HFRALD AND MEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON New Today Nt-w lodaf AT HTUI rilMTMUT J(IK"-A g II A 411.11 N u II II A inn LuLHTNt'T J"K ly lied J. f A.I tine, by J' Heed, Ut HIrIi n lit, 1 Jirt Is ''"'"I'liihtnl 1 1 I m h Ii-h., Mill, IMHM-I. K'MXl I'OMloiMlMlUiH W .' 1 .h. lull . Ill mm. .ii Ml. I. k r ml other fit eta, I'M 1MI'VI " 'ran I M HollMiain WlnlaMii tiam'h. KuuU Ji llos lluu, Klamath aH., y,)H RENT l-lwilttMitii li..u, nxwlv fltVl .......... .lily coii,.le iii(ili. 21AU Oak mtimr V HI. mil EAI.E-Mii-taie. fur mat, .It. J, liti new. Aim Thiii 4. ! 44 Ay. f-nr.liiM)UM iihnIviii hunt Ur ! in uatiiialtt niiiI tai ins. Hu,tnJ litmta ! ol Miguel Oil HI. II... I OH HAl.K Watliliuiua Wat-lilti ins ' ,1,1m, Utf(i cuiiilllliiii. -U. I'lmnt crlllr miir.N!.rv iiintmkt, i 'mm, win i ,.- ".- ..... . ....... ... "( !' "' He-4.U I"t lit I n mutii'ii il'iH i"'i Nufv llutu.il fc. i...l Tlaiith ut uliona iioil. fOH MAI.k On lo II IhtniMft tiilir al Allamoitl liallir i'mik, j.tu INCOME PtlOPKHTtm Hautllul til U'k !' "I hima. .ltlt toll." 1U-. I luiiM.MPii riiii.i'n ut vary gtMxl ( iHiuilion. 1 lili u tuta Ullita- tiiml J aiHilnttiBMl ujily. Drill ftiMillliaitl hutue, tir.il, litillitlrig, I,MM liN'llMit, "uillaly fill i.UhvtJ ttsmi t.nxA) aaily litvunta. Full pilt biI.Oiju, la mii. , TU inn i iniimt At IK IIJ-HUK ur . K MoHKINl.1 llaaltuia T Main Ph4.na XIII JOt( MALE ltt.tlnt.nl ltf haatai , JU f im Urti.K. I'ttf talil l MWilUf , rasa. I.Ik new 4 iJtt Min JH hAl.JC Tlatl frvah Jimt GuMim twiier ai iK-atlii 4 KMinta with mild M fliuU down a ltd lalana al It A I. IIAHiiAIN farllally fiiititatiail t lilimdii liiMita tui I at ! tf'xxj mil Nvrl trilvriiiaUtl Utaga and chh ken Imiu. 1 ItUnh hunt tltia bu mWABT I.KNNOX Kidtta on 3'- acta Wall and piaMiiia "" . . . fllnO rh Utt (lhU 1 !lioom hunt HMI laln' ttofa' sxw s urDiiocnti ftlcalr arraii:l, wall (mill. In r Ciitnail ttluilaii dlalilrl llntall artaag ttutlnn (J ray fr Malh Brown Aanati With K (.IIAV iomr ciumu ii-uifdti jni Main I'hona SOOd 't.nlnfa fKttrt or Miai J.tWT Hiark Cdrkar Hiatilal. ait.wt.rt In tit nni. "Andy " liawaid Ital iu TK CAMMV a f'.il bt.la lawn liH fatdan d. TtiriV HlK T-Kl) nlir ath and ral Main fON ftAl.F IWn Hudaon 4 l..r rUn rfallrtl rontlltl-m IWit huy In tin 1U EliUtfado I'Mima 4UU " nVa DHAhP. II far your SbV harntHxi lawn rakaa t a. hlaJap and S 4 ft IM i Mr m wnAKC i.t-Miirn co 10 Spring I'hona Mo APT rtt HTST: ttmiy thing furnuhj I4Q4 Klamath ffH ftAlJC 1 piar marnrni ovr1nha) at. 1 mnMtn awlna mrltf, I dining rmm a I. I light Tiwdrim aal mm Kala. I Cnldapul faf riaa alr. I rnffra h!aa, brnwn bunk twda, rtxnilala iv Milyard. th4na ft44 fOII 1A1.E OtMrtuaf Hull. mitk owa, t hull ralva VI iMrur ('( ' gjlggar, I hnr ruitlvaUira, I aprlng fnw tAl 1T? Chavmlat. 3un4 Clinton Tharm $ omj IJVfcTftTK AI'CTION WHY WrDNINDAV, I JO I. M. c a rn k: him;- "I mtrr.i'! Waa fu hava ivaatK-h raadr fr mar- lltl, II will pay jrmi t rnnln (hem to lha UJMATM I.IVMTin.H I uiii. ION CO. what lha pttta of piaf, rdar. and ihlpir Iniyara aaauraa ytu of tM mar ii at pruaa lr our llvaatork Claud Hilbarl. ovntf f tlia Tnwtr lrl In. haa auumnl miniiintnl ( lha lunrh mom and will ! pn for Wualrtaaa IO m avaiy Wrdnraday. Kl.AMATIt 1.IVKSKKK CUMMIHftlON I'O Mma in 4 Midland Mna4 Guarh Itrna H C !!' Mltwlaa. Aucllnnar aTTrilANirAU-V mlndad man M-k Into NalttgeralKtn and Air Lundithmln aa a ptoiilahla fuluta tiiMt. Utila I UIIH-a tmi, i3l iat lt-iald and Nawa. Make mink mikmion sahhapaiuiJ-a ' pmaciicau NUIIHINO Train quirk I y at hMma Kirallanl ly. Many aarn whlla laarning Infonna tlun mtr Wna ahwil f I'racliial Nuraittg, IIok I JO cat llarald and PllKSHKH" WANTED - Xaphtr CUanart. t all Oakrtilga UJl. (IimiMR I3U No. 91 h ," ' L6T rOK HAI.K n Etwrtaln. raaon- at.la I'h-ma UW full S AIT My aijulty !n 1bj7 Miliar Chavmlat. A I ronllllon h attar A p. m 4100 lmmii ln. ( otinty Infirmary. . R'ASTKI) Dairy rwi Phona . frANlEt) TO Hf-NT, by count. a-id- rrx.m unlurnlahad hma rartimnctit rantar. Kt llant lalcrant a. Mr. Mawaa, pltnna 4inl. F0U flAl.E Citllapalhl baby liuggv. Ciiollanl rnnduinn. Ilatitinalla and baaalnal, 'J0. I'hnii 3 iiU. toll f(Al.K-'4 Cltav. Multir b A t i-midltHm. S naw Hrr. niw paint. liiMMl rhaap trapMrltto. 105 Ne vada HI. FoH AAl.C-lSii""fL" P-tri Orf.ird radar Ihmii and tiallar. Prtca IW. Pl'n niM. Xl.TEItATIONiriadlaallorlng Work guaranteed BUI Loltaga. I'hona WW4. SluilIKH with arnall baby taaira pat lion aa huUaakrMir. I'huna 701U. WANTKO- riial rlaaa cut off oprlr. hteadv work, loo wif. I'hona 1114, 1 J HpiMNur Ktver, Orrgiki. ion MKiN r- -Furnianau una -i Ai'ltK ami .1 riMiin Imnia for rH at 1414 r.aal Mnln or pliuoa .IftilM allar II t Ml Koil HALF, 'j'l tonka aa.i.ll. horaai. will ha liaia Ilia inldilla of Ilia wik (ianiKr Muillua ftoil ImI, I'huna AUliU or 4 1 J I foil MAI. K Davenport, rocking rlialr, Huiihraoi Iron, Monlng wood fiirnara, Old Town t-aiiiig. I4IIWordan. Phona MAKK MINK MINNION HAHMAPA Hll.l IIOMNE roil lir.NT I. rail Aiigml IS. PltMim y I if id) 1 Mootinq Nollcot I o a K No 1.17 Kvtiry TiiPmhiy a 00 P fith itiitl Mnln HI M. 3 mtt MKOItl.AH MEETING, Klaoialli liclga of I'aifau Ihiii, Monday availing, May :i II i m llalhdlnfl and OHi dagir I'oitfarrrd Ha ftaahinrnla All matnlaif and vlaltora roidlally In Vllad. A E IIAMIIIH. Vanaiahla Maalar. kij, Cratrr Dalat hrnarit nf MA II INK COIU'fl I.KAOl'K Ktamath rail ()ia . WKM'OMK .u "ohm, aa Marinae, V W H a and thalr fam- V lllaa and frlanda o and to tin k ua i ii in , Coma uvar. KC 4lh and Main, luaaday. May 4Ut. Ilvfiaahinanta. Kl.AMATIt fAI.I.H AKItlK No 3'WO Itogular rniiiini avrrv 'fuaaday nlghl . 1 4s p m roc tall Ulh and Walnut Vlaltlng marnbara ordiallv Invllad Farmers Attention! Land leveling, experienced i operator. D-8 Cot Dozer and 13-16 vard Carryall. Will bo available now, D. J. Vega. Phone 8369. PAINTINa,'"ilai'oralli.g,'pai'rhaiiging. plaatartmard flnlahlng arid aitruy imlnlltig, Katlniataa glvan. Phona .nan PIANO TUNING and repair Hava your piano tunad al lawat omr yrar. I'hoiia Jim Jlinaiaon, rrglatrrad tuiinr, 2 027H, Klt'l'll.lKlt. fill dirt and lop toll Phona '1-tnm EVANS CAMINtl BlIOP 311 at Main I'hona 42fe PAINTINO Intarlor'ard axlaHor Kam lonlna II L, llrown onona WM PlC'rnnr ritAMINO Camao Shop tfi Main i'hona mm IffMal and ting fitalaiira Moving Crating Parking and ttiomga KI.AMA ril rilKKill l LINr H Phona 77 I K0 Klamath Ava OAIIDKN 'preparation. New. modern erjuiiiuianl Plow any depth Itae (iorriy, 7KHI HI. 2. IIok 412 DICKKON rt'llNITI'ltr, SHOP ITplinI' alailng. rrflnlahlng, repairing, auringa raroiidliiitned, Phona 4A17, Ui41 Hhaala Way. 4 General Notlcet Mt lir.WAHD for t-tiirn of 3 flvrod IHilea Willi lad Oien-o-malic teela, aioln from gteeii '41 Oodga coupa. Porionoli PMIVATK DKTKtrrtVES Oil tlOIH Or OMR(ON Write H... m t at Herald Nawa HAIlTrNhKH and worker for aummer and fall rrvenlag haale and guaran MPS Re the fine aelerttnn nf Hegant I'ark nien'a atilta al llndr'i. Main. Troniportation Heavy Hauling Crane or Wines wok t ail 77(11 ki.ama ril ritr.ujiiT links 10) Klamath Ava 10 Service! s ure YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON YOUR FURNITURE or SALARY And On YOUR CAR $50.00 to $300 00 $50 00 to $500 00 I I hi aiaaA muni hi v. 4111 N. lull) Ml. lilACTOH OK HAl-K- Oliver 10 aland ard, Ilka nrw wt .i 2 Ifullom lit-nit h plow (Oliver Hadem. One l It. cover crop dlao. tina li ft Weed H"'g apnng loolh and one Tnmblehug acrape. AM In A-l condllion. Prhed lor quick ale. K. K. Wilken. P. O. Uo IW, ttianta Paaa, Or. FOH MC.NT -Vligln potato land, clnae In In Klamath ralla. I'h.uia 111.1 Npiagu Xlvei or fltlftJ Hattinlay and hiimlay. il'Kf'IAt,- One Poutlac 8 recondllloned and guaranteed motor, file MH to 41 modela. Only 175. One WO hp. VB Kord engine, reiondlllimed and guar; nteed. tinlv IWI Ml. KAt.KHS All lO HKItVICE, II 1 1 0 While. Phona TJ7B. WANTED TO KENT by reliable couple. I or 3 I tad room home ur apt. lurnlah ed. Phona H.VK). Vol! "CAN miY thrae boala. gmid con dllion. Examlnallon Invited. One M ' ft. trtdler, aa.l hp. CMC lneml itowar mill One a4 II., H II. Iwam ItoHeri all atari grttr and rrnb gnti 'M Oray Ha power; aell with r without rrah pola. Hea at Crencnt City. Owner O. A. Hilar. Itt. 11, Hog IM, Leonard Itond, llrMtita Paaa, Oiegun roll flAl.E- 11147 Mrntirv Kordor aertnn. Uood condllliin und prluod right, aiaa ('ai)iinn Ave. flOTPOlNT alectrlcrnnge, tfllli Mode) A Ford pickup. Phone ;i4:i. fli:itl CIIEVKOI.ET amlan. Cheap, Phuna a 0505. 14X1 Hutnmtira Lane. 'OU CArtPKNTKll WOHK rail 4270. MAKE MINK MIKHION HAHSAPAHH.I.A OM SALE - Modal A Ford, I'hunt :i7IH) or rail at 1211 Waahlnglun. Oil. pE AND riTTINUa tr aalt. M4I Ho. fllh. FOH HATIIItnAY, MAY dfwg have ona fnniiinmeni nf 1122 head good itiallly Whllefara cowa and helfera coualal l"g f: fill bead Whlteface rowa and falvea hv thalr aide, fttl heatl White 'are apritigera, 40 hriirt Whltrlnw bred .- heifer. 40 head Whllefara Inns r- Hug hrlfera. 42 head .vearllng hellera and aian our uaiial run of jlvoalock ml houe. ItHAUH linOfl. AtlCTIOM YARD Urriindn, ('nllf. Phono b;iim , X(iTBAr,l!Oll THADK- Modern Mierf- room home, Vi ai'ie, cniCKen in'"". i garage, ahop, gurden plowed, will trade for a ur :i bedroom in realueit till illniilrl. Phune Hlino. And Repoy From Future Income. COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. tth St. Llr R2SI Mill Phone 7711 Tom O'Dwyer, Mgr. Fertilizer and Dirt NOW U tlif time to put It on nrw mid old lnwiu. flower, and gnidciu. AIM InmUraplm. J. A WEST Phone J-OB95 EXCAVATING Mobil Shovel and Trench Itoe Bulldowr - rill Dlrl Topaoll Driveway Cinrtera CRANE SERVICE GRAHAM BROS. Phona 4977 SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Neurit Sanitary Method Alao ROTO ROOTER SERVICE Clean Brwer Line, of Root. Bte Phone QUO or 3230 ED a KINO SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED DRAIN TILE PUT IN L. A. KING Phone 9682 FULLER BRUSHES CLEM JOYER I4.1S Martin Street Phona 5877 TRACTOR WORK Lame or amnlt. Garden work MHTlnlty. Phone 2-0741. 3809 Sum mer. Lane. For Ambulance Service Phone M0 24-Hour Service Anywhere r- Anytime Koler's Ambulance Service &INI10W Ct.fcANINCf. horn. andennf. mrrrl.l Imillur work I'.tnleil wall. clrmiril. flitor. plrnnfil .nd wnxscl. JESSK HUlinAIID 4t SONS IMiniiD 7(178 nr H47H CAWPrNTrit WOHK, palnlliijr ln.ul. and mil. nnprrlmn.lna. Nn Jnu Die or mull. Plume 2 IWIM7 or CHIITAINS "I.AHNnrilED, pickup am delivery. I'luin. 4IM10. Alf vnur eiirlnln. to nnh'. Laundry lie. I71A Main. You .Irctch 'am. loo n p.nei. M iSwiNd-MSPINfl ANO llAttnOW- INC. -tlnrrlen. or ncrenge,. No Jnli too mail. Mnytinrrl Nnillli. 4.110 Wlnt.ra Ave. Phnnn 7IK14. niiihru Pt.mviNrl. ttliirlna and nar. hv Inh nr hutir. Phone 111)20, nr ee Meivln Dnu.laa, 32X1 llnmedal. llraiil. MUCK l.A VINO-In:i4 Utah n.OOB SANDING mid raflntalilng Norman Fral.y phona 1I.VIH 'l.onnSSiindlii and rednUnlnl. I'llKiird tlnlilen. I'hona .10. ri.n:MlMn rire..iiinklna. alternllnn.. (Irara Ca.ey, phone 71H7, Pallcan Theetre Apl.. . R DC IIKMSTITCIIINCJ, loc rd fol co m. IJi vd toi .Ilk Arl Naadle- work Hhup nan Main, upneir. HAIKU SMITH'"-' Cement contractor. Phone 4i:i0. 31140 Pallr.on. TincTHirv voun shwinq maciiink Molom and unhli i ;2M,T Kree mmallallon a.tlmala furnl.litd III "v"'r... u,mn UACIimr rri 4ia Main' fno"' '" Sorvlcei 30 Rool Eitare For Sale ST. FRANCIS PARK Among other nUrnctlve home., 6 room wi!ll coiiHtrucU!d 2hv(lrooiii homo with fuMince, tlrcplncc, hurd wiMid flrxra. dlnlim room. Bluccu exterior, corner lot, Kiiruiie, lawn, ahrulM. UW)0, tcrina. Walking Distance 2-bedroom Ktlnn live home at 115 H. Liikuiiii Ht. Larue livlntc nxmi, utility porch, attached guriigf, luwn, ahri.ba. 15800, Uiriiui. Mills Addition 3 Iwdrooma. Newly built, 6-room apucloiia home, all room, on one floor. Oil furnuce, fireplace, hard wood floor, throughout, large tiled buth, dining room, double guruge. Over i:i00 aoj. ft. of floor apace. Corner lot, paved atieet both aldea. Bee Ruy Moon CHILCOTE & SMITH RKALTOIlfl 111 N. 0th Ph. 4504, 8529 The Pioneer Afctucy 12 Educotionol liOOKkVlKIMNO Hhorif.and f r p n Klndied auhlerta olfli-a machinaa KI.AMA ril HUmNCKH COU.fOK Til ln- Mhnne 47ft" VOICE "'ANBTTANO" TNBTHtJCTION' Ith'Mla Ann He own ,caaona at atu datit a hoine or al atudlo I'hona for appoint tnanl, 3259 or leave meeaage at i:tin 14 Help Wanted, Female WANTKD. An aprleneed mlddleaged hnuaakeeper. Muat liave referenras I'hrma .tlir. TYPIST-RTKNO'.' neat appearing young ;iri, aieany poainon Kaceiieni cnanta or advanremant. (I'hmI atari I ng aal arv Mr. Dunran. 115 N. loth. ANTKD, "rar hop. Apply In peraon," ttino a Drlva In. No phone ca I la. WANTED; Houaekeeper who wanta grKd noma, ixiard and wagea win ronalner one or two children. Write nt. a tlox 4U5 HOtiNfKrrPfn wantad for rnotherleat hnmi, I.lve In No objection to arnall rhtld. I'hona U74 avenlnga and waett anda 16 Holp Wanted. Male WANTKD. buaW Apply Clno'a Drlva- In. in pcraon, altar 7 JO p m. NP.AT API'RARINO young man to learn arnall loan Imalrieaa onod penman. Cxrallenl future He Mr. Duncan, ..oral l-"n, lift N. 10th. tee Mutt Hand bond Rill Corarh. Cluartx Mt. Sarvlce Station. Phone J T g tikevlaw. WANTFD, an experlenred offlre and rredlt manager for local bualneaa. Muat be ahla In take complete charge of all rredlt bualneaa. Aga 24 to Xt. Call 0330 WANTKD, anaggreaaiva. neat appearing f-oung man to learn retail aaiea witn arga national organisation. Age 31 In 2.1 Call B2.V). 9lASTf.fi. farmhand between age nf 20 and M yeara Muat Ina well expert en red with operation of tractors and farm tonla aa well aa general farm ork San' ford Jonea. Ilttnanra. Ore. 'ft Situation! Wanted R'O URN available for any odd jobs tou may hava Fhnne U742 CAN rotntil) gardrn or lawna " Call at 31'MI itryant Ave . or phone 2-OK.T7 WANTKD. part-time Job from I pm to a p m., cleaning office or beauty parlor Phone 2 01 ID. WILL rare for children by the hour. nav or weea. i'hona on. W11.I. rare for' children day or eva Inga Phone 7MIL , . . DIKAIlt.CD' war" Veteran "wiihra "job ai nitrni wmrnmin. fnone mrn. 22 Room i For Rent ftOOMKTM. Jefferaon "Ohm ia-M Miih OR HEVT comfortable" fcorneliVe a rep Ing roomi 114 N 3rd. FRONT ItEOllOOM "for renirVWlri. No rhIMren. Call 8130 after S 30 p. m. Al.rriMNti ROOM for rent, cloae In. 816 Walnut. rVRNIMIiEflrOOM Weekly rateei A"irt:T hotti.. nil Main. Huge Profits Oregon, California, Washington Tax Delinquent Properties I to 640 ocrcs, 25c to $3 ocre minimum bid. Fraction octuol volue Send 6c postage for circulars and maps. PACIFIC LANDS Box 2350 VZ Hollywood, Calif. FOR SALE 10 acrea. level, irrigated land. fenced mllca to city center.$35O0. (2000 00 down. 3-bedroom modern home at 925 Addlaon. $3600 00, $1400.00 down. Uood 3 -room houie, not modern, exceptionally well furnUhed. On good lot In ChcUea Addition. Large attractive home In Bl. Fran cU Park on corner lot 111,500.00. Terms. Hnp Caldwell Salesman Newt Nelson REALTOR 30 Real Eitate For Salo HOMES FOR SALE Everett Dennis Realtor 131 N 8th 8t Phong 8401 tl IN" MAf.fN -Modern J-bedrvm home for aale Can be aen afur 7 pm. r.d Aolt Malln. Ore frtlfHAl-iC partly"7urnlarid a-rwirn houaa on v-t acre, extra room rum on garage, Walk-In fooler. $.1230. 4771 f'llmax Phone 70tt2 35 32 Buildinq & Remodeling AIX TYPr.fl Or HOOKINO applied ant) Stiaranteed by an aatartiianea firm e rilg Uaaln Lumter Co or phone :il44 CAHINHf"WOltKriAflirOOOH -Have ua quote for you on iirx'K tiema or low roat ruatom made work KUHUItHAN LUMUKH CO. 47R4 ft nih Phone 7700 34 Fuel-Heating Wood to Burn SLABS 16-inch Dry Mill Run $3 50 12-inch Dry Fir Slabs $ 1 1 .00 PROMPT SERVICE CONVENIENT CREDIT Peyton & Co. 916 Market Phone 6149 OltY PINE BUK'Kft for aale try truck or trailer MRTIJCI BROIL K fltb and Altamont Drive Phone 5832 BIK'KWOOD FOR SAI.E At facry" Call 11T4. AMERICAN BOX CORP.. ft Prague Rive'. Ora 35 Automotive RADIATOR SERVICE Have your radiator and block chemically cleaned without remov ing from car when you take out your anil-freeze and save the ex penae of removing Also saves un necessary motor repalra caused from over neatlng The cooling sys tem la the life of your motor Our Business Is a specialty and not a sideline, we have Yucon all copper core, for al) makes and model, of car. and most all trucks W. do .team-cleaning of any kind All work guaranteed. ,- Klamath MFI SON Rpnl Fstnte ,951 8. 6th Phone 5.63 or 4008 R Q fop Vpp 24 Apartments For Rent rOR'RENT t'nfiimlahed duplex apart- ntent, noi water neat, mupfa umy, 73 Call 3BA3. avanlnaa 0364. fOll KENT, partly furnlahed"" apart ment, uiiania tor eingie lauy or gentleman. In good location. I'hona 3H34. 26 Houses For Rent CTAHTNS-ly "day "Vr week Reasonable Cleary e Moiei X335 Biehn Highway 97 North folTttENT-badrooni furnUhed Tiouie. Phone B.1I7. ffiR RENT, lroom hirnlthed cablm 1141 ptne 28 Miscellaneous For Rent rORRENT electric belt Bander, acrew larka. electric floor polisher, hydra ulle lacka. lawn roller KLAMATH VALLEY LUMnr.R CO 140 8ntth flth Phone 4818 VACUUM l.CANEft rOH RENT -Phone gnu TRUcKSornirTveouraelt 6K Tranafei t'hone 4455 ritdCKS and rare for rent You drlve" Move yourself aava half Stllea Beacon Plervlce. 1201 E Main Phone 8:H 30 Real Estate For Sale MILLS 3-bedroom home. Concrete fouudn- tlon and double constructed. Break fast nook and large dining room. Hardwood floors, utility room, etc. All rooms largo with beautiful kitchen and lots of bullt-lns and storage apace. Price S 10,000. Terms. Hanks Street 4-bfilroom home with full base ment on 3 Inrgo lota. Completely repainted Inside and out. Large living room and dining room with beautiful hardwood floors. A real buy at $8500. Good terms. Mills a- bedroom double constructed home with concrete foundation. All rooms plastered. Extra large utility porch. On pavement and aldrwalk. Half block to bus. (5500 with $1900 down. I Bee Joe Leonard, with Henry Newhouse REALTOR 140 E. Mnln. Ph 9832 . (Eves. B60B) 2-bedroom house, concrete founda tion, on 13 acre. This place Is nice and clean. Oood Irrigated soil. Lots of fruit trees and ber ries. Immediate possession. A stucco plastered house on Rose way Drive. 5 rooms and nook. Full basement. Anyone wanting a real home, tills la 1U Immediate possession. 5-room modern home. 5 block, from business district. A cheap home. Close In. A 2-bedroom home. Hardwood floors throughout. Tile bath. Steel bulltlns. Full basement. Large lot. Nice lawn and shrubs. Furnace. Apartment house and 5-room home this Is nice Income property. Moderately priced. R. P. Oliver Salesmen : A. V. McVey (59321 Bob Ross (3622) Agnes M. Oliver Doran Brett (2-0973C Steve Moss i6306 228 N. 8th Ph. 4710, 7177 1901 South 6th s Phone 6942 Automotive 36 Mitcolloneoui For Sola Save Motor Wear 1000 Mile lubrication is the enemy of motor weor. Our "grease mon keys" fight wear-ond-tear by giving your car the RIGHT AMOUNT of grease in the RIGHT PLACES No skimping of service at Rose Motor Co. 4th & Klamath Phone 8164 Need Hot Water? A Coleman Automatic Water Heater Costs Less to Operate Than Any Other Heater Swan Lake Mldg. Co. Ph. 3109 OVERHEAD TYPE SECTIONAL GARAGE DOORS Residential and Industrial Electrically ar Manually Operated For an estimate call M C. De WITT 2546 Applcgata Phone 3734 MAGNETO SERVICE AUTHORIZED SERVICE STATION Bosch Eisemann Case Wico Foirbanks - Morse PARTS AND SERVICE SPECIALIZED SERVICE CO. 1434 Main Phone 5103 FOR A GOOD Used Truck See Jerry or Juck JUCKELAND Truck Sales & Service, Inc 11th A Klamath Ph 7755 COMPLETE RADIATOR Service CLtANING FLUSHING REPAIRING BALSIGER MOTOR CO. Main at Esplanade 80-ACRE FA RM 62 acres under ditch, extra sub-Irrigated pasture land goes with Una farm: 2-bedroom home with extra bedroom on utility porch. Deep well, good water, pew barn, 38x40; 100 Juniper fenceposts; dump rake; 2-sectlon drag harrow; 5-ft. spring tooth hnrrow, 5 ft. mower, one hay stacker, one pig, 125 lbs. or more; 24 chickens, two Jersey heif ers. 30 months old; 2 3-year-old unbroken saddle colts. Fenced with Paige wire. Electricity, rock road, school bus service. This farm lo cated near Klamath Falls. A real buy for only $14,500. See Harry Van, salesman with Henry Newhouse REALTOR 140 E. Main Ph. 9B32 (evenings 8041 ron 8AI.K 4-rnnm limine, lot 80x130, Mll.Vl. DOS Comm.rcLI Street. tOn SAl.f. AT IMIRNS. Or. (Iivwl Income nnuierly. clou. In. Two s-rnoin apt., down. Lira, 4 .lr.pln, room, up.latr. nr) bNlli. nuliltle entrnnr..' p-tirnl.h.ri. Pltono 4031 or writ Hox 493, Burn., Ore. BIIII.DINCI LOT FOR SAI.R-Gond lo--Hon. appntxtmnlf ly flOxISO, In lint SprlligN Addition, on Alamrda SI., blni-k tuirk of hlRh xi'hool. Price .(ISO mh Phona HSI1S after S p.m. rort sai.s tot on Altamont, .4.10. Terms. .... A very comfortable home. 9-b.dronm, modern; chicken hnti.e, rabbit hutchem, .drug., root cellar, I. acre. In Nhndy Pine, acroim from one of th. bent .tucked Utile .loroi In tin valley. Only tOTSO, Term.. AF.TNA rinoKKRS SA1.K Phone P0T. A.a Thompeon, 324 Broad SWAN LAKE 1000 acres lke bottom land for grain. S5 acre lease. 320 acres, 2ti0 acres cultivated. This Is Kood Rrnln land. Small house. Barn, chicken house. Full price $8000. See AL SCHMECK, with J. E. Hosking REALTOR 517 Main Phone 3211 CHELSEA ADDITION Near Spooner'a Service Station, north of town. Modern 3-beitrooin home, aplc and ipan Garage. Irftt 100x100. Price $3050. Very attractive terrtu. DALE A HOWES. REALTORS All Eaat Main Phone 73tkl or 6045 Inquire ahout the benuttrut new modern Nornae Aluminum Houiea. Kitchen, hath, tlvlnn room and 2 -bedroom model coala but $1220 00 deliv ered. For further Information call 6A0S. POH SALE ortri.de my eaiiitylh"twv bedroom home, located In Summers Pnrk Phone WJ2 after B pin WANTED-l.ol In Hoi Sprlna addition. Annroxlmatelv HMxl0O ft. or 7Sx7S ft. Contart Gene Oldham. Phona 3644 bet wren B and S p. m. FOR SAI.E. Irallrr home, one of the hel. not new hut In flood condition S4.MK1 factory prlre of new one Will trade on home or equity. 9 a.m. to 8 p m., dial tidim. FOR SALE .1-rnnm furnlahrri home, nice lot With shade trem, near ttlehn and Oregon Avenue, me ami,iiu. Terms. f Rexlaurnnt unrl eqilpment. 11 rental room, well located, doing good bualneu. Prtct S3000.00. Termi. Sre Fred Cofff RAltNHlSKL AUKNCV lit I. Hh. Phona 4198 ' HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID FOR USED CARS Check with Us FIRST! THOMPSON USED' CARS . 7th and Oak Opposite P. O. So. Phone 7256 For Better USED TRUCK VALUES see Steve Mosher or Joe Daly at West-Hitchcock Corp Your White Truck Distributor ! 677 a 7th St Phone 7771 RADIOS DELCO& PHILCO Authorized Sales and Service COMPLETE REPAIR FACILITIES Aerials Batteries REPAIR PARTS SPECIALIZED 4 SERVICE CO. 1434 Main Phone 5103 FOR SALE, 1941 Super Butck Sedan. Excellent condition. Radio, heater. Phone .TB37. 14;tl Avalon. 1EM7 FORD, 1-ton panel for salt. 3717 So.6th or phone 659.1. FOR SALE. 19; Bulck Roadmaster aedan. Motor and tires excellent con dltlon Call Tulelaka 4391 between S and 6 p.m. FOR SALE. 1917 Bulck 2-door sedan. tMO, Phone 9024. FOR SALE. 1940 Plymouth coupe. 'AX motor with about 18.000 miles. Good tires. Call 7492, 3-0210 week days. DO YOTJ NEED Auto Glass Installed? Reasonable Prices Prompt Service Call At Kimball's Glass Shop 527 Walnut Phone 7378 FOR SALE: 1947 Mercury station waion. excellent shape. Priced right. See at 1100 Mam. FOR SALE. 1941 CQMack truck, with 471 CMC dletel engine Just over hauled. 3-epeed BL and Paige trailer steel on It Also extra parts. Will conaider late modal car or pickup as trade-tn. Kriva.it owner. Box Owi, phone 338. Weed. Calif. lb"R SALE," Model A FortTcoupe. new motor, new tires, gooc paint, nugn Gibxon. Do rri 1. Calif. Box 341. For SALE. 1935 "Plymouth sedan, 9355. r-none aaoa. FOR SALE. '41 Bulck convertible. accessories, A-l condition. C. H. Ross, Bly. Oreion. Phone 603 Bly. 1940 Dodfte pickup with ttob removable top, 730. Telephone jiiki. FOR SALE. Ford Semi 24-ft. duaTaxft trailer, Brownlipt. Eaton- Will sell trailer separately or accept 1 -ton as part payment Walter Smith Jr.. phone Lorel la 621, Bonansa. Ora. 3226 8. 6th 42 Livestock and Poultry POULTRY WANTED Cash paid for any amount. Top market prtcea tor good quality. For quotation 1 PHONE 3657 Klomoth Poultry Farms 3229 Board man Street irXfiTTri Now Ham pa hi rat frorrTfws wmki to five waeaa oiu. upen Bun days. Phona oS Oregon Etata Hatch try. 3720 ft. flth. F6R BAlX-B saddle pmies, agt'l anal 4, 912A aarh. Camp Newell T14. P hoi it 0712 Ttilelake. WEANRr PtCH tor aleToarrHartfetr. Green Gardens SPECIAL A specimen flowering tree given with each purchase of $25 or more. Shade, flowering, fruit trees, evergreens and flower lng shrubs. Complete landscaping wrvlce. 2654 Hope Phone 3-0367 AlJUINfi MACfflNKS Calculator!. Type writers. .aio rtagiaicra. lmsks. Chairs. Flies. PIONEER PRINTING STATIONERY CO. 123-124 8 9th St. ftARdTnJTAH" BiNKETS.ni'renjni quaiuj, ocauiiiui paiiarns. aim nave hotel, motel and apartment house blankets, sllvtrwart. Phone 7723 for appointment. AMERICAN fLOO R S AN D E R adger latest type, duatless. swift and aaiy to operatt. KLAMATH VALLEY LUMHER CO. 1940 S 6th Phone Vilt FL'LLER BRUSHES H V MORGAN Phone S34S 933 South Riverside LANDSCAPING IS" OUR 8PTC1ALTYT Wa design and plant your home rounds with choice everfreena. flow ering trees and shrubs. Call ua for plans and eatimates of costs. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phona 42A 44 Miscellaneous Wanted fliniKfifpRlOES beitrior'hogsrvaai, lambs and cattla Johnson Packing Co, Phona 9.123 day oi avenina WANTED, "dead or worthleas an(mal Call collect, day oi night, for prompt strvtct Phone 463b or S323 KLAMATH lAl.UOW CO vVAfiTED to "rent. 3-bedroom house, fof aduiu only Local references Willing and ahle to taka good cart of prop erty. Phona 9677 ft EL! ABLE couple, no children, want fo rent ona or two-Dtaroom nouse. rnona 3-OB79. W A UTtQ '"TO REN'I'. l or-DtH"robm noma, call 4130 or sioo, ask for ur. Thompson. WANTED, light housekeeping rooms. apartment or house In vicinity . of Martin and East Main, Where 1 can have children with ma nights and Sundaya. Phona 7177. aak for Doris. AIRWAY -SANITTZOR Tht Vacuum Cleaner with tha THROW AWAY BAG" immediate delivery Service phone B833 4 HD 14 AllJa-Chalmer tractors. 10 and 12 it. d lanes, rear ena cabit control. Good condition. IfOOO. 1 HD-10. priced SMO0. MOTOR TRUCK St TRACTOR CO. 3650 East Main St., Springfield. Ora prtone 973 A rtwTON-baled "or chopped-alfalfa ana oat nar. puckbii Kancn. KetiO. Set Doug or Bob Puckttt or call Doug Purkttt 4333 Tulelake or 4949 Klamatb Falls. Bob Puckett. phona 5066. FOR SALE.Ift. davenport with matcb in chair. Phone 9190. 607- Hich. FOR SALir house moving equipment jarKs, aoiiiea. timDers. cames. puiieys. 1937 Chevrolet 1 S-ton truck. 1941 CMC 3 4 -ton army truck. 6-wheel with winch. W. McDanltl, 2333 Orchard. Phone 7429. F6r5aTE. 6-ft. Oliver grain drllfwlth grass seeoer aitacnmenu, gooo con dition, S300. Phont 4313 TultUko. Liiir. " EXfCTROL UXtl.tAStK4t AIR PURIFIER Sales and Service MP. 75 aame price since March t, 1S3S TARKXL TWEET 1133 Main Phont T167 Tire bargains Set DICK B MILLER CO for new Urea Leas than cost Tires taken to oa car chan ae -over sales DICK B CO MO Kit ma t h Phoua 4103 STOVES REPAIRED, all available parls stocked used furniture S-ovea oougnt OK Second Hand Store 2401 S 8th FOR SALE. Ilkt hewBaldwln Acroaonic Dlano. S600 Phone 7468. FOR SALE. Winchester ModertStwen- ty-two. Phone 7468 FOR SALE. FRUIT TREES. Plant now Ad Dies, pears, peaches, prunes, plums, cherries, apricots and combination apples. 2 to 6 varieties grafted on one tree. Strawberries and small fruits. LAKESHORE GARDENS NURSERY Phono 4286 FOR SALE," new bed daveno. 46 Financial See "Chuck" Bailey for Quick - Cash - Loans ($25 to $1200) A. Auto Loans Dp to 11200 whether paid foe or not aa long aa 34 month, to repay a convenient wa) tor a quick cash loan. B. Furniture Loans Dp to $300 character and ability to repay means mora than the security Itself aa attractive loan plan. C. Personol Loans A simple loan plan up to 30O (or all people with permanent employment. D. Private Car Sales Financed. Klamath's Oldest Locally Owned Loan Company MOTOR . INVESTMENT CO. ) C. A. Bailey, Loan Manager M-375 8-341 114 North 7th Phona 3339 CHOOSE YOUR ' LOAN SERVICE (Up to $500) i Thont AND AND GRAVEL, suitable 7468. CINDER. for concrete and driveways B A R NES phone 7659 FOR SALE Complete house moving equipment. Camp Newell T14. Phont 0713 Tulelake. ANYPART of 300 bushels of locally grown flax. Puckett Ranch. Keno. See Doug or Bob Puckett or call Doug Puckett 4333 Tulelake or 4045 Klamath Falls. BobPuckett phone5088. BORETnSH BARRELS for sale. Rap David Restaurant Supplies, 2413 So. 6th. ?OR SALE: New 6-inch black plot. Also we can supply W Inch and inch galvanized pipe with plumbng fixtures. DAVIS PLUMBING CO., 337 East Main. Phone S7l. FOR SALE Certified Blut"Tag White Rose seed potatoes. Sorting this week. Can also sort l's, 3's. or bakers to our order. Puckett Ranch, Keno. see iug or Bob Puckett or call Doug Puckett 4333 Tulelake or 4945 Klaroal Falls. Bob Puckett. phone aoso. . Driveway "cinders Phone 4677 36 Miscellaneous For Sale ANNUAL and perennial flowers. Rasp berries, currants and vegetable plants. Cooper's, 260 Kane. Phone 3023. KTLVlNATOR refrigerator," used, in ex cellent condition, nice white finish. 10 cu. ft. sire. A real value at a reasonable price. Fyock's General Electric Store. 1001Maln.Phone 5400. 35 FT. WESTCR AFT trailer home Oil heat, and sleeps 4. New tires, dolly and paint. SI 630. See Dick's Garage, Bonanza. Ore. A""C6mPLETE assortment of beautlfuT Mother's Day cards, gifts and gift wrapping are offered at the SHAW STATIONERY CO. 729 Main St. Phone 6002 FOR SALE 1940 Willys, 4-door sedan. S550 Phont 8183. May be seen at 2635 Radcltffe. FOR SALEfiDfl logging cat, good con dition. New LeToumeau front end. Rock crusher I5"x38", roller bearing with rec rusher, used very little, com plete with diesel power and ready for operation. 1500 42" carrier blocks, good condition. Rock Island Lumber Company. Sutherlin, Oregon, Phont 212. FOR SALE. Kelvinator refrigerator and" Speed Queen washing machine. Call 3-0907. after 6p.m. FOR SATE, one usedTWitte' diesel elec tric generator set 10 KW. Motor just overhauled and plant is In good run ning order. Can be seen at Union Sen-Ice Station, Lap me. Ore. Price S1000 delivered. FOR-SALE. 9x12 rug and "padTont year old. 836 Mitchell. 38 Pets ACANOD KENNILS-Re.iitered cocker ipini.t pupple. 6320 S6th "ANDERSON BOARDING KENNELS 5688 Delaware oft Hnmcdal. Road Phone 3047 42 Livestock and Poultry i-irriNniULK-0'reonSUt H.tcherr S 6th St vV ANTED Large 'colored henT CnrB1 Poultry Farm, phone 40ti8. FOR'SALE. onebred mereloyeare old". Nice uddle hone. S75. One S-year-old ftlly. S7S. Deep well pump with cop per cylinder and iom pipe. .20. 300 egs Incubator, 93 h.tchlns. S2d. Rnhblti does with or without litter. Call any time after 7 a.m., 863S. L Borrow on your salary. Em ployed people In all lines of work may Qualify tor a convenient salary loan up to $300 whether you're In a new Job or an old one. X Borrow on your car or furniture. Your furniture or automobile make excellent security at Local Loan Ca paid for or not. Op to $300 on your furniture; up to 4500 on your cu. 3. Special "Pay Day Loans. S10. $35, S50. loaned till "Pay Day" or longer. Pay only for ' the actual number of days you keep the money. S3S costs 18c for one week. No other charges. 1 Phone for Your Loan Local Loan Co. US No. 10th Phone 7400 or T54S M-354. 8-278 Kaufman Mortgage Company still loans on good choice business and residence property and good Irrigated farms. See F. W VAN BUSKIRK 324 N. Uth St 48 Business Opportunities Raise Chinchillas (Not a rabbit) Visitors welcome at Klamath Lake Chinchilla Ration For Inlormatlon regard! ri breeding stock, see or wrte Box 1043. Rt 3. Wocus, Klamath Palls FOR SALE, complete service station equipment, 2 Erie pumps, hoist, Devlso compressor, Alemite areas, set. oil dispenser Stronshold Cafe, phon. 4.T15. Tulelake. rTjR LEASE.T-stooTresTaursnt. equipped? Will m!tk good proposition to re sponsible party. Phon. 3-T-S, Lak view. Or. TOR SATE, beer tavern and csfe, ulTy equipped for both businesses. Re modeled and redecorated recently Contact W. W. Bray. Bonansa, Ore. Phone 404. OUR BOARDING HOUSE . .'With . . MAJOR H00PLE OUT OUR WAY By J.,R. WILLIAMS EGtVO, BUSTCR.' GOOD NEWS.' AFTER V I DONT 6tE SOO K(- Xwrsd WiSMIMG VOL) WEPE THE ( R:SHT THERE'S A PROPOUNO ANO EXUAOSTIVB 6T0DVJ SPRAltJINS YOUR -U 'S':?y' DCVS JUST B60AUSE 1 TH TROUBLE.' I OF THE FOffM.l DECIDED NOT TO A VJRlST PULLING. OUT . 'J'A A6K.SCXJ TO DO SOM6THNG.' I AIN'T EVEN Risk vour monev on vitawin a.' M the doogh to ewe ; I should give him a boot ) i-savin' a word -vANO 5URE EN00SH.THB 4ZZ IT BACK.' DID VOL) j '?llV NOW AND THEN SO VOU . AN' SHE'S GOT 6TEED FAIIED DISMALLY JW DECIDE POPCORN. f XS1 7K AU'-lRSj I SAVED EVERY CES-T NOD J ( WOULD BE A BETTER A fJliiC I SSJH!kf S AND TH6 OTHER 60VS VlrJVeSTMeNT ?yTT: fjrT I la VHE HAST i m aw li mm q ' 1 i I MONEY I I WHY MOTHERS tST GRAY ZL .. Tl, r 1 ' ' S-.HMMHe.MMH.W.lWWWV.....-MMM......M. PM' t Nl I I Mt f H it Mt ir----f (at