f MONDAY, MAY 17, 1948 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FM.LS. OKtOON PACE FlVt WEATHER HI A l III H WKKTKMN UHMION Vriy iluiMly with wlilfly ullvivil tiimar ami Krtuila of auiialiliia hMluy High mi lu UiWa UnitKlit HI III 4.1 J'ai lly I'ltiinly mid Wrtiitinr Timailay, wlllt liltflia nf Hi In Vil Uaiitla Ui HiikImi wl wal WlniU Ml i iMial . KANIMIN OHM. UN - Mo.lly dimity Willi btullfiftil Iimwoir mid riMiIrr UmIh). Hlli IM ( Ml I -own liiiiltfhl ,1.1 tu 4.1, fwilly t'lotiily Tnr-i.it. y Willi whirl y rl til aflwiiitNHi aJnvi ami ahivvly rla- III lMIHIMlUIM llttfiia U U Hl'AM A I'll rAI.I.M ANII VH'INITY faill) i hiinly tun la: hi anil Tiinailay. Utah l.ilW III Tuaailav n.i IimInv mImhH fill IiiiiImIiI 44 High NOHIIIHlN I'AI.IKOIINIA fair lnlny . lout it hi mihI Timluy tiai'vitt jwrlly pltttlilv In mirth IimIhv, with (tiw ilH'W r in niMiiiilnliia HIiRhllv iMMilnr Uwlay mn tiiiilalil MiHlomlfl mirthwfat wlmla Oil IIMlal. Kimnrvrlt I I A M e in l f r ft of HiHMi'Vi'lt I'TA WIN Iti'ltl the hint nirtulnu i)l (lit yrur Tuintliiy ul J:30 p. in., in the M'lioul auditorium. Tlirre will br h mIiuwIiik of thr movie, "Cum TIi'mimum! Dollar (or Itci-mttlnn " Third u i atlri will pirnrnt muMnil uud niotlirm of tiidru( In Mm. William Ownlry'H room ii i id Klurriii-r llowr'n room wilt tiv im. Mm. WluMon IMirvlne mid Mi. Lin Mllrn will lintd the tm ciiinrnlttrr. I'mmpily nl I 10 p. in. .Ill llir niliool llhruiv, nirii'lin i r( the rxcrtitlvci Ixuud wilt hold a nii-rtliiK and nil newly -rlcrHMl om en mid ciniiinMliT .-hulriiu-ii mr uiKrd to tw prritrtil. Ymiuir children will br tnrrd for In tht uym durmg Uin mrrtlnir. tr To Oklahoma Mm. Timothy Murphy nf DmiMiiuIr, who vlsltrd heir will) relatives hint wrrlc. Irft (in Oklahoma City and Houston, Trie , Mllrrr nhr will visit Willi lliem brm of hrr fnimly. Him will Im- iionr oiip nxmlli and v,a arroniimnlrd HUM l)V Mia. Albert Mil'lillll Ilolll are former rrnlilrnts ol this city. Mlnalrrl Hhtiw Ornish! Amtm, son nf Mr. mid Mr. It. K. Anton, avail Urrby, took part In the chortu of 11 ii- third annual minstrel ulinw, ivrii hy the ruilrtu of Hip Kill Mill, tnry Krudriuy. I'lirtlnnil. on Mny 14. 'I lirnr minimi tnlnntrrln Nrr hui Jinrrd by t'trniilrnl Jtwirph A. Mill mw! uri nmrrly nwnitrd mch year. TIip nffnlr l Inviinlloiinl mid till yrnr'n mini.trrl n rolorful. hllsrl nui and ny. Rrlurn llnmr Mr. mid Mr. Wi Iry tludrrinn rriurnrd thu put ftprk-riid ftom a two wrrk' vam lion which took thrni north In Port land mid aj fur Miuth iu thr Ormid Canyon, nuilrrlan waa back on the Job photonrnphcr for The Her ald and Newt. Home rnim llmpllal Mra. Harry Totlon of Wocua waa re liirnrd to hrr home from Klam ath Valley hmpltal by PrnfraaKmal Ambulance arrvice Ualnrday. Blie waa aerloualy Injured In an automo bile accldrnt aome time axo. . Klka-At the rruulur Thuraday nlKht acMlun of the Klumaili Falti fTAki lodcr. member of Kt'HH apirlla rhoir will Mint, nun u lea dl in kniKhl'a nlithl and Jack Brandon will prraidr. Oranie Meellni - There wil! be a meeting of Midland limine at pm. Wrdnraday. All nienibera are urtied to attrnd. Rrfreahmenta will be arrved. I.aillra Aid -The Kluimilll l.ulh r i uit l.udlea Aid will iiirel ul 0 p. in , Tueaduy In the church purloia. A life meiiihrrnhlp will Ijc ptnaeiitcd by Mia. It. I', Klllniciou, life liii'in brialilp and lu meiiiorhini chulr iiiiiu. (Jn the priiuriiiu will be Kuily llcilbtuu with a vocal Milo, liiKerld Nm IiiiicI with a Iliac nolo, mid Ituv. Irwin Tweet, new puator, will apeuk. KiwteMiea are Mra. J. U. Iluik uud Mra. OUo Krlauilnun. Iteulrn lluine Mr. and Mra. Holiert A. Thoiiipaoli aiid clilldien, Hue and liobby, rnlurned Into Huu duy from a motor trip which took them to EUKcne and Corvallla. Al (irriton rllula collciin, Mra. Thoinp aoii uUciiiled the autli reunion of her aororlty, Hiuma Kuppit. uud en Joyed icelng muny uf ht-r old cluaa matea. Union tionpel Meetlnita al the Union Goapel Mlaalon, '-JA1 Coin merclul, will be held Muiuluy and Tueaduy eveuliiK" at 7 UO o'iIih k with Evanuellal Muttle Cuiumliika and Mra. lleaale Orrcu of Im An Itelea aiieuklutt. Clood alllkllill la promlard and all are welcome to the worahlp aervlcea accurdlnif to Mra. C. Tlmina, paator. Iteiular Meet The Kuulea aux iliary will hold a rruulur inrrtliiK and Wth annlveraury cclebiullon al 1 p. m., Tueailay, In Uie lowrr KOK hall. Charter membera will be ape clal xuenu. All memlirra uro re minded tcj wenr formula. Jtcfrenh menu and enlertalumeut will be furnished, High School By MARY LOU CASE J clal event are armor final mania which bruin Muy 2i. The International Ho Irty of Ol(l cona conducted a rellxloua tyiMi of iiaaembly durlnii activity perlixl Ui- iluy for freahnieri, aophomorea and ,iinlor. At thli time, lllblra were I .iwurdrd Ui Ihoae underclaaainen ! who dealred them. Bluer the aenlora i have already received thrlr Blblea. I Plana ara already developing; for i theatrical production to be Klvrn by the county tren-imrra at the Pel cuii theatre during thr Teen-Age mow Week which 1 alated for an Indefinite date In July. Mra, Ito berta fllomqulat will direct the piny and the caat will be choaen from Intereated teen-ager. All procrecla from the ahow will be uaed toward me iiuaucing ol me Teen-Age can teen for the coming year. Uon't Uke that gal or guy for granted I Now la the time for Jun ior and aenlora to get their da tea for the prom, which will be held In Pelican court this Friday, May 21. The theme for the prom la "Rhiip ody In Blue" and at that time the prom king and queen will be crowned. Decoratlona will be car ried out with various colored blue and white crepe paper, silver music notea and signs, and a grand plana. 1'roKrnms will be available Thurs day and Friday. While Khrlne The May meeting of Naomi Hhrlne. Order of the White Hhrlne of Jerusalem, will be held Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock In the Masonic temple. All visiting members are Invited to attend. Turn those no-longer-used articles ! into cash nowl Herald and News Want Ad are Inexpensive and bring j muck results ' r -fia-' nek'' IS l" QMS" STORE HOURS 9:30 o.m. 5:30 p.m. Jf i 1 Rmksy mm rm, fiSB& 5f flM Let's Con'-itrate on One Goov jdidate VOTE 67X Karl Dehlinger for Sheriff riff Club, J. r. Mallhxra. Sao.-Traat. today No hulls were Hklp The chief qurhllon askrd wua. "Where are the aruloia? llcciibly lucking around the were Die aenlora who Unlay grunted a legal "Hklp Uiiy." Uuy la a Uuilllloii ul KUIIH and la one of the ullructloua which the unilerclusMurn look forward to when they urcome srnlora. Hklp Day will be followrd lomorrow by armor Hick Uuy," whrn thr Keillors will appear 111 all miinuer of dress, Jim I so II la "hlcky." With the senior banquet, given by the i'lirenla and Patrona club, Just iiround the corner, the 10 Junior girls who will help aerve are work lux out a akll for the program. The girls chosen for this are Mury Htoue. Urlora Hrdlund. Marcella Murray, Joan Moore. Cleorglanna Clark, Turkey Hmlth, Hurbura Dot. sou, Mi'iieue Ilurnlnghiim, Colleen C'reawell and Helen Jackson. The bamiurt will br servrd In the KUHS cafrtrrla Wednesday night. Also on the agenda for senior girls is the American Association of University Women's lea to be glvrn Mny 22. Overshudowlng these o- Auilllary Klumatli unit No. fl, American Legion auxiliary, will have a regular meeting Tursduy al B p. in. The first of the Pnn-Amrr-Ican dolls lirlnff made bv the lunlor auxiliary will be exhibited. Card Party The Huburbun league auxiliary card parly, to liuvr been held Tursduy evening, has been postponed Indefinilely. Annuunre mrnt will be made when a definite date I set. Drum Corps The Kagles aux iliary drum con will meet tonight. Monday, at 7:30 In the upM-r FOK hall. All corps member are urged to attend. j Inturonc jt ' is love I In ill IfVl1 workiB9 WM. H. MOORE Thone H77 731 Main 8t SUN LIFE OF CANADA 1 MULTI-SHEAR LAWN EDGER Smt Jt snalhar lift falter bat a raal abrl Hheur Lawn LUkca Perfectly n only lawn dgr pracikiim built at inu-lbl UI. p rlal i round la wy rultln blad. mII ituirpanlnM. djul- hi HulftM-r llr nounlvd on d' pI rl wtvl, rvolvlnf tm hardnrl alerl boartn with oil l niton irlf Cxirs MrU vallaliff. Ml Mlrlanl aaaarslal p t I l. t4tr. by uiall lit! nlalnatil thru II rtralera from M'Mico la Can SIMPLEX NHf-Krttlnf (iOI HKK ' and MOti: TRAP Kaf. Sura No Human Scan I Wnnvan or Child an Hct It rrlra Sir rarb Itl Mall t Wrila for L'alalffua Appllanrr Manurarturln Co. r.O. ria 31 IANTA ANA. CALIF Prartlr Velrriwm ol PorflRU War mixlllHry. inrhirtlnff all of f 1 rrrn mid Him brarrrn. will practlr tnniKht. Monday, at 7 o'clock in VFW club. I .v?r mm &difiyi LEE HENDRICKS 4v Vour Nelnlihiirlinnd Driliglsl Mi So. Dili Phone 4321 EVERYTHING in Fountain Pens and Pencils for the Graduate W suggest a gift from our dock of the world's fines! writing instruments A Porker "51" Pen ond Pencil Set A Sheoffer Threesome A Waterman Crusader An Evenharp Pen or complete tet We have your favorite color and sixe in models for both men and women llir I llli;il SHOP 737 Main Factory Authoriied Repair Service for alt Standard Makai of Pent YOU WANT Guy Barton AS YOUR NEXT SHERIFF Because He Has NO COMMITMENTS NO OBLIGATIONS ONLY IMPARTIAL LAW ENFORCEMENT Till iwllllcnl advertisement pnld hy (lily Marlon Commlllre. J, E, Smith, Secretary. r WMm 8.90 Young, simple style thai emphasise the beauty of the fabrke! Caauala, eteraooa and party type in lovely aolid colon and gay, prints, plaid or atripea. Buy alt you naed for a good Summer, now, enjoy a full season's wear from each and every drew. Buy them for much lea than you planned kapayt Juuiora', MsaaeV. Wotneta'a Six! f y . I A Wonderful Collection of Fair-and-Warmer DRESSES in Cool, Beautiful Fabrics Pastel Oiambraya, Woven Plaid Ginghams Rayon Linens, Jersey, Sheer Be ru berg Skirts Spread To Complete Grclea Pleated, Dirndl Skirts; Short SlcCYrVafi SEE OUR WINDOWS! SHOP OUR SECOND FLOOR DEPARTMENT! YOU'LL BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM OUR HUGE SELECTIONS j j , PENNEr,S PROVES ; AGAIN . . . STYLE AND QUALITY CAN BE INEXPENSIVE r 5 J ' j