Herald and news. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1942-current, May 27, 1948, Page 4, Image 4

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THURSDAY, MAY 27, 19-18
luna(lna Editor
month I00 R mill month. MM
Imontb 1 00 B m.U
r7. . ..... n.tur at in. ooitornc. or m.
Today's Roundup
THIS department has never been especially en
thustasUo about daylight avlnit Ume . . . How
ever, if our neighbors all go for It. there seems no
Jem b e alternative . . . The difference between
California and Oregon sections of the Klamath basin
It already making some incon-
r" venlence . . . Farmers don t like
fjXLS. it, for good reasons, especially In
; the harvest seasons ... But a
. , , I ; lot of our farmers are in areas
' 1 , that hnvfl it already.
4F In a recent Satevepost story.
I I S Dirt's eves were twice described
l. Via lias blue as Crater lake when
ACry J vifM from 10.000 feet up . . .
i ' The distant viewing. I assume. Is
vK of the lake, not the eyes . . .
linn county TOtera defeated a
I county manager proposal at the
recent election . . . Charlie Stark.
EPLET the cnamuer manager, uuuu
time for Klamath to start after some conventions
Not the big kind that overflow our housing fa
cilities and thus embarrass us. but small ones that
tit Into the accommodations we have ... The State
Elks association will probably come here In 1949
That may tax our facilities, but I'm sure the
town will be glad to have the Brother Bills on hand.
There Is a revival of talk of using voting machines
In Oregon ... It was tried once In Portland but
the public didn't like it . . . Heavy balloting makes
counting a long and tedious task, and the state may
eventually come to the machines which are used to
a considerable extent in the East ... In the mean
time, widespread use of counting boards will help
a lot, and It is to be hoped that every precinct of
any substantial registration -and that's mosf of them
In Klamath county will have counting boards at
the fall election.
Charter Issue
SISKIYOU county, which considered and reject
ed a charter plan for its government a year or
to ago, is going to have another try at It.
As a result of a petition filed with the supervisors,
an election of freeholders to prepare a proposed
charter Is set for June 1. The results of the work
of the freeholders group will be presented to the
people of the county for a decision at the general
election In the autumn.
. Included in the list of candidates for freeholder
re W. H. Weltkamp and Ivan Rose of Tulelake,
and C. E Motschenbacher of Dorris.
Because of the tremendous growth that has been
made In Eastern Siskiyou county In recent years, it
deserves full representation on the board that pre
pares the proposed changes In the county's govern
ment It is thus only fair to suggest to residents of all
Siskiyou county that the men from Eastern Siskiyou
county be elected to the freeholders board.
These Days
COMMUNIST technique, fully adopted by Henry
Wallace, is beyond belief. They have now
started a terrific propaganda to give the Impression
that the United States started the cold war. For
at least two years, every Soviet official of Import
ance, not only within Soviet Russia but in the
United Nations and throughout the world, has been
attacking the United States, American Institutions
and American personalities. Including President Tru
man. When before has any country submitted with
out reply or reprisal to such attacks as Vlshlnsky
made upon the United States on Us own soil loaned
to UN?
On the continent of Europe, the cold war was
concentrated upon the United States with every
weapon of smear, deceit, humiliation. Among the
peoples who were eating our wheat and wearing
our clothes, to whose children we were sending the
chance to survive, the Soviet propaganda machine
worked mercilessly to defame and denounce our
motives. The billions of dollars In food and com
modities were described as Uie poison of Imperialism.
Our pity and compassion were denounced as en
slavement. Never In all his years of madness did
Hitler denounce the United States with equal venom.
The Soviet Dreom
OUR objective was peace. At San Francisco, at
Potsdam, at the United Nations. Soviet Russia
fought every constructive effort toward peace. Foul
nd wearisome became the repetitious veto, which
served no other purpose than to prove to the
Russian satellites and the weakened nations of
Vnmn and Asia that the United States was nothing.
that the world had to go the Soviet way or suffer
Soviet antagonism and perhaps conquest through
The premise upon which Soviet Russia functions
is the "inevitable" collapse of the American capitalist
economy. You may recall that no sooner was the
fighting war over than Henry Wallace, as secretary
nf mmmerce. Issued phony statistics to Indicate a
.iin "Bnnm or bust'" was made Into one of
those slogans that captures the eye and stuplfles
the mind. A series of strikes was encouraged by
communist-directed unions and then there was a
"second round" and then there was to be a "third
round" of strikes and wage increases and economic
Meanwhile, all the world was demanding aid
from us and we were giving aid. And Soviet
Russia was conducting a "cold war" designed to
force upon us a huge bill for rearmament; costly
for us, yet essential in view of their attitude. Surely,
they assumed, no country could stand such a bur
den and not collapse. We not only did not. collapse
but we took on aid to Greece. Turkey and China;
we took on the Marshall plan; we took on almost
a wartime military budget. And although it all hurts
and we know that we shall suffer from these coats
we have not collapsed. We are stronger, more
united in our purposes thin we were even during
the fighting war.
Who Started It?
SO now they want us to end the- cold war. Wallace
writes to Stalin and Stalin writes to Wallace,
and the American communists and the remaining
fellow-travelers shriek: "Stalin has spoken! Tremble
and obey!"
But the fact is that we did not start the cold war:
we have conducted no cold war. We have pursued
a constructive program of building a peaceful world
In the United Nations. We have offered economic
aid to nations in Europe and Asia. We have even
permitted Soviet Russia to buy supplies here, and
the Marshall plan calls for East-West trade. We
have never sought to deprive a single nation of its
freedom. We have even sought to rehabilitate our
How oan we stop a cold wax which has been a
one-way war: Soviet Russia against the United
States? They have been defeated In that cold war.
They have been defeated bv the resilience of the
peoples of Western Europe. They have been defeated
by the survival of Western European civilization.
They have been defeated by the amazing productivity
of the American people.
Instead of recognizing how vile they have been,
they turn upon us and ask us to quit fighting them.
Is that not the normal conduct of a bully? There
can be bullies among nations as in the schoolyard.
torn tt iy ma wmct mniilinnn
The World
AP rrrlH Affairs Analyst
If you just dropped in to any hello, why don't you say it?
That shouldn't take you nn hour!"
By JOY Bir.c.s
Moose To Take
In 18 Members
A class of 18 candidates will be
" ' i initiated Into the Mimse lodne at
Comdr. Scott's Sunday program. re(.uir mrting, tonight. Thurs
Romance of the Highways." will , dllv st g o'clock.
this week feature the Klamatn mitlntlori will be the last In 1 peace lus In the fart that America
The failure of Iho United Nations
(litis far lo achieve n tnii'o In tho
Antb-Jrwlsli war la trituto for the
Holy Land and It's trimlc lor the
peace oniiuur.atlnu, since It polnls
to disunity within the UN Itself.
The Arabs, while playing lor lime
by calling on the UN to lay down
exact terms for a political settle
ment, wouldn't
agree to the
truce called for
except on con
ditions wlili li In
cluded the de
mand that rec
ognition of tho
new Jewish suua
of Israel bo
a b a n it o n e it.
llils. of course.
the Jews would
n't accept.
So the on- o.Wiii Mkenilal
fltct continues.
II twirls about tho birthplace of the
prince of peace. It rages by the
Mount of Ollvrs, which stands tor
much that Is cherished in Christian
history the place where ChrlM
Mucin the dlsrlplra the Lords
prayer. It Is proceeding within the
walls of ancient Jerusalem, whem
a small Jewish force hn been stub
bornly clinging t Us haiutrdous
position. Shells from Arab guns
continue to batter the Holy City.
No Trend Yet
The war Is still loo young lo dis
close Its trend. Not so the affair',
ot the United Nations a house di
vided against Itself. It Is clear thai
If It cannot find a method ot luiltliw
this new outbreak, lis liillurnre in
the eyes ot the world may drop io
low as to render 11 Impotent.
One of the greatest obstacles to
Poppies For Vcterons
1 Jhf li'-'-'TvA
IA iu, V J
I'.rrl. u,, llllhrm.niT. il.iirliler of Mr. and lri. rrnl llrllliruiilirr.
Is lellln, her quota of American l.eilnn atnlllnrv iiiciiim'uI nupiilr
ell downtown riatunlar. With her I. Mr., l.uy ll.irkrr. auxiliary immiy
ale chairman, toiitrlhtill.in. Irion Hie of the mall crepe paper
flimcra will so toward child welfare and rehabilitation for veterans.
Progress uajs air snow. . ,urmu membership campaign
This double holiday air show will Which Fls today, and honors Jumes
be a humdinger watch out lor pre- j A ilivis. founder of Mooscharl.
view pictures In Friday's Herald and i i,ome for children, near Chicago.
Uefore his dealh. Mr. Davis re
quested that a membership cam
paign replace tloral triouies in nis
We hear In LW that "other peo
ple keep logs, too namely Chuck i honor.
and Don" ok boys, but you are not A(u,r tj,e meeting, a Dutch lunch
combination men. too or are you? ; wlil be served.
and Britain are lined up on opposite
sides, llrllisli Foreign Secretary
Uevln told Uie house of commons
yesterday that England will con
tinue to tullill treaty obligations lo
furnish officers for the Trans-Jordan
Arab legion unless this becomes "In
consistent with our obligations Uj
the United Nations." On the other
hand, observers figured that the
Arab rejection of the truce was like
ly In harden the American mud
favoring the Jewish stale.
The clash between America an.l
llrllaln Is liirlher seen In the ques
tion of an American limn to Israel.
As Dungs sianil. Die line of ilw
Holy Laud depends on how long It
takes the great IMiwers lo compusj
their own divergencies and brUM
the full weight of the United Na
tions to bear against the rupture ol
cace In Palestine.
Klamarhires Tell
Of Trips
RrporU from two men who re
cently rrprrNrllled Klamalll Fulls
at distant events were heard by the
chamber of commerce dueiiori
Charles Stark, chamber manager,
told ot a session uf the western con
vention bureau lield at ltrno. blink
as named a regional vice presi
dent of the organisation. He mid
he frrls thai Klamath Falls shmild
llliw Ullilrrlilke Ihr slillaill sll) line
of small convent Inns.
M II Homer "f Hufrwar uli'lrs
described the rrrrnt good III flight
ol a large group of iirrgiinians lo
Mexico Mr derlmvd Hint Mexican
hospitality was out uf this ww!
( Altli Of I HANKS
We wish to llmnk our trlenils and
nrlgliburi for the bciiutlfol llnwets
and rxpiessions of sympathy ex
teniled to us on the liilllnl of our
son and broiher. Uie lale Hut I leu
trimnt IioiiiiM K. Turner who was
burled May III III (lo'ilell Hate Na
tional cemetery. H n lliuno. Culll
Mr anil Mis .lark lliilrs. Mr.
Mr and Mrs Jack Hale.. Jr..
Mr 011(1 MM II. 15 llnlrs.
Members of the Indianapolis Citi
zens Speedway committee seeking a
lap prize fund of $''0,000 for the
32nd annual 600-mlle auto race
classic have climbed within 3300 of
their goal, we hear.
This race will be broadcast over ,
JI Monday. May 31.
Our notes on Bud Chandler's trln
south have gotten mlsnlaced so we'll
look around when we have time and
give you the pitch on that and the
people he saw tomorrow maybe.
If you missed the Blngsdny pro
gram last night you missed an en- i
tertalnlng broadcast. The slnglne I
was interesting and quit. sharp and
ABC's Henry Morgan says that.
Just as we ' are getting to where
we're making both ends meet some
politician comes along and moves
the ends! How right. The ends
seem like east and west never the
twain shall meet.
FRIDAY - MAY 28th, 8 P. M.
For Momoriol Day
' St VI
"Wo Wire Flowers"
430 Main Phone 8871 or S442
1 I
Land Opening Terminology
Explained By USBR Office
In order to clarify a misunder
standing which seems to prevail in
the public's mind regarding the
forthcoming opening of lands for
homestead entry In the Klamath
project, the following Interpretation
Land Opening Dates A public
notice announcing the opening of
public lands to entry, sets the date
that starts the period ot filing. It
does not mean that a public draw
ing will be held on that date.
Preference Right of Veterans
After the public notice has been
Issued advertising the land opening,
veterans of World War II, who can
qualify under the provisions of the
public notice, are entitled to a 90
day preference period In which to
file their applications.
Public Drawing The drawing
for awards takes place after the
filing period has been completed,
and all applicants have been noti
fied of the action of the examining
board who Judged their qualifica
tions. Sufficient time most elapse
between the closing date of filing.
and the date of drawing, to allow
for the clearing of cases Involving
appeals from the action of the ex
amlnlng board.
A tentative schedule for the forth.
coming land opening. Indicates that
the public notice will probably be
available In the early part of July;
90-days of preference period for
filing would set the closing date in
mfd October, and the date for the
public drawing in the latter part of
December at the earliest.
Copies of the public notice and
other necessary forms for makinz
application will be available at the
office of the bureau of reclamation
at the air base In Klamath Falls.
Written requests for the material
will be filled as soon as It becomes
available. In the meantime, the of
fices of the bureau of reclamation
at Washington, D. C Sacramento.
Cslif.. and Klamath Falls. Ore., will
accept names and addresses for the
files of persons wishing to receive
the public notice and application
forms. Lists of names made In pre
vious years will not be considered.
Rule Changed
Broken service ratings of motor
machinist second and third class
will be discontinued as of June IS,
1948, in the U. 8. navy.
Vernon Chitwood, navy recruiter
for this district, said that on and
after June 15. 1948. otherwise quali
fied "broken service" personnel who
were discharged in motor machinist
rates will be accepted for re-enlistment
as firemen only.
The ex-navy men who were dis
charged in the above rate and have
been out over 90 days, and plan on
re-enllstlng should call at the navy
recruiting office in Klamath Falls
in plenty of time to process their
enlistment prior to June 15, Chit
wood said.
Eugene Bus Lines
Get Extension OK
SALEM. May 27 MV-Public Util
ities Commissioner John H. Carkin
today authorized Oregon .motor
stages to extena its Eugene city bus
service beginning next Tuesday.
The new routes are:
From city limits of Eugene to Cal
oYung route, via Ferry street bridge,
Country club road. Wllla Gillespie
road. Cal Younii road, Oilman road,
Norkenzie road. Cal Young road.
Wllla Gillespie road. Country club
road, and Ferry street bridge.
From city limits of Eugene to
Rlvervlew road, via Franklin ave
nue, Rtvervtew road, underpass and
Franklin avenue.
Carkin said the new routes would
serve extensive housing developments.
person registered to vote) AT THE FOLLOWING KLAM
Ideal Barber Hhop. 126 Ko. lib hU
Drumstick Tavern. 103S Kast Main
Mr.Mahon Notions, 1207 Division
Walt's Tasty Foods, 813 I'lne tit
City Mobile Hervlee, 1100 Main St.
Lowell s Lockers, 807 I'lne 8t
O'llarra's Richfield Service. Ko. 6th and Washburn Way
Kudy's Furniture Exchange, 1323 So. Slslh SU
Give a Fountain Pen for Gradua
tion! Complete Stock Shaeffer,
Parker and Waterman. Pioneer
Printing It Stationery Co., 122-124
S. 9th.
Films Shown At
Tule Rotary Meet
TULELAKE. May 27 Phil Park,
co-owner of the Park motel, fea
tured a showing of colored picture
slides of local scenes and other Cali
fornia localities at the Wednesday
luncheon meeting of the Rotary
club In the SporWman's hotel. The
scenes were taken by Pari Olb and
Ed Osborne and Karl Oentry. Doug,
las Thomas was program chairman.
One new member. Park, was
greeted and W. O. McClymonds was
It Pays to Use the Want-Ads!
itADio rmx.n yms
Ki- J 11240 kc
Gabriel Htallcr MBS
KFLW 1450 tie.
Spirts Ltncup
Horn Two Nt
:1A WorlJ Ntwi Bammarj
:ChII i Wrld ABC
:4& M
et "
1:WEI!trr QlHB ARC
1;M Henry Mran Shew ABC
7:4 "
1:M M
AiOoMen Behind Mtlodr
:UMalelm hpUy
:S0 Front I'm ABC
t:M 0vrnor Warrrn ABC
:16 Earl Godwin ABC
P;S0 Candid Mlcrophont ABC
Ju:iu Stardust Htlodltt'
10:1 " "
t:lBrntman's Oreo. ABO
1:4 "
ll:MNtwf Smmarj
ll:M Taliqiail
llilft n
Aroand Tvwn
Nirnei In New
ftporlt Hound up
Dinner Dance
Straight Arrow MBS
Klamath Hporta Album
Kl. Community JPlayeri
Billy Ro MBS
Glenn Hardy MBS
Fleetwood Lawion MBS
Box II
olton Lewis Jr. MRS
Drama of Medicine
Family Theatro MBS
Marine Story
Album of Fln Music
News MRS
Muslo Hall MRS
Sleep Serenade MBS
illCsm la Hit Morn
:4ft Farm fart
VMNows, Breakfast Edition
1:15 Charlie's Roundup
lilllrMews Hummao ABO
):&Zekt Manners ARC
B Otnriakrait Club AUG
l;St -
S:4 "
;M Tho Three Sons
till Frank Parker Show
:lB'kfas In Hollywood ABC
:4ft "
loiMOaltn DrakS ABO
10:15 Dial Fan
10 ss My Trno Story ARC
li:5 Miniature Concert
IhO Stop and Shop
11:IATht Llstenlni Post ABO
11 ilR
lltlt Raukhars TalklnoABO
llilft Nancy Craig ABU
KFLW Feature
Musks) Reveille
On The Farm Front
Frank Hemingway MBS
Kmc and Shins MBS
Rest Buye
Kate Smith Speaks MRS
Vic. H. Mndlahr MBS
Fashion Flashes
Familiar Favorites
Glenn Hardy MHS
Tunes You Know
Morning Matinee
Sons of Pioneers
Happy Gang MRS
Whale New
Queen For A( Day MBS
La Polnte'e at 11
Wladlmlr Rellnskr Slnfei
Let's Read Magasinra
Osark Valley(Folka MBS
KPJI Fealor
KFLW 1450 kc
lt:0 News, Noon edition
lt:lft Payleit Sidewalk Show
U::i0 Paul Hhiteman Club ABC
IS:4ft "
1:00 Claudia
1:1ft Merrill Time
l:W Rhythm 4t Reason
1:19 Sammy Kayo Serenade
t:W Surprise Package ABC
t:l. "
3:2.1 Buddy Twlss ABC
t:30 Bride and Groom ARC
X 00 Ladies Be Seated ABC
1:15 "
1:30 Welcome Travelers ABC
:4S "
l:.-.0 M
4:00 lumpln' Jacks
4:1ft Rcquestfully lours
4:10 " "
5:00 H
5:15 Terry and the Pirates ABC
ft:30 jack Armstrong ARC
:45 . " "
, MAY 2ft
KFJ1 liI40 kc
Name Bands
Your Dance Tunes
Hearta Dealro MBS
Theatro Matinee
Johnson Family
Voice of Arm
Ricky's Request
Fulton Lewis Jr. MB
Frank Hemingway MBS
Pasilng Parade MBS
Living With God
Adventure Parade MBS
Superman MBS
Afternoon Concert
( apt. Midnight MBS
Tom Mis MBS
1.', S. Marino Band
Jimmy Hakely Trio
6:00 Sports Lineup
0:1ft Home Town News
6;2ft World News Summary
:0Tht Sheriff ABC
6:40 " "
:45 "
:.W " "
fl:.Vi Champion Roll Call ABO
7:00 Gillette Fights ABC
1:10 "
1:1 A " '
7:J10 " "
1:55 "
S:0n Tho Fat Man ABO
S:15 " "
S:0 This It Tour FBI ARC
:!5 "
9:00 Break the Rank ARC
0:30 Famous Jury Trials ABO
ln:HI Slardusl Melodies
10:15 " "
10:30 Breneman's Offh. ABC
10:45 "
11:00 Newt Summary
Il;t4 H
KFLW Feature
Mlscha Borr Orch.
quit Show
Around Town 1
Names In News
Sports Boundup
Dinner nance
Sports Talk
Kay HlocK L.oncori
Votce of Sports
Henry Wallace MRS
Hly Rose MHS
Glenn Hardy MRS
Fleetwood Lawton MRS
F.venlng Concert
Henry J. Taylor MBS
Wrestling n
Alhum of Fine Music
News MRS
Meet tho
Special Agent
KFJ1 Featnre
Calling ALL
Car Owners!
We Offer
For ALL Makes!
We're Ford specialists but wt
have men who are factory trained
on all other makes, and our equip
ment and facilities are the finest
Treat yourself to REAL service!
Itrlnt your Ford HOME for
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TONIGHT 8:30 - 9:00 P. M.
Dr. Eugene V. Broughton
Registered Optometrist
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Phono 8322
YES. it happens at niMnifclit i 1 1
every night! The hamlMime new
Norgc tlijroili ilirl, wliilc yu ilccp.
Froxen foods and ice cubes remain
frozen in ihe extra-large iM(iiant
Side Frcccr , . . meal norcd in ihe
Coldpack is never diliirhcd. All
you do is empty, once each week,
the dcfront water collected in llie
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We have available In atnrk all
popular alira. Trrnn to suit your
H0MI mmt
Felt Hats OFF . . STRAW HATS ON!
1.95 to 3.95
Whatever your choice In straw hats mlshl be, Orrmn Woolen
Blors has your weave, color, and style choice . . In Vol) It
head site.
ALSO . . . ZELAN BUCKET HATS . . . 1.95
Ire-alinped cloth water repellent ... for aporl or work.
STORE, inc.
PHONE 6873
- May 31
Klamath Gems
(em N til ell mn