HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MARKETS and FINANCIAL GRAINS MOVE LOWER TODAY CHICAGO. May 3 (IP) drains were Utile lower most of Ue session on the board ot trade today. Rain In the southwestern winter wheat belt, particularly Kansas, was Uie major cause of the sllnhtly easier tendency. Wheat closed 14 lower to S htsher. May lS.42-a.4S, corn was S lower to higher. May $2.19S-2 20. oats were lower to . higher, Wheat May July September December Open High Low Clou .. 2.41t-40"i 2.43s 1.40 1.4.3. U .. 1.29-SB 2.31 1.18 2.30V,. , ..MS1. US. 2.2 22'i . 2.2' 2.30 2 28 2.29 i Stocks On Steady Side NEW YORK. May 3 Ml The stock market absorbed further profit cashing today without a great deal of discomfort and Individual favor ites negotiated good advances. Assorted rails and Industrials turned upward around midday and gains of fractions to 3 points or so predominated near the close. Dealings were among the slowest for a full session since mid-April. Transfers for the five hours dwin dled to around 1,000.000 shares. Touching 1948 peaks were North ern Pacific, Central Railroad of N. J., Nickel Plate Railroad, Plymouth Oil and Sears Roebuck. Better performers included TJ. S Steel. General Motors, Chrysler. Studebaker, Goodrich. Schenley. Kennecott. American Can. J. C. Penney. American Woolen and Un ion Pacific. Backward at Intervals were Cater pillar Tractor, Allied Chemical and Douglas Aircraft. Bonds were narrowly mixed and most major commodities lower. Al Chem tt Dye 3'i American Can 1H Am Pow & Lt 84 Am Tel & Tel 153 "i Anaconda 36" Atchison 107; Bendlx Aviation Beth Steel Boeing Airplane Calif Packing Canadian Pacific Case J I . .. Chrysler Commonwealth Sou Ccnsol Edison Cons Vultee . ,. . Crown Zellerback Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft Du Pont De Nem Genera Electric General Poods General Motors Goodyear Tire Gt Northern Pfd Int Harvester Int Paper Pfd Johns Manville Kennecott Long Bel "A" .... Montgomery Ward Nash Kelvinator Nat Dairy N T Central North Am Co Northern Pacific Pac Gas & Elec . 34 344 . 274 . 34 'i . IS 444 . S8; . 2i 3H . 14 30H . 8 66 ; 174 K . 34 'i 38H 56H 43Vi 47 954 55 . 38H . 55 . 27H 58 16 V4 27H 16'4 154 24 Vi 33 Pan American - 9 Penney J C 43' Radio Corp 10H Rnyonter 28 Reynolds Metals 27 Richfield 24 'i Safeway Stores 19'j Sears Roebuck - 38 N Sinclair Oil 22 S Southern Pacific 55' Standard Brands 26 H Standard Oil Cal - 68 Studebaker Corp 23 ' Sunshine Mining 10 s Union Oil Cal 29i Union Pacific l't United Airlines 17 United Aircraft 'i V 8 Steel 76 Warner Bros Pic 12': Westing Elec 25 : Woolworth 46l LIVESTOCK SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. May 3 (AP-USDA Cattle salable 300; calves 50: market active: early demand 50 cents-Jl.OO higher: one load good steers S29.50. new recent cows S23.50-25.00: bulk cutter to common cows $17.00-21.00. regained 50 cents loss last week: odd can ners 816.00-17.00: medium bulls $22.50: good 824.00: calves steady: good-choice range slaughter calves (31.00-33.00. Hogs salable 200: around 50 cents higher: load and few packages 200 230 butchers 824.00. Sheep salable 300: mostly spring lambs unloaded late: undertone steady. PORTLAND, May 3 (AP-USDA1 Cattle salable 1400. total 1800: hold over 85: calves salable 200. total 225: market uneven: few sales fed steers steady but bulk supply selling around SO cents lower, Instances $1.00 below last Monday; two loads high good 1008-1039 lb. fed steers $30.00; few loads low to average good grades $28.50-29.00: common medium grades $23.50-26.00; high good 1135 lb. steers $29.00: good fed heifers up to $28.00: common-medium grades $21.00-26.00: canner and cutter cows $15.50-19.00: fat dairy-type cows of common grade $20.00-21.00: medium -good beef cows $22.00-24.50; good beef bulls largely $25.50-26.25: odd head $26.50: common medium sausage bulls $22.00-23.00: vealers $1.00 or more lower; good -choice grades $29.00-33.00; c o m m o n-m e d 1 u m $20.00-28.00. Hogs salable 1400. total 2850: mar ket fully active, average about 75 cents lower than late last week: good choice 180 - 230 lb. largely $23.50; 250-290 lbs., $21.00-50: 320- 390 lbs., (18 50-19.50; good 350-500 lb. sows (18.00-50; choice light feed er pigs held above (26.00; good 500- j lb. stags (16.50. Sheep salable 300, total 700; mar ket less active; fat lambs steady to 50 cents lower; other claoaes steady; 1 lot mostly good 8-1 -lb. spring lambs (23.75: good -choice shorn and wooled lambs large (23.50; few (23 00; common - medium grades (19.00-31.00: good -choice shorn ewes largely (11.00: wooled ewes' scarce; good bucks (7.00-50. CHICAGO, May 3 AP-USDA Salable hogs 16.000. total 16.500: very slow; several sales under 10 lbs., only 25 cents lower but most sales all weights 50-76 cents lower than Friday: some late bids (1.00 lower; one load $21.65: little above $21.50: bulk good and choice 170-330 lbs., (20 50-21.50 : 340-360 lbs.. (18.75 20.25: 370-290 lbs., (17.25-18 50 ; 300 400 lbs., $15.50-16.75: most sows $13.00-14.50; prospects poor clear ance. Salable cattle 14.000. total 14.000: salable calves 800. total 800: all grades fed steers and yearlings in cluding yearling heifers very active, firm; Instances 35 cents higher: me dium weight and weighty steers steady to strong with kinds scaling over 1400 lbs., closing slow; overage choice steers and yearlings topped at $32.00: bulk good and choice of ferings $28 00-31 50: 1440 lb. choice steers $31.50: 1625 lb. good to choice offerings $29.00: good and choice heifers S27.00-31.00; top (31.25: cows steady to 35 cents higher: cutters (19.00 down: good beef cows to $25.00: bulls and vealers steady at (24.50 down and $30.00 down, respectively. Salable sheep 2500. total 4000; moderately active: good and choice slaughter lambs steady to strong; plainer grades weak to unevenly lower; slaughter ewes scarce, around steady: three loads good and choice around 100 lb. Colorado fed wooled lambs carrying sizable medium grade end $25.50: uniformly good and choice woolsklns quotable to $26.00; medium to good wooled lambs $23.00-25.00: few common $19.00-21.00; load good and choice 99 lb. Colorado fed shorn lambs with No. 2 pelts $25.25: small lots good and choice shorn ewes $11.00-11.50; few good wooled ewes to $13.00 with cull wooled ewes down to $8.50. CAPNIVAL By Dick Turner i n 7k 1 . II X US nlr-n I S . AT MEET PORTLAND, May 3 lF Gover nor John Hall left a sick bed here yesteiday to attend a meeting at Champoeg of descendants of the pioneers who established a provi sional government there 105 years ago. More than 200 attended the meeting. Henley Grange Men of the Hen ley grange will sponsor a program for the ladles Wednesday evening, with music and entertainment. The men will serve the refreshments. At 9 p.m. Phil Hitchcock of Klamath Falls will address the group. Little Ads get Big Results. Use The Herald and New Want-Ads! Flower Shop . IHUVKIN (At Greenhouses) 3614 8. 6th. Phones 6335 and 9340 Free Delivery Flowers by Wire Funeral Designs Oar Specialty 7777, n tisbBssVB New Farm Machinery for Sale Sp 30 teeth per section and lever models. ike Tooth Harrow well made, light weight harrow in both flexible Soil Pulverizers 10 to 20 feet long . . . rolle bearings, 18 inch diameter on rollers, Potato Diggers New champion two row potato diggers. Price $575.00. No trade ins at this bargain price. - Used John Deere Tractor Model H John Deere Tractor with Cultivator, A-l condition, ideal for mow ing and cultivating. $800. No California Sales Tax on Farm Machinery Delivered to Oregon for Oregon Farmer Use! ( fkmMer.Go. JOHN DEERE DEALER IN TULELAKE . . . PHONE 4391 "This is the last time I'm going; to warn you, Pot stop leaving the car parked in gear!" Police Busy Over Holiday In Klamath City police set something of a rec ord for themselves over the week end, making a total of 38 arrests Saturday and Sunday. A dozen were bookings tor traffic law violations. 22 for drunk, two for disorderly con duct, one woman lor vagrancy and one arrest for allowing a dog to run at large during the "closed season.' George White. 129 W. Oregon, posted (5 ball Saturday afternoon on the latter count. Charles Frances Brannon. 21. 303 Pine, posted (25 ball for failure to stop at the scene of an accident after he allegedly sideswiped two parked cars in front ot the Marion apartments early Sunday morning. Other traffic arrests Included: John Mara Rosano. 56. 2020 'i S 5th. pasted (50 bail on charge of reckless driving Saturday night. Jesus Jara, 49. 1928 Wantlana. posted (50 ball lor driving while operator's license revoked. Roy Hessenaucr. 58. 1401 E. Main, posted (10 bail for allowing an un licensed person to drive. Maddle Chllcole. 30. 2520 Darrow. posted (10 ball lor failure to yield right-of-way to pedestrian. William O. Hodges. 62, Merrill, posted (20 bail for a violation of the basic rule. Jesse J. Galloway. 20. Klamath Falls, posted (5 for having no oper ator's license. Charles Allen Potcct. 33, 1751 Dayton, posted (5 for running a stop sign. Ben F; Pcrntgotti. 35. 627 Willow, posted (40 bail for a violation of the basic rule and no operator's license. Lloyd F. Porter. 24. 1004 Eldorado, cited for no operator's license. Maxlne E. Prentice. 20. route 3. posted (15 ball for a violation of the basic rule. Donald Lcroy Daulton. 27. Klam ath Falls, cited for a violation of the buslc rule. William Bernard Taylor. 22. 230 Ewauna, cited for a violation of the basic rule. Marie Enclno. 40. booked for vagrancy and Intoxication. They'll Do It Every Ti i nc DlMPULB BOUGHT A VERV SMALL MINIATURE CAMERA. HE WANTED SOMETHING EAS TO CARRy- HERES JUST THE THlNtj.' SMALLEST ONE IN STOCK' CANT 60 WRON6 WITH THIS Ll'L! , PEACHY.' SWAyt-ACK LfclsTo- IKItatitK. r ML I ltMM" S t -5. -r ro-.;- rrv -ticW LUIIAHil I ivarrrs't. I L ) VEAH-N A TAk-E A . IT' -n 1W limmv Hatlo ?- Aftf.r. Ti iAt All he needed was A TRAILER, TO PACK AROUND ALL THE ACCESSORIES FOR SAID CAMERA- kliiiiiiilli Flyino Jews CLASSIFIED RATIS , 1-1 VI. IN lUWN i ri HANOI ANII HT1I.1. la ai'i 4 mil 1 !lv JIM ItlSMON tlnh nhtnic srtiMHi. Thi new Milp YUltlna KI'IIS Juurtmiuin Student 1 1h-hUh1 nl the l ink Klicr txmt- Council Faces Busy Session A lengthy city council session Is i anticipated tonight. Monday, with j I the council peg stacked high with j recommendation, reports und other I city business. Included In business are several i planning commission recommenda tions. One sugge.'t that the city request Southern Pacific railroad to Improve Its north entrance into I Klamath Falls by grading and ' landscaping since the section runs j adjacent to the new north en : trunce highway route Into town. I A second recommendation from i I the commission a.sks that 13th street I 1 either be paved or closed to prevent I mud from being carried by cars on to other paved streets. j Councllmen are also asked to con sider widening Esplanade from Wall j to Spring and if necessary from j Wall to Main. The planning group ' suggests that the work ran be done , to good advantage while construc tion is In nrogress on the north en 1 trance route. Ambulance Flight Two weeks ago Penny Payne an swered an ambulance call in Myr'o Creek where he pu ked up Mrs. It. E Williams and flew her to Portland In the Lakeland Sen bee. Flv to Wrd On April 10. Albert B. Peek and , 0,1 '" ' Aiinrlrs. Pauline McLaughlin were flown by Penny Payne to Heno, Nev., in a house. A new flying club Is being luniinl around a TuylntcniU pun-tM-.cl mm K. N All. Mr. and Mrs Tony sieinu. k : were recently upitiiuiril Oieuon distributors fur Ktwin puiHi'luitr.i ; k .iff H,ilh nOt HI (Mil Ih'V h fcic. a,ia ! Ail urtltaiU. i.h t llaniar httnrr I 111 cnitjiinrtlou with (lie Kl'inmllt FLOWER SHOP 430MAIN fNONf M7I r544? PilhHilill.lUH.lgg i i Two Fliers Drown In Reservoir j NVSSA. Ore.. May 3 A'- Two fliers drowned In the Owyhee reser- I voir yesterday when their plane ! plunged Into the water and sank in : 205 feet of water. j i State Policeman Walter Walker ; j said efforts to raise the single-en- ' ; glued plane piloted by Evan Mc- I ; Curdy. 41. Nyva. would begin today. : j The identity of McCurdy's compnn- ' Ion on the flight was not known. ' I Henry Stokeham. caretaker at the ' rcservo'. located 60 miles southwest ' of here, reported the plane appeared ! to stall In midair while maneuver ing. It sank at a point lour miles upstream .rom the dam. The plane was owned by Oordnn Schmelzer. Nyssa airport. o)erator. He said McCurdy took off about 10:05 a. m. The accident occurred about l' hours later. new Navion, to be married. They j air show tentatively slated Inr Mnv leu early in the morning and re- ; ja, a "hangar" dance is being turned by nixin the same day, I phuiued by Iim hI air services The Breakfast Planned dance will probably be held in htie Plans are under way bv the May ami further information will be Klamath Air Search and Rescue announced ns pluns me tnrtniltuted unit (or a pilots' breuklnsl in Hie . A meeting nl the ciuuniirr nl near future. Detail will be an- cnimnene aviation cnminitiee was nounced later. : held Tluicduy alieruotiu reganllng Fly Shurls 1 tho air show. Lakelands Sen bee will be used again on excursion flights from Upper Klamath lake as soon as weather warrants, it hna been mi. ' nounced. Tom Lenhart took the company Errouie to San Francisco on busi ness this week. onui, nitw nns ins nrivaie t.. .. .... - , 11...... - i. . .. ( r.illiene (leuiy iiiv.fiii, jv, a iihui w.. fe.n in "Z "" com,u.ny employe, was taken was l eemed on April 37. I r ml,iv ,',v , JZ iJ? " l""Th,",rd I States marslial fnr removal tn the nnTn, T C."h ")r'1""v I Multliomull cnuiily Jull He Is held fitted with pontoon, for the com- L, rll , ,1000 ybi ll , ,.,,. of f ornery of rnnrMminl of Kovrrnmriit chrck. Tiikrn tK-fnrr U. K Cnnimitnucr licit C. Tluima.H. iir.iff wmvrd hriirtnu niut uu.t ImiuihI ovtr in frctrrul court. A U. 8. itiur.thul took him to Portlund Hiuuluy. Thr ninii ttrrrttnl i nut Jack Hrnlf. former mlildlrwriuhl tmxrr. who lit wHl known In Klamath Fulls. Radio ilalioii Kl"l,W un Sitturdiiy tirxm iTnitnujily tdr-ntl l Mi'tf uiigairtl lanil 4 nmm rmttlein imor sjhkI m r II. n 0awi v a (ill, K Itt iieliwv M.nall t.itt C hli hvtttuma i ij-wt )nr Half i ol) NI.AI, MirMMtT AtlKNCV tlvallor Hi KUmath I'lum BJ.Mt at Ut4 ur hf wihhI lUrnurtt IMinii 3 nMW rOli SAI.K Mmlrwi. 1 !,),. H.m lrl tMlt llllKtU tth I'lltttl In. 'ti 41 Itlalwv r'dll FAl.f II. Itrci lilWl Mild Utt, t'llddp .Ulli ll.-l"t-.lalB WAN'ICK 1 )-(.( Moi.aicii fur Mln p mu4 hllttrrn liilnliU lrt A'1- a n l tuna I lt m inrt) Trir fttf nil. !- am1' Moiiifm nl ml t.t I. War. Worker Up On forgery Count ; I (Mt HAt r. .Rt New It-it I H HMMIH) MOIirnN 4it-.rn.pl IvtliiMiMi. ttlal liath r tutt. Limit .1 tlit( wti K Msiin. Apl A, At 3410 APII- iiiiioii, Mr i riM( SAI r Rulrk 4 door MKtilL A t IVi Jnn Ka was rrn to hknt h.n.hi. "coupi iirc to tatii I llrtHiit arlnnt ur huiia. trfrahl furttUhJ Sm vhiltltvn ir f Veil p i tin, i,runl nl, I nil Mr. Young. 1VH b II ami 9 W A N t ' l Dinioi runm rhir. fntial ) Appl in ptrtun, Wll itt )lull soMco Dress up your home This Spring! Aluminum Windows Screens ' Mengel Flush Fir Doors Flush Mahogany Doors (Only slightly higher than fir doom. Hordwood Plywoods Fir Plywoods Goroge Doors Hardware all kinds Fir, Pine, Hardwood Trim Southern Oregon Manufacturing C 111 Payne Phone 7581 WHITLATCH Bom at Klamath Valky honpltai. Klnmath Fall. Or., May 1. ITHfl. to Mr. and Mm. Ronald WhltUtrh. route 2 box .Vi9. boy. Weight: 7 po'inda 14 1 a ounrM. BHOWNE-- Bprn at Klamath Valley hmpltal. Klamath rails, Ore , May I. lfMR, to Mr. and Mr. Robert Browne, Zfl.VI Ktwrleln, a boy. Whl: 7 pound 10 ounci. BANCHOFT- Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Falli. Ore.. May 2, MI4.S. to Mr. and Mn. Crave Banrroft. MIR Shasta way. a boy. Welfht: 8 pounda 8'4 ounce. One Hurt At Crater Lake Skiing wiia cxrrllcnt n( Crnicr Lnkr imllonnl purk Sunduy. mid of the, 565 jMrsonft who rutcrrd the park, only one uffrrcd injury durliife the dy. ClUftird Cain, 17. mix of Mr. itnd Mrs. J limes R. Fnwlrr. 2nd und Oram, suffered facial nbru.Hoiw and knocketl several teeth locwe when he fell from the snowbank to the pavement between the rim and headquarters. Clifford had re moved his ski and was prepartnu to climb off the snowbank to the road when he fell. He Is a Junior member of the Crater lake ski patrol. Runners suid 152 earn checked in ut headquarters. It snowed a little during the day and was fov'ify. but rain fell off and on during the night and skiing wus only fair today. There Is ft total snow depth of 144 inches on the level. The skt tow and the lunch coun ter have discontinued for the sea son, rangers said. . WAS ItH Tit HKNT I -an. trallartunta Willi upturn to trtijr in W day. l'hm 1 MUM) ! n i.i) rrn i'oTATor-THOT"roftii rHt HttUir. H nth ami rt Main. ' ATTKNTHiM WK AT PArKRHI ; H)H NAI.r. 7, hp lkr Ira M hltia m II It litre i-Hilln i-olla, 8ft h p Itott ronial Holler, roT fiit I wo 4t fHit tleliigcraior diwii with Iramaa, tS j leet ovaihri Urh, i$m SO gal tn ut (K) fnl laid rvorWiliif kvlliri, I l Killiu val IIW aa ihiiif Vrim.it Mt-Vey, to . 1W, Tulrlahf l allf M.ll SAI.K Mill Ch-v M.i,ir fiKii. iiw hcnh. xi rubtr in f. tt nui ti i t,M' '..h.iiiii.ii I'boii .1141 or IVjjo. j . ! hM SaI-K tu.Ut International l Tn iK4iit, uui corrrriru uie rrror wiui i rt'gret on suhriurnt broailrn-iU I Saturduy and Huiulny. j Jack Mroff drflnitrly Is tuit In- , and New and KKI.W regrrt thai the ftrftt annotintTineul (ltd not I make that clear. I all. nu5 U4 Model unilittitn rta. FUNERAL ANimiW RILKT tOMI.R Funeral nervlrei for the late Andrew Riley Comer of Bonanza. Ore. who naieri w;iv In thl rlty nn Thursday. April 2It. I!i4fl. followlni a brlrf lllneia will rw held In the chapel of the F.nrl Whlllruk Funernl Home, Pino and Sixth, on Tui-idav. Mav 4, Jf4H at l:.'IO p. m. with the Rrv Howard F Hutrhln. patnr of the Flrat C'hrlntlan rhurch of thla elty off Ida ting. Commitment wrvlcei and Inierment Klnmath Memorial park. Friend are Invited. KLfllDPTU Jljl' L5HOP POTATOES CHICAOO. Mny :l iAP-USIJAi Pulntora: total U. S. hlilpmcnu Prl dny 823 mid Hmurdny GDI; nnlnU.s 311, on truck 337; suppll. u.jdrmtc: demand moderate; miirkct rIkhiI steady; Colorado Red MiCliirrn S5.76; Uuho Ituiwct Biirbnnkn U. H. No. 1 S5.75-90: Mll.neiwilii-Nnrlh Uukola Hed river valley nilmi Tri umphs S3.25-00; new Ux:k: Call lornla Long Whites (100 Ih. snrksl nV0"1 J"r,.a Tr,un,l,h , fill folk diHK-in'ii hy 7lli ami LiTl.'.TII'VU Mlf.'.TTfTlfl Heavy Duty BENCH GRINDERS Two 6-Inch Wheels Vt H.P. Mofor 3450 R.P.M. 115 Volrt KLAMATH MACHINE 8 Locomotive Works Spring & Elm Mill Supply Dept. Phone 5141 OBITUARY A.NTIin.NV I.VIKI IT OMIM R.V AnUumy Kveretl Oohurn, a renlrleitl fur the pat ntx ear, panned aw In Mil clly on Hunda . M.y IIMll al 1 1 :h p. in. He waa a native of Waliliiul'in rotutly, Arh.. nnd wa anrd .13 enr 10 month and IS da k at the tlma id hta PmnkIdi. He a aiirvlved by hU wlfr, Myrtle of Ihla city; five (tnnhter, Hernlre Afadderra, Zenllh IJever, Oladyn Hfindllrt Vk-toria Fleinlns. I.ucy Heir ami four mini, Lloyd. Void, Umii- and Kvnrelt, all of thla clly; four lhirr, Kdllh Wdl kJria of Ilrenlwood, Ark., Ilennle I'nclund of Oklahoma, Omle Crouch of Mllplliin, ('nllf., and Iva 0burn of Moiinhiin Vleiv Callf.; Hirer brolheri, WHkerifn and Wllllmn of WalMonvllle, Ciillf., Mrlvln ol Mountain Vlrw, Calif; hU -.lep inothrr. Mnry Olmril of Moliiitilo View, Calif.. aUo ? grnndr-hlldren. The remain ret.1 In Ward' Klamath Funernl Home, im Hlifh Not Ire of the funeritl arranfle menta will he announced later. County Music Festival Set Thr flrM uovluur all-nnmty music fr.stlval will Ik iir.-i-nH(l In an nmhlllnuft prni.iin Kruluy. Muy 7, at thr OV8 K.vm. It uns aii nuuniTd itxiny by Kluitlx-th llnul rrsun, kupcivImii" n nui.-lc in I hi t'otmty ficluxil.H. The pniKrain. stnrtliiK pntinpily at 1 1 1& p.m., v HI Ih? biii.ulcii.si by KKLW. It Inrhulf.n 6ih. nth. 7lh. Httx and hluh Nt-hool siiuirnis, uitli a hiiur dun-UK nf 700 voire 1mm the 51 h and tllh KiadrH, and a chorus of 800 voters of 7th, HMi RradcrK and lilKh M-ttiKil nt udr nr.s Comblnrd bandH of Malm. I if it -ley, Altamont and Mi-ttlll. dlirctrtl by Itkhant I). Miinnnn und Cliarlrt V, Dobry, will Im onr of the atti- ikhmi hlKhllKht.f, aloiiK ulth ulil- Hih KradrrK. Tht'V will pit ,rnl Mich early Anifrltan numb un Hip vaisoYXMinrr, wiiuuwnr nun rye wnllzra. Jiiiniltit Nrllls of Henley I;. In clmi'Kf of the firm Hik. Dh: puhlli: III Invited and thcix Ih no chuiiie A full prottiiun will iippi'itr Inter. Kravn Klamath- Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Whllu hit Klninutli FiiIIh lat FrUluy to make their hniur in Santn Hal bin ;i. Onllf. While van formerly employed at the Dlek H. Miller uuniKe, and Mi-s While was a HtenoKrupher at the city hall. flifttor tl(i hiitrola nol run mi ITv N'rM m to ilrittalimal T ItVlKif iIkw allrr rw Kardfhi rt). iMi-i .1 fi AC ( ttntlilne In giHxl riiMdttino nM Vrimrn MrVf . 2 mile rati ot lllh nn MimIih Cnm ! I loail No 101 Hciulhal Of Tullk , loll UK N'T Sotall Inxxn furnlahcd ilar loir ol I or J a Mult (aa heat, -.howr-it 1U1 MrMl i It m ii roH MINI Alao garage 3A VM t I'M 4' .F.ANF.Iirl. it on par eeh. ! I'lM.i.r 3-lit.l il KH'INti ItoO.M. 'ilrm heat " private lia'li aid rnlranir rtmoe WW Al Hiurt IIAYVIft If H ;rtvcrofiirol Aralilan Hetnount StulllMO llir.t rtt KrllotftJ Atalilan or ltiin, I'tiiliona, ,'aliroioln Minn NarSi -h Sank r nilnaa rtairn Mleili int N.-lh' IMui it. I Mn up. nl Narailrh Hut l in Fai ttaa 'Faiaaln rerda hit tioir ran he ero in HmIImihii'i Wlliltwr)l llaoclt, I too. Klamalh Falla, Oregon ! Hrfplafe. fur III. with HF. M.'KIH Turn thir.e no-loi.Kei -uhfi uilirief Into cith now! Herald and Nrwn Want Art' arc Inexpensive and brinw rmlek rrMillft. Glass Mountain Brick Company's BUILDING BLOCKS The finest 100 aggregate Pumice Blocks ever to be placed on the Klamath Falls market. Manufactured ol Class Mountain Pumice the hardest in the West. Steam cured by makers with the "know how." Fire Proof. Moisture resistant. Uniform color and texture. Straight and true for cosy laying. Surpass code requirements for strength, The Superior Building Material for no more cost than othercompetitive blocks. Sizes 4x6x12; 6x8x 12; 8x616. For free estimates and low on your Job delivery prices call Klamath Falls 3776 before 5 P. M., or 20821 Eve nings. Or visit our modern plant 28 miles S, of Tulelake on Highway 139. Vll.l, TII.MiF tfitnlrn plowing for )oung it r t'liixir to tl Will. hA tir. KXfKNSrH Oklahoma (H .,, vi.i'iitt 4474 il'JMK A Nil fNl'OMK A very laig' home In ho mt rllrnl liioatlon A IV Imirr f.w.tn. .1 lwiiiHoia ami halh l.nia mr now rrolril, mliin in rear lo irolril Iih'miiip lXi monlhl 4 hit t f iHim ami IiiiIIi ivallatil doHli-t.ilt lot iiHiiri IKIftOO M TAM'INT IHSItllCT Vrrv alliMrl. La I lirMio'iin mritlriu honte on laigr- ii. -ii:.o , a "lit I IINIMK t Im-.I liJH'C lull ll.iTOlr t'tll WlhllM 'nt'i M.1I11 I'Ihimc ,1Mi,1 - Kr iii'lt him SAI.K Cnniiili-lr woodrn hed Hit (rlni(H mot niattrr-h. Phone ,7011). Ill"t I'ollliiliil Mill SAI.K OH TIIAMR M7 Pliev. edan for I nnf urilrtii Phone 3 (Hi: 14 I'Oft HAt.r. I.UMtfiiue Irwller, H ft "long. 4 fl, wldr :i ft dr'M All-tee1 frame, in phu-.Kul hoih. IJ) Mortimer. "tiftoe 'J mull roil SAI.K mill Vll Ford roup. M'JO I .111' fVlfW Kf if ft KMT 3 hfilrooni modern home. AIo h e fiirniitit t for aale. Phone Uin: -M77 IIKhee Ht NIMUNO IH 1 1 K It K IInvp that garden n lot m in le itjmIv lo plant vllh a It. . tin v l ilin Phone :in:i4. ItiUl ( ( SIIMAN Sn.oler ami aide ear for nale Klit i-Ihm rnndltlnn. Prlred riwht Hrr- mi 040 Klamalh Ave f'OII SAI.K Negltlereil male Floalon rltill dott. 2 vertra old. Xtf? neclamallon. Phone a oaol. ' Mortgage Loans nuMnr-M Property llnmrs Apnrlmrnlt muck lUnchM Lon term, low Interut nU., Prompt Bcrvlct. Propuymcnt prlvlltRci. No brokoraga. Monthly pnymcnti, Including principal Rnil Intereat, M low aa 1(1.00 per thouaand Howard Barnhisel Authariiad llrnker tor Pradanlfal Iniurano C. Ill . Nik PKant !