SEC. M PACE I HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, ORECON WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7, 198 Wocus After having major surgery at local hospital a little over two weeks ago. Mm. Mrlvln Vanderhotf Is at home ana'n mid able to do hrr work around the house. Mr. H. Chexnul of Henley, daughter of Mr. and Mm. Veiidrrhnff, spent the first 10 days with her nioliicr after her return home. Mr and Mrs. Sum Arcbrrg, Clo verdnle. British Columbia, were vist ton for one night recently at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Helm. The Acebcrgs and the Helms are long-time friends, having home aleaded together at Saskatchewan. Canadn. In 1S15, and Uie Acebei-g couple were on their way home after having spent the entire winter at Long Beach, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Vanderhoff aold their home In Wocus a little over two weeks ago and are now living In Pelican City where they purchased a new home. The house consist of five rooms and bath and a plot of five lot was Included with the deal. Vanderhoff plans to build on the lots In the future. An Ea.Mer epg hunt was given to the small tots of the several Barrett families on Easter Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bar rett at Midland. Friends of William Burgess Jr. will be glad to learn he has re turned to Klamath Falls after spending the winter at Sacra mento, Calif., where he and his father. William senior, were engaged hi carpenter work. Bill left his wife. Charity, in Sacramento due to her being seciously 111 and unable to travel. A special nurse has been secured to care for her and It is hoped she will be able to Join her husband here soon. The five-year-old son of the nurse was brought up here by Burgess, to remain in the care of Bill's mother for an Indefinite period. "Chuck" Is the lad's name, and his daddy. Robert Marlar. lost his bfe at the same time that "Bob" Burgess did, when the United States salvage ship Extractor was torpedoed by an enemy sub marine during World War II. Horace, youngest son of Frank Hurd. who has been employed at the D ranch, near Dorris, for the past several months, recently paid his "dad" a visit for a few days, and while here he was called to work at the Lost River dairy. He Is night checker for that firm. The auditing department played host recently to the collectors of Internal revenue at a chicken dinner at the Red Rock chicken inn. Mrs. Paul Buck and two daugh ters, Peggy Jo and Donna Jean, are spending several days in Salem vis lu.ig Mrs. Buck s mother and a sister. Vhen young Allen Barrett, twin son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Barrett, paid his parents a visit a few days ago he went fishing In Upper Klam ath lake one day and came back with a good catch. Among the biggest fish was a six-pound trout. Young Wain, Gardner and Her bert Barrett, all three teen-agers, went hunting last week In the hills west of Wocus and came back with a fat cottontail- Could It be the "bunny" was a descendant of the TOONERVILLE FOLKS Fort Klamath Mr. and Mrs. James Orth and children returned to their home In Sacramento. Calif, the first part of the week after spending the Easter week-end here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Orth. Mr. and Mrs. William I. Bell and diiiu!htrrs were guests of his mother, Mrs. Harriet Zumbrun, over the Easter holidays, from their home III Klamath Fulls. Mr. and Mrs. Weston Engle re turned last week from a week's va cation spent In Oakland and Uie bay region visiting Mrs. Enjile's rela tives and friends. Engle Is a refrig eration student at the OVS In Klamath Falls and Mrs. Engle Is employed as relief telephone opera tor In Fort Klamath. They make their home In Klamath Falls and spend the week-end here with his parrnts. Mr. and Mrs. Hurry Engle Arriving here by car from Merrill. Wis. last week were Mrs. Herbert Him and son Bruce, her mother. Mrs. Brlcco. and a friend. Mrs. Peterson. Mrs. Hins and Mrs. Bricco are. respectively, sister and mother of Mrs. Marvin Reeder of Fort Klamath. Mrs. Reeder underwent major surgery In Klamath Falls t Friday morning and is reported as j getting along fine. Her sister will return to her home In Wisconsin this week and hrr mother will re- i main here with her daughter's family during her convalescence j Mrs. Hins and Mrs. Reeder are also ! daughters of Charles J. Bricco. well- knoun Fort Klamath resident. Mrs Peterson will also remain for a visit with her daughter and famllv here. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards left by car last week on a trip to the East during which they will visit relatives at various points. Including Minneapolis. Minn, and Macintosh. S. D. They were accompanied on the trip by their daughter. Mrs. Kenneth Morris of Tehama, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Wright have returned to Fort Klamath for tra spring and summer months from Flourney. Calif., where they pent the winter and where Wright was employed In looking after cattle by Loren U Miller and son. well known stockmen of Wood River valley and the Red Bluff area In California, of whom Wright Is a veteran emoloye. Vernon Branham is spending some time here visiting at the home of his brother-in-law. sister and nephew, Mr. and Mrs. James Van Wormer and son Douglas, following o HERALD AND NEWS COMICS Mill! 'L ii" w to no H.Act-. IN IMI'j NMCJI.'l.P IOW ,. V, St. I'LL Ml VI. W I H'T 7 -,'ANVWHl VI;,NAmKki , m ,X0 LH i: AWAY y Tramjiwnpitriniim- t and i.i-:r MR A ( L'L. nJWN THLRE rabbits that once gave this little community the name of Rabbit Flats, but is now known as Wocus? IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! 12 CU. FT. Home Freezers Made by Diets, famous com mercial makers $00 EAST SIDE APPLIANCES 623 Klamath Phone MM COME SEE THIS AMAZING NEW KIND OF VACUUM CLEANER WITH wo mssY BAG TO EMPTY! r 'in!.'' . 'it v :: L A, nil itk "it irj, Its chemically treated disposable paper filter is poured out with the dirt! Beautifully built and beautifully styled! So light, easy to carry, easy to ifirst. use. Costs no more than old-style uJS.'jy ylj conventional vacuum cleaners. vaj Alt THESE SENSATIONAL EATURES, TOO! So QUIIT, you can cfiaf, phone or iiiten to the radio CYCIONIC SUCTION rlf ( Iff imbedded dirt and grir NO SMElir, IIAKINO DUST e' beck into the room . . . exclutive Triple Filter do the trick Adfut$ to any ru$ fhcJrrws by lick ol DIAL CONTROL ?S BRUSHES uum through out . , . nothing it too good tor CM Ltrryt It STOf$ CONVlNIIMTlf in attrctiv0 duit-pro tecttd container, fie tittt ipc 0 TUCKER - STEINKAMP Esquire Theatre Building Phone 8805 APPLIANCES It our butinen ... nof a sideline iiuiiiuniiniiniTiTn i mini' X ( HI 13 TAKING 1 r WASTInS JjbTimP. 1 FXAN ,1 k' r s . . S V - Jl A - mk V S N,XP W S' so much ) k 'AfflVw uk: awavJ &yST7 7f P Pl POOLE'S r . ( TKSe TW CITTll If I(N NO LIVM. UK . PIT X Tfk J . . . ,or I THiN..srr feme panlss en k I cat miw f MbM. I.' rX r Fishing Tackle viiS3 fymr t . -yj I h TtKL M mtifc J'Mh pPl X? 'etiotHoeidaif. 1 1 ' 1 rV- -"I S 7 I I 1 Y fc,W- '-a. 1 r . v his recent discharge from the U. S ture rwuUlne from Ihe prec!;t-. navy, with which he was stationed Uuu '1 --ry wclcouu t stockmen in China. Old Man Winter Is having his last ning In Uls vicinity iwe hope), and local residenta have been experi encing cold winds and snow similar to usual December weather. Follow ing an unusually mild winter here, the past stx weeks have been stormy and unsettled with the exception of a few mild days. However, the mots- , I-- I eM JK-j Ae -1 -.arr it- m i4i , ... to 'tlic EVERGREEN PLAYGROUND A wonderful vacation awaits yon fat the Evergrern Plavgrouod. From earlv spring to late fall the weather is glorious. Accommodations oi all sorts, from metro politan hotels lo secluded resorts, are available. Trans portation of all kinds is convenient and comfortable and highways are broad and smooth. VISIT "ACROSS THE BORDER" There's no inconvenience to giving your va cation an international flavor. Enjoy the ex cellent food and famed accommodations of British Columbia. In addition to its delightful Canadian cities of Vancouver and Victoria, this province is a scenic outdoor paradise. COME EARLY FOR FISHING Lowland lakes open for fiihing in British Colum bia March 1, and April 18 in Washington. Streams and mountain lakes open May 23 in Washington, May 24 in British Columbia. Lakes and streams are stocked with rainbow, cut throat, and other trout, bass, perch and crappie. EXPLORE INLAND SEAS Fast ferries and comfortable steamers run lo all points touching on the sheltered Inland seas of Puget Sound and British Columbia - and you can take your car aboard if you desire. These beautiful inland seas are unmatched in all the wnrld. In one group, the San Juan, there are 174 wooded iilands of varying sires. SEE WORLD FAMOUS WONDERS In the Evergreen Playground you are nest door to ML Rainier National Park, where flowers and glaciers meet; to Olympic National Park, Amer ica's unspoiled wilderness; to Victoria's famed fiutchart's gardens; and to the magnificent scenic grandeurs that surround Vancouver. A EVERGREEN PLAYGilOUtll sc attic mi racoaa WistnUai vsacouvts mt viCToma mic EvetjtM" Pltytieandi Room 000, SI 3 Columbia Si SetHlt, . Plttit lend m yet fitt liltistia. Nome Addrtu .............M.-..-. I I I I I AvO AftOvST "vi4 OV!" "tosvovit, o9. 1 (V iv )V ,Ni L 1ftt..t'X'. V VMWV MOW C. V W" At V evon feOMl twoocwx to A feir-'A M B I I J MCMt OvbMvVilO MVtKOO Of tJSjNvJ "l- I , .VlTAVtliC VWOI ( LV -w, twvoVtt-A).)'iVO Vuvv.MeeV'. HAS THESE LOOf IX HAP A Y PRC1TV SOT FOSt Olf fl'Ut BtfN Rf ATW UT 0JCOOME..V-. 1 f'-j1 V ?f . BEEU AUV Ute IATE VIMIR- 1 rASV W HtB SENT TO MW OttllB A CtXOKrUl CMAkAv.Tt(t. I flp V00 SIAEt PRCIC 60v'U X WCATISJIJ FUStltfR WORD I BAV. 1 GATKERID IT CUiAl A 61 FRIEND OP I F16U I WKl AOII 'notice HI MJ ,Mt if i11 f.'1' tg.0k HAUAMA L WA BAD tHX Hl IN W MOVIEft SAAW 6E HIM lit HAVIf B tltK LUCK J if. wfW.wlRt Of DtSiWtOCifa CkOOAAt. J-l5- ABOUT THAT yf)Msa 1 f VlHiRf 0J LOCATlOW! DEAllW Nlf H HIJ THEVVt OOlMO TO " x we.,m U55 nim ZiT"? r-Mwi pTi ; ifSWTV7-7- fttMwtt for V wii" j C UowCDMF YlTiATi UFE.' 1 OUItT.WU CsSSa f ,JA nA vrt.y AMUSINO.' Y " 'l fSNlfAV COVMi- . TO M MA-iCK PJWPTieST ODMTSEEK RFLUCTA WT - - HEBf ARB MV OIHIH AfOor tOUR AUPY.CrXv 9 Klfl K BARREL I twiSI m"m LIKB A CAT APPO.NTMeNT3 t CHKP Of fjt ANO 1 DO M.AM I k INQOIRIN6' JvOiT NOISE I DRAFTED.' X . FISH.'.' JVM ' M'? " J"t C X-J-rV ut - J NOW ENTER I F ' ' ' '' n I AT ? "the HURW burly t tZ WjvJ,io I ' s rsh I t iSCiil' y c-VJ Of political Lire, rs W ' sKty J t ' , 'rV V' mj e a 6ot as patriotic, (f, r?ASk (hi'",sO v -1M1 I Is"""-! W ho uee squfiWKii to th ""V f the tooim vestv S. r4 NPPri tt r,4,o.jwHTN CONDUCTOR-ANO OttC CtTTIfl' 6UJWEL WiL- I VAV OO MPW wWl'9lM-nH 1 I WS QCTTTA GT OFt O'HbtJE- iT I tT0P- L pfll-r ''"y . 4, f 5! I ? ? i NOW WHEN YOU NEED IT LUGGAGE-LUGGAGE-LUGGAGE CUf. . Sloft ..... THRIFTY PENNEY PRICE MATCHING SETS Brown Stripe Vonity Cat 2 98 3.98 Brown Strip Weekend Cose, 20 Inchcf 4.98 Brown Stripe Pullmon Cote, 26 inchci 6.90 fimarl looking - Weal for any trip you are plannln. Attractive o.lrlrh grain fabric covered eaaea. One ply stripe patterns. Vanity and train rase have full mirrors In lids. Train ease has new pla.lle tray. Lining! may be wiped with damp cloth to clean. Buy now while they last i Main Moor i