WIDNESDAY, APRIL 14, 19-18 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON fay-As-You-Go Highway 'Financing Favored By Klamath Couniy People kltmtwri of I lis atnlo lenlnlallvo kitarlm ciiinmttlin cm hlHhwny Irft Kljuimth K11IU nflir hnnln Moii tjfty, with iW'fuiHo IniiHt'fiiliitm Unit Ul pP(iplO 111 til l pltll ot 1 1 It? Rlllttf fnvor ")My-n-yiu-Ho" In Itluliwny (u road flimnclntr. 'Th lintiiug Witn conrlltilrd nl mUl-nflci ncKiit. Tim f 1 1 1 it I feututr wma h rullirr Itvnly (tlmiMilon tit the nunttlnu a to whether Kliuimih 1'hIIb and Klmimth comity people re wllllim to ttlve Kiifllcieiil IfMiil upporl, e ire hilly throutih property tHKM, for loud work. MemheiR of tho Inlrrlm commit tt uppetired liu llnetl lo lei'luiu KlliiniiUi peoplo mi thin ntiliject, but wern gultkly Informed Unit huite Urn of money hnvn been iipeitt here ri I(hh1 roud n nd ntrert work with property rtirrylnit a henvy bunleii tllioUKh Impiovemeiit nnnrhMiirntn, county tuxen nnd bond Inhum. PrnvHllliiif HeiitlmeiiL nt tho meet-lnu.-however, wan iiyiilnnt nltitn bond tune for hlKhwiiy improvementt. ff mnrn money munt b obtiilned by kbit iuU unit for (llMrllititlon to otilrn nnd coutillrii, It iliould come Iffom )inn InX lirrriifti, itulo rrin U'hUoii Incrnutr, und boo.itji in driver Iter i mo fir, wltnrknen told I bo committee. .Krunk Brown, Liumcll vulley, HUgttJOntr n reptrM-ntuilvn of both Urn uiunun und furm buieuu, Mild Ujt aome ur.u hud hern willing .'hMO for a much mi n 3 rent in- orrAO 111 the k tux. Two reitta wru mut commonly mentioned at the hrarlnB na tho limit for (put tnx In Qrrnnrn, Buhiirbun MirrU ritrne In for wrl njm dlM-uvtlon nt the nl.niionn mh njuii when liny Uiirrluin imtde a prenentntloti for the Klutn ith Hub. (it Itii n lenittir. Hmnh HI x Hi Ktreet fm prove mrn I nAMM-lntlon nnd Hhnn ni" View Kniiute, ' th Ihire-orKfuilaitlnn brief polntrd to A nrrd for eitubllim lnwn trt iiermit oiKunnr-ntlon of improve nfWht dlrttrlrt for rum I rnnd nnd especially nuburtmn at reels. Undrr the proponiil, aurh dlatrlrta could levy limited tune for brlimlinc the ntreeUi up to alundiiitl, ufler which Ihey ahould Iw hi km into the county roud aynteni for imilnleuiincn. In terim committee tnembera rvlnced much Ihlurniit In the propormla. Tlin brief cotiLcndcd tlml county roudit In the aouthwerd auburb mr llmdeiiiiil nnd thul lriwl two county rouda should Iw opened from Uummcis lime Ui Atluinoni drive. Al the roiichihlon of the. hmrlnif. Chitlt inun ltiilth Moore, alnte rep renenlutlve fro m Cooa county, wunnly pnilM'd Klitnmth nnd I -like county people for the manner it their preneutallon und the evidence of careful mmuilJitlim before the, heiirlntf- The. Klnmnth nnd lkn brief a were aubinllied In the mornltiK aea ilou. In tho fttllowlnu dlactinalun. the throtiKh route, Importnnco of hlKhway U7 wua emptinnlxed before the committeemen. It wna pointed out thul this road fuuiieln traffic iicrohit the Cnacadea from Willamette valley point, nnd la the ahortent and funlcul route from northwestern metropolitan poinifi to California point. Ita connection with XI, R for u fut route to HotiDtern California, via Klanmth, Alturaa nnd Iteno, or via Mend, I.nkevtew nnd He no, wua em pi tail zed. Wanblncton DevUed Inlcnla Tlie Idea of baduca nnd Innlunla dmotliiK tnllltnry rank wna devlard by (leoiKn Wanhlnuton during the Itevolutlonary war, when his mrn had no uniform, nnd officers need ed Identifying rnarka. A flnuerlluK U a small fUh. , EXPERT LUBRICATION -ond WHEEL PACKING .... RICHFIELD SERVICE STATION 1102 KC Main Friendly Helpfulness To Evrnr Crrrd urn I'urRe Ward's Klamath Funeral Home Morgucrito M. Ward and Sons lllih rhunt ISU WTT'1 Guild P' Hit-Run Accident Reported Here A lilt-mid-run Incident wu re portird Uj Mute police mirly Monday nllflil by J. L. IUit, Altuuiunl ml to coiuln. Kiim told offlccrn he wu I uvitlliiK nritr Wnyarlmiuior Junction when Mdnn, currying two mrn and a woiuiin, lilt hit car. 'Ilia offrndlnii niachlna d on, lto until, but lin wna abls U Vive police a Kod diwcrlpllun of the cur and occupant. Considerable dniu uuu win done tlie Hom car. Students Out On Strike In Ouster Row KICYHKJt. W. Va., April 14 !) Htwlcnla at HoUiinoc Hute collrue wrnt on atrlko Tueaday to protvrit the expuhlon of a coed and her dale lor aiaylng out after hour. following up a atrlke vote by 2V) of the tlW atudrnta larl night, 30 plckeUt appeared thin morning In the rain In front of the main clana room building. College i'rcnldrnt E. E. Church grertrd the plrkeU with an an nouncement there would be claaica as usual. Between IS and 20 ttu dcuta rntered the building, but home later left. The liijitliution U a branch of Went Virginia unlvcmlty at Mor ganiowii. It fuiu'tloim a a two year Junior college and a a lour year tcaehrrn college. Memliera of the atudenl council Maid laAt night that the couple ad mitted remaining out after houra but "mated they are guilty ol no other misconduct." PACE ELEVEN Trains Back On Schedule WAHHINOTON, April 14 il'i The government Tucuday dropped all reittrletlona put on train service during the coal ntrlke. The cancellation u effective at 1 p. m. ll'HTi Unlay. Tlie Interstate commerce commis sion and the office of defense trans portation said the restrictive orders are being suspended "until further notice." They Indicated they will be ap plied again unless coal flows nor mally to build up the railroad stock pile, now down to about 20 day supply. The major restrictions were a cut of 2ft per cent In movement of rail road trains ushia; tonl-burnlng loo i-fnotlves. POOLE'S Pishing Tackle HERALD AND NEWS COMICS v. fconirupn IT WOULD 1 A ONE FRIED BUT THE RES U ( THAT UITTLE 7 rrSTT!! E MUCH T0FS!ED 6UCH A LITTLE) jtffc ( DlFFEREI Vj WArfT YOUB .-. A tm0)' EASIER TO J hiLii. POACHED DIFFEINCE 5(3 V, WHATyTt J 1)- ) j .V;":';' i TV,. H. Y. Dramo HAGAR WlLOf'S With An AH-BroaawoT T0M16HT KUHS AUDITORIUM 8 o'Clock .... .... .. door$2,50. t. - Tlckcn o" . 20.3o tiuo. c.vv; 5ponor -7 Pi U HOW. ' tlev ...fifirD Between KLAMATH FALLS and RENO 3 ROUND TRIPS DAILY AGAIN . . . Greyhound gives you increased service to Alturas, Susanvitle, Reno and intermediate points. New, additional schedules are timed for your travel convenience. jj NEW, ADDED SERVICE... Effective April 14 Daily Service Read Down l.rave Kliimnlh Falls ll'STI (1:00 A.M. 10:18 A.M. 0:00 P.M. Arrive Tulelake (CIIST) 7:3SA.M. Arrive Alturas 0:1(1 A.M. . Arrive Husanvllle 12:211 P.M. Arrive KENO 2:50 P.M. 3 CONVENIENT RETURN TRIPS DAILY Your Friendly Greyhound Agent1 Agent, 3, K. Ss.vre 001 Klamath Ave. riinne SMI I DEMOCRATS I fllWS "WhS REGISTER TODAY - L-SSsusA llrfnr. Anrll 7fllh f 101 CCKCANiON 1C-J WOULDN'T UNPtRSTANP IF I -ill?: VviVVE SOTTA AO- NILi KIVEK VS.USV-IT neiore April tmn y , whebe ) I tou you. ? CONT WTeuv ) 'WE bouno u" fua Birr about ten Vff makch to I J It :.L . i I COULO "t (SO IN ASP'JT 1M... ANVHAV. wi V HAVg) PEOPLE AND LEADl TO I TH' EAT..THE;B THSY WILL A If you with to vota for .1 tmTs pstiiy 6&r more impobtant i v ? tmem outa tis I wheks; blld ta-n...m uvi 1 Your Fovorite For i lANOf r Vthinssto; 7 v samara ceseict: Vf rot. ?'?rrJ SHERIFF XWT' VP-s' V ( ir-Xt- ii. i. wiincj n iiiiuiiij II o -i-- K fl- ' M r T'JSiWss. i-1 rbar u W" I I k f iL- WwrM I 1 f 6PO MtWt.U OdiT UMOVl. 1 fnfe VROM I WtVL A AVX f ' fc?4 11 11 11 Ml 1 11 M 11 fffiiMl -5 f ' CZZ 9S.St x AOOX MW I OMl TV L.'J C.91U.'. IaW. OOl li 1 ftN M ? (t. y u . ilil nlV' r. B H H H lml CUv'.T.iH 1 TZT 1 . v T sat' V I 1 , l 1 I Z Tal - J-f -fhJBt W T "W " - 1 m-jT J "V '.WtfS KiSfr. BY' iPr? L.WU HAF Wet URU SOUR SWEETIE IS ASUAXE IU 1 ( 5T A. CEW..CUt!S iSA S 1 f KWE Et T THISOWE HAf 60 KK4 V.W-:-: &&W2L rAVJiC b1 Vt-Sr we ushw.xour mart KBKEs.K.twiw show K)( priut thw j ri VER1!M!ENT:. ST-tiTi,",lF".i f-:- V-A Jn iff KUSt SO 01 -f ROM T8APEZEV00SM.U BACA W kT 0Me.EB0IEj i'lJillf7! MR. roporr. rtt T0 VOU OWE GorO0" tes from iitcustosees! now, wssROMANl-wf. (5;' V----:tll1I?5 lUotiTOSB wrewePWWKW) ;:::.v. " 1 "" ..r.-.-.;::V TKERe SMP IS. OMB N-N-NOT OOOD WORK. V ' ' dckjke tou tsoTi v.. . ntucwtn inc STRAY BOAT irJ I F-FOR T-YOU, BOTS WE'U. V" F6TIRE? FBOM PUBUC FT WORKS. INCUJOtNS TWO I'TAnc" IM TIaAI: AT DiriVC custody.' Ir WAsyr m-m-maybe, send a tracer ; i"F5iBXf,SgirA , -,rA-0 SSAaVt'ta I Uri IN I IMt A I KILNYb -o so bad swimming fou up river td , LJL W6. f??'JER 1 GAN6STER HE WONT TALK . , Ai II III IB W U It 1 a III; I II I V - ; 1 t I "VX J II I ST lV 7( I-', XA flT I H IV 1 VJ f f Tv " Ml l (vfi l ' JyL' 'feS- - fa-ySSfVi TMT3 EWOMP IS WET, BUT HA? WE MADE IT-AXEL B laiji i I&JlJ1jl. '''vr. : no. horcmble "reoiri wreck- but axej. J!y gf rr-s not too deep-if we fei:; B smu. lookkt for tra back hj- i 1 - rNSV- P ANO ANOWEI APE HEALTHV AND ON R CAN JUST GET ACROSS TO fe S S." 2SJ JC3SSi' fl f tfFjU. ' U THE PROWL POR US- WE'VE GOT TO g THAT MAHi HK3HWAV- J? -J' i- L We J?S23.ANV -1 QyMW UimtlmA i ife THI j ' ' Tested by the sportsmen and explorers who first j J NOTE THE THRIFTY PENNEY PRICE J made it famous . . . tested in everyday life, in j 5 rxarte I tiflZ'- RFAI.V UiflllF HRflPF I phantly in war by the Armed Forces who relied 't jffR,!'''' , IlLMii I lllrlll- Eifllfll l-V X on it for unvarying accuracy! j ''tf, ' - 5, YES, ROLEX IS PERFECTION X ' "yv RUFFTEX MATERIAL 88 tSHJll T IN TIME AND TASTE A gk 84 INCHES LONG, 38 INCHES WIDE . nr ' OMil t .. . .... . v i,-Am'm nr r- Mamatn Basin residents know that kulca is the t tWw'WHnA acme in-fine watchmaking . . . and they also 1lv&'8'l! know that ROLEX is exclusive AT RICKYS! A MmPP1 AM EVERY MAN DESERVES THE BEST! J J ' ( t YMtjfSki Washable cretonne or rurftex makes Ideal drapes or M M J 700 Main Street Phone 3151 j AJ III' "'li lllSOA.M. 7:3Sr.M. li.HP.M. 0:10 A.M. 5:01 P.M. 12:20 A..M 7:30 r.M. 20 A.M. Brighten up your home with these light summer draperies. Lovely floral design on natural background that will to with any color scheme. Colortast easy to wash. Ruffle finish. Buy now!' Cretonne and Rufftex Drapery Yardage CRETONNE 36 INCH WIDTH RUFFTEX 50 INCH WIDTH Sew your own draperies and save on your budget. Washable cretonne or rufftex makes Ideal drapes or , Hp covers. Soft floral designs to choose from. Buy your drapery yardage no t this low Penney Price. DOWNSTAIRS