April Vows Said By Young Couple til a slnule rlUK iricmniiy mini it 4 oVIixk Hiinday eOrrniHjii, AprllJ 4, Mary mi.vinr, (luumner 111 jiikc niiyior ol iiri-nt rails, Montane, be ini (he lulilo of Willi Ilerry. win cif Mr. mid Mrs. ClraliMii Ilerry of Khiro Btl'Pet. The Mirvlr wu recited el thr Ilerry home by liev. Dcnolliy Mo ;;mn, pastor of the Klmnalh It. vlvnl iriilcr. .1 wrrii'ii'" Mid-Week SOCIHTV Tulelake Party Mra. John Hymn of TulHiiki'i wa complimented lit it pink mid blur tlinwer by Mm. Wullrr 1 1 ulna und Mm. John IivIiik ut llir lull ' farm home nrur Tulcltike on 'I'hua day allernoon al i o'dock. The rooms were clerked Willi aprliiM blossom anil clirrry blooms and after vlnlilnu and Klines, Kill were piesrnlrd Mrs. Hyron In a decorated carilaue by Kathleen Hyron. Kefieklitnellla ware served luler to Mr. Hyron and Ktiililrrn, Mrs. IJoii ald Oinuit und son Dennis, Mia. Ulrn Uurrow, Mn. Cieolite hmltll. Mrs. Jnrnes Htnirn1s.,Mrit. Vernon MrVey, MH. Ham W, and son John. Mrs. T J. lliKllevtiikl, Mn. Krcd Koblsoli, Ur. (Jarvln Klrby, Mm. John llel tendorf. Mia. Wallace Jolinhnn. Ml. Kvcrett I.yimm and children, Helen and Htnnley. Mrs. Hubert Ihrscli back. Mr. Karl lliynnt and sons, Karl and Jame. Mr. Kduurd rteus and the hostesses, Mrs. Walter Hulse, Mr. Jthn living and rhiblien. John and Carol Ann F.sHTkHN' Hi Alt HtlCIAI. ( I I II MAI. IN -The Kasteril Hlur Uncial club met IhjiI week al the home of Mr, llolllllr Htephelm. Mrmbrl piosrnl were, Mr. A. K rltrret, Ann Kl llll. Mn. Kdwlll HtuMny. Mm. I-eslcr Hchrelner, Mi. Joe lliiloiuek. Mrs. Frank Vuiorln, Mr. Mervyn Wilde. Kva llowinuu, Mra. OrorKe Itellerath. Hoaella KU-ltaldsotl. Mr. K. Hharp, Mr Hyron Johnson, Mr. P. CI. Wilson and Helen Bts-lord. -.f 1 I '" i "I I.ovo You ' rtily" waa played Jusl before the bridal party entered the livlim riHim tlirouuli an arch way. Itev. McC'laln played the wed iIIiik march. The bride wa lovely In a toll rone. Milt wjlh white accessories. Hhe wore a rorauve of yellow roaea and carried a colonial bouquet of aweel pea and rosebuds with ribbon streamer over a white Bible. Mra. Huymond Maye of till city wa her Inter' attendant. Hhe wore a mey nil It with while accenaorlea mid a oorsaue of pink and white cm nations. Melvln Ilerry waa hi brother' bent man. The two little flower girls were Durlene Mayo, nlere of the bride, und Mandril Hume, niece of the urooni. I lot ti wore yellow milk frock mid carried white flower basket lied with blue and white ribbon. They scattered roe petal In the bride' path. Mr, (.milium Berry, mother of Ihe urooni. wore a itrcy allernoon dreia with a corsuKe of pink roe. Iiiuuedliitely alter the ceremony, which waa recorded for the younu couple, the new Mr. and Mn. Ilerry cut their weddlllK cake. Mr. Clif ford Htone and Mr. Maye aulted In ervlnit. The wrddlim waa at tended only by member of the Im mediate fumlllr and a few rln.e relative and Mra. Cllady Mllford. Mr. and Mr Ilerry will make then home at lonu California avenue. Xi Delta The rcKtilur meetum of the XI Delta chapter of Ueta Hutine Phi wa heltl Tueduy at the home of Mr. Jainea Crupo with Mr. Hu cll llrackman a honleiui. Hetty Zlrklc. preldent, wa In churae of Ihe bulheita meetlnk. Plan were dlncunaed for the Kounder lay baiiquel to Ire held on April 'JO, Mr, tleorke Wurdell named her committee to work on the Mother luy tea, an unnual affair of the group, a follow. Mr. Warren Poole and Mr. Jame CraH. Heveral Kiplr were given during the program hour on Japan'a In duktry. custonik and aome of their habit and cultural life, by Kay Kaler. Mr Don Dlvem. Mr. Ueoruc Wardrll and Lou Humer. Itefrehment were aerved by the hote to Mra. Warren Poole. Mr. Arthur Moore. Mr. lrn Dnlrour. Mr. Mux Saundera, Mr. Van Thome. Kay Kaler, Mra. George Wardell. Ixill Rumer, Bet ty Zirkle. Mr. Howard Pernell. Mra. Don Dlveu and Mr. Jame Crapo. i mm V"'! WnafU Well V Kie-i.MMy ''ffHm J" r IrtfLff J M. .. V"H t pi t i Ml) r. IJfla J EXCHANGING VOWS at the home of the groom Sunday, April A, were Mary Soylor ond Willis Berry, son of Mr. ond Mrs. Croham Berry of 1911 Fargo street. WSCS Meeting TlmiMlliy, April 22, general meeting of the Woman' Hoclcty of i Chrlktlun Bervlcc wu held In the i church parlor, beginning with the study claaa at 10:30 a. in. Miriam Bmylh wa the leader, and the ub Joct, "Orent Prayer of the Bible." Mr. Everett Dentil reviewed "The Lower Level of Prayer." by Blew art, and at noon luncheon waa aerved by Mary and Martha circle. During the luncheon hour there were two rang by Athena Larnpro puloa, accompanied by Itonnle Tarr, "Ohj Didn't It ItHln," a negro plrlt ual by Burleigh, and "Borne Day." by Prlml. The executive board met al 1 p. m. and Mr. A. W. Cowman wa eluded plrltual life chairman to fill the vacancy left by Mra. John Klach who 1 leaving for Ht-dtllng noon. The regular meeting wa called to order at 1:30 p. m. by Mr. L. K. Plielp, preldent. Mr. Robert Sher idan, accompanied by Mr. Earl Redman, gave two ong, "Swing Low, Bwcet Chariot." by Burlelgn, and "Kvenlng Prayer," by Batterney. Murk Taylor led the devotion, a lted by Mr. Louli Petzoldt, and the theme wa "The Eurth and Her Increaae." Mr. Earl Redman and Mr. Wendall B. Smith gave two piano duo," one a n o I d Engllth Morrl dance by Gent, and "Country Garden." by Greinger. A dlocuulon of "Rural Communi ties" wa led by Mr. Taylor, and ahe then Introduced the Rev. Vic tor Phillip who poke on "The Rural Church" and told of Die many churches, both city and country, to which he ha ministered. He also dlscunsed the training the Metho dlt church Is now giving Its minis ters to better fit them for ministry In the rural communities. The expected guext from Chllo ouln, Bonanza and Bly were unable to be prenent, and their places on the program were filled by different member of the Klamath Fall branch. Mr. Earl Redmtin gave a short talk upon her personal experi ence In rural churches, and Mr, C. If. Barnstable took as her subject "The Hulldlng of a Christian World In America." A beautiful crystal punch bowl, formerly owned by Mr. T. R. Sklll Ington, was presented to the society by. her daughter. Mr. J. Abner, In memory of her mother. Marian Mclntyre. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Mclntyre. left Thursday morning for Portland to take entrance examinations for Lewis and Clark college. She met Emmy Lou Harpham In Eugene and the two continued on to Portland. Marian, a senior at KUHS. I re turning Sunday. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1948 SEC. II PACE I Wedding A pretty home wedding took place at 6 o'clock Saturday evening, March 27, al the home of Mrs. Min nie Schooler, fib N. nth street, when Olive Jane Fleming, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clapp of this city, became the bride of Jerry Llndenmlth of Klamath Fall. The ceremony was read by the Rev. Howard Hutchlns of the First Christian church In the presence of relatives and friends of the couple. Vows were exchanged before a mas of spring blossoms. The bride wore a grey suit with matching accessories and an orchid corsage. She was attended by Mr. L. L. Loper who also wore a grey suit with a pink carnation curaag. The groom wa attended by nil brother In-law, Herb Gregory. A reception waa held Immediately following the ceremony. After cut ting their wedding cake and greet ing guesta. Mr. and Mrs. Llnriesmltli left for a brief wedding trip to Red ding. They are now at home at S3S N. 11th street. HOTELS 0S80RN HOLLAND EUGENE. ORE. MEDFORD Thoroughly Modern Mr Mn. t. r. (rlr rid ! Rarlkr rraprUUri LA VERNE AMBERS, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ambers of Gates, Oregon, ond formerly of Klamoth Falls, will wed Robert E. Robertson, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Robertson Sr , of Shady Pine, on June 27. Thimble Club Stella Dryden nf 010 K. 11th was hostea to the Thimble club of Neighbor of Woodcraft Wednesday evening, April 31, and he wa -slued by Dlr.ksy Freeman. Whist and pinochle were plaved. and Elo dle Morhettac held high score In pinochle. Ida Mnrhetax low: at whist high arore wa held by Ruth Hull, low by Viola Leever. The two hostesses served refresh ment later In the evening. The place for the next meeting has not yet been decided but will be an nounced later. Honor Guests TUl.KI.AKE Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Martin who will make their home near Yuma. Arizona, were complimented this week al two af fairs. Mrs. Aurel Hunchett entertained at a delightfully planned luncheon Tuesday for Mrs. Martin. Daffodils added a spring note to the festivity and bridge was played during the afternoon. Invited were Mrs. John Hubbard. Mrs Jim Ren ton. Mrs. Clayton Itudrslll, Mrs. Dsrrell Vernon. Mrs. George Mc Vey. Mrs. James Stearns and the guexl of honor Mrs. Martin. Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Jamrs Kenton entertained at bridge and midnight bullet supper for Mr. and Mrs. Miirtin, Mr. and Mrs. Aurel Hunchett, Mr. and Mrs. John Hubbard. Mr. and Mm Darrell Ver non and Mr. and Mrs. William Srhtndlcr. (Pythian Sisters Pythian Sisters held a regular j meeting In the IOOF hall Friday i evening, April 23, with Eur Bustln, ! most excellent chief, presiding. Plan ' I were made for a Mother' Day pro i gram which will be announced later. I Charlotte Canoy will be hostess to I Uie Pythian Sisters social club Fri day evening, April 30, and there will be a potluck supper. Mrs. Thomas Sandoe of 1937 Painter, received word this week that her sister. Mrs. Alfred Wilson of Auckland. N. Z , has arrived by plane In San Francisco and will visit with a son. Ian O. Wilson of Sacra mento, before coming on here. It is 32 year since Mr. Sandoe and her sister have met and Mrs. Sandoe Is anticipating the visit with much pleasure. y hsjwiw. j 1. 1' i wymmmn npiiis sssii i j I I ' . JANICE OTT, doughfer of Mr. and Mrs James Ira Oft of Tulelake, has set May 1 os her wedding date. She will marry Theodore Allan Rupert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morion Rupert of Malin, in a cere mony to be performed at Reno. Kennell-EUl KIRBY Vacuum Cleaners Lifetime Guarantee Free Demonstration Phone B20 1401 Esplanade to fit . . . to flatter YOUR figure type . . hip-proportioned sizes tu-way control girdles KXCI.ISIVE AT SEARS 798 (jleaminf rayon utin front tu way control garment (itretchra up and down In back, croMwi.ve at aides) with the famous Cordtex non-roll top. Nude color. Proportioned sixes 26 to 36; 13 to lSVi-in. lengths. . o STRAIGHT HIP D i f feranc be tween waUt b4 hip (s Icm Iban S IncbM. AVERAGE HIP D I f ftraacc -tweca waist and hip USUI Inches. FULL HIP D 1 f fere oca be tween walat mn4 bipa la ever It incbaa. fit yotct, -ntexiy Jac&, ms Store Hours: 9 to 5:30 133 So. 8th Phone 5188 OOOOOOO- -OOOOOOOO- OCO000O Coatee Made SLIP COVERS Margaret Wheeler rhone 454 " from fatuous Saton J you f the new, improved home permanent SAVES UP TO HALF USUAL WAVING TIME The latest in home permanentt featuring the lame type preparations ... the same improved process used In the Richard Hudnut Fifth Avenue Salon I It's easy. . .quick. . .gives you a lovelier, stranger, longer-lasting wavel $071 M our cosmetic counter .... X Refill Kit Ho i""'"' p'u 30' f,d- LEE HENDRICKS Your NrUhhnrlinnd Drumlst SMILE RIGHT BACK AT THE SUN IN THESE WARM WEATHER FASHIONS BY Wonderfully detailed jult with six hip flops, curved notched collar. Next to -nothing waistline, easy skirt. In a fine royon. Sizes 7 to 15. 2950 Vv l 4i 1j! 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