SATURDAY, MAY 8, 1948 HPRALO AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON t ACl JMN lnter-Club Dinner Held Monday Eve lluslnraa mid Professional Women's dull win hostess al mi Inler rlijj ilimirr inert Inn Monday, Muy 3, at tint Wlllaid hotel. The pniKrain i m i nnurii by Cuml Hiibn, rhalriimn fur Hiiiiuirlnii wiiiiirli 111 pcpllry. iniiklnil posts. Mi. HiiIhi uuvr a report on Iter cnminlllrr'a work for this your, mid i:" i culm rl u houoii'il uurals the six Klnmiith county women the Mtmlncsa mid 1'iufeasloiml Women's rlub In aponsoilhK for the roster ot woinrn In pnllty-mukliiu posts in Oregon. These (uusts fia Komi M. I'liulr, Miulp Minimis, Lucille O'Neill, Klt'iiuor Wriitlirrfnrd, ylA rrimidiin mid Inlillr llrlx- a- nrr. Anoiurr apcrim kucsi wits Olive Cornell. A muslrul pnmrmn whs presented hv soloist. Colleen Creawcll. con tralto, accompanied liv Uu, (Irorur Mi'lntvif Their selections were "I'lcluiln from A Cycle ot Life" by Itoiinld. "Ilrndrmeer'a Huenm." mi lilsh melody, nnd " My Bonn KIP Vour Heart' liy Onirics MIm Cirswrll was enthusiastically rn crlvrd. iMilirllr llrlxnrr tnlrodiirrd the guest siirnkrr. Louise Humphrey member of Portland Hmtnrfi nnd I'infcssioiiiil W omnia rlnli. mid atnte frilrriillon legislative rllnlr man. Mra Humphrey's lopir, "Op. pnrttmltlra for Womrn In IKlnln tloll." proved til be tllilrly mid tllnUitllt proVliklllK HIlC sttrv.ed Hip point Ihnl nil womrn should Im pulley mnkrra by biilldinn publlr opinion townrd a constructive pro ginm. Women inusi sludv and he veil Informed In oidrr to become bcllrr public offlrlnlli, and othrr Wunen mutt recognise nnd support ,i!h qualified woinrn, Two ncees i.ry qualities for woinrn villi . Illicit! carrera ate tolerance and the al'dlty to receive criticism. Mra llumphrrv suld all woinrn nmal atudy and know Ihr Implita lluns of our iwncr plnm. and In willuiK to make tlir many sacrifices that ihrlr endurance demands. UrB llir Dial tlir Hulled Hlalra atop aiHilodlrlns for tlir llilnita that arrm wrong here, aha believes tllti conn try should be more proud of alt Ihr Dunns that ari tutidnmcnUillv rtfllt her Mra. llumphrry sub ilcd thinking inoto of npiKirtun and Utile less of aeriirltv: that wi do not put rvrrvlxidy In ihr aania mold, but rrmrinhcr our country la proof that rvrry rare and curd haa a eoiitrlbuMnn 10 nmkr President lralnr Qiilllni wrl. rnmrd nirmlnT ot visiting clubs which llirlurtcd Ihr Amrrlran Ao rl.illoii of University Women. rVir. imllnibt rlnb, Toaatmutrraa club Iramir of Woinrn Volrra, and thr (Jeotn rlttb Durlnu ihr btiOnru merlin wlllrh followed Mra. H'nlnr Kr'iu and Mnntnrrt Itollldav to!d of ih rrult of a mirvry ihry had ron-dii-it concrniln thr nrrd of a publlr rrt room In Klnmaili Tnlli. Ktrrllnn of rlllb offprra for !( IMP waa lirld and Klri tlon CHalr irui Oracr Kimttrn announrrd 111 Mlowlng rrull- prrnldrnl. MnT PMmiPV flrat vlrr prrldrnt. Dor olhv Aakrrman: arrond vlrc prmi drnt. Hlirnnnr llmnlllon: UraMirrr tnry. Calhrrlnr chldrvrr; word ln arrrriary. w Mniiih. IVImaira irlrrtrd In rrprmrnt. Ihr rlllb at the it! ronvrntlon at Kuirnv 111 Jim were May Phlnnry, lanbrllr Brianrr. ri'rn Upp. Doroihy Arkrrmnn, Coral Mi-bo. Mnntnrrt Klplmiirr and Htrlla Hnwnr Altrrnalr drlralra rhmrn wrre Jrall Porlrr. Kvrlvn IrkM. Jonnlf Brll. Edna Huwll, Kaihrr Inr Chldrurr, Lurlle Twrrd and Orrtrada Tollr. Tlir prnsram for nrxt rlub mrrt Im. Mav 17. I brine nrrnnurd by Jonnlr Hrll, youth rlmlrninn. Western Party Thr Old WrrtL l-k tlir llinHtiiht nl ( biniHluy itiirty hrld Mny I w l)in Johnny HtlnrKnr, mm of Mr, in id Mm It. J. Itrlnrunr of 1038 I'ur I fir Trrrurc, rrlrhnitrd hi v- rntli IjIt thdity (hirt riunt? dirnhrd UK tlirlr In voriiit cowboy rhtinu lrrri, Y.nvU ro irlvrd h inlniiilinr hnrw rn n fnvor. und pilM rnrrlrd nut the wrutrrn thrnir. Thr purl y lablr wuh HrniMKrd with k mtm ji l urrt riwif-h ni Ihr cmtrrplm with thr blrthduy cuke Ihr crnier ot nttrurtlon. 'il.m went to Jntin Hrnvry, Jnn Iliixtrr nnd Dlrklr Hhphnm. I Jnhi.nv'N gurnU Inrhidrd Htrvlr Morn, Krlixlr Mury, Jnn Huxtrr. Jimmy llnyd, Mrurr Jtrock. (Irnritlr hi niton, Uttvld Drrw, Dir k mid Jfr HUphiim, Jnnrt nnd Vrrn Bprlni, John Hriivpy, Cnrnl Hur Tnylor, 8nl ly HobhiMin, Chrlntinr Andrrnon nnd Knlphn Jitnr Klttrrinnn. Hostesses Mra. C I,. Ilnrvry. Mra Will Wood. Maymr Whltilniilon and Mra. Olrnn Krni wrrr hotrnM-!i for thr month ly luurhrnit of Aloha rlub of Paat Mnlrona of thr EnMrrn Htar. at 111 Manonlr trmplii, Krldnv aftrrnoon. Mra. Wllllnm II lWltt, rlub prraldml. prraidrd during the brlrf bUKlnraa aralnn. Mra Prrd Cofrr waa apiiolnird to vlall Uir alck dur lnu Ihr month of Mny. Mra. Emma Krrdrrlrk. Korkford. Minn., nl matron of Kockfoid chapter, waa elirlrd to mrmbrrihlp In Aloha rlub Awarda for the aftrrnoon wint to Mra. W. P. McMillan and Mra II a. Worllry. IliairAara for the nrxt regular nicrtnm. May 38. will be Mra. Charlra Ollhrrt. Mra. Flora Held, Mra. W. P. McMillan, and May Phlnnry. , r. . . m J . . ;., 1 oo5'oosoot3ftoooooooaaoaoooy5My55oooooayoM6aoaoo'aBaoB RESERVATIONS ARE coming In for the Sojourners' spring dance to be on event of Moy 15. The club's committee working on orrongements for the party is pictured above, from left, Mrs. C. S. Garner, Mrs. William F. Loomis, Mrs. John C. Argetsinger, Mrs. Sam Ander son, Mrs. M. W. Poole, choirmon, and Mrs. Harry Schocnberg. Mrs. Theodore Lind, a mem ber of the committee, is not picturea. Keith Cook. Honor Guest Mra. Ernrat Tuylor and Mra. Reu ben Luurhammrr entrrtiilned nl the Tuylor home. 2033 tl Moro, Thura dnv evening In honor of Mra. Erllng Mrlby. Carda were played with glfta pre aented to Mra. Mrlby In a bajw in cite. In.vrl waa aerved later to Mra. Ed I.ienaec, Mra. Jack Peebler, Mra. Sverre Muuaon, Mra. Frank Subject, Mra. Berkeley Eella, Mra. Henry Solle, Mra. Oscar Solle. Mr. John Markert, Mra. Robert P. Elllniivm Jr.. Mra. George Hnubemak. Mra. Wllllnm Simon, Mra. Paul Anderson, Mra. P. M. Anderson, Mra. Melby und the hostesses. Vial tori In Klamath l-alla Mr. and Mra. Wayne Walker of Vancouver, Waah. and their young daughter Sharon were week-end visitors at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Dean Osborn of Lawrence street. Walker la Mra. Osborn's niece. They left for home Wednesday by way of Crater lake. Fur Storage Include I Scientific moth control. Glazing of fur. Insurance against all rukt. Storage on the premises. Standard rates. Repairing Cleaning Restyling rOMBWWvmflflOavOSvMWv9flflvB Our Diamonds or carefully selected for Price, Color and Perfection mm Art Kelnhart You will be proud to give a diamond from REINHARTS Jewel and Gift Shop Open a t harra Arrount K A II Green HUmpa S19 Main Phone BIG Scf I M a I, f) If I a tj n a vox THE MAYFAIR - one of 14 superb radio-phonographs l -- ' i L THE MAYFAIR An unprecedented value, de sudeia m ana . signccj for people with youth ful ideas and imagination in home decoration. In while oak (illustrated) or mahogany, Supersensitive radio receiver with 10-watt power output, 12-inch Magnavox Duosonic speaker, and precision record changer with low-noise pickup. Model 139 for standard broadcasts; Model 239 for AM combined with genuine Armstrong FM. Dimensions: 28Vi" wide, 15'i" deep, and 32Va" high. 219.50 fiepbijk 'Husk Co. Fins Musical Instruments 120 N, 7th Phone 4519 I 1 I s I I I cl flJ 22.95 22.93 X) New Aywon Originals in cool Bemberg rayon sheer do double duty for town and travel. Lefts A one-piece dress with a two-piece look . . . flaring peplum, whirlpool skirt. White on luggage, black, navy, grey, aqua and green. Right! Cape dress with a sweeping skirt. White on black, navy, green, aqua, brown. Left: Open-throated classic with a softly full skirt. In "Wild Rice" non-crushable rayon, printed in Chinese script on pink, aqua, maize and white. Rights Capelet sleeves, a square neckline for the bodice of an extra-full skirted frock. Of "Peek-a-boocle" crease resistant rayon, flower-printed on grey, aqua, blue, pink, maize.