PACE TWELVE HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MARKETS and FINANCIAL Weather Slows Pine Flow PORTLAND, May 1 M") Unfavorable weather In the woods con tinued to hold western pine production under last year's level, the Western Pine association reported today In Its summary for the week ended May 1. Comparative figures, board feet: Last Week Previous Week Year Ago Orders Mmnnnn 61.406.000 71.879.000 Shipment 60.87J.000 54.865.000 76.848.000 Production 85,503,000 55,193,000 73,446,000 MARY A. TIII'AX Ailmtitifthnttix of the at l 1 Tiaimk. ,!rfe-avtl. IT-Ja; M l-ti-13 Nil IIIJ Up None, to t'KKim'OK. Notice ta hereby given that the under signed has been aiipointett executor of the aatate of HiyJ 11. Patty. dcceied, by the Circuit Court of K I -multi County. Oregon, and that alt persons bavin rUitiu a mt I it I said estate of said de ceased at hecehy notified la .veent 11 nam to executor at Sulla 1, Melhase HuMdmg. Klamath rails. Ore o, together with proper vouchers, within six months of tlia data of this no l lo. Dated thii Tth day of Anrll. iwb. STEWART WAHU PATl'Y. A 10-IT-2 M 1 No (Id WHEAT, CORN BOTH LOWER CHICAGO, May ( (AV-Wheat and corn suffered losses extending to several cent on the board of trade today. Selling came mainly from traders unwilling to carry grain over the week-end in view of a possl blllty that the scheduled railroad strike will be avoided. A forecast for scattered showers in the southwest also was a factor in selling of wheat. Cash houses continued to liquidate corn, particularly the May contract Oats acted somewhat firmer than other grains, al though dropping below the previous close at times. Wheat closed 1 to 1 lower. May 2.421-V com was 5S-3S lower, May a.lB-S, oats were l to 1 cent lower, May 1.12'-S, and soybeans were 4 cents lower. May (3.85. Wheat Open High Low Close May. 3.444-X 2M 1.4-J'i 3.43'- July 3.33 ' 3.33 2.3l J.3I"- Sept, 3.31V 3.SW J.3 1.29fs Dec. 3-31 "4 J.29 1.39 Stocks On Slow Side NEW YORK, May 8 W Indl Tidual strong spots remained In to day's stock market although many leaders failed to overcome light wiling. Demand still was based mainly : en optimism over business In the light of large-scale government spending at home and abroad. Customers, here and there, trim med accounts or held aloof to await the outcome of negotiations In the threatened railway strike which, if K happens, would hit virtually all lines of Industry. Offerings, also, were attributed to the belief the lengthy market upswing had rendered the list tech nically vulnerable. Dealings were moderately active although slowing now and then. While gains of fractions to a point or more were well distributed near the close, numerous minus signs dotted tne ticker tape. Transfers for the two hours ran to around 800.000 shares. Bonds did little either way. Grain futures supped, cotton was steady. Am row E Q Am Tel & Tel 154 Anaconda Bendlx Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane Calif Packing Canadian Pacific - Case J I. Chrysler Comwlth Ar Sou. Consol Edison Cons Vultee Crown Zellerback Curtlss Wright Douglas Aircraft Du Pont De Nem General Electric Oeneral Motors Int Harvester Int Paper pfd Johns Manville Kennecott Montgomery Ward . Nash Kelvinator Nat Dairy N Y Central North Am Co Northern Pacific Pac Gas & Eles Pan American Penney J C Radio Corp Rayonier Reynolds Metals 34 35 34U - 37i - 364 15 - 45H - 571 - 3 33 - 13S 31S - Vi - 64 -174 H - 35 - STi - 85 - 59 - 3ihi - 544 . 60H - 16H - 274 - 15-4 - 15 - 25 - 33 - 9H . 44 - 11 . 30!, - 27 Expart Fartarr TnUne Mechanical ONE DAY SERVICE Ba.get Plan N'elfalnf Down t tm If mot. ta pmy ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 Bo. 6th Phone 4113 Richfield Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Sinclair Oil Southern Pacifio . Standard Brands . Standard Oil Cal. Studebaker Corp . Sunshine Mining . Union Oil Cal United Airlines United Aircraft U S Steel Warner Bros Pio Westing Elec . 244 . 194 . 394 . 344 . 644 . 264 . 70 . 23 . 104 . 32 . 174 . 294 . 75S . 114 . 284 Luxury Trains Collide Today MONTGOMERY. Ala., May 8 (IP) The Hummingbird. Louisville & Nashville streamliner, ran headon into another luxury train in a dense fog 20 miles north of here early today. Several persons were injured but only three required hospitalization. The others were given first aid treatment at the scene. The second train, the Miami to Chicago Florida Arrow, was stand ing still when the collision occurred. A trainman who declined to be quoted by name, said the Humming bird missed a signal in the fog and failed to take a siding. Three cars of the Hummingbird were derailed, but none overturned. The Hummingbird was southbound from Cincinnati to New Orleans. Moore Park Cleaned ror spring The heart have awakened, a few flowers are poking out their heads and the big Job of the moment at Moore park 1b spring cleaning. Superintendent Bert Stott auid today that the tennis courts and picnic grounds have been cleaned for the new season, and the whole park it undergoing a general face lifting. Roads In the park are In fair shape considering the length of the winter. Stott said. Some patching work will be done, but probably not until mid-summer. A few picnickers have braved I weather quirks in recent weeks, and all are welcome to use the picnic area. Last Sunduy. 308 cars were counted coming Into the park. but most of them came to see the animals and not to picnic, Stott added. The animal population of the park consists of several deer and antelope, two bears and the usual quota of birds. Tdflnll... .. nn. 41. - ...1 1 .. . uih. M tu ui. aiiiiimi , j,w,w R M.. mnr or 1cm. world though, and no more animuls i Western whit ptne, i;i,; feet n m NOT UK TO IRtSltltOKK Nolle to hereby given I hat the under. aigued I j i been appointed adminUliali ix of the estate of Lewis K. lielst. deceased. by the Circuit Court or Klamnih Louiuy. Ureuon. and all nersoni having claims against said e-fttalo are hereby notified present the Mm, wiin proper voucher, to the said administratrix t Suit 1. Melhiuv DtHUlinit. KUtnitth Orvtfon. within tlx numtni o( tho dt of thtt notlr. llcd UUt h dflv of April. MU, OPAL U. GK1ST. M. l-S-13-a. 3-Kt). 11V New Tudaj NATIONAL rOKIST TIM 11 IK OK KUE Oral aiit-tUm bid will ! rcvmvctl by the Ki-mnnal Korrtt?r or hl autttonrd nprviitativ al th Cliy Council Chain bor. City Hall. Klamath KalU. Orroii. btKtnmnff at 2 (W p. m . June . 1M. (or all th Hv llinlK-r marked iw del)imted for rutttnx and all lueivhnnUblp dritd timber Uvatnl on rt atea embraffi'l about T.44;t at-rei within Sevtlona 2. J. 4. s. a. 9. 10. 11. U, Kl. 14. 15, l. 17, at), ai. aa. a.i, att. -jt, an and -.., t. ;u s , R. 0 E . W.M.. Stfvennule Creek water ahed. Rifiif Hlver Nattonnl Forest. Ore gon, e.iiiiiated to be ;ti).tkX).(hstl (ret H M . more or lci, of pouderui pine, .t .UHVtHHi feet B M., more or le. of nugar pine. will be purchased for the park soo mor "r..leM- ot h"V rp,,,l.r, 4";H,,'H, , . . f feet B M . more or lew., of P.HiiiU-fir Stott said. Skiing Good At Crater and 17. OOO feet B M . mor or le: white ftr and other apevie of awttnter. Sealed bid accompanied bv required payment received bv th District Manner. Klamath Fall. Oregon, prior 1o 10 00 a, m. June S. WHS, will t considered th equivalent of an oral bid and potml for th Information of all bidder The apprai-ed value of the timber according to long-term, normal market and operat ing condition In J7.83 per M feel for ponderona pine, $7. HA per M feet for Uigur pine. S7.HS per M feet for Western whit pine. $1 43 per M feet for Shata red fir. SI 70 per M feet for rvu;1a-fir. and S1.4S per M feet for while fir and other peeies. No bid will be considered which I le- than these rates a a Itase rat applicable through the entire perltnl of the sale agreement, plus at Vait 7 70 per .ii iei tor ponnerma pine, 57 70 per Revival Center Slates Ceremony A special Mother's Day nrogram will be presented by the beginner and primary department of the Klamath Revival center Sunday school at 11 a. m. Sunday. The center is located at Mitchell and Shasta way. Pastor Is Doro thy McClain. Mrs. Gladys Milford will assist the pastor with a spe cial dedlcatorlal service. Skiing should be good at Crater Lake National park this week-end. rangers advised this morning. A six-inch powder covers a hard crust on the 144-inch snnw ripnth Neither the ski tow nor the lunch w,.'"L J r: r'"' .V,. '"'i? J counter will operate the remainder i sh..i. rrd fir. mm p,r m' fM tr Of the Season. DmuU.flr. and MS pr M trl tar Four Inches of new snow has . T ,T"Z''V'r.J' ittiicu in uie parit me last 4 nours un ,nnl a1 n oincr limp. ...w -j j .... utriLM, wiui promise of more snow. It was 34 at the maximum yesterday. 2J during the night with a reading of 23 de grees at 8:30 a. m. today. Roads are open throughout the park but chains are required from Annie Spring to the rim as the high way remains snow and ice covered. Rites Monday Motschenbacher Final rites for Vernon Motschen bacher, prominent Portland insur ance man and former Klamath resi dent, will be held at 1 p. m. Monday from Holman and Lutz Colonial mortuary in Portland. Mr. Motschenbacher died Mar S following a lengthy illness. He taught at one time in the old Kla math county high school following his graduation from the University of Oregon, where he was prominent in campus activities. Play Ball! GEMS Tonlrht! Enjoy Health, Rest, Comfort and Hospitality at the BUCKHORN MINERAL SPRINGS SANITARIUM Drink our f a m o u a Mineral Water for Kfdner. BUS dcr. stomach, and InteillDal All m.nti. Gall BUS Scr Troobla. Cob aupatlan. 'lour Health Is Our Business" Hat Mlo.ral ana Hod Batha for Staaa. matlam. Arthrilla. Nanrltla, Narvoua. aaaa. bltta and lew Blaad Freasare, Skin Empllona. Carban Dleilde Vapar Batha far A lift, ma, Eeaema, Celda. Sinoa and Bran- ohitla. Far rerarratlona ar datallad. Informatlan addraaai BUCKHORN MINERAL SPKINGS SANITARIUM RT. I Aabland. Ort. r Pbn. Lanf DlaUnea DR. HERMAN WEXLER, Dlraclar CHIROPRACTIC PHV8IC1AN ASNE Blasts News Bill BOSTON, May 8 The American .Society of Newspaper Editors moved today to safeguard newsmen from a pendinar coneres- slonal bill which would penalize disclosure of confidential informa tion by legislative committeemen. Erwin D. Canbam, American society president and editor of th- Christian Science Monitor, wired House Speaker Joseph W. Martin. Jr., and the sponsor of the bill. Rep. Clare E. Hoffman R-Mich: "On behalf of the board of di rectors of the American Society of Newspaper Editors may I express the hope and contidence that; lan guage will be removed from the Hoffman bill which might permit punishment of newspaper reporters jor puonsning coniidential infor mation obtained from congressional sources. "We are certain congress has no desire to abridge freedom of the press." itJItrd in tho rnntrrl t..ta1 ra U.-1I1 b redetermined, but in no event will K redetermined tumruige ratr b leu .rn me Dane apnraiM-d value a firm above itated. and In no event will mte below thixe bid h entnblfshrd until t least 24.0O0.0OO frrt B M hav been cut and paid for at not lea than the bid rate. In addition to the prices bid for lump are. a cooperative deposit of SO. to per M feet B M., to be used by the Forrnt Service for paying the cost of lh til poaal. and a ctviperatlve deponit of 0 .V per M feet B M . to cover the co-t of tr Plantirnr. eed owi rig. and limber tand Improvement work on the area cut over, for the toul cut of timber tinder the terms of the ti,Teement. will be re nuired. to be applied on the purchase price, refunded, or retained in part as liquidated damage according to condition of ale, must accompany rach sealed hid inrf mn.t k . i I the poMeuion of oral h!dor as a quj.1l- """"l ro,r on bidding If an oral bid U declared to be high at the cloning of the auction, the bidder must Immedl atelv make the required pavment and confirm the bid bv submitting It In writ " O" Torest Service bid form The rrirri any inn all bids ii re -f... nrioo? oins are sunmltted. "llu,r"nn concerning the timber, the k?h in" n1 th ubmlanion of " "nmineo rrom the Forft .-77-w- ""fir uregon. the DIs trict Ranger. KImth r.n. ri.-, .IV,Cl01 rr"t'. Portland. Oregon. PNRM-TO -LOUS Phone 3HUI, Cliff Yaden'i Mignal Ren'lce Station. Mouth nin pnn Mituami lloail. for HeliV-tv Vt five h H Uieeit SlnnX. run hai.k 1P47 Mercury 4-divor -eilan. IUiIUi, healer, ilrlioileis, fog lights, m. ! sni rnvin, (.an annular, INI auer v a. n OI,l I.I'MllKH for sale- Will sell the oui iciu-e now iwtng torn down t ouitty ratr UiiHiixli acaws front ii w nan rara. for sale at Is where is." I'hona or write your offer to 1'eivy Murray, HIS Pacific Terrace. - finone 7t. KOM Fresh ""thoroughbred Raa neit milk giuils. Buck,, h lit-. A to 7 quart per day. Huute 1. FOR HAl.K New metal bed anil eol) springs. Five chairs. A Ironing mm i u, rnoue u.ii. into Hope, run hai.e 34 Chev. Idoor seilan; motor in A-l comluion. New tahtl, J new tires. IVIOO. 10H Nevada. FOB SAI.K - Hevere movie camera anil Kevere projector; both t mm. Phone (HIH fOH HF.NT-S-i-.Kin.;hirnUhedapt: mui re oath, Adults preferred. M South Hlverslde. WANTKU--PiacHcarmirserUo ' to "do some housework. Phone 072A YOU SA1K Hrasonable: lM 1,-l.m nev. irtit-R. nained with stock rack. See at Kalser-Fraier Agency, Wl Mo. nin. " 'SKLLRHS. ATTKNTIONf "i have a client, a government tin ploee, who wilt pay cash for a good oeoroom home In Mills Addition or south su burls. If you are considering selling, see us at once l-Hlt.COTE St SMITH 111 N. Sth St. Phone SA2U " - WANTKU Kxperlenced parts man as assistant to Parts Manager of local General Motors dealer. Slate age, education and pres ent position to Pmtofflce Uok 7J2, Klamath Falls. Oregon. Al'ANOtl KKNNKUS- Registered Cocker Spaniels. Alio stud service. Cham pion Lines tMJO So. Wlh. CNCACKMFN'T ring with a diamond and sapphires. Also wedding ring to mulch Never used price. $75. Inquire Mrs. D. Ashton, laofl NlmlW. Naval Housing. HOME FOR SALfrVlose InT Ideal for FOR SAl.C. one pair' French doors, one large double hung window, complete with casing: 3 small sash and casings; free scrap lumber. Phone 4;t7. FOR SAl.r. new l',-ton Chevrulet truck. nwflatbed. Call SiW7. ,, m At Slud-RAYVIS ' U 3. Government Arabian Remount Stallion Bred at Kelloae Arabian ll..r. CLASSIFIED RATES One day --day run . --day run . 4-day run . Week run Month run per word -. per word per work tic oer word lie oer word IV wnrrt Aa received by I p m will appear same ncmoorv in ew Today" column New Todoy ENGEBRETSEV Born at Klamath vaiiey nospiLai. Klamath Falla. Ore.. .May 7, 1948, to Mr. and Mr. Martin Ene- wicukii. iww i, i uieiaxe. -aiii.( girl. Wefght: a Dounds a mnrM SMITH Born at Klamath Valley hos pital. Klamath .Falls. Ore., May 7. IMS. . mr. no mrs. nooeri ami in. willow Ranch, Calif., giri. Weight: 6 pounds S'.i ounces. KRAMER Born at Klamath Valley hmpiul. Klamath Falls. Ore., May 8, 1048. to Mr. and Mrs. E W Knmsr Alameda, a girl. Weight: S Dounda 13' ounces. Play ; Ball! GKMS TonUht! LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT i Notice Is hereby given that th imiUr. signed administratrix of the estate of L. L. Truax. deceased, has filed in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Klamath County the final account of her administration of said estate and the Court has appointed the 19th. day of May, 1948, at the hour of eleven o'clock In the forenoon of said day as the time and the Courtroom of said Court, In the Court House for Klama'h County, Ore gon, as the place for , eartng and settle ment of said accounts. Done. April 17, J 948. KLflfDfiTM FOR SALE Whiiier motorbike. Price si 3. see Elmer Hurlbut. Esplanade Courts. Apt. 21. after 5 p. m. FOR SALE My lease of service station with trailer park and cabins. Will sacrifice at inventory price. Tele phone B753. FOR SALE 1930 Model A sedun; 18 inch wheels, good tires, motor re cently overhauled. Inquire for R. L. uewauro. Stewart-Lennox Store. WANTED Someone to do light house work and rare of 3-yr.-old girl In exenange ror room and good wages. Phone 5410. WANTED to rent Fiirnlsh-d apartment or house bv couple. steadily em- p.oyea. r.y. box w4. FOR RENT Partly furnished 'house keeping room. 309 Commercial. SOAR services Registered Hampshire Phone 7837 or 3004 Crest. SEWING, dressmaking and alterations. Phone 2-0279 FOR SALE Registered Parti" Color Male Cocker. Two year old. 6320 So8th. Phone 2 0821. fOR SALT- Mohair ' davenport-and chair, coffee and end tables, Spark heater, trash burner and oil barrels. Phone 4873. 236 Nevada St. VETERAN, wife and 4-year-old daugh ter urgently need 3- or 4-room. fur nihed apartment or small house. Call 9130; ank for Mr. Ott. FOR SALE 1947 Indian Chief; 7 W0 miles; windshield, saddle hags. S700. John Mathews. 1605 Oregon Ave. FOR SALE German Shepherd (Police! lemaie puppies. Registered litter. Also Odlna of Long worth. Excellent young matron of matchless pedigree. Phone 3047. WANTED Pasture for lOO head of cows and calves. Phone 184 Matin. r"0R SALE Electrolux cleaner with attachments, S23. Phone 6032. F6R SALE-1933 Ford; good "shape and pncea rignt. see ai 443 Mlcnigan. ; FLOWER SHOP 4 JOMAIN MONf Mil artddf Farms, Pomona. California Klim Narglleh Naslk Kifna Raslnt Keila Rim RAYY1S Arabian) Naslk0" Narglleh Rasim Farnasa ' Farasln This wonderful horse can be seen In ..uuoca. i iionmans windswept R'.nch- Rou, "00. Klamath 'Imported. AT STtfD "CHESTNUT JOE -A Q H A. 4831 N Q H n A 1 107 .ir.o.nvw .us. y Ken Joe of Art lona. by Joe Heed, bv J Hiir iTn. Joe Is an accomplished roping horse, fast, sense, muscle, good curformatlon. Grand champion Oregon Slat Fair, '2 other firsts ! To approved ma ret only Can be seen at Hoffman's Windswept Ranch. Route 3. Box 1100. Klamath FOR SALE -Auto court on Highway u'i ana joo on sinsiaw River, doubles cooklng, 4 singles and room home. AH modern, furnished. nrasonanie. K. J. HUbC (Owner Florence. Ore. NOW while they last-1'sed Juke box recorus for sale. Southern Ore, music o.. 1330 Klamath Ave. THEY'RE here Used records, all re cording artists. Racr hill billy, pop ular. Southern Ore. Music Co., 13JO rviamain Ave. AT LAST! Those records you "have been asking for. Alt makes, all bands, all descriptions. Southern Ore. Music io.. i:uo Klamath Ave, ftRNlSHKD rooms Weekly rates. Ainu rtoici. 141 1 inain. 'GARDEN plowing The modern Roto- tiller way. Call at S421 Avalon for appointment. FOR SALE- D C Caterpillar and Isaae. son hydraulic dozer, used two sea sons. Tony Steyskai, Box 731, Malin, or pnone oi FOR SALE Acme Color Eye complete praygun. nose, gauge ana lacquers, over SJ79 Invested, $200. Van Durn buffer, extra discs. 70. 1Pt7 Nash Ambassador. 4-door sedan, 8430. Earl v Atkinson, Box 032, Lakevle w, Oregon. FOR SALE One nearly " new, late model. Ten-Gauge, Field grade Ithica Magnum goose gun, good for KK) yards with No. two or B B., Double Pistol Grip, self ejector modified choke. Box 158. Brookings. Oregon. LADY to selflove.y, guaranteed lin gerie, hosiery, etc. Modest prices. tug earnings, i.nusuai opportunity. Our 2tith year. Writ Thogcrsen Ho siery Co.. Wilmette. III. SPEClAC 10", discount on alfbrnnd"- ers In stock. STANDARD FEED STORE. Phone 8300. YOUNG MAN wants el set Heal work' or maintenance: 2'fc years' inside and outside apprenticeship. Handy with tools. Chauffeur's license. Will try anything. Good references. Phone 3137. E. J. Kingman. FOR SALE 4-rm. house on acre ground. Good location. Full price sz.uoo. i so down, balance term. Phone BA42. fOR SALE -TTsed washing machine and couch with matching drapes. Phone 7H43. FOR SALE 16 mrn. Bell Howell" 71:6 lens, projector. 16 mm. Bell Howell magazine camera FI:B lens, slightly used. Must sell. Contact Mr. Huby. Wi-ne-ma Hotel, 8 to 7 today or t a. m. to noon Sunday, only. For SALE 1039 Duick 4-door sedan. Must sell at once. 2640 Kant. fOR SALK-IH37 Chev. sedan, $390. 3!W4 C 1 i n ton . P h one 2-0003. AN OPPORTUNITY avail. hie nowf personal qualifications more desira ble than business background. Phone VlVl. ft In 7 n. m. fi E W A R D ro"r In forma tfon concern tn g me wnereanouts of jarty a wrlstwatch lost on 0 o'clock Shasta bus last Saturday night. Phone 4043, Mrs. George LIUv. fOR SALE or trade 2 gentle saddle norses, 4 remount mares, jess whll latch, Bonanza. Ore. WANTED Snlesglrl. - Muitbeable to ikb oiciauon; permanent work, good OUV. See Vern Moore. nslsler Motor. fOH SALK-S-h n. Hiawatha outboard motor, used 12 hours. Excellent con dillon. Just right for trolling and fthlng. Can be seen 133 Hillidde. They'll Do It Every Time , By Jimmy Hado T (now RCMEMBER.' IF I EVER PO VNl Vi-T LET VDU PRIVE It VOU'RE NOT TO J? tJL r . Ji i T ? GO OVER TWENTY MILES AN V ' C I I HOUR FOR THE FIR5T7 ! ISRXVERy -A XJXJ3ANP MLEi I ornEBRa "tjfL tfh- ' FAMILVBU3- gy " j JP Anpthen he 71 Z cL' -"- ; V4,ci TfigES IT OUT ' ' U((n ANPA VP OF 77! HASL0 HATHA FLOVP KmMK CLSVCLAMP. Q&Li Moering Notices . KLAMATH "FALLS Y U A Kit 1 1 No. 3txH) Ml ' every Tuesday night r:a p ni. , r k s. PtS a- nan, wm ino amin OWstFr? Visiting members cnroisiiv mviieo Lost ond Found LOST: Single gold colored key In small brown leather caae, opn on two slues. Return to desk at Herald-News. LOST-Black folder containing MoO in Travelers checks made out to Mrs L. B. lta es. Finder please phone -01.1, Penonoli PRIVATE DETECTIVES DU IH) IS OF OREGON Write Hox 64. care Herald-News BARTENDER and worker for summer and fall Percentage basis and guaran- MEN See the fine selection of Regent Park men's suits at Rudy's. 6.x) Main. 10 Sorvices Su re Immediate Delivery HEAVY DUTY DISC PLOWS 4 to 7 BOTTOM TRACK LAYER HITCH OIL BATH LIFT TULELAKE Machinery Co. Box 297 Tulelokt, Col. Phone 284T cimri ram nfTT J fi ITf u J anl C Let us . . . mm Beautify Your Home with our now. Improved combination INSULATION & SIDING FREE ESTIMATES gladly given by our supervisor H. W. Elliott GENERAL ROOFING pn & PAINT UU, PHONE 9297 1 Meeting Notices KLAMATH LODfif Nn. n, A. r. Ar A. M., will hnlfl a STATED COMMU NICATION on Monday, May loth, at B:00 P. M. I.ADIF.S NmilT. Fnlar talnment anrl rafreih menu. All Maatcr Maaona and thflr wlvaa Invltad. Illchnrd A. Griffith. Worahlpful Maatar. 8 Transportation For Haavr llaullns. Crana or WlnaS wark call T7SI KLAMATH rHEIOIIT LINKS 101 Klamalh Av. 10 Services SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Newest Sanitary Method Mm ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sever Lines of RooU, St Phone B841 or 3X10 ED a KINO Mint For Ambulance Service Phone 8530 24-Hour Service Anywhere Anytime Koler's Ambulance Service (New Cadillac) Fertilizer and Dirt NOW Is the time to put It on new and old lawns, flowers and gardens. Also landscaping. J. A. WEST Phone 3-M65 YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON YOUR FURNITURE $50.00 or lo SALARY $300 00 And On $50 00 YOUR to CAR $500 00 And Repay From Future Income COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. Dili St. Lie. srii m:;s Phone 7711 Tom O Dwyrr, Mur. 16 Holp Wanted, Male WANTED Kxprrlrittrd mrclmnlc. M-rinj nil wink. H(mkI puy. rx.-cllrnt w.wk MiK fuiulit iuiis. Hre Dti-k 8 htvp (lln. Hrrvtcr Muiiuurr. in ixriMiti, Nntite if mil cprrlciitjU, do not npply. Ashley Chevrolet WANTH. a 411) Hoiilh 6th r liif il tifflrt sn tic. Hi nisttt-gcf fir IihsI lu(lr.. Mtiol W rlM t.i lak romplsli rhsts n( sit itctlil tuitlMcM. A I- U lu 04. t'-ll USMi WAS'TKO First -rlsss" rut off ttpejistor. Ntily M-orh. iii wags. 1'ltutis HI', Misti HUcr. Oregon WaN'1'i.II. an mtttvuW. nest stMriitg ViiiiiiM man In Irartl rati all salsa tat It r Ulg- national ii rS tills) Hull, A 11 l -ll uj-vo. New Method Rug ond Furniture Cleaners modrrn plant In fl.uithrrn I Orron. wuu to wall rnrpri- rlcnn cd in your home. Complrte liwur aiKf. Phone 4471 HS3 ptnundtf ...ICCTHirY VOtfH HCWINC! MA I'll INK Motors itul tigltts s.ia no Ittstsllsliun stlmst (urnlshsO In stlvsnr HIN-'iCII arWINO MACIUNK CO 411 Main I'hons Bo 18 Situorioni Wonfod TWO MfN -v-lUI.I. f..r ny odd Job u may hav I'hoii ITJ4 CAS roioiill a i ten or Uwns Cslt s TH llfVMitl Avm , ur fthoit (MtlT WANTED Tfmix.rsrr ttHtiplng p. Itlnti I'hona 31UJ 'U.t. ntf f..r 4-hil.rn In my kon,; 3:fl AlUmrmt I)rls 22 Rooms For Rent EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hoe Bulldozer Pill Dirt Topsoll Driveway Cinders CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phone 4677 TRACTOR WORK Largt or small. Garden work i specialty. Phont 2-0741. 3809 Sum men Lane. HIM11NO IN HKHr.-iLv. Ihat ganl-n f'lol mad raly to plant with lolary Tiller I'lmn .H, CAMDKW IM.OWINU harroHii.g, disc ing 3)140 tlllHf lhoti 4tifi! Lawn Mtiwrti .Hrnvit r. .shsrpnit.g nd rrpalrlttg Full storti of parts New hsntl anil ivtwrr nurrs Trrmi If flnlrrd, It fl' A I It .131 t Main Loral and Ung lliitaiu' Moving Crating. I'arklrig and ktornga KLAMATH rMKlt.Ml I.INrtt Phona T7HI tut Klamath Avs DICK HON Ft'HNITDItK 8MOP fphI Blaring. rvrinlrnng. repairing, springs rarnndl Honed. Iliim 4317. Jul. Htiasia Wav PLOWIVO. DUring "or llarruwing gar den nr arrrage. No )t Utt lntgr or I o.t small Maynard Smith, 4J1 Win ters ava. Phtme luii Under New Manqement Attractive Werkly Rate 1 Metropolitan Hotel , 1110 Mnln IIOOMS d3 Jrll...,Hi MIMI.M 11134 High ' on iikvt. c.i,i.iai.u iisanm tiu lit, r,,nt. 114 N 3t d. HOiM I'OH lir.NT-Alao" i.r.I.- M Iliah Ht.rr-JMIVO HOOMS Inquit. nillla i S.f- l.,,. Ill Main ' Sl.r.H-IS,; KitoM. .i.m tw.C prl.'S iHtll, a,t,t anliBftr. I'nona nrvCMS vo N Slh ' II POM OB HrT; aH Walnut 23 Housekeeping Rooms IINKP MOOM for nl. crl,, in. PKon. VA ANCV ruilil.hxf l rnoiii, H"4 liflll hn)IMllH: 12 Educational UOnKKr.KWNfi tt nor t hand. " Typing Kindred atihlrrts. nffic tnarhlnes KLAMATH liUSINthM COI.l.rwE 7X1 I'm Mhon- Vt"' Voice and prxvrt tnathi'Ctium ttliiMla Ann llruwn I-on at stu dent s home nr at studio Phone for appointment, OXWt or leave messaga at 7.11 M FULLER BRUSHES CLEM JOYER 1435 Martin Street Phone 6677 WINDOW CLEANING, horn and com- mercial lanltor work, fainted walls cleaned, floors cleaned and waxed. JESSE HtittllAHD it SONS Phone 7H7H nr M7n PLOOfl flANDINO ind rstriniahUig. Norman rralav. nhona DESlGNlNd. drssmakln.""aHeratlons: t.rare (sey. phone 71117, Pelican Theatr Apta. PAfNTINtX decorating, paorrhanalng, plasterboard finishing and spray 5 In ting. Estimates flvan. Pliant riH. EVANi tfAniNtrt'iiiinW- IS17 B Main Phone 42 tlCTURE rHAMINO-Cameo Shop T.T7 Main Phone iUfl7 roil CAHPENTER WOnK'rell (, ALTEflATIONfi, ladles tailoring. Work guaranteed. ALU Cot lane. Phone ntiUA WE DO" HEMSriTCHINa.i0c yd. tot cu .-in, iov ja m silK. Art Nasal work Mhoo 323 Main, unstalrs CLMER fiMlTH Cement contractor. Phrtna 4ti:tn. 2iUil Patterson P.AN0 TUNING and repair. HaviTyotrr piano tuned at least onca a year. Phone Jim Jlmersnn. reirlateraH lunar t.tvtin n;RTAlNfl LAUNUKnEdr pickup and rAINTJNaTlnuHor ndr'rftTKm. toning H L Brown, nhont 4220 Rhick XAYrwo-ioru nieh DON T fhrtjw your old shos away, (lei twlca tha wear from every pair, Bring In your spring and summer shoes today. Let us put tham in Hp-top hape. Prices you can afford, MAC'S SHOE SERVICE, 1.10 S. TIN 13 Health MOUNTAIN ' V I E W CONVALESCENT HOME-47 Granite, Ashland. h va rancy for ehtrrly or eonvelesrrnt man or woman. Clean rooms, g.-w) rttng rare, reasonable 14 Holp Wonted, Female WANTED; Att experienced rnldrtlragr-d hoiiarkeeper. Musi have relei entes Phone .1719. WANTED - Dining room cashier, must tie ahle tn t)pe. Apply In person. Wlllaid Hotel. EXPERIENCED SALESLADY The Town Khnp Is arrrptlng appllcatlnns. WANTED, young Indv to fill at tints rerelvahle-pavahle limtk keeping jxml tloti. Machine operator preferred. Typing essential. I'eniiaiietil. Apply at 121 Ninth nth. WANTED Experienced waitress fiood wages, room and boa id. Call C res Dell Ixid Me collect. WANTED, enr hop,' Apply'ln person,' (;inos Drlve-In. ' No phone calls, WANTED: Elderly woman for riiinpnnltin for seml-lnvalld, nite home and perm anent employment. Call Clyde Vim Meter, Phone 2'Ht residence or 4.l business, Mnlln, Ore r.XPKHIKNCKD tclephonn n p e r n t n r wanted Apply In person, Wlllnrd Hotel. PHONE 3 6 8 1 CLIFF YADEN'S SIGNAL SERVICE STATION South Sixth and Midland Road IS AGAIN MAKING DELIVERIES ON ALL ORDERS OF Pres-to-logs We Give S & H Green Stamps On All Sales PHONE 3 6 8 1 Siy 16 Help Wonted. Male WANTED, farmhand between axe of 20 and .10 years. Must be well experi enced with opernllon of tractors and farm tools ns well as general fnrni work Hunt ford Jones. Ilnmina, Ore. BARTENDER and" worker for summer and fall Percentage basts and guar antee. Must stand bond. Hill Cnrsch, Qimrtr. Ml. Hervlce Htnllon, Phone .l-T-B Lnkevlew. WANTED Messenger 1ft years or dlder." Illcyt'le necessary. Apply Western Union. WANTEDrrorllflrd pine grader fnr work In Ft. Jones green chnln. Pemherlhv Lumber Co., P.O. Dux :i2ll, Phone mi7-W, Vreka. SAl.EMMAN WANTED, oldest wholesale grocery house on Pacific Coat. Com plete line of prlvnte In be I merchan dise, flood pity to a producer. Write Ilox l;il), rare Herald News. 24 Apartment. For Rent 3 ROOM furnlahed apartment, rinse In IMlltltes furnished Couple only. lSe in-li I UI Mortimer. EON rtKNT: a room apartment. " tot Alameila 26 Homes For Rent 0AI1INS by day or we-k Tleaionable. t Iraiv Motet 2.1.19 Illehn. Itlghwar U7 Nor III 3 hOOM ttS'EtJRNISIIED house Rath and il'ivr sj7 VI W Adams 28 Mitcclloneoui For Rent EOR RENT, eleilrlc Ufll sender, screw Jacks, electric floor polisher, hydraulle lacks, lawn roller KLAMATH VA1.1J:Y LUMItrS CO IU4o Smith 0lh Phone 4fllg ritl'(KM for rant drive "yours If Ort Transfer t'hnna H.V1 IHIU KN and cars for rent " You drive. Move yourself save half Utiles Ileacun Service, lo E Main Phone ILrOe KOM HlltE. MALIN DISTRICT." heavy wheel tractor for spud planting, plow, lug. etr aim tru'k for hauling seed or miscellaneous Moth nr either with dtlver Impilre Johnson's More VACUt'M CLEANER EOR RENT, 9100 a week Phone 2 0111 30 Real Ettato For Salt on Arthur Street 'I'wo-bilrnoin niiHlrrn, Inriie klt rlirn mid clliictlf, srrvlrc porrli, clone lo bus on imvpmpiiL Tat quick mile t I.IBSO. Terms. Homedale Road r Tliree-brdrcHim. full baarmriil, n(r home on 1 ncre of noocl soil. IBMW. Hup Cnlilwrll . Newt Nelson NELSON Real Estate nnALTOti 1051 South 6lh Phone 6701 Clinton Avenue 4 bedrooms, J uiwtnlrs. I down; H ncre. House newly rederornled unit lit extra nood rondltlon. Lots of berry bushes. Well landscaped, Kusy terms. Chuck Bonney HKALTOFI Tower Thentre niilf. "Your Buburbnn Renltor" Plione m Kvenlnns 351 nim.DiNo lot ror, gAi.r.-aood lor.. linn .ipr.,m,lely aoWi, Hnt Bprln,. Ailillllnn, on Alamrda J?ihk m "',.h'."h ,rh"nl- P" Wll en.h Plinna n.lus aftr I p.m. roil SAI.K, Irnllnr hnma. nna oih' ITlj. . .n"w '"" ,n enndltlnn. W.nn lacliirv prlr, nf naw nna. Wilt ir"pm ""ni.",":,",0' " frill HAIJ aiiaitrnnrri'mndarn hniilJTS; .rr. Wiiuhl ,, d , ? ,ri.rlm"nw".p"v,n""' Pri" SSOOO. Call imiki nr at 271 Hummara Lan,. t'lowcr Shop UI I VI. IN ' (At Grconhousoi) SUM 8 (iih. Phones 83S5 and Mil I'ree Delivery Flowers by Wlrl funeral lleslpis Our BpeeUlty