THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1948 HtKALD AND NhWi, KLAMAIM hALLi. OKfcGON PAGk MINI Summer Home Prowls Told Flflcru summer lion i- it l.nke n' llu Woods, iiwnnl by Kliimulli Fulls, Mrrifonl, Asliliinil n ml Alltini ri'sl dpnl, wmn prowled miinrlliiiti clur Itiic Iho pitnl nrvi'iiil ctuys nrnirilluii lo Truy (look, iirralilriit of Urn Hiim mvf Horn, owiiius iiiimh'Iiiiioii, who iprnt Wrilnrsiliiy nt Uin rowirl, Cook mild (Mitt, it mipi'nt nil the prowlers rrai'liril I lie wi'sl side nib Ins hy hunt, RVKiruiiiiU'iilly opened tiiiuiiirr liomra by iinlnii n pinch Imr on doors nr links, nnil wont tlirniiuli such cntiln swklnK loot which would iniiko a cpilck (iirn-nver. Thus fnr the only mlnMiiR article In nn oulboiud inolnr from the It. P PIIIiiriioii Hi., pliicc, hut Cok nks robin owners In chock tliotr build Inns mid In report IhP loss In Hlirrllf l.loyd I.. I.nw, fiirrtukrr Krt Morne u miikiDH a further i lin k IihIiiv. Cook fluid Hint cntiln entered Included Hum owned bv IX. P. Kl llniiiiiin Hr., tl. C 1, or (Mix, P. I,. Weaver, fllrnn Kent. Clnronoe A. Humble, I.atiwrcnc Hhnw, mid Dr. Treat FAMILY , r " rAVUKIHS f t lS-i Skihi hue ttff'Jr k lu.e . nc, tut i --;' i"i"iui CT'! wC?. v( i-.".'kc. 9b 0. II. Morrison, all of Kliuimlli Pull; Hiirni-y Hunt ti nl Altiirm; Mmsliull llimiolM'Hf, Tuvos mid lllnckliurll. I.. Piiuit, Wllllnill Mr linn, Duvc Homes mid Wullor l.rviMrll of Mod ioli!, unci (I. lenders of Anhliitnl. Only inliliM prowled nn thi) flint Idii won llmse of Hhnw mid Kndi'rit. Keno Mm Hylveidcr Oimih, postmistress of Kirk who died suddenly Mny 'ill, win thn former K.llecn Wilson, di'iiiilitcr ol Percy Wilson of Keno. Wllmm lcll nl once lor Kirk lifter ft mafc.t any loop go twice at far. 3. maktt any viatir loft at rain. blun at It waih.i ntver streaks. Y prol.itt clolhti, handt and all automatic dlth t and clothes washers. It's hr concsntratsd "Magic' ONCE YOU TRY IT... YOU'LL NEVER BE WITHOUT IT I V I Bl'.'ll 1,;1'I'J mil K i I to flavor! Dig inl Every rich, rrciimy ipoonful tcll you that Borden't ricir CottiiKc Clicrte couki be mndc only of the finest Pustt-ur-ied Urriton milk, proreucd by the world'i most arcom philicd chrcie mnkeril C M COTUcVcHEESf iJ QsJ 1 Mew freshness Borden's takei no chances that any of the smooth, just- , made flavor of this new cottage cheese is kept from you. That's why it's rushed to you fresh ovary day in the most modern refrigerated trucks. Delicious as the hour it was made! T,ly Rr.t n carton or two of Dorden's now Cottage Cheese. You'll agree: It's really different! Dorden's NEW COTTAGE CHEESE (Fits eoEN's- ) it's goi to be oooo ! coTiHt ! tm m ta K" ISordcris "3 If I 014X10 I'll M COTTAGE (HEESI W recelvlnii word of Ills diuiuhter'l (tenth. Mr. mill Mra. Al UhvIs, who wern III mi niitoinobllfl wreck l Altiini few tliiyn ui), are readmits of Keno. Uiivln U mi emplove of Puck ell n ml Hcherer siiwnilll. I,nno Hmllh Jr. wim unlinon fhh Inii nl Gold lleiich thn flint of the week, and cunidit hi limit. HI" ful her nicompiiiilrd him. Mr. mid Mrs. Charles Punter of UniM Vnllry, Ci.lif , mid Mrs. I,. A. Itroinmi of Kliiiimth Pnlls spent Wedncsdiiy nvenlUK Hi the hoMin of Mm. .I'ie Pouter 111 Keno. Poster Slid Mrs. Hromiui were brother end sinter of the lute Joe Foster. Mil. McKlnley Ie, mother of Mis. Ilnrvey Lxiihum of llurper, left for Inline Prldny efleriiiHin niter spendlnit two weeks with the Den hums. Hhe was here to ifrcct her new tfrmidriituKhtcr. Mrs. C. W. Ilelsler of Dufer died suddenly ol heart attack Friday. May 21. Mrs, llelsler was n sister of I.nne Hinlth Hr. of Keno and re cently spent several days vlsltlnk a', the Hmllh home. Mr. and Mrs. Mmlth left at oner for Dufur. To lluy Hell or I rnrlr It pays lo read Herald and News Classified Adi It pays to Advertise I DAYS WEEKS freaher from our toasting ovens ' In your tablo! Get tlie original Kollogg's Corn ! . Klnkcaao criap, ao quick, Jjt Hj lJ2JJ"" ao flavorful. AfMr " & Y fES"iMONEY$TRETCfltS itmrrmBurmsi Spxioli for Thursday, Fri., Sat., Sun., Mon., Tuei., Wsdnesdoy Red Kidney Beau, No. 1 tins . IZc 9 for 1.00 Chill Beans, No. 1 tins . . . 17c 6 for 1.00 Beans and Franks, Ige. tin . 17c 6 for 1.00 Pork ti Beans, Dennlson's . . 11c 10 for 1.00 Tomato Juice, 2s 10c 1 1 for 1.00 Tomato Juice, Topmost, 46-oz. 21c S for 1.00 Crapefrult Juice, No. 2 tins . 10c 11 for 1.00 Orange Juice, Llbby's 2s . . . 14c 8 for 1.00 Blended Juice, Del Monte 2s . 12c 9 for 1.00 Soup, Rancho Asstd. : . . 7c 15 for 1.00 Dog Food, Ken L'Ratlon ... 9c 12 for 1.00 Pears ttwV tp sosl No. 21s 27c 4 for 1.00 Green Beans, Everett 2s . . . 14c 8 for 1.00 Peas, Sugar Belle Type 2s . . ISc 7 for 1.00 Pumpkin, DA, 2 is 14c 8 for 1.00 Sweet Potatoes, Pelaco 2s . . 17c 6 for 1.00 Spinach, Hunt's 2 is .... 14c 8 for 1.00 Spinach, Moore's 2s . . . . 11c 10 for 1.00 Asparagus, 2s . o 27e 4 for 1.00 Values in No. 10 Goods (Gallons) Slked Bfth . . . 45c Pumpkin 49c Fruit Cocktail ... 1.3? Peaches . . . iK Apple Sauce t , . 79c Apples 85c Tomato Juke , . . 49c Catsup .... 1. . 98c Carrots 55c Mixed Veget., Miracle 2s . . 17c 6 for 1.00 Corn, Cream Style 2s .... 17c 6 for 1.00 Hominy, Van Camps 2 . . 17c 6 for 1.00 Tomato Hot Sauce, But Sc 21 for 1.00 Tomatoes, heary pack 2s ... 17c 6 for 1.00 Tomatoes, Mission 21s . . I 21c 5 for 1.00 Syrup, IJ-lb., light or dark . 21c 5 for 1.00 Apple Cider, Martinelli's, qts. 27c 4 for 1.00 Catsup, Fairplay 14-oz. . 17c 6 for 1.00 Pickled Beets, l ib. Jar ... 15c 7 for 1.00 Fruit Cocktail, Belmont 21s . 27c 4 for 1.00 Apricots, Hunt's 21s .... 27c 4 for 1.00 Peaches, Sliced, 21s ... 21c 5 for 1.00 Plums, Prune Type, 21s . . 17c 6 for 1.00 Mackerel, No. 1 tins . . . 27c 4 for 1.00 Sardines In Oil, js . . , . 17c 6 for 1.00 Tuna, Tuxedo is .... , . 35c 3 for 1.00 Spaghetti, Pan. Amer. Is , ; . . lie 10 for 1.00 Eastern, toll, Ice cold . ; . 13c 8 for 1.00 Western Stelnles, Ice cold . . I0c 11 for 1.00 PRODUCE DEPARTMENT trt trw. ..Mi . t,. j;r T "M Ami H..S. - - mrmrm M ratk SMH IftStlfl SaSU (ksUU Ull Hil IM Lettuce .... lb. 10c MM Itm. Avocados. 2 lor 29c lUrt to 4l ft (Ian t4j i m Oranges 49c Tomatoes. 2 lbs. 29c tm ilui tH4 uiu. tiM tm tfMtta Onions... 2 lbs. 19c dev irs Ml km nJ miM. ku atssv GrapeSruit . . ea. Sc The tsf Tm ftui. tin M fftiM tvM fta, MEAT DEPARTMENT Short Rib lb. 35c PalDAV AND SATURDAY Bacon Jowls ... lb. 37c Beef Roast ... lb. 59c I Wieners lb. 39c PURE LARD. .... 41b. package $1.12 THE Blue Market Across From The Medical-Dental Building 9th and Main Phono 5374 tail, tlnellna class of Q 1 W T.I nut il-Annla (thn while BDDlo Juioe) is Just perfect for children -at breakfast, after school, bedtime, anytime. Only the pur Juice of fresh, crisp apples, it tastes wonder ful and ils so good for men ... Another S t I Fine yood. Grocers wfio know ogreot "S quality is so much better' Grocers all over the country have judged for themselves, from comparisons made right in their own stores. They have seen us open and compare S iW products with any other brand on their shelves. From their own experience, they have judged S&W Quality best, every time. FINE FOODS. .."$0 much better' z It to LUNCH SPECIALS For Your Holiday Picnic or Fishing Trip POTATO SALAD Macaroni Salad Quarts or Gallons FRESH FISH ALL KINDS Cheaper Than Hamburger No Waits WIENERS COLD MEATS CHEESE PICKLES JAMS & JELLIES Make Your Lunch Complete Shop Our Department All Fresh See Our Fan Tailed Fish Wag Its Tail! (Strictly a Non-Swimmer) TRY FRESH FISH FROM THE BLUE C 311ta nip (to Sare for the fun of It arer the holiday week-end bj eominr to Emll's for ALL your food needs whether you're planning perfect picnic, or family meals at home. Yes rou'U find that our low, low price, help yon save a little more Just for fun; found money that comes in so handy for playtime pleasures. Boy plenty of everything so that you won't run short of food oyer th. lone holiday week-end coming up. 1 Ml 1 11 f .11, CLOSED ALL DAY MONDAY MEMORIAL DAY OPEN Sl'NDAY 9 A. M. TO S P. M. Mayonnaise Hormel Yienna Sausage Spam BEST FOODS pi. Jar 49c . 4-rw. tin 19c 49c I Lumber Jack Syrup 5-lb. tin 79c Highland Cane A Mapl. Sugar Syrup 112-pt. jar 59c 12-01. tin S perry 16-oz. rr. kJ Atwilf AMI C IM As nuincyian jammed Brisling. . 3;-oz. Swanson Chicken Fricassee " Im With butter grary. Monarch Cucumber Pickles pt. jar 29c m CHB Sweet Pickles ,.o,j.r5fc nrlal XHA South W. 33c Pancake & Waffle Hour lie Franco American Spaghetti Ho. 1 tall tin 13c Monarch Beans Ho. 2 tin 19c 1 V. 1iV i Blended Juice Ro"' Club 46-oz. tin 29c Tomato Juice M,,n"ch 46-oz. tin 29c Pineapple Mla D'and'smau chunks. Grapefruit G.-rdtn-br.n5. - No. 2 tin 15c Peaches , No. 2!2 tin 21c With pork. Snowdrift 3-lb. tin 1.15 No. 2 tin 39c Town and Country Napkins ...pkg. 25c TOO Kitchenette Embossed Napkins pkg. 17c Paper Plates Pk9- 15c Pioneer Beer HSl Fruit Cocktail Peanut Butter Standby, fancy. Moody's. No. 1 tall tin 25c 16-oz. jar 38c KRISPY CRACKERS 2-lb. box 47c HI-HO CRACKERS Mb. box 29c Cube Steaks - - - lb. 89c Always trnder-a-ldeal for a qirlck hot weather meal. Skinless Wieners - lb. 39c All mrat the most economical buy of the day. Colored Fryers - - lb. 59c Fresh take along a couple for the two-day holiday. Bologna or Liver Sausage lb 39c Fisherman's special. Sliced Bacon - - - lb. 79c Sniffs Premium the public's choice. There Is always a large fresh variety of table ready cold cuts at Emll's markets. Get Your Buttons for Klamath . Progress Days at Emll's I Golden Ripe Lb. Jgf El TOMATOES 4$C I j Extra fancy field 1-Lb. Ctn. 0 pf I Potatoes I69 I If Klamath No. Is V-. bag g ; p White Shatters - W-lb. bag 69 $ STRAWBERRIES. CANTALOUPES, Si EUOENE BUNCHED A8PARAQUS p Right Reserved to Limit quantities INDEPENDENT FOOD STORES m W gebbek) m 1! snni'