HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON l MARKETS and FINANCIAL WHEAT PRICES MARKED DOWN CHICAGO, May 1 WV Prices were marked down couple of cents In wheat and corn on the board of trade at times today. Onu were off fractionally most of the season. Belief the railroad itrlke might be avoided and a private forecast that Kansas atlll could produce a wheat crop of between 145.000.000 and 1IW.000.000 bushels contributed to the telling. Wheat closed J-14 lower. May $2J4'-S. corn was IS to 1 rents lower. May $2.22 ' -$3.22, oau were "a to I cent lower, May Sl.13-H.13',, and soybeans were 1 to 8 cents lower, May $3.89. Wheat Open With Low Close May a.46-3.47 3.47 3.44 H S.4SV,-i July 3.35-2.34K 2.35 133 3.34-2.33-i Bent. 3 324 3 32t 2.30'i 2.31-4 Dec. 3 32 2.32i 2.30. 3.31 Ackerman On Klamath Tour Today Stocks Hit Upswing NEW YORK. May 7 " Buying of selected oils, rails and Industrials gave the stock market another aver age upswing today on the heaviest volume In two weeks. Hopes for averting the threatened railway strike again prompted much of the day s demand. While many plvotals failed to shake off minus signs, or held to a narrow course, gains of fractions to around 4 points ruled near the close. The aggregate of about 1.700.000 shares was the best since April 23. Nickel Plate Railroad common and preferred were among the few soft spots. Touching highs for 1948 were Frisco Railroad. Baltimore Ss Ohio, Sinclair Oil. Texas Co, Union Car bide and Radio Corp. In front were General Motors. Mission Corp., Santa Pe, Chesa peake & Ohio, Firestone Tire. Mont rnmerv Ward. Caterolllar Tractor. International Paper, Superior Oil of California and Paramount Pic tures. Bonds were mixed and major commodities Irregularly lower. Al Chem & Dye 191 American Can 87 "i Am Fow & Lt Am Tel & Tel Anaconda Atchison LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. Mav 7 (AP-USDAI Cattle salable 25; for week receipts 850: market gen erally 50 to 1O0 higher; medium good steers 28.25-29.50; low medium 27.35; load grass heifers 27.25; bulk common-medium light dairy type heifers 31.00 - 24.00; medium -good steers 28 25-29.50: low medium 27.25; load grass heifers 27.25; bulk com mon-medium light dairy type heif ers 21 00-24 00; medium-good range cows 23.50-25.00; common cows 19.00 21.00: grassy cutters 1800-1900: canners 15 00-17.00; common -good bulls 20.00-24.00; calves for week 50; market steady; choice vealers 33.00 common-medium 350-400 lbs. 25 00 27.00. Hogs salable 35: market steady; closing top and bulk 23.00: bulk 300 50 lb. at 30.00: odd good sows 16 00: for week receipts 14.50; opened 50 Higher but advance lost. Sheep "salable for week 400 spring lambs and wooled ewes 50 higher; bulk good - choice spring lambs Monday 25.75-36.00: medium- choice wooled ewes 10.00-12.50. Bendlx Aviation . Beth Steel Boeing Airplane . Calif Packing . Canadian Paciflo Case J I Chrysler Comwlth & Sou Consol Edison Cons Vultee Crown Zellerback - Curtlss Wright Douglas Aircraft Du Pont De Nem General Electric General Foods General Motors Goodyear Tire Gt Northern Pfd . Int Harvester Int Paper Pfd Johns Manvllle Long Bell "A" Montgomery Ward ' Nash Kelvtnator Nat Dairy N T Central North Am Co Northern Pacific . Pae Gas & Elec - Pac Tel & Tel Pan American Penney J C Radio Corp Rayonier 153 H 36 -.106 "i 34i 34 27H 35 14-. 46 57'4 2'i 234 134 31i 74 65H .175 354 384 574 444 474 954 59 544 374 604 164 - 274 164 - 154 244 334 Reynolds Metals . Richfield Safeway Stores Sears Roebuck Sinclair Oil . Southern Pacific , Standard Brands . Standard Oil Cal . Studebaker Corp . Sunshine Mining . Union Oil Cal Union Pacific United Airlines United Aircraft V 8 Steel Warner Bros Pie Westing Elec Woolworth 94 45 114 304 27 244 194 394 234 544 264 704 234 104 - 304 1784 174 294 754 - 114 284 - 454 POTATOES CHICAGO, May 7 (APiUSDA) potatoes: total U. S. shipments 1214; arrivals 120; on track 201; supplies moderate; demand fair; market about steady; Mijnesota-North Da kota Red River Valley Cobblers $2.60; new stocks: California long whites (100 lb. sacks) $5.75 - 6.75; Texas Bliss Triumphs (50 lb. sacks) $2.45-3.00. . Next GEM Game, May I FLOWER SHOP MONl M7larS44) mm CHICAGO. May 7 (AP-USDA) Salable hogs 9000, total 10.000; mar ket on weights 230 lb. and under opened active. 75 cents to 1.00 high er; these weights closed slow with part or all advance lost: no action on heavier weights; weights over 240 lb. bid about in line with Thurs day; not established on sows; good and choice 170-230 lb. early 21.25 21.75 with top 32.00; later sales these weights 20.75-21.50. Salable cattle 3000, total 3200; sal able calves 300. total 300; all grades fed steers and yearlings Including fed heifers 50 cents higher; semi runaway trade Induced in large part by threat of transportation dif ficulty; four loads choice 1286 and 1290 lb. steers topped at 32.75: next highest price 32.50; most good and choice steers and yearlings 29.50- 32.25; comparable heifers 39.00-31.00; choice heifers topped at 31.50: cows. bulls, and vealers steady; good beef cows to 36.00 and above; canners and cutters 14.50-19.35: good sausage bulls to 35.00; vealers 30.00 down. Salable sheep 1500, total 3000: ac tive, slaughter lambs fully 25 cents spots 50, higher, plainer quality con sidered; ewes scarce, nominally steady; around 600 head good and choice shorn lambs with No. 1 and 2 pelts carrying moderate medium, grade end around 103-197 lb. aver ages 26.50; about two loads medium to good wooled lambs around 90 lb. 27.00: few lots medium and good woolskins 24.00-26.00 Including deck oo id. averages 25.50. PORTLAND, May 7 (AP-CSDA) Cattle salable and total 60: calves 10; market active, fully 50 above mid-week, but some classes not represented; medium-low good heif ers 25.00-26.50; one good 1845-lb. beef bull 28.00 for neiw high; canner and cutter cows 17.00-30.00; medium beef cows 33.00-50. Five days salable 1700, total 2400: calves salable 355. total 530; compared late last week market mostly steady but general market 50-1.00 under early last week: medium-good fed steers large ly 27.00-29.00, top 30.00 sparingly; common steers down to 23.00; common-medium heifers 21.00 - 36.00: good 37.00-28.00; medium-good beef cows 23.00-25.00; canner and cutter cows 16.00-19.00: good beef bulls 26.00-50. odd head 37.00-38.00; sau. sage bulls 21.00-25.00; good -choice vealers 2.00-3.00 lower at 28 00-32.00. Hogs Friday salable 65. total 300; market steady, top 23.50; for nve aays receipts salable 1880, total 5400; market 75 lower; good-choice 180-230 lbs. largely 23.50: lighter and heavier weights penalized 20 or more; good-choice 325-500 lbs. 17.50 20.00; good 350-500 lb. sows 17.25 18.00: lighter weights to 18.50: feed er pigs 23.50-25.50; one choice lot 74 lbs. 26.50 early; good stags 16.00 17.00. Sheep for Friday no receipts; for week 885 salable, total 2835; old crop lambs and ewes weak; first good choice spring lambs of season, 83-90 lbs. 23.50-24.00: good-choice shorn and wooled old croD lambs 22 .10- 23.25; good wooled ewes 11.50; shorn ewes ii.uu aown. Glenn C. Arkernian, 39-yrar-old rnrtlandrr and candidate fur the iOP gubernatorial nomination, In Klamath Falls this week-end to further his drive for primary votes. He will visit Lakeview Satur day afternoon and go to Bend next litrsdav. Ackerman Is accompanied on the tour through the state by Ray Koonman of Eugene, state secre tary of the "Ackerman for Gover nor" committee, and Dave Kar- purk of Portland. The trio will appear for a talk before the central labor council this afternoon but most of his work here locally will be Informal. The earnest young real estate broker said that he was meeting with pretty good results In his trip over the state but that he wanted to clear up a "smear' started against him by opponents that he wanted a wide-open state Liquor By Drink Ackerman Is on record as favor Inr liquor br the drink sales, but de- rlarrs thnt liquor consumption sta tittles show that monopoly states like Oregon showed an Increased consumption In 1947, while bar- sale states showed a decrease. His plan would be to amend the Knox liquor law to make purchases of amounts as smnll as an ounce lecal. Instead of the 16-ounce pint minimum Oregon now has. "In this state." Ackerman said, "when you buy a drink you buy a drunk." He would permit bar sales but keep the state as the liquor whole saler, put the revenue into the treasury's general fund and also pa- old-age pensions out of the gen eral fund. Other planks In Ackerman's plat form set him up in favor of In creased old-ace pensions, improved state hospitals and Institutions, cash bonus to veterans, restoration of higher income rax exemptions. Political Novice Ackerman Is virtually a political novice, his only dealings in the great game were as Earl Snell's Multnomah county chairman In 1940 and as anti-sales tax commit tee chairman last year. In his campaign. Ackerman has not taken any swipes at any of his three foes for the GOP nom ination. Dour McKay. John Hall or John Peyton, but declares that he is disappointed that McKay and Hall have failed to go into a dis cussion of issues with him. He sees McKay's popularity on the decline and considers the republican cam paign Between himself and Got. John Hall. Merryman Rites Set Final rites for Dr. George H. Mor rvman, Sr., pioneer Klamnth phy sician who died early Thursday morning at Hillside hospital, will be held Saturday at 1:30 p. in. in the can wnitiix-K enapei. Interment will be In the family plot of Lliikvllle cemetery. Pall bearers will be Osrnr Shlve, Ralph R, Macartney, Hugh 11. Campbell, Henry N. Moe, Frank Jenkins and Howard R. Perrln. The Rev. Victor Phillips of the First Methodist church will offici ate. Naw Today nnoF in AT IU10 MAIN ST. INSPECT OUR I'miTDUIIAI'im AND l-fcl- VR TKIO, YOU AltOl'T UH BHUW ymi CM'K COMI'UCTI NANUS, or HOMKS SOUTH sum'inm- l.,r.ld. Ibid room, tt wr. S7100. . MADISON: I air. 9 hadrooni home, una of outbuilding!. S7S0O. At.TAMONT: 3 hadroom, furnli good larma. 1400. a.i iviau.K.u.iaaiu.....!,..! IIOMRnAI.I: Very corner lot, IHAHt, large 4-bad room, J utile reerl Carl Mertitt Khm bloom. lmnroDar head llfhU. Fine M 30, Clifford Westley rteldi, overload. Plna IT. Orvel l.oult Lyon, runninf aloo tien. Richard Arthur Johnson, pausing on ron( "da of highway. Knie $A 30. CLASSIFIED RATES Una da? . day run , 3-day run , day run . Week run Month run , par Vord 4c , par word Vc , par work lie . oer word 13c r word 15c oar word 43c Adt received by 1 pm. will Appear umt ai.amoon m "jsew looay column. New Today Al'CTION SUNDAY. MAY 9. 12 NOON Sl'MMEHS LANE AUCTION MART LivtrattH'k Poultry Reub.u rurnilur Other erliclea Bring w ha t you ha ve to aall lo ou r auction. C. C SAMPLES. Mgr. COL. SWIU ART. Auctioneer BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Good pa ing fountain lunch, grocary. itc 11 vin Quarter. orou incvm S44.000 last year. Short dwianc from Klamath Falls. Total pnea xw caan- ,No phone information. GRADE A UAIHY MUM 23 head tet-up. ctosa In. Good noma. $13,000 will handle. SMALL I A I 1 1 J. AItn 640 acres. 1? mile from town. 1 mite off pavement. Good barn, corrals, wall fenced, .'ricea to sen. HOME IN MAUN room modern, Insulated horn, first class construction, garage, nice lawn shrubs Owner leaving. fricefl S2S0. Terma. PACIFIC TERRACE 70-foot level corner lot. One of the best left. A steal at r.'rjoo. HOT SPRINGS Nice -room home with hardwood floors and fireplace. Best vtaw in city. a0. 92XO will handl. Pl'MICE Tit JC: Brand naw, large lot, oeauuiui noma, avian. DUPLEX- flood location, excellanl come, lo.ooo. as ri'ttNISHKD: 4 -room, modern, all new furniture. Gmd terms. 9J7O0. NEARLY NEW: A beautiful home In n exretlant location. Fireplace. lift I an blinds. fD.V. a RIVmstDK: I bedroom, full basement, 775 HOWN: I mom, furnished, not modern, acre. 91700. NOKTHS1PE- 3 bedroom, paved atreet. fireplace, run basement. iouo. PORTLAND: 4 bedroom. 1 lots, old but worth the price. 3tfoo. NORTH BtOI: A large, beautiful home on a good street. Owner Is now living down and renting the uosialra and cabin for Sli.1. but It Is perfect family home. gLi.wv CALIFORNIA: Full basement, flreplare. separate dining room, all piasterea. Good terms. gtttftO. HANKS: Laraa 4 bedroom. In en-el- lent condition. New refrigerator and stove included for H.100. JEFFERSON: two homes, large lot. a buy at $13,300, John Fox Dies At 52 John Fox. about 52. custodian sf the Medical-Dental building since its opening here in 1929. died sud denly at his home, 171 Alameda, at 9:30 a. m. today. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Mr. Fox had been in good health and his passing was a shock to his many friends. Mrs. Annie Fox sur vives her husband. There were no children. Prior to coming to Klamath Falls Mr. Fox was employed by Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Berry, of Seattle, owners of the Medical-Dental building here. Final rites will be held -Tuesday at 2 p. m. irom Ward s chapel. 1 1 wtaiw HOHAVMON Rnrn at Ulimath V.I I ley hospital. Klamath Valley hospital iviamiin rails, ure.. -iav a. iimh. ir Mr and Mrs Everett Bohannon, 810 Martin, a gin. weight: a rounds ounces. WOOD Born at Klamath Valltv hos pital. Klamath rails. Ore., May 6. lfM, xo Air. ana Airs, voyle wood. B29-A oram. a Doy. weight: 10 pounds ounces. WEST Born at Klamath Valley hos pita!. Klamath Falls, Ore., May 8, 1948, io Mr. and Mrs. Amos West, Merrill ure.. a ooy. Weight: 8 pounds 1 ounce. ODERMANN Born at Klamath Valley noapiLa., tviamam rails, ure., May 8, I94B. to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oderman, OVS, a boy. Weight: 6 pounds 7 ounces. Researchers Drediet the n nf dar apparatus similar to aviation's ground controlled BDDroach" tn guiae navy ships through land locked waters in heavy fog. jfej from where I sit ... Joe Marsh "What's Your Opinion, Mister?" Fellow from on of those public opinion polls was in Andy's Gardea Tarern, querying Andy's patrons m ertrything from that "new look , to the next election. . Anditoccurred tome that there's nothing mora typically American than collecting other folks' opin ions, as well as giving out with one's own. And from where I lit, It's a mighty healthy habit 8o long as people eaa discuss hath sides of s question that comes P whether It eoncerns short kirta Teraus long, beer compares with rider, or the larger Issues of psrty versus psrty we're surt of the individual liberty that has mads this country greet. For it isn't differences of opinion that matter. The important thing Is Wsronce for differences of opin Ion whether they affect the right of an Individual to vote, to spesk his mind, or enjoy a glass of beer. They'rs all parts of ths freedom that w cherish I FUNERALS DR. GEORGE HARRIS MERRTMAN KR Funeral services fnr the lata Dr. George Harris Meiryman Sr., who passed away in inis cuy on inursday. May a. 1 0AU 4nl Inu-i n at n (11.... t .nt.. will 'be held In the chapel of the Earf wniuocK funeral nome, fine ml otn, on Saturday. May 8, at 1:30 p.m., with the Rev. Victor Phillips, pastor of the First Methodist church of this city, officiating. Commitment services and vault entomb- men:, family plot, in LinkvlUe cemetery. rnc.iai are inviiea. M4RT ftrsAV vnr.n Recitation nt tha Mnat Untv Raaas for the late Mary Susan Foe;?, who passed May S, will take place from the chapel of Ward's Klamath Funeral Home, f)25 High, Friday. May 7. lfMfi at 8 p. m., the ww. wm j Connor or m. Augustine's church. Merrill. Ore., officiating The remaina will be ahlpped via Railway Express Saturday evening to the Ma honey Funeral Home In Sunnyvale, Calif. A requiem mass will be celebrated for V of . er ul Monday mnrnlnf '""r"n murcn in Sunnyvale, Calif. Commitment ssrvlr nrf inta.. ment will be in the SanU Clara cem- Flower Shop imivi2ii (At Greenhouses) 3614 8. 8th. Phones 6335 and 8340 tree Delivery Flowers by Wire Funeral Designs Our Specialty folium Ceayn'fsi, 1941, Untied Statu Brtwert f swiaaliea Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purse Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite M. Word and Sons 925 IUfh Fhon 3334 NEAL STT.WART AGENCY Realtor 815 Klamath Phone 9SA0 or 87M Sherwood Bimum, Salesman Phone 2 0089 3400tOWN takes thU 10 acres with 8-room modern house. Large chicken house. Good little farm. Easy terms on balance. 1015 Homedale. Phone 954T, NEW ARRIVAL need furnished 3-room apartment. No children or pels. Phone 4144. Montgomery. FOR SALE. 1-mm Bell & Howell' mag azine camera. F 1:9 lens. 18-mm Bell Howell projector. F 1:8 lens, slightly used. Must sell. Cheap. Contact Mr. Ruby. Willard Hotel, today, 5 to 7. or Sunday 8 to 3 p.m. FOR" SaLE. good u-ed electric refrig erator. Phone 7351, ARE R,t-OARPETING our shoe depart ment. Present u-d carpet for sale. J. C. PENNEY CO. 80S Main Phone 5171 M ACK Y iT-CHint)E R S. formerly Instruc tor at the Klamath Beauty School, 1 Joining the staff at the LADY KLAMATH BFAUTY SALON 125 N. 7th Phone 6677 for an appointment FOR SALE. 9 large piece of glass and 8 doors, suitable for store front. Phone 8328. FOR SALE. RANCH. 40 cres. 28 miles north, near Route 97. House, barn, bunk house, chicken house, potato cellar, electric pump. $4W0. 4-ft. Dlston power saw, 4-ft. blade, good condition, 8425. Private party. Phone CLOSEtN 3-bed room home with full basement. Fireplace, breakfast nook. Nice yard and lawn. J 0.500. Terms. SUBURBAN One-year-old. 5-room home with tached (a rase, on oaved street. Hard' wood fluors, 2 bedrooms, large living room, dining room, kitchen and utility room, new lawn. Large 101. Heason able down payment. Balance on loan. See Everett Ball and Ted ftchuld. with AL LONGE. REALTOR 111 S. 8th Phone 8283 Evenings 8071. 8004, 6957, F"0R"SALE BY "OWNER, modern 2-bed- room furnished home. Nice location, Close In. Lea vine town, must sell Immediately. See at 703 Lincoln St. gTADIOLA BULBS, No. Is. Phone 40A3. 5512 S. 8th. WANTEf), garden andjwh work. Call WANf to buy," "atleast a 2 -bed room home, suburbs preferred. 91000 dawn can CLINTOr AVENUE CARL WU-PERMUTH. with JOHN C. ARGETSINUKK. RRALTOR 1016 Main SI. Phone 8MB Evenings KH8. OSIUi fOR SAM, 23 pMtage stamp vending machines. Will sarrlftce. Phone IMMW. SAt.FSMAN WANTF.D. oldest wholesale gnwery house on Pacific Coast. Com plete line of private label merrhan dise. Good pay to a pnducer. Write Rn 139. rare llerald-Naws. VACUUM CLEANER FOR RENT, 11 00 a week. Phone 2 0131. EXPERIENCED SAI.ESt.ADY"" The Town Shop la accepting applications. WANTED, young lady to fill accounts receivable-payable bookkeeping posi tion. Machine operator preferred. Typing essential. Permanent. Apply at 12J North 8th. FOR SALE. Hemlix outboard motor. f.V. good condition. Phone 9400 or 2720 Summers I.ane. tfCfH SALE. 3-bedroom motlern house, i acre. Would accept good used car as part down payment Price tUouu. Call 9400 or at 3720 Sunfmer Lane. HOTEL 28 ROOMS, good location, furnishings in very good condition. 8-year lease with renewal. Low rent , Also large 3-room apartment for manager. Full price iio.uoo. rr run panicuiare sre AL SCHMECK or J E 1IOSK1NGS REALTORS 317 Main Phone 121 fOR SALE, equity In '30 Buick coupe Phone eai4 between 5 30 and 7 p m. TllHEC COWS, one milking and two springers; one Hereford steer, two weaner calves. Fourth place south Mimana urange SUBURBAN ta an ullra-nutdem 1-bedrnom Thcyll Do It Every Time Asa kv6iciaw, f'RESTO Tf 6 PEAT CAN PULL WINNING POKfcR CARDS OUT OF HIE AIR., EAR OR NOSE- OR MAkfe A RoyAL. FLUSH JUMP OUT OF HIS HAT-' LL Hi 1,1. w-n. By Jimmy ILitlo 1 1 spades, jV IMfisy WOW Nl - 1 . t UH- HOLD THESe HERE J TKM CHECKS TILL I ttTxA, ( VmiD FOR MV NEXT) V W C couple of SHovsv.cri? XN; .,1.1, v-v, ni Va.i: -i--- TvLiTiJ ' r7uT IN A REAL OLD FASHIONED STUD GAME AT THE CLU0,1f B0V5 ALWAYS TAKE PRESTO TO THE CLEANERS'- - s3 ' New Toelaj' WltX care for children In my home jnjn Aiiatnoni urive. WANTED, certified pine grader for wnrl in n. Junes green cttain. remnerlhy l.umtser Co.. P.O. Boa 324. Jhone ntn-w, Trek a. FOR RAM. good ft. refrigerator. ft04) nuiier. AVK your garden' plowsd tha It u to- tiller way. I'hone 2 04a IS TONS oat hay. Joe Hair. El. 1.' Rom fOR SALE, practically 'naw high-speed John Oeere potato planter. Albert iMa root n, nonsnia, ore. WW spacious lovely home. Hardwood floors throughout. Nearly new and complete Close In. Reemcted Term. 4 bedrooms. 2 UDStelra. 2 down: 4 acre, House newly redecorated and tn extra good condition. Lou or berry pushes. Well landscaped. Easy term. CHUCK BONHtY, Hr.AL.IUH Tower Theatre Bldg. 'Your Suburban Realtor" Phone 7221 Evenings 3582 LOST: White female poodle, near Keno road. This is a child a pet. nnaer pleaae notify city pound or phone7Xi8. ARTHUR STREET Two-bedroom modem, large kitchen and dinette, service porch, close to bus on avemeni. for quicx aaie ai ajow. erma. HOMEDALE ROAD Three-bed room, full baaement, nice home on 1 acre of good aou. www. Hap caiawen - Ntwi neison NELSON REAL ESTATE Realtor 1M1 So. 8th Phone 578S FOR RENT; 3 room apartment. WI Alameda. SPECIAL MOTHER'S DAY DINNER NO ADVANCE IN PRICES HERSHHERGER'S CAFE FOR SALE: 1041 Oldi 8. 1948 motor, new paint and rubher. f:t3, or iraae ior older car and cash. 20M Wfard. Al.TAMONT DRIVEHOME Modem and newly built. 4 cheerful sunny rooms and complete bath. Utility room, garage, on acre, Excellent ir rigated toll. H7V). Terms. uni.r, at ii'twr.s REALTORS 511 East Main Phone 72M or 8049 special mother's day dinner no advance in prices herhhrrrc;er s cafe ROOM FOR RENT, 818 Walnut. FOR RALE: Maytag washing machine, vacuum cleaner, deaks, table, new mattrrss, overstuffed chnlr. Phone 3401. BEDROOM HOME with basement. 8 blocks from business district. Extra building Int on corner. All for 84400, 8800 down. Call 8071 after fl p. m. WANT TO BUY. neat used ear for ap proximately mm man. no neniers or clunks wanted. Call at 220 Washing ton after 3:30 p. m, or Saturday and Sunday. FOR RALE: 1040 V-fl 80 coupe, good shape, good tire, radio and heater. No dealers. Phone 0401, FOR SALE: Model A Ford coupe, new motor, new tlren, good paint. Hugh Olbson, Dorrls, Calif., Box 241. PLYWOOD BOAT, spruce ribs. Phone 0303. KLPlTIPTU iroughout. Neerl, In every way resldentul district. Price toodO. DALE & HOWES REALTORS 311 East Main Phone 7288 or 0t43 PEDIGREED English Springer Spaniel rnone vjoo. FOR SALE. One outside toilet, good condition. B20; wood heating slnv needs rellnlng, IS: outboard boat, needs some repairs. S10. Phone BA40. ONE model 83 Byerm liyard shovel, Ilka nw. Available Immediately. Price 88300. Howard Cooper Corp., 31 Market. Phone 212, evenings 2-0348. THEY'RE HERE! Used records, all re cording artists, race, hillbilly, popular, Sfuthem Oregon Music Co.. ISM Klamath Ave. 3-ROOM trailer home for sale. Go for 1300 If taken by Saturday. 4341 S. 8th. or phone 3029. FURNITURE FOR SALE, new rose davenport, chair, coffee table, com' blnatlon lamp table stand, throw rugs, 3-piece bedroom set, large oil burner. car radio, a bargain. See or write Dun Hpiering. hall mlie nortlt Merrill. P.O. Hox IUU2 fiROW.S' suit.ile""8THke"new7 MS"; also j gaivanizea wasniuDS, uxe new. can 7.VU. EOR RENlTnlce 2-room apartment With bath. Weekly rates. Call 32Jv. FOR fiALE. 1 acrs, in berries. 0208 Bristol Ave. fOR SALE, 'upright piano, tuned, conditioned, 8143, terms 818 down, 810 mommy, louu h. Mann Flano co. I20 N. 7th. FOR SALE, practically-new. High speed John Deere potato planter. Albert Dearborn. Bonanza. Phone 403. AUTOMOTIVE equipment for sale; one vaive reiacar, hard aeat grinder, borlni bar and vacuum attachment, land boring machine, valve seat Inserter, 34J3 Van Norman brake drum lathe. inone eooo. FOR SALE, treadle sewing machine. 3231 miyara Ave. fhone turn. FOR SALE. Studebaker 1048 1-ton truck, flat rack, low mileage. Rt. 3, nu i'"w, mucus. AT LASTf Those userecordsyou have been asking for. All makes, all bands. an ue.ripuan. aouinern urcgon Music Co.. 1330 Klamath Ave. WILL do hour work. Call Merrill 7323, FOR IlRirMALlNrSTnlCTr"heavy wheel tractor for spud planting, plow ing, etc. also truck for hauling seed or miscellaneous. Both or either with oriver. Inquire Johnson a Store. FOR SALE, beauty shop with good Icasa in (juiiaina. wriie r.u. uox wi Klamath Falls. WILL trade 1K37 ReVTl'ton stake body irucK, good runner, good motor for Ford or Chevrolet Dlckuo. Phone lUlfl. SHtOOM furnished apartment, close in. Utilities furnished. Couple only. No pets. 138 Mortimer. WANTED, old refrigeratbTWrIte aoaf Kaocijffr Ulve make and year. FOR SALE 2-BEDROOM modern. In Chelsea Addl tion. Double garage, workshop, chicken house, nice lawn. -extra lot. New bath room fixtures, new roof. You can't beat this for onlv S403O. 2-HKOROOM modern In Altamont dis trict, with one-third acre; electric water heater, oil floor furnace, aarage chicken house, nice lawn. Price only eiais, mini ten ims wecx, WALT DIETZ, with T B. WATTER8, REALTOR Real Estate and Tnsnranra 107 S 7th Phone 4103 (evenings B400I FOR SALE, mohair davenport and chair, J laiiiFi, nparx neaier, nd nil barrel!. Phona 4873, X(0 Nevada Rt. FOR SAITl037rord1'ordo-rr-'i.lM: Phone HBflO. NOW while theyIit. usedJukeboj '"'"" ir saie. soumern Oregon Music Co. I3:ftt Klimtih au. fiA'faESWoMAN for outside" workJle8 Mrs. ant. 14(11 bnl.n.H. fR4l "DODOE. new enelne. ' newa'lnT See Ed al Ruirk rinmn FOR SALEf Farmall t rector" r-20fri g'tod shape. Price 8830. Phone 13F22. EXPERIENCED" dry cleaner" wanted: Apply Superior Troy Cleaners, 338 Klamath Ave. Phnna Inn DON'T throw your old shoes away. Oel iwiL-n ma wear irom every pair, nrtng In your spring and summer shoes today, lt us put them In tip-top shape. Prices you can afford. MAC'S SHOE SERVICE. Utfl 7th HAVE new off-highway iype Pointer- Toiinmriie neavy amy jogging trailer with truck eriulnment. 1224 rubber completely Instiilled on your truck for our cost, .'lft00. HOWARD COOPER CORP., fl.11 Market, Phone 0212; eve nings 3-0248, Meeting Notices " SCOTTISH RITE RPHINO REUNION Friday. May 7th. it I 1 and Saturday, May Sth. a j p. m. A. E. HARRIS Venerable Mailar Kl.AMA Til t Al.lJi AC Hit No aooo Regular mil II n every Tuesday nigh' T 43 p m.. FOE hall. 0th and Walnut Visiting members rnrdlallv Invtlad REGULAR MEET IN (J DUabled American Vel erans and Auxiliary will be held Ttltfy. May 7. In the K. C. Ilstl 11 l pm DICK UrfcK Commander. THERE WIU. BE A MEETING of the Ore Machinist Council, fUturrtay, May 8 a the laabor Tempie, 1 p. m. 2 Lott and Found LOST Single gitld Colored key in small orown leather caae, open on two sides. Return to desk al llarald-Newa. LOST Blark folder containing 4o0 In travelers enst-as mane out to Mrs C riltayes rlndr please phone 0013. Generol Notices NOTICE! We have sold our interests in Metropolitan Hotel and will not be responsible for ony debts contracted ofter April 30, 1948. N. E. ond D. M. Dennis NOTICE! Having sold my in terest in the Pelican Music Company, 1415 Main, I will not be re sponsible for cny debts contracted after May 5, 1948. Robert E. Johnson Perianal! PRIVATE DETrCTIVM DU BOIS Or OREOON Writ Ro 84. era ll.rald.Naw, dAA'rCNDKR andworkar lor aummar and fall Parcantasa bail, and suarSn. MKN 8. tha flna ..Urtlnn of B.f.nl pane man'a aulta at Rudy',. AflO Main. 8 Troniportotion For Heavy HauUng, Crane or Wlncb work, call 7781 KLAMATH FREIGHT LINES 101 Klamath Ave COlNaTo ARKANAAfl one "day next week. Want 3 passengers. Phone 2-0.122 after 6 p. m. or 808 Victory Drive. 10 Services SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Newest SU1IU17 Method Also ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Cleans Sewer Lines of Roots, eta. Phone 884 1 or 9330 ED a KINO M1K1 Ga h rElTPL'bWINar'dlKlhf -ananar- rowins. ay jod or nour. rnnna 8020, 10 Services Su re YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON YOUR FURNITURE or SALARY $50.00 to $300 00 $50.00 to $500 00 And On YOUR CAR And Repay From Future Income. COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. th St. l.lc. 8361 MJ'J3 I'hone 7111 Tom O'Dwyer, Mgr. New Method Rug ond Furniture Cleaners Moat modern plant In Southern Orron. Wall lo wall cariu clean ed In your home. Complete huur- 14 Help Wanted. Female WANTKD Kiil.iirwd waltr.M. a.n.e MH.M, atut tiuard. Call C'taa- 11.11 r,lta.l. WANTKD, I.ou. Aiilr In'oarannT (;inn ll.lva tit. Nu thma call,, I WANTlEf) KM.rly wiMnaii for euittiMiinSa fur ,0HH htv.llil. met Ii.iih. ,t Mlrtl. an.nl antli, in.nl. Tall tltl. Van M.t.r. I'l...n JiKi rv.lil.iua ur 43S Imtlii.H, Slaliit, Ilia IVI't llltlM, II 1. 1. ,,(,.,. op.,. t, M.nl.d A,ilr III M,Mn. Willard Ho Irl, W A NTTD ' ninlns rinm ra.Mar,- mutt I?.."'...1" "'" Appljr In paiann. 16 Help Wonted, Male Phone 4471 1453 Eaplaiude For Ambulance Service Phone S&30 34-Hour Service Anywhere Anytime Kaler's Ambulance Service (New Cadillac) Fertilizer and Dirt NOW Is the time to put It on new and old lawns, flove.-s and gardens. Also landscaping. J. A. WEST Phone 3-0(0 WANTED RxiMtrlPiu-rd iiiPchnnUa. per man -rut wutk. pny, rxrrllrnl wurk (UK comlltlinw. Hvc Dick Ht-hiirp-flln, hrrvlm Mutmurr, lit periHiii. Nutlcp If uui rxjwrlciucti. do not Npply. Ashley Chevrolet 410 Bouth 0th WANTKD. ' i.tirh ..,.1 (arm salesman: n.alie IW to a.m a ilay. Thta tin. t.ti lalxtr MVIntf lvltre sails on Amtn stteili.ii Jihould have arlrultural eerltit-e. rer. and ahle t flnaiire If N mgm limit, r.ir further In (rMiatlun uttit tarrttury, err lie oe rniiim I H. a r Kelut Co., dCX) g . STIh A.e . 4irllsf.tl. Ore. WANTED, an irlnred oftira and rrentil ntansirr fir local buslnese. Wml t-e alle tn take complete cherf of all rredtl business. Aae M lo M. t all e:vi WANTED, farmKanil Iwtween ace and .to )ars Mtut le wall eaperl ertred with ieralli.n at trartora and farm tiM.li Mrsrll s tfenaral farna v..rli Hiiif(ird Jonas. Honanta. Ure. HAMTENDEH and worker for summed and fall lef-entee;e basts and uar aniee Mutt stand bond Rill Carse. Uu.ru tt rWrvke BUUtm. Pheeti Hi l.ahvlew WANTED -- Eirst class' rui-oft eperafrrlT Hit. aily wtira. tun wmgm: Phmie UTe. Hiiaana Itltar. Oreeon. WANTED, an eattuivi. neat apnea Hi f'"il man nt iarn retail i In Jl fall VIM WANTED We...tif-r it nrtfnA K Mirrrie nacar. Apply Westers t 'tiin teat apnea tint all sales wi4s Uon. Ate iU EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Hoe Bulldozer Pill Dirt Tonsoll urtveway cinders CRANE 8ERVICB GRAHAM BROS. Phone 477 TRACTOR WORK Large or 111.111. Garden work specialty. Phone 3-0741. 3800 Bum mers Lane. TKSGtciiXfinmn ' nd reflnlahlnar. Norman fralev. nhnnt 0.116. DKARnnNrXrMa urace casey, prion 7117, Pelican Theatre Ante. PA IN TI Wills decnraTInf . paperhVnflrii. plasterboard finishing and ipray alntlng. Eatlmatca given. Phone 128. IM7 B Main Phone MM Picture rnAMiCameo 8hopr TOT Main Phone 5407 ' IOrt CARPENTf R WORKcair4a70. AlaTKRATIONfl, lartlet tailoring. WnrS guaranteed, (11.11 Cottaee. Phone tutu. WE "bA'hKMATlTCHINoriOe yd ' lot co-.'in. ioc ya. ioi si IK. Art Needle work Shoo, aafl Main, unstalrs. tTMf.tC SMITH Cement contractor. Phone 4f3fl. 2B40 Patterson. PIANO TUNING and repair. HviTy6Tr piano lunen ai leani onre a year. Phone Jim Jlmersnn. rtlalararl lunar i.Arii mr A ins laundered, pickup and delivery. Phone 4BO0. PAlNtlNflTlnterior and "eKterlorKem tnnlne H L Rrnwn nhnna BiUCK TAVINOio:t4 Illgh. 1 FULLER BRUSHES CLEM JOYER 1435 Martin Street Phone 6077 .ECTRirV YOII lEWIMO uiruiut Motors end Mghta t.ia oo r installation aatimate furnlshtwl in aavance. BINDER EWINfl M Anil IMS 11 Main Phnna Hint WINUOW CLEANING, home and com merciai jaimnr worM. Painted walla cieanen, noori cleaned and waxed JtSHE KUnilARD V HUNS Phone 7ft7a oaia fXKfcTyour curtains to Bnb'a fundi eue, wis Main, you atretch 'em, loe a oanei. WMNO "lrilP:nr-!l.-v.th.tarii.n Emm mana raanr 10 plant wllh a olary Tlllar. Phnna .111:14. SARUrhf Pl.OWINO. harrnwln."dlac- Ins 2&4B nialwa. Phnna 41,111. C"AWTM6WrR amvlCtr Sli.rp.nln. ana rapalrlns. Full atoclf of parla. Naw hand and pnwar mowara. Tnrmi If daalrad. notlKNHAMEII BEPAIII HIIOI' m r. Main. LocarandLnns UI,tanoiTMnvlni traun(, racain. ana aiornsa ki.amA m rnrmin i.ink.h Phnna T7HI nil Klamath An cicKsoNrmiMrTimi: "miop-uphor- atarlnf, raflnl,hln, rapalrlns. aprlnsa racnndltlonad. Phona 4S17. 30,1 Shaala Way. ni.OWrNOniiclri or" llarrnwlns. ar. dan or acraasa. No Jnh too larsa or too amall. Maynard Smith, 4;ils Wln tara ava. Phona 70114. 12 Educaflunol TooKKslrPINfl. "ShdfthanB.y pTn i Ktndrad anhlaflta, nfflra machinal. KLAMATH BUIINESH COU.KCII . 7:in Plna Phnna 47n vOTC'E"ANDPrAN0 TrlrVrnuCTIOM Rhoda Ann Brown. Inoni at atu. dant'a homa or at atudlo. Phona fnr appofntmanl. 33SS or laava m.aaags at 71IS. 13 Hoolfh M0(mTAIWV I f, W "CONVAI.rscUNT HOMr 47 Oranlla, Aahland, ha, va cancy for alderly or convalamrnt man or woman. Clean rnnma. gmid food and niirMng car., -raaaonahl. rataa. Phnna 3334). 18 Situations Wonted rWfl MEN avallaMa for any odd JoSa tl may hav I'linna B743. CAM rt'l'jllll garden or lawn, Call ill M Mr, ant Av. , or phona S-OSJ7. WANTKD T.mtK.ry b-.k..lna pal limn Ph., 11. .1101 - m r 22 Rooms For Rant Under New Mangement AuracMv Weekly Rates Metropolitan Hotel 1110 Main ROOMS." tit Jrrr.raiin HOUMH 111:14 lllah OH KENT, cnmli.rlahla nomallirralaap: ma riMima I;i4 N 3rd. fl'ltNlsnr.rV llOOMS W..kly" rata,.' ASfOT HOTEL. 1411 Main. ROOM toil IttNT-Alao garaga.l2j lllah l.rr.flNO ROOMS lnqulr. Illlll. V H.7. brr Hhop, 11:13 Main. l.t , IM.M(I ROOM, il.am" haairVlvata lialh and anlraiira phnna IM30. tlOOMS -- 1311 No. Slh. foil RENT II, mm for twnt04 Walnut. 23 Houiokocping Rooms IISKP ROOM for rant. Cloa. In." PSona :IA43 VACANCY En rnl.hrd" light hniiiakaapl Ing room. I4n4 Klam.lh Ava. 24 Apartmonts For Rent Apartments Use tlie CASCADE as clearlni House wlillo alinppliin Inr permanent quitrtera APARTMKNT8 BY THE WLEUC NEWLY RENOVATKD Hotol rooms with prlvats bath by the day. Cascade Apt. Hotel Uth and Walnut Sis., oft Main . Tu.-Prl.-tf. 26 Houici For Rent CAl"irNS""liy" day arwV.nsaan'nahM: in n,. ti u'hn' ,"'1" 3 ROOM WNf'ilRNISHItr)"""ioil.'; hath anil invi.. m nil. M Adama. 28 Mlscollonooui For Rent foil RENT, alartrlc halt aandar, acraw ,. ., aianrio nnor poll, liar, hydraulla larka, litwn roller KLAMATH VALLEV I.IIMnra nr 1)40 Honlh nth Phnna ,'aia rillCKS for ranC-d,rfv"iro'ira.lf0"i Tranafa, Phnna aaaa fllllCKH-and rara for ranfYbiTdrlvi". ri,.,.,,, uvn nan. nuiaa Haaooa Harvlia. I2111 K Main. Phnna 8.104. 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTED: "An'ocparlancari mlddlaagarl hntiiekaaner. Muat hav. rafarancea. Phona .17 n. 30 Real Estate For Sal UIJlI.rilNO I.OT EOn SAI.E-nonrl lnfi: i-,n. .iiiininimaieiy DUXIM), In Hot ?P W l"'""n, on Alamad. l.. L "... " 1 ,pnrml' Pnn ssse ra.h Phnna Mils aflar Sam. EOn HALE, Irallar homa onafthl IT.".!;. T'.n"w '"" ln condition. S4.VKI factory prlra of naw on.. Will Irnila on homo or equity, a a.rn. t p.m.. dial mills. MANHATTAN P. J's. AT DON'S Winema Hotel Bldg. 1125 Main Street Phone 6520 K