WEDNESDAY, MAY 26, 1948 SEC. II PACE 3 Mm. M. K. rihiriiiiillil presented ficr plann pupil III u rcctlal ill H o'clock, Mny 17. In Ihn Morrill high School kv tit. wlih ii huge gailicilng of parents mill friend nili'iiillnii. '11m ptiiKi mil was in follows: "Playful Klllcns" l.awsoii Kitlhlccn Mihiiii mill Katlicrlnc Alicrn, iliirl. f"I"imtfllr." Hiliaum ' l.lnyil MrConurll "Morning Hmiu" Maxwell Klllhcrlne Alll'rll "Hawaiian love Hong" Hrlllilllll Cecil Moole ''Mai lues llyinn" James Wulkrr and James Drgnall, duet, ''Custcntts" Williams Kalhtcen Moore "Indian Dunce'' Milnlyic Jllllic Walker "Happy Fanner" oVIiuiiianh .lillllrfl llcguan "Dunce of Hi" Hunlluwei" Hliiry rllilall O'Kcctlc mill IVurl Monte, lltH'l, "Scurf I lance" CIliiJllliliKlF Joan Anderson "Tllllllllil Wcrd" 1 lit-it lli li ll Ki lliliiT "Hknli'lV WalU" Wnldlcufil llarliarii HiivIiiui "The lliitlcrfly' Mcikcl Mnry l.iK lllf Dillaid "llobln Heturn" Wilson Norma llrown "Fox Muni" Fay Ann MrC'unnt'll and Mnry Ann Kellcher, clarinet mill plmiu. "Moonlight on thi Hudson" Kvi'ivn Prink "Holier III Ulas" ItoMin ' Mitry Ann mul Helen Kellcher. duel. "Vicuna Nights" Minus Karnh O'Krcffe ''.innta I.tirln" "Uiriliirllim" llarbnra lliivllnu. plann; " JiHiu Anderson, accordion: Hylvln Frlsvold. vllirn-lmrp. "Theme. 61 h Hylnpholiy" llcclhovcll "Ay-ay-ay" (Jrcoln Hong Pearl Moore "Willi" 0 ill. No I Chopin Hylvla Frlsvold "l.n Zlimmm" llolim Knv Ann McConnell "fliulle nl Hprlnu" Minding Mnry Aim Kellcher "Clair do l.unr" Debussy llctte Hrown "Carnival of Venire" Hylvln Frlsvold Sunday Party CIIII-OtnilN A party was given on Hunday aticrnooti bv Mtn. C. T. lleiitllorne tor hrr ilnuKhtcr. FrgKV, on hrr 10th birthday, (lames and reficshmcnts were rnjoyed by the gurAts, who were Clarence and Mnry Kathryn Hrnihornr. Frieda Kirk, Corbel Lawyer, Juanlta. Junlce nml Olen CrAli), Johnny, I.oulsa nml Rnmcm Unlve. Johnny mid Edward Coli", Uary mid Wlllrlln Morun. Urn and Crrrltii Lowt. Chcrlc llulid, Phylli nd Casslc Case. v Last Session ' nONANZA Thr Ilonnniin Wom en! club mrl at the library Mny in for Ita last social meeting until full. l was a no-hostr parly, mid bridge mid pinochle veri plnyrd. Refreshments were served. Those present were lxiln Horn. Knmi llerhdoldl. CIcdm Wrlln, Blsnrhe Clnwen. (lerlle Dirk. Klor- ore Horn, Illrdle Uurke, mid Lllllun ! Brchdoldt. i FUNNY BUSINESS . . I' , '"'-jri' L005BMUM.LIS GYM s T& sr Thofto are limbering-up handshaking exercises for politicians!' Short Procram MIUI.ANIJ A nttort biifllnrnA fiUTlliiK wnn licit! hy Mldlitnd Krimnn April yl. ltrfnltiiii!nU wrrf nrrvrd by Mir., frail Jiutcim uml Mm. JMill MntJichrlilmclitT. MulliriN wi'id lionorrd Willi a nttort proHrndi nl (tin Mny 5 mcpllnif. Kurh wiin prrr.clitrU with a cnrimt Idd, mul mhm lnl Hwurdn went Ui Mm. AuHUftt Aiulrlru nnd Mm. Juintji Kliiwrr. A plr Hmliil will be hrld Muy 22. Thf ptililic in invited mid money will be lined for trip for Joint Wrbbi-r to the Mate hiiuikc. MIm Wrbhcr in dlntrlrt cnnteAt winner mid will comKte In thf ntutc Ue tituiuitory content June A. Ilrfirnhnienu were nerved by the Home Kconomtcn club. Dessert Mil W. 1., Tcrw illliier enlerimneil nl Kiillndiiy evrulnil druerl .Muy 15 in honor of the blrUulny minl verftnry of her nephew, liny Huell, The parly wan held In the Ter wlllluer honir, N. Rill. Present wrro Mr. mid Mm. Hay llllell. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P. Terwllll iter, Mr mid Mm. Jerry WaiAon, Mr. mid Mn. Ijivern Jnniu. Jimmy Jnna. dene Htroud mid Mr. and Mm. W. 1.. Terwilliger. Family Dinner Mr. and Mm. Wither A. link of KiiKt-ne and dniit:hter, Cheryl, fipent lliii week-end with their pnreiu.n, Mr. mid Mm. Hoy llnt-k of 137 HIKh. A fumily dinner on Hnitirdny wnn nernxl honoring Mm. Dock a blrlh day. Mr. and Mm. Campbell mid two children, unci Mr. mid Mm. Jiilmn Wren, Jr., were also preiient to eom plele the family circle. The Waller IliK'kn are from Kuitene where he m altcndlim the UnlverKity of Orexon. Entertained HON AN' A Mm. Hill Hurnett en lerlullied the fourth urude room on May 11, the occasion of the 10th birthday of Illchnrd Hurnett, The pnrty waa held In the cUi.ui room. Children enjoyed (fumes nnd siunia and were served traditional birthday party refreshments. r'nvom, noise makers nnd balloons added to the fun, Kixteen young sters and Ihelr (earlier. l.ols Mon roe, and Mrs. Hurnett were piej,ent. Initiated Presided Pylhlnn Hlsters held a rcitulnr biuiuesa meetniK Friday May 14 at 8 o'clock In the loop hall with burn Iliistiu, most excellent chief, ptesidinic. The next meeting will be Mny 28, and It Is planned lo hold an old fn.ihlnurd dance thai eventnR after a, short business meeting. All knlBhtn. Pythian Hlsters and friends are Invited to attend. Electric eels In the fresh waters of South and . Centrnl America dls chartie electric shocks strong enough to stun human beings. A clnsa of new members was Initi ated by the Women of Hie Moose at their meeting Tuesday nlKlit, Mnv 18, In honor of Mae Logon, chapter n'ght rhnlrmnu. Mrs. Frnnces Palmer. Red Cross executive secretary, was speaker for the evening. On the procram were two vocal solos. "Kussian Picnic" and "I'm Falling In love With Someone" by Wilbur Elliott, accompanied by Mrs. Patricia Hunt. Bridal Shower A bridal shower was given In honor of Wlnlfied Hpeelmou. brlclc rlecl of Di lljcrl H holer of this city, at the O. (I. Iluengeu home Friday evening, May 21. Cliimes were played and prizes awarded to Nell l.liidberg mid Mrs. Itny rlhulmlro. After the gue',1 of honor opened her gills, luncheon was served by the hostesses, Mrs. O. U. Jllrengefl and Mrs. Percy Cook. Invited guesls were Mm. 8.' If. Oahler, Mm. I,es Wllkenson, Mrs. C. O. Ilaldwhi, Mrs. Ilay Hi holer, Mrs, C. Conn, Mrs. Carl Larvlrk, Mrs. Uean (Jlllork, Mrs. A. Fagan ello, Mrs. I'uul I,ayman, Nell Mnd berg, Mrs, Al I-oouils, Mrs. 'loin Jiilnlesou, Mm. Hay Hhullnlre, Mrs. Crnyne. Mm. M'Carroll, Mm. Alice Hpcclinon. Mrs. William Koufs. Mm. Ford Lihmau, Mm. Kd Ilollxhiy, Mrs. J'Hi Uiiiimiii, Mrs. Wlllard John son, Mrs. Hoy Cook, Iiniilm; Ian, Mrs. Hob Bpeelmon, Mrs, Touchette, Mrs. It. J. Mathers. Mm. Earl New man, Carol Newmun and Mrs. Fruuk llusteud. Those sending gifts but unable lo allcnd were Mrs. Al Dankhead, Mrs. McKale. Mrs. Albert Miller. Mrs. (inula Zumwalt and Mrs. liilin Tavcrlenc. Entertained The Timda Camp Fire OirU of DorrlB, Calif., enter tn!nc4 their mothers mid father at a party held at the Dorrls city hall, Wedncfvday, May 111. The fimt part of the evening wa.i .Hpenl playltiK buifto. FoliowinR this the Klrl prewnted a ishort program and carh Klrl Inlrwlured her inothi-r and father. JUrfrthhinetiU were .served. Uticntx other than parent were Mm. Anna MotAchenbachcr and Mm. Amelia Grace of the Dorns court of awards, and Virginia Den ton, executive director of Klamath Falln Camp Fire Ciirbt. The Klrls named Mm. Dorothy John, who Kponsom the group, as their honored Kuet of the year. Pinochle Party MAI.IN Mr. and Mrs. Edwin ! Peira-sek entertained al a pinocnle parly Inst Katurday evening. May 15. with three tables In play. Prizes went ' to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hnloustk and , Edwin stastny. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bill i n.ijnus. Mr. and Mrs. Ixiuls Knllna. Mr. and Mrs. Emit Tofell. Mr. nnd i Mrs. Mervyn Wilde. Mr. and Mrs. i Joe Hnlousek, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- i win Stastny. I llefreshmenls were served by the I hostess. I ix Z 'fat ' ; r i J H ' 2 ' " S il III I'tV. " "I had the lights out anil was locking up for the night when small sedan limped in on the flattest tire I'd ever seen. Gray-haired driver explained that he'd driven several miles on the flat but . he needn't have told me. "I lis spare was soft, too so I phoned my better half an'd told her it looked like I might be late. The gray-haired man 'didn't seem impatient, though. I Ie just blinked at me from behind heavy glasses while I fixed up his spare, and told me about some cx-G. I.'s he was . teaching at the University. Cj) "The Professor sh'owc'd up again two days later, looking thoughtful. 1 Ic'd been worrying about his old tires, he said, and he didn't want to take any more chances. He ordered a new set and - explained the second act of Macbeth in the bargain." t 17 Vi , i at 1 lit Service is my business nib. i i. i i i i i t av' -ea YOUR Heartburn tiM4 M I aunWM M ttMi rM MM WhrnirwMavmiwb rtt diiim (wlntul wuttorm ttig mU H'lin. h iwl trT1!iHi tU t0 U.tllf (rnl tMtal-M!i UK'lI'lnr ft $1 miH. iiullc ITIkl - orll Ibnlile IIkm In lllkajil rtilrt S.i Uiallr vil-i Ulijt .1,1:1 1 T Hn ut rvHura U.4I1C lain f 0utW ui4toy Iwfe I C BEU-ANS for Acid Indigestion 25' 1 11 " 'iiIPaii!iiiiiiMiiiiiii..i.iniiniiiiiMii, p.giiiiiiniwiixn mipniinaiiiiiii imniasnMim n wmvm . , ,v PARKiTIIJORDif lB LFORd ' lUJSKRVE R(!0l(f fivalcSlock Wmb Steg!1! .., Bvthr-Tb.w-Enr! p RESERVE O hBi Supremely Rich! UllisW J Q ,;' WiiiNKiKK nJ!t jl A Light-llnJicil Blend Straight Whiskey ' Blend o7 f$m af iiiiii 'tm i inrofto DisntiiRS, inc., hid km muk i tiiroRD "iisiRvt" wv. chain moiui sriRiTS k.i woof . m t tiiiord "mm siock" k tvm A Em OLDS MOBILE DEALER ...Ultra-Modern in toi Car Hi Sells! It's the new Futuramic OWnmobile the car that's ahead of the times in everything! In styling! In safety I In performance, too with the Futuramic actionua of Uydra-Matic Drive and Whirlawayt Optfeaat ! xtrm ml ...Ultra-Modern in Service, too I Z1 , jgf 'j1. A forwiiril-liKikiiig orgiini.alion like Olilsinuliilo naturally has kept right ttp-tn-tlic-iuiniilc in serv ice tni'llioils, 8iri'il'u'alions ami rqiiipmcnt. As Olilsiiinliilo dealers in tills area, wo have made it our policy to lio in with this Olilstiiobile program. We've kept our rqiiipinrnt modern anil complete. Our men have been thoroughly trained in factory, standard techniques. And we've built up a well balanced stock of genuine Oldstnobile parts. So next time you need repair or maintenance work on your car, why not give us a try? We think you'll agree, we're "Futuramic" in service, tool YOUR DEALER DICK B. MILLER CO. 1th and Klamath Phone 410 Tun tn H.nm J, Tatter, Mutual Nuuwt, IfmAm THian