PACE SIX HIRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON SATURDAY, APRIL 24, l4I Vows Exchanged Sunday Afternoon ' Jon Russell Hauger chose while lilacs and single white orchid ''for her lovely bridal bouquet when she exchanged vows Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock with Stanley Van Norman Jones of San Francisco. I Jean Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Hauger of this city vnd the wedding took place at their home. 1540 Pacific Terrace. Mr. Jones is the ton of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lucas Jones of Denver, " Colorado. The ceremony was read by the Rev. David Barnett of the First Presbyterian church before a fire- w .place banked with white lilacs and huckleberry and tall white candles. White lilacs, carnations and candles covered the mantel. Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt played in cidental music before the wedding party entered the living room, and tht also played the wedding marches. i Jean was given in marriage by her father. She wore a lovely gown taf heavy white lace fashioned with brief sleeves, a deep neck yoke above the bateau neckline of her frock Lace mitts and a halo of braided :whlte net with an elbow length veil completed her costume. She wore a single strand of pearls, gift of the groom. The bride's attendant was her 'aisier, June Hauger, wno came from Corvalhs for the wedding. June .wore a frosted blue marquisette own, similar to the bride's, with Jblue mitt. She carried a corsage fOf baby pink rosea. The little flower girl was the 9ride's niece, Sandra Kay Borcher lot Coos Bay. She wore a pale vel flow dotted Swiss floor length skirt Jand carried a French bouquet of uorget-me-not. The best man was the groom's satner, Mr. Arthur Lucas Jones and the ushers were William -Borcher (and Don Klrkpatrick, Mrs. William jBorcher, (Kay Dunbar), and Bon piie Hauger of Seattle, greeted quests at the door. Following the ceremony the bride and groom cut their beautiful wed Wlng cake wreathed by a circle of Jilies-of-the valley, pink rosebuds amd white hyacinths. Mrs. W. O. 6mith served the cake. Miss Marie McMillan presided at the coffee ((service and Mrs. R. C. Wood ruff and Dr. Buford Hargus were Jn the champagne punch bowl. As sisting about the rooms was Mrs. bAlfred J. Henneffer of Tacoma. who Tew In Sunday morning from Wash ington tor the wedding. She is the former Betty Hauger. The bride's mother wore a flower ed print afternoon frock with a J)urplB orchid and Mrs. Jones, mother or the groom, wore a grey tripe afternoon gown with an or-hid. As the bride tossed her bouquet. t fell into the hands of Bonnie auger who is herself to be a bride October. Mr. and Mrs. Jones left for a Redding trip which will take them (to Southern California and they will then be at home at 132 Grijalva ktrive in San Francisco. For travel ing the bride wore a beige suit with n orange top coat, and a beige hat "r1th an orange quill. The orchid ' trrmuher bouquet was pinned to ier Jacket. a The bride is a wen known mem p of the younger set here and for keveral years has held an interest ing position with Ransohoff's in San Francisco. Mr. Jones Is In business ,ln the bay city. J -Ouesta at the wedding- Included 0 old friends of the bride's family. ' ... Yvette Sweet, daughter of Mr. and JUrs. William S. Sweet of 1340 Wil ford, was Initiated last week In iMpha Gamma Delta sorority at the ijnlverslty of Oregon. She was Wedged earlier In the year. Voice Recital An interesting song recital was enjoyed last Sunday afternoon at the First Presbyterian church, when a delightful and varied pro gram was given by three attrac tive young singers. Colleen Cres well, Marie Casjens and John Crosby. The songs were chosen from the finest In music literature and were artistically and Intelli gently interpreted with a back ground of fine piano accompani ment as played by Mrs. George Mclntyre. Mrs. Mclntyre presented the three voice students. The audience was Impressed with the richness of tone quality, clearness of dic tion and fine interpretation as divulged by the three singing stu dents. Noticeable) in Colleen Creswell's singing were her wide range and the versatility she showed in hand ling equally well the quiet pianis simo work In the old Irish air, "Bendemeer's Stream" and the brilliance of the "Prelude" from Ronald's "A Cycle of Life." John Crosby gave a remarkable performance in view of the fact of his brief study. His full, vibrant baritone was especially effective in Schubert's dramatic "Omnipo tence" and in Plegier's beautiful song. "The Horn. Marie Casjens singing of the Mendelssohn contralto aria, "O Rest In the Lord" showed the fine maturity of Intrepretation with which she always sings. She and John Crosby ended the program with two duets in the lighter vein. Cole Porter's "In the Still of the Night" and Kreisler's "Stars In My Eyes" both of which were well accepted by the audience. Elks Party The younger set danced Wed nesday evening in the Elks ball room when the Elks entertained Klamath county high school stu dents with their annual spring party. Baldy's band played and there was a Coke bar upstairs with refreshments served in the lodge dining room after the dance. John Schubert was chairman, as sisted by a student committee and also a group of Elks. . The party was judged so success ful that plans are now being talked for a late fall formal for the youngsters. ainMnniMniiMMMMmnnKPinwiM 1 1 1 tin mum im 11 ua mmmrnmrfm ft - 'i V -it ' X' . V - ? J i' - . , J '1 " 1 V - i . ' - OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS here Tuesday Included (left to right), Mrs. Burton Myers of Solem, president of the Women's Auxiliary to the Oregon State Medical society, and Mrs. Harry Moore, Portland, president-elect of the auxiliary. They are pictured with Mrs. Arthur M. Compton of Klamath Falls, having break fast at the Pelican early Tuesday morning A luncheon and bridge party completed the day's program. -Giiilerlun Invitations White Flowers On St. Paul's Altar White flowers decked the altar of St Paul's Episcopal church Satur day evening. April 17. when Margie Bell Johnson, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Johnson of 573 Conger, became the bride of Mr. Thomas J. Mahdney Jr of Portland, son of Mrs. Thomas J. Mahoney and the late Mr. Mahoney. The ceremony was read by the Rev. Frederick C. Wlssenbach at half -past 7 o'clock In the presence a of families of the young couple and their many friends. Snapdragons and carnations, with many candles were used in the Luncheon Mrs. N. H. Bogue entertained at her home on Pacific Terrace at luncheon Thursday and the affair turned out to be a mother-daughter party. Guests were Mrs. Charles Thomas and Mrs. Walter Lassett, Mrs. Rose M. Poole and Mrs. Prentice Yeo- mans, Mrs. Charles Hansen and Mrs. Neil F. Black. Mrs. Fred Schallock, Mrs. Twyla Ferguson, and Mrs. Bogue's daughter. Mrs. George H. Clark. i the new, improved home permanent The latest in home permanent! ... featuring the same type preparations ... the same improved process used in the Richard Hudnut Fifth Avenue Salon for txpensive wavesl Ask for the new, improved RICHARD HUDNUT HOME PERMANENT at our cosmetic counter $2-75 ... Refill KitM" nct pui 30( Ftd. to Quick . : ; aiy ; ; . such timplt directions that anyon from tn og up can follow! 2U So. 6th LEE HENDRICKS "l'our Neighborhood Druggist" Phone 4321 church, with pew bouquets of white snapdragons tied with satin ribbons. Mrs. Samuel Mushen played In cidental organ music as Peggy Clark of Berkeley, cousin of the bride, lighted the candles. Jewell Howard sang "O Promise Me" Just before the bridal party entered the church to the strains of the traditional wedding march. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a lovely gown of net with lace bodice and skirt in sets. Her net veil was caught by a coronet of Orange blossoms and fell in a sweeping cascade to the hem of her skirt. She carried a white prayer book and a cluster of stephanotls tied with white satin ribbons. Mrs. Paul Ahser of Portland was the bride's only attendant. She wore a pale green marquisette gown with a matching hat and her arm bou quet was of pink roses. The best man was John Hall, close friend of the groom. Ushers were Fred C. Johnson, brother of the bride, and Al Flegel of Roseburg. Following the ceremony a recep tion was arranged at the Pelican party room where the young couple greeted their friends and cut their wedding cake which graced the bride's table. An arrangement of pink and white gladioli was used on the table. Mrs. John C. Boyle of Medford served the bride's cake ! and she was assisted bv Mrs. Harlan ! P. Bosworth Jr. of Medford. Mrs. ! Leslie Rogers presided at the punch bowl. 1 For her daughter's wedding Mrs. i Johnson wore a moss green silk with a small brown hat and corsage of talisman roses. Mr. and Mrs. Mahoney left shortly after the reception for a wedding i trip which took them to the Oregon coast and south to San Francisco. For traveling the bride wore an old ! rose wool dressmaker suit with black ' accessories. They will be at home In Portland this next week. ) The bride Is a graduate of Klam ath Union high school and of Ore gon State college and Is a member of an old Klamath county family. She and her husband met in Port land where both are In Insurance offices there. Mr. Mahoney Is a graduate of the University of Ore gon. Out-of-town guests for the wed ding Included Mr. and Mrs. John C. Boyle and two daughters. Mrs. Ger trude Rutherford. Mrs. Gertrude Rutherford and Mr. and Mrs. Cor nell Collins, and Mr. and Mrs. Har lan P. Bosworth Jr., and three sons. Harlan. Robert and David: Mr. and Mrs. James Lair of Portland. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bell of Sacramento, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Rebard of Berk eley, Miss Ruth Mahoney of Port land, sister of the groom; Mrs. Mary Oarbarino, Norma Hall and Hazel A delightful "After-Glow" fol lowed the Quartet Parade of bar ber shops singers Friday night et the Willard hotel ballroom when the quartets snug liiforniiilly much to the delight of their A buffet supper was served during the evening with the Klunuiih chapter of Si'EUsySA Inc.. as group. Klamath Falls hustr.v-es Includ ed Mrs. John Houston. Mrs. Mnr vln Thomas of Tulelnke, Vm. Homer Amourcux. Mrs. B. J. Lotts gaard. Mrs A. E. Martin of Tule lake. Mrs. L. H. Stone. Mrs Ches ter D. Morris and Mrs. Francis W. Peak. Among the out-of-town guests, who accompanied their husband here, were Mrs. Charles Slkes. Mrs. C. A. Blackburn. Mrs. H. R. Tay lor. Mrs. R. U. Branson, Mrs. E C. Murphy. Mrs. Harvey Blyihc. Mrs. C. A. Wetterstrom. Mrs. Guy Kna klnson. Mrs. R. W. Adair. Mrs. Frank Graham and Mrs Frank Risks, all of Eugene. Mrs. Carlton Brown. Mrs Ted Nelson and Bonlta Martin. Salem. Mrs. A. M. Murphv ot Orlnda. Calif.. Mrs. Gall C. White of Port Angeles. Wash.. Mrs. Charles Mer rill. Mrs. Brent G. Abbott. Mrs. Ralph M. Adams and Mrs Davton Colvllle. all of Reno, and Mrs. Ted Corbett. Mrs. Lou Lavarhek. Mrs. Mark Beach and Mrs. J. A. Van Leeuwen, all of Oswego. i A son, their second, has arrived I In Oslo. Norway, to Dr. and Mrs. I William R. Sweetman. arcorflin o word received here by Mrs. Sweet- I man'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred ; reterson. one is me lormcr Maxlne Peterson and recently Joined Dr. Sweetman who la studying advanced medicine at the University of Oslo. The Sweetmans have one other son. Eric. Invitations have been received here for lh wedding of June Mnrle WlNlnms, riuuiililcr of Mr. and Mis. O. 1.. Williams of Mrdloid und formerly ol Kliiiunth Falls, the rites to take place nt 81. Janii's LK.Hpicopul church Snliirday niter- noon, May 1, nt 4 ocluck nt South I'nsiuleim, CiilKoinla. june will become the bildc of John Pi'iwutt Francis, sou of Mia. MuiTla Frauds und AUiert L. Fran cis, both of l'asiuleiiii. Sho was graduated from Medford hluh school In IIUS, later attended Whit man college ut Wnlla Walla, Wash Inglou, on a inuslu scholarship for one nnd one-half years, ltst sum. mer June studied voice at the a.uslc Acudeiny of the Weal In Santa llnrbuin and this winter studied under Dr. Richard l.ert of I'nsu deuu. Her flame, who has been en rolled at California School uf Technology In Husndeiin, Is a navy veteran having been stnlloned In China for a cumuli-ruble crlod. Bridge Tea Mrs. Lylu KcJIstrom was the honor guest at a shower given Friday eve ning of last week when Mrs. Charles I ui km. Mrs. Krlc Majors. Mis. John Van Doreu nnd Mrs. Robert Huiii k entertained ut the, home of the Inner. 1H78 Melrose street. Dessert wus followed bv bridge mid those usked (or Mrs. Kellstrom s pleasure Included Mrs. John Hue, Mrs. D. W. Rice. Mrs. Elleelie Hicks. Mrs. Russell Marshall. Mrs. Edward llroslerhous, Mrs. John Bunker. Mrs. Ernest lllsliop. Mrs. John Cox. Mrs. Hoy Preiuo, Mrs. William Jenkins, Mrs. Arthur M. Campion, Mrs. W. K. Moshrr, Mrs. Robert Veatih. Mrs. Calvin Hunt, Mrs. Paul McCull and Mrs. John Ashley and the host esses. , 16 Candles Carmel Fluuliian'a lttth birthday was observed on Tuesday evening. April 13. when Mr. and Mrs. Matt PinntKUii entertained with a aim prise supper party for their daugh ter at their home on Washington street. A bullet was served with Qic tra ditional birthday cake, boasting 10 burning candles. Quests danced later. Invited to share festivities with Carmel were Kay Craig. Sully Burn- hlM-l, Clarissa Mason. Charlotte Ivory, lielli bunch. Geraldlne Mc Kendree. Tottsie Liskey, Mary Lee Crawford, Fred I'assinore. John Elliot. Ray Best. Jackie Metier, Glenn Lorrnx. Jimmy Plriuiger, John ; Bishop and Dick llobarl. Betrothal Told Mr. und Mrs. Alfred E. Hutchin son of Tulelake announce the forth coming marriage of their daughter. Dorothy, to Wesley Ezrll. son of Mrs. Wllllnm Eell and the late Mr. Ezell of Klamath Falls. Sunday afternoon, June s. at 1 o'clock In St. Paul's Episcopal church la the time chosen by Miss Hutchinson for her wedding. She Is a member of the Premont Junior high school staff and Mr. Eiell la In business here. , June Wedding ) Date Is Told Romance cnine Into the news this week when Mr, and Mrs. Chariot Joseph Mniiln of Klninnlh Falls aiiliouiieed the belruthal nnd forth coming mniTluge of their only daughter, llelly Hee. to Mr. James Wnldron Akeiill, son of Mr. and Mr. Mlllou Hardy Akerlll of Oranii Puss Until families gathered III Medford lust Sunday at the Rogue River vallev Country rluu for dinner In honor of the occasion. Cocktails A number of Informal 'cocktail pintles were given before the dance at It rumen llolf nnd Country club last Haturduy night. Among those entertaining were Mr. und Mrs. I'nul Furrens who In vited sixteen guests to their home ut 40a N. 4lh street before the dunce, nnd Mr. nnd Mis. Mutt Fin- nlgun hud friends III al their home on Washington street Just before the party. Sundoy Party A shower In honor of Mrs. Mal vern Alcorn of the Kduewood ruiieh was given by Mrs. Aaron T. Hoff man nt "Windswept'' on Sunday alterniam. April ID. Cards were enjoyed during the afternoon and refreshments were served, followed by the presentation of many gills. Invited to the affair were Mrs. Malcolm Epley. Mrs. Jerrv Short. Mrs. Edward Mlmison. Mrs. Sherrold L'hatrnan. Mrs. George Elliott. Mrs. Frank Riley. Mrs. Albert Deveneeiiel. Mrs. Eggers, Mrs. Albert llrorkl and Mrs. Jake Strong. The wedding will be un event of Saturday, June t. nt Ht. Paul's Rpla copal rhurch In Klamath Falls. llelly Itee la a member of a pioneer Klamulh county family and w. grudiialcd from Klumalh Union high school. Inter attending Oregon Miate college nnd then transferring to Htiuthern Oregon college at Ash land where she will receive her bachelor of science degree In Juns, Mhe has tuluoied In music and edu cation at school and has now ac cepted a leaching ikmIUoii al Pheo nlx. Oregon, 'The young roiiple met at Houlhern Oregon college where Mr. Akerlll is also a student. He served In the Hulled Htntea navy during World War II and Is now resuming his education. He Is a member of A(X1 class of IDAO. He also plans to teach and Is majoring In history nnd athletics. Custom ataee SLIP COVERS Margaret Whtclar Phnne 4M4 PHONI 6565 or 5111 (or PICK-UP and DELIVERY WE STILL THINK IT'S SPRING! HAVE WOOLENS and BLANKETS Cleaned for Summer Storage! Cleanliness Is the best care you ran give to these expensive Items. Let Cascade give your prlied blaukrta and woolens thorough cleaning . . . then store llirm away and be free from worry. Complete moth proofing If desired. PAQPAnC LAUNDRY and LADLAUt DRY CLEANERS Klomoth's Finest Opposite Poif Offlc Biggs, all of Portland, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Knox of Seattle II Bob Ersnt Stylists Present . . . t.reWs .fs. "? S'"" . T..''-J Tht most imprtsstvt uniform in oil lob vant rmltry . . . this ntw stylt fathiontd of luxurious 100 Nylon . . . uniurptmtd for quality ... Isr flafttfing tmort nit ... for distinction, (hock tfitti outstanding (to tunc thi fabric wnars longor . . . laundtrt easier, nttds no ironing . . . will not rippli along tht looms ... Tht uniform can bt washed and dritd in littlt mart than on hour . . . Application ef damp cloth quickly rtmovts casual spots, stains tr smudgo ... N. 1 000 SplsiK einllly "Nea-llsel" Nylin; Nekh cvltetr, cm) rrkl set In felt, rk hi Sliti 11.42. Ne. 1001 Sane style hi after) ettsvet. I Cotton Shop 2nd Floor ' T TV jna Tt j. -fcJL yl m it r TTL$lt hr1tti'itJmtrJtit i iiertttiaMi '). Am.: - -'n rr i beautiful to see... beautiful to hear... IVI a j n a v6x I ' ' ' I 1 Tho MagndVox Traditional . . one ol fourteen distinctively different models. Flawless furniture with mellow hand-rubbed finish to delight the eye. Your ear will thrill to fresh horiions inmtiiicsl enjoyment! Imompsrable Mignsvox tone, fully automatic record change! with noiaelcii leather-touch pickup, 12-inch Magnavox apeaker, powerful 10-watt receiver and amplifier chassis. In genuine mahogany, walnut or maple... 249.50 tietlnfr Music Co. 120 North 7th Fin Musical lntrumnti Phono 4519