ft THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1948 HERALD AND NEW5, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SEC. II PACS 7 ' Corrigan Now On The Beam FAIRBANKS, AlMk. May 30 (!) - Remember Douglas (Wrong Way) Corrlganf ' lilt mnl Joahed flying nun In Hit World, who became famous for hli quip about (lying tin wrong way after Uniting In Ireland utter a bop from New York decade io, landed In Palrban-a yeatorday. i "Where were you heading thin tlmef" in the first quentlon popped t the Lot Angeles airman. Gurrlgan said he Hew north on i charter trip of a Hoattle flying con cern il Taylor Airway) "Just for a liHik at Alanka." Invited to tay In the territory and become a wlldernena-defylng "bush pilot," Corrlgan replied with a grin: "1 have a buh pilot job lined up In IO Angelea, flying hellcopteri. Thai's more my ttyle." To Buy, Bell or Trade It pa. to read Herald and Newa Claaairied Ad It pay to AdvertlMl Kittradga Named To Stock Post 11 A KEfl, May 90 Ult-O. D. Ifolrh kin of Burn wa elected president of the Oatlle and florae nolaers as (Dilation of Oregon a the 35lh an nual convention of the organisation ended here Wednesday. 'llie 10b convention will be held at Pendleton. Other officer named In the clos ing solution of the three-day meet wrre Harry I. Stearns of Prlnevllle, flrnt vice president, and William Klltredge of Klamath Pall, second vice prealdent, A aecretary will be Notice of 1948-49 Budget Meeting Continued from Page 6 July I, 'T lo June so, 'a A rtlial fnr Artllat fnr Year dual Veer i't'r I, 44 June ao.'te III f 1110 00 $ 190000 July I, 4S lO June l, '4 111 -4io 941 90 Arlual fnr rural V..r Jul I, ' lo June 90, '4T Arlual for riral l Month 141 Budaat fnr V..r li nNO AND CLASSIFICATION ll Eitlmalait rural Year July I, '4a U June 10, '4 Br Officer of Approved hf Dapartmanl Bud! Com. Toe 11 lioeia 4T10 0T 4J70O7 O00 00 000.00 si:ti79 I jiauis saiusos ssowm I700 1717 S9J.IS SIMM 10 33 414 1 S0..41 . toe. ai isa.se 1,8000 J493 3 474.11 9 17OT0 so SlIZow 1111 9 MJ M 1171241 in 31 U am no iHsiai imm 11791 IMII II 14 04 IU409 44 71 1MU 100 00 a117 11 M.UTI nl a 440 19 11134 17197 1900 3 HtHM 00 1339 00 WISH MM I44MM SOOOO 00 V 9 i IWllfll 9 M444 I lit 109 9 liUiflll I 17341 71 9 U0M.4 l j aim m 3CJUI4 M .im I nt m Ml os 14TSA4 30 A .UI l .1343 no IM 91 1T.WT4 IS 1300 IT M 30 441 .19 300 7 OtM 04 -U7S 34 140 00 19M 33 JOP37 ' MS! M SOM U Inrlurlee Market Roe-d and County ftotd RipndMun f374Uy39 9 rtn 04 9 40SM9 U 9 1M791 43 000 00 ITM fat) S5O0 OO 00 00 1300 00 14000 00 T9O00 aooooo 9 101 194 9 430000 4VKI0U ixm oo 30.H)0 00 ft37M UO lunoo oo looo no 4Aoo no soo no 4nofen on ooooo tMm 9 7903a M 93AAO T9 9OA40 7 . Mf 19 M473 JO , IM 41t Ml I1MT04 4oni4M 9 4W30B3 I IMSI 91 7IK 00 7X3 J 1 47919 74 Inclti'l- 4)54 474 7 tth hailnnr front Mart. float. lnrlufii iraiftfvr of 9I9.9M 19 from Martiel ltod 3M4HJ M 9 aiaiM J 9 3J0O4J 9 9 34113 91 9 331144 ST 9 ononoo ' 19000 00 oon 00 ran 00 4000000 rund. fund 919000 00 imrAin mi. 1.9 Vnpald Bill! 9 Total Kxpendllurw 9 Itr-llirf TION9 rOM CUBRKNT Killmaled Caeh on Hand Trana. from fuel Wai Moad Fund , County Clark 9 Auto Mtlcdere at 2 ... I Kafund on Traiu(ortatloii of Prlnara ...,..,m Mllaajra Hund Gun I'armtla . Ind Kalai and nnU)i .. O a C. Ind Grant riaralpU . IWund V. M rira Patrol Ula Plnball Mranaa Apportionment Ilealaurant faae , . Klam. Civ. Apportionment of Alcoholic fleveratfea Tax Dot Llcenae feat Trana. from General Warrant B a I , Juetlre Cmirt taai Tadaral Contribution In Lieu of Taxaa Federal Helmlnireemenl, Health Dapartmeiit ftV-hool Diet. No. 1, Maallh fWpl. Cly. H- lw.il Unit. Ila.lth tapt. City of Klam. FalU. itanltarlan City of Kl.malh Falla, Health Officer lata Participation, Welfare Ula iJapl of Vatarana Affair lUlntbursemenl for ttana and T. n Taellnf ! ftebala prapaym't Taxaa Total Xacalpta KOAD rt'ND alary EftaJ nee r lUlary Hoart lu pa Hn tender wrnr i,iera .. . Malarial, Kapalra and ParU new vujiiipiitani .... fllghta of Way . , jnauranra, H I. A. Offlra fluppllea Itavolvlng Tnut fund .... Public Kmployaaa Aellrment Total Kapandlturaa .......... Killmalvd R''lpli KIAU M ND Padaral fnreal . Motor Vhli-l fund Oit Ten Refund J P Courta Re-volvinj Truat Fund . Total Add Baftnnlntf Cath Be lane w .. (Tl aooooo 9000 00 '91 1VJO0O0 aooooo avm oo 9 jvYo oo 33AO 00 J3A0OQ 30 OO B-VJ 00 . 1 1 so oo 1 1 no oo I 2M 00 3-V) 00 i aoofw no vw fio 13000.00 lsono oo 3 00 1000 00 1000 Oo 3O0 00 300.00 aooooo aooooo aoooooo aoooooo 100 00 I aoOOO lotvio oo aorrT u TT V) 00 31 V) 00 17 V) 00 340000 boo oo aoooo asAoooo asvnoo usaoo naaoo 750 00 7WO0 SOUOOO 97000 00 73301.00 ""lWl,ifl numed At it later diitn by the ftwoclBtlon'fl nomliHiltiiK coininlttc. Pi me nt arcri-tiiry Ui C. I-. JumiIwjii ot PeiitllcUm. In b niorntiiK Mnnlon ii(Wtrr, Al rwrt MiUJirll, Albert, N. M rhulr mnn of ttic Join U, H. -Mexico rommlttrfi on Um lioof ftiifl mouth d lara an, drcliiml that the proper ppllcntlon of B viurliit! prourmn barkrd up with a win id Immhlrr piotrain ran brinn tho nrreMiirv f radlcRtion of the hoof and mouth dlficaw! In Mexican cowh. Prisoner Of Jm$ Greets Stosscn GRANTS PAHH, My 20 lI') When Humid K, Htunnrn wan here Tuendny one of the men to greet him had ren him before under hljfhly emotional clrcun.Klnce, He wan John A. H'hleferMetn, who on AuKUJit 30, ItMO, wnn llbenited from Wnrfibl prtnon In Jiipim bv a party whlrh Included Btannen, then b naval officer. I pay to line trie Wmu-Adnl dant 4303 M UB0a0.19 44MM 9 uaWrr 9 999000.00 Total Rlpta Cot-NTT FAIR BOABD aoooii 9 lanooo Caratakar. Balary 179 00 300 00 Clerical . 37 M 30 00 Buppllaa 49 41 100 00 Tafaphort , a A lano OO Imuran? , 11197 aoooo Irrigation Charcee . 9ia09 llwrio Water, Wfht. Fuel . 4OO0 0O 4H and FT A ArUvlllaa a3Tn lononn Malntananra. Upkeep, Labor . 91.37 00 Truck Repair nOOO Drainag Canal al 8th St. 113 90 isoono Rapatre lo nidg , Chuta. Fence linoo Hot Plata. Cxhtblt nulidtng .... ami 78 anno OO New Rlaacher 07.343 100 00 Addition to Bxhlblt Bulldtnf - 9 19O0OO0O 133000 00 aooooooo isoono oo 0OOOO oo aoooo oo looo 00 1000 00 4AO0 00 4MJ0 00 190000 190O0O aoooo oo anooo on 1000.00 TOO0.00 9 44000 00 9 M7000 00 9 aoooo oo 9)00000 00 anoonooo 310000 on Tono 00 7000 00 lonnooo loooooo aoooooo 30000.00 933000 00 Nona 9 333000 00 9 397000.00 9 10000 9 lftonoo 300 00 joo 00 3000 30 00 10000 10000 jvm 00 j.vw on aoooo 300 00 13OO0O 13(0 00 4("oo no 4000 Oo ; ono no anno 00 300 00 VXQQ J. L. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor New Offlre l-ornl.lon 306 North 1th SL Phone 9346 FUNNY BUSINESS 1 1 m i 1 lun 'jll'-t. GASP kHz Xiltt i co.1 imi it mi. nryiei wtiaiwi l nt rm , "Watch your eontrolt! She forgot to ton out her bubbla gum before the ttarted for high C!" ir-ak-- For Information about "TWINWAY" call Rain or shlni, people keep moving. Make your next move wisely by using the services of an experienced leader the "TWIN WAY" Home-to-Home Moving Service of Consolidated Freight-ways. Moving Service oi'vei you a choice of two lm woyt of mov ing your poiienioni on of which h cerfon to meet your apocrof needi. We or ofio ogenri far North Amorkam Voa line. Umpqua Set For Summer Planting The L'mpqua natlonaf fnrrat plaolliic program for the l!)47-4g raaon la now brine romplrtrd. A lumm.iry of the raon' planting how that 2K.',,0ftO nrrdlng Irrra wrre planted by forest arrvlrr t-rrw undrr the dlrrrtlon of the dlitrlrt forrat rancrr. M. M. Nrlaon, foreit suprrvlaor, calrulalr that more than 10 tree were planted for earh tree rut from national forrat land in 1917. The planting wa done In tlx different areas from the Row river territory In outhern Lane county to tracts longed on the Rogue Umpqua divide near Jackson county. One project wa In the old Rondeau burn on Jackson creek The land burned In 1939, but had not re stocked with young timber. The total area planted was 417 acres. Many of the area being planted are fogged off land which have not rrstockrd. Nelson explained that all togged off lands do not have to be planted. He stated, "Rec ords show that we have a good seed year only once In about six year: and that if we have a favorable wet spring during these years, we nor mally get good reproduction. The chanre for having both favorable weather and sufficient seed the same year is rather unusual, there fore planting programs are used to aid nature." Recent logged areas are watched carefully and are planted If necessary. Louis (label haa been assigned to the Hnsehurg office to supervise tree planting and other forestry Improvement work. "Now that the forest service hag made a start 111 planting, It la ex pected that each year the program will Increase," Nelson stated. Dur ing the 1947 spring season 164.000 trees were planted. This figure was Increased to 245.000 trees this spring. Douglas fir tree accounted for moat of the planting, but 20.000 Ponderoa pine tree were included. Most of the planting was by forest service crews, but some wa con tractcd to special tree planters, Tho tree were grown In the forest crv Ice nursery near Carson, Wash. MS Broad Fh. 4151 0 4a M M 00 Total Bapandlturs IM00 00 rniiMTT ria lo.in Invaalmant fund on Hand Mantal from llama .. .... ano M Anilrlpalad Stala lvy u BMTO.OO Mantal from Rodeo . Marin Commlaalon , . TUB 00 IMIInquanl Taaaa . Mlarallanaoua Haeatpla tftOOS Add ba1nn!n cath kaltnre Taos 00 TM 00 ii aa 00.7 ' looo oo lonu 00 ooooo lUtlM IM4 IS L OAS 7J ? 77 la j 9S 77 : m 4 J 41410 , 74 It t MM SI BOH 4S 14U.7S IM11 J Ml. 79 J lawi jo f f 119 00 1 iiMer I suei.rr lanm j 700 oo j I aw'oo I rroa ?0 90 7aa U JMH.lt Total Raralpla laaim IUO II HT7 at if a7 3401 4 1440 791 14 IIIK) 17 UI 19 SOW 14 Had m MS II la 4 77 J lelt i 7M1M 1M4 a M te i im w aaMoar riiNo Moo no Warn 700 00 l.nhu and Waur . 10OO0O llaat . 90 OO lnaurane ... snoo 00 Ropalra and Malnlananr , T790 00 Toul Bspandllurea . I enoOM aooooo Hon ri'ND Ranlala Add baflnnlng eaah balanc , . 1010.00 .. I 1400 00 0000 119000 aso oo aooooo . aooo oo . TConoo socooo cue aM.10 ttl.g tooooo Total Bmlpla loaie a 4oao al IU.7S IM 4 me 14 I 1199 49 S4 17U91S JO 774.1 tt.AMATR COl'NTT LIBBABT era i $ i9SA9m iirrn lansoo 3MSI 7 1921 40 Monfca. raHodlrala. Blndln M 9.0S9 00 4.ai SOTS.OO Bulldln. Malnlanancai haat, !.lhl. Walar. gte 1075 00 en T 400 no Parmanant Improvamanta Too 00 371.10 anl.oo Oparatln Kxpanaa; Suppllaa M9.00 I 17994 M 1UM1I 104141 1094 40 Tout lapandlturaa 1S94.M I 1TT9S0 leu 37 1100 00 94937 I tan no U9 40 4 i an no 090 1109 00 114 M U4M I asm is oo 3100 4S00M S9OOO0 Ml 10 09 Tm.oo 180.00 XI.AMATH rOI'NTT t lHRART Klamalll Union ll(h chool Dutrlrl . . 9 9000 00 CounU Unit School Dlatrlel WOO.OO 1090 00 " I aoooo Moo oo tus.oo ! 100 00 I 7000 i laow oo j S linn no ' BOO oo ' 1190 00 I rnoon aooo oo I aooo oo j t 7000 00 1 aooo oo j a aooo oo ! a 1399 00 SOU. 00 SOTS 00 1 700 00 . 99 00 a swos.oo j a 900000 300.00 County II. a. Dtat Idlaeont.) Total Raralpla , law i.inaAar Balarr Librarian a Law Booka , , Caaa . , Nona 11900.00 a 11900 00 mm soooo 100 oo 10 00 Staioo 100.00 a 919 40 a 749 0 3300 1030.00 Toul Kapandlturaa 10447 10447 S 104131 t ToSTii ; f 19949 7 ' fl9A4g.7 'f ' $ 949 M . 84t.M !; Jj . a mi 17 v. a xsiM 7 snsia a isiue.sT a -9791 1 100 90 rij I m.n so 94 1043 00 00 00 lonom a 1BS43 43 17410SS3 LAW I.inaAar Anticipated Racalpl Total Rerelpta . MUSRI'M ri'ND Antlclpabtd Expenditure Total expenditure ... mi su m n Ml Anllclnalad Racalpta .. Caih on hand Total Receipt KxrRNniTi'Rrs COUNTY X'HOnl. FUND County School Fund ... . a 1300.00 , 1300.00 . soooo . a soooo . a 1000 00 , 3319 7 a 790 00 a I mo oo a 1300.00 a soooo a soooo a 100000 a 33149 7 a U149.7S a 39149.79 .1340113 a 34030 13 Toul Cxpendlluraa SxrrNIIITtlRKS TATI.OR CRAZINC! ACT Bapandltur ... Toul lipandllum a 34030.13 a 4000.00 . S 4000.00 a 4000.00 TATI.OR flRAKINQ ACT Eallmalad Raralpla S Add baglnnlns caah balanc a 190000 1900 00 Tsui Raralpla 4000 oo a 4000.00 rxrtNniTiar TAT IIAMK I OMHISIION Ul (Jama Commlaalon Expandtlurea ........... 8000 00 a SOOO.OO see os f 300.00 h -aa a f 33S3.M fIMM 7100.00 a 90 no a io.M a ssooo a mono a 117 49 3431. OS rH17 49 343 1. OS a e-s.m S3 40 SSS9.7 410 4 97 Wl 1301. M 74.0S a tnissa 797100 a 7IU 40 a 7973.00 7113 40 a 1701 19 171.19 SCO 00 113171 aieiin a4 1301 99 000.40 a 343 03 Total Rxpandlturea g 3000.00 TAT OAMK l OMMISSION AntlclpaUd RacalpU ....... S 3000.M ToUl Raralpla a SOOO.OO KXrKNIHTl'RF.a LIOUIIR LAW INrORCEMKNT Liquor Enforcement . S 1000.00 Toul Expandllilrea S 1000.00 LIQUOR LAW ENFORCEMENT RacalpU a 3000 00 Total RerelpU nnn lii snse fund alary and Mileage, Commla alon and Berreury .g Extra Help, Clarh'a Office ... Salary and Commlaalon, Pnundmaater . Rilppllaa ,,...... Talaphona ., City Rhara of t.lcanaea Llvaatock Datro-ad by Doga a 30000.0 a SOOO.OO a 3000.00 a 1000.00 a 1000.00 a SOOO.OO a SOOO.OO a 3000.00 f If. SO-ST-No. lit u a TSNO.OS tooo.oO aissoo 17S0I.M Tout Expandllilrea nnn Lit nsk niNn Eatlmalad Receipt . ToUl RcelpU .. aas.no 100.00 snoo oo soooo aooo 19O0 00 700.00 S4SS.O0 7000 09 S39 00 100.00 SOOO.OO SO0.00 eo.oo 1900.00 700.00 149.00 7000.00 . a 7000.00 a 7000.00 ROAO BOND SINKING FUND Road Bond Sinking rund, Caah on Hand ...,.. .. g Expendlturea Balanra nd of year , Road Bond Inlartat Fund, Expandlturaa Eatlmalad nalanr on Hand Balanc nd of year tte lvy needed. 7000 00 Tooooo aoooooo J.W9.00 19000.00 1041S.00 a S7000 00 7000.00 0000.00 399.00 13000.00 10499.00 "CLEAN, VIGOROUS PROGRESSIVE Successful Businessman Veteran Both World Wars State Senator Since 1935 ON THE 21st OF MIT TOTE FOR DOUG McK&T DOUGLAS McKAY, A MAN WITH A DEFINITE PROGRAM FOR OREGON: Develop OrfRon's Post-War hlsh ways on p;i,v-r.-.vuu-ko basis and as rapltlty as possible, Coordlnnle (he various state ajttnrlrs worklnj: for the con servation of natural resources and nlhlllfa. Plan Oregon's Industrial develop ment without seasonal iiurm ploy m en t, slums, stream pollu tion, or poverty and vice. 9 Profits from the liquor com mission should (to Into the gen eral fund and adequate pension appropriations made from this fund. VOTE TO REDUCE YOUR TAX BILL Doug McKay's Program Calls for Tax Reduction 7. Repeal the state withholding tax. Reduce state Income taxes by restoring the higher exemptions In effect prior to the 1947 legislative session: from $1000 to I150O for mar ried persons; $500 to $750 for single persons. - "Humanise" the state Income tax by allowing deductions for I'nusual Medical Expense and Life Insurance Premiums up to $250 per year. Set aside half the treasury surplus to prevent tax Increases when tax revenues drop. STOP THE SALE OF STATE LANDS THAT SUPPORT OUR SCHOOLS Douglas McKay's exposure of the recent sale of state-owned tldelands near Coos Bay by the state land board headed by John Hall, won the Immediate support of school leaders and such sincere public leaders as Ex-Governor Os West and State Treasurer Leslie M. Scott. REMEMBER Every penny lost by the state land board adds to your school taxes. Douglas leCCAY GOVERNOR (REPUBLICAN) Pd. Adv., McKny for Governor Committee, W. L. (Bill) Phillips, Chairman, S10 N. Commercial St., Salem, Oro, HOTELS OSBORN HOLLAND EL'GE.NE, ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern Mr sad Hra. J. E. Earley PrnorlrtAra and Joa Carter Orientals Are A Strange Lot NANKING, May SO VP) Two: thieves serving terms In a police re form Institute complained today In court that their jailers were not , setting a good example for honesty. , They charged the jailers with building private homes with prison labor and government funds. The court sent the jailers to jail and praised the two thieves for their honesty. NANKING, May 20 UP The Chi nese government today announced It spent Its money faster than It was printed In the first half ot the fiscal year. Expenditures exceeded 96.000.000. 000.000 yuan. Only 69.000,000,000,000 were printed. It takes 1,000,000 yuan to buy $1. HOUSEHOLD HINT Fruit stains may be removed by sponging with lemon Juice and then washing with hot water. If lemon is not available, borax will be found Just as effective. It Pays to Use the Want-Ads I CI LIFE PRESERVER Here's a treat that rescues dying spirits! Clicquot Club Eskimo Cooler Is a smooth lemon' flavor delight that puts new lit In party beverages. Op use It as Is for a delicious and tangy refresher. In full-OUART bottle. Also available In smaller sizes. Clicquot Club Bottling Co. of Klamath Falls 665 Spring Ph. 4706 Yf&Sliibzfki ccg-Sr t; i x I NIGOT Listen to KFJI 6:45 - 6:50 p. m. and Hear ELMER BALSIGER Speak in Behalf of the Candidacy of GUY BARTON Republican Candidate For SHERIFF - Political Advertisement Paid for by Guy Barton Committee. J. E. Smith, Secretary. SjL iv j PRIMARY N 5r ELECTIONS Jx A may 2' 1948 I 1 S I a AoV Guy Cordon lor W 1. Sweof1! I 3 A I Coenoi Gaorpa f. Jama ton, Ixac SKly. I I Tr f I fOtllond. Or. 1 I