THURSDAY, MAY 13, 1948 HFRALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS OREGON PACE NINE liMiiSI m Tulelake Mil Knlliri Inn AiIiIImiii, ni'ircitniy if til. clwwilbcl' of I'Uliilnnirn, U re iiivki'Iiiii (rum mini lit ) i I n n. iMvrd HiUuicluy whci. Mi khpiiiil Hid It'll on Ilia nlilrwiilk nnir I he .liumlwr nil Iff. The hnno of Mi', and Mm. KoitcM Kntllllnutt).., new lliiMirnlfii(li'-n, Wiih the m'Piiti of llic flint pitriy npon mriMl hy llm Mtiltml Hui lciy nf tho I. D. H. chilli li Tim nflulr, a wlr ii r rtmnl, wim ln-lil Muniliiy nlitlil With lirlwrcn Ml II II il llll lin miiih plrsrnl llii'luilllilt iiiimIji fniin lint Ii t'Ulrliikfl mid Miillll. The uurMn plnyrd buHdjiill. other uiilnrn, mid PUjoyPd R noliufrnt. 'I'lin KiH-lrly will work not u kik'IhI ihokiiiiii lor Hip r uiilni liiinil h nt tlirlr next nirrt liilf 'llm ixtrrlur of Mm liulldlnit liullt I ( winter by Aiikum Turnrr mid iH'cuplrd by I'tciit mid (llrnn'ii HHirllli (lotxlii nlorii and the Kiiip - Langcll Valley Mix. liny llndKrn of Tiilclttkr. niirnl 'I'm nilii v Willi her iijiitiiIk, Mr. mid Mm. I.c Lruvlll, Ilir uiiihilinolhrr, Mm Miiry IJi'iiiboiii mill lllllc cmihIii, Henry Ueiulmrn, returned hump wllh tier for u vlll. Mr. mid Mm. Arthur llullrr of Mi'i lim r.'ovn inni h nl IIIImi, Ida . upciit KKvi'iiil diiyn Willi Mr. mid Mm. I';d Jnnen mid fiimlly. They were here lor I lit" Aberdeen Aiikuh nI'ow held rri-cntly In Klmnnth I'iiIIn. Mm. .lonrn mid Mm. llullrr were u 1 1 IIioihI friend. Jeunetle ll. llil of Kliuniilh Full upcnt the ueek-eiid wllh Mr. mid Mm. I'Miiik Drllrl mid diiuuhteiN. ; Mr. mid Mm Hert JoluiHon me here fiotn I-oiip Hue, f'nllf., vlnltlllff nliiilvrn mid frlrudn. Thry itccoin linnli'd Mr. mid Mm. Or. JoIiiimiii ru club In ifetllnv thin week. it tout of liicco home. The Or Juhniiona pnt tin punt nix wccki In Houthem Cali fornia, Mm. Mn Cliilo arrived home lnt wrck-riid nfler attending the winter months at l'hornlx, Arlx. Mm. Jerry llimklik uml win of Tuleluke ient Wednenday with Mr. uml Mm. Mill llurnrtt and family. Mr. mid Mm. I .en I.riivltt were lo dinner hupnU. Hi'V, mid Mm. J. Henry Thoinai tin vo left for their home In Herke Ipy, f-'nllf. after auendlntf neverul tlnya with their ion Hat and fmnlly mid their aim Noel and family of Ktiurnp. Carolyn Dearborn and Madite Monroe vlnllpd with Enna Carr on 'I'upMhiy afternoon. Mr. and Mm. nb Heater have a new car piinlmned lait wepk In Kl . ninth Knl In. Mr. and Mm. Kd Jonea and Klulne are unwind from the Morton raneh to the flunk ranch. Ed will be at (.'lillrxiHlll with hla aon Herbert, who Ik loifftlnir there. Mr. and Mm Charle Partrldcr. Mr. and Mr. Pel- llrlenlarar, Mr. and Mm. Pranrla Mllv, Hlella DeBel and Klla Patlon anpnt Tiiexday at rommtinltv hall. HrkTlxrup and Partridge took thrlr tractor! and Malin Mr. and Mm. John llerrltntahaw recently returnrd to ilnkpmflrld. They were called home due to the erloiu Ulnca of Arthur llerrlnif haw. Mr. and Mm. Ted Voxel have moved to Madrua, Ore. Mra. Jumea Oltoimiii returned laat week from Portland. Mr. and Mm. Wilbur Brldcner have moved to Merrill. The pre-nchool clinic aponxored by the Parent-I'alrnn club will be held Tuexday, May ID. In the Mnlln Krade achool from I to 4 p. ni. Doctora will fixed the Rround for pluntlnii a la n. A park, pliiVKiound and place for plciucx Ix plunneii. Ilrcauxe of the late xprlnif, many tiirmera were plowlim and pliiutlnv and could not attend. o another (luv la pliuined Inter nil, when It la hoped all the men and women ciui attend and help. The women will aerve a pot lurk dinner. Earl Kent of Klamnth Fallx xprnt Haturday at the Hill lliirnett home. Itlchard Burnett returned home with him for the week-end. fttella Dellel and Kranrra vuilled on Thuraday with Cora Leavltt. exuinlne each child free. Each par-1 rut ahould accompany her child. I 'llila clinic muxt not be confined with the well baby clinic of which i you will hear more later. Only chll-' drrn who will entr achoril for the : flrat time In Hcptember will lie ex-1 amlnrd at thla time. I There 'Will be a meeting of the J Miillll Parent-Patron club May 18 at II p. in. at the hlKh achool. Everyone ; Inlrrcntrd la urged to attend. Thla will be the laxt meeting until next 1 Bcplcmber. J Terminal Island ' Site Sinking LOS ANQEI.E8, May 13 il'i-Ter- mtnal lxland, lite of extennlve navy i Inxtallatloiui, 1 linking at the rate of 10 Inchca a year and harbor offi cials aald today the condition Ui causing grave concern. j , Arthur Eldrldge. harbor depart i meut manager, aald the Badger ave- nue bridge which croaaea Cerrttoa I channel, has teltlrd live feet alnce ! It waa built. Abutment of the i bridge, connecting the Uland with I the mainland, must be raised seven j feet. Bids for the work have been i advertised. Youth Found Shot To Death In Room COflVAM.lS, Mav 13 lPi-A ore medical school student at Oregon Htate college was found dying In ins room Tuesday, a ..12 caliber rifle beside hlrn. He died In a hospital. The sophomore student, P. W. Mc Kenle. 10. was the son of Dr. Fred P. MoKenzle. chairman of the col lege's animal husbandry department. Police xnld they were called to break down the door to the student's room when Normun Thompson, a friend, reported It Iwked when he tried to enter for a visit. FA KM PBICF. I.'P During the year ended March 1 this year, the averuRe price of farm land rose 7 per cent nationally, the UHDA reports. That was a slower rate than the year before when the Bluhill of tout QUAwir MI$ - TIC-MIX' 5A1AO DRESSING Drift. out, XMtj . a real "French accent" ftvenwe price of farm land went up 12 per cent. Three itntr-CaUIor-nia, Florida and Loutstnr.a renin tcred lower farm land prices IhH year. These decreases, however, were more than offset by Increases, especially in wheat and range-livestock areas. FAMILY Tr- FAVORITES tWLCi i l hue Dcrli UD t ppetites 11 l CATSUP - ttruceupntw" 53 TOMATO IS GARDENSIDE Red, ripe tomatoes. Select ed for flavor, color and value. Improves meals. No. 2'2 can 19 Tomato Sauce GARDENSIDE Buffet A delightful addition to stews, yjn soups, spaghetti dishes, etc. 6e For favorit kinds. ..(hop SAFEWAY Want to add tempting tomato flavor to meals? It's easy with so many prepared tomato products available to you. Juice, sauce, catsup, soup and other tomato favor ites await your selection at Safeway. BE SURE . . . Shop Saftway Wher ALL PRICES f LOW1 m Kraft Dinners Seeded Raisins Bonner Pancake Flour Suzanna Sleepy Hollow Syrup Karo Syrup Blue Label Karo Syrup Red Label Apple Butter Dutch Girl Pear Halves Harper House Peaches CaitU ... Cre.r- No. 2Va Slicad can 28' each 15c 15 02. pkg. 15c 2V2-lb. pkg. 30c 12 oz. bottle 24c 1 la-lb. can 21c 5 lb. can 60c 28 oz. jar 25c No. 2Vj can 3?c Shortening Snowdrift Mb. 43c 3 lb. SI. 15 Shortening Royal Satin Mb. 41c 31b. SI. C? Nu Hade Mayonnaise pint 47c Salad Dressing Duchess quart ttc V-8 Vegetable Juice 46 oz. can 35c Improved Rice Uncle Ben's Mb. pkg. 24c Beg More Dog Food 2 cans 27c Friskies Dog Food tall can 13c I WM- Tomato Juice No. 2 can 10C Big 46-ox. can 23c SUNNY DAWN The juice of well rip ened, whole tomatoes. Premium quolity at a non-premium price. RED HILL CATSUP Priced to save you money. 13V2-0Z. bottld ik mm w aw k. m a mm A m m mm. DcNNIbON 5 CATbUP nC Fancy tomato catsup. 14-OZ. bottle VALIA TOMATO PASTE 6-oz. can 10c 19' 23' More Coffee Values Nob Hill Coffee ... Mb. 48c 2 lb. 95c Airway Coffee Mb. 46c 3 lb. $1.37 Maxwell House Coffee Mb. can 55c MJ.B. and Hills Coffee Mb. can 55c Golden West Coffee Mb. can 55c Coffee Edwards Vacuum-Packed Mb. car 1 53c 51.05 tib. $2.09 Crackers and Bread Soda Crackers Busy Baker 21b. 47c Graham Crackers Pirates' Gold Mb. 28c Soda Crackers Snowflakes 21b. 47c Graham Crackers Honey Maid Mb. 28c Bread Mrs. Wright's, white, wheat Mb. loaf 14c Diced Beets Snider, fancy No. 2 can 9c Corn Highway, Cream Style, Golden No. 2's 18c Baked Beans B. S M. 18 oz. can 23c Lima Beans With Ham Dennison's 16 oz. can 23c Lima Beans With Bacon Kingwood, No. 2 can 15c Luncheon Meat Tang 12 oz. can 49c Minced Clams Strand 7 oz. can 29c Sardines Val Vita, Natural No. 1 can 25c Toilet Soap Palmolive, regular bar 2 for 19c Hand Soap Boraxo Powder 8 oz. can 17c Ivory Snow For woolens and silks 12V2 0Z. 35c Dreft Soap Powder 1 1 -oz. pkg. 31c Supurb Soap Granulated 24 oz. pkg. 33c Duz Soap Granulated 20'j oz. pkg. 35c White King Soap Granulated 46 oz. 75c Bleach White Magic quart 13c gallon 35c l'rlrr In till ml rr rrfrrlivr Friday, May Kill through Monday, May nth. W't rrirrvfi tht right to limit Quantities. No talra to dralfrt. Farm-fresh fruits and vegetables priced to save you money 00 V! Ken-L-Rotion DOG FOOD v 5 c,n 'or pr'c ' 3 wllh coupon aviilabl at itori vv. 4b f. n. iym: IOregou . . . If wmm Blackberry fyxnberry Lo9anberrv 7yc GRAPEFRUIT JUICE Town 46-ox. cce Houtt cans 55' Every cut is guaranteed good-eating or money back Valencia ORANGES 61c 8-lb. Mesh Bag Fresh ASPARAGUS lb. 17c r Green CABBAGE 71 lb. 9c Green ONIONS TilV;:', lb. 19c Dry ONIONS Texan While, Vrllow lb. 13c New POTATOES rr lb. 6c Bright Red Radishes lb. 19c 1 Local Crop RHUBARB lb. 5c I Z3 Grtcn Bell Peppers Excellent Stuffri 25c Lb. Frtsh, Firm, Ript Tomatoes 25e 14-oa. tub. Swiss Steak STECIAL Lb. 83' Jar 7UC Beef Standing Rib Roast Trimmed waite-free per lb. 69C Beef Short Ribs Fresh Ground Beef Lamb Shoulder Roast Breast of Lamb Stew Pork Shoulder Roast Bulk Pork Sausage Little Pig Sausages . lb. 29 lb. 49e lb. 59 lb. 19e lb. 49' lb. 55c lb. 59' Fish and Poultry Ready for the Pan 0$ C ' 3D03332IE? Salmon su'b lb.69c Halibut s,mW lb. 59e Fillet of Sole lb. 53' Fryers lb. 79c Roasters lb. 79c Fowl Ib. 65c SO UAVOnVOL V 6 SO- mm BREAD WHEREVER BREAD IS VSZD ...IT MEETS EVERY TEST OF FINE BREAD I A I TO,, A AT YOUR GROCERS 0