PACE SIX HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 1948 CHURCH NEWS The Power To Stand Alone Topic Of Barnett Sermon Bediming Sunday. May 2 t 7:30 I. nv, a hort Communion service v 1 1 1 be held on the first Sunday light of ech month at (he First ?resbyterln church. The Rev. David V. Barnett Jr. will administer ihe elements. Following this service. lll sing "We Praise Thee. O Creator Ood." bjr Protheroe with organ ac companiment by Mrs. George Mc Intyre. The senior high young people will meet at 6:30 p. m. for the com- i munlcant's class taught by Rev the adult communicant s class j Barnett. and the Junior high young taught by Rev. Barnett will meet "The Power to Stand Alone" Is the title of the sermon chosen by the pastor for the 11 a. m. service. The tholr, directed by Andrew Loney, Baptists To Sponsor Study . Course Here people will have a similar class nt 7 p. in. under the direction of Mrs. Emily Meruit.. Junior Church club for those boys and girls from the fourth through the sixth grades meets from 3 to 4 p. m. Saturdays. Mrs. Mecum is in chare e. The calendar for the week: Pri mary teacher and training clas 7:30 p. m. Monday: pot luck supper for Sunday school teachers, all parents. nd officers of the church. 6.30 p. m. Tuesday: Boy Scout troop 42. 7:00 p. m. Tuesday: choir practice. 7:30 Fellowship Day To Be Observed Adventists Launch Drive For Mission Fund Money Friday. May 7. at Peace Memorial church the local Council of Church Women will observe May Fellowship Day with an Interesting program and devotional service. Mrs. John Miller, president of the council, will preside at the meeting, which opens at 1 p m. following a sack luncheon at 13 noon. The theme for the day Is "Everv i Child Is My Child" and the panel discussion In which the churches will be represented by the Rev. David Barnett of the First Pres- ' byterian church: Dwlght French, j speaking on the viewpoint of the I public schools: William Procter, rep- I resenting the youth organlratlons. ! and Samuel Smith, city recreational I director, will be afternoon program. I Harel Morrison will conduct the devotional service. i Mrs. Dale Mattoon. chairman of p. m. Wednesday: beginners teacher ! : """" '"f lureign , training clas. 7:30 p. m. Wednesday The Woman's Missionary union of j the First Baptist church. N. 8th and Wa-shington streets, will sponsor a study course for the missionary or- i sanmUons of the church Monday and Tuesday, May 3 and 4. I Mrs. S. L. Tid-ell of Turlock. j Calif., will conduct the study course. I Mrs. Tidwell Is president of the W. j M. U. of the Central Valley Baptist association, and is a state approved : worker for the Baptist denomina-1 tion. Classes will begin at 10 a. m. ' Monday and continue until 4 p. m. with luncheon served at the church at noon. "Woman's Missionary Union at Work" Is the textbook for these classes. Tuesday Mrs. Tidwell will conduct a special counselor's course for all auxiliary workers and sponsors. Arrangements for bringing Mrs. Tidwell to the local church are heme made by the president. Mrs. Frank Ward, and the executive officers. Junior teacher training class 7:30 p. m. Thursday: session and board of trustees joint meeting regarding building program. 7:30 p. m. Thurs day: intermediate, senior and adult teacher training class, 7:30 p. m. Friday. aid. requests that members of the council and churchwomen through out the city bring their good used A 1 t a m o n t clothing and shoes to the First drive. Christian church as quickly as pos- I After com slble for packing and shipping. 1 pletlng school All' church omen are urged to at- I n g In the tend the May meeting. A substan tial offering is requested to meet the needs of the council in Its work of mercy for the needy. Seventh - Day Adventlsta have launched their annual Ingathering drive for mission and welfan work with a rally marking the 40th anui. versary of the plan which has con tributed more than 43 million dol lars to mission protects around the world since its beginning. The local congregation plans to reach its 1500 goal this year in a three, week solicitation campaign, according to Pastor P. C. Alderson. The denomination has set a goal of two and a half million dollars in North America, topping the $2,378. M7 raised last year. The Seventh-Day Adventlsta' re. llcf organlration reports shipment of more than 1000 tons of clothing Rev. Beahm Conies Here Rev. C. H. lira li m has come to Klamath Falls from Fresno, Calif , as new mln t of the First Church of Ood. 3803 Texas Man Speaks Here The way to utilize divine power to heal mankind of its ills and to restore harmony to a disordered world was presented in a public lecture Tuesday night in the First Christian church by James Harry McReynolds. of Dallas. Tex., a member of the board of lectureship of the mother church, the First Church of Christ, Scientist, In Bos ton. Mass. The lecture was given under the auspices of the First Church of Christ. Scientist, of Klamath Falls and the subject was "The Availabil ity of Divine Power as Revealed by Christian Science." McReynolds quoted from the Bible the statement from the prophet Habakkuk that God is "of purer eyes than to behold evil," and cannot "look on iniquity." and from the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures." by Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science (p. 3561. "God la as Incapable of producing sin. sickness, and death as He is of experiencing these errors." He con tinued by saying that If God cannot behold and experience them. It should be evident that He could not make man capable of beholding or experiencing them. Church School Group To Meet At the Congregational church Sunday morning at 11. Kev. Godlrey Matthews conducts morning prayer and preaches on "The Church s One Foundation." The choir conducted by Marie Casjens will lead the congregational singing and the liturgical responses. The junior and intermediate de DartmenrjE nf ih. h,,n,K meet for worship at 9:45 a. m. under id",mtth the ul ot h' servants: Scientists' Service Set "Everlasting Punishment" will be the subject of the Lesson-Sermon In all Churches of Christ. Scientist, on Sunday. May J. The Golden Text will be. "Evil shall slay the wicked: and they that hate the righteous shall be desolate. The Lord re- : church's col ; lege and theo j logical s e m I -I nary In Anderv 1 son. Ind.. Rev. ; Beahm came to ' California in 1927 and for 19 I years has had I a congregation In Fresno, j An invitation to the public , attend services at this church extended by W. O. Weaver, man of the church board. (f) La 2 L overseas and two and a half million expended for fomi for the starving in ihurnpe and the Orient. In nildl Hon, the church's rehabilitation fund has made possible the rebuild ing of three hospitals, a publishing house, college, an Intermediate school and scores of churches 111 China: eight mission launches In the touth seas: a hospital and publish. nig nouse in Ihe Philippines: hospital In Burma: and scores ol other projects completed since the war nr now in process. Many new Institutions such ai hospitals In liulla. China. Jamaica Mexico. Bagdad, Uraril and schools In Lebanon. Peru, Nigeria and the Congo are wrt of the denomina. lions expanding mission program. Keeping pace with Una enaninti mr Anvrnuat mission board sent out K03 missionaries more than half of them new recruits In the two vears j following V-E Day. I In announcing me church's 1948 ! foreign mission budget ot nine and I one-half million dollars, W E Nel son, general treasurer, of Washing ton. D. C. urged members to "live a frugally as possible In order to ghe still stronger support to the church's program of earning Ihe gospel to all the world." BOSTONIAN SHOES at DON'S Winemo Hotel Bldg. 1125 Main Street Phone 6520 to Is chalr- tne direction of Mrs. Kenneth E. Lambie, superintendent, and will oc cupy the study period in the com pletion of then- creative efforts in religious drama. The episodes are i "Jonah and the Whale." "Ruth and ! ftaomi. "Jesus and the Centurion' Church Of Christ To Hear Morrow ! Services at the Church of Christ. 1 3205 Wantland. will be under the ! charge of W. D. Morrow. Bible classes will take up at 10 a.m. and I regular morning worship will start at II a.m. Morning and evening services are i open to the public. Evening meet j ings start at 7.30. Midweek Bible I study meets and none of them that trust In him shall be desolate" iPsa. 23.21. 53". Among the citations which will comprise the lesson-sermon will be the following from the Bible: "The way of life is above to the wise, that he may depart from hell be- -n.. j -. .. neaui " iProv. 15:24i tmrethir wiih I siua in ecus ai i:ju p.m. vveones- These little plavs will be presented ! ,he oll'n" correlative passage j dl's and "hese classes are also open onthenight of'junel6at . .,: 'rom Christian Science text- ,ny-one evening service in which the entire : "Scnce and Health with Key church school will participate i 10 the S'ptures." by Mary Baker A nursery for "small children is ' ,Eddy: "He"' mortal bfl,rf- tmr conducted each Sunday morning in 1 '' remorsr- hatred, revenge, sin. the Community hall during the i ,'ckness- death, suffering and self church worship l.jur under capable 'e,tnlct'on' ""-'"if"! agony, direction of members of the Junior i e'fec" of sln- hat which -worketh circle. I abomination or maketh a lie ." tp. From 12:30 p. m. to 4 p. m on ! Sunday the May dinner will h i - - - - .... served by members of the Fellow- ! ship group. Reservations can be made by calling 5571. i St. Paul's Schedule Sunday next, being Rogation Sun dav. services will be as follows: 8:00 a. m. Celebration of the Holy Communion. . 8:45 a. m. Church school, for all grades. 11:00 a. m. Choral celebration of the Holy Communion. The sermon topic will be "The Church and the Supernatural." 8:30 p. m. Meeting of Ihe Young People's Fellowship. Announcing . . . - BibU School Vfcg By Mail FBXEI 20tft Ceivhiri? BIBLE COURSE CT" J. L. DEAN Public Accountant and Auditor New Office Location 306 North 7th SL Phone 9346 First Church of Christ, Scientist Tour insurance problems receive personal attention from Hans Nor land, 123 N. 6th St Paint Clinic Saturday, May 1st Balsiger Motor Company LINE Both sides and top art fxjliihed-alio tax... ? " The Oregon Granite Co. H. H. Wiltermlre P. O. Box 936, Klamath Falls. Oregon Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purs Word's Klamath Funeral Home Marguerite M. Ward and Soni Hirh Prion. 3334 tnJo Health. Rut Comfort and Hmpiuiit? at tht BUCKHORN MINERAL SPRINGS SANITARIUM Drink oar fa moat -Mineral Waters fr Kidney Bl4 4r Atamarb anri lntttnsl A H -menu. Gin Blatf 4r Tronbltt Cn wliBalian "Your Health It Oar Business Hot Mineral aad Mtl Bilftt for ftha maltam Arlbrllla. S'raritis Kre e bifh nd law Bl4 Prastarr Akin Crnptiana Carbon Diaiidt Vipar Balht far Attn ma. Ecicma. Calda Sinaa and Bran -ihills. Information addrcaa: BLCHIttJK.t M IN Lit At. bPKI.NGS 9 ANITA Kim BT I Aiblaad Ore r Pbona Lonf Dtatanct OS. HF.RMAN ftLXKER, Olrertar CHIROPBAI TM PIIVfliriAN brancb af Tbt Matbtr Cbarrh. Tba ta BMlen, 10th and Pint Cii-rca at L'brUt, Sciaalitl l:i i'?.S? Washinfton Serrlces: Snnday School. 1I:N a. am. Sunday Service. 11:00 a. m. Wednesday Erenlni Meeting, 8:00 o'clock. Lesson-Sermon Subject, May 2 "EVERLASTING PUNISHMENT" Christian Science Reading Room IVli Main St RADIO BROADCAST . SATURDAY - 3:45 P. M. - KFJI Subject, "Proof That Christian Science Heals" The Streamlined Study Way 30 Easy Lessons by Mall Maxes the Bible Plain Pits Any Bible Version run. in KFL ,v,ry und. 1i to B.30. Btbl Auditorium of th Air ENROLL TODAY ! -mail mrr. coupon j 8tbi Audilorlum of th Air. Cr Slallon KTLW Klamalh ralli. Or. Without oblujation unl ratE COURSE r .- -i .,. - ,-,..,.. ' ' '4 m r 'r . ,.4V . rrr L r3 a. vrr is New Farm Machinery for Sale Spike Tooth Harrow 30 teeth per lection . , , well made, light weight harrow In both flcaiblo and lever modeli. Soil Pulverizers 10 to 20 feet long , , , roller boaringi, 18 inch diameter on rollers, 9 Potato Diggers New champion two row potato diggers. Price $575.00, No trade ini ot this bargain price. Used John Deere Tractor Model H John Deere Tractor with Cultivator, A-l condition, idoal lor mow ing and cultivating. $800. No California Sales Tax on Farm Machinery Delivered to Oregon for Oregon Former Use! ion Potter o. JOHN DEERE DEALER IN TULELAKE PHONE 4391 tM')WI'lmnag 4 Time to TUNE -UP Your Car- SPRING TUNE-UP SPECIAL! For r, 1V. Smooth Perform ance Thin Spring! 1. Adjust Tappets mint Gum I. Adjust Fan' Belt Tension. Solvent Fluid. ?. ( lean and S p a e e Ignition I'ointa. 3. Test Coll and Condemer . , . no rut-ssKork here. 4. Hand Blast and Troperly Space Spark rims. 5. ( lean Fuel Pump Sediment Bowl . . . Check Operation. 6. Test Compression with Ac curate Gauge. 7. Set Ignition Timing using lat est Stroboscope Equipment for Arcurary, . Ilrnmre, Completely l)iasrm hle Carburetor. Clean All Pas agenayi and .lets Kith Special Snlrenl, Reassemble to Orig inal Factory Specifications. 10. Tighten All Manifold Con nections. 11. Check Starter. Generator and Voltage Regulator. 12. Make Final Check ullh Mod ern Combustion Analyzer for Performance and Economy and Road Check. Thii Entire Motor Tune-up Costs You Only $720 M Paris M Extra 410 So. 6th Ashley Chevrolet X4-llour Wrecker Service Phone 4113 Lemon Sponge Cake A rich, two loyer sponge coke filled with a lemon cream filling and topped with a lemon fondant icing. Makes a fine treat . . . delicious to eat! Cinnamon Bread A real nice loaf rolled in cinnamon and topped with a fondant icing and walnuts. There's nothing finer than toasted cinnamon bread. Try it! Klamath's Finest" LLOYD & ERNIE'S JlifJti Jlauth C A F E Announces Its Re-Opening Monday, May 3rd Celebration 629 So. 6th COFFEE and DONUTS All Day Monday, May 3rd "You're Invited" 'Our Congratulations to Lloyd & Ernie's Night Hawk Cafe" ;'onlrtrior St Fliitlrlrr LOUIS BROWN c BROWN & DINGMAN 2. B&B RADIO & ELECTRIC SHOP Electrical Contracting and Repairing H.C.ARNOLD xlronl MERIT'S Refrigeration Installation Dlkin'C CUCCT MET A I Orneral Hhee( J JI la. a. mblHIi Metal Kitchen Equipment & Htalnlesa Steel PAC. FRUIT & PRODUCE CO. BECK'S BAKERY "Bread la at Its best when It's morning fresh." Golden Cream Do-NutsTMly, H,lUf;inf LOST RIVER DAIRY Medo-Itlch Ice Cream A Dairy Produi Is Crater Lake Beverage Co. N , ,, SUPERIOR-TROY LAUNDRY R. P. OLIVER PALACE MARKET