ih Htvitar or paraou un Whoa avcuiinl aaid Hkl ara held U Vivian Jonea. thai th JKiiit of tint niuloiaigtivira claim un tnVJ good a la J4 .Vl plua cuat nf nolira, advnrtiaviiirnl and aala, Ualad May VI, llMH. WAMKiiomr lly W. C. Ilrnnal, Managar M. U afi-No i I.Vtt NOTlt'K or nAl.V. TO iATInl-V H AHMIIII M.M AN I.II..N Purauanl lo tha pruvtaluna uf ttaollon fn a.U O C I. A , nhr It hrliy fftvan that lha undrriignrd I'auiue'a Warrhuiu will, at IVople a WairhcMUt, at M2A llriulh fllh Mlrl, Klamath talli, Oragnn, at 1:30 P. M , on Jun in. 1 4 It aril at fnihllc aurllon to th hlghral and bait mtdar Iharofur, fur raah. tha following daacrlhil gimdi tu will 1 Trunk 1 Hnxra Ar an inurh lharanf aa niav lw nrrrtaarv to aatlafy rlalm nf lh umlcraiRuvd for aloraga of aald goods, that Hi nam of lha owner or prranrt on whnaa arcnunl aald fuoda ara Held la Arthur Mlglna; that ha amount nf lha itndtalgnd'a claim on aald good la 9.14.11) piua coal of not Ira, advTllimant and aala. Uatad Mai 31 HMM PKOPl.rH WAIIEIIOtlllR Hy W. C. Bennat, Managar. m aa au-No 1.10. NOTM'K OP ft AI.R TO lATUrt WAItKlllH MI M AN g I O N Piimiant to lha prnvlalohl of flarllon AO a:i;i O.C t. A., nntlra la harehy given that lha umlcrilaneri Paotilr'a Warahouiia will, at l'nply Warahnuaa, at Ma.1 Ncmlh Alh Btrat, Klamath Kalla, Orrgon, at l .TO p. M , on Jui. a in, io4n nrll at Km blip aurtiun 4n the hlghmt and hail Iflrt r Iherelor, for raah, tha following .rlcerrlbed gnoda, to wll: 1 llnx I -a I hP Parll 1 Covered Trunk I nurlappeil Table r an much thrrenf aa mav la neraaaary to aatlafy claim nf lha tincleralgned for atnraga nf aald good; that tha name of the owner or per mm on whnaa arcmiitt aald flnftda am held la llnrley Itlrhardinn: thai the am mint nf lha undemlgned'a claim on aald gooda la I7:t .10 plua coat of notice, advancement and aala. Dated Mav 31, HUH. Proi'I.K'8 WABKIIOIIBR ny W. C. nannel. Manager. T !- No. tXt. NOTM K OP HAIR TO aATINIlf WAHKIIOI M.MANH !,0 N Purauanl In lha nrovlalona of Berllon W ..n O.C.I. A., nollca la harehy given that lha underalaned Pennie s Warehouse will, al Peopled Warehoiiae. al I43S Boulh Alh Blreet, Klamalh rail". Oregon, t P. M.. on June in. lOtfl tell al NoiiiK or NAi.r 10 Aiiarv h AKimmai MAN a Purauanl lu the urnvuluna uf Bactlon IW 4JJ O.C I. A, 1 mi lira la h rally glwn lha! lha umlat Itfiiad l'aiule'e WaiamtUa will, at Puulpa Waiehmiae, al 1420 kUiulh oth Hlieal, Klamalh ralla, Oregun, at 1 :W P. M , mi June lu, 1U4H ail al fnihllc aui'llun tu lha lilgheel and lail rlililar thifur. for vaah, lha fulluwliig dt-j-llHMl guuda, to wll: 1 Cheat uf Ore ware 1 Vanity llenrh 1 Night Bland I Vanity Baaa I ('a tuna 1 latfige ld Spring 1 I-eig Ma Urea I Had Cnda a lld Italia 1 Hlata or to much iftaraof aa may ra neceeaary to aatlafy rlalin uf dia undaralgnad fur aloraaa of aaid goodij thai Ota name of tha owner or uraoli un whnaa account aald gooda ate held la Mra. Kalph Ciaiil that lha aiuuiinl of lha underalgned'a claim on aald guuda la Mfl 7A plua coal of nollca, adverlla man! and aala. . Oaled May 31, luifl Pr.OPlB WARRIIOt'BK By W. C. Bcnnel, Managar. M. aa ao -No. im. not tr. or Ai.r to SATtarr H AKUMM II.M AN ! I.HN Purauanl to Ih provlalnna of Bart I on 00 2.i l O C I. A , notlre la h ratty glvan thai the underalaned Peoule'a Warehouaa will al People a Warehuuae, al 1439 HoUlh Dili Nliet Klamalh ralla. Oregon, al I Mi P. M . on Juite I". I tall al nnhllr aurtiun lo lha hlgheat and bail bidder therefor, fur raah. tha following dearrlhed goodt. to wl: a Buit Cihi or to much lhruf at may b nrary to aatlafy claim of the underalgned for loraaa nf ald gooda; that the name of tha owner or par on on whoa account aatd guoda ara held la llarvvy Trrolt. that Ih amount of the undrelgnd'a rlalm on aaid gonda la 144 on plua coat of notice, adieHlannaiil and aala. Oalad May 31. I04fl propi.rg WAnrnoi'.r lly W. C. Benntf Manager. M )J No. IS! Norn r or rai.k to lATiirr WAMfcllOl aMMAN'a I O N Pursuant lu lha pruvlalont of Barllon 00 3JJ U C 1. A , nolle la hreby glvn thai Ih undaralgnad 1'aoul Waialmu will, at I'aupi a Waiel.uuae, al 143J Buulh ath trl. Klamalh ralla, Or gun, at I jo p. M , on June 10, !( a if at public aurtiun tu the hlghaat and baat lildilr iherafor, tor raah. tha) following deacritd guuda, lo wit. j irunu I Malai Tool Boa or ao much thereof aa may be nerary tu aallafy rlalm or tha undralgued tor atoiag uf aald gitoria; tluil tlia name of the nvrnar ur itrtiin on whuM at'i'uunt aaid good ate hld la C. t Klahtiiba. that uva imuuiii or ine unueraigoeti a riaim on aald guudi la ia 73 plua coat of noiira. advrt!tntnt and aala. I)atd Mar 11. It4fl PROPtJCS WARRIIOI'IX By W. C. Ban net. Manager. u aa aNo iu. NOTtt r or a a i.k to aATtarv HARIHOI kl.MA.N-B I.O.S Purauanl to th pruvialona of Bar t Ion 00 XJJ U l. I. A . nolle la hrbf gl lhat th undrignd Pool Vi'arehouae will, al Pvopla a Uarehoiiaa, al 143d kouth ath atrl, Klamalh ralla. Oragon. 1 V. M . on Jun IU. ItiiS tell al public aurllon lo lha hlgheat and t bidder thrfor, for raah, lha following aarrini goom, in wit; I WimmI I heat or ao much thereof a may be necarv to aallarr claim of lha underalaned tor tor age of aald gnuda; thai lha name of th ir or orf-aon on who arcount aaid gooda ar held la U C. Carey; thai tha amount of the unri reigned a claim on aam goia la tu piua coal ot notlr, advartlaamnl and aala, Ualad May J1. 1B4J1. propi-icB WAnritot kr By W, C. Bnnl, Manager m. aa No. las not t or Ai.r to anair WABrilOt ALMAS I I.I I. Purauanl 10 tha provtaione ol Bartlon to 3X1 OCI. A, not Ira It hrhy given thai ll undriignd People' Warvhouaa will, al Ptil a Waiehou. at I4U mm am atrael, Klamalh Tall. Oregon, al I 30 P. M , on June II. 1041 aall at puhllr auction to lha hlaheal and bai bidder lhrfor, for caah. lha following 1 Vtni Boa I Carton I tuilra4) I Brattag or ao much thereof aa may ba neceaaary to aatlafy rlalm of the undeialgned for aloragt of aaid goodt; Out I the name of the owner or peraoti on who arcounl aaid good ara held la A W. Martin: thai the amount of the underalgned'a claim on aaid gooda la aa 30 plua coat of nollca. uviniMniini ana Mil. lted May 31. lua. PEOPI.KB WAPirtlOl'Itt By W. C. Bennel. Manager. M U M-Nn. ISO. not it r or im to gATinrT H ARLIKM rtl MAN K l.ll N Purauanl lo lha provisions of Bert Ion CO 33J OCI. A. notlr la hereby given lhat the underalaned People' Warchnuae will, al People1 Wacehoiiao, al 1433 Bouth Ath Street. Klamalh Palla, Oregon, at I M P. M., on June 10. 104a aaU al Subtle aurtlnn to the hlgheat and baat l drier therefor, for caah, tha following described gooda, to wit; t Daveno I Bnllaway Bad and Mellreae I Bookshelf t Small Table I l-ra Mailreaa a tied Enda a Bed Raila 4 Ited ftlata 1 Small nonkanetf 1 End Table I Deak 1 Box Spring t Inner Spring Mattress a Dining Chair 1 Dining Table I Cirri). Heater or ao murh Iherenf aa may be neceaaary to aatlafy claim of I he undersigned for alnrage of aald gooda: that tha name of tha owner or person on whose, account aald gooda ar held It C. B. Adreonj that lha amount of tha underalgned'a claim on aald good la 1110 00 plus coat of notice, advert laemenl and aala. Dated May 31, 1D4A. PEOPLE'S WABEHOVSr By W, C. Bannat, Managar. M. 33 30 -No. 140. NOTICE OP SAI.K TO SATtnET W A R r 1 1 0 1 1 a 1: M A N ' S MEN Puraiiant to the provlalona of Section no -2:1.1 O CX A . notice It harehy glvan thai the tinderalgned Peonle'a Warahouae will, at People1! Warehouse, at 1433 South Alh SBeal, Klamath rails. Oregon, at I J P. M . on June in, 104A aell at on bite auction to tha hlgheat and heal hldder therefor, for caah. tha following described gooda, to wit: a tlarrelt 1 Chet of Drawer .1 Wood Cheala .1 Cartons 1 Wanh Tun and Contenla I Clothe Drier 1 Canvas Pag or ao much thereof aa may n necesaary to aatlsfv claim or tna undersigned for alnrage of aald gooda; that tha name of lha owner or neraon on wnnae account eato gonda are held la Mra. n. 'K. Angua; that lha amount nf tha underalgned'a claim nn aald gonda la 143,13 plua coat of notice, advertlaement and salt. Dated May 31. Ifltft. PEOPLE'S WABflltOUSE By W. C. Bannat, Managar. m. aa-ao-No. 141. NOTICE or SALE TO SATISPT W AHE HOD RI-: MAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section n 3:ia O.C.L A., notice la hereby given lhat the undersigned People a ware noma will, at People a Warehouse, at 1433 South Alh Street, Klamalh ralla, Oregon, at 1:I0 P. M.i on June 11, 1A4R aall at Ruhllc auction to lha highest and hast idrier therefor, for cash, th following described goods, to wit: i rrunK I Panor Barrel or ao much thereof M mav ha necessary in satisfy claim of tha undaralgnad for atnraga of said gitoda; that tha name of Ih owner or person on whose account aald goodt ar held It June Young; that th amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods It ILI.oit plus coal of notice, ttvertlirmrnt and sale. oa ad May si, ins". PEOPLE'S WABFtlOltSFJ By W, C. Bannat, Manager. M. 92 30-No. IA1. NOTICE Or SAI.R TO B ATISET W ABE HOUSE MAN'S MEN Purauanl to th provision of Section n-8.13 O C I A., nolle Is tweeny given that Ih undersigned People's Warehouse .Hi Pnnl?a Warehouse, at 143S South Alh Slraet, Klamath rails, Oregon, at 1:30 P. M., nn .tuna in, 104A sell al ptlbUll auction to tna mgni anu mm bidder therefor, for caah, th following uatirincri goons, mi wii. 3 Trunk a 14 Cartons 4 Wood Hokea 1 Cedar Chest I Megailne Mack 1 f aid Table 1 HinoMIng Stand I Bridge Lamp I II. .Lai ollaliaal or ao much ineieof aa mav b nereaaary ... .i.i... ,,t lha uudrlaiid lor lorage of aaid guoda, thai Ihe name of the owner or person on who accuunl aaid go.KU are held U Mrs. R. O Smith, that Ihe amount of the undersigneds claim oil aald gnoos w of notlr. advertiaemeni and saia. Hy W, C. Mnrtl, Manager, m. aa a no. Nortcr or sai.r to sAiiart n M Vn louivi I.O.N purauanl l Ilia provlalona of Section MIM O.C LA, nolira Is hereby given ..... t.. .....laaa-iKLaifl I'aoo a a WarelMiiiae will at Pcuola'a Warehuuae, at 1433 public auction lo Ih hlgheat and heat bidder therefor, for caah, tha following described goona, io wu. 1 Wash Baakel I Crib Mailreaa 1 f'rlb Complat t Wagon , l Mop Bucket , ' 3 Barrel I Trunk a fairlifU or ao much thereof aa may h ne-aaaary lo aatlafy claim of lha undersigned for etorage of aald goods; lhat tha name of lha owner or paraun on whoa accuunl aaid goods ara held la Mre. Dorothy iisnaow, thai tha amount of Ih undersigneds claim on said f '"Kis it wu piua iwi notlre, advartlMirnent and tale. Dated May 31. !" u rropiJE'B WAnRHOttsK By W. C. Bennel, Manager. M. aa as No. NOTM'K tr SALE TO gATjarr u Aus-iiiiliaKMAN'K MEN Purauanl to the provlalona of Section AO 3.1.1 O.C I-A , nonce la nmtmy, .t... .. ...r.taf.iatrl mfl i'i Warehouse lll al Penole a Warahouaa, at 1433 ..tK K Bllraial htlatnath rl1l. Orgon, ai I in P M . on June in. ids ten ai i.i ik urimn to me nianaat ana idder therefor, for caah. lha following deacrlled goods, to wit: 1 aungl l.n opring Hlngte MatUeea 3 Med Ends 3 Bella or ao much tharcof aa may b nereaaary .- ii.., t lha underalaned for alorag of aald goods; that tha name of the owner or prion on whoa account aaio guoda are neio ia i i"'i amount of Ihe underalgned'a claim on an d goods la 87 50 plus cost of nolle, advertisement and sale. Dated aiav zi n U.Q 'pKOPIJES WASEHOUSR By W. C. Bannat, Manager M. aa a-No. i4. NOTICE Or SALE TO SATISFY at iariiiil'11 M AS'I LIEN Punuant lo Ihe provlalona of Sevtlon aantit nri.A . nnilca la hereby given lhat the undaiaigiveo reopie a will, al Peoplet Warehouse, at 1433 Houth am St reel. niaman van, i vi U nn Jun 10. 104 tll t fiu title auction lo the hlgheat and nat Udder therefor, for caah, lha following da scribed goods, to wit 1 Radio ' I CaHnn or ao much thereof a may b neceaaarv to satisfy claim of the undaralgnad lor atorage of aald goods; lhat th nam of the owner or parson on who account aald gooda ar held la Mrt. Helen lloarhler; lhat th amount of lha undersigned a i.irn nn aald aronda la 147 00 pltt Cost of notlre, advertisement and aala. wA.rHoi' By W. C. Bennel, Manager. M 33 3 - No 143 NOTICE Ol SALE TO S ATlAn a mkiiiii ! ytN'l L1LN Pursuant to the provUlona of Section 00 3JJ OCI. A. notice Is hereby given that Ihe undersigned Paople'e Warehou wilt at People's Warehouae. al 133 S Kith Olh Street. Klamath rails. Oregon, at 130 P. M. on Jun 11. IMS ae"T al Euhllc auction to th highest and best Idder therefor, for cash, th following deacrlbed gnooa. to wu: 3 Mo.ea HII Good a Cartone I Ironing Board Bundle Awnlnga I failar C'hAtt or ao murh thereof aa mav ba necessary lo aatlafy claim of th undersigned for atorage ul said gooda; that tha name of Ihe owner or p-raon on who account aato goods ara h!d ta Asa Thompson; that It nr tliaa unarnlrnid'l claim on aald gooda la 944 0ft plus coat of notice. advertisement ana D"d "S,P..,r.TwA.riior!.r By W. C. Sennet. Manager. M aa asNo, laa. NOTICE or S4I-K to SATisri WARCHOtatMAN-S 1.IEN Pursuant to tha provlalona of Section no- net. A. notice la hereby given that Ihe undersigned People s Warehouae e-111. at People's Warehou. at 123 S-Hilh Ath Street. Klamalh ralla. Oregon, at 130 P. M . an Jun 11. IMa aell at public auction to the hlgheat and heal bidder therefor, for caah, tha following deacrlbed gooda. to wn: 1 Wardrobe Trunk or ao much thereof aa may he neraaaary to aatlafy rlalm of tha undersigned for atorage of said gooda; that tha name of the owner or person on whose account aaid goods ar held la M. J. Thorn paon: that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said gooda la 131.30 plus coat of notice, advertisement and aal. Dated May 31, 104. proPLE'B WAREHOUSE By W, C. Bannat, Manager. M aa as-No. tea. NOTICE Or g.LB TO B ATME Y WAMEMOCAKMAN'S MEN Pursuant to the provUlona of Section sv 2:u O.C.L A., notlr la hereby given that tha undersigned People'e Warhoui will, at Peoples Waiehouaa, at 1433 South ith Street, Klamath rails, Oregon, at 1:30 P. M., on June 11, 1B4S sell at So bite auction to th hlgheat and heat idder therefor, for cash, th following deacrthed gooda, to wit: 3 Cartons or ao much thereof aa mar he neceaary to aatlafy claim or the undersigned for storage of aald goods; that th name of tha owner or person on whoee account said gooda ar held la La Spragu; that th amount of th undersigned's claim on said goods la 139 OA plua coat of notice, advertisement and aala. Dated May 21. 1R4A PEOPLES WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennel, Managar M. 32 2-No. 14. NOTICE Or SALE TO SATISFY WABEIIOl'ABMAN'S LIEN Purauanl to tha provisions of Section 00-233 O.C.L A., nolle la hereby given that tha undaralgnad People' Warahouae will, at Peoolea Warehouse, at 1433 South Ath Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, at 130 P. M , on Jun 11. 1B4A tell at public auction lo th hlgheat and hast bidder therefor, for raah, Ih following deacrlbed goods, to wit: 1 nnii nenning 1 Bdl. Clothing or ao much thereof aa may h nereaaary to aatlafy claim of th undersigned for storage of said goods; that th name of th owner or person on whoa account aald gooda ar held la H. O. Montgomery: that tha amount nf the undersigned's claim on said goods ta AIA. AO plus cost of nolle, advertisement and sat. - Dated May ai, nun PEOPLE'S WABEHOITSE m W C. Bannat. Man ear. m. aa ap No. im, NOTICE OF BALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to tha nrovlalona of Section 00-8.13 O.C.L A., nolle la harehy given lhat tha undaralgnad Paople'e Warahouae will, at Peopled Warehouae, at 14a3 South Alh Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, at 1:30 P. M., on June 11, 1044 aell at Subtle auction lo tha hlgheat and heat idder therefor, for cash, Ih following date r I bed gnoda, to wll; 0 vartona 1 Hat Box . 1 CJreen Box 1 Trunk or ao much thereof aa may be necessary to aatlsfy claim nf th undersigned for storage of said gnoda; that th nam of tha owner or parson on who account aaid gooda ar held Is Eleanor Kendall; that lha amount of tha underalgned'a rlalm on aald goods la A0.A0 plus coat of nolle, advertlaement and sata. Dated May ai. in4R. PEOPLE'S WAREHOl'SK Bv W. C. Bannat. Manaisr. M. tu W aa .sV-No. im.' NOTICE OP SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S MEN Pursuant to tha nrovlalona of Sec linn Sfl-aiM O.C.I..A., notice la harehy given that th undaralgnad People's Warehouse will, at People's War home, at 1423 South Ath Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, at I .10 P. M on June II, lf)4S arlV al public and Inn to Ih highest and best bidder therefor, for caah, th following deacrlbed goods, to wit: 1 Electric Hot Water Tank t Small Cook Stov 1 Coca-Cola Box 33 Cartona nf Hooka or so much thereof aa mar ha neceeaary tn satisfy rlalm of tha undersigned for atorage of aald goods; that th nam of th owner or person on whose at count said good aia held la Ueo. MiAnully: thai lha amount of tha undersigned a rlano on said good la 1 1 :t f7 phi cost of nollia, aiivei llaemeiit aud sale. Dated May 31, lu4H PEOPLE'S WAKEIIOtmr Hy W. C. Heiuiel, Manager. M. aa aW-No. 100 NO I ICE or HALE 10 gAllafY (4 AKLHOt ftl.MAN 1,11 N Pursuant Lu lite provision of Se-1lon Vi 2JJ O.C.L A., nolhe la hereby given that tha underalgued l'opl'e Warahouae will, at I'aupi a Wat-enuuae, at 1443 Houth t)th Street, Klamalh tails, Oregun, at l:J0 P. M, un June II, 11 il at fiubllc auction to lha highest and bal iiddr thrfur, for raah, lha following deecrlbad goods, to wit. for ao Uiuth thrjf aa may ba naceaaary w aa Italy ciauu 01 me unaeisigueu lor alorag uf said good; that tna iiama uf Uie uwiwr or peraou un whoa aicuunt said goont aia naiu la (iiemi Smith; that lne amount of tfte underaignau't claim un aald guoda la 14 li plua coat ul notice, adv(iiamiil and aaie, DaUd May 31, lk, PEOl'laXS WAREHOUSE ily W. C. Bennel, Managar. m. aa as-No. ioy. NOTICE Or HALE TO SATIME t W Aata.IIOLat.MAlS ' l.lfcN Pursuant tu the pruviaiuna of Section 00 .UJ O C.L A., liollte la harauy given uiai Ilia uuderaigued Peoples Wareoiua will, at 1'eopie t Weivuuuae, at li South Olh tUtil, Klamalli It ana, Oregon, al I 'M P, M , tin June 10, 1U4U sen at Cuhllc auction tj lit highest and beat idder tticrefor, for caah, lha follow lug daacrlbod guuda. tu wit; 1 Toul boa 1 Phonograph or ao much I hat vol aa may be neceeaary to aalialy claim uf the underalgued lur atorage ul aaid goods; lhat Ilia name of Lne owner or person un wnoa account said gooda ara held is U.. S. Hind; that lha a mount ol lha undersigned a claim uti aald goods Is ft.u Oft plua coat of notice, advrtlsrnnt and aaie. Dated May 31. Iu4. 1'tUI'I.LS WAftEHOUSE By W. C. Bannat. Manager. M. 33 aa-Nu. 140 NOT II E OK BAI.k TO SATiar l HAkl.lllll nLMA.N B Uk-S Pursuant to Uie pro via ion ul Sat tlon 60-30.1 OCLA, nunc U hcreoy given that th undersigned People Waranoua will, at Peuple a Wareiiuuae, at lU MtHjlh 0ih Street, Klamath aiia. Or gun, at 130 P. M , on Jun 10. ItHA eu at public auction Lo the higneat end beat bidder therefor, for caah, Ih following deacrlbed gooda, to wit. Wooden Box nr in much thereof aa may be neierv to aallafy claim ot th underaignad fur alnrage uf aald goode; thu Ih nam of the owner ur person un who account aaid goods ara held la Mabel B Sweeney; that tha amount of Uie undersigned' rlalm on aaid goods Is 3U7 3U plus coat of notlre, adveriuemeni and aaie. Dated May at. iw. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bannat, Manager. M 33 ; -No. 147. NOTICE OF MALE TO SATIlt Y WAMLIIULkL MAN'S Llt.N Pursuant Lu the pruviaiuna 01 Section OO-aaa OCLA.. notice la hereby given that th undaralgnad People a Warehou will, at Peupie't Warcliuuae, at 1433 South 0th St re l, Klamath rails, Oregon, 130 P. M . on June iu, maa sen at oubbc auction lo Hi hlgheat and beat bidder therefor, for cash, tha following deacrlbed guoda, to wu. I standing Limp av ansae 1 Larlher O. S Chair 1 Occasional Chair 1 Child a Chair 1 Corner Or net nan t Stand 1 Doll lied 13 Cartona Mlac i h,. r axil mm miv be ncaaji ry to aatlafy claim ol tha undaraigned for atorage of aald goods: that Hi name of the owner or peraon on whoae account aatd good ar held I Oleary: that Ihe amount of th undrrs'gned's claim on said gooda la 1203 30 plus coat of nolle, advertise ment and sale. Oatad May Zl, 1 vr PEOPLE S WAREHOtrSE By W. C. Bennel. Manager. M. 33 3ft No. 14ft. NOTICE Of AALE TO SATI-TY W SaBRllOL'SEMAN'S LIL.N .iHiiini ia ih nrovlalona of Section 60-2J3 O.C.L A . nolle Is hereby given will, ai Peoote a Warehouse, at 133 South Oth Street. Klamath rails. Oregon. 1 1:30 P. M.. on june iu. wu ..niif auriinn to the hichest and beat hldder therefor, for cash, tha following deacrlbed goods, to wit: I l-arge nrd springs 1 DaybeS At Mailreaa 1 Large Mailreaa a lrge Bed Enda, .rot) a Bed RalU 1 Ironing Board 3 Boxes 3 Mop & Broom 3 Cartons 1 Wash Tub and Content 1 Bundle Curtain Bode I nitiatta Table K. D. or ao much thereof aa may be neceaaary lo tatlafy claim of th undersigned for at orate of aald goods: lhat th name of the owner or person on whoa account said goods ar held la D. D. Van Lewen: that the amount of thr undersigned's claim on aatd gooda la fl0A oo plua cost of nolle. advertuMment end aala. Dated May 31. ua. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennel, Manager. M. 33 3ft No. 140. NOTICE Or SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Biinuint to Uie nrovlsiona of Section 60-233 O.C L A., nolle la hereby given lhat the underaignea roopie a warenou-e will, at People's Warehouae, at H33 South Ath Street. Klamath rails, Oregon. at 1:30 P. M., on June 10. 1B4S aell at S nolle auction to the hlgheat and best idder therefor, for rah. tha following described goods, to wit: 2 iron eo a.nas, uirg 8 Ralla 3 Barrela 8 Boxes I Large Mattree 1 Quill hMrliorn or ao much thereof as may b neceeaary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of aald goods; that th nam of th owner or peraoti on whoae account aaid roods ara held is Aivin r. itumm; mi tha amount nf the undenlfned'a claim on tatd gooda It 173 03 plus coat of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May 21, ipsb. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennel, Manager M. 33-20 No. 131. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY . WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIKN Pursuant to th provisions of Section 60-233 O.C.L A., notice Is hereby given that th undersigned People s warnouae will, at Peoole'a Warehouse, at 1423 South Ath Street, Klamath rails. Oregon, at 1:30 P. M., on June 10 194A self at Rubllc auction to the highest and best idder therefor, for cash, th following described goodt, tn wit: 4 Cartons II H Gooda or ao much thereof as mav he necessary tn satisfy elaim of th undersigned for storage of said gooda: that the name of the owner or person on whoae account said gooda ara held Is E. H. Billings; lhat the amount of the undersigned's claim on aald goods la $41 00 plua cost of nolle, advertisement and aal. Dated Mar 31. 1 !. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet. Manager. M. 38-30 No. 130. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S MEN Pursuant to tha nrovlalona of Section AO -333 O.C.L A., notice tt hereby given at the undersigned People's Warehouse will, at Peoplr'a Warehouse, at 1423 South Ath Street Klamath Falls. Oregon, 1:30 p. 11.. nn June in. lots aell at Suhllc auction to the highest and best Idder therefor, for cash, th following described goods, to wll: 1 Trunk 1 Carton or an much theredt aa may he necessary tat sfv rlalm or the undersigned for atnraga of said goods: thai the name of the owner or person on whow account aaid goods ar held Is R. L. Lindsay; that tha amount of the undersigned's claim on said roods Is I7R.00 nlus cost of notice. advertisement and sale. Dated Mav at, 111411. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE Bv W. C. Bennet. Manager. M. 32-30-No. 133. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WABKIIOt'SKMANS LIEN Pursuant to the provlalona of Section 00-933 OC L A., notice Is hereby given that the undersigned People's Warehouae will, at People'a Warehouse, at 1423 Houth Ath Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, 1:30 p. m.. on June in. 1U48 aell at public auction to th highest and nest bidder therefor, for cash, th following described goods, to wit: 1 Minnii iietK 1 Bunk Bed Ladder , 3 Trunks or ao much thereof aa may be necessary to aatlafy claim nf the undersigned for lorag or said goona mat th nam ol th owner or pern on on whose account aaid goods ar held 1 J. A. Carmon; that the amount of th underalgned'a claim on aald gooda Is A4A.00 plua coat of notice, advertisement and sal. Dated May 31, 1P4A. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE! Bv W. C. Bennet. Manager. m. as ao No. ina. HERALD AND NEWS COMICS I mnillMiii. y r,GOf nn; 1 coir see ) u I ,T vouio be IT f w-'ld f " . - .'.MVIwf vtviTWAkE I I S1M0LP TO DtS'SM ) L V GfiT THEIR L. TvF.trrv-FivE, v t ixrs cocxeru so rnp ) a pocki-t so allt vl monCV?) ?flr TywA 1, TnRTv.pre) I cKiacMTFarr V cmanse ...fWss j'Vt r 'rajj - ljj I K3P0 SOAaS MIGHT B6 DCnNL TVC1 IMC. SHACT VoV-3 ABANDONED.' f LOCK'S LM OSSSyseSR-.Osa.') TrV A.ER,ywE'VH GtOTTOM ( k-3'5W-TrsTuGM ( g m r 'ifT T'"l 1 1 lit 1 1 iliaiaii J lft-X.St?,'!Z, UA!?S 1 !zY'iimEimmmm "f!f oue , A BE...I 5AW-J"NWMfg n evk. ivn. J vers 'KaVb$i munsy wtoruk.: ovn.rrtwoM rr- 7X !tiic'i' 1M " HE!vVAT5 frrntfPmWl6TT BACK CS?--tV KEE! MCMN- OB tt-L CLOUT IO) AX tO 1 aooou&vT,Q.oo: wn 6w6ht, ru. ."tAw H04i VOOSJ. 9.AV S'Wt HI I 1 I ' i? 1 tailfvt I jOOW ,M0t ttJl K THtKWtttti r i 6000! D4H THOM IMA WUU SICf KimNINO 10 ME WITH ALL THEfla. TKNIU. IHOBltMSl I HAVE A VEfCf Wtf0RTAlT 'EKta6A6EMrRT. 15 SBf, SSJTA f 0 THAT RSPCR.T FRO T" SIR. I WROTEl nur PATirt nr I '"""av-?kil THE NATIONAL SCIENCE THAT HOW TAKE!) Al K NaT VJ3 PIUWIPDIE L-gSjU-i BX 1 1! TOUNOATtON. 6R0ANIUS- ilIPE RULE AND A l; iVII CBCXWHE... MBS! fil ill 1 CMER. MAN'S fAHURE TO MAIL-OWER TEtESCOfd , . Li cw 5,l: WnM LJ LT J5 ZA sbwo, fSfV as Baa. tw r, ik. i l ra-w Baaaaaata . . tmr am r-m rr. vci rj in iick. i v i i n u- Ar J hrZ amotkw IET1EK. KMaw. Ulillllli 1 1 J rrri X ".V.r? J. :Y.t, i" I " JB-. ( EJ r WUXTRA !! (look ww-t I brought T FRECKLES ! f So I sa.d. , Au. go om, f Hello. Vt knew w ' Three SMADvsioE- t!2I with me. dear j oh, my boy Veep cool. felus.' iOu son.' iaa, im I coulo takj EOYS RESCUED maklTTF: .a i THERE S NO CAUSE CAN, I WHAT BACK . 1 CARE Of C FRO BOAT READ fTYwJ f. jlAiTT i FOR. ALARM OR. - CAT.' DlO YOU HOP 1 VOURSELA . . ALLABOUriT' Wf,f3"J'. "I GO1 ANY MORE rV. wtX) TWEM TOO SON.' BUT .. . ar -Sh-A ' U HAM , MOM T ZS "VTV T VVEREMT, 1 ITS SOOO, I I aSttaEpatiSiiaWfa r WELL. ER-SHE OlDirT-NoTsI ' PurtTBPMUOULDrTi U ANNIE CAN STOV I 7 OH. I'M SO GLAD, Ji..i HOPPEN TO BE APOUNO CPOGSlMQ OUR f AWFUU.V NICE I SO aNVTUttE, fl&XJT I I MP.. PUDDLE SAID LISSA BUT WHPTT Y- ' WHEN I ASKE0BUT IP ( BRIDGES TILL V f 16 MRS. PUDDLE- f M4VB00N-UNLaWC I OW4 S ft. SO I KNEW M DID MPS. POODLE ' ' MQ PU00LE Sfly VES-) GET TO THEM- eRTHffT IS' A SflV SOMETHaNS Nice, I 1 " a ft .a Bdw JULY 4TH "SAFE AND SANE" 'FIREWORKS:';:. THE EARLY BIRD CATCHES THE WORM! BUT DON'T STOP HERE! READ ON A $20.00 Retail You Pay Only $10.95; A $10.00 Retail You Pay Only. $5.95; A $5.00 Retail You Pay Only $2.95. A Special "Bang-Up" Noity Assortment $6.50 Value Only $3.95 e Roman Candles e Flashcrackers - e Flower Pots . . e Spinning Wheels ' e Sky Rockets e Sparklers e Aerial Bomb's . e Red-Green Torches e Display fireworks galore In cone, wood base and spike Items.' We ore brlnglnf jtoa tliMf flreworln ot practically wholeaale price for your pleaaur and sajoy miiiL We would Indeed appreciate an order from you. rirase order rarlr to Insure your dellverv. Send your remittance to EBFRMNE RALKS CO 1480 DAYTON ST., KLAMATH FALLS, OKE., or pi rase write or phone Z-0219 for further la formation. Onlr 4.12 orderi will he accepted. Flrit eome, firal served. NO CHARGE WE DELIVER "Satisfaction guaranteed" or money refunded "with smile."