JUL5DAY, APHIL 27, 1948 HFRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON PACE NINE Washington Claimed By Stassen Men inr jack inn, (rawing alma of a atnp-Nlnaarn ajitivrinrnt wrre ritiinlrrril today by elalnia that Harold K. KliiMrn may rah share of Waalilnitnn alnlr'a J II (it)l' prraiilrnllal nominating voire. Hlaaarn epiikrainrll hrrc aalil sup. porlrra of the fiirinrr Mlmiraola euvrrnor, by worklni down Into flip prrelnrta, have put llirmaelvre In poallliin In rhallrnge (Inventor 'f'lioinaa K. Drwry'a turn fnr roll trnl of Ilia etalr'e May 1 (IOC parly lnrllll(. i 'Mint Kiithnrlnii will nninn the III XVaalllllgtuil ili-lrgnlra In Ilia rrmll Jliall ciinvrlillnti al l-lillticlc-lpliln this aiimmrr. Hllimrll III r'orre The atnry told by HuiMirn'a bark era la that Ilia workrra allowed up in liiri'ci at prmlnrl inmilngi and aurrredrd In iiuinlng iimny drle galea uf thrlr -IiimuiIiik to arvrral toiuiiy ounvriitlniu, ini'ludlni the tutu In flpokanc. 4 Willi Ihla aa a alartrr, the Ntaatrn supportera rutitrnd thry ara rrr- taln to break Into tha national run- ' Vrntliin rirlriatra Hump. That group )tad brrn grnrrally rrgardrd aa llkrly to ahlll Urgi-ly to llrwry aflrr , pitaallila early balluta for Hrnalor .Ilurry Cain (Wash. I and tlovrrnor Varl Warren of California. J Dowry barkers rrtortrd. however, Ihnl binurn la unly hulling to Vi-pp up lila i-nuiaii. In Wuhlniitoii. PMiry ald control of Seattle and 1 Maooma drlrgnlra will trrrze the Minuaanuin out at Kit alatt con tention. I Cain Krinotrr 1 Cain la keynote teiikrr for that tiii-etinii and la In line lo lirad the V,'lnutium drlrgatlon to I'lilladrl )ihla. Ha U grnrrally linked on at 'favoring etenalor Arthur Vanrtrn bent In a nominating dradlork. rnrmatlon of aume Vaiidriibrrg rliiba la rrpoilcd under way in Washington. a Talk of tha Michigan arnator aa .'a compromise cancllrinte hu In ercaacd, with old Una forces In tilt party casting about fur aomrnne to .amp HlaaAcn If ha continues his : winning ways In the Ohio primary Inert Turaitay and In tha May 31 ;j Orrgun balloting. I Barkrrs of Nrnator Robert A. Tafl Mid no on will have to look farther after the Ohio vole. Tha former Mtnnreota governor la trying to grab Jl of the aute's II drlrgatra way from Tafl Rrp. Hemlrr cn-ohloi prrdlrtrd that the Blaaarn boom will noae dive when the primary returna are In. Taft hlmaelf contended Ataaaen hud passed hu peak In Ohio. Votea Clalrnrd laaaan has clalrnrd he will have more voles on the flrnt ballot than any other candidate. Drwry'a back era contend their man haa major- Jty of the drlrgatea choarn thua 'iter. The Uew Yorker picked up Uiirae more yeatrrday In Oklahoma, when Uie atau chose four dclrgstee-at-large. Blateen dlatrlct drlrgatra prevloualy aelectrd have cxproaaed thriniHtlvra aa favoring Dewey. Pennsylvania and Massachusetts awell the delegate Hat today, with Drlaware. New Mexico and Ten neure adding their quota tomor row. Pennsylvania picks 71 drlrgatea expected to vote on the (tral ballot for Hrnator Edward Martin iR-Pa Dewey and Tafl both claim strong aupixirt In the state. MassarhuACtla' 3S drlrgatrs are eicted lo support Senator I-ev-rrett Halloruuill In the early ballot ing. Thry miiy go to Hiwaker Martin i Mans. I later. President Truman Is rxnei'lrd to have Uie barking ol 14 drlrgatra picked by Pennsylvania demormts today and mmt if not all of the support ot 3d aelectrd In Massachusetts. risi:i QtflNCY. .Muss.. April 37 ! Daniel J. Lynch. 38. pleaded guilty In district court yesterday to regis tering horse race oris and was fined 1100. Lynch, lotnlly blind, krpt his horse plays 111 Drallle. It pays to Use the vYaiu-Adsl 15 nr. mcTirrTfiTYaT.i Tulelake American Legion Regular Meetings 2nd and 4th Tuesday! Club Rooms In th Kndra Bldg. Houri 1 p, m. to 12 Midnight For All Legionnaires maVTeswraatsw MnsT j: xi yi,r2UT3M-.ri'l"'i"W"'"f"iyiMi iw.i'mmui w-'feWTtT?ineTreitTa (4 Days Only!) J- LJ U U 10 I s 'Briefs' I'treoi ntUttf Hl lywo4 puMM W 'inalr kail ry . . . Willi w Pal Mi rink . . . ros- Uvf rcUr lie vJtjm . (Doors Open at a. m., Vednesday) It's Brealh-Taking! . . . Terrific! . . . Tremendous! . ; . Positively the greatest value giving sale you have seen in years . . . Former prices simply do not count ... The terse command is "Clean house ... and quickly" . . . regardless of cost . . . Just check the prices . . . Then shop and "COMPARE THE VALUES" . . . Every sale is final! ... No refunds ... no exchan ges .. . no credits. SHOP ... AND COMPARE THE VALUES! ! ! (4 Days Slippers Broken lots In leather or fabrics. About 100 pain. Shop early. sr. 0 ii . ... I N XZ, II WCdl PLAY SUITS W noT f y ii VA One and tw.plrre .tvlrs. Brokm1! 99 A . I BALLERINAS! . . . M nJjM I Out they go . . . th season's new.it styles in I j.1 SKIRTS . . . AND WHAT A BUY . . . II If I J gabardines, worsteds, covert cloth and flannels. I t STKUTTER CLOTH ...NEW PASTEL II II yjl Colors and sizes are complete. Volues from I ff I'LAIDS . . . SOLID PASTELS Jt QQ I I Shorties, full lengths, flares, box types, In fact f I 39.93 to 79.95. Shop early. I I OR BLACK ... SOLD EV- Xi i7 1 1 our entire stock of spring coats is on the block I - KcAtf -V fL.Rf - d- " 7'- esesas f f f f X. X. Brnd nw B,n f rV 11 1 ,1 X X denim, faded denim 99c aY SJ) qW BLOUSES!... VYV y A GOWNS . . . P. J.'s! 200 XX X A few of -thte" . . . and . few or esTWV II X. " "that" . . . better-rrade fowns and jif skirts!... m iui ii w m K ' l I I brown ... A regular 7.95 value . . . 1 AasV W. : Due to the fact thof we were unable to serve hundreds of customers ws II they are a "rive-away- at . . . efcg? ore extending ... . ror 1 shoe sale 4 more days. Many new styles 11 have been added, including genuine reptiles . . . olso new large group tjf HOUSECOATS PM -p- j I SWEATERS!.. rr. rJ; -T ! 99 vm GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 -e.rxr.:r.. )99 BSjI l t ' I AU lm "any stripes . . . jjjT table. Rrsular MS. J Flnt m.k ... In the Regularly ld 3.95 to 10.95. 4 day. JJ1 . m.rr. . . . oxfords . . . suedr. . . . p.tmts . . . calf- seasons latest patterns I only. miT'f drrn tvpes In all hrels skins . . . sandals . . . pumps and colors . . . sandals J I VTROll FIK AOO V' ... white. . . . blacks . . . pumps . . . strplns. White, . . . sllnts . . . ank e I I M-w.-e. OinULLtnj VV ...m.hc.l.rt black and colors straps... all sise Bet- DICKIES M X trr hurry! I M Those rally rol- m . X J g ored aanda X 2 TOr 1 O 1 X Plaln 0r UneT that you drop In X " ' " ' 2 for 1 HOT I y I styles the waahlnr ma- i,, X afaOC 1 Jt Q f f """'"ssw chine . . . .old " "w X X O73 iT S 1&C everywhere at S.95 aseeaasssw X SJAOr X - " s 7w Jf A W .. Month - end NLX I IU" I S VV M fi-if !L0USES A XwSy fe-vV 1 Gibson rirl ... shtrtstyle or fancy f1 QQ V ' xC x 1 tyvn whi,M ' Color or Ii V I ,-, X 1 firured patterns . . . Compare them II 1 II OfW I NYLONS I :::5 a : I I a-' and m.iny othrrs In both one II I I ....j II I and two piece styles. II II . I I 1 I I I . SllRhtly Irrrsutar from a famous p. 4Q I I JlipS ... I taiUlgOnS. . - . I I 1 1 Assv a I ir dl I kvtNIIP I mnkAf. K1 .era. In 1ft dinlr (ultrA MW 1 1 .- a....n. .11. I I rlv Vofn sTMniiino hanfl. B M i i (-.Hi ii ip i i iiKiiiif f i ii iu ' . M" . ui-i. .i. an - . r.:. " ' u. i B m Ul IV VI I VIIVVI e MM II " " " I 11 nanonu auvcuiscu ' m m III "',- " 1 1 many others . . . tailored or rerular price was 112.95 Values to U.95 Values to 19.M II ,,nc'r m inuAtA wh,le ,ht'r must bt old! II J they last . . . Clearance Price. Clearance price is - 6loyes vJ f (( I) Anklets Broken lots In 4w " lie V tlll M A I j About 100 pair. SSkT Starts y ? U U C 4 T9 99c Wed. 525 MAIN IN KLAMATH FALLS Only IYC m i im " SCARFS . . . Shadtd lonci In Bprlnc'i newral color , , . Hhrrr rayon. Cottons . . . Cr " . . . Ravom . . moaUjr the Nrw look (iHnon Ctrl ttylr . . . Regularly prlrtxt to S.95 . , for th C'lraranrt prlal ... 4 dayi only , . River rool , , . Froilpolnt , , . (iabar dint . . . Klruttrr cloth . . . art the mutcrUli , . . Htraljthl cut ilylm . . . Regular T.M ... a ilnt at . . .