PACE EICHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON SATURDAY, MAY, 22, 1948 Sojourners Plan For Founders Day Sojourner, and ' their guest met Wednesday, May 12. at the Willard hotel for a no-hostes. luncheon at 12:30. At the business meeting tha president, Mrs. O. 8. Houston, an nounced May 26 as the dale Founders Day will be observed. There will be a brief program. It was also announced that Mrs. Bruce Owens, gift chairman, has moved to Merrill. Mrs. J. Ashley will be the new chairman for the remainder of the term. 1 Bridge was enjoyed during the afternoon with prltcs going to Mrs. Robert Houck, Mrs. David Boyd and Mrs. Hugh 8waney. Mrs. Howard Klrchan was hostess. New members were Introduced as Mrs. Howard Strode, Mrs. Floyd Boyd. Mrs. Nyal Nelson and Mrs. James Ivory. Quests were Mrs. Roy Williams, Mrs. Hugh Bwaney, Mrs. Harvey Teal, Mrs. Luke Dunkerley, Mrs. Dale Morrison and Mrs. John Moehl. A nominating committee for new officers was appointed to report at the next meeting. Mrs. A. Kusler will be chairman with Mrs. Robert Houck and Mrs. Edith Compton as sisting. Women who have become resi dents of Klamath Falls within the past 18 months are cordially Invited to Sojourners functions whether or not they have been contacted by a memoer. The club la for the pur pose of acquainting newcomers and meets on the second and fourth Wednesday of every month at the Willard hotel with a no-hostess luncheon at 12:30 and the club meeting opening at 1:45. Hawaiian Theme Miniature orange-colored leis, imi tations ot the lei of Hawaiian roy alty, were pinned on the 112 guest attending the Sojourner spring din ner dance at the Willard hotel on Saturday, May 15. The dance com mlttee, greeting the guests, was headed by Mrs. Marshall Poole, and composed of Mrs. Gerald Garner, Mrs. John Argetsinger, Mrs. S. J, Anderson, Mrs. H. E. Schoenberg and Mrs. William Loomis. Small tables were arranged cabaret-fash ion around the room, and the large, well-laden buffet table at one end was lavishly decorated with beautt ful wooden Hawaiian trays of tropl. cal fruit. During the evening, when So journers and their guests were not dancing to the music of the Morri son and McDonald orchestra, group ! singing was led by Mrs. Argetsinger. i Each couple had a mimeographed 1 sheet of musical favorites, on which i was also printed an interesting story ; of Hawaii's colorful May Day. Judges for a waits contest were , Charles Houston, Cleeve Hooper and j A. v. McVey, and they declared Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Hobart the winners. I Out-of-town guests who were es- ; pecially welcomed were Mr. and Mrs. i 8. L. Murphy of Dunsmuir, Cali fornia. Mrs. Murphy Is a past presi dent ot Sojourners. Gay Times Eddie and Andrea Lee Silani and a group of young guests had a gay time at a birthday party at their home on Mitchell street last Satur day afternoon. May 15. The two, children of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Silani, celebrated their fifth and third birthdays, respectively. Eddie was five on May 15. and Andrea Lee will be three May 24. Guests were Mrs. Gene Durant and Gerald, Mrs. Oscar DeNault, Jerry. Rosemary and Joey; Mis. Penny Payne, Mike and Janis; C.-uck Gray, Paul and Wally Wun der; Mrs. Tom Lenhart, John and Hap; Mrs. Robert Cheyne and Bob by Lyn, Mrs. Vernon Durant and Bruce, Mrs. Tillle Die. Mrs. Bus Thompson and the grandparents of the young host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Kahl. Pie Social The nubile is Invito tr. - .;- social to be held at the Midland : grange hail tonight, Saturday, at 8:30. Women attending are asked to bring a pie. There will be dancing and cards, and pies will be auctioned at 11 o'clock. Proceeds will be used to send the district winner of the declamation contest to Astoria to compete in state finals. Installed Installation of officers ot Jayec- ettes was held recently at the Red Rock Inn. with the following offi cers Insulted: Mrs. Norman Guyer, president; Mrs. Al Longe. vice pres ident; Mrs. James Stuwell. secre tary, and Mrs. M. Klerulff, treas urer. New directors were Mrs. Ken neth Rhoads, Mrs. Percy Murray and Mrs. Oene Williams. Gifts for bringing the greatest number of new members into the club were given to Mrs. William Siddens and Mrs. Forrest Alter. The oath of office was given by ! Mrs. Martin Brauner. A gift was presented to the outgoing president. Mrs. William Kutu. Members present were Mrs. Percy Evans. Mrs. Paul Harper. Mrs. I T James Stllwell. Mrs. Art Triebwasser. Mrs. Gene Williams, Mrs. Layton Sleight, Mrs. Norman Guyer, Mrs. M. Klerulff. Mrs. Bob Perkins. Mrs. C. S. JuJuwlrs Mr? E. R. Ball. Mrs. Kenneth Rhoads. Mrs. Al Longe. Mrs. Maurice Miller, Mrs. Fred Blehn. Mrs. Bernard Fetser, Mrs. Chet Hamaker. Mrs. William Kunz, Mrs. Martin Brauner, Mrs. Forrest Alter and a guest, Mrs. Jim Burness. Honored Mrs. Loren Stroud and Mrs. La Verne Jonas entertained In honor of Lois Young. U-ie-to-be of Donald Stroud ot 1928 Ivory, Friday, May 14. Games were played and refresh ments served from a Uble decorated with pink and white stock, rosebuds and carnations. Centerpiece was a bride's cake topped with pink roses. Those attending and sending gifts were Nadme Bechtel, Rachel Cam piglia. Callie Walters, Mildred Young. Mary Martin, Oleema Pren tice, Norma Cockran. Dora Lorhey, Mrs. Floyd Young, PeRgy Lorhey, Chris Clark. Haute Clark. Colleen Clark. LaVone Haney. Evelyn King, Donna Case, Phyllis Case, Dolly Case, Iiene Tunnel, Mrs. Lloyd Stroud. Florence Young, Maudle Griffith. Jessie Eubank, Marlene Rose, Winnie Downs, Eary Downs, Betty Wiles. Delia Coulter, Melba Switxler. Jane Asplund. Bonnie Ward, Olenna Edwards, Irene Ed wards, Mabel Ward, Helma Hunter. Gladys Hunter, Oene Fischer, Jessie Buell. Virginia Washburn. Hester Donahue, Violet Tucker. Mnbel Dale, Marjorle Houser. Fannie Young, Mildred Tookey, Bobble Lee, Helen MlUel, Ida Pounds, Mrs. Brown, Euphama Mistier and Mrs. James Durand. Medford Rites OVS Darlene Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moore of Med ford, became the bride of Ray Slog gers In a ceremony read on Wed nesday, May 12. In that city. From a wedding trip on the Ore gon coast, the couple returned to Klamath Falls where the two will live until the bridegroom completes studies at Oregon Vocational school. Council Meets The city council of members from the three chaptera of Beta Sigma I'll). Knppa, Tau and Xt-Dclta, was entertained by Lois Rumer at her heme on Pacific Terrace Monday e' tnlug. The evening was silent making plans for an luter-clty program ot events for the three chapters start ing with fall activities and with the election of officers. New officers are Elenora Wcatli- erfoiit, president; Mrs. Lorn Dnl- cour, vice president; Hetty Merrill, recording secretary: Doris McCord corresponding secretary, and Helen Kappa chapter of Beta Blgma Phi held Its last regular luncheon meet ing of the club year Tuesday eve ning, May 18, at the home ot Mrs. Phil Uiixuer. Meetings will be dis continued until fall. Following the regular business meeting, Mrs. Lawrence Blater In stalled new officers. studies at Oregon Vocational school. I Kttxel, treasurer. I iU 4Erj mutt Church Circle The Senior circle of the Congre gational Community church met Thursday, May 13. with Mrs. E. L. Mitchell of 1611 Avalon. Dessert was served at 1:30 to 12 members. Mrs. W. C. Little presided over the business meeting, and it was decided to hold a card party in the social hall on May 26. with dessert at 1:30 p. m. and cards at 2 o'clock. The public will be welcomed to this party. Mrs. Godfrey Matthews con ducted the devotional service. Gift Wrapping A Specialty p k L 1 1 II I II 111 llll Art Reinbart You will b delighted with our attractively wrapped gifts. We give careful attention to this important detail. REINHARTS Jewel and Gift Shop Open a Charge Account S i H Green Stamps 519 Main Phone 6163 CLEAN BEFORE YOU STORE Will your winter things be moth bait this sum mer? Not if you send, them to Cascade for expert dry cleaning. Dirt and grime work into fobrie often Invisibly then moth wormi have feast. Before you store let Cascade "proof" your clothes against the menace of moths and silver fish. rAcrhnn LAUNDRY ond LAbLALb DRY CLEANERS Klamath's Finest Opposite Post Office ...Revolutionary' Now BRASSIERE Entirely free of any fixed "points" to mar their Flawless Fit, "Counterpoint's" ingeniously interlocking, seamless breast-seclion. orfiisl themselves lo llie exact requirements of your bosom. We know It's lintd lo Imagine such an ullerly different idea ... so we urge you to come in and Iry on "Counterpoint." Tlien . . . and only then . . . can you fully appreciate what wonderful uplift and accentuation this remarkable brassiere gives youl "CounUrpotnl" eomfcowi Satin with Nylon NarqulHttt. to Tmtom. W fill, or Blodt . . Slut 12. U. 54. W $200 Shop the Store You Enjoy MAIN at FIFTH "TUera U a MalJen Form for Every Type of Figurtf Luncheon Pattv Kervin ni knci.,, , v- Olde Pinochle club on Thursday, May 13, and served luncheon to the , members of the club and four guests, Myrtle Padgett, Ann Federhart, De ola Wryn and Loralne McCollum. At cards later In the afternoon Grace Bock held high score, Agnes Lowe, second: Nona Hall, low, and Loralne McCollum received the pinochle award. For the next meet ing the hostess will be Estelle Smith. Banquet Plans Mrs. W. C. Milkey, president of the Cascade Wonderland division 2ci, auxiliary to the Order of Rail way Conductors, called a special meeting at her home. 804 Walnut, on Monday evening. May 17. at 7:30. Plans were completed for a no hostess banquet to be given at Luc ca's on June 2 at 6:30. Mrs. George v Bprague and Mrs. L. R. Stringfellow x-ere appointed to contact members, buU anyone is omitted, she should call either for reservations. Due to the Illness of Mrs. R. C. Morse, the hostess, there will be no social meet ing this month. Give a Fountain Pen For Gradua tion! Complete Stocks Sheaffer, Parker A Waterman. Pioneer Print ing Stationery Co., 122-124 S. (th. 3sssm otto aing ..j) Hos the "new look" found you "short" in the wardrobe department? Does your pocketbook always seem empty lately? Why not join the parade to your SINGER SEWING CENTER ond learn to make your own clothes. It's easy ond economical, too. In fact, you actually make a dreii while learning. Telephone or come in and see us today SPECIAL CLASSES ARE NOW FORMING 8 2-Hour Leisom $1 0 ot your SINGER SEWING CENTER 418 Main Phone 8402 FREE Photograph SIZE 5x7 INCHES OF YOUR CHILD AGE 2 MONTHS TO 6 YEARS STARTS MONDAY May 24th to 29th Inclusive C irV A- ffi DON'T DELAY Come Early and Avoid Waiting Children 2 Months to 6 Yean Mutt Be Accompanied by Parent Selection of Proofs No Appointment Necessary No Obligation to Buy TO ALL MOTHERS IN KLAMATH FALLS AND VICINITY This offer of a FREE PHOTOGRAPH of your child taken by a nationally known specialist In child photography is made In appreciation of your sup port of our .lore. No trouble . . , Just bring your child to our ntwly remodeled store any time during regular store hours, May 24th to May 29th Inclusive, and sitting will be made right In our store. Store hours 9:00 to 5:30. 2244 So. 6th FURNITURE HARDWARE Phono 7S10 Mrs. Herbert Graham took charge of Ihe program on home uullillng and planning, and led an Informal discussion with all mcnioer. partici pating. , . ., ii-r i,t,,M,,ia were served to Mrs t.r.i.,- Mater. Mrs. William Milne. Mrs. Charles llnnuey. Mrs Havmond Kllsel, Mis. Lloyd Drew a...- U.rlnM Mis, James ivory, " Ferrbre. Mm. Thuiman Turner, mis. Harold Diyden. Mr.. C.mra.i ih.i-i-Ing. Mm. Herbert tlrwham, Mrs. Man Itoyal, Mrs. Gene William.. Mrs. Lavlon Blrlghl. Mr. Jatue. Hlllwell, Hetty .irlll and Patricia Walket. Mmrth Shops uiitl hops Frenvh Yvrnlonn In beautiful cottons , , , Inspirations of six fabulous names among de signers , . , PaUiu, Lanvlu, Mai ntain, Path, Dior and Molyneux . . . are being presented al La POINT'K'S for the first time . . . and you'll find their price hardly believable . , , at M.H5! t These six original styles . . . adapted for the American woman In the finest of snn(orlr.ed cottoui that never fade , . , were featured In a two-page color spread In a recent Issue of Look niagaslue . . . wlih emphasis placed on so mucn value for a modest price. Jeanne IjuivIii uses two tune broadcloth, divided by a "diplomat" stripe, tor a iikui. flattering ras ual In several combinations and Jacques I'ath fa-ihlotia silky chambray of cologne cool stripes In to a "Shepherdess Pannier" sil houette. Molyneux creates a dross with a two-piece look and long torM) ef fect out o( striped chambray . . . and Jean Palou designs a soil Is a Yiuiilllar name at WHYTAl.'S where then Inespenslve but fash ionable and well-made frocks are always In demand . . . particular! In summer sheera and rayons thai are so practical, yet pretty. Simple shlrtwalsleis predominant . , . humming either clear down Iho front or only lo ihe belt . . . bill . . ! many are dressed up with Jabots. fancy buttons or neckline oo. Skirts are pleated or slightly tlarc.l. as well as slim , . , sleeves, short or bracelet length. Mather unusual Is a peach colored cactus print In Itemberg sheer, deco rated in pearl buttons, encircled by rhinr.ilones for glitter . . . and very color broadcloth bullon-fronter wlln , eye-appealing a vivacious morning three-point lapels ' and a cutaway ' glory print over wle gray, with a pepluni. Pierre Halmaln depicts his j high, round neckline, own version of a cotton goiter, glv- Cool looking . . . and flallcrln;! Ing It the easy-to-wear fly front, ... Is a floral sheer of pale blue, a new cuffed pocket and an elastic enhanced by a double collar. Jeweled bell . . . while ( hrUllsn Dior drapes j buttons and a skirl thai Ilarri ' boldly striped chambray Into a slightly. This samo model Is also skirt of wide proimrtlons and puts j repeated In a darker blue. More a bow of the same material on ! matronly In drslgn and styling are each sleeve. the navy or red sheers, patterned Sizes run from 12 to 30 on most : In white. of these Parla-lnsplred washable now on display ... 507 Main . SX.M. at LaPOINTE'S and the price Is "Wild How" . . . expressing the grace and dninU nevi of Victor.!, days ... la the iftteRt addition to International Strrllnc't fanioiu patterns at JEW KL AND GIFT SHOP. Innplrrd oy the lovellFAt of wild Mourn, lit truly a bride's pattern . . . ami, being open stork, ran b added to from time to time. Like all fine sterling . . . with an enduring beauty In solid, lifetime silver . . . Wild Roae will become more beautiful and lustrous as the The rayon print of fine quality come In an aiuortmcni of florals or fiUClnalAg geometric drain 11 . . . and prices on thrae smart i'ay Art ley's are only $H.9& and I10.9S . . . al WHYTALS ... in Iht Medical i Dental building. Main at Ninth. Hwedrn's contribution lo Hit National Home Nhow was ft streamlined wood cabinet for staple groceries, mad with covered glass doors for sec through visibility. White I ndie TOWN SHOP . . . 'will" glv. a per- I designed to loop over a tx . . . .. which w III carry a raft of icci ronipiricne.t. io ner araiuuiiioii outfit . . . and the arrival of new years go by . . . and you II cherish .,, ' ' - ,M . ,.,,..,m,a - In I lection. Tom I'rlni In tun-bark (Ileuses of silky rot ions . . . miiile by American (loiter . , are among Iho newest arrivals at LONU'H . . . and you'll be (pill, taken with Ihelr simple, but clever, tiyllng and the pretty block pat terns In vailed pastel. These sun ensouililes , . , designed lor bareback comfort . . . ale bul-ti.n-fr.iiiter.. topped ly short Jac kets that resemble a cape collar , and stiaM extend over Ilia shoulder from a tnug bodice In this samo shipment yesterday were neat linen print. ... In a ttrlcd design of aipia, blue or gold . . with a black belt lor contraU and glossy buttons extruding clear down one side of Ihe from. First of this season's Amerlran (iiilfer. came In. loo . . at I.DNll S AI'PAKKl. . . . H Main . . . but only in ine isrter . . 44 . . . In ire-.liruiik. color-fast chambray . . . generously cut for ac tive loinforu iliey re designed ltn a huge pocket on each side, brio. the belt . . . and color choice in- T eludes gray, blue, brown, yellow or ruse. 'Xprau' Atomizer . . . designed with a metal cap and plastic cylinder III place of the us ual rubber bulb . . . and which op erate perfectly ... are among an utlclng array ol personal gnus girl graduate, at MIl l.KltH. Th. s.iiativ lype In light blur gla-w srl! for W.M . . . bill the taller contain er for her favorite cologne I. onlv II . A couple of other suggestion. Martha gleanrd from the lleautv Har are ( harlra ol the Kits Moss tela. ... a suitable fragrance for the teen-age Miss . . and any of the Crane or Relon manicure seis, ranging from .oo lo IIZ.10. let pecially pleasing In these are Ihe legant leather kits with gold Uim. In the accessory line, what would be more appreciated than a Whiting and liavl. evening bag ot metal mnsh in gold or silver . . priced al I1.J. nd ll.J0T Or on. of th. n Tote m billfold. . . . for I5..00 . , . bell , . . which will carry a rati of beauty aids, photo., money and such. Othe I gift-worthy billfolds on display si. priced from 11.(5 up. Then, of course, mere .re m. oui- 12263 ... or a service for eight for 1181.00, tax Included, . . . al Kelnharta JKWKL AND OUT SHOP . . . 51S Main . . . or the va I rlous pieces can be purchased sep ' arately. Exlras, such as dessert ! spoons, cocktail forks, gravy ladle I or serving spoons, are available . . . and a wide selection of Wild Rose holloware will be stocked as soon II Green K tamps. Teen-Time llatn to top off her baccalaureate outfit . . . and wlnsomrly frame a youth- w I u i maicuies. craiuiiiiaiiainu in , , .. ... . , . Ublewe- and holloware. yo - eholc7ol lT. ' ,'"'" Prices have not raised on Inter- ; m bmillldolh . , , , ln ,hl, . hade. h.-lrry . . at M .1. .11 8. national's silver service . . . and j Wl,lrl,ol bra., nylon laf- ; MJ ' ' ' 'l ,ny Um,l one six-piece setting for . ...,.,. ,.,iu.i. new . . , and these come In whlto, loo. As for slips, Town Mhop fea ture. Ihe famotu liro., elaboratel I ful face , . . ate a siiecially al lace trimmed or with embroidered KATHY'8 IhU nine of year , . , applluuca ... or the tailored Laro. 1 where Martha viewed many stun dimensional In medium, long or : nlng flttle numbers In pastel or na Ull. ; lural straw. ... In rolled brim, off- Ttie dainty half dip. . . . with ihe-face styles, touched up with rlb Ihelr matching r.mlsole top. , , . bona and a bit of veiling. a. possible Don't forget your 8 and , ,n( . Kl o( h(.,e ;; , e mll(hly .,..,,.. ,,,, so lovely for a lingerie gift. ... and you'll find several different For something really elegant In I versions and shades In these al KATHY'8 HAT SHOP . . lilt Main . , . where cleaning and blocking o.' re-trlnimlm of outmoded boiinrt. are skillfully done. TlttTne Trlels : gifts, however, there are matching with the nostwar wonder Iron will gowns and .lips ... or III. be demonstrated by Mrs. Prances Pry throughout this coming week In the downstairs store of KICKYS . . . when she'll show you how sim ple It Is to Iron ruffles, puffed sleeves. pleatA, gathers and shirts with this new TIpToe Iron . . . made by the makers of Yale locks. TIpToe la actually two-lroiu-ln- one, having two heating elements . . . and the hinged toe I a sep arate small Iron for frills or fancy work. It's lightweight . , . only three pounds, two ounces . . . and has a number of Improved features, Including a reversible cord that slays out of the way ... an accu rate dial for holding the correct heat ... an enclosed handle to pro tect fingers . . . and a cooling deck to prevent the handle or tempera ture dial from healing up. Remember, you can see for your self all the advantages of this ncv TIpToe Iron . . . result of tlirej years of development and trallm; . . . by visiting the downstairs store of RICKY8 JF.WKLER8 ... 700 Main . . . while Mrs Pry Is here, starting Monday ... "Yunor Yell'" will bring back memories of the good old days when your pcrmatieu'. wave came down with rlnglette ends . . . and your hairdo stayed from one shampoo to another. Well, la dles, the STAR BEAUTY SHOP I. offering you Just that kind of a permanent again , , , with a heal that actually rains a vapor over your hair. To acquaint you with this newly remodeled shop ... In the rear of the Star Drug store , , the "Vapor Veil" professional permanent wave la being offered In a moderate prlco range . . . from 11.50 and up. Dial 7085 ... and Zoe, Claire, Myrtle, Melba or Cordla will see to it that you have no Irksome waiting for your appointment at STAR BEAU TY SHOP . . . 43B Main. Maiflalr Mlittn in peppermint, ln wlntcrgreen or lime ... a favorite party candy , . , packed In paraffined cartons to keep them fresh and creamy , , , ' can be found at PELICAN CANDY JAR again . , , and among new ar rivals to please your sweet tooth are Raspberry Hcotch Cordial., made with a crystallized exterior over soft centers. Inexpensive bridge table assort ments Include those yummy candy corn kernels , . . peanut-butter cri.plea, similar to "cnlckcn bones," that sell for SO cents a pound , , and that delicious mukeltro, a pea nut brittle with cocoanut added, for 60 cents a pound. For the kid dles, there are old-faahloncd pep permint .tick. , , , four for a nickel , . , or five flavor. In Individually wrapped taffy chew. ... at PELI CAN CANDY JAR ... 722 Main. robe and gown seta for sleeping or lounging ... at THE TOWN SHOP . . . Main at Fifth. . .1 ThreeMome of Sheaffer writing Instruments la only one graduation gift suggestion out of many that Martha gathered from SHAW STATIONERY . . . where the fountain pen stock was enlarged In anticipation of this school year event. There are Park er or Everaltarp sets, too . . or singles ... In a complete range of prices . . . even as low as 11.00 or 11.95. For the girl grad you might con sider one ot the handy automatic purse pencils, attached to a coin 'lalner ... all of gold metal . . or box of those Informal cards for "thank you" notes that make a truly nice gift when they're prrMnallted with her name or Initials . . . and the complete coat for cards and print ing la only 11.75. School Day Memory book, seem esiwclally suitable for those leav- Ing Junior high behind, as they'll have tour years ahead to fill them I up. These books at Hhaw'a are by i Olbson . . . cleverly Illustrated . , and certainly are not expensive. Also lo be considered ... for the student who Is continuing his edu cation , . . are writing folio, or the newest editions In dictionaries , . , and don't forget to stock up on appropriate cards and gift wrap ping, at SHAW STATIONERY CO. . . . 720 Main. ... Tole'm Itllltohl . . . carrying the Princes. Gardner namo , . , as advertised In Ma demoiselle . . . are being featured at YOUR STORE . . , tor the girl graduate , . , and for the boy on your gift list, there are handsome Prince Gardner billfolds of black, brown or tan leather , , In both the slppcrcd and registrar types. The handy Tote'ms , . . with loop attached for wearing on the belt or carrying , , , have separate com partments for lipstick, mirror, comb, identifications, coin purse, curren cy and photos. They come In red. green or two-tone black and red . , . for 15.00. Particularly glftable, too, are the ornate Jewelry boxes , , , of satin finished while metal, lined In vel vet or plush , , , which Just arrived yesterday ... at YOUR STORE, Inc. , , . 721 Main ... or the lovely mesh evening bags ill gold, .liver or white, pouch style or compact size , . . or any of the elegant assort mcnl of Pllcher and Volupte com pact., A new type of aluminum window ha. been designed for better ventilation. The top ta.h lower, automatically when th. bottom .ash I. raised, .lepplng up circulation of air. vn recipes, at PINK hTREKtL er of Seventh anitf I'aahlon'. latest malrh-maker. ar. glove, and vanity ease--, A contrast border of t-rrnrh knot, outlining seams and finger, of glove, also outline, a eolor-matrhed compart with a Irather-llke finish. . "eiclu WeilH" the Ice cream cake roll ... a Crater Lake dairy product ... I. becoming .n Immen-ely popular dessert since PINK STREET MAR KET patrons discovered It In the freerer cabinet. Two combinations, are vanilla Ice cream with dark chocolate cake ... or a yellow cake rolled around strawberry Ice cream . . both delicious. You who like Chinese dishes will be Interested in the new and com plete Vegetable Chow Meln dinner , prepared for heating and serv ing within a few minutes. Thru, there are Everbest's Chaw Mela) Noodle., nean Sprouts and .Mixed Vegetable. . . . processed In Jara . , , to use In your own recipes. Oilier new Items at MARKET . . . corner t Pine . . . where H and II Green Stamps arc given . . . that come in handy for hurry-up meals are th. Monarch Sliced Apples ready for pics or other apple dishes . . th. tenner and mild Armour Frank furters, put up In Jars . . . and vacuum-packed Korn Parrhlea, a cocktail tidbit. ... Polling a popularity vole among graduate, this year I. the long dress of rhlffon, marquisette or organdy that double, a. a sum mer dance frork. Crisply tailored sheer dresses are found Just a. appealing as Ihe berufflrd charm er.. . ilfffflifW den iloln . . , Coty' llly-of-thc-vallcy fra grance that's so fresh and light (or warm weather wearing , . . take, the spntllRht In the new and com plete Coly display at ClIRRIN'B . . , and here's a sraxnnahle hint for your graduation gift list. The Minuet des ttol. toilet walrr thai comes with atomizer attnehed, sells for 12.50 . . . but the other aire, are ll.ftS and 11.00, Prices on Mil guet perfume are 11.00 and $2.50 . . , on the laic, f.1.00 , , , and on "Air 8pun" face powder, the same. (All plus taxi. This latter, by the way, I. avail able at CURRIN'S . . . the friendly drug store at Ninth and Main In t'oty't newest shade d'Or . , , an enchanting golden i for summer , . . and wllh should wear the mnlrhlng quick make-up In "Paatel lint" . , , phi the most suitable color In 8ub-leb lipstick and cheek rouge. i miiiii , , . . . . Kolell golden glow' wllh It you