MONDAY, MAY 17, 1948 HbRALD AND NtWS, KLAMAIH HALLS, OKtCON PACE NINI Washington Delegation For Dewey IIKI.I.lNlillAM, Waah., M.y 17 (!') YVaalilnitcm drlrgallnn la I he na tional rrpulillroii prralilrnllal numi nallhg ritiivriitluti had a. Dewey Huge today, but whrlnrr Ilia rolur Ini was Ulnl or drrp-ujril waa un orrUln. Hpnkoamrn for rlvnl cuiiillrintra mil hud a (llllririit Intel pi etnllon of Ihe m-ninii delegation. 81010 Hen. Harry Wull, alnle rtialimnii uf llic Nrw York (covin -nur's cniiipnliiii, rliiliiiFil "10 or IT' members ul llm ilrli'uiiiinii. Jm I'earaon of Hralllr, leuder of tilt lUrohl K. HUaarn liirrea, anil Judgs Charles Paul, Hralllr, head nan fur Hen. Iluhert A. Tall, earn elalmrd four delegates lor lila ran dldat. Non-parlUaii observers tablwd 16 delegaloa aa Dewey auppnrteia, llireo aa naulral. Al leaal two nf tluwo listed. In Ilia Dewey ramp, however, declared Inter tliry were nnl com mitted Ui any raiidldut. Klri'tlmi of Hip ID-member clrlena Hull Id Ilia I'hllmlrlphln iimventlon climaxed Ilia parly's clny-long alnle convention here Haliirduy. Ilelegatra-al-large elected were! (Iral dlairlrl formrr (inv, Arthur l. I.anille; aeeund ritate Hep. (Irani Hleaon, Hkagll county; third Mra. Iluth l.aml, lluqulam, fourth 1. V. orlhland. Vaklnia; fifth Mra. Marlon Hrhulle, Kpokanej alilli Ir. O, Ci. Hullon. 1 aroma. Al larca wllhoul dlairlrl W. W. Hrruliy. He-aula. Farm Hand Hurt Saturday Forrcal Everhart, about W. waa brought to Klmrmlh Vallry hoapltal Haturday lor emertfenry treatment foi Injurlra aiiatalnrd In a farming arrldrnl. Evrrliart. an amplnya of Hooper brothers of Midland, waa run ovrr bv a plrra of farm ma cl. lurry at Tulrleke. Evrrliart aa aavrd from serious Injury by beliif pushed Into anft (round beneath the haavy farm Implamant. C'hesl X-rays were lakrn Haturday afternoon, and hna. plinl altaiidania anld that the man was not In critical condition. Setd Laws To Be Tightened Up POIin.ANO. May IT V-Orrgon la going to lighten It requirements on arrd frank MrKrnnon, chief of Ilia alete drpartmrut nf agrlruiture In aiwcllnn division, asserted Haturday Ilia male lot into trouble last yrar because of Ian lniecllon. (Several ihlpmrnta of rertlflrd veirh aeeda turned out lo ba In fested will) weevils, ha aald.. Milling that fumli!atlii( and labeling re qtnremrnta would be stricter. Ilia warning waa made at the 11th annual reinvention of the Oregon Feed and Bead Dealera' aanoclatlon. Among thoae elected to the board nf governors were William Hearth. rVilrm. and Prealdent Duane Crab trae. Eugene. Eugene Entry Wins Quarter Horse Show SAI.EM, May 17 il'i-Tnp honora In the opening round of Die North weal Quarter Horse association allow here Friday night went to Udy Vlv, 4-year-old mare owned by O. H. Turner. Eugene. Hhe took the award after winning Ihe aged mare claaa. Other winnera: One-year-old fllllea Uiwry Olrl. owned by Herman Bnyder, Pendle ton. Two-year-nlda Dolla A, owned by L. II. And run. Dlllard. Three-year-nlda Honey Buck, owned by Herman 8nyder. Reaarve grand champion- -llubba Bubba, from Nlrk Nichols stables, Tucson, Arlr.. The roping champion will be crowned tonight. Io Tliorne. Del Rio. Texaa, went Into the lend year, followed by Mae Price, libati on, and Cecil Dedfnrd, Walla Walla. Dewey Supporters Claim Big Vote I1F.U. INGHAM. Wn,sh., May 17 (Pi Supporter of Clov. Thomas E. Dewey were claiming the largeat hare of Washington's 10 delegntra o Ihe republican national conven tion aa party members prepared for the opening nf their atale conven tion hero Haturday. Backer of Harold E. Stnssrn, meanwhile, conceded Hint he would win a minority of the atnto dele gallon. Dewey bnckera clnltned a prob- f l'uro IIimI ml Ronp, I l mild anil refmililnn llflflfl specially aiiitahlii JwwU for gent ly cleaning Soothing, oily for llio tender akin iteainoi ointment Teiediraledloreliave, ttehy burning nf mf iwrskla Irritations. the lander akin Baby First Photos Out Of Stranded J erusalem Testify To Grim Fight r " - ' i , ,i . f I 4 m rfttz ran the fukpomk or acquikinu, (J'r-IA i jN(j, MAliN i AlMNu, i.vit'itOv I Hi. ASU Uf.Vi.i.Oi'lNt,. Hr.CHt.AHUX CbWIKilh, ANU H)R HrXHKAilUN AL MVlilbh. (;ttl--Afirt(J A LfcVY or OmE AND ONE HALF HI 1.1.8 I PON Tllfc OOi.LAK Or A IX TAXAHLK FHO I'LhlY iN KLAMATH JAiw-b, CiREGON rOH THE TAX VEAH lU-itt UiM. ANU EACH V.AK I IIEHfcAr TEK, Km THAI PUIU'OKE. AMK.NIlINt, THE CITV (HAUlr.H Of KLAMATH rAU.8. SO KAIO (if.JECTIVKH AN ti Pl.'Ht'OSlMi MA V HE ACCOM. I.IHHr.O. CAM.INO A 8PECIAI, ELECTION fOH THE f'UK POKE Or VOTING UPON THE M AT I 11, PHOVIUlNf; A BALLOT TITLE KOH THE gtENTION TO HE SIJIIMiriKO AND DKlKCTINO THE POSTING AN I J PLHLK. ATION or ELECTION NOTICEH AND OIHECTINO ALL THINGS NECES SAKY TO I1E OONE IN CON NEC TION WITH SAIU ELECTION; AND REPEAL ING RESOLUTION NO. JlO. Thm ballot title adopted for uld Cturur AtTindmnui mi IoIIowb: CHANTER AMENDMENT HUHMITTED TO THE VOIEHS BY THE COMMON COUNCIL "hall Klamath Ealli, Ore fort levy an annual Lax of una and one -nail mill upon avary dollar of tuxabie property, within I ha llmlli of aald cily, tor tn tax aar 1B48 114(1 and annually thara atar for trie pur pot of acquiring pro Darty for Kacrcailon cenlera. for the our. poe of operallnji;, malntaimnf. Improving ana aavaioping, Kacrraiion center! now owneo or witreaiier acquired ny 11, and for paying the co( of Kecreatlnn Acltv Itlea; and amend the Clly CharUr to al low iuch levy " VOTE TOR ONE VOTE YES OR NO 500 YES, J vote for the proposed measure 01 NO. I vote agalnat the proposed meaiuia laee aitarhed llaD Prerlnrl Lara lion AddraM Na. 1 !.. L Baugh, HI So. Rlveralde. 2 -Conger Srhool, California Ave. It llaldwln Hotel. 31 Main Street 4- Mrt C C Heldrlrh. 311 Washington .V-Vulley Hotel, ilH pine Strec! A-Pi-eby(Tian Church. il Pine Street 7- E W. Abbey. 0:ig Lincoln Street tV Courthouse flaaement, 4th and Main Ktn 0 Cltv Library Basement, Sth and Klarnath Avenue 10 Arr.iri Hotel, 1014 Main Street tlI-ake Hotel, 12W Main Street 12 Covenant Church, Hi.'l Walnut Street I.I Bulrk Garni, mi Main Street l4Lfimbard Motort. fill So. flth Street l.-VVtola Klefer, 2242 White Avenue 10 Mr W. o. Lohrey, 2144 Eberleln Street 17 Churrh of Christ. 220fl Wantland Avenue If-Klamaih Bua Co. BHg .. Kt3 Eait Main HI Mill Srhool. Eat Main 20- Shepherd Mlltr Co.. Ufl Eaj.t Main 21 Klarnnth Kindergarten, 211 Eaat Main 22Ballcer Garage. Main and Esplanade 2.1 Ylarla Hunt :!. HllUlde 24 Nathan H Bogua. Baaement Mfl Pa cific Terrace IS Reva Laraon, t9M MeJma Ureal aa Roneevell Be hool, ill KIdorAtt Street ar-Mrt T A. French. Hit Creecent Avenue 2 County Library, lion Claire Stret im ratrvlew School, loiT Donald St reel .To C T. Johnaon. I0M Oregon Avenue 31 Steve K. Washburn, 1W7 Oregon Avenue 3a M. W Wood, 1104 Hanka Street 33 Dr. Stearna Rldg 2424 So. Sth Sire! By order of the Common Council ! the City of Klamath Tails, Oregon. Dated this 24th riav of April. IP4. HOW A HO STROPS, Police Judae. M. S IT No. 11T. KIRBY Vacuum Cleaners LlfHm Guarontt Fr Oamonitratlon fhont S200 1401 Eaplanada i Arab set up this mgrhlitr-gun and mortar poeltlon on the roof of the railroad station at Jrrusalrm aralnst the Ilaferanah. after the Itrltieli abaiulotird H. The station rtmtrolg the main road to Rrlhlrhem and Houlhern Palestine. Photo, by Artlne Kamerslslan NEA-Acme phuttigraiihrr, Is one of the first plrturra from Jrrusalrm alnre breakdown of communications In Palestine, Photos were sent by carrier to Cairo for transhlpmrttt bjr air la Nrw York. NKA Telrphoto. Recreation Notes II y SAM KMI III Huprrllilriiclrnt of llrrrrulltin Itiara la nnthlng Dial brlnga mora plraaurr than reaching tha aiicreaa ful ronrluainn nf a hard atrugglr. It la ImiMiaalllla to rxpraaa Ilia frallllg that waa evident at the Teen-Age center during the paal week; and It la alan lmMianitie to exprrr the thanka of the community to Mr. Procter, hia adult council and atu dent council lor fighilng Una battle to a conduction. The odd were Bteat and Ihe fiehl hard, Tlia turn Ing factor of the project waa the aupport of the many orKanlratlona and Individual bv atepptng In at tlu right time with the right help. Thoae who have vlalted the renter know the rcaultv Klnuiath county hna a youth center that we ran lie pioud of. Congratulation to every one who helped on Ihla project. We have met the rhallenge of the need for a Teen-Age renter and the recreation committee la wondering If we can alan meet the need of the younger children by providing them with adequate playgrounds. The commlttre la planning a broad pro giam and hoied tha nubile auniiort will again coma to the aid of our children. There la only one way lo find out and that la counting tha b.illola Friday nu-ht. Well, while we are keeping our flngrra croaard w e w ill ait 111 Veep what wa can going, an for next week Ihe arhedule Includea the opening of Ihe Bummer Boftbnll league on Wedneaday evening There will be four games per night and Ihe prlrea are aet an everyone can en)oy the gnmca. 10 renta for chil dren, an cents for adulta and entire family for SO renta. Adult acinon tickets can be secured at Ihe Gun store for IS. All prlrea Include tax and all gamea are lo be nlaved al Modoc field, beginning Wednesday. Mav l, at 7.30. The art class will hold Its last class for ttie season on Tuesday evening and the swimming wll' continue through the month. Weekly activity schedule: Tuesday evening. (I 30--Fnmllv iwlmmlng at the Nat. Ilrlng the fiimlly and enjoy a good evening. Prlrea. 25 rents for children, SO cents for adulta or tha family for 7S cents. fi to 10 o'clock, art claaa at art room. KtHH. Wednesday evening, 6:30-9 Pri vate awlm parly al Nat. 7:30 to 10. af!ball games at Modoc field. Thursday evening. 8:30-9 Teen age awlm at Nat. Friday evening, t 30-9 Boy Bcout night al Nat. 7:30-10. Softball gunics at Modoc field. Saturday. 1-& Open awlm at Nat 10 rents children. 35 cenla adult. Q'O o'clock, ojien swim al Nat. 25 cents children. 60 cents adult. LEGAL NOTICE srxiAl. mi ri.rrTioM Pur.uanl lo Haaolullon, of lha Common CiHincil duly adnpl'd or tha Common Counrll on lha and day ol February. IMS. and aih day ol February. 1MB, and lolh day of fbmary. iea. and Ordlnanra No U of the Clly ol Klam. ih FalU. Oraon. duly adoplad b tha Ciinmon Council on lha IBlh day of May, in:ul. and puraiianl lo tha provuiont 01 Hvrllon B of lha Charlar of .aid City. NOTICE l lir.Mr.UY UIVCN lhat a i. i.l my a!cllnn will ba hald on rrlilay. Stay 11. Ia, In lha various rrrlnrll of lha Clly ol Klamam fail i nurn. Ih qualified lrclnr. ol lha Clly nf Klamam rani, iirnon, "nir. o.. aoiendtnvnl for lavylna tasallon. Pur- uant to (h provuinn. nf Ordinance No. 4l?a No 4120 and No. 4131. duly adopt ed bv Ih Common Council of eatd Clly on lb Jird (lev or renruary, i. aoo approvrd bv Ih Mayor. Kaid Ordinance No. 41M Is entitled a. follows; OHDINANCg NO. 41J AN OHUINANCg CALLING A IPK CIA1. gl.ltCTION IN THE CITY or KLAMAllt fALlJ!. OHEUON. ON fKI. () AY THE 3UI DAY Or MAY. 1S4J LFOH the pt'itPtiRE or 1'HMITTIn6 TO THE QI ALiriEll rl.ECTOHS Or SAID cny or ki.amatii r-AUJi. Oregon. ONE CHAIITEK- AMENDMENT AMI PIIDPOSITION PROPOSED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL Or THE CITY Or KI.AMATII rAIXH. OREGON: AUTHOR IZING THE CITY TO RAISE rtlNDS TO nr. t'ar.n by the park commission roR the purpose or acquiring, operating, maintaining, improv INli and developing city parks AIHIOIIIZINO THE LEVY Or A TAX OVER ANtl ABOVE THE AMOUNT i rvirn rnn riTiira or the three PRKcrniNn years plus six per cent Tiir.iiror. or one mill upon THE DOLLAR ON ALL TAXAflt.E PHOPrRTV IN THE CITY or KI.AMATII rAI.IS; WHICH CHARTER AMEND MENT AND PROPOSITION IS IIIR MITTED UNDER THE LAWS Or lllirGON. THE CHARTER or SAID CITY AND nv VIRTUE OE ORDINANCE NO Jos! or CITY Or KLAMATH rALI.S. OWEGON; AMENDING THE CHARTER or THE CITY OE KI.AMATII rAI.LS OREGON: PROVIDING A BALLOT TITLE EOR THE QUESTION TO BE Si nMITTED: AUTIIORI71NG AND DI RECTING THE POLICE JUDGE TO PUB I.ISIt AND POST NOTICES Or SAID ri rf-TION, DESIGNATING POLLING Pl.AtrS AND THE JUDGES AND CLERKS or SAID ELECTION: THE HOUIIS THE POLLING PLACES SHAI.l nr OPEN TO THE ELECTORS rOR VOT ING; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND DE CI.AIIING AN EMERGENCY. Said Ordinance No. 412a la entitled at fnllowa; ORDINANCE NO. 4t AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPE able 13 delegates. 8ln.wen men pre dicted their candidnie would win five or six. Joe Pearson of Seattle. Mate lead er ftir Hlaaaen. said probably some would be uncommitted with a chance of their swinging to If he Increases his strength al the national convention. Flrsl Protestant Sunday school In Amerlra was established by John Wesley. In Savannah. Oa.. accord ing to the Encyclopedia nrltaniilca. Classified Ads Bring Real Resultsi Heavy Duty BENCH GRINDERS Two 4-Inch Wheel 'i H.P. Motor 3450 R.P.M. 115 Volt. KLAMATH MACHINE ii Locomotive Works Spring & Elm Mill Supply Dept. Phone 5141 LET HIS RECORD SPEAK CIAI. ELECTION IN THE CITY Ol M.AMAIH FALLS, OREGON, FRIDAY THE 2lnT DAY or S1AY. IU4Ji. rOH 1 HE IM.'KPO.SF. OF SUIIMI TI ING TO IHE QLALIFIED ELECTORS OF SAID CITY OF KI.AMATII FAI.IJi. OREGON. ONE CHARTER AMENDMENT AND PROPOSITION PROPOSED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF HIE CITY Ol KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON: AUTH ORIZING THE CITY TO RAISE FUNDS TO HE USED nY THE RECREATION COMMITTEE FOR THE PURPOSE OF ACQUIRING. OPERATING. MAINTAIN ING. IMPROVING AND DEVELOPING. RECREATION CENTERS. AUTHOR!. ING THE LEVY OF A TAX OVER AND AMOVE THE AMOUNT LEVIED FOR EITHER OF THE THREE PRECEDING VKAlth PLUS SIX PErf LENT IHE.lEOF. OF ONE AND ONE-HALT M11J.S UPON THE DOLLAR ON ALL TAXABLE PRO. PERTY IN THE CITY OF KLAMATH FA LI -A, WHICH CHARTER AMEND MENT AND PROPOSITION IS SUI! MITTED UNDEH THE LAWS OT ORE GON. THE CHARTR or SAID CITY AND BY VIRTUE OT ORDINANCE NO J2 OF CIIY OF KLA.VA'ilt FALLS. OREGON; AMENDING THE CHARTER or THE CITY Or KLAMATH r ALLS. PROVIDING A BALLOT TITLE EOR THE QUESTION TO HE SUBMITTED. AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE POLICE JUDGE TO PUBLISH AND POST NOTICES OT SAID ELECTION; DESIGNATING POIXD.'G PLACES AND IHE JUDGES AND CLERKS Or SAID EI.ECTION; THE HOURS THE POLLING PLACES SHALL l!E OPEN TO ELEC TORS FOR VOTING; REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HERE WITH: AND DECLARING AN EMER GENCY. Said Ordinance No. 4131 la entitled a. folluwa: ORDINANCE NO. 4131 AN ORDINANCE CALLING A SPE CIAI. EIJECTION IN THE CITY OF KLAMATH FA1.LS. OREGON ON FRI DAY THE 3IST. DAY OF MAY. 14, .OR Hit Puill'ObE OF at.'UMI IT1.SU TO THE QUALIFIED ELECTORS Of SAID CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS, ORE GON, ONE CHARTER AMENDMENT AND PROPOSITION PROPOSED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY Or KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON. AUTHORIZING THE CITY TO RAISE FUNDS TO IE USED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE. Or MAINTAINING. IM PROVING AND BEAUTIrYING LINK VILLE CEMETERY; AUTHORIZING THE LEVY Or A TAX OVER AND ABOVE Tir- A'OUT I rvtrry rop E'Tl'E Ov THE THREE PRECEDING YEARS PLUS SIX PER CENT TIIEIt EOE. Or ONE- HALT MILL UPON THE DOLLAR ON All, TAXAFil.E PROPERTY IN THE CITY Or KLAMATH TALI.S- WHICH CHARTER AMENDMENT AND PRO POSITION IS SUnailTTFD UNDER THE LAWS OF OREGON. THE CHARTER Or SAID CITY AND BY VIRTUE OF OR DINANCE NO 2nI OT CITY or KLAM ATH TALI.S. OPEGON: AMENDING THE CHARTER Or THE CITY Or KLAMATH r ALLS; PROVIDING A BALLOT TITLE FOR THE OurSTION TO BE SUB MITTED: AUTHORIZING AND DIRECT ING THE POLICE JUDGE TO PUBLISH AND POST NOTICES Or SAID ELEC TION: DESIGNATING POLLING PLACES AND THE JUDGES AND CLERKS Or SAID ELECTION: THE HOURS THE POLLING PLACES SHALL BE OPEN TO ELECTORS FOR VOTING: REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH; AND DECLAR ING AN EMERGENCY. The title of aald Rolutlons adopted by the Common Council are In word and figures aa follows: RESOLUTION NO. 310 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING TOR THE CITY OT KLAMATH FALI-S. ORE GON. TO RAISE FUNDS TO BE USED nY THE PARK COMMISSION. FOR THE PURPOSE OT ACQUIRING. OPERAT- lii MOUNTAIN nf'$1 ' In T off t at a Tiwf -J ING MAINTAINING. IMPROVING AND DEVELOPING CITY PARKS; CHEATING A l.LVY Or uhl, w w.-i wia, iMJi- LA It Or ALL TAXABLE PHOPEKT IN KLAMATH TAl.Lb. OREGON. FOR THE TAX YEAH l4 IIM. AND EACH YEAR THEREAFTER. FOR THAT PURPOSE; AMENDING THE CITY CHARTER OF KLAMATH FALLS. SO SAID OB JECTIVES AND PURPOSES MAY BE ACCOMPLISHED: CALLING A SPE CIAL ELECTION FOR THE PURPOSE OF VOTING UPON THE MATTER: PROVIDING A BALLOT TITLE FOR THE QUESTION TO BE SUBMITTED AND DIHECTLS'G THE POSTING AND PUBLICATION OF ELECTION NOTICES AND DIRECTING ALL THINGS NECES SARY TO BE DONE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID SPECIAL ELECTION. RESOLUTION NO. 311 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING TOR THE CITY OF KLAMATH FALLS. ORE GON. TO RAISE FUNDS TO BE USED FOR THE SOLE PURPOSE. OF MAIN TAINING. IMPROVING AND BEAUTI FYING LINK VILLE CEMETERY: CREAT ING A LEVY OF ONE-HALT MILL UP ON THE DOLLAR OF ALL TAXABLE PROPERTY IN KLAMATH FALLS. ORE GON FOR TICE TAX YEAR 1MS-1M9. ANU EACH YEAR THEREAFTER. FOR THAT PURPOSE: AMENDING THE CITY CHARTER OT KLAMATH TALLS. SO SAID OBJECTIVES AND PURPOSES MAY BE ACCOMPLISHED; CAIXING A SPECIAL ELECTION FOR THE PUR POSE OF VOTING UPON THE MATTER: PROVIDING A BALLOT TITLE FOR THE QUESTION TO BE St'BBMITTED AND DIRECTING THE POSTING AND PI H Lit A TION OF ELECTION NOTICES AND DIRECTING AIX THINGS NECES SARY TO BE DONE IN CONNECTION WITH SAID SPECIAL ELECTION. ' RESOLUTION NO. 314 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING TOR THE CITY OF KLAMATH TALLS. ORE GON. TO RAISE FUNDS TO BE USED BY THE RECREATION COMMITTEE. Elect f JM Sam COON Delegate To the Republican National Convention Successful stockman, farmer. Indorsed by both. Level-headed. Business like. Progressive. COON win vote Oregon people's choice ea first ballot. COON will strive to nom inate an outstanding Re publican for President Fd. adv. Baker Co. Repub. Cot Com. W. C. Bora. chm. WtT3z "BED SINCE WE BOUGHT J g fISK. AfRBORNE TIRES) t nlu et-vtaa 1 V vNrl "' sv ee.o. If. hard lo aiaggerata Ilia comfort of I'iak Airborne. Your car rides on 1200 more cubic incite of air at leas pressure flonla ovor Ih bumps on bigger lira that fit your atandard rims. Come in for free demonstration tide on this new kind of tire today. DICK B. MILLER 7th tind Klnnmth Phone 4103 CHAHTEB AMKNDMENT HIinMITTtrj TO THE VOIEHS BY THE COMMON COUNCIL "Shall KlamAth Tails. Oregon lvy an annual tax ul on mill upon every dol lar of taxable property, within th limit, of aald city, for tha yaar 1648-l(4& and annually thereafter, to torn ucd by tue City Park ConunUilon, for Ihe purpi of acriulrlng ptoperty for CMy Parka, and for oprating. nialnlalnlng. Improv ing, ana aevel oping, Lily I'arK now owned or hereaftr acquired; and shall me iny inarter d amended to allow uch levy." VOTE TOR ONE VOTE VES OR NO aOJ YES I vol for tha propoaed meature. NO, 1 vote agalnat the propoaed measure. CHARTER AMENDMENT SUBMITTED TO THE VOTERS BY THE COMMON COtNCIL. Shall Klamath rails. Oregon levy an annual tax of one-half mill upon every dollar of taxable property, within the nmiu or said i-ity. for trie tax year iwah IMo and annually thereafter for tha pur pose of maintaining. Improving, and beautifying t.lnkvlile Cemetery: and amend the City Charter to allow each levy. VOTE FOR ONE VOTE YES OR NO 904 YES. I rote for the propoaed measure 90S NO. f vote against tha proposed measure. The Polls will be upen from S o'clock A. M. until S o'clock P M. The following polling place in eacn of the city precincts are as follows, to wn: JJsffl 94 eV 0wr for Pre CeM, SM Oetraaa fertieteai. 0. MMrti, Ore. M, WE GOT 'EM! If you need o clean ear In excellent condition and PRICED RIGHT . . . HERE IT IS! 1947 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION 5-passenger coup. Low mileage . . . top shape. 1947 FORD SEDAN Super Deluxe. Cood os it looks. 1946 FORD TUDOR All new tires. 1942 STUDEBAKER CHAMPION SEDAN Radio, heat er, overdrive. 1941 DODGE SEDAN Fluid drive. 1940 STUDEBAKER COMMANDER SEDAN Overdrive, heater, low price. 1937 PACKARD "6" TUDOR Radio and heater. OR FOR WORK 1942 DODGE TRUCK Two-speed Eaton, flatbed. ' 1939 PLYMOUTH PICKUP Reconditioned motor, high wheels. 1936 PACKARD SEDAN Transportation ... it runs! McCulIoch Motors Cars STUDEBAKER Truck. 734 Kl.rn.lh fh. 4149 To Men of the High School There's a liig day coming noon the day when you gel your diploma. At your grad uation cxrrrisea you'll hear two things men tinned oflen the opportunities and the obligations of manhood. Those aren't just words. They deserve flic serious thinking of every high school graduate. As an American citizen your opportuni ties are greater than in any other country on earth. Ami for that very reason you have an obligation to defend America and its freedoms to make this way of life secure. By enlisting in the Army or Air Force you will be discharging your debt to your country. And at the same time you can take full advantage of one of the finest opportunities ever ofTcred a young man. CHOOSI YOUR FIELD OF SPECIAL TRAINING BEFORE YOU ENLIST I you are 18 to 34 (17 with parents' con sent) anil a high srhool graduate, you can select your course ol training in the Army or the Air Force before enlisting. Under the Army Technical School I'lan you can specify two different courses that appeal to you in each of two fields. Tho Army will check to make sure there is an opening in one of the four courses you have selected, and a place will he reserved for you in that course. Then you enlist for 3, 4 or 5 years, and after passing the physical and mental examinations and completing basic training you will be guar anteed trainiug in your chosen field. The Air Force offers a similar oppor tunity in its Aviation Career Plan, giving you a pre-enlistmcnt choice of 3 among the more than 40 TJSAF Specialist Schools. There is no better way to get a start in the great and growing field of aviation. Either plan gives you good pay, excellent training and a splendid chance for advance ment in a real career. Full information, including lists of available Specialist Schools and Technical Courses, at your near est Armv and Air Force Recruiting Station. To men with 2 years or moro of College WIN YOUR WINGS with tho Aviation Cadets If you sre ingle, 20 lo W,i Jtt old, phyilrslly inunH, and have tomtilrtril at lrnil 2 yean of collrl or lh oquhilrnt, you may bo qualified for pilot mining an Avistlon Cidot. Got full dlalli now. Next cls Harts July 1, 1941. u. a. ARMV AND U. . AIH TOftC PUCRUITINCa SCRVICI Post Office Building Klamath Falls