SEC. II PACE 4 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY, APRIL 30, 19-18 i i i 4 1 i i : J. !i t 4 "J )i i s t I- ii it f ,. U I frJtv.1 ; : ! i I'l ui ' - if ;)v 0 ' i,4 1 1 1 up- - 5:r7rA . . . 1 e Efrsagys r - ' v. J i y.v . You're Invited to the PAINT CLINIC BALSIGER MOTOR CO. SHOWROOM, SATURDAY, MAY 1ST In cooperotion with the "KEEP KLAMATH KLEAN" program, LOCAL UNION 1279 MASTER PAINTERS OF AMERICA, Klamath Chapter, and the ASSOCIATED PAINT DEALERS invite the people of KLAMATH FALLS to a PAINT CLINIC at the BALSIGER MOTOR SHOW ROOM . . . Saturday, May 1. See the displays prepaid by the PAINTERS LOCAL ... old surfaces refinishcd. Ask paint experts how you can da it, what to use, how to mix and apply paints. All questions will be given expert attention. See what is new in equipment, paints and wallpaper. The dealers are prepared to offer advice to all who ask. LANDSCAPE experts will help you plan lawn and garden improvement. See the exhibit of the KUHS ART CLASS. c ii f- th!r Paintin9 !ndu,I,ry', want he'P in e"e'Y oy possible, to help brighten Klamath Falls, by giving free and friendly advice to the public and the Home Owner. CLEAN UP, PAINT UP, FIX UP, KLAMATH FALLS. We want to make it a better, more beautiful city . . . and show you how to do it. It's a date ot BALSIGER'S Saturday, May 1. Help The Ki KEEP KLAMATH KLEAN -THIS PAGE IS SPONSORED IN THE INTEREST OF "KEEP KLAMATH KLEAN" CAMPAIGN BY THE FOLLOWING: PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS A. & B. Paint Co. H. C. Harris L. P. Brockman Angus Newton Harry L. Brown Ray Pierce V. E. Davis Roper & Roper Lee Ge Rue R. E. Simmons Associated Building Contractors & Engineers of K. Falls Carpenters Local No. 190 of K. Falls Building & Construction Trades Council of K. Falls CIVIC & SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS Klamafh County Chamber of Commerce Klamath Falls Rotary Club Junior Chamber of Commerce Klamath Falls 20-30 Club Klamath Falls Lions Club Klamath Falls Merchants Association Klamath Falls Kiwanis Club Klamath Flower Shop & Greenhouses Keep Klamath Klean with flowering plants, shrubbery, etc. RETAIL PAINT& BUILDING MATERIAL CONCERNS LONG BELL LUMBER CO Dutch Boy Paints A. & B. PAINT & WALLPAPER STORE Sherwin-Williams FYOCK G. E. STORE DuPont Paint GENERAL PAINT CORP. General Paint and Wallpaper GOELLER'S WALLPAPER & PAINT STORE Pittsburgh Paints HOME LUMBER & SUPPLY CO. Pabco Paints SUBURBAN LUMBER CO. Acme & Valdura Paints SWAN LAKE MOULDING CO. Fuller Paints WIESE'S PAINT STORE Fuller Paints m The Art and Latin clubs, you know, They'll have to go we farther j Began this cleanup thing; If they wish to save their lace. ? We've talked and rhymed and radioed And thot is why these Icllovss, j To get it in full swing. Who know the paint technique We've paged the city council, Are offering this service free, '' We've stalked the C of C; Which makes it quite unique. ' We've found on ancient ordinance They'll help you to match colors 'Gainst scottenng debris. Show us how to use the brush. The OVS cooperates, Divulge the latest handy things t As does the Shopping Guide; That have been just hush hush; 1 '? KFLW and Jl For when the cleanup's over f 1 Have spread news far and wide. Before you settle down- i;n Our posters fill the windows, Wc hope the whole dod bloomm' bunch ; Our pledge is on your door, Will help us pauil the town. The parade will be on Friday We hope a lot of other folks V Why should you osk for more' Will follow up this lead; We've handed you a challenge And tell us how to core for lawns Which cannot be denied, And what to use for seed. ' i Please, Klamath folks, don't let us down. Or how a dirty vacant lot It's a matter of civic pride. Instead of o disgrace, j The painters and contractors By planting shrubs or flowers j Are putting on a show; Con become a pleasant place To give out information And you who ore professional . " 'i Each householder should know. f yOU w be a guide I On Saturdoy, the first of May Can help us do the thing up brown ' To Balsiger's will flock Both outside and inside. 1 The citizens of Klamath Falls, We know, if we admit it, j For they've been taking stock; This thing is not too hard, ; -S They know thot once the dirt is off If every single fellow ' ', ' And they've cleaned up the ploce, Cleans up his own bock-yard. j. "J i ri