SEC II PACE 2 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON FRIDAY, MAY 14, 194S Judge Rules For Child In Strange Case LIMA, O., May 14 m A child has a right to sue niter birth lor pre-natal Injuries, the Ohio third district court of appeals held yes terday. The decision was handed down In a (50.000 damngc suit (lied for Mlna Mantaret Williams by her father against Marion Rapid Tran sit company, Marlon, O. The court said an Infant has cause for action if injuries occurred beyond the embryo stage. The appeals court reversed a rul ing by the Marlon common pleas court that Ohio law does not allow recovery of damages for pre-natal Injuries to an unborn child. However, since this decision is In conflict with one by Uie seventh district appellate court, the third district certified the case to the Ohio supreme court for review. The petition contended that on April 4, mi. the plaintiff, although unborn, was capable of living On that date, the petition said, the mother, Ruth Williams, was a pay ing customer on a Marion bus. Negligent operation caused her to fall on the steps, Uie suit continued, adding: Mrs. Williams suffered Injuries which caused her death and the two-month, premature birth of the plaintiff. TOONERVILLE FOLKS Farmer Fennel POESN'T PLAY BUT GETS MORE PUN OUT OP 60LF THAN Tfj&ra'SSr ) ilK 1 I I I Woman Asks Joint Account LONDON, May 14 WV-Or. Edith Summei skill, an officer of the Brit ish government, urges husbands give their wives regular pay days. "A woman finds It easier to for give her husband an act of unfaith fulness than a lifetime of mean ness." the parliamentary secretary of the ministry of food told a meet I'lg of the Married Women's associa tion last night. "Nothing humiliates a woman more than having to beg or coax a man to give her money for the es sentials of life." Dr. SnmmersklU. wife of a doctor and mother of two children, offered a remedy a regular share In the parcheck for the housewife. "I practice what I preach." she snld. "Mv husband and I have a Joint bank balance." To Buy. ESeli or Trade It pays to read Herald and News Classified Ads It pays to Advertise I HERALD AND NEWS COMICS "TO rj V " B'supel ticxIurTX '""I OASAOon) vMMecn va.xk.pnt cut ij MAV I V- S ANV HuriLC' m I'M "N eV , f BOPWW) (yr (Vv) TIMe INviTOUf.B k (vfV Lm2 SOUR -UC ;f 'lS-W WIS LAJN MOWCU W,Vil-yi T .I t.,H7N f.i ALLSUMMr.U.I'M f IV kh Vi, YV.- mw V. V I" imnmnnniiiiiiiiii 'ir iimiipummiiiimiiiuii"', . I WANT IT 0HAf?PeNr.O I- ami? Rir in txteu.t-Nr j CONOI 1 NO MAI I LU 1 v.what rcusrs v, ' w Af t WHAT'S THIS) CULL' -.V -u V II , . law Mtwi m) Lj; j "J A Jaffa ffiM More Research On Arthritis Asked SAN FRANCISCO, May 14 (Pi epilepsy, and employer education : on abilities of rehabilitated per sons, was urged yesterday by Henry Redke, executive director of the Washington state rehabilitation center at Seattle. Redke, speaking before a regional meeting of the National Rehablli- , tation association, said that only one In every 40 crippled persons Is being rehabilitated. The Seattle man was elected re gional chairman. Other officers named Include Dr. Arthur Jones. Portland: Inrln F. Bryan, Salem. Ore., and Al Romiti, Seattle, all regional executive committeemen. TOWED IN SEATTLE, May 14 (jPv The Ver na Marie, a 60-foot fishing vessel, was towed to Astoria Wednesday, the coast guard reported. The vessel was idled off Tilla mook rock in Oregon by a disabled clutch. i RFNT A RIKF! :.1e an hour SI.50 per day Bikes may be taken out over Sunday DOhO't ACT LIKE APfiOrEC10rt AUD HE'S C-EH'S'IOO CHU'VU A I ; , r 1?U1A 1E S.VMj Or I O 1 i fS I 11 IVV"-!. tvtD.' HtY 1 I AMrMtRT.lU6ElLSa J -H,n rry-. '7 1E 601 NEWS! A W '.'LKCiw M poo EACH.' rl I; M r- M ril . -44 Add to the comfort of your HOME Xf'iil SAVAse wairmoRS.' QIoSSS rg co at omc 'i 1 tsm V " -i AaoyT tm 1 I thm una nmap ) with those SUMMER SPECIALS' rtf I I iow IKW 6S v VSt? 15 '' vxat Vtwi ..bjt tmc HiUJHimw 7 wnn rnese jummek jrtLlALi: thc attack; J fiO'A.X OVaV . to aJa.n.' 1 le i t wu rcj w pun t ti or-i . ,i V a ikiciu ATinu (ATi V SEE? THEy T v)t,Til'vi rS.Wi SCRAM? mjuuicans; m.jxtv kcr ii w pns Arrnvtfnu... ; J INSULATION (Any Type) sl I-nS: ' I rfM?alH? ' K i i wur A, Mif ymmijANi rmW n.i not 1 WEATHERSTRIPPING (Metal) "TSjHVIlV I VvT ' r -- ! . ; ' ROOFING (Composition) lvlXKal f313l' Lm r ASBESTOS & CEDAR SHAKES a P . J1V t : .A VVl INSULATED BRICK SIDING 6 . AtlJ .. fife fe'4k JClki W.B.y.nax. Term, Avoi.oble-Up to 3 Ycor, to Poy. ? C(kC 7 XWtT IP GUNS NEWCOMB-PALMER & CO. )M0K llV kA lUtMQl N J rfe free appraisals FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 9969 or 5227 I A iSSvS V ' V M -A.n- V "", rZ. THE GUN STORE yWz ('' LjSAj LEACH SERVICE a Vj rwT3VvTKT7 f-rX4WV I (I I III il l f I TO HU WBll CV1A OP ft 000 1K6 TWOV OM A MitdUKM OM HV ; fcf . I Jl'fSMri J A m ' i 1 I 1 I I .2 MS4. tBAVJV.W'6 ftACW VARO, , ., COT OUT tAOl.. AvV TOWN '. Ji 1 K 'J i'M BSfl 1 nMTTTrtL ,ryu f t " , I I f gusTtRs ptusHTeo with paroon iae-siw... 1 f T wmt1 t0 oecoiwe.' the croomI f 1 w to ttr V'tipa hiwt ihat mi rirl Ul35rarl 'ft?4SSIjS3-a UnleSS 1 f Tl iJi1 1 MMsMIBIsMW. I lR.MAR0t)ttmHl J AACCArT'lWi UHtV MaKP PlCIl'Rt COVERS A STAN UD KMC W WE MIOMT HAVE A llJll irTsWS, I TT I t tjr, I GUARD, EASV. HE CHANBEsVbRESSmRC'?lr-Z HE S AmiU' llEKCHi OA THUTV WfARS.SO TJtlt COOtO POf ( HIS W'trRiflE rJ. V9. rT'rJSr5 imnr"' VOUStte I V k - ' ! I HIS DISGUISES EEM Q ZrfT MAMreR sTAHHKE ARE RUAI TO SEE THE HOUE TOWItSMT. HA Wi CURi0ilTV F . rrZTf?r, 1 P H f Js R j I . 4 si 1 FEWH0UR.S1. rTtl'lTrt,-"?l SCREEN TEST HAKSUCl fCHARACtER AGE PROP. tEUHlHWELL V AROUSE P, TIKE '. . KirHIVIHHIVII MITns.rXra..L LTJff-TT.. Vft t .V. VI crT , ,.-.V7r-, . u . , y - ; III M, ,., .1 rs LSS NATIONWIDE BROADCAST OVER IZZ Z" ; ; dSriOT i nF nn -am a p- - sw I f HJS SKiH? fr F f- l5gW,I jTfflli 1! ICZ H El H A TJ IVJ ;1i 1 l?WM AOVEMTURE . for I OOZF Off. MY HEART J I OTb OF STUlf OJ AwrS AMD HARtxy ICflAIUISERVICEl! MCCI I lit rBE , PIJ ffl -fi.. HI Eif " -""""'"'""Tl . , . nfSlTy' CMHawil 3 H If HEY! WHeRCOV BEAT IT, MrtC, llfll (f NIX I I V'TtWtXT VrJ tlftB 0( "A JliJC-7 fLOOKl MUST BG OtlE 1 J YEAH! CJET II VUH CIT DAT 1 "POPE MY DOCi WJrtS acY MDOfl'-1 Of TiiCM MTTG V6 O'THETvl P1CH BOCTS - A LO3 O' II POCKET E10OK, KHJ? J MflK6 A Ote-LECJV3 I B e?H0tErr I CTKll o IIS VIPQUr. J I Qt:rr 3" PP0"1 A E3"1- POCKET J F-VLHT-S Eitfi IT! (f C)llPOUTO'YUH( y PcV "?viptI' jiiyit fefe .E-is eafurfny 1. nciusm sniivaoo Ti-ood-Wort-5r.w J. PimiN-CCHD COMPARTAtfMT for Erozf Storag . NORIA-COIO COMPAITAUNT wHti MMf.Holdr 4. MOIST-COLO COMPAITMINT Food Condifinf Sctioi .IVII-MtY STOIAIIN for Eilra Pry-Sfoo SERVICE COMPANY 123 8. 6th Phone 6842 tU'.HY.l-mi Attention! Truck Owners! ALL MAKES and SIZES Ashley Chevrolet has just installed a new $3500 Bear Front and Rear End Aligning Machine REMEMBER! We handle all makes and sizes of trucks. No truck or bus too large. REMEMBER! We handle all makes and sizes of trucks. No truck or bus too large. 90 of all trucks on the road today need front and rear correction. You cannot afford to delay having your truck on this machine. THE SAVING ,if WC0,' 9 mi,eo9e P'emoture failure of parts . . . will more than offset the cost of repair. Factory trained specialist handling front end machine. ASHLEY CHEVROLET PHONE 4113 410 SOUTH 6th i Cool, Free and Comfortable BLUE DENIM JEANS MISSES' SIZES, 12 Tl 20 Sanforlrdf drnlm Jran with I front awlnr porkrU, 2 hark patch pnckftn, cnnncr-plntrd rlvclj at pnlntu of train. Zlpprr placket and buck yoke for nrat fit GIRLS' SIZES, 7 TO 14 Juat like hlf alulfr'a Jcnin . , . with all the pnrkrli, rlveU, double white atltchlne. The aame iturily dcnlm t aame color tool ..... .. PKNNEV S MAIN U.OOIt I KATUI1E TAIll.KS X vv mm