FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1948 HfcRALD AND NEWS. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGON four Million Trout Is Aim Of Hatchery Legal-Sixo Fish Are Planted In Waters Of County Tuur mllllun Uuut liatdiml at the 'imikvU Ureok 110141 liaUiicry are ku W planted III lUtum unci lakes ,1 Klamalli and lj"liilii counties nil yar, oflltlult u( Ula Hull Inrm rpurL tfrveial liundrsd Uiuusund have tlieatiy been placed In tluir new mines unci mm mil to vu lutii .uoaliis iiaxl. week. Lulrr on lako iluntliiK will start. Muni ut the troul are ruliiuow, flnil aooul auu.OOU hiut--iii brook lo be put. In in n nkrii m I'Huiiun aim a.asi mis ilmninrr, inuuuuiy (lining jmy. I'lunlliuis by Uink truck-lim al ruiiy been mailt In the William- uii, bpiuKUe, wuou river, aiiiiu In'i'k. ooveniiilic, douiiy uoca. m luminal! lixiga ami Kinky i'uint in UamaUi cuunly and In Anna river nil Anna reservoir In Lake county, II in llio put week or ti. IAV.I tll'KNINU These wio minnow, ai to nine utiles lu leiwUi and Irtlal inr caUh ng roino May 1. A Irw were snial cr surd. In January about luo.unu tastl-alied rainbow were put Into hfuJ watera. Next week some 00.000 mine full i e to be moved Iroin U.a liutilirry o various slrra . j. about Imll of hem to Crescent lake. The hatchery now hits about two mlllun egus ami another auu.000 are t Hpencer crerk. Milling should be on the uiHirade ii'KJainalli county unless Die mor- illty rale o( tile plaMlnxa U too Igh. Boxer's Death "Accidental, Probers Rule i I MILWAUKEE. April JJ lT,-The Irstle death o( ynung Jackie Dart jjiatd a (lark mark on bnntng'1 Llfxxly history today. 1 it went down In the bonks aa "se- I'ldetital" yesterday when an Inves tlatlon cleared nert I.ytrll, the ')iilhly rated middleweight whose lowa raturd the U-year-old young er to suffer a fatal brain hem orrhage. I DUIrlrt Attorney William J. Mr Pauley laid hU Invrailgatlnn showed )artharri's death was "purely an urldrnt." S JAa long aa you have boilng. S"7U're bound tn have something jike this some lime." MrCaulry aald. i Xlarthard died yrslrrday morning. Iras-than 13 hour aflrr he collapsed In the ring at the end of the sixth yWlille l.ytell waa tha nallon'a fourth ranking middleweight, he t (ft not rrgardrd aa an overmatch, v Oarthard had gained a draw t lth I.ytrll In Kansas City several tnjrnths ago. I m Drake Relays Turned Down , ES MOINES, la , April 33 (Pi Jerry Thomnnon. ace Texaa dlnlanre yunner, probably will pans up hit Ch.a,nre tndny to become a poMlble tlitw-tlme winner at the Drake re in VB. The 130-pound Thommon wan ex- fecl'd to paaa up defrnw of hl o-mlle run title In order lo con centrate on relay race. The Long nTn nlan to enter the four-mile telay for the flrat time thin vear and Thompaon will anchor that cjuirrtct. Tlie two-mile run. one of the four finals and two field evenla are alatrd today 111 the two-dny clnaale hlch haa brought athletea from M eollegea and unlverxltlea. Olher 1 ulala are the unlveraltv aprlnl hltdley. and dlnlance mrdleya and 111, college half-mile relay. t Mix record could fall during the wo day. Rclnyi Director Tom jMskard aaya. NKW YOHK, INKAl Joe Louli, fat, coinplaieut, drbnnalr, return ing In the llilli! wnra It) again de fend the chitinploiifililp ngalnat Jer ey Jne Wali ott at Vonkee m allium, June 3:1, f 11 ila the rlruienlii of box ing and rlianra marked agalnat ti 1 111 fur the flmt lime alnrr lie bulled out of the amateur ranka 14 yeara ago. And that'a a long time In the beak bunting himlnpan, Ilrimn, even when you're fighting a bloke your own age. In the uiirnmlng 11111UI1, Iiula la the man who la trying lo come back. The lure of the ring mya they never come bark. The exception or two down through the year only ac centuate the rule, and at 34 the fel low attempting the rllmb haa two irlkr on him with Joe I'age pitch ing. I,oiil ay he will lie better In the coming hatlle. He no doubt will lie more alert. You alwnya are wl.en vou have brrn punched nn the chin, lie alito will be more Elements Of Chance Stacked Against Louis In Return truck with the apced of light. And when the other guy waa hurt, he wrapped punchea together with ter rific apeed and fury. Hut thla la gone forever, for when an old aoldter loaea It he never re gains It, Loula no longer react to opening aa quickly aa he did, which 1 another way of aaylng that hit rrflexe have slowed down. Aa Louli cannot carry on a sus tained attack as he once did, his defense, never that of Jack John ton, Is looser, more vulnerable. Among other thing, the Walcott camp should remind chief second Dan Florin that a fighter can't win a championship by running In the final round. Tlint waa Walcott't only mistake the first trip. There was the championship for the taking, but foolithly Jersey Joe, relieving he already had It, didn't even make a pass. And as bad as Joe Louis may be (he nlcht of June 23, Jersey Joe Walcott can't make a mistake and beat him. clwcfiil, but he can't be anylctir than he was tha night of last De cember 6, when Wslcntt twlca set hlin on the seat of his pan I. You don't Improve at 34. Oondlllons are different than they were the first trip. Walcott was then the challenger In every srnse of the word. If either experi enced nervous distress before the scrap, It was Jersey Jne, Louis en visioned an easv. smashing victory. Kndn't thrv all laid down and played dead? Challenger In name only now Walcott I strutting, even when sit ting down, nigtilng articles and at a tea and crumpet party preceding the formality, Walcott looked and ac ted the part of the tltlehnlder. He feels that but for an outrageous de cision, as wrong a' wrong could be, he would have been officially awarded the crown the Police Oa xetie tried to give him, anyway. Provided the Job doesn't get too big for him mentally between now and then, and If he doesn't choke up, all Walcott haa to do u win la be aa good as he waa In December. He doesn't huve to Improve. Ilia hungry fighter, he hat kept himself In condition. Louis' dilettante airs and graces won't help him If his legs begin ti tire. And unleu tha champion works a miracle In attaining condi tion and nails Walcott early, his legs are bound to feel the pressure of 11) rounds against a clever fellow with remarkable underpinning, e perlally for one hit age, and one who felnta, Jan, tab and throws a whistling right hand when not circling or retreating. Walcott otitboxed Iiuls with con vincing ease. He made the cham pion fight a battle foreign to his netural advantages. At hi best, Bmoky Jne was a sinker for a right, and never was noted for his ability to assimilate shots to the head. Louis' greatast asset until now was hit ability to blast a right hand punch through the smallest and most closely guarded opening. He Team Scrap Tops Armory Muscle Card Meeting as leaders of two oppos ing lag wrestling teams tonight at the Klamath Pall armory, frank Htnjark and tlcorgra Dusrite get to write another rhapter In their rival ry which ha lnted through a couple of month already. Dunrlte worked up to a cham pionship match with the doughty Htnjark, but rouldn't nulla cut the Ice In a altnwdnwn. Hut the two are ready to square off again In the trnm fray which head the grapple card. Partnering with Hlojark will be the bald-headed CHenn Knox, who made his debut here last week. Du cit will pair off with Krankle Hart. The team tusnle Is scheduled for one-hour lime limit, or two fall! nut of three. The opening crap puts Buck Weaver and Hob Kenaaton Uigelher In a five-rounder, a match that should prove a lively one. The oueninf bout takes to the canva at 8:30. Oakland Trib Writer Dead PORTLAND. April 33 MV- Le Dunbar. 61, iorls editor of the Oak land, Calif.. Tribune, died of a heart atlark In his hotel room here early today. Robert Sell, road secretary of the Oakland Pacific Coast Irague base ball trim, said there had been no hint of Illness before Dunbar tele phoned the hotel drk clerk at about 4:30 a. m. and asked Inr a doctor. A bell boy went to the room and opened a window when Dunbar ld he had difficulty breathing. The boy then left the room and when Dr. Charlea N. Verleeg arrived a few minutes later, Dunbar was dead. Survivors include the widow and a son. The body Is at Hennessey. Ooetach McOee Fdneral Home. Collegiate Meet PORTLAND, April 33 ( A five way college track meet will be held here tomorrow afternoon. Compet ing will be Lewis V Clark. Vanport, Llnfleld, Clark Junior college, and Oregon College of F.ducatlon. It's not too big or too tmall to ,ii.rtiB in Trie Herald and News Classified section, where small adt bring big results. Phone Sill. We Rut. Red and Trade GUNS 9.. FREE APPR AIH.4I.H GUN STORE Z, 714 Main Couple Lose Life Savings On Road PORTLAND. April 23 (IP) A faulty headlight coat a Portland couple their life-time aavlng. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brock, resi dent of Portland 20 yeara said they were moving to California for Hrock'a health when a policeman lopped them to tell them of the headlight. Brock atepped onto the highway hear here lo allow his driver's li cense, then drove on again. A few minutes later, the couple realized a purse, containing their aavlng of llOfiS to 11080, waa misting. Segale Named Astoria Coach ASTORIA, April 23 W Ray j Segale, 38. ex-Unlverslty of Oregon 1 guard, will be football coach at 1 Aitorla high school next fall. The appointment of the former 1 Oregon star, whose last year of play was 1043, waa made here yesterday. Begale, a marine wounded on Iwo Jims In the war, la atudylng for his maater'a degree at Oregon and assisting the coaching staff at spring football training there. He will succeed Bob Bates, who became principal of a Junior high school here. 8egale't salary will be 3BO0. ! Gumminl h FOR HARDWARE COMPLETE LINE FISHING TACKLE Huntlnr mnd FUhlng IJcensm for Your Convenience 4621 South Sixth Phone 2-0317 ' find deep down satisfaction in this Kentucky whiskey t . . and you don't hove fo go dp into your pocket lo pay for It becotn Old Hormiloge it reasonably priced, hi rich, mellow flavor'i mighty pleating, too. A favorite lince 187?, It'ia grand-toiling whiskey from old Kentucky. Enjoy some tonight S-ffidB H" o O so60 v ivy Vctil; 45 qt You'll never be a harmitif you serve BRAND "For Gentrations A Great Kentucky Favorite'' Notional Dltrtllen Produeti Corp,N.Y. Kentucky Whlkey-A Blend 80 Proof 6JX Groin Neutral Spirits We Buy Them We Sell Them We Trade Them rTTVVVVVV Reg. $125.00 12-ft. Waterproof PLYWOOD: : BOAT : $98.50 r GUN STORE; f 7I Mala v- Jl 1111.. 1 4 I :M:-M-y-:'la? j ajl(IIaaxtfaW3aar' WRESTLING Tog Teom Match One Hour Frank Stojock and Buddy Knox VI. Georgoi Dutotto and Franki Hart Buck Weaver vi. Bob Konaiton 5 Round 7 ' 8:30 P. M. FRIDAY ARMORY ', For Heat Reservation! 1 - rASTi rninovs & r 30 MAIN STREET rilONB 1333 m Good Used Cars 1941 Studebaker Sedan Champion Carefully fllOC checked over by our mechanics and In fine shape 113 1939 Deluxe Ford Sedan ZSSsZtimS 1938 Deluxe Ford Tudor In excellent shape 1935 Chev. Master Coupe "$395 1935 Chev. Standard Coupe 1935 Chev. Master Coupe Has new tires and In tine condition Good running condition. New seat covers ; 11 .5695 5375 5265 1934 Plymouth Tudor Sedan .TrnS 1933 Ford Tador 5100 dM! 1940 Chev. Short Wh. Bs. TnickXr:iS, $545 $A BALSIGERMOTOR CO; fjS V- Moin at Esplanade, Phone 3121 Used Car Dept., Ph. 4354 "". PACE THIRTCEN Jleuei ((fain THESE PRICES! ) In E Odds & Ends of Discontinued Merchandise These stocks are limited we will not be responsible . for items sold out SHOP EARLY! Men's Waist O'AUs Blue denim. Ref. 4.50 MEVS White Bib Painter O'AUs Ref. 6.95 - - Men'sWorkShiris Sun Tan and Ironclad. Values to 3.45 MEN'S IRONCLAD Whipcord Work Pants Ret. 6.95 r - Men's Work Pants Iter. 5-95 Men's Dress Pants Assorted colon. Ret. 12.95 - Men's Dress Hats Grey, blue brown and rreen. Values to 10.00. Men's Dress Hats Good quality fella. Ret. 6.00 Men's Sport Hats Water repellent Ret. 2.50 , Men's Casual Jackets All moot Ret. 7.95 2 100 " 25 and I 2" 95 95e 3 Men's Leather Jackets Long and short styles. Ret. 27.50 Men's Stag Jackets Heavy wool plaid. Ret. 1493 - - 995 95 00 Engineers' Work Caps Cc Grey and green. Res. 75c MEN'S HEAVY 9 Men's Headlight Coveralls b While and khaki, 4 only. Ret. 7.95 2 for 50 25c 25' 15c 25c Cotton Ribbed Union Suits Krt. 2.95. Longs, ankle lenuth , , . Men's Knit Briefs Ret. 85c. - Men's Undershirts Small only. Ret. S5c ..- Men's Dress Sox C0 wool. Re. S5c Men's Woo Work Shirts Solids and pluids. Ret. 9.75 MEN'S Cotton Jersey Gloves All shea MEN'S SHOP MAIN FLOOR