t AGE EICHT HERALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON MONDAY, ArRIL 7f, 19-18 MllillR, Keno Anuounccmrnta are out for a ahower lor Mr. Bnd Mrs. Mclvln awyer, who are the proud parents of twlna. a boy and a girl, born at Klamath Valley hospital Apr" 20 Th ahower la to be held at the Earl SJeherer home Monday at 1:30 p.m., April 30. Mra. Sawyer la a aimer of Mra. Waller Laybon. Mr. and Mra. Johnnie Zaroslmkl art the happy parent of a aon, born Monday, April 19. at Klamath Valley hospital. Mra. Zarosinskl la the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Tom Calmea of Worden road. Tom Is wearing a grin that won t wipe off. Mra. Bloan of Ellingson mill had an amusing Incident happen re oanUy aa she was walking past a new Chevrolet acdan across the aueet from Louie Polln's store. The horn began blowing and Mrs. Sloan aald she was so startled she Jumped about a foot. Cars puUed to the curb and pedes trians lined the streets while passers-by tried In vain to atop the horn. Everyone grabbed at a door and one man even got In the front of the car and whistled at It. Others jumped on the front bumper and Metered up and down, others crawled under tlie car trying to get at the wires. Finally, after a half hour a city patrolman called a mechanic and he was able to open the glass in the door and slip in a thin tool and open the door and atop the racket. Pioneer Community Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rice have sold their home here and are moving Into Klamath Falls where they have pur chased a new home In Hot Springs. The new owners of the Rice house are from Portland, Ore. Mra. A. Rice was shopping In Klamath Falls on Thursday. She also attended Rebekah lodge. A birthday party was held recent ly for Charles Zack. who was three years old. and Harold Zack, who celebrated his first birthday. Each had his own cake with one and three candles. Invited to the party were the fol lowing playmates and mothers: Frances Kerns. Cecilia Arnold, Betty Jean and Jannette Ann Kerns. Leila Ira Kerns, Jeannena Ellsworth. Darid and Lydla Narey and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Narev. The Martin Parsons. Miss Dana Parson and Maud Erwin Heine of Henley all made a recent trip to Tlsit Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bingle and family at Southerns, Ore. and also Yistted at Ashland. Eddie Bushong Is plowing in our community this week. Farming Is I beln done by all of the neighbors and garden planting is in full swing. Mrs. W. L. Fraln and Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Clammans spent Sunday t Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Humphry of Dunsmuir, Calif, visited here Wed nesday. Mrs. Ben Kerns, one of our com munity's oldest residents, is very 111 at her home here. The Kerns spent some time at Harbor. Ore. to benefit his health, but to no avail, so they have returned to their home here. Henlev Two Surplus Sales Set At Portland SEATTLE. April 26 ? The war assets administration Saturday set two surplus property sales for Swan island, Portland, one from April 20 May 19 and the other April 21-29. The material consisting of hard ware and plumbing supplies and miscellany, cost the government $450,000. Both will be sealed-bid sales, with the merchandise offered on an "as is, where is' basis. Location of the articles can be obtained from the customer service center on Swan Island. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Ernest Hills are receiving congratulations on the birth of their son, Douitlas Dixon. Mrs. Hills was formerly Dorothy Dixon. Wednesday and Thursday, 29 chil dren from Henley underwent exam inations In the seven different observation stations in the mobile unit of the nutritional survey proj ect which is now In Klamath Falls. The survey is conducted by Oregon State college, the U. S. department of agriculture and the U. S. health service In four counties In Oregon to determine the relationship of food, water and soil In the building of good teeth. Findings will be given to the family physician of each child. Mrs. Alvln Cheyne entertained the Henley home extension unit on Thursday. Foreign rookery was demonstrated when a Chinese meal was prepared. Mrs. Max Marvin and son Roy spent three days last week visiting in Ashland with Mrs. Marvin's mother. Attending the A. P. Green funeral in Medford Tuesday were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Green and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hilyard. Mr. and Mrs. Burrell Short. Alton Short. Mrs. Harold Dehlinger. Mrs. Fred Beymer. Mr.- and Mrs. Clarence Oober. Mrs. Burrell Durant. Mr. and Mrs. Dayton Finchem. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Slaughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Short. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Short and Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Short Congratulations to the Henley re. lay team on winning the class C re lays In Eugene Saturday. The relay team consisted of the following boys, Wayne Oober, Calvin Noble. Scott McDonald. James Enman. Delbert A rant. Dale Webber. Jack Matnev. Marlin Sheppard and Clar ence Adams. Others from Henley making the trip to Eugene were Sammy Dehlin ger. Bill Short, Clesson Meacham. Mickey Rosano. Glenn Hilyard. Bob Murphy, Harold Balin and Martin Snyder. In the practice track meet Mon day afternoon with the KUHS Peli can B squad. Henley emerged vic torious with 59 points to Klamath's 42 points. The three one-act plays given by the freshman, sophomore and Junior classes of the high school Tuesday night were well attended and enjoyed. Jess Johnson of Henley and Charlie Hamilton and Lester Schriver of Malin spent a week fishing at Gold Beach. Fishing during that week was reported as not very good. Mrs. Charles Johnson was hostess on April 12 at a White House dem onstration party In her home. At tending were Lillian Reling. Zella High, Charlene Reling. Irma Cle ment, Carolyn Clement. Ethel Han sen. Kate Taylor. Gertrude Banta, Arlene Tuback. Marguerite Wovake. Ruth Shaffer. Ellen Johnson. Gladys Ervin and Mrs. Earl Bossum. FUNNY BUSINESS HERALD AND NEWS COMICS i iwiifcra I iipp mm m &? l J&a.iri-ll 7 ibu'OM.rrs.R.30 WwM. Jt ctvM rMi ahis tohiu' , ciWvv:tfctoliW:J Jf T, Y lr llT S e SaS WiTMlimGlEA.vtK.JAJEr SXtXk? I'lCk UP 1H TKAH.' SHE jf5!1) ts''"iY A.-JDWE GOTTA IV Jl I!i:,B kAf vN REPACK! 1 1$ I I - 1 -i - ' " - MajA rfif Swi D has been attending Chicago technl- " ' ' -'jrVfri rr5V''' I 1 Mf a V Tj'-,' "Jo"" 1 V Dly cul college for the past 15 months . f)i -- y f k " v ' Vti'-clA &C? 1" RENT A BIKE! x oc.no ia itm E4,BuTirnip.ur s. ,Jf'y tybJllP Xlt4 bt T MVdH . tOKCxuJ ,,, "ie an hour SI JO ner da " e?iCH rw9.ier B cix-tint to f c-?'- ' -1 VVY 'fjilr ill ft I cuT cu: oo tm.no IM . . , . ' " CONTKCTI5 Tt( I CRMt USTfKO I WMAT VlV ' 'I WI 111 I I V VOU HON T roOTTIN Ml Mill Bikes may be taken out over Pvcrs-tors aJaa I a? tTn n? H;'N IT " ' I A - m I 1 1 itfl II1 1 Sunday , ricj4H5 in OM cwri Tw N".' y -fVfl lit W 2 IW . II IIswm mfilKxl 1 I POOLE'S tSs30!-' Vf fUQfWQl kR 3 Rl ! 228 South 111. Phone 55-0 I '"W?T 1 M rT T' , iW T'0) J W I V;,?f, l-?S. I li V 1 f?V.j-2 p !7 2 Attending the Red Bluff Round up from here last week-end were Mr. and Mrs. Hank Hall. Barbara Lybrand. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Camp bell, Dallas and Gordon Givan. Mrs. Jim O'Neill. Vlncle Renth. Jim Hall and Mr. and Mrs. Perry Grimes. - Merrill Driscoll and John Driscoll of Bonanza are working for the ranger district here. They will main tain the drift fence between the Fremont forest and grazing district 1. from the state line to Goodlow mountain, then help on spring tree planting and road maintenance be fore fire lookout stations are man ned. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schoenberg and children of Klamath Falls vis ited here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ross McMillan and daughters Marycile. Mnbel and Jes sie visited relatives at Bremerton. Wash, the first of the month. The trip was made to attend the golden wedding anniversary of Mrs. Mc Millan's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Milles. which was on April 6. Mrs. Frank Obenchain attended a teachers' convention at Portland the past week-end. Warren McCain, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles McCain, returned home from Chicago April 8. Warren BIKE WRECKS CAR! MARRIES MIAMI BEACH. Fla.. April 2 m I Bemarr MacFadden. 79-year-old physical culturist, took his third bride Friday a 42 -year -old grandmother. She was Mrs. Jonnie Lee, blonde, vivacious New York Interior decorator. To mvc the child he hit the cre he'll be glad the little girl U Mfe, but mad about the damage to hit car. la fact, he may expect her folki to pay the repair bills. Jurt one more reason why par ents should have Compre hensive Personal Liability ' Insurance, which covers vch claims. T. B. WAITERS 107 8. 7th St. Phone 411.1 M1NM tfCIIUI mt IIKaim tMMff iirtlni Ctimtkit NOTICE! Change of Phone Number From 3080 to 9383 R I K E R VETERINARY CLINIC IllUl'llL maw l mm KLAMATH FALLS WEDNESDAY, WEDNESDAY, P I S THE ONLY BIG RAILROAD SHOW COMING HERE THIS YEAR. WotWb Greatest trained Wild Animal Shew AN INCONCEIVABLE ARRAY OF AMAZING ACTS AND ARTISTS with J circusdoms CLYDE BE ATT Y in Person JWith the lirgeit, fiercest mixed group of savage ungle-bred malt and female performing Mom and tigers in me history of hit illustrious career. . . . MORE Animals, more thrills, more suspense than ever before. AVAILABLE NOW AT HAFTER'S A Few of The New Laundromats The only wather that you need not bolt to the floor. No vibration ... no shake. No special plumbing needed. Rinses 90 dry. Washes Garments fluffy clean. $299.95 . Conlon Home Ironers America's easiest ironer. Irons rapidly, safely and evenly. Quality built throughout. With chair. $199.50 H AFTER 9th St Klamath APPLIANCES FURNITURE Phone 4078 VJVa-nWK1& VN SPICK, ftwo Wiwlf WW Is Ol9fflfM(3 0Ot. '. Wt-lt400 i OviW V TrtOOdWt OKl WKA M -1 y. 1 raoLVH '. I I O CCAiSot'. t,VAVX VOMORV vvoi.v.M , ismo vr CtK4.S "VO V: OKU.' MARQUEE MM BE W5HAYEN 10 V0lP BElWO SeOTTED SV HMD HIM. AUD6ET HIM HEM BV UCRNIMS, IRREGARDU4S'. itift tOW'T IRUKE HIM whfbp it'll 4unw Rcroee tuik faMCta T1K S HEROD ISSUE ORDERS, 1 -V jv 3 W A VISITOR ENTERS WO I l Art I ' !& J ' L wvvt T"KE K seat-.. J v I ir iiiiiii ''?'.r-v.-.A.Ls ANOTHER THING-A'OUTaCT KtRf A11UM WfT Of THE ROCKIES! HE MAW HAVE 9TRWD CtOM TO OWE AMD BFEM flCKED UP! NOW SET OUT. AND DOUTCOME BACK WITHOUT THE SCOUNDRH'. I, ll i n V WEIL, I'LL BE !! nwp ME ? nHT. MARSUEE.ICUSlASTIoXpT !...V0U MAN IDI0T!...WHf PICN'T I All THAT TENDER. SOU SfEAK Vf M'OKf SOVICITUDf W 1 NT THOSE MEN OVER. ME ?!! Bette? LET ME If I CAUTSAW SAW, HILDA ITS STBAIGMTER THAN SUPPOSED TO Be iOO CAM , I'LL MORE OR. LESS RESK3M FPOM . vStraiohtXtme humam sace: Dim Stop jiggumg oe I the boro! hev, DOM I WHAT ARe fOO , 0UM-- SO HAPPT ABOUT" Mowe$t, I was KIDDING! 1 Om.mo. YOORE much bet ieh. than J yoo . L am; ".0 VMM IHI . HI FELL 1 W C FOR IHAT f old OA" n f DPAoorie op DeTHl srruoio I AMDPei I LEAVE HIM FOR I Wk BUT A MOMENT TO J II PURCHASE fm HM-M M BUT I TOO HfH BEEN OTUPIDl HER6 r) THIS IW VLHICLe CXXJ HOII?F tS3 tXXi'S HAW JACK HAIIDLE AIO THB LUMP ON ANDREI'S HEAO- 1 II A ON Af (DRSIta HEAD 4j0f J I CWKie AT THfi TMOliaHT BUT MUfcT AOMIT THAT Tl SMALL MOPOST MS A WORTHY AOVEBCARV BUT WHEN I LAV HAHD6 ON HER I'LL 110. P6T VVAuiAAAAA'tAiJiAAAAi'uVA A ? SPECIAL PURCHASE vv. o ii(iiiiifiB"iii v vuiim vi m xrz A.. V WtfVlfflklM U UnillV Ukll W 7 t y ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? X DAINTY LACE TRIM BEAUTIFULLY TAILORED SIZES 32-38 1 25 Your purely feminine finery! Glamorous satin slips, suparb fit, bias cut! Penney's offers you lovelies such as these for only 1.25. Dolicate touchos of lace at the tops. Warm, soft tearosa shoda. Buy a couple at this low price! WOMEN'S RAYON KNIT JERSEY PANTIES Sixes small, medium and large. White or toarose colors In the most popular brief style. Elastic waist and log band. Reduced price! AVAILABLE TUESDAY MORNING 9:30 A. M. Main Floor V Main rioor . VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVt'V