ACE SIX HERALD ANQ NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY, MAY 19, 1?U? Stop Forest Fire Day Set Friday; Parade Slated For Legion Sponsored Event jlVlliii ! The lulilorl t.allrr Malta' aara aia.l aa. aa Bt (am M aa.4i. mat. at I a-riltta aa ON 1. 1 11 a at tat I aaatr. ana mat. kt .ttnta a? Ik rarrarl N AalF AMI AllllKF.a at I Ik I'aa.naa.laaa lkM rala ra a .'(mil m-alraai4. aMea plnnrrd to lilm rliiht how which Inbomt on your buHdlim. j ...a., i. o.urr rnmuonir. Mr is mi , cl,ulvhrili. bultlf . block!,. rxprrt In good (ovrriunrnt mid New I . ... , , York .tale U ot Hut fart. " " , 'l,U'h . . , , carried your iiii-modm, ilrlivrrrt vour The United Statu, of America I I , or your KtK ,.r)t.s. lomt.r In an a lul Male today Ix-caiiM o( qvurt. And line lie vour .-i.ii.i.. "Stop Fortt Fire" Day has been tel lor Friday with a parade and a noon banquet scheduled tor the an nual American Legion - sponsored day. The parade will Ret under way at 10:30 a. in., with groups lorming at Balsigers' garage at 10 a. m. sharp. The procession will go from Bal siger't to 4th and Main, then to Klamath, up Klamath to Sth. up 6th to Main and then on down Main to Balsigers. The lineup order includes state and city patrol, city fire equipment. American Legion color guard. KITKS ' band, Pep Peppers. Izaak Walton league, U. S. forest service fire equipment, park sen-ice fire equip ment, Indian service fire equipment. Klamath Forest Protective associa tion fire equipment, WeTerhaeiiser Timber company equipment and the Sheriff's posse. The "Stop Forest Fire" banquet will be combined with the Rotary club's weekly luncheon at the Wil lard hotel. Proceedings are slated to get under way at 12:05 p m.. and Legion Commander Lynn Roycroft will emcee the program. I Fred 8. Baker, dean of forestrv at the University of California, will be the principal speaker at the ban quet. The natlonallv known forestry expert will speak on forest fire pre vention, and the public is Invited to the banquet to hear him sneak. Any Interested persons mav nhone the Willard hotel for reservations. Cha irmon a. .V : T ..." Hotelman Leaves For Prison Term SAN FRANCISCO. May 19 I- f f Walt Uirsrndanrer. Klamath Falls reuiler. is chairman for the 11th consecutive year of the Amer ican Legion's annual "Stop Forest Fire" banquet and parade. Douglas Backers Plan Write-in PORTLAND. May 19 i. A write in campaign to get the name of supreme court Justice W. o. Douglas A millionaire San Francisco hotel- j on the democratic primary 'ballot as A ri.KAX-l'P JIN OLE KLAMATH FALLS iTo the Edi tor" Though we may have streets that's grimy, i Ami we blush as i confess. Fur the mud and dust and cfndfrs. They combine to make a mess. But there's one thing that we're proud of. And on this we ll take a stand. That our teen-nge clean-un boosters Can't be beat In all the land. We must get behind our leaders. And let's give them all we've got. To help put their campaign over While the Issue still Is hot So that folks across the mountains 'Ere they step upon our street Thcv will feel an obligation: Thev must stop and clean their feet. M. H. MITCHELL. f.Ol.DKX OPPORTUNITY BOSTON. Mass. iTo the Editor! The cttirens of Oregon have a golden oiioortunitv when they go to the polls Vav 21. Thev have the toldcn opportunity of voting for delegates to support Chjv. Thomas P. Dewey for the presidency and In this wav settle the Issue as far as the presidency Is concerned. : It is almost comical to trv to romonre with Dewey the men who are being mentioned as candidates, j In fitness and special fitness for the I presidency Dewey so far excels them j that it is almost laughable when , the other names are mentioned, and i to mention seriouslv any of the j other names signifies a lack of i ability to Judge men and their quaimcations. Governor Dewey received S3 mil lion votes in 1M4. He has more dele- losi oclore manhood ur womanhood was rt'nclir.1, but ri'iiioiiilx'iril bv you. their paient.v This is a crlllnil moment In the history of our old burial ground. Someone has said n nation is known by the rare thev give their dead I would like to ask bad management and loose methods. The people of the country look to the republican party for relief and better government. The republican party cannot and will not give better government unless it nominates Gov. Thomas E. Dewey. I Remember as you vole in Oregon I your support ot this tax levy that I that Governor Dewey knew the Klamath Fulls may be fiivoriibly I secret of Pearl Harbor. Franklin D. i known by Its remembrance of tluvse Roosevelt sent General George Mar- I who tolled for Its upbuilding." i shall to Dewey when he was cam- Yours truly. paigntng In IIM4 to implore him not I MRS NELLIE VA TTKNHK.RU. to give away the secret of Pearl Har- bor. Dewey would have been elected MtlKK ON CKMt'THIV then had he given away that secret. KLAMATH FALLS. Ore. , To the He kept the secret within his own Editor. - As one of the t Z hl "l,"d "5 u-j dwindling group of pi,,,,,.,,, r the ,r ,' ''' the people secure Klamath coun.iy, and particularly There Is then the great moral of Falls. I have been deep". question Involved of rewarding such y concerned ou r the eventual fair .. , our ln rri,,,,,,. ,, thl, ln )my i-. me k.kki propie u wre- Him , lllv .... ....... . rcin.'tciy nccifs mil. h inure work thiin a group can give. This Linkvllle cnnelery Is a miihII city. In It uie housed, Jiim like nil other cities, the rich iui.1 the man- I the giri.t and the humble. Friends sleep side by side ami foes do like j wise, but here all is formiiten. old I anluioslllrs me swept iiway. The I long sleep has wiped out nil grudues and lulsiimlrrstiiiidings. Let s miike ! their slii'p as bci.iitilul n we enn liv giving perpetual cure to this, their last resting place. Your irulv. MUM. AMELIA HANKS. YOUR FAMILY CAN WIN $25,000.00 CASH! $25,000.00 Is First Prize In Pepsi-Cola' "Treasure Top" Sweepstakes and Contests! It Is said that oiie-thlrd of all automobiles on streets mid high Mays at nnv given time have some thing wrong with tlirlr brakes. It 'a not too big or too smnll -to advertise In the Herald and News Classified Section, where Small Ads bring Dig Results. Bill, otism gon elect the whole slate of Dewey delegates and In this wav declare to all America that the unselfish statesmanship of Governor Dewev should be rewarded and also because he Is a sure w'nner. Rev. Walter n. McCtine. 74 Waumberk Street. cemetery on the outskirts of our cllv While It Is true that those of us who are here w ill carry on the work of beautifying our own plots, a man, Eugene N. Fritz. Jr.. left Tues day for McNeil Island federal prison In Washington state. Dapper at 68, the Nob Rill hotel and apartment owner was in the company of 22 other prisoners. Fritz was sentenced to 18 months on each of three counts of income tax evasion. The terms will run con currently. His holdings In San Francisco were listed in court as worth more than $6,000,000. and include the Park Lane, Huntington, and Broc kl'bank hotel apartments on Nob Hill, and the El Cortes and Sutter hotels here. PO NOMINATIONS WASHINGTON. May 19 c4 President Truman has sent to the senate these postmaster nomina tions for Oregon: Ivan A. Blagg. Grass Valley; Opal F. . Maphet, Murphy. the state's choice for five president was planned today. Mike De Cicco announced that party workers met last night to map the drive to place the justice on the Oregon ticket along w ith President Truman. ON t'EMETERY TAX I KLAMATH FALI3. Ore (To the Editor) I was disturbed the ot'ier day to hear someone refer to the proposed tax levy for the mainten ance ol the Linkvllle cemcterv in such a wav that I was led to believe she thought It was for Memorial park. Perhaps It should be made clear that this small mlllace Is for the purpose of keeping the cemetery where so manv of our friends slep Irom literally going to seed and be coming an eyesore. In this old cemetery there are five generations of those who built our country and our lives. In this place rest doctors who brought our babies Into the world and closed the eyes of your parents or other loved ones. Here rest work hardened hands 1 " I. ..-IT.. -f llow'tl vim liko to win $i;.'i,0iH.(iii IIiti-'h your cliiinoe! iVim-('oI,Vh ismil I'tiiitesls oiler it top I'nmily Swn'i.slakis I'lizc of $-",-(100,01) iiinoiiK mvi'II t'lish prizes! Also, Slate ninl Na tional oiihIi prizes every month! hit of chances In win! Knter this sensational new writ'H of l'eisi-l'olii con (esls. Knier nflen every en try net ii Treasure Cerlili cale for the Kninily Svveep Kl likes I' Coiitesln cloM! June :!0, l'.HS Ixiok for "Treasure Tops" I'cpsi-C'olii liollle tops willi I'.'. '." -i '' "'-vj v,:S:. del the ii huh- lunula ml'ii ilc.sioiis under the cork. Collii l 'em , . . swap 'em . . . net a coinpliie set. f'.ilrlM huul4 6a nmtphlt mt I'D a " It GET ENTRY BLANKS AT YOUR STORE LVpiT1?M -i (tpswntinfnl Itom ftpu tufa Company i BETTER HEALTHI Hemorrhoid Avcfsl omd Cofoa AHmmat QattrU Ukr ?rttd vriocf Kovprtal Oprai)oa Writ or caU for FREE tiMcrlptir Bocluat Mmdsr tkrmtgk Fn4ry: 10 A. M. 5 P. M. Ei: Mn4j. Wtdmndtj. frtdy nttt $ Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Pkytitiam mmd Swrgmon V. I. Corner E. Bcrnrid and Grmr.d Avnu YOUR VOTES WILL BE COUNTED AT ELECTION NIGHT PARTY FRIDAY - MAY 21 Up there anil meet your ranilidateH ' Reservations suggested Tel. 7980 or 8390 I'f Ponderosa Pine Panelling Now is the time to give your home that new rustic look with Ponderosa Knotty Pine Panel ling. High quality, per square foot 13'2C M Friendly Furniture ' ' . : Let Dutch Boy furnish you with the proper finish to decorate your Knotty Pine Panelling, Friendly Furniture or that new Long-Bell Kitchen. Estimates and color con sulting service for your convenience. t". Kitchen Cabinets 5 Here is a chest of four roomy drawers ready to paint in the colors to harmonize with the surroundings of your home. Deep easy to pull drawers provide storage for many items. SI 11.85 A hondy unpointed utility chest. It fits under neath a window, ot the foot of a bed, or may be ploced on top of another chest for more storage. You moy buy a whole new kitchen, or buy a., unit ot a time. All motching units in sizes to meet most particular requirements. Base and cupboard units may be purchased individu ally or together. Brighten up your kitchen with Long-Bell step saving units. The 18 inch base and 18 inch wall unit 2075 - T THE IMPORTANT GIFTS COME FROM RICKYS hi W ITH nm BULOVA a "4;-r'' fV: i : f : ni :f. Tulelokc Klamath Falls Mali wi yvmt"- An v m $ P,ca ,Nc,uo. ym , V)i-fKf "JULIET" . . . gorseous , , VVf ; fX 7W D "CONRAD" . . . itreom. . S, ' Wl.W fAiiX'M i -for,' ... v L:.;r'l n "EXCELIENCY" . . . G.m Vj SS i VsjM "kt r i "JULIET" . . . gorgeout 17-Jewel beouly. She will love ill "CONRAD" . . . lream lined I7-Jewl Bulova. Dittinctiva styling . . . . "MARTHA WASHINGTON" ... 17 Jewels . . . I4K JprOfl oold. A rare beouly . . , "EXCELLENCY" . . . Gem of watches . . mesh bracelet - 2 1 Jewels STONE SET RINGS FOR "HEP" OR "HIM" at ore priced reasonably Kickys. Dozens of styles. Prices r aC af y.ou start at.. SMART KLAMATH SHOPPERS ARE ASSURED THAT A PAYMENT PLAN TO SUIT THEIR PARTICU LAR NEEDS CAN BE SECURED AT RICKYS PARKER PEN & PENCIL SETS Fomous throughout America as the wriliiKj set for "Young America." 17 50 1 700 MAIN ST. PHONE 3151