f HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON MARKETS and FINANCIAL GRAIN DOWN FOR SECOND DAY riHICAOO. Anrtl SS (JPt Grain dropped hurply for the second atralght day today. In a nervoui and active trade, wheat led the market lower in response to more ralru In the Southwest and a reduction In the government's cash wheat buying price. Wheat closed 6 to lower, May .4m-t, corn S'-64 lower. May $3.16tt-$2.17; oats were lower. May ana soy beans were 3 it to B cents lower, way w w. ivki Onan Hiih Low Cam Ma, tM-iM iM 3t l- July 1S5V.-I38 13 I.JT 1.30 Bent. 1.S4-1J3X l1 tJL 1.34 154 134 138-. TOONERVILLE FOLKS Stocks Show Slight Rally NEW YORK, April 13 tVPV-The stock market rallied again today In tome of the heaviest trading of the nut two years. Gains of fractions to more than I points were numerous as the high est average level since last July 25 was reached. Selling of shares to oesh In on recent price advances aepressea both rails and oils at times. Some of the carriers came back to lite in the final hour, however, and mod erate Improvement occurred else where In the list. Total sales for the entire session ran to around 2,300.000 shares. Holding advances, some at new highs for the year or longer, were such Issues as Union Pacific, Chesa peake Ohio, Denver 6c Rio Grande, American Can, Dow Chem ical, Owens niionls, J. I. case. Youngs town Sheet, International Paper and Johns-Manville. Lower were Warren Petroleum, Superior Oil of Calif., Gulf Oil, and united Aircraft. Al Chem Dye 192 American Can 874 Am Pow & Lt 8S Am Tel Tel 154 Anaconda , 38 Atchison 105 Bendix Aviation 15 Beth Steel 35 Boeing Airplane 26 Calif Packing 32 Canadian Pacific 15 Case J I 5 Chrysler -H ounwlth k Sou .. . 1 Consol Edison Cons Vultee Crown Zellerback' Curtiss Wright Douglas Aircraft Du Pont De Nem . General Electric General Foods General Motors Ooodyear Tire Gt Northern Pfd Int Harvester Int Paper Pfd Johns Manvllle Kennecott Long BeU "A" Montgomery Ward Nash Kel vina tor Nat Dairy N't central North Am Co Northern Pacific . Pac Am Fish -Prc Gas & Elec Pac Tel Tel Pan American Penney J C Radio Corp Rayonier ... Rayonier Pfd Reynolds Metals -Safeway Stores, Sears Roebuck ' Sinclair Oil Southern Pacific Standard Brands Standard Oil Cat Studebaker Corp Sunshine Mining Union Oil Cal Union Pacific United Airlines . United Aircraft U 8 Steel Warner Bros Pic Westing Elec Woolworth 22 13 10 s 64 -175 3 38 - 58 43 46 95 5 - 38 56 27 58 17 27 16 15 22 14 33 99 9 43 10 - 28 32 28 - 19 - 37 - 21 55 - 16 . 65 - 22 - 11 - 29 .182 - 17 - 28 77 . 12 - 29 - 46 TITAN Power f Chain Saws arc ab lightest power sawg for their horse power manufactured. They're ragged, too ready and able to take att kinds of punish meat in the woods. Titan Sawa vodercttt, fall, buck, rip or crosscut fast and easy . . . m record time. No timber bind . . no climbing or running in the cut . any angle cut is possible. The most easily accessible saw tor repairs. Carter bars from 2 so 9 seec ssi length available. IT rife Hdy fmr tkulh. LIVESTOCK PORTLAND, April 23 (AP-USDA) Salable cattle today 100, totl 2sW calves 10; steady on scant supply- two medium 1012-1120 lb. fed steers 25.00-36.50; part load top medium 865 lb. heifers 24.00: odd head com mon 22.50; few low good cows 23.50; medium 20.00-22.00; cutter-common 17.00-20.00; canners 15.00-16.50; bulls scarce; vealers steady; two good vealers 38.00-30.00: medium 35.00 28.00; common 18.00-24.00. For week salable oattle 1663, total 3435; calves 322 and 330; compared week ago fed steers 1JS-1.50 higher heifers steady to 50 cents higher; good cows 50 cents up: lower grades .50-1.00 higher; buns strong to mi cents higher: vealers lully steady top steers for week 1050 lb. high good 28.00: bulk average good 37.00- 75: medium 25.00-26.75; oommon 31.00-24.50; good ted heifers 25.00 26.50; medium 23.00-24.50; common 18.50-22.50; good young cows 23.25; bulk average good 22.50-23.00: me dium 20.00-22.00; cutter - common 17.00 - 19.50: canners 15.00 - 16.50 shells down to 10.00; good weighty beef bulls 33.50-34.50; good sausage bulls 22.00-23.50: medium 20.00-31.50 cutter - common 18.00-19.50; few choice vealers 33.50; bulk good choice 28.50-32.00: medium 25.00 28.00: common 18.00-34.00; culls down to 12.00. Salable and total hogs today 25: odd head good 320-345 lb. butchers 33.75: about steady; small lot 283 lb. 21.75; nothing else offered. For week salable bogs 1420, total 4531; compared last weeks close butcher classes steady; Monday loss regained during week; closing top 24.00; sows steady; feeder pigs 50 cents lower; Monday's top 23.25; bule good-choice during week 180- 240 lb. butchers 23.50-24.00 ; 350-270 lbs. 31.00-22.00 : 270-300 lbs. 20.00- 50: light smooth sows 18.50-19.uo; bulk godo-choice 17.50-18.00; heavy sows 15.50; good-choice 74-120 lb. feeder pigs 23.75-24.50; common 88 lbs. down to 20.00. Salable sheep today none; market nominally steady. For week: salable 1256. total 1309; compared week ago slaughter lambs .50-1.00 higher; most advance on shorn lambs; siaugnter ewes 50 cents higher; bulk good choice wooled lambs 22.00-50; common-medium 18.00-20.00; 5 doubles good-choice, mostly choice, 122 lb. shorn lambs 22.50; few good wooled yearling weathers 18.00; good-choice wooled siaugnter ewes iu.ou-io.3u, common-medium 6.50-9.50; good- choice 156 lb. freshly shorn slaughter ewes 10.00. SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO. April 23 lPMUSDA) Salable cattle to day 150, steady; half load good 860 lb. steers 27.00; one load good 780 lb. feeder steers 25.50. For week: Salable 1200, largely 1.00-1.50 high er; bulk good steers 26.50-27.50; medium-good heifers 22.00-24.00; good range cows 22.00-50: bulk cutter- common cows late 17.00-20.00. un usually active; canners scarce, 15.00- 18.00; odd medium-good bulls 21.00- 23.00; calves for week 200, mostly 2.00 higher; good-choice vealers 32.00-34.00. Salable hogs today 100: steady: packages good-choice 190-230 lb. butchers 23.00; odd medium sows 15.00-50. For week: Salable 1250, butchers steady; sows 50 cents lower. Salable sheep today none. For week: Salable 250: spring lambs 2.00 higher; few packages good choice 25.00; no ewes offered. POTATOES CHICAGO, April 38 fAP-USDA) Potatoes: total U. 8. shipments 1023, arrivals 81; on track 259: sup plies moderate; demand slow; mar ket about steady; Idaho Russet Bur banks, U. 8. No. 1, 16.00, utilities 14.85-90; Maine Katahdins 84.00; Minnesota-North Dakota Red River valley Cobblers $2.50; new stocks: California Long Whites (50 lb. sacks) $3.50-55, (100 lb. sacks) 16.50 7.00; Texas Bliss Triumphs $2.85 to $3.50. HURLry Born at Klamath Valley hoi pit 1, Klamath Falls. Ore., April 22, 1948, to Mr. and Mrs. Nell Hurley, route 1 box 997, city, a firl. Weight, 7 pounds 3' ouncei. ROSE Born at Klamath Valley hos pital, Klamath Falli, Ore., April 22. 1948. to Mr. and Mri, V. A. Rom. 1530 Auitln, a firl. Weight, T pounds l1 ounces. STEPPE Born at Klamath Valley hospital, Klamath Falli. Ore., April 2.1, 194,, to Mr. and Mm. Jim Steppe, route 3 box 60S, a boy. Weight, 7 pounds 10 ounces. Heavy Duty Machinist v I rA v S i TrJsi S Stationary or Swivel Bat Jaw width 3 '" to 6". Openingi AVa" to 9" KLAMATH MACHINE G LOCOMOTIVE WORKS Spring & Elm Mill Supply Dept. Phone S141 " Skyscraper Smith HAS A OOOP BUSINESS , PILLING 2tiB STORY WINDOW BOXES 150 Spud Cars Out In April Klamath basin potato shipments since April 1 have totaled about 150 carloads. State - Federal Inspector Ross Aubrey reported today. Movement of spuds to market has dropped down now to only a car load or two a day. he said, and less than a dozen carloads are in sight. The shipping season tor 1947 pota toes is virtually over, with present total shipments lor the season at 7150 carloads. Prices have been strong at the finish. What russet potatoes have been sold the last few days brought about $5 for No. l's. One sale of White Rose bakers at $4.75 was re ported. OBITUARY WITH AM O. KERB William O. Kerr, a resident of Klamath Falli, Ore., for several years. pued away in tnts city on April jo, i9s. following a brief til new. He waa a native of Ottumwa. la., and at the time of hi death watt aeed 63 vtin and days. The remain rt In the Earl W hillock Funeral home. Pine at Sth. Notice of funeral to be announced at later date. FUNERALS KARL LA FRITZ CHSISTEKPEX Funeral service for the late Carl LauriU Chrtstenaen. former resident of Klamath Fall, and veteran of World War II. will be held at the graveside Saturday. April 24, 1MB, at 3 p. m. with officers of the Klamath Falls American Legion post No. 8 officiating. Committal and interment In ML Lakt cemetery. Friends are resDectfullv Invited to attend. nam ruamatn f uneral Home tn charge ox arrange menu. THOMAS JEFFERSON HATHAWAY Funeral services for the late Thomas Jefferson Hathaway will be held in the cnapei oi warm Klamath Funeral Home, we mgr.. baturoay. April . line, al 1:30 p. m. with officers of the Klamath rails foe no. 2090 officiating- Conclud ing services and Interment will follow in Klamath Memorial park. Friends are uuuy inviieo to attend. LEGAL NOTICES SUMMONS Kqaity Na. still Of THE CIKCUT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH MARGIE McCOW.N Plaintiff, vs. CALVIN B. McCOWN, uefenaant. TO CALVIN B. McCOWN. DEFENDANT: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby required to DDear ana answer Diainmrs comDiaint on file herein on or before the 33rd day of April, lfM8, that being the date of me last pumication or tni summons, and if you fall to so answer or otherwise appear, for want thereof plaintiff will PDly to the court for the relief d raved for in her complaint, to-wit: For a de cree of divorce of and from you upon the grounds of cruel and Inhuman treat ment, and granting to plaintiff the care, custody and control of Virginia Louise McCown, aged three years, and Gall Yvonne McCown, aged eleven months, minor children of the parties hereto. i nut summons is served upon you oy publication thereof tn the Herald and ews once each week for four consecu tive weeks "five insertions DUrauant to tne order of trie Honorable David R. Van denberg, Judge of the above entitled court, made and entered on the 24th day of March, 1946. the first publlca- March. 1848. and the last publication thereof to be mad on the 23rd day of April. 1&48. ZDWIN E. DRISCOLL Attorney for Plaintiff Pine Tree Building K larnath Falli nr.Mii M. 36. A. S-ff-IS-23. No. 37. CITATION Of THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF SALVATORE MORRONE, Deceased. To: Carnine Morrone. Luisa Morrone. Gennaro F. Morrone, Francesco Mor rone and the surviving children of Lugiana Martini, deceased and the un. known heirs and devisees of 8AJLVA TORE MORRONE. deceased. A De tit! On has hn hla tw W. Orth Stsemore, executor of the will of SALVATOHE MORRONE. deceased, for a license to sell the following described real property, to-wit: iracia i and a. Pleasant Home Tracts No. 2, according to the duly recorded plat thereof on file In the office of the County Clerk of Klam ath County. Oreenn. nd the above nitil.rf PmiH h.vt the 3rd day of September, IMS at the hOUr Of 10:00 A. M lha Hn mnA h. Courtroom of the above entitled Court -i rvmmam rails, uregon, as the place for hearing said petition. You and each of you, are hereby cited to appear and show cause. If any there be, why the petition of L. Orth atsemnr ai executor aforesaid, for the sale of the above described real property should not be granted. You and each of you, are hereby served with this citation by pub- TRUCKS FOR RENT U-DRIVE ' VANS PICKUPS FLAT RACKS Rates by mile, hour or week OrEN SUNDAYS BEACON SERVICE STATION 1201 E. Main. ' Ph. 8304 Ilea lion thereof In the Herald and News, a daily newier. publulied and cir culated in Klamath County, Oregon, pursuant to an order of the above en titled Court dated the tith day of April. liHti. which said order requires the pub lication hereof, one a week for four successive wki beginning the Bth day of April. liHtt. Witness the Honorable David R. Van denberg. Judge oi the above entitled Court. DAVID R VANDKNREStG, Circuit Judge. Attest: Chas. F. DeLap, County Clerk. By Jane Weaver. A. S-16-23-JU No. ea. SUMMONS FOR Pt UI R ATION fcqully No. suit IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OR KG O.N IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF KLAMATH. MARIAN ELAINE CLEAKV, 1'laintiff, PHILIP EMMET CLEARY JR., Defendant w. riiiiiu &nimi iivary jr.. Defendant. IN THE Name ni- Tin- riT- OREGON: You are hereby required to ap pear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit unin iur wees irom the dale of the first publication of this sumniom in the Herald and News, a newnun.r rlnt.. and published In Klamath County, Ore- wi . wnicn said date is the Itilh day of April, A. D. 1144. and if vou fn J. answer or otherwise appear, for wain thereof the plaintiff will apply to ihe 1 tor lht dre of ahsolule dtvorcr This Summons is served upon you by publication pursuant to order of Honor able D. R. Vandenberg, Judge of the ir.J, h f AP"- W. Which order ream res tKai fiumm v published once a week for four successive '" tne oat of the first r. McLaren. A. ia-13-30: M. 7-14 No. Tof '"by ,iven tht th. under V I ',olnl' admmUlralor -- ... u. Lime niiry uruwn !a Court" V ti1" "rOWn b lh Ci5!5 ll , T J . -vumy, uregon, and t..V . t '" claims against said Eml Tk V notifl present the .... ,v, (uurnrri, to me said djnlnl.tr.lor. .. Sua. 1. Mrihwi Bu"d ni. Klamath fall.. Orcion. within ix n Vl'u"" "' ' ,nu nolle " day ol April. IfHa. A 23-30 M 7-14-21 No iST ULSOS' Naw Today vnr.n trucks Tlte Heat Mliu-k lit Moulheiil Oregon l7 ChevnOet t ton with 13 ft. flatbed, H ttiea. 3 ted ale, healer, ! tauter. Only UKk) ntllei, 1 year limir- anca aj748 n Chevrolet with Cook Rnn, rhaln unve, nign tormie engine, lumtter rods, terhonielcr; tm:il Hrownhie; lou of ex has. Only iU.itou intlos. Cost aatito new adliK) l Chevrolet with Trtmimra Tag, long t, iiwian a-ipffvn s,aion. mkiiovh btHkea; high torque engine, in hi in Urea $;uiM) Two 1W4A tIMItt tKflFi C I. dual drive dumps. Kxt-eileut cimilltlon. Will re move dump beds If necessary.-.,... a;UAU 1041 CMC 3-ton with dual axle trailer New 370 Inch engine, 1 speed axle a,(4T8 1941 OMC 3 tun chassla and rab with 4 c Under GMC dleael, 11rownlite gi.iua tt41 Fiml i-hm nanel. 4 need itniii- mUaion, tKHMfl mud and snow tires al43 IBM Ford l'i-ton chassti and cab :W3 1KVI Chevrotet l'i-Um with ovt'eltent li ft, riattied 941)3 JttCKEI.AND BALES ft JiritVirr. INC. Itlh and Klamath Klitmath Falli. Ore. Phone nys POI'l.TKYMKN: Try a Rrower Eleolrir HnMxIer this sea son. We have a atwlsl on aoo chic sice. PEOPLES WAHKHOt'SC 13-ACNE FARM Rich sandy loam, under irrigation, 3 bedrtH)in home, twirn with concrele flotir, milk houae, chicken home and briMiler. Good well and pressure tytni, I'loae town ritvx) down and balance at MM per month. new a nrnnooM A beau II rut modem home jimt on tilde cttv Itntlli, electric heat and water heater, fulty liuulaled, utility nnim and garage, on one-third acre. Very ry to keep clean, atiwoo. Heat.onat.le terma. 3341 ALVA STRKET t.arge new 3-hednvmi home on one-third acre sandy toll. Everything you could sk for In a modern. Up-to-date home. Electric heat .In bathroom, oil furnace, hardwood floors, hip roof, and plrlure windows. Drive out and see It any time. 7730. I17W CASH DOWN Attractive modern 3-rnlnmin home at 1741 Kane In a realrlcted ulmrtM.n district. Oil furnace and hardwitod floors. Very well arranged Paved street and underground irrigation. FINISHED 3-ROOM HOME Near Homed ale bus Hue. Plmterrd and insulated. OH heat, extra Urge garage. ..ocated in a nice kulmrhaii district, lull price 97730. 4 Interest. See Burton Gray or Ralph Brown S4lr.iiuen with E l.KAY. REALTOR Office closed SatunUv 1031 Main Phone 3oo3 Evenings or Sundays. oll8 5HER WIN-WILLIAMS Weed - No More and low-pressure sprayers will solve your ced problems. We have them in slock. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE They'll Do It Every Time 1 ,'.';' ' I ACVISE NtXJ "TO FW HER. THE ALIMONV, MC55TOOP. IF VOJ DON'T THE JUDGE WILL PUT VtX! N JAIL. 1' Y3HSWTTA TA WAJ How CAM I rvw rr WHEN I HAVE NT 60T IT7AKID ID GATHER ROT IN JAIL BER7RE ID GIVE THAT WOMAN ANOTHER CENT IF I DID HAVE IT OKA!! LET'EM ARREST , ME I LET THE Jt .'.'t COUNT FEED ME.' liy Jimmy ILitlo XT5 AMAZING WHAT A DlF- FECENCE JUST TWO MINUTES IN THE CLINK WILL MAKE U - Zf this is sjcsrtnnm EVGCrr ME ATNg J06.' COME DOWN HERE ANO GET ME OUTA THIS JOINT WHAT? THE DOU6HT I KNOW WHEPBI k can raise rrr CCT ME OUTA HERE . l?av.ri I tux. UATLO W V JLffl" r ' -jr ,.1.MU New fwdu n " " .un ui in. at.t. of KUn...k 4-OUnly Of H T ,ZfS7- ' """" r.nnl. - - Biv.n to in. crsdilon of "Id d.t.dnt. .nd .11 p.r,n. in l.r.al.d In h.r nUK. to prnrnl thnr cuim to the und.rsiKnrd. the duly appointed .dmlnl.tr.tor of utld e.ute H. Ciriunm. hi. aliurney, ail J?2- itilin " month, from .nd after thk 13rd day of April. IMa. bein. Ihe daw of the flnit publication of thu notice RELBK.N A. TAl.UOT. AM-30 Hl.-iMTil.lM ' CLASSIFIED RATES One day 3-day run , 3- day run . 4- day run . week run Month run - per word 4c per word He - per work 11c - - oer word IJc - per word 13c A ds received by 1 p m. will appear same .ciuuui, m ncw Toaay" oolumn. New Today Get those grain and potato bags cleaned. """" ana oaiea now . cre ueiore you know lt. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE BAG PLANT it-Dearoom home on one-half acre, good land, completely furnished. Chicken house, brooder house, garage and wood shed. 34730. e RESTAURANT on one and on.hl acres, good land, on McKenzIa River. River and highway frontage. Ample room for cabins. Cleared homes I te on Lakeshore Drive, rrnnlag on lake. Excellent view. A oargam. bomj. s 4 roomi and bath on Summers Lane. One-half acre good land. IJoOO. 1200 down. See Verne McClellnn with EDDIE "DOC RICHARDSON, BROKER 23 Main Phone 8241 levenlngs 42391 "SINCE HTlS,"- home owned and oper ated conscientiously striving to serve you In MOVING. STOHAGE. PACK ING. CRATING and shipping and as dealers In feeds, grain, hay, bags, twint, welding equipment and supplies. AND NEWCOMERS! If you want Information on mosi anything under the sun, call ua PEOPLES WAREHOUSE MAKE MINE MISSION HA HMAPA n TT.I.A F75h SALE:l04ri Jeep. Call 0.11 2. ' F"ORSAr,e, white" enamel coal or wood" sieei range. 773 uio Fort Road. Phone 42.17. ftUSTSELfTlmmedlately, lf)0oequMy. ""'nci per monin. 1 -W(ir'om modern home, close In. oil heat, elec tric range, water heater; "M Mauler Chevrolet coach, heater, spotlight, clean, good condition, $479. 1023 Sargent. rfoOM for drfi. Phohe7l70."" iVi:i M. Dth." STlJD' SERVlCE by hnlf Morgan stud. i.wit Aiiamont, eveningH. SALESMAN WANTED townrklnehI territory with experienced closer while learning business. Earnings per week above average and experience not necessary. Call mm between 0 and 12 am. for aDDOlntment. roRSALT5"cheap, 104O GMCfnnTo j-ion canover engine true it , fnone flflfW. B244 Cottage. FISHERMEN: That new tlambenu outboard motor will do most everything except land your fieri. Two models, 2 'a and B h.p. See them before buying "Just anv motor." PEOPLES WAREHOUSE; fort HALE, one-bathroom " atoofi new, cnmmnauon sei, one ev-gni, waier hater, one apartment ftlz electric ranse. nO20 Unnrdman. Phone R24!i. 1040 OtbSMOftlLE model" 00, 2-door sedan. Exceptionally clean. Private party. B1075. 204.1 Lavey. Phone 8lt:i2. mm FLOWER SHOP MMerS447 tlll.YAHU Attractive two-bedroom, automatic oil heat, separate dining ruinu. iimr fr three additional rooms up lairs, beautiful landscaped yard, a home you wUl be proud to own. CREST 3-bedroom. modern home on one acre of xreilcnt soli. Utility porch. unrom. chickrn and brooder houes. barn. ' . an excellent little cniraen larm. juuu. c:jrl wiluertnutn wun JOHN C. ARCETSINUEH Realtor lOlfl Main Dial MM Eve tMHtl KKEHIUERATOR FOR SAlJEi 100. 3M Hirhn. Apt. 11. EOR SAlJE Saturday only, army surplus light reneralors Xi3 South llh. Phtma M7 anytime Saturday. A- 1 free stone. LOVELY HOME PRICE $10s A VERY ATTRACTIVE plastered 2-bedroom home In Si. Francis Park. Large living room, dinette with built-in china closel. fc'loor furnace, hard wood floors. Aluminum foil insula tiun. Bullt-lns everywhete. Attachttl rv is plastered and insulated Solid concrete driveway. The lovely furnishings may tw- Durchased with home Overall di mensions 2Hx40a Including garage. For approximately down, this home can be yours. For further details contact MARK R JOHNSON Salesman. Suburban Office WESLEY M- SHAKP1JXS. REALTOR Arroa from Swan l-ska Moulding Co 1 11223 So 6th Phone 72iiJ or 3Hr7 SAX TWINE 11 kinds stencils lamp black. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Large grocery store for leaae. Located on moat traveled highway. Approximately 2 miles from town. All new modern equipment and doing good buaines. Price til 000 Stock at rot. Terma. LOVELY S-tlKIHOf)M HOME One-year-old. 1 block from bus, lawn and shrubs. Everything in top condition. Venetian blinds, automatic floor furnace, hardwood floors, insulated, reasonable down pament. Balance at 4 per cent. See Everett Ball Ted Schuld AL LONGK Realtor 111 South nth Phone 8JA.1 1 Evenings 7.wff or 0A37i or 2-WV7S rCR-SALE. Stewart-Warner radio. Beat offer taxes it. Phone 9713. fOH SALE. A acres south of town; two-' bedroom modern house. Extra large chicken house, garage. Phone 2-754. BUSINESS PROPERTY 1 story brick and tile store building 75xl!0 ft. Present Income g:U0 per month. g70OO cash will handle DALE St HOWES. REALTORS SI I E. Main Phone 72flfl or 04ft FARMERS: Get your canvas for dams now, PEOPLES WAREHOUSE FOR SALE hy owner, 5-room modern home In Mills Addition. Immediate possession. No reasonable cash offer refused. Call flllfl FOR RENT Upstairs apartment. 2 rooms with hath. Garage. :i2 30 per month. Sid Klamath Ave. DALE St HOWES. REALTORS .111 E. Maln Phone 72WI or 0041 FOUNTAIN girl-wanted for dny wnrk Apply In person only at Phil's Candy Innd, 124 S Kth FV)R SALE, Iftrt2 Biilck iedrtnr"of"wlll trade for refrlgerator. Call 32;i3. ton SALE. 4-yard dump bed. hvdraullc llft, good shape :ior.2 Anderson. MOVING LOCAL, OREGON. CALIFORNIA. WASHINGTON By own vans. I,ong dlstanre. Agents Beklns for any place In U. S PEOPJ.ESWAREHOUSE FOR RENT, one and two-room 'fur nished cabins. Also modern cottage. All utilities furnished, Altamont Aulo Court. 3H40 S, 6th. FOR HALE, new .1-lwdroom fiou, fnrfng Summer! Lane, Intulated, weather stripped. Call 7020. or cull at 3702 Summers Lane. Would have cholre of choosing faint colors and linoleum If taken now. FOR SAf.E, mnderri J-bed room-" home, flreplnre, automatic furnace, extra tot. Furnished or unfurnished. 3H10 Cllnlnn. CRATING STORAGE-PACKING PEOPLES WAREHOUSE "Since 10IH" WANTnterplllnr logging "con tract"" job", all or yarding only. Writ Box 110, enre Herald Newa. tan SALE. TD 0 with' Bury-Erie hvdraullc angle bulldozer, good con dition. Iron age 2 -row potnto planter with fertiliser attachment, lfW). John Deere B-hottom disc plow, heavy duty, $400, Don Smith, Merrill, Ore. Phone 3411. FOR SAXFTInMltlsAddltlon,"2-bedrobm home. Phone WHO. REFRIGERATION PROBLEM? Get-1 ll)4rt General Electric ft cu. ft. re frfgerntor from Fynck'a General Elec tric Store, fl-yenr wnrrnnly. Immefll aie delivery. Term. 1001 Main. Phong 11400. make MiNffrsstoT ftAnflAPAhUXA SPECIAL PRir:K ONLY ONE new Wilson 200 amp, gni driven arc welder. Reg, price 72S, Special-torn, PKOPI.F.H WAREHOUSE flower Shop iMtivi;i (At Grccnhoutot) mi B. 8th. Phones 6,135 and 9340 Free Deliver Flower by Wlrg Funeral Ocslxni Our Specially FOR RENT. 2 -room furnUhed aiart- ment. ShAita View Hotel, Weed-Ash-InihI Junction. FOR SALE. 2 saddlesf one single bursa trailer, a hot HIihmI saddle mare, gentle. Plums 30711, or see at tWHW Harlan Drive. VACANCY, furnished light housekeeping room 1404 iviaiuain. 1 matttess r.....!l. . 28 00 2 ntattrvaaes leachl t-, Ho 1 tttix springs .. .is on 1 tMidstead and springs - M 00 1 dattport and chair ...... (W ii 1 catilnel radio ... UU0 1 dining set, table, 4 chairs, glass cuplHvard .100 W t folding chair 1 SO I Coldspot trfrlgerator tSu.uu rKiin.Ks waiicihhtsi: MAKE MINE MISSION SAHSAPAKIlXA FOR SALE. Montgomery Ward washing larhlne. 1'hun 704A FOR SALE or trade on trailer house. U Chevrolet Master sedan. Ilest offer lake Dick Phlpps. HI. 3, Uux U1U. Algotua LOtiGERS, ATTENTION'" Must sell or trade because of health. '47 Ford lodging truck. Cook chain drive. Ilrownllpe. '47 Paige trailer. A-l con dition. On haul now For Information write A. L LEMLEY, Hi 2, Box 46. Ashland. Ore Phone B747. WILL KEEP CHILDREN by day or hour Phone 2 01U4. WANT to buv. small, livable house, by May 1st: s.vv) down. Write Box III, care Herald -News. FOR SALE. A. C. cat. M. T. Michael. Dairy. Ore. WANTED, lady to 'take care of young seml-lnvalld. tn nice apartment. Good wages Call at BM Main. FOR SALE, combination range. - Good a new. at 23. Good chrome set, $4X Phone 7twa. fSllvcrtone radio-phonograph .... 115 00 1 vanity, large mirror and stool 37.50 1 "Hanger" deluxe model bicycle, like new 42 M t Kohler davenport 30 00 1 twin bed. in net-spring mattress, spring and dresser 33 00 PEOPLES W AHEHOt'SE WANTED, single man for general farm work and help milk, lwlson Bios., Ilnnania. Ore. FOR SALE, another good family' heifer, just fresh. 5704 Avalun. Phone H437. WANTED, stenographer, prefer single girl under 2d, permanent resident of Klamath Falls. Experience not neces sary but must lake shorthand and ty pe well. See Mr. Duncan, Local lan Co. IlANNCIIE.V barley" seed." Phone 4M7 or 2 -0412. WOMAN wanted lo rare for two chil dren, and 10, complete charge. Call afler8 p m . B728. POULTRYMEN: DON'T EXPERIMENT- use M R Milk Chick Starter sold at PEOPLFS WAREHOUSE since 103 FOR SALE. Atwater-Kcnt cabinet radio. 2tl While. FOH SALE. 4 -room house on $ "acre with garage, fruit room. 2 chicken houses. MiO. giorn down or good ued car Inquire 3142 Summers Lane. Phone 4O0. FOR SALE, baby bed, baby buggy, bed da venn, chest of drawers, dresser, floor lamp, 2 chairs. All Items priced reasonably Phoni 3 O.W3 FOR SALE,4I0 gauge shotgun.' A-l condition, with 2 boxes shells, 13.50. 20-21 FtMTiein after p m. r'OH RENT. 2 room house for adulU.' Ciarden space Inquire SA07 S. 0th. RAISE HAI1M1TS Beat the meat problem. H-B Rabbit Tidbits will produce the finest of meat rabbits. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE ADAMS MOTORS The Home of Better Used Carl HH Matn St.. Klamath Falls, Ore. SPECIAL . . . Your choice of three 1037 Forda AA '30 Chevrolet coupe, good shape...... 7H.t '41 Plymouth coupe, clean !!. :m Chevrolet sedan H4S '40 Ford sedan, radio and heater . .$100.1 '40 Mercury sedan; radio, healer. 9IN4.1 '40 Ford sedan; radio and heater. 11745 '41 Dodge sedan, clean, new motor, radio and heater $11 OS '30 Ford sedan. A real buy 2li5 '40 Hulrk sedan; dean; radio, htr....lot(.1 '42 Plymouth coupe , .. .. 110.1 '40 Dodge sedan, clean ... I04.1 '42 Nash sedan. Very good SI14A '33 Ford sed. Good motor and body $105 '30 Zephyr sedan .... $703 Jeep with station wagon type lop. This la a real buy at 778 LAt) IKS: Dish sets, 3.1 to M-plere sets, Service for fl and A, III 01) and 10.1(5. AND don't miss the 1 0.1-piece service for six, Del-Coronado pottery acts, silverware, glasses and all, for only l 01. COAST TO COAST STORES Uth and Main ELECTRIC RANGE, " deluxe model 1 .en nurd by Nash-Kel vlnator. Special, 204 .VI. Terma If desired. COAST TO COAST STORES llth and Main POULTRYMEN: H-B 20' i Egg Producer Conalstently gives "better" reiulta. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE FOR SALE, " fl-room modern "" house", equipped with electric range, on 10 ncres of land. 1018 Homedale. STORE FIXTURES for sale. 4010 Sum" mers Lane. Phone 0034. Tt3 FORD V-H. ias. 4320 Bartlett Ave. GAS engine model 'washing machines, It rig us St Hi ration, 23 h.p. motor, Lifififl, Immediate delivery. MONTGOMERY WARD St CO. fiEWAltD for information" leading" return of Siamese cat, strayed or stolen from house across from Henley hlKh school. Mrs. Boh Adams. WANTED, experienced annri moulder to work In aluminum foundry. Contact Mr. Eels at Oshnrne Camp, Cabin 0, Ashland-Junction highway. "A1HC6" WELDING EQUIPMENT-" Torches, gauges, gogglea anything yotl want. The "most usable" equipment you can get. PEOPLES WAREHOUSE EVFiifiEARlNO STRAWBERRY plantaT Phone 0004. Rt. 3, Box 377, Keno Road. NEW ftfl.ooo BTU gaa heater. iS7.K. 1022 Owcnn, Fr.OWRR AND VJARDENrSEEDfl,""gnnen tools, plant frod. Schneider's, 4IIUI S. Oih. Open evnnlnga, flo-HOD V KNOWS when he'll have an automobile arcldent. Thoughtful driv ers Insure their enrs thrifty driven Insure with State Farm Mutual. Today la the dnv to Investigate. WILLIAM N. GOErf Tower Then t re Bldg. Dial 7.10(1 New Today l refrigerator, like new . at si 00 1 light blue davenport and chair, almost new lul lilt 1 rose-cnloted platform rocker ,1.1 no 1 mahogany drum table 23 mi t cocktail table .. I.l Mi I bed, spring, vanity and rltest JW ou PEOPLES WAHrilOl'NE (V ANTED, women to work In sausage kitchen. Apply Klamath Packing Co. WANTED." handyman. l 07, per hour, 54 hours week. Alwi edsetntan. 7J'i hour. 54-hour week Inqulia Redding Pine Mills, 1221 Elsie Ht-. Iledding. Calif WANTK D7 custom work for Farmell M In 1 .at is ell Valley or rlttse to llonatua. Fran. Is Lilly. Rt. 1, Monmua OESlliNING, dressmaking, allr rations. Grace Casey, phone 7IH7, Pelican Theatre Apia. rfELL CHEAP, practbally new automatic electrically controlled oil flio; fur nace trail 77 1 J. or o7 Shasta Way. "TSF.D ItAGS BOUGHT AND SOLD PEOPLES WAKKltOl'SC JJAKfTMINE MISSION SAMHAPAltU.LA JO HEAD of HoUleln and Goernset heifers, also 2il head of Hereford itN a cowa with calves al side. Will tx sold al Ihe livestock auction Saturday! Phoenix. Ore 1 KLfllTlPTW Meeting Notice KLAMATH LOIMiK No 77, A F a M will hold a SPECIAL COM MUNICATION on Friday. April 2-lrd at 7 JO p m. Work in F C. degire. Vislllng brethren cordially invited Richard A Griffith. Worshipful Mailer K N I GUI'S TEMPLAR WORK Calvary Com ma n d e r y No. In. Knights Templar, will confer the Orders of Knighthood Nalmday, April 24th. stalling at 2 p m Dinner at tt n Masonic pie. Sir Knia-hts Invited KLAMATH FAIIA AEIIIE No 20110 Regular meeting every Tuesday night 7 45 p m FOE vlHtfVf Visiting members cordially invitan 2 Lost and Found LORTM.I. C.I.Un Corker. II m. old. n.m.il -T.llj." llc.liM JUJI II found r.ll rr . Partonalt FWVATT. nrrr.iTivr.H mi noiif or oitr.coN Writ. n.. M rr llrr.lfl N.w. Portonoll MFN H. Ih. fin. lrrllon at Ilr,rnl P.rh m.n'. .tilt. .1 IM.lv ., .t M.in. 8 Tramportation rorH..vy Hauling, Cr.n. or'Wuwb nrk. rail 77nl KLAMATH rilKKillT UH 101 Klamath Ava 10 Service! Su re YOU CAN BORROW MONEY ON YOUR FURNITURE SALARY And On YOUR CAR $50.00 to $300.00 $50.00 to $500 00 And Repay From Future Income. COMMERCIAL FINANCE CORP. 107 N. Oth fit. Lie. B251 M'J23 Phono 7711 Tom O'Dwycr, Mitr. ATTENTION IIUII.DK11S BUILDINO TO MOVE OK WRECK? INQUIRE MOIJOO COUNTRY INN MODOC POINT, ORE. SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED DRAIN TILE PUT IN L. A. KING Phone 9682 Fertilizer and Dirt NOW la the tlmn to put H on now mid old Inwnn, flowers and garden. Alio lnndscnplng. J. A. WEST Phono 3-01)05 For Ambulance Service Phone (IB:iO 34-Hour Service Anywhore Anytime Koler's Ambulance Service Kt.MFIti SMITH. CfcMKNT CONTrtACTOfl Phong 4li:ill 2114(1 I'nllnr.nn Lorn) and lonaj fji.ianr. MovlnH Crallnd, PacklnR and Htnrnffo KI.AMATH rilEICilll LINKS Phnn. 77111 Id) Klmnnlh Av. PAINTlN(irTKi.rlnr and .xl.rlor K.m- tnnlnl II I. flrnwn, nhfina 4Wfl SKWINdMACIIINR flUPAinr .Hrl nrvlr. on all mattna. Fr.n llmnl.. nildy'a riirnllur. Exchanso, !l:ia3 S. nth. Phons 6.110. PlCtOlit r-RAMrNO-C.iri.iTslio"oTTO Main. Phnn. (14117 flnlCirTAYINO-ln:imih: 10 Sorrlcoi SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED NoHcat Sanimry M.thod AIM ROTO ROOTER SERVICE dram Mrwor Unri of Root. It. I'linno UH41 r 3230 EU 1L KINO EXCAVATING ' MoUII dhuvel mid Trench Moo Uulldiuvr - rill Ulrt Toml Drlvrwny C'lndrro CRANE SKUVICK GRAHAM BROS. Phmw 4C77 FULLER BRUSHES CLEM JOYER KM Mnrtln Htrtwt Phont MTf ri.oon HAvniNO " nd r(intl)lii Norman trUmy, Bn ut tn PAIS'TING.-Ucr.liiif.""(t1trHniinB. llatrrlhrU flnlahlntf t4 titrar iMittiing. lUlimaiM glwn. Vhonm Man 1NU (.artlon tit ai-ra No nb Im Utgm i iiu anwlt tdmynmtlt ftmlUl, 4.11(1 WitiUr Av phuna 7iM. ...rt-i nirv voim bcwi.no macmimh MMi.it aitd HgliU . , MO rr itiauilatioit Urnatti furnlih4 la ailvonre SIN'iKH BEW1NQ MACHINE CO. 4Iti Main fhoAJ EVANS CAniNKT SI I OP K Main I' turn MM tiAH!N iraraiiun. Naw, nu4r .liii(.Mrnt 1'ii.w any tUpUt. Mm .ii-.lt. Uin Hi. 3. Itui iu. leriiitf, rtinuhin. rpalrln. apr1na trrunattluftvU. t'hun titl. JUit IhMU OHj-nsMAKINO and HUratiofUHrC Jon I'tiona IHHta K l0)(KUMTItc:ilNOriflev)rti'ra. W m. I.V yd rit Ilk. Ari Ndi V Mrxrh Jllu.jv xtA Main, upatalr. W WINDOW C1.KAN1NO. horn andM nicirlat janllnr wtirk Hainlad waii Claanr.I. riomi rlaii4 and Mini JKN.HK IIUIUIAHU SONS I 'hi me 7 07M nr M7I Cl'ltTAlNS l-AI'M-r'HED, ptrkup'M Irllvvr y I'h'ina 4tx SI' Ml. SO 1ft HYur. IUv. "that nll nipda ramly to planl. with g lliryj Ular. I'limia aM. RKNTAI. -a-tnim rlvanara by hour Jk da Trlaphnna 3 01.11. CilAMlH -il rU.tir alrdlaa. pantf gltdlr. alMt nuiilnC biat with aani- hirltla. fw-o tha naw, rump lata tin. I'h.uif ni3. Jnnttla lrh &r.t Kf) HUST fur your plowing "Ul Mhaala Way, or ftliuna UUS ur aOOa Cl'ftTOM WRAVINU; ftag ruga. Phon GAIIIfKV PLOWrwn.harrowln."dlafc; Ini Unlet taken. I'hona iotl. rv.UTUA7.rn hl dirt and lop aofl. 12 UOOKKKKHlNd. Shorthand, f pli Klnrlftsil ulijarii, ufflra machinal. KI.AMATH UUHlNaUUt COl-LE(iS 7.U I'Iiip Pnona 471)0 VfilCK. AND PIANO fNSThlfCTIOK Ithotla Ann Hi own. lMina at tstu ilfiit a hnnia tr at tuilio. Phnna lor appointment, JXMI ur leava maaaag at 7.I1H t.r,llN to HI'fcAK ftPANIrtll riuanil. ltPMinnalilr frr Phon 7IH1. Educofional 14 Help Wanted. Fern a Is UOl 'MKK KKPfK WANTED: 3 adulU, 1 t'hildrrn. Iluard, room and wagaa. ('all W.U2 xrt:i.i.KNTKiitiiih'"ipir for tanog- rnphrr. Opnrltinlly fur advanrainant with locally owned financa ronorn. Apply at Motor Invaatntant Co., lit Noith 7lh or pliona XliA. WAN'IKD; Capalila woman hotiaakaapar. Hoard, room, good aalary. No laun dry. Call 01)14. WANTKIl; An mv rianrad mlddtaagrd h'liuckrrper. Mual hav rafarancai. I'hontt ;ivin. WAN I KO, exiHtrftnrfd fypi,'tiort tmtifl prtifcrrrd Apply Coin mat-rial Honncr, Iil7 North Ulh Ht. Pltona 7711, v It KI'TIONIST wanted, aga nvar M, f prtjfcrnhly, Mtut Ite ahla to lypa. AddIv " lUa.iw.tli Vallr-y llmpital. WANTKIJ; Mlddlraged houaakorpar for aldrrly roup In, hy the month, lloartj '-L rJ -'!". L"lr wn rM- ,,"" 81 16 Holp Wonted, MaU MILKER WANTED For ariulo A dulrv. Mun with m.. fhltio mllkfrtt, nviiArliin.. aiirf oiicch. Llvlim qunrtcra lurnlahcd. n iH-renn quniiiirn 10 nnndle rrgli- U'lTfl (llllrv hrril lirrrprr.ri Phnn. Morrill (1103. AdrtrcM, lit. I, Boi i:ifl-K. Kliiiimlli Fnlln. COOKINd" tlTrNHH.R MANACRII lu..... ,1............... Illlly alllllllitaa a Ir.-I walarl... ' ha.liU rnoklim mollioil. I'rnmpl nay tn aala.. ninn, Willi drawing aitounl. Writ. IK WANTKr). i i for po.ltlon-rnVnen'i - " " "-"' i nil. laa.. K.r. ninniil Jol). Rir.rlrnr. atnolulal. nwraaary. Hm Mick lltr.lrr and UlcH Itrrdrr aRlore. WANTKD, .p.rlrnrrdnv.rliaill iti rhanlr. araiil working rondlllom, n.w hop anil aqnliimanl. nr. Jack For.. "X " L'"k "'V"r M",or- rhn WANTKrjrnw.v.rBTidi.ll.r-n. Jf, ii'i""n . . h"mlml11' Anaw.i WANTKl), bu.lmy. Apply 'oino'a Drlv. Po MTI.ANI) PAPKIl nrr.l, nio!nrrar: r h-r tor an Kl-ml. rnul.. A fond prop anion for on. who knowi how I. nil. Appllrntita ahoiild hnva a rai In good iiindlllon. Writ. P. o. Flo. JUKI. K. r.. .lvlv ,lth.r phon. num. iii-r or rxni'i addrrm. 18 Siluationi Wantnrf TWrt TMKN nvallahla-for' any odrTJobi VOU II1IIV tlMVM Hl.n... tlT... Dnl CnNir'l!'.'"" ."'Vr,,"n "r lwnrr all 'rty v v pnona a -1)11,17 rVANTWl. work for rat and IJ.y.ril o?ro!l I"n ,'hn WANI'KlJyprnTnrTnrtnihHaS dro.Hintf. etc. c! I ni'it m i