EEC. II PACE 4 HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON WEDNESDAY', MAY 5, 1948 Lakeview Ready For Convention LAKEVIEW. Mny 8 Civic groups here have completed local RriaiiRe menta for entertainlnc Uie mid-year conference of the Shasta-Cascade Wonderland association which will be. held In tills city on May 8 and I. The Lake County chamber of nmmerce w ill be hosts. Three groups of the association will participate In addition to the regular meeting of the board of directors. The program will open with a gen eral assembly at Hunter's lodge at 10 a. m. on Saturday. The cham ber of commerce unit will meet at the office of the local chamber in the afternoon with Jack Mayne of Lakeview, president In charge and George C. Fleharty of Redding as secretary. The hotel, motel and resort group will be In charge of Lee W. Scarlett of Red Bluff who Is president of that group. Forrest E. Cooper of Lake view will be chairman of the meet ing of county councils at the city hall. At a banquet Saturday night at the Lakeview hotel, Ray Harlan wfj be chairman and Manley Kobison. director of publicity for the state of Oregon will be the principal speaker. At the luncheon Saturday Harry Ut ley, host director, will be chairman and Norman H. Robtham. president of the Shasta-Cascade Wonderland association will be the principal speaker. On Sunday the board of directors will meet with the county councils In the forenoon and at the general luncheon reports and recommenda tions will be acted upon before ad journment. The meetings are open to the public who are Invited to attend. Engineers To Hold Big Conference PULLMAN. Wash.. May 5 f TV Pacific Northwest student branches of the American Society of Mechan ical Engineers will send 200 delegates to a regional conference at Wash ington State college and the Uni versity of Idaho tomorrow and Thursday, officials said Tuesday. Students are expected from Mon tana State college, Oregon State college. University of Washington. University of British Columbia and the two host schools. After the con ference delegates will spend two days inspecting mills and plants in the Spokane area. In Boot Camp WllUrd nine, son of Mr. and Mrs. Max t'line of Illy, is in boot training in San Dtrco. Calif., fol lowing enlistment in the navy. He is a graduate of Bly high school. 1947, and las) year was employed by Garey and Fouts. Krnm'll-F.llis Candidates Column 1 Campaign Statements From Candidates At The May 21 Primary Election ly K. A. OF. Alt Y Republican Candidate for State Representative I am asking the people of Khun ath county to elect me to the office of representative in the Oregon Mate legislature. I was born in Medford of pioneer parents and re ceived my schooling through high school In Portland. Attended the University of Oregon, University of Wisconsin and graduated from Ore gon State college. I enlisted In the army lit July. 1917, and served in ballots In a vote on the proposal last week. A new vote Is necessary for this reason, he said. Allen declined to reveal terms of fered by the company. the 59 balloon company of the army air corps dining (he First World War. For the past 30 years I have llcd In Klamath county, being engaged lu reclaiming and fanning the prop erty known as Oeary brothers ranch. This Is the first time I have run fur public office though I have served on various appointive others anil have been rhnttmiin of the state board of agriculture for the past six yean. 1 believe my knowledge nt Klam ath county and my contacts throughout the state will be of In lp In fulfilling this office. I have made no promises to any special Interests or groups and If elected I will be free to give a fair and Impartial hearing to any niutler which may come before the legislature and promise to make my decision on what I believe to be to the best In terest of Klamath rounty and the stale of Oregon. First telephone installed In the While House w as lu IBHd, timing the administration of President Ruther ford 1). Hayes. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- Wilko.l Caka.1 -A.J Yn-'ll J... Oat al Bti la Morai. Karia' H Ca Th. Ilvrr till Ili'Ultl niiur nut about I pint nt . .mini y ur D. Ii .vwv Jay. II ihu till U l.rltl. fmt.. ....... .1 ittfmt. It m.v liul ilv f ik. V. u M.mta U your .l.i'm.i'h. Yll ivl run. alinalnl. m fool aiiur, rank anil tin world liKika luink. 1 1" '1,k? m'u, fi" Cartrr'a Mill. Unr I'lll. lu . ilirao II nla ul till. mt lrply to niakit you tr.4 "up ami un." t.rt a parkan l,l.v. KlTrrtlv. In maVlni hil. Il..w tnrh; A.k (nr I'.Mar'a Ullla U IMIa, Jut at any dru.lor. Bus Drivers To Vote On Pay Issue SPOKANE. May 5 ii Northwest Greyhound Lines' drivers and main tenance men will take a second vote this week on the company's latest offer to settle the 65-day-old strike, a local union officer said Tuesday. C. C. Allen, committeeman for Greyhound shop workers in Spo kane, said striking workers in the Northwest had failed to cast enough NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION NOTICE IS HFREBY GIVEN lo the treat vulrr. ot School Di.lrlcl .Vo I. of Klamalh foimlv Sl.l. f n. ti. . . pn-ia bn.1,,1 ,lcci,on will b hrld within th boundaries -l di.ln.-l. al 111 Krr,,,,,,,, ",'h,l L Z' . h Hifh Street, in Klamath rail.. Oreon. on the nth day nt .May. WW. from the hour of two vuJk ' "' ! ".' , t",:1"1, ' " oelook p m , to vote on the que.tion Hi of Increa.ln, the amount of the tax l , , School iVi.triel N,. 1 fo. ,i' l year beinniii July 1. IMS, .no ,dln on the :mth day of June. Iw on il taxable pro, ertv i iVl l .' . V more than 6'. over the tax levy for the Ian fincal year made In inir.uaiu.-e of the imivuion. , if Vhe I 1. . 1 ' file.' " ' ' dop,,n or "Jactlni tit. follow,,,, bud.el of e.,l,.d expendllurel .'to i'i ""di",', ?"or ",.',' The ron for inrrrutnc urh vy r: I. InciMsrtl cvtl of in.lruotlon 1 Increased cox of equipment and auppltet Attest: i Si fried i A W HKSTOV District Clerk S Int-renseH f operntlnn 4 lublic Emploje Rettremeitt Art requiremeit '5tfned E 5 Ron IN SON L'hirmn Hrd of Director! Gas In Stomach and Bowels St-r.rHi.1e- 1 t General rund Estimated Receipts from Delinquent Taxes Approximately A Current Levy - County School Fund Basic School Supprt Fund State Irreducible School Fund . ..... State Fund for Handicapped Children La n ham Act Tax Payments ,. Sa'es of Supplies, Property tit Equipment .. Rentals , Cafeteria Other Source t I3.1IWOO 10T,;Wil (Ml on .1 IKHt IM) ;i.-tkHl tHt i.lUXI (XI I It .'11 IHI 7iyo Polio Virus Said To Be Isolated MlNNF.ArcH.IH. Mity & (l'--Ir. II. Diln HnlvoriMin, hrmt of the DnlvrrMly n( Mlnnmoln bnt'trrlol oiiy ilrpnrtmrni. nuld Tiii'Miiiy a tintvri.stty rctritivh tritin Iiiin i'oii iTiitiatrd In nlimmt puif foim (tip vlriiM (hut 1'iitiMvi tuliuitilf puruiyhU In huinim biMnwn. Ur. Hiirvoi-M'ti nuld thin In th flittl ntt'p ttiwunl rirvTlopliiK a nt' in in nr vaivlnr (n provltle piotrcUun tltr The next Mrp will be fliullng a bltiixt tent U Hhttw wht'it tin vim Ik piTM'Ul In u body mid Him t'Xtriit to w 1 1 Irh the body la liniiniim lo II. Once tlilft hiiH brrn woikrd ml. Mild Dr. Iliuvuiaon, It In ponkMjIh Ihul ii VHirlne nut bt drvrltipnl. Tlu iTM'Hirh tniiii whirl! pmtllrd the vmirN wnii hnitlrd by In ('vill fl. Hltilbfiii. aU-yrni'-Mld bmlt'ilolci. Hint. WotklnH with him wt'in Mm. nrumtlrld mid I'lbrn A. HluU-r. Utitdiiute MtiKlentn. Thitlrn, one or the nrvru wine Inrn of tlitu'ce. who dlnt-ini'ird plrrlrtrlty JMK) yeurn ko, witn the flmt phyM-clnt. nrTTrn hp at.thI P4 H mo rr Rafffol and Coffin AifmoHll Ooiri Ufior Trslel wiilx.ol M.wiu W'll. cr.llf.-rrVrK iimn tl'll llHkll MmJs, th,u$ t'Sn If) A. M M. tUimmgii MtmJif, U'JmtJt, t'ttJst mmkl Dr. C. J. DEAN CLINIC Ffiyiftion and Ivrgeon rPT rnit t nuiiili sim (i4iw A ! lllima I.AI .I'JIM. I'oiiUnJ 14 Uiwm Alltti NOTICE OF SPECIAL SCHOOL ELECTION NOTICE lit IIFMM1V (IIVr.N In III rm vulara f t'nlon II UH Hchool IH I No, i. of KUinfilli C mimi a Mi.viai iiiiei eieviiim lll lm held wlllilii Ilia nmiinwii" i " la and Wall Nli-rU. u Klamath Fatli. Oivtioit. on the I"" " M, UMii. flout in 1 v . HlNla nf (tra il lull, al the hour of keviii n m lo vole on' t ho utietllon il ,,f lmieaHia Ihr at tt ol the Ipvv m ittlil 1 1 rii..i IH. School liun u-l foi the rural year hetfimilnfl Jul v I, llHll and eiollna on tliw :nh iU of June, tut the laadlila inooctlv within MUi IJIslrlol, limit than over the tax levy lor the last fucal rai maile In imi oain a ol Ihn t.r..v tl..n. ..f the Local llutluitt Unv of the Nlate or Uiegon, and J) of adoplhitf lejacthitf the lolhiwlna 1iiiIkI ol allmalrd eKfieiidlliMaa 101 nio iinirui tor mid iiacai )ar. '1 hit rvnaons for increaslna- uch levy ara: 1. Increased cost of iitsli ucllon & liu'ieaved ritsl of opeiallnn t Imrriotcd cost of equipment and lupuliea i I'uhllc Cmnloiea Hrtlieineiil reiiulieinwnla Atleil (tgnnit (Sianedi A W IIF-STON Ultttlct Cleik NKt NON itrrn t'halrmaii llnoid Kichetlule I I tiiiilil Hvcetpti mn4 Aidlthl I ah Italaio es Klliiiated Iteceipti from IW liny or nt l'ara. appi ov uuatel) "r Current l.evy Ilaslc School Supi'tti l fund Itohnin Act Ta l,aiuents . Vocational FMuculion , , Tuition, Adult 1'Uvb Tuition, Other DutrlcU Tuition. .Summer School Sales of Supplies, 1'ioperty and Equipment ..'afrlerla Mecieallon Couiutlllee. Hplutliurseinenl Lii'il, Power. Water . Mrnlals .... . . . . Other Sources ... ttsnotsl I una I J I'M 11.11 UII 71 I IHI Tolal ICliMialrd Heceipta and Avallatde Cath llalain e Mfhedule II ttvnsral ana k.slimalssl I. pn4llures 1 Katlnialed KroillUiies nun Mi ItuilEet ll..Hrtoca intJltuia lollllB tittle Personal Service 1 Supcrtuteiulent . 2 l li ToUl Estimated Recetpu . Available Cash Balance . Total Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balance RELIEVED OR NO COST Srhd,,, H eneral land. Estimated Txpendllares Ett7 person who is troubled with excessive gas in stomach and bowels should Bft a packag of iA AtMANN'S OAS TAlltTS and try them for quick relief of the distress. Sharp pains In the abdomen are often due entirely to ess pressure. Many surTrrtrs occasionally have a burning pain at the pit of the stomach, called heartburn. Others complain at times of palpitation, labored breathing-, sour mines, nausea, bloating, headache or diitineas. any of which may result irom fas pressure. KAAIMANSTS OAS T ABUTS are male espe cially for the relief of excess ffa and dis comfort result ins; from ras pressure. They contain no physic. SoM by lead ins; dnifrmsts. Return bottle to manufacturer for refund if not completely satisfied. Caution t Use nry as directed. M.IM RAI, CONTROL 1. Personal Service 1. Superintendent 2. Clerk 3. Office Assistants Estimated Expenditures l!Mti"l Hudurt Allownca Octal led Expciuhtures t!Ho -47 Expenditures Totals Onl 1 1)4 A 4rt Compulsory Education . Supplies Elections & Publicity Legal Services. Clerk's Other Expenso bond. Audit, ttc. Totals, General Control . 11 llWIIL'i x.rb-a-tr.raVi m Brighten garden furniture with colorful, easy-to-apply FLEX 14 gleaming colon that Hay brilliant despite sun CaflOd nd rain. Amazing Flex goes on super-smooihly. S A'o streaks. St brush marks. See how easy! ql Renew window frames finest house paint ever! iih Gtncral's brilliant Ketp your home looking Suh 6 Trim Colon. Won't J10 "ntw"year longer wiih $p72 fade, chip or crick. Generals 100 Pirn Paul. SaQt WGal. Redo porch, steps with General's non-tracking Porch & Deck Paint 5; Resists the roughest weir kick. C no unifTinff frmtn. crnikkin withstands roughest walker, tool PAINTING PROBLEMS? Your General Paint dealer has a fine General Paint product tor ettry use. ..and the know. how to assure that you get what you need. See bim soon) 52 Qt. ptodua tor rry use. ..and the know. ' -VS aaa how" to assure that you get what paa j l you need. Set bim toonl vKaCCiTI IMSIMt3?M General Paint Store BIS Main, Klamath Falls Cummins Hardware 4021 So. (th, Klamath Fall! Favil West Tulelakf, California Van Meter Hardware Malln, OrfKon I.VXt no tunt no 2M INI (It) OO 4iO 00 11.700 00 .11 no 2.IMX) m l.itoo mt Hon mt IMt no Ron on 4.VJ.UO 4S 1. riiM 7:t 2. A7.I Xt iti7 ! J Hi!.! J.1 .'. w 24 JO J. Oldie Aaiiitaiits 4 Compulsory It duration and Census . X Suppllr J tlr.liotit and lutliril 4 l.j Srrvue. Audit. Clerh's llond. etc 3 Ultiur Cpvn Totals. Ueneial Control -INHlKI t I ION Hupsrvlslaa 1. I'rrsonal Nervka I. Irim'tpl .. .. 3 Supetvisura .1 Uflice Assistants 3 Suppllra . J t'tii.imriirenient Ctnke 4. Older fcxpeiite Totals. Instruction, Supervision .Imhioo .1 noo rsti .1.) in at J.tHMI tl J.l"' Oil ,H,4 t 3..VR1011 juUiw I. VsMkl ,li:l 'ti il4Mhi ami on 4vo it JW III I.VI ill JJ-t .,.( I-OU OO iltai) tMJ 7,u ihj 4.1U il 4.41 uu ul II iwiw 1u.0l.iuu 1 a 4ul 14 II, 000 Ml I A iNNi nil I 4.7 m 1V1 ,v;w isi s.vj.i mi ' ,ti M T.iwm) 7 u.'oi.i n.ifi jl I on on nui on J.htj m n.Vi iNt 3Vi no jiiu 17 jtHioo .mo uu .1400I 2I.J4J1W 3t.t43iai $ 1.1. mo.? U INSTRITTION SaperTlslen 1. Pei-sonal Seric 1. Principals 3. Supervisors 3. Office Assistants 3 Supolies - 3. Other Expense Totals, Instruction Supervision . I 22 ftn 00 16.lix m 4.2 20 5011 1 250 (X t 44 .111 20 31 n no l.i..m ti t 4.'I4'1 (Nt .vm on XV) HQ 17 lai 44 a ur 'tt 9.01 it hh 34A ho 76 19 III INSTRt'C TION Teachtas 1. Personal Seric I. Teachers . X Substitute Teacher 3. Home Instruction 4 Library .. ... . t. Library Supplies AV Repairs . 3. Instructional Supplies 4. Textbooks 5. Other Expense 9.172.947 75 5.oon 00 S.iidJ 73 ftno no 12.1 u.n 9.0.13 OO 40 00 X2 411 2 S 4,1 uv, 1, no 4.70O OO Son m 6 ,UHI DO 11. 011 OO 40 00 Totals, Instruction - Teaching .. $2.1. V- 44 3.42 "Hi 1.4'i.i 20 1.1 !'.t 27 Ml 41 .444 M 7.H21 im 24 7U 248.14;i 21 IV OPERATION Or PLANT 1. Personal Service I. Janitors a. Delivery Service . 1- Supplies j. rue 1 . Liaht tit Power , 5. Water 8. Telephones 7. Laundry St Garbage . 0. Other Expense , . Totals, Operation of Plant . V MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS 1. Personal Service. Engineer Si Asst. . 1 Furniture Ac Equipment . 3. Buildings . ,,,, 4. Grounds Totals, Maintenance and Repairs . 9 34 710 00 S 3I.OA2 3T I 30 9J4 1.2fio to 3. iKO DO 2.4UOHO X.IW.7 R4 10,000 00 Jl. tKHMJO H I 12 Ml e.tynn no 4.mion 4 127 41 l.wm l.rtiKino .tyu77 I.H40 00 H pi ii 7-42 "4 1,400 Xi MVI 00 Mil 74 25 OO 74 UO 11 HH t 4M.U64 00 30.937 37 t 43.242 41 f 9.2:iflRft 3.1114 II I 412M S.liiO 1)0 2,41)4 OO l.HtH 28 la.ftnfl im llM'MMHl I2.7H2 7 4.075 00 2. 400.OO BBj 7(1 I 24.4O0B8 ft 2H.340 1I I 20. 4 TO HO I Teat lirrs and loaches . . 112.1 nil t4 17 M II IVift.17at 3 Vetrtans Tialuing Progiain . Ittuoi 3 SutMlllUle Iractiais .liioii S "U0 I.l7 4 Hisme Itiatrui tiun , , . . .nuixi .ntJini JJ4 VJ 3 Library Service , t o) isi 4 aHf"'i I, !') .Surtutier iit'hiols .... . tv hi on .10001) IIOijO 7 Additional Teachers .. J oO I0.2tu IK) R Dritrr Kduvatlon , . - 4,") iai 3 Library ftuppllfs m no " It U J li.mii-Hunal Hupphes ft inn (o T,7aA uo uiu 4 I e (books ,. ,vi 00 4 Othrr r.peneTrs vel , 3aiio ftn oO 324 04 5 Tuition - - 2. 100 00 Total. Instruction. Teaming ftxl7.4J 14 ft224,7nu 12 ftlA.4M T3 t R rill.V til PLANT I rerxtnal Service tJanitorsi - . ft 32 n:i3 no I JO.wa no f JO IUM 1 .Suppilea . j ikoio tKimi 3 1 .1 Kuri , - a i a oii 1 ai 0 vit i 4 Light and Posvar . 3 ion 00 ft juo ijo a nil IJ 3 Vtatar ,. l.loniMi 2 no J.v44 10 j S "tcirphone - I.imhiou wsioo aua s j 7 laundry and (iarbaga . , J. Too 00 S 1("t l.auu 7 ! 8. Other Expense . aoo 11 20000 12 .to Totals. Operation of Plant I 4.1 Xi2 00 ft 40..MWI 00 I Jfl Oltt 23 V MAIN t l N AM I: AND RKPAIRS 1. Personal Itvrvli e. Engineet- and Assistant . . . ft I 214 44 ft I IM 11 ft 1 tn2 IT 2. Furniture and Equipment .... - 4 n7.i i l.j.m on 2 nil 70 3 Hulidinas - ft uiiisi ,Vliun V l j 4 no 4 CiroumU . . 3,7';4no SlMiil J IM M 3. Other Expense, Miscellaneous and lbor - S.J1I 14 3 .ttua 00 I U4 ia Totals, Maintenance and Repairs . . ft 24J17M ft 31 lia 11 ft IN jiafl II VI AI XILIARV AGENCIES 1. Health Service 1. Personal Service Supplies 3. Physical Examinations , , , . Transportation of Pupils 1. Personal Service 2. Supplies 3 Bus Repairs Si Replacement . . Cafeteria 1. Personal Service a. Manager Si Cooks S. Supplies 3. Equipment w Totals, Auxiliary Agencies . VII FIXED CHARGES I. Insurance 3. Public Employes Retirement . Totals, Fixed Charges . ft 2 7 VI 00 ft J no ft 3,t(W no 10 on 74 OO H2 47 400 00 400 00 J.I2400 1.11000 M47S 9ri no 3 OO 2-TO 41 3.100 00 .TOO 00 9.104 72 14. WW 24 14 Hiino n,20fl2 ,V4 .33 2H.HXI 00 24 113 12 3,360 00 3,322 40 3,410.77 ft 4fl,.VlR.4fl ft SI. (1X1 .W ft 4.XB44 H ft 2 tftono ft 2.12fl20 ft 3 117 41 2A.ttt'100 24,1.13 20 12.. O0.72 ft2.lM0Q ft 26.7(11 40 ft JJ.64S 13 VI Al XI1.I4RV AdCNt 11 1 1. Health SarvUe 1. Personal Service. Nurse 2. Supplies 3. t'h ileal Exams 2 Transportation of Pupils 1. Prrimial Marvlce, tiua Drivers . 3. Supplies 3 Repairs 4 lliiuo . . . I. Cafeteria 1. Personal Service a Csffttria Manager . h Cafeteria Cooks 5 Supplies . 3. Equipment II CAPITAL OL'TLAT 1. New Sites X New Buildings . 3. Alteration of Buildings 'Not Repairs) , 4. New Furniture and Equipment 5. Other Capital Outlays 1. Library Books 2. Improvement of Grounds Totals, Capital Outlays 7.0T4 00 34,41 1 40 I 800 on 3.100.00 ft 3(l.44fi 40 S 10.203 20 1H.0O2 00 l.:t'.H 12 20,744 IB 1 .Wi4 02 S,3fll.B3 IX VERT SERVICE NON-BONDED 1. Interest - - ft BOO 00 ft 800 00 ft 314 4fl ft IM70 X EMERGENCY ft 7,500 00 ft 7.500.00 GRAND TOTALS GENERAL PL'ND 7l2.t07 25 $612.327. 71 ft.Vri.Ofll ft.IXI.fl74 Ol Schedule 111 Nummary ef Estimates af Expendltares, Receipts and Available Cash Halsnres, and Tsx Levies General Fund Total Estimated Expenditures ... . . $712 117 24 Deduct: Total Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balances (Schedule It .1 :s4.'l!203on Amount to be Raised by Taxation 3348 9(12 23 Add: Estimated Amount of Taxes that will not be Collected During Fiscal Year, Approximately & of tax levy , . 17.948 11 TOTAL ESTIMATED TAX LEW ftl7B.0 .'If! Dated: April 30, 1948 Approved by Budget Committee, April 20, 1948 Signed: A W. HESTON, District Clerk Z. S. ROBINSON, Chairman, Board of Direr tors : R. K HOOKER, Secretary E. S HOItlNSON Chairman Statement of Indebtedness, nd Special Improvement Funds I BOND AND INTEREST FUND Bonds and Interest Outstanding, February 28, 1048 ...... Funds Available: Investments, U. S. Govt. Bonds Cash with County Treasurer .. Uncollected Taxes Total Available $ 7o.000.oo 3(1,303 79 8,011 4. H4 Balance to be Raised by Taxea Tax lvy for Fiscal Year July I. 1048, to June 30, 1049 . ft 17,I4flH2 ft 15.000.00 II SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT FUND SERIAL LEW I 4-Vear Herial Levy ftlVO.OOUOO approved I held June 19. 1944. at hpeclal Election Taxea Collected to February 38, 1948 . Interest on Investments ........ Total Receipts , Leas: Expenditures Construction Investment In U. 8. Govt. Bonds at Cost . 44.148 48 25.949.08 Total Expended , Cash on Hand, Marrh 77, 1048 Eilimslrd Receipts and Available Balances: Cash and Investment ......-..... Lnrolle'led Taxes ,, , ,JJ.. 194B-49 Serial Levy Total Less 1947-48 ConstrucUon CommltmenU , I 78,341 80 1,434.29 S 77,777.00 70,094.52 I 7,88147 I 33,830 83 3.848 30 20.(KK) Of) 87.288 83 22,9811.0) Available for Fui?al Year 1048-49 -..... a 14201182 Tax.'-v for Flval Yesr July 1, 1Q4B, to June 30. 1941 ' ' a, W.'mhuhi III MILLS SCHOOL SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT I UNO t 2-Vear Srriitl Levy ftlOO.000.00 approved at Hpeclal Election ) held May 33, 1948. Taxes Collected to February 38, 1048 . , tnfnUeeted Taxes Interest on Investments (In -aatrntnt U. B. Govt. Bonds at Cost 'flfl,388.54i , I 01.307.87 6,832 33 440.00 Total Funds Available A. 34 M. 0 - l?o. 108. 9100,400.00 Totals. Auxiliary Agencies ft 3 01 no ft 1.941 on J Vt3 70 234 W 1 4-1 iai fium 3UUOO Souuu luo nj 0D0 no 442 on nn 74 .l.fMsiiMi 34001x1 a. mm JVXJiwi .I.VNIiNI .12711 ft! 9.04U (KJ 1.1. 724 24 l'i.44J 11J I avion 1.147 V 1 2f4 14 I Jill 00 I rtJlH (f 3)1221 ll.lrllfXl 1 2 U Ul (Ml 9 iMUlf 221.1110 3.411 .VI oil ia ft 47.011200 ft 41.24.1 23 ft 44,197 B4 VII IIXEII t It A RUES 1, Inauranre I. Ituiidings and Equipment (Blanketl 2 Automotive .1. State Industrial Accident 4. Vault 5 Boiler S Retirement and Other Fixed Charges ..... vi no 1. 12" "1 7.UI IX) 3 ml 28 nrut 41) lift! 44 2'l 94 (XI 13, KM (XI Tolal, Fixed Charges ft 14,740 00 ft 15 uii4 iai ft o,ii.i imi ft l.7i ij VIM CAPITAL Ol TLATS 1. New Sllcs 2 N?w Buildings 3. Alterati'tn of Buildings Not Itepalrsi ft wxuxt ft 4V1 1x1 ft anna 74 4 N Furnllure and Equipment 2202 20 3 2.'n mi J,.i2.l 40 5. Oth"r Capital Outlay 1. Library Hooks ... - annuo lnxnrt no7 48 2. Improvement of Grounds .- S.lVtixi 8.474 mi S.U274 Total, Capital Outlays m ft 27.232 20 ft ml ft 7.1.312 41 ft 38 251(12 IX H MIT SERVICE 1. Interest ft OOO 00 ft SOOOO ft 120 8.1 ft 188 0 X EMERGENCY ft 7.400.0(1 ft 7.300 00 f.RANII TOTALS, GI.NI.RAL f I ' N It 4447 340 03 I4II.H.14 70 .I74 01IH4I S beilula III Nummirr ef Estlmsles af Expenditures, Rsrelpts, and Availshla t ash llalam-rs, and las Levies General land Total Estimated Expenditures ft447..l5n 03 Deduct: Tolal Estimated Receipts and Available Cash Balances iKae Schedule Ii UkiHliioO Amount to be Raised by Taxation - ......-..- - 2ti,44oo;i , Add. Eslhnaied amount nf taxes that will not be collected during fiscal year, approximately ft- i, nf tax levy 14.827 00 Total Estimated Tax I-evy 3ll,37 03 Dated: April 111, IIH8, Approved by Hii'lieM Committee, April 1U, 111411. Signed: A. W. MKKTON, Hignnd: HAY UAKKSIJ1AW, Dlalrlcl Clerk. Hirretniy nelson nr.r.n, nelson mkkd. Chairman, Hoard of Directors Chairman. GENERAL IN MIKM A 1 ION Slalenient af Inrifhledness, Rend and Interest Fund, and Special Imprnvemfnl Fund I HON D, INIEREHI- AND HINKING FUND Reserve Bond Si Interest Fund: Cash In Hand nf County Treasurer, March 31, 11)48 . Investment In Series "C" U. H, Tax Notes Uncollected Taxes . , ft 8,1311 28 44,000 1X1 2,434:1,1 Total neserve Bonds and Jnlaresl Outstanding ft 34.IH1I 39 27,7.11.24 Surplus .,. . No Tax Itevy required for fiscal year July 1. 1048 In June 30, 10411 II SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT FUN II SERIAL LEW I fl-Venr Levy nf ft304l,oon 00 approved al special election held I June 27, 1044. Taxes Collected to March 31, Interest on Investments u Total Receipts , Isa Expenditures: Construction Investments In U, I. Govt. Bonds, Cost Tolal Expenditures Cash on Hand, March 31. 1048 , $ 40.818 40 150.140 34 EsllmaleS Receipts and Available nalanrsil Cash and Investments, March 31. 1048 Uncollected Taxes 1948-49 Serial Levy Available for 1048-40 . Tax lavy for fiscal year July 1, 1048 lo June 30, 1040 , . 34.-: m S-No. inn IIM.7SA.74 ft 311,3118. 4H 193,838 BO 11.179 10 811,000.00 2tt.VI7li 80,000.00 BOSTONIAN SHOES at DON'S Winsma Hotel Bldg. 1125 Main Stroot Phona 6S20