THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1948 PACE SEVEN . 300,000 Voters Expected To Turn Up At Polls For Tomorrow's Big Election II v I'M I. V. HAItVl V Jit. HAI,i;M. JHiiv liil il't Murr Hum 300,001) vntrin jiu t-Min-tril lu (lrni llirlr hallutk Iii-Imci-ii H n, in. ii ml N p, in. ItiinorniH In On nun I mil hullnt IxmrN. Thr. nii.lltliii', nitinlutt fur mint ofllirfl tliuii lutvn vwi hcliiin Imtii up for rliM'iitiu, will wlml up tlicir ruli)iiiu(ii tnnluhl. Willi Html Hullo liitriilh. At Miikr tirr hnIIIimin fur iriHi llriil, I'. H. ki'iiulnr, four runic rr Imittl unit. Rovrinur, nfrrHuiy at Ulttlr, tiruftiri-r, itttiirnrv Kcncial, roiivrnlltui ilflrifjitm, IK of AO utittr kPimlr isriiU, nil 110 nUIr hmur, I'liitiinlllrrMiiiii mitt ruiii NilUrrwiinmii tit null parly, i-lmilt JiiiIkcm and tlMiit I Mllortirvx. Thrrr nUo Hill hr toimtv it ml vHy rlrr tliim it( tlir Htuitr tlntr, A imimli'X lmn In-.-u tliuf w hlW Uir Miitr rlrrtlunt mi doubly till puitiuil Hilrt yrut. 1 1 icy huvr Iktii Mlmnnt blinknl tint by 1 1 if intoi.-tlvr fuinpulKHJt UMK'd by Muinltl K, HUam-ii uliil TIhiiiuia lv lucy lor the ntitlr'ft 12 Vfih'.-i tit tlir icpublirtttl foilVriillon. t-.dt h ha c-mp.ilcitrct bttnlrr limit miy riiiitlliltr lor a nUttr oilier. I m il bm m-rii itiiirr of Orrguii In f)rw Ht-rku tliuii miM of Uir othrr , r4titlltlrttrit hvtvr krrn hi Ihi-tr wholr llvrn. Ot tlir Wii'.M irplibllrun Vutrin, Itiot t thiin Z.'.uwi) tin- i ?i" i I' d to Voir. nliiy nbuiit r.'.''.(KKI of Dip 302. Mil (IrilHH't ul i Uir rxprrti-d to Voir 1m-i ! of Uir I '.' 4 onli'hl (ill tiirir Iki lot. OrHry nnil Minru luvrn't ulsuri liut il Jut( lire itilir llirjf ttftllt 11 limn di-lf K ih n. I hr rrtll rrnun In Hint Uirv liojir by vtlnnlriK Orrfim, t hr y t-iitilil grt it hand Hngctit rollltts Unit wuitlil riitiir int lltklriirtrd ilrtrsatm f ritlll othrr ftlatr t hop itbnard. Orrtiun i onvriition ilrliatrt IjuVP to Vulr for Uir people n pit'Ii'l -riltr Ulllil tiny tun rlr,tM-d Htiiti'hotiM- ptittticbuin lrlli-vr the III tlir pirMiirlilUtl rKT linn hrril H biK Hilv.tllliWt'' to piiMMll of Jicr holdi'l i Who urn wrkinK rc rlr tlon. 'I to y think thr llt wry HtnAArll b.UlIc llun 111:1111 11 twild for nrA'rnnirrn to Iwi onti- knoun. htrf lntrrrl ( hlrf Inlrrr! In Ihr Ttlulr rlrr tlnn ha hrrn III the rare brtttrm (tnvrrmir Jnlin 1 1. 1 1, I'urtbiiid U yrr and furtnrr Imuic uprukrr. ami Htatr HriMtor lMiuKla .Mi Kay, Kalrnt a it In dralrr, for thr frfnitili ran nomination. I noppoird for thr drmcirratlr nniiilnatloii (or invrrmir la Stair hrnator WalUir, I'urt- "0ldat40,50,60?" ! Man, You're Crazy land liikiiruiiri mini who la rrtlrhifc ua driniHTutln national roinmlUrr niitil. U. H. Hciuilor Ouy Cordon, llotn buiH, docNii't Imvo 11 contfNt for n-ptihllmii riMiomlimlli'ii. Two driii orniU me nfii-r hJK Job, thotiKh. Tiny ui Htuln Hi p. Miiulcy J. Wll K'tll, HI, llrlnifi, tuul Ur, 1 .011 In A. Wooit, who U'urhi'K fcotitJiiilrii ul the Unlvi'iMty of Orifuon. tlrrunn' four roiiRrrNMiiirii, nil rr liiiblliana, havr opm-nltUm In th lirlniiiry, hut thry arr hruvlly fa vorrd brrwiur Ihrlr uppoiirntH urn not tvrll-knou'ii mid arr nrw to pidllliN. AiihIIht Inli'irMlliK I'onlcht In HHTi'Uiy of Hiiitn ICnrt T. Ntfwbry'B i mi l' tor rrpubllnin rouuuiliuilloii nuuhint ih'oiKC MuKk. who wun fitiiuty ftrcrrttiry of tiili! for uliio ! ymii'h mid public milium roiiitiiln- I rtlonrr for four ymrn. I 'Ihr rrpiihllran roiilrnl for utatr ; trriimirrr U thr rlonntl of nil. I hrrr nirii, all artlvr In pulillc lllr, want thr job. I hry arp Ormond It. limn, foriiirr piibllo utlllllm commlMlon- : rr and tormrrly t'ortlaiul rlty rom- ' inlotliKirr; Nlntr Hrnator Howard ( , lleltnti ul Canity, and Hlicfrld It. : I iittndrr, 114, a rorlland war vrt rran who wai rxrrutlvr aaaUlAiit til fornirr tiovrritor Clmrlra A. , Hpraitur, High School AW P(tatuut V.-V7 MARY LOL1 tA CASE IK SI Better Weather Is Forecast POHTI.ANIJ. Mny 2U il'i Kl linn iluy In Oitkoii l r)(eil la Imv-R hlumi-rit writ of thr (.'iiwrtdcit nml urniTiilly lulr hklrn wllh "unio IhkIi H'imllnrM rii.t ot llif moiin iiiin.i, Ihr wrjiihrr burriiu rr)(ittd lixliiy. lhit (rn-iulrr niilrt thiil mi n; ulvln til iippi-r-iilr inuvemunu und uililllliuuil rcpnrlJi from I'arlllc M-ian iirra.-i wric lo lr uvinliihle tulrr In thr diy nnd inlihl nllrr the tc.i n-.l . ulthiiiiKh thr Kltuutlun (irrmrd rriunnubty Mftble. Molhcru wore lo bo Bern 111 the m honl uduy for the x:ciuilun of thr third uiiiiiihI niuthcro' ten mvrn by tho Ten Tollrm'. lircoriitlijnii fol luwi'd the npilnv thrine mound thr walls of the Klrln' liym. An mothim urrlvrd inrhariiKrrK were firm to take the ntudrnM out of clnM Ul liltrlHl the tm for a while with hla or her parent, Mcinbrr of Tru Tullrm prenldrd at the ten table, i'ourliiK were Cor llMi Maylli ld, Uorolhy Coir, Mrlba 1! urn, Jran Hhldlrrr, Drtly Vahl, Joyce Dllmaiiiion, llrlty llrnnrt, Jovie Warner nnd Oallya Klclicn dorf. Many llmnki no out lo the Har rnin' and I'alroiw' elub for Klvlnif thr henior baiuiuet, tor nenlorn, Wnliii'Mlay niKht. Hrnlorii J ut nal back and reliurd while thry wrre nerved the turkey dinner by Junior KIi Ik rntertalnrd nnd if e n e r n 1 1 y walled on. Andrew l,oney led In UiKlhit neveral miiuik, and it nklt wnn Klvrn by llrlrn Jai knon, Ocomlnnna Clark nnd Tnrky Hrnllh. Diioriilloiiii on the Inblrn were rarrlrd out In the school colnm, red nnd white, with Krrrn tree renter plrcri laden wllh mnall dlplomnx. Mm. Jink Murphy wn In chnrne or drcorntlonii: Mrn. L. K. Phrlpn in In chamr of the entire banquet. Iiented by a ihiIiiIiiiiMiik coininltlee, Kvery boy lu Hflmol waa ellfdble to vote on the canillilnlra thin noon. JtuDiiliiij for pri-'.lilcnt were Joe 1 riiiol rukoH, Dick Jakr,lalt and Jack I.UKt; vice prrMdrni, Doiik llarker, Jim Morn nod Hob I'ci .oldt, and Hrrn'liiry-tM'nuiri'r, Itol Hell, Hiaii Mi'f'li'llnn and J ; I Wlnl- i ,', Tom Kdwnril Ik Ihr rrUrihK ' prenldrnt of thr Hoys Alliance. Unry Hiiilih will M' j) Into the n oeit of the jHChidi nt of Honor Ho clety for next yearn diiilrn. Clary and Uie other'oflnern were elecu-tl it a oieetliiK TucMlay hamllril by .ittlrlUK pretildelit, John ICplcv. Other offlcern circled are Gordon I'lrtcher, vice prenldent; Kvclyn Howland, neo retary, and Hoyd Cainenfion, trcioi urer. "May dreams and fact-i meet," wn the wtyliiK ehohi'u by the M-nlorn lo KO down im thidr claim motto. AIko voted on were claim color arid flow ern; and the combination Krren and Kold wan choneii for colorn; and the ror;e an the clawt flower. Trudy Hen nelt headed the committee- for chooMuif the KUKKeiitlonii to be voted on. Lovee Named Head Of Cattle Club POItTl.AND, May 20 in; The American Oucrnfcey Cattle club, elected K. V. Uiwh, Florhnin Park. N. J., president al Itn annual con vention here. The breeder attended the annual wentern Guermey Hale today and then will move northward to Heattle and Canada. The convention waif hi'd here an part of the wentern Havel of the elub official. The tour ntartcd In the Boulhwcut, mm M ? m REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE 1; 1 Sheriff 5J Guy Barton p t-k"M,'.-tfi Political adverti-sement by Barton Commute J J. E. Hmltii. Secretary Nominee for the officer of next year Hoy Alliance hnve been uk- WATCH TOMORROW'S HERALD & NEWS FOR GRAND OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT 0. G. W. FARM SUPPLY STORE Republicans! Elect LAMAR TOOZE Delegate to Republican National Convention STATE AT LARGE Will nupport Oregon rhnlre. Ovrrwa veteran, both World War Pd. Adv. by l.amar Tooe. 3H N. W. Thurman St., Portland, Ore. VWF .N.W ' r .c,M iHrU Ut At llllll !,!. Plriiulirrr ( HldniutM ,IU l Walfirrtr ncl Whltlnan Otu9 V. IfuMiaW' ra-r"f-tfii"aiai Jhb DEAN HALL REPUBLICAN Candidate for SHERIFF Fair and Efficient Office Paid AdvrlUmrtit btr Pn Hall Let's Concentrate Obi ne GOOD Candidate A Full Time Man For a Full Time Job "KARL vmmFR Here's how the votes were distributed in a STRAW BALLOT taken Monday night at a Junior Chamber of Commerce meeting for republican sheriff candidates: Dehlinger . . . 34.6 Franey 30.7 Uerlings 26.9 Barton 7.6 Other Candidates - No Votes NOMINATE KARL DEHLINGER Republican for Sheriff Pd. Adv. Karl Dehlinger ffixf ; 3. II H ; A 1 1 kiJ 1 r! 3 i . VOTERS OF SOUTHERN OREGON Let's turn Out and Give An verwhelming Vote for our own EARL T. i ' vi T , Oregon's efficient SECRETARY OF STATE - Southern Oregon's FIRST representative on the State Board of Control . . . Candidate for Republican Nomination May 2? Earl Nowbry hai a sound record in Privato Business and in Public Service. Ho it a man of proved executive ability. He Is a veteran; has devoted ten yean to State business, having been repeatedly chosen to represent Jackson County in Salem. His record of Efficient Administration of the Office of Secretary ot State sirKO November 3, 1947, merits YOUR support! KEEP Earl T. Newbry Secretary of State! KEEP a Southern Oregon man on the Board of Control! VOTE NEXT FRIDAY FOR EARL T. NEWBRY FOR SECRETARY OF STATE! Klamath County Newbry for Secretary of State Comm. Paul 0. Landry, chairman George P. Davis Ray Biggcrs A. M. Collier Wm. Lorem, Chiloquin F. J. Schmitz, Beatty m.VVVmlt r v ..n.. ,.114 mimiftmm 1 4f, ::v:'.,.'rl ? K:wJwaiiil THE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE OF THE WEST AND THE MIDWEST STASSEN HAS WON THE MAJOR REPUB LICAN PRIMARIES IN WISCONSIN AND NEBRASKA. HE IS THE FIRST CHOICE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE NATION. THE POLLS ALL SHOW THAT STASSEN WOULD SWEEP THE FINAL ELECTION IN NOVEMBER GALLUP'S REPORT PER CENT OF REPUBLICANS WHO PREFER EACH CANDIDATE JtWT MARCH MICM ATM MAT HJ47 IV. I94S 194 I94S STASSEN 20 wf DEWEY ,0 '5 15 15 I U 1 1 1 Do Not Permit the Eastern Stop Stassen Combination to Get By With Their High Powered Free Spending Campaign in Oregon. Stassen as President will carry thru a Real Program of Progress for Oregon and the West. J I .xuu! Tnld Adv. Oregon Stnsnrn for President Committee, Robert A. Klllatt, riinlrman. Imperial Hotel, rortlanil, Oreion. I