HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON LEGAL NOTICES V nOTH K Or SALE TO MATIHFX WAKMIOUNbMANH IJI-.N Purtuant U) lh proviaiona ot Section flO-Ua UCL A., notlc la hereby givn - that lha undersigned People Warehouse "V South 6th turret, Klamath ')), Orison, "Wl at r. M ., on June m, iuh mm ai public auction to the hlgheat and beat bidder therefor, for pah, Uu following deectibed gooda, to Wit; ;. 1 Tool Box ,u- ' 1 Phonograph ar ao much thereof u may be neceaiary to aatlafy claim of the undersigned for atoraga of aatd gooda; tluit the name of the owner or penon on who account aaid ' gooda are held U K. S. Htnda; that the " amount of the underalgned'a claim on aald gooda la 1 51). 00 plua coat of notice, dvertlaement and aala. DaU4 May 21, 19. . PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE , By W. C. Ben net. Manager. M. M-as Wo. 146. NOTICE OP BALK TO SATISFY ' : WAKEHOUbKMAN-8 L.lkN Pursuant to the proviaton ot Section M-U3 O.C.L.A., notice la hereby given, that the undersigned People ' Warehouae will, at People s Warcnouae, at 1425 South 6Ui Street, KlamaUi i'aUa, Oregon, at 1:30 P. M., on June 10, 148 aeU at Eublic auction to the hlgheat and beat Idder therefor, for caah, the following described gooda, to wit; 8 Wooden Boxea mt ao much thereof aa may be neceaaary to Mttafy claim of the undersigned lor storage of said gooda; that the name of the " owner or penon on whoae account aaid gooda are held ia Mabel B. Sweeney; ""' that the amount of the undersigned claim on aaid gooda la S117.su plua coat of notice, advertisement and sale, n OaUd May 21, 1U4B. PEOPLE S WAREHOUSE , By W. C Bennet, Manager. w. M. S3-3fr No. 147. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provuuona ol Section 0-233 O.C.L.A., notice ia hereby given that the undersigned People'a Warehouse will, at Peoples Warcnouae, at 1405 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, t 1:30 P. M-, on June 10, 1948 seli at gubllc auction to the highest and beat Idder therefor, for cash, the following cwacribed goods, to wiu 1 Standing Lamp & Shade 1 Leather O. S. Chair 1 Occasional Chair 1 Child's Chair . 1 Corner Ornament Stand , J Doll Bed 1 IK rjirtAnft Misc. r ao much thereof aa mar be neceaaary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods: that the name of the owner or person on whose account said v gooda are held is Oleary; that the amount u ox tne unaersignea a ciaim w la S305.50 plus cost of notice, advertise ment ana sate. Dated May 21, 1948. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager. tt m. sa-ao No. 146. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY wiRKunt'SKMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section ' eX-333 O.C.L.A., notice is hereby given that the undersigned People s Warehouse will, at People's Warehouse, at 1425 South 6th Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon, at 1:30 P. M.. on June 10, 1948 sell at Sublic auction to the highest and best Idder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to wit: "'I 1 Lame Bed Springs 1 Day bed fc Mattress 1 Large Mattress 3 Large Bed Ends, Iron S Bed Rails 1 Ironing Board a Boxes a Mops & Broom 3 Cartons 1 Wash Tub and Content! 1 Bundle Curtain Rods 1 Dinette Table K. D. ... ear to much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held is D. D. Van Lewen; that tite amount of the undersigned's claim on aald goods la $106.00 plus cost of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May 21, 1948. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C Bennet, Manager. If. M ao No. 140. at 1:30 P. M, on J una 10. 1046 sell at Kubllc auction to the hlgheat and best idder therefor, for caah, the following described gooda, to wit: 4 Cartons HH Gooda or so much thereof aa may be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of aaid goods; that the name of the owner or person on whoae account aaid gooda are held ia. H. lulling.; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods la 4I 00 plus coat of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May 21. 1048. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager, m. a -ao No. 15a NOTICE Or RAM TO SATISFY WAREHOVhr MAN 8 LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O C L A., notice Is hereby given that the undersigned People's Warehouse will, at People'a Warehouse, at 1423 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, at 1:30 P. M., on June 10, 1948 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described gooda, to wit; 1 Trunk 1 Carton ap aa much thrM aa miv be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on wnose account saio goods are held la E. L. Lindsay; that the amount of the undersigned 'a claim on said gooda ta 7H oo plus cost ox nouce, advertisement and sale. Dated May 31. 1948. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C Bennet, Manager. m. aa-ao jfo. im. bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to wtt: 1 Box Lathe Pailg 1 Covered Trunk 1 Hurlapprd Table or ao much thereof aa may he necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of aatd goods; that the name of the owner or person on whoae arcount said goods are held is Harley Richardson; that the amount of the undersigned a claim on said good Is 7;i 30 plua coat of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May 31. MHK PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C, Bennet, Manager. M. 11 39 No. 137, S " KOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section - t0-233 O.C.L A., notice is hereby given ill that the undersigned People's Warehouse v. will, at People's Warehouse, at 1425 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, at 1:30 P. M.. on June 10. 1948 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following ascribed goods, to wit: a Iron Bed Ends, Large t S Ralls a Barrels a Boxes 1 Large Mattress 1 Quilt Deerhorn ear so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held Is Alvin E. Gumm; that the amount of the undersigned's " claim on said goods Is $72.65 plus cost of ajotlce, advertisement and sale. Dated May 21. 1948. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager. M- aa-ao No. i5i. HO TICK OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O.C.L.A., notice la hereby given that the undersigned People s Warehouse will, at People's Warehouse, at 1425 South 6th Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon, at 1:30 P. M . on June 10, 1948 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to wiU 1 Small Desk 1 Bunk Bed Ladder 3 Trunks or so much thereof as may be necessary in uiitlv rlaim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held is J. A. Carmon; that the amount of the undersigned s (Halm on aald goods Is $46 00 plus cost of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May 31. IMS. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C Bennet, Manager. M. aa-29 No. 153. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-333 O C.L A., nouce ia hereby given that the undersigned People's Warehouse will, at Peoples Warehouse, at 1423 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, at 1:30 P. M . on June 10, 1948 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to wit: 1 Trunk 2 Boxes or so much thereof aa may be necessary NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAKKHOt'SKMAN'S LI K.N Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-2.U O C L A., notice U hereby given lhat the undersigned People's Warehouse will, at Peoples Warehouse, at 1423 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, at 1:30 P. M . on June 10. 1M8 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to wtt: 1 Uaby Bed 1 lUrml mu-h (hereof aa may be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; lhat tne name oi me owner or person on whose account said good are held Is 1. E, Kttching; lhat the amount of the undersigned's claim on aatd goods is s,q.ji pius cost ot nouce, advertisement and sale. Dated May 31, 1946. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager, M. 32-29 No. 156. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY IV ARK HOI SK MAN '8 L1KN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O.C.L A., notice 1 hereby given that the undersigned People's Warehouse will, at People's Warehouse, at 1425 South 6th Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon, at 1:30 P. M . on June Hi. 1!HB sen at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to wu: 1 Chest of Drawers 1 Vanity Bench 1 Night Stand 1 Vanity Base 3 Cartons 1 Large Bed Spring 1 Large Mattress S Bed Ends 3 Red Hails 1 Slats or so much thereof as may be necessary A ni.im rti the underlined for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on goods are held is Mrs. Ralph Gant; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods is S8tv75 plus cost of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May zi, ii. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager. M. 33-29 No. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O.C.L.A.. notice is hereby given that the undersigned reopie s reiwuc will at Peoole'x Warehouse, at 1423 South 6th Street. Klamath Falls. Oregou, t im p. M . on June 10. 1946 sell at to satisfy claim of the undersisned tor nuhhe auction to the highest and best storage of said goods; that the name of the bidder therefor, for cash, the following owner or person on whose account said goods are held Is Iva Kilburn; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said roods ia $16.00 dIus cost oi notice. advertisement ana saie. Dated May 31. 1948. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE Bv W. C BenneL Manaser. m. aa-ao No. ist. NOTICE OP SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O.C.L.A., notice Is hereby given that the undersigned People's Warehouse will, at Peoples Warehouse, at 1425 South 6th Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon, at 1:30 P. M , on June 10. 1946 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to writ: 2 irunss 6 Boxes 1 Hassock or so much thereof as may be necessary sausry claim of the undersisned (or storage of said goods; that toe name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held Is Vivian Jones; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods Is $23.50 plus cost of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May 21. 1948. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C Bennet. Manaxer. M. 22-29 No, 138 NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 0-233 O.C.L.A., notice Is hereby given lhat the undersigned People's Warehouse Mil. at People's Warehouse, at 1425 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, NOTICE OP SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-333 O.C.L.A., notice Is hereby given tnat tne undersigned feopie s warehouse will, at People's Warehouse, at 1425 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, at 1:30 P. M.. on June 10, 1948 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the followlna described goods, to wit: I Trunk a Boxes or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held is Arthur Higgins; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods la $34.50 plus cost of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May 21. 1948. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager. H. 23-39 No. 130. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O C L. A., notice Is hereby given that the undersigned People's Warehouse will, at People'a Warehouse, at 1425 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, at 1:30 P. M . on June 10. 1948 sell at public auction to the highest and best JUST RECEIVED ... Johns-Manville WHITE ASBESTOS PERMATONE SIDING SHINGLES Ton let more comfort, greater peace of mind, and increawd pride of home ownership when freed from the constant worry of npkeep. This new and Improved Johns-Manville asbestos gidinr in attractive ftylei and colon la a modern building material which makes possible such freedom from maintenance. SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. 3226 So. 6th Phone 3169 described goods, to wit; 2 suit i-asea or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held ta Harvey Trescotl; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on aaid goods is $44.00 plus cost of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May 21. 1948. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager. M. 33-29 No. 154 NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O.C.L.A.. notice is hereby given that the undersigned People s Warehouse will, at People s Warehouse, at 1425 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, at 1:30 P. M., on June 10. 1948 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to wlu 3 Trunks 1 Metal Tool Box or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held is C. E. Klabzuba; that the amount of the undersigned's claim said goods is $18.75 pius cost oi notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May 31. 1948. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager. M. 22-29 No. 155. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O.C.L A., notice is hereby given that the undersigned People s warehouse will, at Peoole's Warehouse, at 1425 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, at 1:30 P. M , on June 10, 1948 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to wit: 1 Wood Chest or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held is L. C. Carey; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said roods is 116.85 plus cost of nouce. advertisement and sale. Dated May 21. 1948. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet. Manager. M. 22-29 No. 150. Eubllc auction to the highest ami bt idder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to Vili 1 Trunk t Patter lUrrel or ao much thereof as mav be net'eaaart i.. utt.r.- ,i iha uiuleistaned lor inrMm nY unt iuhhU; that the name of the owner or person on whose aivount mu gooda are held Is June Young; lhat the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods Is l-KtiW plus cost l notice, advert Urmeiit and sale. Dated Mav 21. X'MH 'PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE H W, C. Beimel, Managwr. M. 13-39 No. 11. NO-m EOF 8A1.K TO SATISFY WAKts'HOl'SEMAN-H 1. 1 FN Pursuant lo the provision of hecllon Mt-a&I OCL A. notice Is hereby given lhat the undersigned People's Warehouse will, at Peoples Warehouse, at I4M South 6lh Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon, at 1:30 P. M , on June U. Ii4tt sell at public auction to the htgheHt and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following deacrtoeii gotxis, to wu; 3 Trunks 14 Carton 4 Wood Hoses 1 Cedar Chest 1 Mngastne Hack; 1 Card Table 1 Smoking Stand 1 H rid tie luiinp 1 Basket ultshes or so much thereof as mav be necessary to sattsfv claim of the undersigned for storage of aatd good, that the name of the owner or person on whose account a gooda are held la Mrs. R. O Smith; that the amount of the undersigned " claim on said good la $231.50 plus cost of notice, advertisement and aale. Dated Mav 21. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager. M. 22 29 No. 143. NOTICE OF SALE TO SAT1M WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provision of section 60-333 O.C.L A., notice is hereby given that the undersigned Peopl' Warehouse will, at People Warehouse, at 14J3 South th Street. Klamath Fall. Oregon, lit 1:30 P. M . on June 10. li4 sell at public auction to the highest ami best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described good, to wit: 1 Wash Basket 1 Crib Mattress 1 Crib Complete t Wagon 1 Mop Bucket 3 Barrela 1 Trunk S Carton or so much thereof as may be nevearv to satisfy claim of the undersigned lor storage of said gods; tlt the name of the owner or person on who account satcl goods are held is Mrs. Dorothy Wwtlkow; tnat ine amount i claim on said goods is ! Ot) plus cost of notice, advertisement and saie. By W. C. Bennet, Manager. M. 33 -No. 143. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATPr ' WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 OC.LA.. notice is hereby given that the undecsignetl reopie s airi T will at People's Warehouse, at lo South 6th Street. Klamath Fall. Oregon, at 130 P. M., on June 10. IS48 sell al public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for rash, the following described goods, to wit; 1 Single Hen spring 1 Single Mattress 3 Bed Ends 3 Ralls 1 Canvas or so much thrreor a may o nn. . to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held is Lee Doten; that the amount of the undersigned s claim on said goods la $57.30 plus cost of notice, advertisement and sale. ""WoptTs WARIHOLSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager M. 22-29 No. 144. good are held Is Uso. M. Aiuiliy: that the amount of the umteralgiied a claim on said good U $liauT plus coal of Hum, tivwnmemeiu and aala. Dated May 21, Ill-Ill. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE H W, C. Ueunel, Manager. (i. m -nu. nut. NOVICE OF HAI.K TO RAllKFY W AKEIIOI'MEMAN'M l.lkN Puraujim to the provision ol Section Mi-333 O C 1. A,, notice Is hereby given that the umleislgned Peoples Warehouse u ill. at People a Wuivhouse, al HJO aouiu inn airval, Kin math Falls. Oregon, al i :0 P. M , on June II, ID4U sell at public auction to the hlgheat and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following desiTttted gonls, to wit: 3 Cartons or ao much thereof a mav be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned tor storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on Wlioae account aald goodi a is held is lilenn Smith; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods Is $14 15 plus cost of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May 21, HUH, PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W, C. Bennet, Manager. M. 33 3l-No. 167. NOTICF. OF KAI.R TO SATIN FY WAIU lim hEMAN M LIEN PursUitiu lo the provision of Section 60-ii33 O.C L A., notice I hereby given that the undersigned People s Warehouse will, at Peoples Warehouse, al 1425 South fith Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, at l ao P. M , on June II. IU4H sell at public auction to Iho highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following desvriltcd good. (U wit; 6 Cartons 1 Hal Box 1 Creen Box 1 Trunk or ao much thereof a may Its necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; Dial the nam of the owner or persou on whose account said good are held la Eleanor Kendall; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods la $io 30 plua coal of notice. advert lement and sale. Dated May 31. ItMH PEOPl.ES WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager. M. 33-39No. 166, NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O.C.L.A.. notice Is hereby given tnat tne undersigned People s warenouse will, at People's Warehouse, at 1425 South 6th Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon, at 1:30 P. M., on June 11. 1948 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following aescnoea gooas, to wit: 1 Wood Box 1 Carton 1 Suitcase 1 Seabag or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held la A. W. Martin; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods is 128.50 pius coat ol nouce, advertisement and sale. Dated May 21. 1948. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager. M. 33-20 No. 160. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pir.m,nt tr the orovlilons of Section 60-233 O.CL.A.. notice Is hereby given that the undersigned reopie vamii-,r will, at Peoples warehouse, ai i South 6th Street. Kismam ram. wiru, at 1-30 P. M.. on June 10. 1948 sell al DUblic auction to the highest and he-t bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to wit: 1 Radio 1 Carton or so much thereof a may oe ntrir. to satlsfv claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods: that the nam of the owner or penon on whose account sato goods are neio is r. nnm -,...... that the amount ol the undersigned claim on said goods la i7 .00 plua cost of notice, advertisement and sale. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C Bennet, Manager. M. 22-39 No. 145. II NEVER MIND THE II FIRE EXTINGUISHER. F 53 QUICKJ CALL f 1 M fQpii i Call ui BEFORE the fire breaks out and prevent un due financial lou. Our low coat pnllclea are a sound in vestment for the wise prop erty owner. For best protec tion coverage, call M. L. JOHNSON. GEORGE E. WOOD, Associate NOTICE OF HALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O.C.L A., notice Is hereby given that the undersigned People'a Warehouse will, at People's Warehouse, at 1423 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, at 1:30 P. M.. on June 10. 1948 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to wit: 1 Daveno 1 Rollaway Bed and Mattress 1 Bookshelf 1 Small Table 1 Large Mattress 3 Bed Ends a Bed Ralls 4 Bed Slats 1 Small Bookshelf 1 End Table 1 Desk 1 Box Spring 1 Inner Spring Mattress 2 Dining Chairs 1 Dining Table 1 Circu. Heater or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said gooda; that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held la C. R. Adreon; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods Is SI 16 00 plus cost of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May 21, lf)48. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager. M. 22-39 No. 140. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O.C.L, A., notice Is hereby given that the undersigned People's Warehouse will, at People's Warehouse, at 1425 South 6th Street. Klamath Falls, Oregon, at 1:30 P. M , on June 10. 1046 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to wit: 3 Barrels 1 Chest of Drawen 3 Wood Chests 3 Cartons 1 Wash Tub and Contents 1 Clothes Drier 1 Canvas Bag or so much thereof aa may be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; thnt the name of the owner or person nn whose account said goods are held la Mrs. D. E. Angus; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods In $43.12 plus cost of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated Mav 21. lf4fl, PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager. M. 22-20 No. 141. NOTICE OP SALE TO BATIHFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIF.N Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O.C.L A. t notice Is hereby given that the undersigned People! Warehouse will, at People'a Warehouse, at 142A South 6th Street. Klamath Falls. Oregon. at 1:30 P. M., on June II. 1048 tell at NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFY WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-333 O.C L.A.. notice is herehy given that the undersigned People s Warehouse will at People's Warehouse, st 1433 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, st 1:30 P. M.. on June 11. 1!K6 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for caah. the following described goods, to wit: 3 Boxes HH Gooda 2 Cartons 1 Ironing Board 1 Bundle Awnings 1 Cedar Chest or so much thereof as mav be necessary claim nf the undersisned for storage of said goods; lhat the name of the owner or person on iu .. v,M is Am ThomMon: that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods is 444 00 plus cost of notice. advertisement ana saie. Dated May 21. 1946. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager. M. 22-30 No. 162. NOTICE Or PROPOSED VACATION OF I AUK PLACE, AND A PORTION OF SPRING STREET. AUUTTINll LOTS t lo 16. INCLUSIVE. OF II LOCK 61. ALL IN SECOND HOT SPRINGS AU DITION TO THE CITY Or KLAM ATH FALI-S, OHECION. NOTICE IS HEHKHY CJIVEN that on Monday, the 21t day of June. HUM. In the Council Chambers. In I ha Cllv of Klamath Falls, Oregon, at lh hour of 6 o'clock d. m . at a reeular meetlns of the Common Cnuicll of said Clly, there win oe presented to the Honorable Mayor and Common Council, of Klamath Fails. Oregon, a petition praying for the vacation of Park Place, and a portion of Spring Street, abutting Block 61. all In Second Hot Springs Addition to the City of Klamath Falls, Klamath County, Slate of Oregon. The dedicated areas propmed to be vacated are described as follows: Park Place a street commencing at the southwesterly line of Spring Street, In Hlock 61. Sevond Hot Springs Ad dition to the Clly of Klamath Falls. Oregon: running thence tn a south westerly direction to a dead end and Intersecting the right of way of the Main Canal of the United Slate Bureau of Reclamation: That portion of Spring Street, com mencing at a point contiguous lo Lot 1, of Illork 61. Second Hot Springs Addition to the Clly of Klamath Falls. Oregon; running thenre in a southeasterly direction along said Block 61 to Lot IT. of said Hlock 81. Union Huh School District No 3. Klamath County, Oregon, ia the owner In fee simple of all land nn both sides of said Park Place, tough! to be vacated; at well a the legal owner of all land on both aides of uid Spring Street, com mencing with It 1 and evtendlng to Lot 17. of said Block 61. Dated this 10th dav of May. IMK UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT OREGON0' KLAWATH COUNTY. By "nelson REED Chairman Hoard of Directors. M 22 30; J. 3-13- No. 1J1. They'll Do It livery Time eaM4 V I SMsM By Jimmjr Hatlo Seems Ukte the gardeners on THE tiOLP COURSE ARE NEVER. DOING ANVTHINO Except msI-ien ure Tnyw "8, SiwK a nurr- With mavhb four.1 fclTS OR A DOLLAR. OJ THE HOLE' New Today I'SED TRUCKS The Real Stock tn Southern Oregon IIH7 Chevrolet 2-ton 13-ft, flatbed: HJ.V30 tires. 3 need aale. healer, defroster. Only 1000 miles. 1 yr. Insurance. 62744 146 Chevrolet with Conk Bros, chain drive; high torque engine; lumher rolls. Ufkometer. 2 meed asle: lota of extras. Only 32.000 miles ..., i7iJ IU46 Chevrolet with Truxmnre las: Ions wheelhase; IfttOO 3 speed Eaton; Hvdro. vac brakes; high torque engine. ix) 30 Urea ... l.wftu IB46 Chevrolet S-ton 4 6frd. dumn. 1700 miles .. 63J30 I94S Interna tlonal KT 5- ton: butane equipped; HmwnUpe; WOO 30 tires. Ex cellent all-around condition 630.16 Two 1043 KMiH iKfl". CI dual drive dumps. Excellent condition. Will re move dump Ueds if necessary s.1430 New soda? 1041 K7 International. IflO-ln. Urownllpe and Itttoo 3 speed w n . inoO NOTICE TO CREDITOR. Notice Is hereby gtvrn that the under, signed ha been appointed admf nlstralriit of the estate of t-ewls E Geiit. deceased bv the Circuit Court of Klamath Countv Oregon, and all persons having claims aeatmt said etale are hereby notified lo present the same, with proper vouchers, lo the said administratrix at Suite I. Me!ha Ruildlne. Klamath Tails. Oregon, within six months of the date of this notice Dated this 3fith dav or AoH' 1946 .. . OPAL B. GEIST. M I Mt K y No lit CLASSIFIED RATES NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFT WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Piimiani tn the nrovislon of Section 60-333 O.C.L A., notice Is hereby given that the undersigned People's Warehouse will, at Peoole's Warehouse, at 1423 QAnih nth Ktrt Klamath Falls. Oregon at 1:30 P. M.. on June 11, 1046 sell at mi hi ir auction to the hlirhest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goodi. to wit: 1 Wardrobe Trunk or so much thereof as may be necessary tn utiifv cinim nf the undemlHned for storage of said goods: that the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held la M. J. Thompson; that the amount of .the undersigned's claim on said goods is 121.90 plus cost of notice, advertisement ana saie. Dated May 21. 1044. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager. M. 22-20 No. 163. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATIMFf WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O.C. L A. . notice la hereby given that the undersigned People's Warehouse will, at People' Warehouse, at 1423 South 6th Street, Klamath Falls. Oregon, at 1:30 P. M., on June 11, l4H sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for caah, the following described goods, to wit; 3 Cartons i or so much thereof ax may be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person oh whose account said goods are held Is Lee Sprngue; that the amount of the undersigned's claim on said goods Is 620.08 plus coat of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May 21. 104R. PEOPLE'S WAREHOUSE By W. C. Bennet, Manager M. 22-20 No. 164. NOTICE OF SALE TO SATISFJT WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the provisions of Section 60-233 O.C.L.A.. notice Is herehy given that the undernlgned People's Warehouse will, at People's Warrhmme, at 1425 South Oth Street, Klamath Falls, Oregon, at 1:30 P. M., on June 11, 104(1 sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for cash, the following described goods, to wit: 1 flofl Bedding 1 Bdl. Clothing or so much thereof aa may be necessary to utisfv claim nf the undersisned for storage of said goods; thnt the name of the owner or person on whose account said goods are held la H. O. Montgomery: thai the amount of the undersigned' claim on aald gooda Is 31630 plus coat of notice, advertisement and sale. Dated May 21. Hmr PEOPLE'S WAPEHOf IRE By W. C. Bennet. Manager. M. 33-20 No. 163. NOTICE OF RALE TO SAT1HFV WAREHOUSEMAN'S LIEN Pursuant to the nrovlslons of Seel Ion 60-233 OC.LA., notice la hereby given that the undersigned People'a Warehouse will, at People'a Wnrrhome, at 1423 South 6th Slrcet, Klnmnlh Falls, Oregon, t 1:30 P. M.. on June 11. 104R sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder therefor, for rash, the following described goods, to wit: 1 Kieriric not water Tunic 1 Small Cook Stove 1 Coca-Cola Box M Cartons nf nooks or no much thereof a may be necessary to satisfy claim of the undersigned for storage of said goods; that the name of the owner or person on whose account said One day 3-day run 3- day run 4- day run Week run Month run . per word 4c . per word 6c . per word lie , per word 1 3c . per word I V .per word 45c Ada received by I p m will appear same afternoon In "New Today" column. New Today very large; good SOUTH SUBURBS: $0930 New 3-bed room. fireplace, Venetian blinds. $0730 New 3-bedrnom, pumice Hie Slr.VJO New 4-bed room, fenced, lawns, lM30 New 3-bedrm: fireplace, 1 acre, S73O0 4 bedroom, itticro. $7300 3-bedrom. 1 acre. 7 1 no i y(,al. ol(J 2 -bed room. $f,Hno-3-bedroom. ifc acre. $4.inoFurnlshed, 3-bedrnom. $3250 3-bed room, V, acre. MILLS: 3 -bed room, paved street, dining sea NORTH SIDE: $ 1 3 ,3003- bed room , condition. $12,3002 houses, 1 lot. good Income. $8,300 4-bed room, some furniture; basement. t THESE HOMES AND MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM. DROP IN AT 1016 MAIN. SEE OUR PHOTOS AND LET uo bhuw run tour CHOICES. THESE HOMES GLADLY SHOWN ON THE WEEK-END. JUST CALL 6046 OR VJ.IV l UH SALESMEN TO PICK YOU UP. JOHN C. ARGETSINOER and CARL WILDERMUTH 1016 Main St. REALTORS Phone .1503 FOR RENT, very nice furnished 2-room house and bath for couple only. Ref erences. Call 3333. FOR SALE, one Model A " John Deere tractor, practlrnlly new. Ora Carey, Box m Macdoel, Calif. P0h SALE by owner, 2-bedroorh home on Rose way Drive, double lot. Full basement. Hardwood floors. For ap pointment call 6613. TRACTOR PLOWING. Roy Moore," call 2-0801. WANTED, fawn, garden and hrubbry work. Call 2-0333. FOR RENT,- partly furnished Vroom house at Worden. W. V. Ha Mock, Sunday afternoon. F6H SALE"." 2 -.vear-olrlHampsh)rrrbiill; also 1 months Hampshire bull. A. Fenl. 2 miles west of Macdoel. tOHTY wallet belonging to oLf Maxwell. Finder please call 0310 or 3-03A2. fOH SALE, one male and one female pedigreed English springer spaniel pups. 3 months. Phone 0363. FOR SALE, .1 horsepower Sea King out board motor. Phone 3236. fOR SALE, 7-tube car radlor 6-mm camera, 8-mm projector with screen and 200 ft. film. 00 picture camera with flash lamp. 12-gauge alngle hnrrel hotgun, one year old. 10.18 4-door Ford with l4fl motor. Roper Apt, No, 0. Main St., Tulelnke, Calif. F'OH iiM.tr Modern i-bedroomnfme7 Iow down pnyment, balance A mort RfiHe. Some furniture extra. Phone 73H.1 Sundays or evening. NOW In stock, 'mattress and box spring, 6 ft, 6 In. long. Luraa Furniture, 101 E. Main FOR HALT. White Rose Blue Tag seed spud. A Inn nice tinkers, one's, two's, PuckcM Knnch, Keno. phone 5080. ThcHe Knurl can also be had at Stan dard Feed Store or Troy Cook Feed 81 ore on B. Oth 81, tOn SALE, ' large, nice " 2-room" home with balh, Furnished or unfurnished. Furniture nil new. On acre, Phone 7040 or 3440 Cottage. WILL sub Irme small ranchwlthln'20 mllea of Klamath Falls. Some alfalfa. Grain plnnted. Thl Is for a amall fnrmer but pasture handles eight milk cows or more. Write Box 103, care Hernld-Nrwi. YOUNfJ MAN, 24-40, "high "intelllgflnce", Interested In Invenllgntlon work, to operate Klamath Fall office. Cnr necessary. $'HK) Investment required. See representative, day, at 2043 Ora Ron Ave,, Apt. 12. BEAUTIFUL chenille hedaproarf, Variety of color. Irge and baby crib alee. 2022 Arthur. FOR "BALE, '.14 Harley-Davli motor- pvcle 3342 Summers Lane. 6200. RICE new 2-room houe. for aale, SHSfJ 100x1 AO ft. Lenox. Phone JMH8, 1U41 CMC 3-ton with dual axle trailer. New 270-ln. engine. 3-aueed llrownlloe. Price $.1473 1041 CMC 3-ton chassis and cab with 4 cylinder CMC dlesel; Hnmnllpe, Al'W B04 4-71 HC 11UHP 2UO0 HFM - $JJUS 1041 Ford la-ton panel: 4-sneed $tl43 11U0 Whltehorse parkage delivery $.VTS iw.w i nivmiii i -,-iun wnn excellent 13-ft. flatbed .. 43 "Yes, we will trade" Jl'CKELAND TRUCK SALES it SEHVICE. INC. Ilth and Klamath. Klamath Falls. Ore. Phone 7733 TOR" BAI.E7 new 30-gal. electric water heater, new 40-gal. electric water healer; gentle saddle horse, used re frigerator, needs some repairs, $37.30. Phone H243. 3U29 lloardman. POR SALE, new model 33 h p. Johnson outboard motor and step bottom, hdro runatvout, 3lt hours running time on motor. Phone fWw'J. 1011 SALE, daveno, chair, rug and pad J Good condition. 3313 Elterleln. FOR SALE. UD 6 Caterpillar with dir and double drum unit, Le Tourneau 6 8-yard carryall. Southwest heavy duty ripper. Phone 0UA3. 3-HOOM partly furnished house for rent. M, J. Nielsen, 2u37 Arthur. TRAILER HOUSE for sale or trade on lale model car. Phone 2-OUW7. $3ou0 HE WARD for return of blark corker spaniel named "Andy," This is child's pel. Dial 8046. F'OH RENT, cheap, furnished house with bath, for one good working person. 833 Oak. APARTMENT for rent Call $735 Sun day. 3O30 Arthur. foil SALE, '33 Che v. coupe, good rubber, seal beam lights, heater. A clean car. Priced for quick sals. 43iXl AltainunL SHEET ROCK, wallboard. Insulating board and celling tile, Klamath Valley Lumber Co. Phone 4H18. GIVE a Ine cedar chest for gradua tion. $33.30, $06 30. Term. Lucas Fur niture. WANTED A-! mechanic. See Bob Rms at Huena-Vlsta Garage, 3u01 Oregi Ave. ELEVATOR OPERATOR wanted! Apply wuiarn noiei. WALTUER I'lH pistol. Like new. 40UI Cannon. Phone D2I0. LUCAS SPECIAL Modern Waterfall 3-piece bedroom suite lieu, chest, vanity, main stand and bench. Choice of walnut and bleached walnut $W 73, SHM per mo. L.ULAS FURNITURE, 103 E Msln. APT. FOR RENT No "pet. Phone"603f FOR SALE-My equity In 1047 Trailer Craft trailer house. IH ft. Excellent condition. New 0 months ago. 311 So. Eldorado. WANTED Full-time housekeeper In modern home, care for one child. Phone 3023 after 8 o. WILL PAY good price for "Colt Woods man men narrei. rnone eve nlnaa Sl'M. WILL pay $300 cash for" your equlty in a or a oeoroom noma. Knone .mj. FOR SALE Grain fertlllter. 6-10-4, also 60 sacks Hannchan barley seed, cleaned and treated. Wlllard Duncan, Route 1. Hox 602 Phone 62l. WILL THE WRITER who com ol a In that his present typewriter can't keep up with his thoughts please drop In at the Oregon Equipment Co., 137 8. 6th? We promise to show him a typewriter which saves time, saves trouble. It's the new Royal and Smith Corona. GENERAL farm hand desires work' Married. Living quarters desired. 2.133 Kane St. WANTED to buy, weaned calvei,Phona 307H TOR SALE", new building, Ideal for amall hamhuraer atand or Drive-In. Start business of your own. Phona Yellow Cab. 8171. WANTED, reliable Christian lady to rare for 3 children, 12, 14 and 16 years old, In their own home during the summer month, Large modern home In Mill Addition, very utile worn aitarnen. Hoard and room furnished. Phone 3421 HICKORY HANDLES, hoe. rake, fotk, shovel, etc, (rden tools of all kinds Klamath Valley Lu Hitter Co. Phone 4610 FOR SALE tli:Ul Chev truck I' ton. 3 speed. W V. Cuddy, Tulelake. Calif Phone 31173. NOTICE Mr. W. E Elk far Is no longer mploed by our firm In any capai'llv, Will not be responsible for mid busi ness transact Ion, LAWRENCE UP tlOI.STr.HY CO., 1403 Main, Klamath Falls. Ore, iSgd I DICK LAWRENCE. Dated May 33. 11411. 3-WHERL trailer for sale nr will trade for weaned calves. 47011 lliilwe. or dial 4tni after 3 p m. NEED competent woman to assist mother with general housework and child rare. Good home Own room, board, best wages Phone 8343. SI'EClAL NOTICE " This ! to announce the uiMmluga of a trailer sales lot at AltAinorit Trailer Park. New and used trailers. $4u3 tit $11143. KLAMATH TRAILER MART (Ashland tlranchi FOB BALE, grocery store In fast grow ing set-linn Wilt Inventory slock and lease building Phone 3A47. flH2 CHEVROLET pickup for isle Good condition Maggie Crlas Sons, Macdoel. Calif. LARGE upright piano, good condition, Reasonable Phuna 03U3. SCREEN DOOMS nd srrsen hanlware Klamath Valley Lumber Co. Phone 4616 roil SALE platinum ring with 31 dia monds, $l3o. 137 S. Riverside. Phone 3173 $10O DIAMOND RING for sale." reaioti able, or will trade for deer rifle. Write Ilox W7, Dorrls. Calif Meerinq Noficci 1 f Of KLAMATH I.OtMiE No 77 A. F & A- M will hold a STATED COMMUNICA TION on Monday, May 21. 8 no p m Refreshments. Visiting brethren cordially Invited RICHARD A GRIFFITH. Worshipful Master KLAMATH FAILS AERIE No. 3iv0 Regular mealing every Tuesday nlgbl 7 43 p tn , r O E gssv jtnmu, uin ann wninni vTiuasV Vlsllliig menters cordially Invited. Lost and Found LOST in Moore Park. April 186. Elgin gold wrist watch, gold Please call 431K1 girl's band. General Notices WANTED- Resaw man. Pine grader. Carrier driver. Top wage for top men. Nona other need apply. Permanent work, 12-month operation. PHOENIX LUMBER MFC CO, PHOENIX, ORE. Phone Med ford 0833 WANTftfti firl-clnn painter. Unless ex perienced do not apply. Sea Jack Foreman, Link River Motor. CLEAN,' 2-bedroom home, near north entrance. Phone 2-0303. LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY WEDNESDAY, 1:30 P.M. CATTLE! HOGS! SHEEP I When you consign your livestock to the Livestock Commlfllon Co. you plare It In the hand nf a bonded commission company, which can market your live stock for the hlghflit returna to the producer. In regard lo Hangar cnwi, bring them In. also the Indemnity paper. We can sell Hanger cows at our Auction Market and will fill out the papers to collect the Indemnity, 40 consigner sold 318 head of live stock on a very active market at this auction, Wednesday, May 10, 1048. For further Information or for trucks coll 3074, Midland Road. Cuerk nroi. Tl, K. "nob" Rhode, Auctioneer GOAD" "used wmhlng machine, $40, 2038 Mndmon. I'none kEMTONK", all the new colorsT Complete. a took. Gllden house paint, varnishes and enamel. Klamath Valley Lum ber Co. Phone 4016. ROOM, board for two gentlemen. Phone 3,131. ftOOFlNQ, compoiltlon shingles, cedar ningies. mil oricK ainina, wniie as bestos siding shingles, Klamath Valley Lumber Co,, Phone 4816, White House Rooms UNDER NKW MANAGKMKNT A clrnn, coiiRrntnl home fnr work ing mrn at rra.tonitblc pricr. Dully and weekly rnte.i. IO'JI'4 Main. STANLEY " Home Prtducls phona has been changed front to lUvnt. WAS Two Sisters Inn, now 07 Nupper Cluh. Dial same number) DOtto. 6 Personal ""Private detective ' MEL LOMHAIUl appnt merit. Phone 0307. 10 Sorvlcei Sure YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON YOUR FURNITURE $50.00 or to SALARY $300 00 And On $50 00 YOUR to CAR $500 00 And Repay From Future Income. COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. 8th St. Mr. H2M Mra Phono 7711 Tom O'Dwyer, Mgr. Watch Repairing All Makes Bmilhrrn Orrfon'i Mint Complete Bliop 24-hour to onc-rrk icrvlr any wntrh. All work pvnonalljr uiwrvtArd by J. C. Renie Jrwrlrr 1010 Main We Clean DIRTY FURNACES Tufts Furnace Co. Phone 6595 8 Transportation For Heavy Itaullnc. Crane or Winch wurh. rail 77 III KLAMATH ritElfJMT LINKS 1U1 Klamath Ave. WANT traveling companion (n ahare sxpenaei and help drive to Tevaa and nat-K. i'none wim pa nov 4. 10 Services WE FIX SMOKY FURNACES Tufts Furnace Co. Phone 6595 SEPTIC TANKSCLEANED Newest Snnllury Method A Iho ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clcnns Sewer Lines of Ruotii, Etc. Phone DH41 or 3TJ0 ED H, KINO 24!2tf FULLER BRUSHES CLEM J0YER 1435 Murtlr Street Phone 6077 UKSmNINO. dreumnklnir ulternlinni. tlraco Cnnvy, pliona 7107, Pelican TheHlre Apt.. IJO IKMHTITeillN!,'"oc"ycl.fir cotton, l.to yd. for .Ilk. Art Nocdla work Hliop, .'lift Main, upntnlra. PlCTUIIF FRAMING Caman Shop,"7:rt Main. Pnona fl4ll7. OllKRHMAKINO, altiirnlloni." Mrl.'Jonai". Phona flara. PIANO TIININO and "raiialrT llava our Jlano tnnnd at kfi.t onra a yrar. Phcina lm Jlmemon. rnaUlared tunsr, 2-02711 "" ri.OOn BANIHNtl and raflnlihlng. Norman Fralay, phone MO.IO. BIJOVO tlKPAItt' RIIOP.-Sowing "mi, chlnen. Phona flltln. (!,MFH SMITH Onirnt contractor Phone 411.111. WW Patlerxin. CtJnTAINS t.AIINDKItKD, pickup'and oriivrry, i-none ,,iit,. vVlNI)OW CI.KANINl,"1ionie"and "com mercial Janitor work. Palnled walla cleaned, floora clennrd and wnxed. JKSHR IIIIIIIIAIII) A HONS Phone 7(1711 or n47n CAWrTMOWF.il flKUVK'K Shnrpenlni and repalrlnK. Foil atock of porta. New hand and power mowera. Term If deilred. DODKNIIAMKR ItKPAIIt HIIOP mi T. Mnln. irAIN1Wtiritemtonlni(nnVrlororjc- lerlor work. I'none 4n4il. New Method Rug and Furniture Cleaners Most modern plnnt In Southern Ori-iion. Wall lo Willi rnriwui clean ed In your home Complete, Imur an ce. Phone 4471 1453 Kaplnnatk PROFESSIONAL 24 HOUR AMBULANCE SERVICE Fully Imured "Our Kxperlemo la Your Protection" PHONE 3479 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel nnd Trench Ho UulldoH-r - fill Dirt Topsoll Driveway Clnderi CliANE SKFtVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phono 4077 Fertilizer and Dirt NOW In the tlmo to put It on new and old liiwnn, fower and Biitdcns. AIko landM'tiplni. J. A. WEST Phone 3-01)1)5 STEAM CLEAN IT HENLEY GARAGE Phone 9267 J. B. MILLER Molura and llBhla a m on Free Imlillnilnn ". VV:?' " advance """ in lliN,"t', skwino MAciiiNn co. l-KONAur, WAim-Concrela- contractor! HldcwnlK floora, drlvewaya, patloa, Phone 47in hefore n and attar I. Loral and l.on Olalance Mnvlnf lJ?'in.!.r.l:l'lln? ""d Hloraga KI.AMAT11 ri,V,i,,i , Phone 77IH m, Klamath A, AI.IKItATIONS, ladlei tallorlnj. WorS Mi. rnon. f'i"!m "rm"1"1"'' eflnliliadCaIl IM,OWINOrr)l.clnrorllarrowln,-a?: den nr ucrcnae. No loli too lame or loo amall. Mnynnrd Smith, 4ata Win- tcr ave. Phone 7M4. " RVANR rAIOMrK',i,n 1.117 K. Mnln t,,.... .... PAINTlNll lnferlo-.nirt.rlw. Kair,.i tonliu, II. u llrown. phone 4aaa. ""Ar l'A IN II Nil, decornllnif, paperhanrflhT. I'lHHiei-oonrn fin an na and anra nnlntlna. R.llmnle. 7,,...TLV foil (lAIII)KN Pl.OWINfl will.' ol.' tiller, call at 11431 Avalon SI. :.