.PACE FOUR HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 944 tHAHH JEMKtNl CdJtor MALL'ULM KHt.EY Managinf Editor JKntered Mconrf daes mailer it Uie oaeiofflre o fail. Ura.. oo AufUK - IvOb under acl ol I Ma reft t int itofftra at KlamstH. congress These Days W" BUBHCRIPTION RATKS: w..moi.tl H 00 B.f mail months SO .,, mnnih II 00 B mail ...... ...year MOO MKMHEI OF 1Mb ASMM IAllU fstKSS Ttk Associated Press la entitled exclusively lo tne us if?"". If. By carrier rtv mail .. i for republication of all tha local mwt printed to Ihii news r paper, a wall as all AP newa. 1 Today's Roundup J By MALCOLM KTI.LY I AST night's "parade of quartets" by the barber i L shop singers organisation t the Pellran theatre was terrific. A jammed house at one of Oregon'! biggest theatres got the idea of what it was all about along in the middle of the first 1 half, and from there on it was ' singers and crowd having good time together. i Many a reader of this depart mem didnt go only 1"00 could s get in, and lots of people weren't i wi&ed up enough to try. My advice .4 tA there vhn mkvd is tn an mm l w somenow nrxi year oui u wiu oe a body who went this year will want "r to toe back. Along in the evening it sudden ly occured to me that the key to EPIET the attraction of the SPEBSQSA to all those men is that It is an organisation without any high-sounding purpose. It has no axes to grind. 5 It isn't trying to combat anything or sell anjthinu. The idea Is to have a lot of fun, which in some circles Is not looked upon favorably, but which seems k to me to be a first-class objective for at least one J organisation In a deadly serious world. s St Candidates Please Note SSANDIDATES for county and district office are yS Invited by The Herald and News to prepare cam s' paign statements for publication in the paper before the May primary election. A "candidates column" has been started, and two of the multitude of sheriff's w candidates have contributed to the column already. m Others should be coming in immediately, if we are to publish statements from all candidates before the Z primary Mas. 31, as we hope to do. The statements of the men and women running for political office are recommended to the peop'e of the area. Important offices are to be filled at the primary, and what the candidates say to recommend themselves deserves careful attention. These statements axe carried without cost and J without obligation of any kind to the candidates, , who, we hope, wont wait so long that it will be " impossible to get them all in. .... wThey Won't Build For Peacetime Use " QLANS are shaping up to make use of the Oregon Vocational school swimming pool this summer by townspeople as well as OVS students. The pool on the campus on the hill is one of the finest in the r West, built by the U. S. navy at huge cost, and to S Olympic competition specifications. It would be too bad to let it stand idle forever. Unfortunately, the pool is several miles from the JJ populated valley floor and its use by townspeople - Involves a transportation project, a- This situation demonstrates the foolishness of some of the things that ara done in wartime. When it was fcnpwn that a pool was planned for the marine opera -tfm here, I asked Dr. Lowell Coggeshall, the senior ;jnedlcal officer and daddy of the Barracks, about km the possibility of having the pool built down town. JjjJ He was interested and made inquiries. He received a flat no it had to be built on the reservation, j Vet had the pool been built in the populated com mm m unity, and marines transported to it from the mlli- tary installation, it would have been far more M economical in the long run so far as the general public It concerned. It seems to be impossible to get S the government to build things In wartime with an eye to their peacetime uses. Because they are thus JJj constructed for an Immediate purpose, enormous losses are incurred when that purpose need no longer J be served. If the navy hadn't had a hard and fast rule along that line, Klamath Falls could have been provided with one of the West's finest pools right here where It could toe easily used. Bt (IKOHl.K C. gOKOLsKV Security Coverage HAT happens when the government breaks the law ? A federal law is one passed by the con gress and signed uy the president. Occasionally a law may be valid when not signed or even when vetoed by the president. But a law is never valid unless passed by congress. Some of the administrative agencies are permitted to issue regulations which are binding, but no regu lation is valid which exceeds the powers delegated to that agency by the congress. It Is true tliat during the worst days of the new deal, some administrative agencies went off on a rampage, acting as though they, and not the congress, were Uie center of legality tu tills country. Such agencies imperiled our form of government. When the social security agencies decide for them selves who Is entitled to coverage and include those who are not covered by payments, they are exceeding their authority. If a private Insurance company did Uie same Uiing, its officers would rightly be given jail sentences for misappropriation of funds. Senator Mllllkin described this situation as "raiding trust funds." For both legally and morally the social security tunas are the property of those who contri bute to them. To pay out sums from these funds to those who do not contribute to them, seems to me to be stealing money. I dont know any other word tor It. .... Economic Reality HJ. RES. 396 has been introduced into congress . to prevent the social security agencies from setting up categories of beneficiaries of social securi ties which could oe projected to Include everybody whether they contributed to the funds or not. This would include Independent contractors like news vendors, grocers and such who could, by an extension of reason, and administrative law, seek benefits without having contributed to these funds. The con fusion arises from the fact that whereas congress passed the social security acts as Insurance, the courts, in some decisions, notably in the Silk and Bartels cases, have legislated that these funds are. In tact, in the nature of welfare, tne beneficial i character overriding the insurance character. The supreme court, which is bound by the Intent of , congress, pursued In these cases it own intent. The social security agencies thereupon sought to extend, their authority, without benefit of congress, to include categories of Individuals that the acts of congress excluded. This was achieved toy the most curious reasoning that has yet come from the administrative intelligence Their basic assumption Is that an employe is an Individual who is dependent, as a matter of economic reality, upon the business to which he renders service. This is, of course, as true of the president of the United States Steel corporation as it is of his elevator boy who takes him to his office. In fact. Ben Fair less may be more dependent, for he could not get a comparable job Six factors determine this "eco nomic reality," according to the bureaucrats: "(1) Degree of control over the individual. "(3 Permanency of relation. "(31 Integration of the individuals work In the business to which he renders service. "(4 Skill required of the Individual. "(5) Investment by the individual in facilities for work. "(6) Opportunities of the individual for profits or loss." The Gallup Poll Majority OK Time Change. Farmers Against SIDE GLANCES By gkok(;k c.Ai.i.rr Director, American In.titute at Public Opinion PRINCETON. N. J April 3 -The annual confusion over daylight saving and standard time is about to begin again as some sections of the country turn all clocks ahead this Sunday and other areas follow suit a week or so later. In Washington last week the sen ate Interstate and foreign commerce committee held hearings on two bills concerned K4 with Hm On :mf would adopt summer day light saving time through out the country. The other would return the nation to an unchange able standard tor each of the four time In the country. How do the nation's voters line up on these pro posals? The American Institute of Public Opinion has just completed a new survey on this "Spring peren nial Issue." The results show: 1. If the question were put to the nation a majority of voters today The World Today By DEW1TT MACKENZIE AP Foreign Affairs Analyst would favor daylight saving time in the summer, about one in six voters would vote for yrar-arotmd daylight saving time. 3. As In past years. It is the na tion's farmers who overwhelmingly support the proposol to do away with daylight saving which still re mains the delight of most clly folks 3. Most voters in areas which had daylight saving lime lust year want to keep it, while people In sec tions which hnd standard time through 11)47 are just as strongly in fr.vor of that way of running tiielr clocks. Reactions throughout the country were tested by this question: "Which of the following would you prefer: (al have standard time the whole vear. Including summer; (h) hare d'tvligtii anvlns time In summer and standard time the rest of the vear, or (el have riavllclil saving time the rear round?" Here Is how the nation voted: S. T. 4'J", I). S. T 5'! No opinion 6 The following table ronlrnsta the vl- vs of farmers with those of voters In different stird communllles: No ST UST opln. :t- t4 S, 49 411 5 3H 37 5 3D i 5 S4 19 7 Everybody Is Included THEN the administrators say: ". . . The absence of mention of any factor, fact, or element In these regulations in this part should be given no significance, since the nation's economy Is blanketed with many forms of service relationship, with infinite and subtle variations- in terms, which render impracticable an analysis ap plicable to all situations." Therefore, everybody Is included. It Is difficult to see how an Independent business man, an inde pendent contractor, a vendor on his own, exists at all. In a word, the social security agencies extend themselves from the cradle to the grave, and acting on their own theories, but supported by the courts, they pay out money that does not belong to them. H. J. Res. 29 I being proposed tn congress to stop this sort of thing. Meanwhile, congress has over ridden the president's veto of H. R. 8052 designed to protect the news vendors as small business men. But what Is really needed Is a thorough investigation of the bureaucrat method of exceeding congressional acts, of extending their own authority and expending the people's money without adequate law. O.WiH Macli.niie Hoss Taken On As Medical Secretary ' PORTLAND, April 24 iP) Dave Hoss, Salem, Is the new associate in Salem and KPJI in Klamath executive secretary of the Oregon I Falls. State Medical society. . . .,..,' I To accommodate all oar custom- Hoss, who will have headquarters n for r shM gale will at Salem, formerly was program continue all next week. Two pairs manager for radio stations KOCO ef shoes for exactly the price of one! UADIO PKOGIIAiMS SATURDAY EVE., APRIL 24 KFLW 1450 kc :W Sport Lineup :0ft " :1ft Hometown Newt :2ft World Newi Sornmary J:30 gaturdar Sight Data" S:ftA Veteran. Btport 7:M Mntlc Etchint. ARC 7:80 Roaa Dolan, Defective ABC :lM The Lone Ringer ABC !: Challenge of Yukon ABC B:tu Uangboateri ABC t:lft Ambaaaador Orch. ABC 9:45 10:o Starduit Helodlei" . 10.1ft " J0:.t0 Clro'a Orch. ABC 10:4ft " ' 31:00 Newa lammarr 11:05 Teleqoetl 11:1ft " 11:45 M " K Jl 1240 fee. 6 porta Boandup Dinner Dance Quia Show Keep L Wltb Rida MB I Klamath Temple All Star Hum Shew MBS Teen Age Prof. Shoot the Works Glenn Hardy, Newa MBS Dink Templeton MBS Felix Glna MBS Newa Scope MBS Dick LaHalle Orrb. MBS Stop Me If Heard Thla MBS Lea Brown Orch. Muiic Hall MBS Sleep Serenade MBS Newi MBS SUNDAY A. M. :0OFIne Arts Quartet ABC S:lft " 8:30 The Soulhernalret ABC 8:00 Church In the Wildwood t:IAHlbi Auditorium at Air :3tt Calvary Erboes B:lft Curat Star 10:00 Foreign Reportara ABC 10:15 F.dllor at Home ABC 10:30 National Vepers ABC 10:45 11:00 Preblerian Church 1 1 :05 1 1 :.10 M 11:45 APRIL 25 Organ Moodi" Mgiic In Morgan Manner" Lalheran Hoar MBS Glen Hardy MBS Commander Scoll MBS Sunday Morning Concert land Melodire faabfan Flaibea Bill Cunningham MBS C unary Pet Show MBS Names In Newa Dare Roe Orch. Newa Klam, Theatre Matinee SUNDAY P. M lt:00Laaale ABC 1:1:15 Mam Polling!!! ABC 2:HU Sunday Serenade ABC 12:4ft " 1:00 American Legion Pgrra. 1:1ft Thinking Allowed ABC 1:30 Mel Opera Audltlom ABC t:lHi Treasury Agent ABC :3 Counterspy ABC t:00 California Caravan ABO S::i Greatest Story AHC I:4. 4 on stop the Music ABC 4;3f " S:0fl I Love Adventure ABC : The Clock ARC APRIL 25 House of Mystery MBS True Detective MBS The Shadow MBS Quick Aa A Flash MRS Those Wehsters MBS Nick Carter MBS Sherlock Holmes MBS Oult Show News Mediation Board MBS Sun. Afternoon Concert Meet Me At Parky's MRS Jim Backus Show MBS SUNDAY EVE.. APRIL 25 0:00 Waller Wlnrhell ABC nun Hometown Newa S;25 World News Summary" : 10 Theatre Guild en Air ABC 7:ii0 ' 7:.'I0 Walta Lives On 7:45 Kaflectlotts S.0 Drew Pearson ABC S:IA Mn. Morn Headlines ABO StfOTht Green Hornet ARC :00 We Care ABC - :1ft Moslc by Adlam ABC t:.10 " i4fi Am base, Hotel Orch. ABC t 10:0 Bridge ta Dreamland ABC 10:15 Florentine Gar. Orch. ABC 11:MNea Summary IMA rlnar HoH,t rk ABC 11 ;M O. Henry Ballreem ABC KF1.W Pasture Behind Front Page MBS Contemporary Music MRS Twenty Questions MBS Jrrgens Journal MBS Alirtlah Graham MBS Glenn Hardy MBS Backgr'd fir Stardom MBS Let's Dance Old Pashfonei Revival Music Sign Off KPJI Pe.iore MONDAY A. M., APRIL 26 KFLW 1450 kc Corn in the Mora M " :(j Farm Fare 7:00 Newa, Breakfast edition 7:l Bob Wills Show 70 James Abbe ABC 7:45 Zeke Manners ABC SAO The Breakfast Club ABC S:I5 ' S:.0 " 1:45 0:00 The Three Sens :I5 Frank Parker Show 9:3fBkft. In Hollywood ABC 9:45 ' " 10:00 Galen Drake ABO 19:15 Dial fun I0:0 My True Story ABC 10:55 Miniature Concert" 11:00 Stop A Shop 11:15 The Listening Post ARC 11:10 Baukhage Talking ABC 11:45 Nancy Craig ABC K Ml 1240 kc Musical Reveille" On the Farm I rent F. Hemingway, Newa MBS Rise and Whine Sows, Headlines Today's Best Ruys Kate Smith Speaks MRS Vic. H. Llndlahr MRS Fashion Flashes Favorites of l'esterday Glenn Hardy MBS .Music' Vlornlng Matinee Hons of the Pioneers Home Demonstration" U hat's New Queen forA Day MRS I.aPolntes at II Frank Sinatra Sings Ofark Valley Folka MBS MONDAY P. M.( APRIL 2 iz:i county Agent Speaks 11:30 Paul Whiteman Club ABC H:45 " 1:00 Claudia 1:15 Merrill Time l:5 Ireasnry Band Shaw ARC 1:45 " t.mt Surprise Package ABC t:lft " 1:1STw(si Told Tales ABC IS:0O News 3:10 Bride and Groom ARC S:oo Lad.es Be Seated ABC 1:1ft " S:an Symphony ef Melody 1:50 " " 4:00 Headline Edition ARC 4:15 Requestfully Tours 4:M " ' 4:4ft 11:00 - " 5:15 Terry and the Pirates ABC :n jbcb Armstrong ABC 5:15 .one Music Vews Vour Dance Tanes Market and Livestock Heart's Desire MBS Matinee family MBS Hawaiian" Kicky a Request fallen Lewis, Jr. MBS Frank Hemingway MBS Passing Parade MBS Living With God Adventure Parade MBS Superman MBS Muic Captain Midnight MRS Tom Mis MRS MONDAY EVE, 0:00 Sports Lineup 0:15 Home Town News 0:75 World News Summary 0:50 Mr. President AHC 0:40 0:45 M 0:50 " 7:00 Tha Lena Ranger ARC 7:30 On Slage Amerlea ABO 5: ok point Sublime ABC S:l " 1:50 Bound Off ABO 1:45 " " 0:00 Arthur Gaeth-Newa ARC 0:15 F.arl Godwin ABC :JJ mnh Lmm BDi ABC lii:0H llardusl Melodies 10:15 .. 10-45 "' VmltT A,bB" ABC 11:00 Newe Summary 11:05 Teleqneet 11:1ft " 11:10 m 11:11 " KPI.W Pealara APRIL 26 t.al.rtei Heater MBS Quls Shew Ayound Tawn Names In News Sports Review Dinner Dance Let George Da It MBS Charlie Chan MBS Hilly Rose MBS Glenn Hardy MBS Fleetwood Laughloa MRS Tunes Von Know Henry J. Taylor MRS Fultun Lewis, Jr. MBS Cisco Kid MBS Let's Dance Music Album af Pine Haste Mysterlaoa Traveler MBS News RPJT an- So let's talk about spies. RcxI Star, the Soviet army news paper published in Moscow, says Imperialist powers unnamed but obviously the major Western democ racies headed by the United States) are sending two to three times as many spies into Russia as into any "bour geois" state. The paper demands alertness throughout the Soviet armed lorces to defeat imperialist e i -pionago. Weil. I don't know the ratio of sines assign ed to Ku&sta as compared with bourgeois' states, but it wouldn't be surprising If Red Star were right. Personally I should be greatly dis turbed and shocked to learn that the democracies didn't have an army ol spies In Russia and bolslievtst satel lite countries just as the Soviet Union has in every other country on the face of the globe. As a matter of fact in these dan gerous days spies are. swarming everywhere, like flies on the celling of a farm-house kitchen on a frosty morning. Naturally government don't advertise their secret agents, but every major nation has them. There doesn't have to be an "r" In the month to make spies tn sea son, for they are with us always. Of course, when the dogs of war be gin to bay at the moon, the spies start to scurry about. Consequently there Is much more activity now in all countries because of the danger ous clash between the communist bloc and the democracies. The employment of spies perhaps strikes the average person as un ethical, but the custom is general. Most nations employ agents to try to ferret out the secrets of other countries, especially In times ot stress. Its an unpleasant thing to contemplate this spying of nations on one another. Still, when sabres are rattling like castanets it's a mat ter of national security for countries to know the strength and plans ol their enemies. The real sin is on the agent's own head when he gets caught. He Is the one who has to pay frequently with his life. When an agent caught he generally has to lace the music alone, for his government ob viously Is almost never In position to acknowledge him and back him up. It's the code of the secret agent to take his punishment with scaled lips. Hunting lions In the Jungle is no more hazardous to life than the pro fession of secret agent. In time of war the firing squad and the exe cutioner take their toll. In peace times the prisons get a lot. I en countered some ex-spies eating their hearts out on notorious Devil's Is land off the coast of French Guiana when I visited there a lew years ago, and theirs was a terrible punish ment. I've encountered many otner sec ret agents in one country or another. I knew one American agent abroad a brilliant and charming woman. She got spotted while operating In a European country and all but lost her life. She escaped, but her use fulness was ended because her Iden tity had been disclosed. She was a reserved, mild-manner little lady, as lovely and fragile as a primrose a very decepting appearance, for she coupled cleverness with the fighting heart of a tigress. Sure, there are secret agents busy the world over these days. Farmer, r niter lO.ono 10.0O0-1O0 000 100.000-500.000 Over 500.000 people In areas havlnr no D. 8. T. In.! year 57V 37 'V People In a reus having 1). S. T. last year 2ft 6A 4 Witnesses before the senate hear ings, no matter which settlement of the time question they favored, joined hands in emphasizing the confusion caused by the present system under which some ares adopt daylttrht saving time and others do not. Purple Heart Award Learned V V 1 N cor. mi f .i.vKr inc r w .fa u .At Mf "I can't sleep bacnusa I just know wa'ra forgetting soma thing did wa miss giving to tiny enmpnigm being con ducted this week?" m Candidates Column ;Campaign Statements From Candidates At The May 21 Primary Election By It. A. (Snillryl LaLonde Demorrallr Candidate for Sheriff Drmocrstic voters of Klamath county: I am asking your suppou In the primary election, Mnv 31, for the noinlnntion o( sheriff. I wax a member of Klnmuth Kails police de partment for seven years: have been with Mini or IMne company the past 10 years as a 'sawyer. I am a taxpayer and veteran of World War I. I ommsed Mnvd Low for this Notice that he has been awarded office on two different occasions, the Purple Heart was received Sat- if nominated and elected It la my uiday by Robert J. 8trnder. 4816 Climax avenue. Klamath Falls. Strader. who has been hearing rumors about men being called back to the service, opened the letter from the marine corps commandant with some trepidation, and was somewhat relieved when he recog nized the purport of the message. Strader was injured on Ouam on July 23. 1M4. He served four year in the marine corps. After being overseas 29 months, he came back to his home town when stationed at the Klamath Marine Barracks. He was In charge of the stables at the berracks. Strader Is now with Whitlock's. STATIC Hr JOY HKH.n Hrd Head l.iullle Hull. lufti-Kiu rrd-headiMl iiiuviu tui, will cu'kUr wiln Conirl Vwlur in Meim. UtlllO PImoi' Mnu ilii) lllulil picM'iiliitloii ol "It Hnd iu Itc V(tU-' C JK'i nri, An m MM lriy Oe.lo i. tins senpt l.ueltle fulls lu luve ul Hi; M with a lirrmau. Km ki'trt-15 try lo Ural the c iiiui leiJiJ)H in "C'um tH tht? Ktiny Murk" Hihtu.ty uiirrnonii, but lum nun r unci luiiitiiy is ttiu haul way to ut nun icy. Pliilirmilig in Cullfiiitila irwn puprt UuMiir.-ui u the tlirmr of ltl 4 1 1 r u 1 u l uiiiutn in the epismle called Fair Winning ' hImi humlny altrf- noon, (ImwIjiitlriK iifins a killer diller iwllrtl (;:.r nf tlir guiiuy Klllrrs, .Hatiuduy c.rlUMK Kur Dhiac who cunt mka it w ch t .Sunday iniunlng there sr soma li'HHl rhuich hnmdrnM on U . I Hill ftUlllllUV Jl stuiu mil wlih YouiiK peiipies Chinch of the Air al B a. in , follow. ed by I.uthnan Hmir at It 30 Then coint'it ,V Willi lliblr AudllorUiin o Hie Air at 9 It n. m and Calvary Intention to conduct this office in tha same efficient and courteous Kclto" ol W :in At It n in the nrrv n.auner In which It has been con ducted the pant 34 years 1 think l.loyd Ixw has done, welllets say, "a darn itood Job" lc ftum Uxr Pirhylriinn rhurrh will be tumult wt. If you ruKi thrAr bv witrkliiR out In tiie if hi tint ur wahlnt the mr or This will have to be admitted as no i (mt nol you rnn rth Old Knh one could hold office that long If ! Umrd Itrvivnl al 9 :0 p m. anrl no the voters thouuht differently In Inith of my past cainpalirn. t have soukIH this office on these same levels. I am for the safety and protec lion of the county school children t.. and from their homes and school bi.srs. gel a little Irovm for everyday liv ing If) the coining wrrs. Ulltlr Attn gei ing Mr-ntlji 11m I he Herald nr1 News Wanl-Adat Concert Band In Top Spot Klamath Union high srhonl's con. cert band received a "One" or su perior rating at the 8outhrrn Orc Kon district music contest tinler way this week-end at Southern Oregon college In Ashland. The band appeared on the Frtdnv I fruits. veKetnblM. meat, milk The Doctor Says Balance Needed In Diets IW KinVIN P. JOItDAS. M. D. Wrlttrn far .SKA Hrrrlre Many abnormally thin people find that It Is much eiuiter to know they THK DOCTOR ANKHTRH QUKPTION: What can be done! for bronchitis? I AN8WER: Tiie most Important should gain weight than to accoin. I 'n" 10 trr " "nil the cau.o. commnn rsurv are inreclion. program as did the orchestra w hich received a "Two." or excellent rat ing. The glee club and a cappella cnolr competes today. LEGAL NOTICES rrff;iH?) I osssd UiVMi (WD ante N'OTICK TO CRr.IHTOKS Notice Is herrby Klvcn that th under signed hs iwcn appnlnld executor of tne elte or rioyd u. Patty, ilerensrd, by the Circuit Court of Klamath County. Oregon, and that all persons having claims against said estate of said de ceased are herehy notified to present tne same to saia executor at Huite 1, Melhase Building. Klamath rails. Ore gon, together with proper vouchers, within six months of the date of this notice. Dated this 7th day of April. 1R4R. STEWART WARD PATTY. A 10-17 -34 M 1-8 Noftfl SIMMONS equity No. SHlt IN THE CIRCUIT COl-RT OF THE STATE Or OREGON TOK THE COUNTY OK KLAMATH MARGARET MELONE. Plaintiff, vs. . JAMES MELONS, Defendant TO JAMKS MEI.ONE, DKHiNOANT: IN THE NAME OF TIIE HTAT E Or OHE(;ON, you are hereby required to appear and answer plaintiff's complaint on file herein on or before the 34th day of April. IU4M. that being the dale of the laM publication of this summons, and If you fall to so answer or otherwise appear, for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for In her complaint, to-wll: for m decree of divorce of and from you upon the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treatment, end decreeing plaintiff to b the tola owner of the following de scribed personal property, to-wlt: Chlra go StreamliKht House Trailer, Certificate of Till No, B-1124OU0, ractory No. 140011. This summons la served upon you by publication thereof In the Herald and News once enrh week for four consecutive weeks "five Insartlonai pur suant to the order of the Honornhle David R. Vandenberg. Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 24th day of March, ID4K, the first nuhllratlon to be made on the 27th itmv of Marrh, 104S and the Inst piibltratlnn thereof to be made on the 24th day of April, 1B4S. EIJWIN E, mUHCOM, Attorney fnr Plaintiff Pine Tree Building Klamath rnlls. riroenn M. 27. A. 1-10-17-24. No. SB. I pllsh It There sre two wsys to gain weight; cut down on the activity output, and 3 increase the fnnd In take nnd si the an me time holding exercising down to what it was. There are several ways of lncreas I tin the food Intake. One of them it to choose foods with the highest calorie value. Starches or carbohyd rates and fats supply more energr nnd have more effect on weight ttmn proteins do. MAINTAIN BALANCE Whei. trying to gnin weight one should include (utter meat, mors butter or mnruarine, crenm. sweets, potatoes, bread ajul cereals. Balance must be mnlntained In the diet. however. It is not wise to rut out nd sinus trouble and allergy. MsassatttUhSBBuaaA mLmtLmam-mmmaaummmaua, I riT?r.TT-r.7.7eTru: eggs which supply Ingredients ner- e.isury to mnlntnln good health. Another thing which can be done besides choosing the right diet Is to eat more at each meal. The amount one eats Is Inrgely habit and can be changed. The stomach can be trained to hold more by gradually Increasing the nmount taken at each meal. One good way to do thin Is to ent until the appetite Is nullified and then always take a few more mouthful!. More food can be taken also Just liy eating extra meals. A small mld mnrulng men), an . 'tcrnoon or bed time snnck of weight-gaining foods are helpful. A glass of hnlf milk and half cream Is a good example of what could be taken. It cannot be emphasized too often that a balanced diet must be kept up. Almost anyone who does not hnve some serious disease can gain welg..t by following the plnn of de creasing or at least not Increasing activity and Increasing the food eaten. NOTE: Dr. Jordan Is unable to answer Individual- questions from readers. However, each day he will answer one of the most frequently asked questions In his column. Brown Swiss Cattle Consianment Sale Fairgrounds Chehalls-Centralla, Wash, Thursday, May Bill, I9. SO head of choice bred heifers selected by a special sales com mittee. 25 head sent nut from the Midwest. Write for Catalog. Mrs. George Rlchen. Hecretary, Pacific Northwest Brown Hwlas Breeders Ass'n. R. No. 4, fuyallnp, Wash. HEAR!. . . DR. R. J. DIXON April 21 ro May 2, 1948 Church of the Nazarene Garden at Msrlln Slrrrti, KUmalti r'slli Ur, Dl&on has been m turrruful Psstur. Kvanffrllst, College I'rofewnr and Young People's AdvlMir for many years. A Hperlal Treat for the Prople of Klamath KalU lo Hear an Old-Time Treacher. Each Evening at 7:30 o'Clock Also April 27. II. J, 1:10 p. m. A. Trurman Khrlloii, fa. lor A Wecome Awaits You Of tht FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH North Eighth and Washington ft 9:45 a. m. Sundoy School Classes For All Agci. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship, 1 6:15 p. m. Training Union for All Groups. 7:30 p. m. Evening Worship, "COME THOU WITH US AND WE WILL DO THEE GOOD" Women of the Moose Spoeial meeting called for the Women ef the Moose Tuesday, April 27, 8:00 p, m to diicuis (ending ritualistic team to Astoria May 2. All mem bers please attend. Drill practice following. YOUR WHEELS Get Thousands of FREE Miles Yes . . . thousand, of (ret milei frem the tires you now have... through scientific TRU-BAIANCINO. RAY REEVES' ASSOCIATED SERVICE STATION "24 Hour Service" 4th and Main Phone 9166