IfcC II fACl 1 HtKALU AINU INtWi, K LA AAA I M t-ALLi, UKkOON 1HUKMJAY, MAY 17, 1948 National Pot 0(0 Letter Guesses Were Wrong On Maine's Potato Statistics Supply Current potatu aupply Information Indicates that to lar as old stock Is concerned, Maine may have about 1300 to 1500 cars left, although Maine shipments already appear to have exceeded the reported holdings of May 1. Looks now as though everyone has been wrong about Maine from the start, Including Uie Maine growers and shippers. To our knowledge, as recently as mid-April, the best estimates of total Maine shipments were about 60.000 cars. That figure was reached on May 10. and about 800 have been moved since with 1000-plus to go. Red River valley seems to have about 1200 cars, many In the area that was flooded recently. Consequently the actual holdings there of marketable pota toes are unknown. No other late areas have any supplies of conse quence, and even these will move out In dribbles as field work claims the attention of growers. In the early crop, the early spring areas of Texas and Florida produced slightly more than last year but a little less than average. This portion of the crop now is nearly finished and should not be an importart fac tor after a few more days. The late spring crop looks about 13 per cent above 1947, and 42 per cent above average, but 16 per cent below the record of 1946. California's acreage, up 27 per cent. Is the biggest factor In the gain over last year. How ever North Carolina, earlier thought delayed by unfavorable .weather, has caught up fully and will begin dig ging about on time. Also, very high yields are expected offlciallv, and unofficial estimates put yields high enough for a new record for the state. Other good to exceptional yield areas are California. Texas. Alabama, Oklahoma and Arkansas, bat South Carolina may have the worst season on record. In the summer group, acreage Is barely above .last year but 10 per cent below average. No production estimate for this group will be avail- i able until June 10, but weather generally has favored potato growth, especially In the East, and there is no reason, yet In sight, why yields should not be equal to those of re cent years. Putting It all together, we add It up to a considerable heavier supply than was available last year irom May to September, and corres pondingly heavier DoA purchases. Only a major weather set-back would reduce supplies to marketable proportions. Movement And Markets Most significant development In the potato movement is the sharp decline In Maine shipments, Irom 366 cars dally average two weeks ago to 147 cars daily last week. If 1200 cars remain, Maine will clean up In two weeks at 100 cars daily. Decline is due chiefly to good weather and the beginning of plant ing operations. Wa doubt the validi ty of the explanation that growers prefer to sell to starch factories be cause of declining quality and equal price. Factories have been taking potatoes at capacity rate for weeks and could not account tor Uie sud den reduction in shipments. Terminal markets generally have been draggy. dull or weaker for the past week. The heavy shipments in anticipation of a rail strike left terminal tracks overloaded, and this was bound to soften markets, es pecially with the weather generally warmer. Holdings have been worked down to more reasonable figures but city markets still show few signs of strength. In the country. FOB markets have held steady in Maine and Florida for the past two weeks: at floor in Maine and well over floor in Florida. In California, prices have eased to the support level under the pressure of very heavy shipments i340 cars daily last week). First DoA pur chases there were made on May 14. Alabama has weakened from the opening level of $4.00 down to $3.20 for washed stock, but still is IS cents over the floor. If Maine and North Dakota have good weather for a couple of weeks, growers will get busy planting and both Alabama and California may get some faster action. If things work out Just right, Alabama may get by with no help except for low grades. California is bound to meet marketing trouble in June, with bumper crops due from North Carolina and Virginia and a much larger part of the Eastern stock due to be washed and Iced. Miscellany Much Interest In whether DoA will invoke sub-floor sales plan which was written into the 11M8 support program. DoA won't tell and we can't guess . . . Excess acreage in California will produce over 10 mil lion bushels at 400 bushels per acre. Simple arithmetic can lead to the conclusion that tills may be the quantity by which summer pur chases this year will exceed those of last year . . . We hear that some industry people in late areas are in doubt about late crop support this year. Probability Is that extension In some form will be voted by con gress, but in the meantime DoA was obliged to proceed as though support will end December 31. Ill any event. It appears reasonably certain that the intended loan program will fur nish a cash advance, probably pay able In the spring and probablv settled at December support prices if potatoes are delivered In lieu of cash payment. We cannot vouch for this future action but It looks reasonable. Four Hurt When Car Smashes Bridge MAPLE CREEK, Susk.. May 37 (CP Four persons from Havre, Mont., were injured, one seriously, when their automobile smashed Into a steel bridge over the Milk river here Tuesday, John Johnson. 30. driver, is in hos pital here with internal injuries. Six persons were returning In the car to Havre after an international celebration In Medicine Hat, Alta., over the week-end, Ilospltallird tor superficial In juries and shock were Elijah Cash, Mrs. Lorraine Cash and lXm Ruth bone. 20. Hill Fitntemld. 18. and Hud Siniiatt, 18. escaped Injury. Famous Dog Trainer Passes LADNER. B. a. May 27 CP Internationally known and heralded as "the most outstanding dog trainer on this continent." Charles Hayes Murray. 73. died of a heart attack here Saturdu. He whs reooanlred fleure nt doff I trials throughout the western United States. British Columbia and Mani toba. He had eight national coast champions to his, credit, a record believed to be the highest held by one trainer.' HERALD AND NEWS COMICS Give a Fountain Pen for Gradua tion! Comnlete Stock Sheaffer, Parker and Waterman. Pioneer Printing 4 Stationery Co., liS-lJt S. 9th. Bikes - Tricycles Wagons and Toylortott (llabr Walkers) POOLE'S Bicvcles and Sporting Goods 222 So. 7th Add to the comfort of your HOME with these SUMMER SPECIALS! INSULATION (Any Type) ' WEATHERSTRIPPING (Metal) ROOFING (Composition) ASBESTOS & CEDAR SHAKES INSULATED BRICK SIDING Terms Available Up to 3 Yeors to Pay. NEWCOMB-PALMER & CO. FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 9969 or 5227 -g , ' " w . Jf I iiiUHit urn . ! ; 1 1 -1 " I :C Ciy T every 1 ;' yjgoSLffl coun Quality. Flavor. On every count Clicquot Club Cola la a beverage standout! But remember economy. This wonderfully mellow drink la tha ONLY Cola with a nationally known name that comes in full QUART sin. You can enjoy Its goodness, too, In smaller bottles. Clicquot Club Bottling Co. of Klamath Falls 663 Spring Ph. 4706 Lifebuoy with its Purifying Ingredient PfDN STOPS "B.O." as no other leading soap can! En DOCTORS PROVED with 820 scientific tests the truth of this amazing statement. . . The cleaner you get your skin, the doctors found, the safer you are from "B.O." (body odor). Any soap 'will remove all the grime and perspiration you can see yet leave "invisible dirt" on your skin to form a foothold for "B.O."! Doctors compared the effects of daily baths with different soaps. The results are amazing! When you bathe with any other leading soap, you are simply not as clean, not as safe from "B.O." as you are when you bathe with Lifebuoy. After 820 scientific tests doctors say Lifebuoy's purifying ingredient makes the difference! And it is this same purifying ingre dient that makes Lifebuoy so mild. Use Lifebuoy daily. It is made from a special oil blend that gives you such an abundant, refreshing lather. Remember: Lifebuoy gives you cleaner skin . . . stops "B.O." as no other leading soap can! fj.- 4 , -A. :J VP 4 tti great to bt popular I On rour Job or " :. irjV . . on date you always nee alonji better if : J1 v5iVi'r ' you re pleaiant 10 have around. A daily ... .y,; ,...,. 1',,, , ; Lifebuoy bath Rivei you top protection I ':-V ' ''rJr .F'.T from B.O. lasting protection 24 bourt Lifebuoy is used in the homes of 40 million considerate Americans LIFEBUOY so refreshing -so mild GETS SKIN GLEANER ANOTHER FINI LEVER PRODUCT iiiiTOTT n i liiipni fessr Czz) ) i vz"z J OOT'tt. TAKE TOO lonq, unit et,EW.' 'at'xc GOT ID FIND n QUICKER. V. 11 f PVaJl T Ail t t .. Kty V V fc Mt? FP. BUT V6 KW! N.HT HO eoTTiH' IrA WHILE e DEM, . NiTH BUCK6KIHJ Nl VA " - "'Vl''f'C HUMPH. rM jra.H t.wwm mr i . f RED RIPER iN THAT '3 VSHEntl fWWB SW yOT-E t-ifl-i.:;;T,..., .inWi ry ii.. w-' . i vTHIV HPT MS WITH CTmIM !tCV.N 1 T PT UP MY W C JTCNCJ TNUT TXIV WAJWCKfl AiTS TNf V CMfrf CCULP 1 I t TO I AJAiN.' HIACO Cr UCM (SALL 1 MCW TTUM Vi AKk if ;3 l H4l"t MlMT0lO A K J utAXo .tOcyifc.avcAOtt. KMl -r VMl tOWV VOO'O r-Z to'OO V OAJ T ,0 VVW TO SO ON A VJACAVOM ,tOO SOT t,V VO COOVOM'T ATVOOO A OttS-VJAV WTC-WX tO f ttev CV kilt AVt .NPt?N TVI 1 I mit XL oervA rxwut? s i-cx? s TBrN.ilrN( Cl'Nri LL awni ' Tvii KW CF AiT'AS'VThIM C" Tl 1 mmm 1 Vr.vWOTrfv.JSH CAMt &IT I A VJACAIOM VltXJV.0 I I VOOtJ I C DUCKY (J atth y A fyZ IHj; n r-17 .,ir4 JU t AMVV '. VOO AMD I POO . D AIV AWO 1 VUS V 0 COOQb.WfO e A Vt.l COAMVtO IH 00 COvVl ,BvTt w wouvOT Mino out. ftt ! WOO UttO WOUft U1T Wi StlfsHOD IHirriCKIKI. P.! HfAD etAMINfO.lUOftR! t aNO WMtM HI SUCAktD Off TO fma a man like iav noiivwoot niihout rtRMiisiou, m.t m.1 BACK i 11WM!B 1 I lOST TtMPlR1. I x woo iieee wou hit w siifsHoo upf icwmct.J t!u f aur Me km a kwck ton. o.r irin tmb 1 weve am; ap now a At a fi ant 1 II I AUMU.. B ts,.(lll , 11 . r- i,.B,,.tl V aU, tl.P Mf.lifUAlA HM .JU, I I'M 1U 1 J CROOMC'. MAKOAtnaTOBMieve, ItttM J OfOURtfJT I SIHK W HAUAMAt HAUe A I i V TO u thai acmr-BKAiNtp at wins i Nil I HUNCn CAST AIG JC WK aw I M htMil10H'i'f-.i r, THE WAW ! rMawa TMf OP TO Utt( TO RIAIOH; WT a V , -,-f Pf Vw ii V aoiiiith twwi kiKOw wHtReTOftw"1 Mil 1111. 1 ! j di!?Lill Miaj l N ''V H J rr'lrTh.ffrTTT. iTXigJ C Quit rtj mew UGjjr.OFP? j f 4vvAsi3 fewlAwSrS ' ' flll0fe V ? ANDY WAKE UP A.A.ADfttV !WSm8&H6! sh L r J j BP Si II gi 1 I H II l I 1 n MR. PUOOLE, THI6 IG ATa5 - 9lj jf , fH? WH.L, NOW I MUT WHY MEUS6A-HOW i CHASED a B THUCJ WtO wnS S W HTJ ABOUT ALL THm-v( OXIVU! 1 NICe'vDU LOOK THIS U GOOD MODTtfKJ, TCIttQ TORoeMVWWMV -tHEt B I MCtlenA, WE MUCT COTailDeR ('; J a MOPMINOCOMe IN- K MR. POODLE- OVIPUU NCCnN 8He CTOV OVER LB fl 6IDB OP THe CA'OG WHAT ABOUT f " 1 I jl ""BEDSPREAD t ? ? ? ? ? ? ? t ? ? f ? f ? ? X 0 , MUHIH-tNU FEATURE! LOVELY CHENILLE 85"xl05" APPROXIMATE SIZE LAUNDERED AND PRESHRUNK LOVELY FLORAL DESIGN $goo These chenille spreads are lovely, easy to care for, and refute to wear outl White with multicolor floral designs or plain whito. No Ironing necottary. Preshrunk and laundered. They'll make very attractive additions to any bedroom. PENNEY'S MAIN FLOOR ? ? ?