HERALD AND Nl'WS. KLAMA1H HALLS. OREGON l-RIDAY, DEC. 12, 1947 PACE EICHT Governors Back Europe Aid Plan PORTLAND, Ore.. Dev. 12 iT (Support for the MurMiull ulim came tccmy from western governors niui oilier offlclBls who attended the conference of the Pacific Const board of interKOvernmentnl rela tions here yesterday. Francis Russell, director of the Mute department's office of public affairs, said there weir Inflationary tendencies in the Marshall plan "or ny procrnm of aid to Europe." but that the benefits to this country outweighed Inflationary nspects. The need to achieve economic and social gains In Europe In the face of Kusslan Ideological HMtression. phis the fact that Europe would take onlv about three per cent of the Aineri car economy mnke the Marshall plmi worth while, he said. Oregon Trade Dr. Nathaniel Ensle of the Uni versity of Washington said the Marshall plan's requirements for ex perts would be reflected in Oregon ar.f Washington, particularly in de mand for softwoods, plywoods, wheat, flour, fresh fruits and canned salmon. Paul Raver, Bonneville admin istrator, urged continued construc tion of multi-purpose dams in the Northwest to take care of Increasing industry and population growth. Gov. Mon C. Wallgren of Wash ington also advocated more develop ment of Northwest resources and said. -Politics is the greatest re tarding influence in western de velopmental progress. Congressmen touring the nation say they favor reclamation and power development but when the chips are down they vote. -No.' or to cut the appropria tions." He suggested that the board in vite western congressmen to sit in at their meetings and discuss the West's needs. The March meeting was voted to Seattle. Father Takes Own Life LOS ANGELES. Dec. 12 .-Pi A discouraged lather was found in a gas - filled automobile yesterday, preceding in death his condemned son who is awaiting execution in the San Quentin gas chamber. The body of Weston L. Walker, 58. for 20 years an engineer with the Los Angeles county flood control district, was found in his car, sher iff's officers reported. His son, Erwin, 29. occupied a cell at the state prison under death sentence for murdering California Highway Patrolman Lorca Roosevelt in June. 1946. Last Saturday the father visited his son at San Quentin. Monday he failed to report for work, send ing a telegram saying he would be late. Yesterday an employe saw the car and sheriff's detectives found the body. Walker's employer. H. F. Sawyer. aid : "He was spending every dime he had in an effort to save the boy from the gas chamber. But he was growing more discouraged every day." Adcle And The Tots She Saved s -.7'-:. .-.a J"' . s : ;t-; U V.. N v; ' V: Adele Haven Icenlcrl. 14-yeur-old LitiertvviHe, III., hijili school freshman, who saved the five Robert Kick children when fire broke out in the residence Mhilc Allele was baby siltlnit. holds one of the tots on her lap. The girl covered the faces of the children to protect thrm from hot mnoke uinl took Ihrm outside. Left to right: Judy. 1: Donald. 3: Allele, holding baby Kenneth; the family dug with his head on the lap of Barbara. 6. and William, b. Cloud Chamber Aids Study KKA'ITI.E. Deo. 12 i,n - lli'i'iiuse lyclulroiis uinl oilier aloiii-siiiashi'i's have been tumble lo ariinclttlly pro tiuee inesot runs, .sclrnce ls ilrpenil Inii upon two University of Wash-hKton-bull( cloud iluiintiiTs to aid In Its study tit nltlliioV.s to 40.00U liet. Dr. Joseph E iUiioitmiii. ill ivi tor of the school's applleil physli t laboratory, disclosed tintay. The two chambers, each but seven Inches In illainctei. are part of -i tln-ee-ton mechanism built muter fSn.HOO grant from Hie U S. navy bureau of orilnaiu e. The apparatus consists of two Identical niamiets. each with a cloud chamber, uinl built to fit (he bomb by ot a 11-211 bomber. The mesotron Is one ol Hie pur II. lis freed when primary ov-uilo rays bombard the upper strato sphere. Dr. Henderson explained T.icv are reputedly 'he ni tual soune ol alt relcasable energy. 'I he cloud chamber, filled with a vi' nor. will permit cunieias auto niiitlciilly operated by lielger eoiuii ei.i to take pictures ot the "vuw trail" as the mesotrons spied through. "This makes it possible more tie coati'ly to deterniine Its muss- ail llr.porlant sten toward ndi'ultcenictlt ot uiii'leur research." he said. ? PTA Notes . L1 4 ' Altamolit A laiKe iiroup ol parents Mere presi'iil lo enjoy Hie I'lirlMiuas inceling ol Altainont 1'1'A oil l)e ii'iiiber II. In the music loom ol Hie junior high. Mrs. Violetle Minire led the group in sinning ol I'hrlslina.H carols. This was followed by u Christmas utory, "Where Hod Lives, There l.i Lme Also' told by Mrs. Ninsoii, city libiariiin. The meeling was uiuncd null the flag saluto and piesliled over by the lucslilrnt. Mn. W. M. (.Iibson. There was u lilscu.isUiii ol a patrol of some kind al the school crossings on H. Dili and also Hummers lane. A coiiiiiutti'o will be appointed to In vestigate the possibility ol lurtlicr- lug safety at these criKssings. , ,,n.- fii.-ui viviiiii-u lo ko oai n lo the old way ol counting tucm lieislup points for each ruom as it seems uore lair wliero there is more than one child representing a am ily. A. ('. Olson aniiouiicrd the coining Christinas program Hie evening of Dcccinbei Iti at the Junior high. This will be presiiitcd by the music de partment. Mrs. Violetle Moore, di rector. I'rcskleiit Uibsnn Introduced Mrs. Hans Frcl, new program chairman succeeding Mrs. Jack Elliott who lias inoied. Also Mrs. W. Ebei - i.l'' pie- Altamont Junior High Plans Christmas Program "The Mystery of the Nativity," as told in the Scripture, with panto mime and carols ot many countries, will be given by the students of Al tamont junior high scnool in the gymnasium. Tuesday, December 16. at 8 p. m. The program is under the gener al direction of Mrs. Henry W. iioore. with over 400 children par ticipating. The band will be heard on a medley of Christmas carols, with R. C. Haiinon, director. The pantomime cast includes. Mary. Carol Steers: Joseph. Tom Murdock: innkeepers, Donald Pin ner, Bill Blackwell. Bobby Hicks: shepherds, Harold Metier. Rosalie Ward. Ray Hoefler, Richard Dew ey. John Thompson: angels. Beth Cumungiiam. Dorothy Clawson. Wilda Smith. Georgie Moore and Phyllis Sterling. Townspeople, Carolyn Donahoo, Patricia Ellis, Loretta Lucas, Laura mae Witte, Mary Ellen McColgin. Dolores Davis, Bonnie Cummins. Irene Nelson. Village children. Carroll Johnson, Joy Barnes. Mary Ducat, Jean Lichenstern, George Arnold, Bobby Clanton. Marilyn Fanning. Gilbert Robles. Richard, Tracy, Robert Morris. Betty James.' Viola Peterson. Ralph Wryn and Jack Friberg. Three kings. Charles Bennett, Dean Lucht. Lehman Myers: at tendants. Roy Koski. Thomas Hor ton. Charles Barnes. Peter Gray. Arthur Lapsley. Edward Vaughn: stage manager. Gerald Wilcher; ushers, Joan Noel. Helen Quigley, Gunman Holds Up Liquor Store BALTIMORE, Dec. 12 ( "Any thing else?" was apparently the wrong question to ask the well dressed customer who purchased a fifth of rye from Samuel Orman, 41 -year-old liquor dealer. The man answered, "Yes. I want your money," produced a pistol and made off with approximately $150. Friendly Helpfulness To Every Creed and Purse Ward's Klamarh Funeral Home Marguerite M. Word and Sons 925 High Phone 3334 ah v. HAT SHOP 1114 MAIN STREET for that holiday appeal A tiitl from Kath) i ii the Ural Velvet and Velour HATS i PRICE ... all dressy styles for evening or daytime holiday wear Schilling Spices and Extracts make Christmas Foods what you want them to be... a real Holiday Joy! Check your cupboard now to make sure you have a fresh, complete assortment on hand. There are 36 Schilling whole and ground spices and 29 extracts, flavors and food colors. Schilling Wanda Richardon. Letha Moore. Vivian Pigg. Joan Monroe and Pauline Toycen. The carols w ill be sung by three groups, the lourlh aiu' tilth grades, the combined sixth grades and the glee club. Tile numbers to be sung by the carolers will be. ""Oh. Come Lmannuel." ancient plain song: "Joseph was a-Walking." EiiRlisii: "No Room in the Inn."' German; "Come lo the Manger." French: " The First Noel."' French; "Carol ot the Shepherds." Bohemian; "Bring a Torch." French: "Come Little Children." German: "Kings to Thy Rising." French; "Oh Holy Night." Adolphe Adam; "Virgin's Slumber Song." Reger: "Adeste Fidelis." Portuguese; "Silent Night." Gruber: "I heard the Bells." Calkin: "Carol of the Bells." Ukraine. The public is cordially invited. I Syria, by u rioting mob wus "prob ably the mast valuable text of a i complete Hebrew Bible which htul ; been preserved." Dr. Marx said ihe text hud been completed about the tenth century by the Ben-Asher family. Young Man Wins Lovely Legs Show SYDNEY. Australia. Dee. 1 Kiederick New ling, a motion ture theatre employe, qualified last night to enter the grand final of a lovely legs quest" In the country town of lioullxmrn. N S V. He beat 11 gul In an elimination round last night. The judging was based on ap plause by an audience which saw only the legs of the contestanls. lelii as 1 1 ii' new Hi st vice preslileul .Mii'cccdliiK Mis. (li'ilrmlc I'rullt who lla- resigned, Room colinl was uon by Mi.s. Josephine IN'iu iitl'.-t third grade lomii for Hie thud time in sin itssI.ui. and Vivian Mi'Naljbn (iiurlli grade room. This Is Ihe seiond llllic Miss Mc Nalihn 'nun. has tt.m l lir traveling p'.aul. The next inccluut In Jan uary III. 'I en was served by Ihe exei'iillve board In the home fcotioiiilra loom, the lalile was coveicd with ti hue cliilli and inn. -MM with an alliiii live Christ tuns arraiigciui-ut. Pour ing were Mis. I. mile Dims. in and Nits. Violent) Mooie. Illveliile The regular Hireling of Itlversidi' 'PI'A was held Novcluller III. at 2:JU p m. The program lui luiled (wo violin select Inns by Miu funny Hii'iI who annuls the nr.st grade i at Itlver.sule. Kiln Kedkey. Oil I IMi-oiu exei'iiuitv spoke on hcoiitiuu and ynlltll oiKaillallnli.s. The pro Igram was lollnwed by a short btli , mess inivtuig and lea was served 'with second guide room moilici.s. Mis. Illck Iterdrr ami Mis. Max Next IllcetltlK of Riverside I'TA will be held February 11. lit H. Classlllril Ails lllllig Iti'.'.ulls Marino Corps Ace Gets Promotion I'OK 11. AMI, Di e. Ill ll'i t Major Marl. hi 1'.'. Call. Iliililiard, Ore, murine cu ps air. hns been pro. inoied lo Ihe pei uiaiii'iiL grade of lleiiiciitihl-eiilnht'l, the mat Inn corpi said here today. Carl now is oiuaullng In Cnll- jforiilit (lie i nips' first jet fighter ' siiuii.lron NOW IN STOCK! FOR XMAS GIVING ! PURE DOWN GARMENTS MERRY CHRISTMAS TOYS - TOYS - TOYS 25 Off Selling Out Plenty of Porking Space Bodenhamer Saw Shop 351 Eosr Main Street Valuable Bible Lost In Looting ! NEW YORK. Dec. 12 A Dr. ; Alexander Marx of the Jewish Theological seminary said today an ancient Bible destroyed in Aleppo, GOT A HEAD COLD? Relieve BwStutiy A ten drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol in each nostril work fast right where trouble is! Va-tro-nol opens up cold congested ySv breathing passages - St and relieves sneezy, p i sniffly head cold distress. Follow dl rections in package. MAUN Saturday Music by Pappy Gordon Dancing 10 Till 2 If is day starts chill and dreary. . . ...a delightful cup of Golden West. . . boiv banishes the gloom del For a bright spot in your day enjoy the rand taste satisfaction of an invit ing tup of Golden West. F.very sip is pure i;ht. Every pound of this rich coffee is bhml iiiiiimlhd for your enjoyment. 3 grinds drip, silex and regular polk satisfaction in any coffee maker. Ask for Golden West . . . it's Somethina to enjoy. . .today dnd everyday k. IRONERS FOR HER CHRISTMAS GET IT NOW AT UHLIG'S 1026 Main Phono 5512 NOT REBUILT! 00 New Power At Low Cost! All llir hinrltu uf a nrw riiKinr SOW ttr Ihr trlt r uf u rylltulrr liluck tiKrintil. Clirvrolri fur lurv llllllt. I!:itl lu lull l'4Miii;.r Car I vi liit iter In lU7 II. U I'riit k fl.Vf hKi lntnsr 1 11 n liiftUllulhihl BUDGET TERMS At Long As 15 Months To Pay ASHLEY CHEVROLET 410 So. 6lh Ph. 4115 JZ T"f Aristocrat Model 1 r C- run c r 4 k rur kaaies ht.ju ' v Ik. r- u. & An en T IP ror men . -pht.ju a GUN STORE; 714 Main 4 A Fine Field Jacket or a Handsome Wallet for ;jj83 Om'I milt thctt oulilonding volutt..i W IikIiI wnj;lil ira ltcll kcl. rf lUtiurd, w mimiI Iniftl hiiIi jipMrf nii oultitlr InilltiiirJ iIohii lor nturt liolu Two lutitl) HKkrt. Snull, ninlium, t$t tlct, lliiv new, (00 luc), picninwm turplm willct, regular ur 4 fulitrJ), it aiattr Imm tlir liticM Irjthcr iUhlc. in L'. S. ciilKiin. In iliMrt -i I. 1). mnl lioldct. HUtk or ruh brnwn. Srn.1 for youtt uhilr tltrf Uit. tmmfiltdtt tirlnttf. II ) fW Ml pi" - ' I 7r pmOtw. W 20 l M.f ttw tml !'' taWt Mi. 446 Fulton Street San Franclico 2, California beau tiful to see... beautiful to hear... M lilanavox Tht Magna vox Traditional... unc of luuriccn dnlinaivcly ilillcrcnl modilv MjwIcm lurniturc wilh mellow lund-iulilxd fmisli to dcliglit the eye. Your c.ir will thrill to fresh Imriions in mu.vicnl cnjnyniint! lin.oni).ir.ililc M.ij5iiavox tunc, fully nutoin.itic record tli.inj;cf with noiseless Ic.ithcr-toucli pickup, 12-inch MiiRnav-ox ipcikcr. powerful 10-watt receiver nnd amplifier ch.issii. Iii)-eniiine m.ilio.iny, w.ilnut or m.iplc... 249.50 Sec this and other morlcli at Depfaft Hmk Co. 120 North 7th I ink musical inhhh'munts Dial 4519