HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FAILS ( J Girl Booked For Vagrancy Wands Le Kowton, 33, Cozy hotl, wm booked at the city Jail early TTiuraday morning tor va grancy after she dived Into the main oanal luny ciouiea near Modoc field about 2 a. m. She told police she waa taking a kaUi. The girl, only 4 feet nine Inches tail, apparently Jumped Into the anal from a footbridge at the foot ball field entrance and was pulled tut by two boys living nearby who keard her scream. When police arrived she was In football field ticket booth, very eold. At the police station she was booked for vagrancy, as an Idle and dissolute person keeping late and unusual hours and entered a plot of guilty in municipal court. Judgement was upheld. New Ruling Out On Veterans' Pay SALEM, May 27 M Veteran, can't continue to get their readjust ment allowances under the OI bill of rights unless their school subsis tence allowances have expired and unless they are actively seeking Jobs, the state unemployment com pensation commission said today. About 13,500 veterans now are at tending Oregon colleges, and 10,000 more are In schools and on-the-job training programs. Many of them are expected to take seasonal Jobs during summer vacation. New Todoy Msrrisg-e Licenses BAIH-LONG. Joseph John Balr. 34. sarmer. native of Oregon, resident of Klamath Falls. Mar) Ellen Lons. 22, stenographer, native of Oregon, resident OI luamain raits. WELLS - HcNABB. Donald Bernard Vails, 31, bookkeeper, native of North Dakota, resident of Klamath Falls. Vivian Fergene McN'sbb. 30. teacher, naUve of Missouri, resident of Klamath rails. RATLDT -SMITH. Donald RaUiff. S3. farmer, native of Oregon, resident of Klamath Fails. Loans May smith. 31, stenographer, native of Oregon, resident ox Klamath Falls. MURPHY STE1NEL. Benjamin D. Murphy. 33. farmer, native of Oregon. resident of Klamath Falls. Edith Julia Stelnet. 23. native of New Jersey, rest- dent of stwtisnd. ore. Justice Caert Yokeley Carroll, improper turn. Fine, 110. Sdgar William Thompson, running top sign. Fine, S5.50. Hasai Irene hainbolt, m operator's cense. Fine, ao.su. MUNlClfAX, COUKT BECOBDS Otto Smith, drunk, and disorderly, 30 days. Edward Keating, drunk. 310. William H. PoweU. drunk. 310. Bugene Barros, drunk, S10. Homer Conner, drunk, $10 or 3 days. LEGAL NOTICES CITATION tPON BALK OF SEAL PROPERTY IN THE CIRCU IT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON' IN AND FOB THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE AND GUARDIANSHIP OF FRED HAGELSTELN JR.. a Minor. TO: Irma Hayes, guardian of the person and aatAtc. naoihex, parent and cus todian of aaid minor ward, Fred Haceiiteln Jr.; Alica JU Lew Li, rormer lr Alice Harelftin, sitter of said ward; and to ail others interested in the hrinaitr deacribed real Drooerty . asd estate, and to all others whom it may concern. GREETINGS: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby cited and re quired to appear in the Circuit Court mt the Slate of Orecon for the County 0 Klamath In the courtroom thereof in Klamath Falls. Oregon, within ten days from the data of the service of this citation upon you ii served within the County of Klamath, Slate of Oregon, where this proceeding is pending, and within twenty days if served within any other county of this state, if personally served; or if served by publication, with. In not leas than four successive weeks from the date of the first publication of this citation, to-wit: you are to ap pear in said court and cause at 10:00 A. M.. June 30, lia,then and there to how cause, if any exists, why an order of sale of the following described real property belonging to said ward, as prayed for in the petition filed herein, should not be made. Issued and entered by the said Court: An equal undivided 1tth interest in and to: Beginning at a point on the westerly right of way Une of The Dalles -California Highway which lies 401 feet west and 225.6 feet south of the north east corner of the SE'iNW. of Sec. 18. T. 37 S R. E.. W.M.. in Klamath County, Oregon, and running thence: . Continuing south along the westerly right of way line of The Dalles-California Highway a distance of 350 feet to an iron pin: thence southwesterly a distance of 1708 feet to an iron pin which marks the most northerly corner of that certain tract described on page 571, Vol. 66 of Deed Records of Klam ath County. Oregon; thence south 57" west distance of 1141 feet to a point on the west line of Lot 3, Sec. 18. which point lies 1798 feet north of the southwest corner of Sec. 18; thence south along the section line a distance of 278 feet, more or less, to the north oast corner of that certain tract de scribed on page 501. Vol. 63 of Deed Records of Klamath County. Oregon; thence west to an intersection with the easterly right of way line of the Southern Pacific R. R.; thence north easterly following the easterly right of way line of the Southern Pacific R. R. to Its Intersection with the north line of the of Lot 2 of Sec. 13, T. 37 S., H. 8 E., V. M.; thence east along the north line of the S'j. of Lot 2 and the of the SE'NE"4 of said Sec. 13, to the township line: thence northerly along the township line to the center line of the Dredger Cut: thence north easterly along the centerline of the Dredger Cut to a point in the Dredger Cut which lies 500' west and 115 feet aouth of the northeast corner of the SEKNWK of Sec. 18. T. 37 S , R. B E . w. M.; thence southeasterly to the point of beginning; said tract being portions of the SE'iNW'V. Lot 1 and Lot 3 1 of Sec. 18. T. 37 S.. R. 9 E., Si- "d the NE".SE"' and ?? yLU. -and 2 lnd 3 of Sec. talnlng 173 63 acres, more or less. In "fc "I'Tiuoned portions of Sec. I- 2J f- E . W. M., and Sec. lkV7 ! ' RA8 E W- In Klam ath County. Oregon, of which said total acreage, 14 64 acres, are embraced in the Algoma Log Pond WITNESS the Honorable Chai. H Combs. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County In this matter, with the seal of said fine. "ixed' ,hi" ,9th dy of My. CHAS. H COMBS ATTEST ClrCUU JudBe ,. CHAS. T. DeLAP, Clerk. fSea.l By Nadlne Walker. Deputy Clerk 11. 20-27; J. 3-10-17-No. 130 NOTICE INVITINO RIPS FOR RTRFET KWKFFKR The undersigned Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, will re ceive sealed bids for one new motor driven street sweeper, up to 7:30 p. m. June 21, 1948. Specifications are on file Jn the city hall or may be obtained from the city engineer. The city reserves the right to reject ny or all bids. HOWARD STRODE, . Police Judge. M. 26, 37, 28. No. 170. NOTICE INVITINO 111118 Notice Is hereby given that the under Signed Police Judge of the City of Klamath Falls, Oregon, will receive aealed bids up to S o'clock P. M., June 7. 1048. for one ton pickup with trade-in of one 1941 Ford 'fc ton pickup. Specifications may be obtained from the Police Judge's Office. The City reeervea tha right to reject any and all Ida, HOWARD STRODE Police Judge. U. It; J. 1-4-No. 171. FOR SALE OR TRADE-A clean 1MI Super Deluxe Ford Club Coupe. Radio, heater, spotlight, focltghts. Reason able. Call for Wane O Neale, tUtf. eve nines. OR SALE 'Si Model A coupe, good shape. 235. 201 N. Eldorado, phone eaio. 6PF.MTHt'fc8nAYAND"FRlDAY EVlt N I Nils, a-n P. M. !ee in ii new num- ern 2-bedroom home tonight. Fireplace, Venetian blinds. lance windows, dinette, lame aarage. additional stor age, frultroom. Everything the mod ern home needs. 3 1 28 G ETTUt STREET. Turn left off South Sixth. OFF CALIFORNIA AVE: A very at irrilva 2 -bed room modern Home on fertile lot. Plastered walls, graded street, alt neat and clean. J ruiiroom. Only 50. SOUTH SIXTH FRONTAGE: We ha- .im m in ga mi mis on aomn aikin selling at foO per running tool, inese are 13a feci aeep ana atmosv anj front avauaoie. i ikox: Good stiwd 1 bedroom home on large lot immediate occupancy, eow. CARL WILDERMUTH WITH JOHN C. ARGETS1NGER, REALTOR 1016 Main St. Phone 65M Eve 8046 - 9318 rOTT" SXLE OR TRADE '41 Dodge Pickup. Call at 3435 Nile St between 10 and 3 p. in. or Saturday and Sundav. fOR" SALE Beautiful white formal, sir 12. Worn once. Fr.ce ao. liu WANTED Janitor for garage work. hours 2 - 7:30 p. m. Modern ouiiatng. Prefer experienced man. Must be qualified for bond Write Box 173. care Herald and News. fi ACRES located on new Vf Highway above Chtloquln. located right on Spring Creek. Will m.ke excellent resort or auto court. Priced right. Terms. HENRY NEWHOrSE. REALTOR 3060 So. 6th and East Main Phone , C5PH0rSE TONIGHT,-Ta p. 2128 Get tie St. Two houses on adjoining lots, each three rooms with bath and utility porch, pumice block foundations. Good rug. gas range and heater with one. gas range and oil heater with the other. One now rented for 840, Nice lawns. $7350. Verne McClellan with EDDIE RICHARDSON Real Estate Broker 22 Main Office phone 8241 (Evenings call 6201 or 4250 SUBURBAN 2 bedroom home not completed- Ap proximately 3 acres irrigated. Garsue 14x40 ft. Deep cased well, beautiful building site. located near Lakeview junction. rnce sohj. Aiiracuve urnu, DALE A HOWES REALTORS 511 East Main Phone 7266 or 6045 "Buy Now" SMALL ACREAGE Fine a bedroom home. 3 miles out of Klamath Falls. This home has large liv ing room, kitchen and bathroom, with space upstairs for a additional bed rooms. Good well water. 5 acres of ground are also included in the price of S6500.00. with terms. E. Wtllard Cedarleaf Salesman. Suburban Office WESLEY M. SHARPLES Realtor 'Across from Swan Lake Mldg. Co t 3223 South 6th Phone 7203 'Evenings 2-0154- R E M 6 D E L I N G. new constructions. Phone 4298 for estimates. FOR SALE Almost new trailer house at a sacrifice. See at Altamont Trailer Park. 3840 So. 6th. FOR SALE Westlnghouse range, $40.00. Phone 3772. WANTED TO"BUY7or '48 model ear. Phone 8413. 6TE.NHOUSE-TKiGHT7T 2128 Gettle St. p. m. WANTED Repair and alteration lady. Must be expeneneeo. KcuaDie uiean ers. 1116 Main. WANTED Experienced-ready -to-wa saleslady, also sportswear saiesiaay. Apply Anita's, 707 Main. FOR GARDEN TILLING with a rotary tiller and lawn planting, call 3034. rOR RENT 2-bedroom furnished house. $40.00 month. 3123 Hope. fOR SALE 1938 Studebaker. State Commander, excellent conaiuon. Phone 5427. 1019Jefferson street. SUMMER PIANO CLASSES for pre school children. Inquire Rhoda Ann Brown, voice and piano Instructor. Phone 3258 or leave a message 7318. 61 SACKS Utah netted Gems cut ready to plant. 94.00 100 lbs. Les Unrun. in auire Matin Drug. fOR SALE Large wtilte enamel wood range in excellent condition, sou.w. Rt. 3. box 272. Phone 9645. ClTR6MEbreakfast set for sale, maple bedroom set. 2260 Garden. Phone 4200. FOR SALE OR TRADE Bendix out board motor. 3 horse. S40 or trade for what have you. Phone 0400. SMALL-APARTMENT for rent $23 a month, call after 6 OTiock. 445 Market. FOR SALE 2-bedroom home in Chelsea addition. Inquire at Spooner s station. M. Wilson. WANTED 'tb rent or lease 2 or 3 bed room unfurnished house. Phone 3-OSJ4. HOOM BOARD, gentleman.' Phone 6807, BJ9 Lincoln. OR QUICK SALS'" by-owner. S-roora modern home in Mills addition. Im mediate possession, $1500.00 down. No reasonable offer refused. Phone 6116. FOR SALE 34 Chevrolet sedan de livery, good condition. $275 00. LINK RIVER MOTORS 606 So. 6th Phone 3650 EASY WASHING MACHINE - for sale. Phone 7179. New Today Kit AST A DISTRICT Here It Is! Just what ou have been looking for. A very neat attractive two bedroom home on acre. Excellent soli with garden already in, nice lawn, lots of flowers and shrubs, (iaras and chicken house, 'i block off Shasta, $5100. PARTIALLY FURNISHED SnanUh villa stle two-bedroom horn on 'ft acre. ood ahaoe, reci ntly decorated, lovely lawn, garden and chicken house. A real bargain (or $5500, THHKK ROOMS, ONE ACHE Ideal for couple, god thrce-rtxMii home with solid foundation, real good soil, $xioo. See Burton Gray or Ralph Brown Salesmen with E (..HAY REALTOR Office closed Saturday. 1021 Main Phone 3663 (Evening or Sundays Phone 3421 or 6U8i AiTKD Treadle sewing machine In good condition. Phone 2-046. NORTH MAIN STHKET Well constructed two-belnxm home, nice lot. oil floor furnace, garage, terms, price $4750. very nice two oeartwm noma, giassva back porch, tMKenient. oil neater. electric ranse. ele'trto water heater in cluded, garage, price $K500. St'Hl'HHAN TRACTS 1, 2 and 5 acres with houses. J. V SANDERS REALTOR 1213 Main Phone 7521 Salesmen. T. i. t;inon ana Cart Willianu tOR SALE lively building site on Lakeahor. l-ocatlon in protected cove, affords beautiful view and ample sun year round. Phone 6345. fOR "SALE 23 sacks of netted gem certified blue tag potatoes. aari Mack, phone 8781. FOR SALE One portable typewriter. 1748 Fsrco. NEW HOME for sale, two bedrooms. concrete foundation, big garage and utility room, hot water tank, is acre of irritated rround. 1818 Hope St. FOR SALE 200 sacks Canadian Blue Tag (irm seed potatoes. K. 5. Adams Jr.. Phone Itl, Merrill. GOING TO EUREKA Saturday, return Sundav. room for tnree. r'none 7H7H. WANTED lirge colored hens. Chris1 poultry Farm, rnone eutw. jw An derson Ave. THREE Persian kittens to give away. cu at 520 North nth. MR AND MRS. MATT KOHN SR. would tike to rent a home or apartment by first of July for summer months. would give excellent care. No pets, no children. Phone hjo. 25 LB. ICE BOX $10 00; 16 qt co-op pressure cooker $13 00: electric Iron $2.00. Apt No. 4. Rivcrvicw Apis, 710 i.iDDnrou. FOR SALE 75 sacks-Vtah Gem seed potatoes, jerry Mlcka. Phone 329, Malin. FOR RENT Partly furnished house keeping; room. 300 Commercial. WANTED Night janitor for theatre. Muit be experienced, have proper references (.an tn person at Esquire Tneatre onice. 6.NE GOOD USED WASHING MACHINE for sale. 00 One disappearing stairway. $45 00. Phone 7563 or call at 138 n. Laauna St. FOR SALE One team of horses, sound. true and gentle, weight about 1800 lbs or will trade for a good cow. Phone 413 Maun. FOUND Rifle on Keno road. Owner may have same by identification. Call after 6. Route 1, Box 1092-D. RENT a 2.4-D Sorayer to kill weeds tn your lawn. TROY COOK FEED STORE. so. ffth and East Main. 10 Services oure YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON YOUR FURNITURE $50.00 or to SALARY $300 00 And On $50.00 YOUR to CAR $500 00 And Repay From Future Income. COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 9th St. Lie. S361 M2J Phone 7711 Tom O'Dwyer. Mm. 16 Holp Wonted, MoU 1 Meeting Notices r . KLAMATH FALLS Tf U AERIE NO. 2090 every Tuesday night 7:3 p. m . r o. E. ss .dCaHaii. vxn ana vtiinui -C&c&rK' VUftlng members cordially lnvtiea. LODGE MEETING EVERY THURSDAY and Initiation every fourth Thursday. W. C. HOOPER, 1010 Pine Secretary Lost and Found COST in Moore' Park. April IBS, girl's Elgin gold wrist watch, gold band. Please call 4390. General Notices HOTEL Excellent location. 31 rooms with apart ment. All furnished. 8 private baths. 4 public baths. Mostly all large rooms in the best condition. Long lease, a aood money maker. $12,600. HENRY NEV, HOUSE, REALTOR 2060 So. 6th and East Main Phone DB32 EXPERIENCED GIRL for stenographic position, one familiar wttn lumber business preferred. Steady employ ment. Call Mr. Besls, Phone 4135 for appointment. FOR RENT 2-robrri f urn5hedhouse". Call 1841 Main. DlTPONT Weed Killers and Insecticides. Troy cook reed Store, S. 6th and East Main. FOR SALE '35Cffev. coupe. $250. Call 8372. Call after 6 p. tn. SADDLE HORSE for sale. Gentle and well reined. $75. T. R. Newlun, Soraeue River. Ore. FOR SALE Int. T.D. 18. Purchased new 1946 with Isaac. Hyd. front end power unit Angle Dozer In good cond. Int, T.D. 14 Std. Gauge, good cond. work ing with S.W.70 6-yd. Be Ge Carryall Scraper. Sell tog. or sep. Model M. Carryall LeTourneau Scraper, 6.7.5 yd. with or without Model T. dbl. drum power control unit for T.D. 14. Hyster Logging Winch D-7 N. Model V.W. like new. for D-7. Tel. 3551 - 3933 - 4738. P. O. Box 667, Grants Pass. Ore. Everett E. Robinson. F"0R SALE-70-acre ranch. 8 miles from city on u. s. 87. Majority under irri gation. Some buildings, good fences. GILBERT W. FLEET REALTOR Phone 4320 408 Main SALESMAN to sell Snap-On tools, ex clusive protected territory, commis sion basis. Must have suitable trans portation and assume financial re sponsibility. Write Snap-on Tools Corp., 276 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco. 2, Calif. FULLER BRUSHES 320 McKlnley Phone 7524 LLOYD WHEADON 6PtfT HOUSE TONIGHT, 6 t p.nC 2J2fl Gettle St. WANTED TO REnwo-bedroom'un- fumlshed house. In or near town. Couple with two small girls. Wanted by July 1, permanenL Write Herald and News, box 171. VOUNG MAN not over 30 years " for pane aepanmeni. musi ne a Die 10 type, some experience necessary. State schooling;, experience and salary de sired. Answer Herald and News, Box 170. fOH RE?VT2-room upstairs apartment no children. Inquire 018 High. fOR fiALE 1037 Studebaker Sedan. overdrive, heater. $450. R. C, McCoI lam, Hatfield Grocery. 4 miles north of Tulelake. 1947 CHEVHOLETPICKUPrHk6 new, aituo miles, radio, spare, four-speed, six-ply, license, your terms. School prlnclnal. Newell. Calif. fOft SALfc Rock llamp "Tirers. to few fat hens. .UOa Crest. Phnns O.IWI. FOR SALE Completely furnished 2- bedronm modern home. Priced to sell. Call 4301 Tulelake between S and 0 p. m. FOR SAl,t 35 sacks MontansThlue lag ru ipuni, one mui east, oi Mauru W. W. .Clark. fOR SALE Kehrnore vacuum cleaner! like new. Phone 7167. f OR "BALE OrnamentaPlrbn driveway flies, wun matcning yard gate, Phone 4(113. SPECIAL NOTICE This Is to announce the openings of a trailer sales lot at Altamont Trailer Park. New and used trailers. $405 to $1845 KLAMATH TRAILER MART' (Ashland Branch) WAS Two Sisters Inn. now 9f Supper Club. Dial isame number! 9060. fiOVlNG Local and long distance. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE & Personals WANTED. studVnU,-'ages12toaowho are dissatisfied with their school marks, at the Oregon Equipment Co., 127 South 6th. they will see the Royal Portable typewriter and Smith Corona typewriter which helps make school work quicker, easier and cuts down msrgin or error. New Method Rug and Furniture Cleaners Mast modem plant In Southern Oregon. Wall to wall carpet clean ed In your home Complete Insur ance. Phone 4471 1453 Esplanade Private bKiECrlvg MEL LOMBARD Br appointment, a Phone 9297. 8 Traniporfation Tor Heavy Haultnx. Crane or Wiocb work, call 77H1 KLAMATH FREIGHT LINIS 101 Klamath Ave. WOCLD like ride from StewarTAddltlon to town, hours 9 a.m. till 5 p.m. Phona J-087L GOING to nFran'cle6, can takers passengers. Phone 8349. "MOVING STORAGE CRATING-' PEOPLES WAREHOUSE 10 Service WE FIX SMOKY FURNACES Tufts Furnace Phone 6595 Co. Fertilizer and Dirt NOW Is the time to put It on new and old lawns, flowers and gardens. Also landscaping. J. A. WEST Phone 2-0895 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Newest Sanitary Method Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Bewer Lines of Roots, Etc. Phone 9841 or 3230 ED H. KINO 2412tf Ca'RDEN-JLOWINGwlthRototlller. Prompt service. Cell at 8421 Avalon. PIANO TUNING and repair. Have your piano tuned at least once a year. Phone Jim Jlmeraon, registered tuner, 8-0278. FLOOR BANDING and reflnlshlng. Norman Fraiey, phona r v a n s Cabinet shop 1317 E Main Phone 42S PAINTING. Interior anrTexterlor. Kem toning H. L. lirown. phone 42211. PICTURE FRAMING Cameo Shop, 737 Main. Phone 5467. DHKSSMAKING, s!terstloni7Mn. Jonsi7 Phone umx PLOWING,' Dlnclng orltafrowlng,gaf. den or acreage. No Job too large or too small. Maynard Smith, 4318 Win ters ave. Phone 7154. WINDOW CLEANINOrTiome and conv mercial Janitor work. Painted walls cleaned, floors cleaned and waxed. JESSE HIJIIIlAlin tt SONS Phone 7R78 or 9478 KuDY'gTtEPAIR SHOP. Sawing "ma chines. Phone85l9. I.MER'"SMITH ' Cement contractor. Phone 4:tS. 2A4A Patterson. Curtains Laundered, pickup and delivery. Phone 4089. Watch Repairing All Makes Southern Oregon's Most Complete Shop 24-hour to one-week service on any watch. All work poi sunnily supervised by J. C. Renie Jewelers 1019 Mu in We Clean DIRTY FURNACES Tufts Furnace Co. Phone 6595 PROFESSIONAL 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Fully Insured "Our Experience Is Your Protection" PHONE 3479 For Ambulance Service . Phone 8530 34-Hour Sen-Ice Anywhere Anytime Kaler's Ambulance Service (New Cadillac) EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hoe Bulldozer Fill Dirt Topsoll Driveway cinders CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phone 4677 FULLER BRUSHES CLEM J0YER 1435 Martin Street Phone 5677 LEONARD WARD Concrete contractor. Sidewalk! . floors, drive was, patloa. Phone 47 la before 8 and after A. ELECTRIFY YOUR SEWING MACHINE Motors and light .. :i3.0U Free Installation itlmata furnished In advance. SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO 418 Main Phone 8402 Local and Long Distance Moving Crating, Packing and Storage KLAMATH rilEH.HT Llnr.fi Phone 7781 101 Klamath Ave. ALTERATIONS, ladies tailoring. Work Buaramcea. oui cottage, rnone 0094. PAlNTi-NG. decorating, paperhanging. plasterboard finishing and spray painting. Eitlmales given. Phone 'JU2S. WE DO HEMSTITCHING. 10c yd. for cotton. 13c yd. for silk. Art Needle work Shoo. 323 Main. UDsUlrs. LAWN MOWKH SERVICE Sharpening and repairing. Full stock of parts. New hand and power mowers. Terms If desired. BODENHAMER REPAIR SHOP 351 E. Main storage! Packing 'shipping PEOPLES WAREHOUSE FC06R SANDING and reffnUhlng, cleaning and waxing. Lloyd T. Pepple, phone 4B50. STORE "in "a "Bonded" warehouse , 7'7 In Klamath It's PEOPLES WAREHOUSE. DESIGNING, "dressmaking, alterations Grace Cniey, phone 7187, Pelican Theatre Apts. 12 Educational BOOKKEEPING. Shorthand, Typing. Kindred subjects, oifire machines. KLAMATH BUSINESS COLLEGE 7.13 Pine Phone 470(1 TREE TUITION offered to two students In exchange for service. KLAMATH BEAUTY SCHOOL Phone 7446 135 N. Broad 14 Help Wanted, Female EXPERIENCED Telephone Operator wanted. Apply In person. Wtllard hotel. WANTED:" Ah e x per.eneeTrn I dd lea ged housekeeper. Must nave reierences. Phone 3713. WANTED Dining room cashier, must ne aoie to type. Apply in person, Wlllard Hotel. WANTED, car hop. Apply In person. oino urive-in. no pnone cans. WANTED Full-time house keeper7n modem nome, care for on child. Phone 5023 after 8 p. m. WANTED, bookeener typlsl, shipping clerk, by Klamath Machine Ac ixtco motlve Works. Spring and Elm. WANTED, marker and checker. R- llahle Cleaners. WANTED young lady as assistant and moaei Dy pnotograpner. wrue nux Ififl. carc Herald-News. SALESWOMAN This. Vicinity, one woman wllh car. Earnings good. Weekly drawing arcount If you qualify. Home demonstrations, health method Stainless Steel Waterless heavy duty cooking utensils. Write Box 109 care Herald-News, WAWTRfi, car hop, 'must be "over" lfl! Walker's Drlve-ln, S. fltn ana Martin. WANTED, woman for work mornings. Bell Hotel. ELEVATOR operator" wanted. Apply In person, Wlllard Hotel. Wanted Experienced Lubrication Man ALSO Experienced Car Washer None but experienced need apply. Good opportunity, steady employment. See Bill Von Buskirk Balsiger Motor Co. 28 Miicallonooui Far Rant roH lir.NT. .I.clrlo Inll saml.r, srraw )arka, slat'litc fltnir poll.har. ludraullv at-k. lawn ntllar, KI AMAI'll VAI.IiV MIMIirit CO int fiouiii Ath t'lton 4nta r'llM IIKNT, alsi'lrltf 'rum'l'ats Itilsris. Jarh liainiuars. V ,lt .anil, nu'k ami I'.uialil. MATUUAl. HIU'l'l.Y CO,, oaa llniail. fOH lirNT, uiulalra liall, aiillalils tor niaatliiai, .hup or stnraa, l.'urnsr Main aiul lvna. Vai'aitt almul Juna ll. I'h. hi. VACl'UM OI.KANKIt FOll ItrNT,' II 1)0 a waak. IMinna l.ll:U. 30 Real Eitat For Sal WANTED Trimmerman and setter, 5!i days a week. Year around work. Best Lumber Co. Bornett Road Phone 9232 or 4163 Medford. WANTED BARBER WITH GOOD REFERENCES FURNISHED SHOP On Monthly Rental Basis MALIN HOTEL BARBER SHOP Phone 177 Malin WANTED Experienced Stub Edgerman SLOT1 Per hour Plus 3c nlte slull differential. The Diamond Match Company Stirling, City, California.. 16 Help Wonted, Male WANTED, contractor to taka linl track miles or rallroao. inquira kwbu na Box Co. Phona 3144. First Class Mechanic Wanted (or General Garotte Repair Good Guarantee Steady Job Anderson Auto Service Phone 8100 632 Walnut Experienced Box Factory Millwright Steady year around work, top wases. Ho using available. FRUIT GROWERS SUPPLY COMPANY Hilt. Calif. Phone 2251. WANTED Mn to aMtat In pri department of local uto 1lr. Exterlenc dalrbl but will romidrr Intellltfcnt, ambitious youn man, willing tu learn. Slale education and preent employment, to FO Ilox 733, Klamath ralla. Or. WANTKO. youn man. XI to 30 year old, long-time reitdent of Klamath Falli. who Is Interested In a KMltton with a future. Muit have good education, be a good pt-nman and Ilka to deal with people. Sea Mr. Duncan. Local toan Company VOCNCi MAN. S4-40. high' Intelligence, interested In lnvestlg4tlon work, to operate Klamath Falls ofrtc. Car necessary. Investment required. See representative, days, at 2043 Ora gon Ave, Apt. 12. WANTKO. flrsl-clais mechanic, fully experienced, nest of working condi tions. Hea Jack Foreman, Link River Motors. WANTED, salesman" with experience) In truck distribution of specialty foods. High salary Job. Write Ilox 1M. car Herald-News, giving full particulars, experience, age, references, etc. WANTED, one first-class combination auto body, fender and paint man, one first-class mechanic. Earl's Auto Re- ?alr i Dodge and Plymouth!. Phon 7. Lakevlrw, Ore. MALE or female, full or" part time, Klamath Falls and vicinity. SI 00 tn $.100 per hour. Write Real Silk Hosiery Mills. P.O. BoitrMJ3.Medfurd,Ore. Wanted Pin Grader (Certified Top wages for top man. Nona other need apply. Permanent work, 12-month operation. PHOENIX LUMBER MFO. CO. PHOENIX, ORE Phone Medford M32 . " SALESMAN This vicinity, one man with car. Earn ings good. Weekly drawing account If you qualify. Home demonstrations, heiilth method Am In less Bteel Waterless heavy duty cooking utensils. Writ Box KiO, care Herald Newt. SALESMAN, snlary and" commission. Leroy E. Hunt, 1401 Esplanade. jifSftyjrururni juui-ruutrt r"T - 18 Situations Wonted WIM. wiili and atratch curtains. Phona 2-ol.n. HOnSEWOMK wanledby hour."Phona Rn2. LADY d.slrea stniraphle position. Hhorthand. i-nrrl otllca work. Bo 1H4, cara Hrald-Nawsj . . . 20 Room and Board ROOM, board for two gentlemen. Phona imi. 22 Roomt For Rent ROOM3Tn2fl Jffffanon. BOOMS 10.14 Mlh "Oil tmNT. oomfirtabla homellka neap- Inn rooms KI4 N 3rd. HOOnf rOlt MENf Alio faraie. tlS HlKh. I'lJHNIrlltKr) ROOMS - Weekly ratea. Ascot ItotH, 1411 Main. fOR IIF.NT: Room. l!a CrescantTThotia AVH after 5 p. m. Gentleman preferred. 23 Housekeeping Rooms VACANCV-rurnlshrd llhl housekeep" InK rooms. I4n4 Klamath Ave. rlOIIHKKKEI'INr; and sleeplnl room, rlnia In. Phone 3342. 26 Houici For Ront CARINA by day or wepk. Reasonable. Clrnry'a Motel, 3.13!) Dlehn. Illhway "7 Norlh. -r'OR HKNT," 2-room cabin, and l-room nlllltlps furnishrd. !M4 Broad. POn RKNT. amnll furnished or unfiif- nlshr-d cottafta. Adulta only. 43fl2 S. Olh. 28 Miscellaneous For Rent TRUCKS for rent. Drlv. yourself. OR Transfer. Phone 44li.1. TRUCKS and cara for rent. Vo'u drive Move yotirneir save half. Htllea neacon Service, 1201 E. Main. Phona 8.104. Sunnyland 4 Bedrooms Built III 1040. itttrm'tlvo ninclnrn 7 rtxiui linnts with MiiiiIwimkI (kHiri, rilnliiK rmini, lurnnrc, jikmI KnrnKt) with wnlk-ln cooler. ttOxlftO ft lot, )itvid stuTt, on bin line. 185(H), umiiu. Bisbee St. Unit 8-liKim mmlrrn home with ihnlliK-room. flrrpliu'c, lonti win dows, 6 -8 nrrn frrtllo irroinitl. cor ner lot. nritf Ritrnuo with Inati littrd cooler. Mso mull rciuul unit. UOO, ternu. 30 Real IilaU For Sal Clc ose in 616 N. Ninth street, only 5 block north of Mnln, wtthln easy wnlk Inn ttljtHiK'C to town. Klvo lurve rootiM, (llnliiB-nHiin, nlerpliiK pori'h, rcnirnt bitsrinrnt. Rrtuonnlile prlt'o nnd trrnu. Your Opportunity Well cnnstrui'trd nttrac tlvc home on Kutewny llrlve. 9 lnnte beilrtxmu. cement bu.icment. o 1 1 furnace. hardwood floors throughout, extra Inrite lot with Inwn mid shrub. This home really In first cIsas con dition. m00. ternu. Riverview t - bcdriHim modern, ntirnctive home, built In ItMO. Hardwood floors throiiKhout, lnrxe closets, ex cellent condition throughout. Good Karaite. Inwn, shrubs. ICB50. terms. See Ruy Moon Joe Leonard CHILCOTE & SMITH Realtors and Insurance) 11 N. 9tll St. Phone 4564 or 5638 Evenings call 868 or 6577 Suburban Specials A very well conslrucU'd B-rooin modern, Insulated home with purl basement. acre of excellent land, completely Iniiilscaprd with fruit nnd simile trees, berries. Nice lawn nnd iiui'ilcn, Tills homo Is priced fur linmeillnln sale nt KlliM), and will qualify fur (I. I. loan. I'honc fur an appointment or see at 1(11 Derby. sea 1450 down mid 14(1 HO per lliolllh will buy the five-room modern home nl 6M5 Independence street. This home la Insulated, has ail oil floor furnace and Is loculed on S acre of very koihI Harden soil with lawn, berries and shstlo trees. a A new S-bcdronm modern home liK'uted In an excellent subiubun district. This home Is except lunally well constructed, has a largo una furnuce, Is fully Insulated and In It are Incorporated all of the modern conveniences for rniuforUblo sub urban living. Hils home Is at the staite of completion that will enable the purchasers to select the In terior colorings and finishings at their Individual discretions. Must be seen to be appreciated. Close In 30 Root Eitot For Sal SI) AI'IIK rAIIM. clo.e In. Merrffl lumiwsv, all In iia.liua and alUlls Kuiili'd 'or Oiaila A dairy, rull "''ivi rT WNIfM. f.AI.TOr4 T Nalsau Al Idinanilie nil N nu, Plume I4l Mill KAI.K'AR THAIir: Mmlarn I had- 1 11 hunts. Mills Addition. Phona :n.J J allar n t In. rrill HM K, Itlveivlsw Adilltlon, I lie. riHint Itmita. In iplale. Ilulana aiiulliltail. Willi tiiinllllia. ii'nui lui'a tliill lul Wrvalllaaiuai employe. f.lftOO. . Photta 2 IHHO allar IS V at. Wil l. THAIlK aiinlly In small house In stilititlia tor Isle modal ear. Ilmi.a riniiiilaialr ruinUhad. Phone BJVB, .140 Mai no I'OII HAI.K. inoilain S hadr."iin home, I aria aond sanily soli, el-mo See al "....I r .'all SOSS. I.MKI t'ANII fur aiinlly In s or 1 bedroom iKuna riiinie a mi TOM SAI.R ntixlain I ItailliMim Insulated hi'iiia 2VJS While fOH Al.r.. Nw I bedroom hiile. Ilaraae. til or FIIA leims. iwa fnlitla 4 ROOM moilern liuiue fur sals, ilwsj Un.a Ilka rant 1.M Ilia.. fOH SAI r, eilia lane level leal, roriief Klilinailo. Van Ne.s. Phone elM. Henley District 169 acres. Irrigated. 33 acres alfal fa, 16 acres clover and wheat. 47 acres tlanuchen barley. 36 acres seeded to new alfalfa. 10 acres of potatoes. 50 acres of pasture. New 4-bedroom home, 3 batlis, hard wood floors, basement, automatic heat, doublo garage. ' Hunkhouse and other buildings, lleautltul view and well Undsraed. Just 13 miles from city. Priced to sell with all crops. a a 16-acrr farm on Merrill highway. Good nodern 5-room home, trac tor mid other equipment. 14 acres seeded to barley. On pavement. 13 miles out. a 58 acres. Irrigated. Oratle A dairy set-up. Oocxl 8-room house. 8IX miles from city on highway. Neal Stewart Agency 815 Klamath Phone 9359 or SIM 8herwood Barnum. Salesman. Phone O-00RB. We have a very nice 4-ronin mod ern home with a large gluMcd-ln sun porch. This home Is on a cor ner lot and Is Ideally located. It Is fairly priced nt IftiHW wllh reason able terms. Phone for an appoint ment or see al M& Ninth 3nd street. Grocery Store Ideated on one of the main thor oughfares. Fixtures and equipment In exceptionally good condition. There Is n 3-rooiu modern apart ment for living quarters. A long term lease Is avalluble on the prop erty. Thin suite Is doing a very good business and affords an ex cellent opportunity. Kill I price IJ500 plus Inventory of stock. Bee us fur delulls R. P. OLIVER RK.Al.TOR A. V. McVey it.ur.li Rob Ross U'il-'i Agnes M. Oliver Ooron llrett 13-00731 Steve Moss 1 6.106 1 338 N. Bth Phones 4710 or 7177 Huge Profits Oregon, California, Washington Tax Delinquent Properties 1 to 640 ocres, 25c to $3 acre minimum bid. Fraction actual value Send 6c postage for circulars and maps. PACIFIC LANDS Box 33(0 VZ Hollywood, Calif. FOR QUICK SALE By Owner Ideal 20 ft. x 67 ft. pumice tile commercial building with 5-room modern home in rear. Good location. Building can be adapted to any use. Lot size 50 ft. x 200 ft. Will sac rifice! Phone 7164 Mills Addition Furnished 1-bedroom modern home, close to school and bus. Price $3500. Terms. Dale & Howes REALTORS 611 East Mnln. Phone 7268 or 6048 "Buy Now" HOMES FOR SALE Everett Dennis Realtor 121 N. 8th St. Phone 8401 tf fGffTH Al AXT modern, purity fiirnlihatl 2b(lroom humt. Near hupping area nil hut Itnt. 133 Penhlng way. Phon a-OKJfl. fOft ftAT.R, my equity" Irfon year old a-lMriroom houna In 81. Fran'-li Park, larjfe lot. Floor furnaca. Utility room. 441A Pock Drive, Hundayi only. fton flAt.E by owner, 2-bedrooin hnma, atrlclly modern, lk acre, fruit treet, nice Inwn with ttnrlnkler nynlern. tlfftUO. Phone M.70. 2lin Allnmont Drive, FOH HATK nV OWNKn-F.va room up and four rnoma down, two complete living quarter! with private but hi, all fully furnlBhRd Inrludlng two new Frlgldalref. The lower apartment renli for ftO tiiftoo, ;iafW rnh, balance at Intereit. Phone B723. fOH ftAI.R by owner, 2-hedroom home on Hmeway Drive, double loti. Full bane men I Hardwood floori. For ap polntment call QAI3. 0)t " HAI.R flpacfoui three -bedroom home, flreplare, aulomntlo piped oil furnare, aprlnkllng ayitem, full cement bement. a lota. Phone 6007. FOR SALE 4 rooms and balh. near Allnmont Drive. On acre of aood land, Nrwly papered. Concrete floored uurnjie, wood.ihed. frultroom wllh lame finished room overhead: row barn, rhlrken house, nlre lawn, trees, shrubtiery, strawberry patch. 54O0. e acre excellent land on Rummers Lane. Pine old stiade trees. Irri tated. tl)M. see 3-bedrooin modern home, plastered downstairs, patierrtl uiMtalrs; chicken house and yard. Clood buy at 14750. e e 1 acre In tjikeshore Gardens, drained, free Irriiiutlon. Excellent soli for truck cardenlng. Leu frost Ulan elsewhere. 1 1 000. Bee Verne McClellan, with Eddie Richardson Real Estate Broker 21 Main Office phone S141 (Evenings call 42&U FOR SALE Excellent, larRe 2-bedroom home with dining room and lame utility, prewar construction. Priced right. 4-bedroom excellent prewar con struction, well located In HI. Fran cis Park. Priced tu sell. Oood 2-bedroom furnished home. Insulated, ' acre good Irrigated land. Orchard. Excellent suburban location. $5300. All of these places shown by appointment only Phone 4008 llap Caldwell Bill Nclsoii wllh Newt Nelson, Realtor Nelson Real Estate 1051 South 6th Phone 6703 FOR SALE 10 acres of Rood noil, whent plnnl ed, fenced with henvy gauge woven wire. Oood well, electric powered 110 or 220 volta. Very Rood brooder house 30x12 ft. Addltlunitl building and Implement. $2000 cA.ih. Rt, 3, Dox 421-B. Turn right at Bratton Packing Co. from highway GO south on gravel road. l'A mile. W. W. Rtdglcy. f0RflALR,2-ronm houie," partly fur nlthed; outbultdlngi; ttIU acre. Phone 7 -Ml B. FOH flAl.FrU-llrofmbome'wlth full basement, furnace, utility traye, break faat nook, nlre yard. S.KW0, S1&O0 down. giO Hanka Ht. flALK, J treilroom modern home, I3.VK) canh or 2nm term. J14S Mary land. Phone 3-0171. flH;N HPACK on hlghwavfr7 available'. Write Hox 1S7, care llerald-Newa, J ROOMrt, linth, baiienient, good founda tion, in city, lull price turn, wllh furniture, AT.AO ATTRACTIVE 4 , nmtna and bath on . California Ave., only S:i7M. See Al lingmlre. Halennan with EVF.HETT UKNNI8, KKALTOH 121 N. nth Phone 8401 rOR AAI.K, large unfinished cabin at Lake o' Woo.u. Call at 120 Washington orphone 37tK). lodob "and nr.sonT In Rogue National Forest. Fliherman't headquartera. Haa rablna, store, alallon, lodge and garage, tucked among tower ing trees, on year-around highway and numerous streams end lakes nearby. Had now guests 1h1 year: grosses 140,000, For sale at iOO.OOO, Carries automatlo lifetime lease, KVKHKTT DKNNIH, MRAIiTOR 131 N. nth Phone Mot FOft flAI.IE, lnrnme"prnperty on H, flth Ht. This property Is paying 20 on Mfl.lMX) and can be purrhased for J4,(MH) on terms. Hee owner at 4:ifl4 Hummers Lane after 4 p.m. lOR HAI.K, 3-bed room modern home. Priced for quick sale. 1020 Sargent. Phone 3218. fOR flAt.K, tf-room modern' home 10 acres, smHK), some terms. 101ft Home dale. Phone DH47. ton flAI.B, 3-ronm home wlthah; with land or to he moved. Bessie Loudon. Phona 4XH, Tulelake, 32 Building & Remodeling WHITE ASBESTOS SIDING John Mansville Ornrnton IIuIIIoiif Hilvrr llrry Hlillnii Hhlimlrs Rigid Asbestos Roof Shingles Ilrst srlnclloll ol colors Itl Thiikliuil t:oiniwliloii Hhlimli-i COMI-LK-IK lH)l' HKItVlCK Tn Estimates mul r"HA Terms H. HENRIS ' Jr 37113 lliiH- HI. Phone 6Vl SEE DRAKE'S Improved Mustang Siding Your pnlnllnif Is cliinn (or llf hrn you lull Ihrm on. 'Din cost Is Irss i.u .ISim nimiuirril Willi V li ftlll- tna. Ix-IlUrs (rum I'JUOOO to 1300 00 you suvf tivrry 0 yrnrs lor noi Imvlnit to (Mint. Three yesrs to imy. Id a prr month on the ver ukc hotisp. C'olnplrlc bullillim umtcrlal line nd srrvlre. Drake Lumber Co. II. W. I'olrlik giO Hprlun Munniirr Phone 6810 Building Material TIMTIKR AM slses slid letKtlu. PI.ANKINO-AI1 wlillhs nd lrnilhs. Usmt rorruiintpd shrct mrtsj triuses; 38 It suit 40 rt , Built-up. Peoples Warehouse Al.l. TYI-rH Or UOOrINO spplled er.4 Susrenlee.1 tv en e.lsMUh4 nrm. s ins llssln Lumber Co. ee phone CONI'lirTK enil r- founitsllons. side, wslti.. relslner wsll. end repslre nt etl smite rree tlmete IttlO. fVATT. I'hone 13ML 112 (lege Rued. 34 Fuol-Hoating Floor Furnace. GAS Payne Holly OIL Kresky Dial 1&3T for Mtliimles Cascade Furnace Co. FLOOR FURNACES OIL i5r GAS BOB PORTER 301 Spring Phone 7708 Wood to Burn SLABS 16-inch Dry Mill Run $8 50 12-inch Dry Fir Slabs $11.00 Blocks $8.50 v PROMPT SERVICE T CONVENIENT CREDIT Peyton & Co. 818 Market Phone 5141 34 Fuol-Hcatina New or Used OIL STOVES C00D SELECTION BOB PORTER 801 Spring Phont 7708 Oil burner and oil stov serv ice Any make. BOB PORTER 801 Spring Phone 7708 fOjKM-'lTT.'(l Phone ABnlrilf fllh end Midi. ml llo.il, l..r dellverr. v. V-i. ' ''' niemps. OIlV MINsT ftl.lK.KH lor e.le by Inirli . ..n... i.ir.ll.r.l' I1HUH IB Allemnnt Drive. Phone OBM. 35 Aufomotive ie nd ",ii!!!l'v",0I;!:T I,lrk"J' '"-r s.i..-floni Mscdoeircslii.