I R I DAY, DtC. 12, 194 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMAIH FALLS, OREGON SEC. II PACE 3 CHURCH NEWS Firsi Presbyterian Slates Pre-Christmas Programs A number (if puiitIiiI uvrntH brrme I'liilniiiuin murk Hip euli'iKhir cif the Vi t.l I'le.ihvli'ilnn iliiiirh, lllh mill IMni' hi rri'li. 'llic yutiiiK iit'iii'le inn imillrlpiil lll;' III ll Weallilllii.lri KrllnWhllln l.lllV lit Mllllll tills Htlliilny. All I'lirllml l u l mil In iiliiiinril uililiT the iiilvlmrHhli nl Hie Hev. Kiutirh I'liiiiiihirs nl Tiilrluke. The iiicciiiiu , ImuIiin Ht 4 p. in. mid IhMi thrum: ilhitirr mill lulu thr evening. Al 1 :m P mi . Kuiuliiy. Ihi' imMur i I'llull rniiiiiiiinlniii.h' i'Ihmi will meet 'thr illM-tlNfllull Will renter lirnillltl "'Hie KntiilVl'lirnn of Hills l l"" W i n association will Iml. I lit ('liilMimin ini'cliiiit m thr church litinriiiriil nn ThurMlttv. pccemlicr IH. ill ). III. Inrlnil.il nn thr Church To Hold Pot Luck rtrivlrrn oil Hundny iiiornliiK ul Cmitmunlly CNrnKirKHtUiiml rtiurrli brum with Ihn Huncluy ikIumiI ha Miiibly ul M!i. liiidrr Ihn mIh-iiii-lciKlriito of Mm. KpiiiipUi K. l.iun miv. 'I imr will Ik lukrn to rchnwur (lir I'lulhtinuA rurolit fur the puuruiit whit h will iv prrnfiilrH m thr eve ning of Huiirti.y, iX-cruiorr 1U. AL 11 o'clock tilt) hrrvlir uf innrn 1 1 ik piuyrr ami Acrinoit will hr con iltu If'il hy the mlnt-.lt., IU , (.ml firy Mitttlicwh. Thr Htumy uml the ihoiiil purl of thr Kcivlm will Imi led hy lha cliuprl choir, coiiducird hy Mm. llniry W. .Monrr. Mm. Miirlr CnJritn will piny tlx? otfim iirmiu panliiirtit.i. Al 0 JU p. in. thr u l,i i imtitthly ptitluik MipKr uiul incrtiiiK of Did rlluwhhlp uioup Will hr lulcl Mri. UivhI r l.tml nnd Mm. Krnm-lh K. iambic rtrc hMUwii. Vlilttirn unit ntnumrm in Klumnth Knits urn t'onllnlly wcU umicmI In thr church. Ivory Pine Sunday School To Meet 'I li" I vni y I'lnr Huniliiy school at lily will pirnrnt its Christinas pioKiuiu ut the ciiiiiiiiiinlly building Ullluluy lit 3 p. til. 'Ihr Ucv. H. M. TnpnrM will cnliduct srrvlcrs fnl lowlug thr priigrnm. A inrillnl lm. tstlun Is rxtcndrd to all to altrnd. DON'T GAMBLE DRIVE AN INSURED CAR Can you nflord to lose your home ... tie up future earnings? It can happen if you have nil accident fliul your cur is not insured! In vestigate today Stutc Fnrm't low cost common tense pint) of in uriiiK your rnr ... it luis laved St nlc Kiirui policyholders over t75,00,000 iii the coit of their auto insurance! Get details of Stale Farm's more auto insurance for your money plan todny I Call or Write WM. N. C.OEN, A.nl ran ?la SIAtl IAM MUtUAl AUTOMOIIll INSUSANCI COMPANY f lltamlnfton, llllnvli Tft WttH't Itrfttt Avlm siwcst C. At fltmrhfcl Mhnn? Bedroom Set Inrlutilnf Iniifniprlni Hint treu nnd roll uprlnri. $185 SWING ROCKER $48.00 -ft i( Chest of Drawers Walnut $20.00 ft -sr W COOLERATOR Formrrlr f 100.00 $60.00 December Furniture Specials Complete A-Pe-Co Photocopy Equipment 75.00 Prarllrally nfw Inclurlrs InMrtirtlnn honks ft ft ft Large Kitchen Cabinet fltldinf porrrlnln top Cook Stoves Gas Heater SIXTH STREET EXCHANGE Oil) Kliimalh Ars. pi imt itm will ! ili viillonn liy Mm. Ui'Vlil lllllllill; vi ill duels ,y Mm l- f'i.ni'iiH mill .l.ilni (!rnhy i n ClirlMiniin Hlnry liy Mm. Vlttor O'Neill, I lip.l i-hiii-h fur Ihc social time vl.lrli will Inllnw I hp iH OKnim me Mm. Mi'lvln I'llziiutiUk ii nil Mm. J H Hhlrl. The choir In pri'lmilliK hcverill line , , lrlll, hl, PM.ni,,(i nl I i rli lii iilliiii nl chi lntiMim nil Minihiy, I )if inlu r nl 1 1 if: morn Inr worship huiir. Ainu nil Hliniliiy, the 'JIM, nl 4 i. in , tin- children nnil youth nl thr Minilnv school win present n Chrlsl , prnuruiii. Included i,n thr pro- 11 nun will hr n short piny enllllcil, "Worship thr KIliK ' Mm. Paul 'rnn- lii. r Ik In I'hniKi' nl iirriiniteiiiPiita fur Dip prouruin A uurnrry In ronduclcd durliiK the mornlnu wnmhlp hour cin h wcrk I'lwmU nn nskrit to hrlnu lnfiinti hi their huMlni'tn or huKKh'i- Youth Rally Set Tonight j llilnrmt In llu' Ynuth Cilllilnin ( inlly ul I'lrni.ml iuIiimjI Uiiuuhl. I'rlilny. nl 8 o'clnck In liicrni.Mim liiinrdliiK hi KiikIi-1 liKlitr rnriiibi'm i niHiiiwirlnii Ihr rnlly In Klnmiith I'lilli. Oimnliin miiitrki mid Inliii lhlf:llnn of MnMrr nl C'rri'lllDllli'D Clnrrncr Ihiinlilr. will hr iilndr hy M. I.. Hhiphrrd, I'hiilnmin nl yninh ililldmim mid rlilld wrllnrr nl the Klmiinth l'iill nrrir. I'OK. Thr liiviHiitliin will hr nivru hy Ihr Hrv. Vlrtnr I'lillllps. pintor nl ihr Htt.l Mi'ihiKllnl rhiirih. mid Ci.iiiii llliimi A. V. (,'nndiry will mvr Ihr iiildli'.Mi nl wrlirnmr. Vni'lil fcrlrrlliin hy Ihr Knulrx (Ulirt('l unit llirmlwrii nf SI':1HHA. will Inllnw. HiTiriiU.m Dlu-i nn Hiinuii-1 Kniiih OLD MAN WINTER IS ON THE WAY COLD WEATHER BARGAIN MOTOR TUNE-UP SPECIAL POWER, PEP. QUICK STARTING THIS WINTER Adjut T4tt ubidi; Gum Sol vtut V lu.l. 1. Cln anil Spact Ienition Point. S. Tcit Coll nd Condrnter ... no itfikwnrk litre. 4. Sand HUat and Ptopttiy Spc 8ttrk IMiik. t. Cinn Furl Purtip SrdinMnt Howl , . . the tfc Oprttttnn. '! st Cortipr tkion vnh At curate Ciatlrf , 7. Set linilion Tim Inr unnr lairit Stroboscope Kquipment for Ac rnrcy. I. Remove. Completely l)iiiirm blf Carburetor. Clean All ftn ir,rwvi and jett with Spec us I Snlvent. Keaaaemble to Original Vielaty Spetrifications. Adjint Pan Hell Tern ion. Ashley Chevrolet Sixth Street Exchange DAVENPORT and CHAIR nint Vflour In iplrnrlM hap $135.00 h DAVENO It ml Polor Ksrrllrnt romlltlon $100.00 rr rr Davnoort Rt Chair Dnrli Wine Vflnur $85.00 (All of our Duvr-nin and srti ara fruhly rlranrd rrl.T for 0.) llair-rirrl CHINA CABINET Five Shelves $100.00 ft ft ft .A, I i 40.00 ft ft Oil Heater 40.00 New r "i MJ , :u; ,r il(l The nrw ( hlirrh ul Jcli ( lirlnl of l.ttr Day Kahili, loculrd In Tulrlakr. will lir romplrted hy nrU iiprliiK, Two nthrri, our. ul Mucrforl ftnd one lit l.ukrvlrw, am aUo undrr tonNlrurtinn. 1'he 1'ulrlake rhurrh will provhlr lor u Hanrtiiury, lour large climnrooni, a aortal hall, relle! aorlety room and kitchen. HrrvlrrN ami othrr mrnthiKH are now held at the humm ol mrmbrri. In the lorrcround are, Irom lelt Don Wrlmtrr, irmldrnt of thr lirunf-h; Wayne Muyllrld, rlrrk; Khlrr Frank Wetmtrr, In charge ol con klrurtlon, Mhlrr Wayne llrmrlil and r.lder Wayne Krrlnaton. Kldrra not hIiowii who are alfto aniiiiillnc with Ihr hulhllni are Throdore hinllh and Cull Haundrra. will Riink on, "What We Arc Al liiiiptliig To Do for the Youth of Klnmnth County," and there will be IntriKliiclInn mid remarks hy Hon ul'l It. Hi-wilt. Klmiinth county Juvenile officer. A vornl selrc'.lnn will lie sung hy Mrs. ilrnry Moore in roiiipmiKd hy Mrs. M. 1.. Hhrp hnd. Circuit Judge D.ivld It. Vniidcn-bi-rg will he liilnxluml unci Is scheduled tu spi-nk briefly with the AtiMtvrr: Ntt, you mtght Mow injrrtton Itiin mm, '2 (IrniM f iViwIro Nmm I hitm in fnrlt iMMiril rdiiu t-onjrt-1m m. ( ! k wiiii'ry How nnd iwlp liwn PENEifRD Srospes 10. Tichtrn All Manifold Conncc tiuna. 11. Check Staitrr. Generator and Voltage Krulator. 12. Make 1'injl Check with Modem Combtiition Anjlvzer Inr Ier (ormanre and Kconomy and Koad Check. Thti Entire Motor Tune-uf Costs You Only $720 II Parts Kstra l-pr. Dark Walnut DINING SET $95.00 Onk Dlnrlta Table - 4 Chairs $35.00 Falnlrd Drop-leaf TABLE - 4 CHAIRS $18.00 ttV Maple Finish BREAKFAST SET Table - 4 Chairs $25.00 tV ft A 35.00 ,frm 22.50 to 60.00 Fhont 1160 LDS Church At Tulelake principal address ol the evening to be given by Gerald W. Mason, vice ta.ilrman of the national youth guidance committee, Fraternal Or der ol Engles. Mason will alio present a plaque to Judge Vanden berg. He will use as his address theme, "Is It Really Juvenile De linquency?" The response will be given hy Rev. Phillips with cloning remarks I sff , ,$8-75 pm 1 I! If r y$f0 t Ik-X 4 ll A $'-'5 1 ffflRA mid the benediction by the Rev. Timothy Casey ol Sacred Heart church. Tlir.lll TEETH GROW The Incisor teeth ol a rodent con tinue to grow throughout the ani mal's lifetime, and must be kept worn down by usage. In one case, tin Incisor of a woodchuck grew loo long, pierced the skull, and curled Into two complete spirals. fi AlbsiUl Children's Day Slated "Chlldri'ti'ii Day" will be observed at Khunnth Lutheran church on Kundiiy. December 14. The Rev. S. M. TopncsR, pastor, will prcAch nn the theme, "Children ol the KliiKdom." The Junior choir will Kliilf. "To Bethlehem," by Keating, and the nenlor choir will ting, "O Huvlor ol the World," by John Onus. A apodal Invitation la extended to member ol the Sunday achool, par ents and friends to attend the mom- I inic 'or.shlp. Tlr. Kunday achool meet al 9:30 a in , 15 minutes earlier than usual, to practice lor the ChrlAtma.1 pro xram to be iilven on Sunday, De cember 21, at 4:30 p. m. he Boy Scouta, with Dr. Robert Hunllnglon as Scoutmaster, meet eiery Monday at 7 p. m. The Sunday school teacners and officers will have their Christmas party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Her Heart's Desire For Christmas Completely Automatic Kitchen By GENERAL ELECTRIC Call Uf for a Free Estimate SWAN MOULDING 3226 So. 6th spend a gay holiday whirl in the charmed circle of dl tresses Pretty as to neckline, tiny as to waist, and full of skirt . . . our ballerina fashions will make you an exciting motion picture! See how they shine and swirl. The skirts are crisp, full-bodied rayon fabrics. Bodices have a metallic touch or bright contrasts. Altogether, they're the smartest "leading lady fashions of the year,Jor, juniors and misses. Oscar Anderson, 1618 Eldorado street, Tuesday, December 18, 7:46 p. m. There will be an exchange of gills. Service To Start At 11 The morning worship service at the First Church ol Christ, Scientist, 10th and Washington, will be held at 11 o'clock with the topic of the lesson-sermon lor the day, "Ood, the Preserver ol Man." runday sohool will be held at 11 a. m. The Sunday school and worship service, held at the same hour for the first time last week, proved very successful, and will be continued. Sunday school Is held downstairs while the regular service Is on the main floor. The Golden Text will be, "He that dwellith In secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." (Ps. 91:1). Among the Bible citations will be. "The eternal dod Is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms," IDeut. 33:27). LAKE COMPANY Phone 3169 ITDDD! turn all heads your way with a sequined hat $298 Sparkling hall are the finishing touch. Thii cle-ver Seottie style of fait has self flowers on a clip back, sequin trim, nnd romantic veiling. Fits all headsizes. 133 So. 8th Phone 5188 Store Hours 9 to 5:30 wi if i. Jacobson At First Covenant Christ, the Bun of Rlghteouanmis" Is the nerinon to be Riven by Pastor 8. T. Jacobaon at the First Cove nant church, 833 Walnut, at the 11 a. m. WOfHhln HArvIrA flimHnv All are welcome to attend and enjoy mis pre-unristinaa service. The filindUV arh hnu nnm- mciica at in n. m ni..u. ductPd for all aitea, Including; the aauus. tvery memoer or our school la urgrd to be present so prepara tions for the ChrllltmAJI nrntrrum r-n be carried out. The program la to be held on Sunclny, December Jl, t i .iM p. m. The Fellowship hour Is at 7:48 p. m. The paator will apeak on "Christ. the flAtl.fvlnir PnpHnn" with Psalm 22 aa the text. Gifts for the boss or office. Pioneer Prlntlnr Stationery Ce. 7W CHOICE LIQUORS Try THREI FEATHERS RESERVE. "First Amoog Fine Whiskies Since, 1882",isyour"first choice" for msg nificeot flavor. This grand pre-war quality whiskey, blended with finest OKA1N neu tral spirits, is richly ro bust, yet "light as a Ceaiher!" THREE FEATHERS V.S.R. BOURBON WHISKEY. A BLEND, is today's best Bourbon "bari Bottled in ItairackyJ it gives yoa aapeets qual ity at a genoiaei eaoderatc price.' 99 PROOF.," JAMES E. PEPPER Uottled-inBond. Kentucky Straight Bourbon is 6 years old, 100 proof . . . a precious prewar whiskey of unsur passed flavor. Try GOLDEN WEDDING, the famous whiskey f "Golden Flavor" . enjoyably mild ansl light-tasting. It's truly the "Choice of a Lifetime". OLD CHARTER is Kentucky's finest Straight Bourbon Whiskey, 6ycarsold, 86 proof. You'll find nothing finer than this luxuriously rich, all pre-war uhiskeyt THREE KATHEIS 111111111101', lit, NEW TW n. T. tkiee eeatheis IESEIVI IIIIIII WHISKEY, U pmf, snl tnl islrlli lHI FEtTHEH V.1.1. louuim emiiEl. IIEII. Sl Jlnitkt IhiSm wliiiHr. 41 srala atfHvt lMH. (OlDEH WEDOISt IIENIEIHlllir,Nmf,IX enl. imiiel lelriH. fl 11.1 Owe ftheB I8 OlOCHMTst