PACE EIGHT HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY, Dr.CrMr.FR 5, I'M CHURCH NEWS First Christian Revival Sessions To Time Change Slated At The cliolng sessions of the revival will be held at the First Christian church this Sunday. Evangelist Hoss will speak both morning and eve ning, sermons on "Love Glorifying the Gift" and "What Think Ye oi Christ?" The crayon picture, "In End Sunday iifW arbor Land." will be drawn by la&IHIwl Ull the Harbor Evangelist Ross and given to the Mt. Laki Christian Endeavorers, who will be special guests. The male quartet, Dean Stephens, Bob Alex ander. Charles Uhlig and Howard Hutchins, w ill sing. Bible school is at 9:45 a. in. with all the men and boys addressed by Evangelist Ross on the message, "Blue Blood or Red Blood. Which?" A goal of 400 has been set for the Bible school. Christian Endeavor is at 6:30 promptly, with the Mt. Laki group visiting. Baptismal services will be conducted during the evening service. About 40 have been added to the church du Ins the revival meet- j ing A welcome is extended to all. LDS Holds Service At Shasta School The ri'-oiganled Church of Jesus Clnlsl of Latter Day Saints is hold ing services in Shasta school with Sunday school at 10 n. in. and the ligular worship service at 11 a. m. Sunday. Anyone desiring Information about services may contact Y. Car roll, president, telephone 7890. Children's Choir To Sing At Congregational Church eheaiMil- on Wednesdays j welcome lo llw liiu. li wlil.1i l, inlliiuti'U on dunlin near aniiiiii. Sunday School Schedule Set "God. the Only Cause and Crea tor," will be the subject of the lesson-sermon at the First Church of Christ, Scientist, 10th and Wash ington, this Sunday. Beginning this week. Sunday school and the morning worship service will be held at the same time, 11 o'clock. Regular weekly meetings will be held at the usual time, B p. m., Wednesdays. The Sunday lesson-sermon will have for its Golden Text, "Every i New members w ill be welcomed house is budded by some man: but into the First Presbyterian church I Mcndav at 7 p. m. The Ladies Aid will meet Tuesday at J p. m. Mam- Presbyterian Has Nursery The Sunday school at Klamalh Lutheran church will meet at 9:30 a in . IS minutes earlier than usual in order to practice singing and oi'ier parts for the Christmas pro gram to be given December 21, at 4.30 p. m. The Sunday school has classes for all ages from kindergar ten to adults. At the morning worship at tl o'clock the pastor, the Rev. S. M. Topness. will speak on the subject, "Thy Kingdom Come." The senior choir will sing. "Arise. Shine." by Cobb, arranged by F. Melius Chris tianson. A nurser:- for little chll dun is conducted during the wor ship hour. The worship service will b- broadcast. The church council meets on Mou oay at 7:45 p. in. All canvassers are urged to complete their reports end turn them in to the board by Hit time of this meeting. The Boy Scouts, with Dr. Robert Huntington as scoutmaster, meet on he that builds all things is God. i at the Sunday morning service (Hcbr. 3:4. j The pastor, the Rev. David F. Bar- Among the Bible citations which nett. has chosen for his sermon w ill comprise tile lesson-sermon in j topic. "Immanuel." An anthem by all Christian Science churches Sun- j Handel, "Thanks to Thee. O Lord," day w ill be. "Thou art worthy. O j will be sung by the choir. Lord, to receive glory and honor and , a nursery Is now conducted dur powcr: for tho" hast created all , illg both the Sunday school and things, and for thy pleasure they morning worship hours. Infants ath Lutheran extends a cordial In vitation to all to share its worship ana work. Phillips At First Methodist I "The Handwriting on the Wall." is the topic of the sermon to be liivmlixH hv tlli D.'V VI, lor Phil lips, at the First Methodist church, N. 10th and Llgh. on Sunday niorn nlng at the 11 o'clock service. The choir will slug two anthems at this service. "Beautiful Saviour." and l "Norwegian Child." by Kmmu. 1 There will be a reception ol new members. A 8 p. in., the junior and senior choirs will give a sacred concert in the church sanctuary. The music of many nations will I featured in this concert. Mrs. Robert P. Craig will direct the choir and Mrs. Pa tricia Hunt will be at the organ. Church Suiul'.y school will meet at 9:45 a. in . and the Methodist Youth fellowship will meet at 6:30 p. m. The public is always welcome to attend all the services at First Methodist. Morning service at 11 o'clock Sun day at the Congregational church will be conducted by the minister. Rev. Godfrey Mallhews. The chanel choir w ill bo auguienied by the chil dren's choir singing the lllurgy and leading l he congregational hymns. Tho liyiuu-aulhem Is "The Wise May Hrlnir Their Learning" by Vaughn Williams. New members will be received In lo (he rliiiicli and the iiitnlslci' will preach an Advent sermon "Light In Darkness." A short iliinvh meeting wll. lie held after the close of Iheservlco when church members will vote on Ihe church budget or HUB as it is recommended by the finance committee ami Hie board of control. Choir is at 4 p. m. and 7:30 p. in. 1 Du Thursday members ol Ihe ! .Sunday school slaff will welcome j l.ella Anderson of New Yolk City, national dlieclor of Christian I'ldil calloii tor I he Conuregalloiml churches who will conduct a seminar on in. Hauls and maici'lal". Visitors and si rangers are uii dliilly I SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING t ill 1 1 UuiMiril Vft ' ll Mlltf! Rriitiiltlt Hl'P -I iff IMImiuIm Sowing Machine Sorvlc Vtiiii Inilnimilnil Hii Old Time Revival Series Slated SorvU't's tit tho Cluuvh of Christ 629 Bristol, for tho work uio un- j nouiirod us follows: i HrUluy, 7:30 p. in.. VUtoty Lend ers band. Sunday school. 10 n. m. Sumluy morniiu; wowrslup. 11 i o'clock. HoKtauiUK this Sundir at 7:30 , p. m. will bo nn 1 time rovlvul sonos wtth It. M. HiKKors loiullim tho ovunuolistU work, h'voryono is wo loom p. A ruin radio hus born doMminl c-pedully for hospitals, when th' reception generally is dtftUull. A quarter will brinK forth throe hoius of radio entertutnment are and were created.' (Rev. 4:11). From the Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, text book by Mary Baker Eddy, will be. "Divine Mind is the only cause or principle of existence." Church Fund Goal Reached TULELAKE, Dec. 5 P The S30. 000 goal set for this year for the building fund of the proposed new Tulelakc Community Presbyterian church has been reached and plans for the building will proceed as rap Idly as possible. Actual construc tion should get under way by Xlarch 1. weather permitting. The plans for the new structure have been considered since before the war and the project is definitely a community effort. Sixty persons assisted with the campaign to raise funds and this campaign will be re newed next year to bring the over all total to near $50,000. Present plans call for a brick structure to house the sanctuary, church offices. Sunday school class rooms, large foyer, altar, and room for future installation of a pipe or gan. Seating capacity of the sanc tuary will be 240. A new heating plant will be installed to take care of the needs of the new building and the present structure. Architect Frederick Eley, Salem, Ore., has asked two months to com plete blueprints for the building. should be brought in their bassi nets. Marian Mcliuyre w ill lead the t Westminster fellowship meeting at 6:30 p. m.. in a study of Christ mas carols. On Thursday at 8 p. m.. a' cathedral film. "The Child of Beth- lehem." will be shown in the j church. Visitors and the congrega tion are invited to see this film, which is being sponsored by the Mariners' club. After the film has been shown, the Mariners will ad journ to the church basement for their regular monthly meeting. Church Of Chris To Hear Winter Another message on the parables of the kingdom. "The Unmerciful Servant." will be the theme of Evangelist Gus Winter's sermon at 11 a. m., Sunday, at the Church of Christ. 2205 Wantland. The lesson will be from Acts 10:34 and 11:18 at the evening service with the subject. "The Conversion of Cornelius." The meeting is at 7:30. Bible school is held at 10 a. m. with classes for all ages. Bible study is held Wednesdays at 7 :30 p. m. All are welcome. First Baptist Slates Rim The sound film. "The God of Creation." will be shown at the First Baptist church, N. 8th and ' Washington streets. Wednesday, December 10 at 7:30 p. m. j "The God of Creation" is a pro I duct ion by Dr. Moon, noted scientist. i author and teacher. The film Is ! sponsored by Moody Bible institute. It portrays the work of nature in various processes of growth and de , velopment. The film shows the i growth and progress of plant life from seed to fruit so that the whole cycle of life is seen in a few seconds. The Genesis account of creation is the theme of the film. The public is cordially invited to see "The God of Creatioi " (live a Rood pen tor ('hritmas. rioneer Priming & Stationery Co. THOR GLADIRONS Now In Stock Appliance Division BURNESS MOTORS 316 So. 6th SUPERIOK .i Enjo? the thrill and thr urine or nukint voui own corae of riowrra iron tour own .tardea. Hand kit contain Dientv fine ribbon I be nehi kind of wire, ftoroiape. and rorun pin tferTthint too need. Make Ovti M Cfl ''" 100 Coruifi W.3U a4 Clio Tkl FromM DJt rr SUPERIOR CORSAGE KIT CO. P. U. Bam SIMS, rorltaad 1 Otwmi CliiNSillrd H9 Br u is Results IT I5N'T y JjV fri 0 jn'JtrrT INSURANCE JERRY THOMAS INSURE fAHJ YOU 7T- f N OSH KOSH B'Gosh Tho World'! Finest BIB OVERALL ALL SIZES NOW $2.98 ITORl for MEN. , Comer 3th and Moin MILK BOTTLES Last Call! Saturday, Dec. 6 TKis Saturdoy it tho lal day wc will bo oblo to pick up or pay (or tho old itylo: Round "Crator Loko" Milk Boltlci Round "Klamoth Falli" Store Bolllii Round Plain or off-brond botllci. All tho round bottle oro being ihippcd out ond Saturday, December 6th, is tho dood lino for ship ping. KLAMATH FALLS CREAMERY LOST RIVER DAIRY SPIRAL BRISTLEC0MB incut hiw , . ; , ,,usH . mot mil mtm fw, '. ;iaTt -- J' .jrf DEALERS - DISTRIBUTORS wanted for new sensational 3-wheel Davis Automobile. Delivers $995 FOB Los Angeles. Fall size car, 15 feet long, 108 Inch wheel base, conventional transmission and differential; 60 hp Hercules engine. 35 miles per gallon guaranteed; speed up to 100 miles per hour. 4 point spring suspension. 64-inch seat. Car seats four comfortably. One wheel in front assuring safety and maneuverability. Proven by over 400.000 miles of road testing. Plant now being tooled for mass production. If interested contact Factory Representative, Box 1000 OR DAVIS MOTOR CAR COMPANY 8055 Woodley Avenue, Van Nuys, California STate 5-3136 PARKER HOUSE ROLLS Practically important as the turkey or ham Itself . . . Acomb's Parker House Rolls or any of our other rolls or biscuits with that Incompar able home-made taste. OPEN SUNDAYS and EVENINGS CLOSED MONDAYS 2045 Oregor) Avenue Phone 8373 t-LtM JUT tK :i 1435 Martin Phone 5845 ' ECONOMY Cash Grocery 2616 Altamont Phone 7037 GROCERIES DRUGS MEATS PRODUCTS TOBACCO ICE CREAM SOFT DRINKS MAGAZINES FREE DELIVERY Open 7 a. m. until 9 p. EVERY DAY LOOK FOR THE SANI SEAL CAP... Your Added PROTECTION A SYMPHONY IN SUNDERNISS r h' "1 i Lortly, ilender FIFI D'ORSAY ol Allied Attiils, rjirtt thai Hollywood Bread it Ami nca'i iiwonie llavor addition to low calotit manui. Tatty, nutritious Holly wood Bread H baked without shortening, no fait added Try it. It'i ttimlyliced. ' FPU CI ftne lr tfiai and ealar-l baofcltt "ThaHellywoatf Wr 1STAV SLCNDE PI" 1 Clnr 0r, Bo 102? Hollf Mood. Ct. AKtO fOn VOU CXCLUSIVCIV ty FLUHRPR'S RAKERY Insist on the best! Insist on LOST RIVER milk! It's richer, it's fresher, it's flash pasteurized to retain all its natural goodness and flavor. Better for cooking, better for drinking, better for you ... be sure to ask : for Lost River Milk. AT YOUR GROCERS OR PHONE 3181 FOR HOME DELIVERY (ramrorar MALLORY'! Mcrrill-Lakevicw Jet SPECIALS FC Y MARKET Telephone 4620 SAT. and SUN. BEEF ROAST . . . . .lb. 33c GROUND BEEF . . 2 lbs. 65c PORK SAUSAGES 2 lbs. 69c 2 lbs. 75c LARD -Below Cost! HENS -Heavy . . , HAMS - half or whole HAM -Sliced . . . BACON lb. 33c lb. 59c lb. 65c lb. 75c ORANGES half crate $1.69 MIXED NUTS Walnuts, Brazils lb. 39c SUGAR 20 lbs., cone 1.80 FRESH EGGS Large doz. 79c FRENCH STYLE BEANS 9 cans $1 STANDBY CARROTS No. 2 tins 11 for $1 HARDWARE DEPARTMENT OIL BARGAIN PENGUIN OIL 2 gal. can $1.98 Kaslrrn Paraflne" "!fl-.')0-tn Wright. NELSON TWIN WAFFLE IRONS ELECTRIC CORN POPPERS SAMPSON ELECTRIC HEATING PADS GEM and NOMA Christmas tree lights TRY OUR RESTAURANT GOOD HOME MADE PIES! -HOW DO YOU LIKE YOUR BREAKFAST CEREAL ? some days- 0f Si "Oatmeal at its Best" I FAST-COOKING Albers Quick Oats (Your grotmr hat AHtt Old fathtonmd Oat, tuf TxtrjL fuM tixtkiMK tulilctl to ull the wniiilcrliil fix! 4luc ( jtic! Nn other luturul whole ftruin ii-rcil is o rich in Vitamin Hi, mimie-hutlilinK prmcim, ciictk) K's '"K i ! hdr.itc, and blood-hutMing iron. Albcr(Junk OjLts arc lo -baked at the mill "ovcrniKhi." Hmc' why they took fabler, and Utlt hciicr! some days - COt? mmmm Crisper, fresher Albers Corn Flakos -& Bulihle-lidhl! Tojny.crii! "VVutm -rch" crispneru broii(jll( rinlu 111 you ilayi Irthcr by Allien cxilmivc 'rripU-Wmp (wliiili in cIuiIm nn cxlr. outer lujcr ( miiitlmr-rruilhig wuxcil puiwr). A1Iht Corn Mukn SI AH1' Kldll I froniWVMcrnmcinuiul S I AY UK, 1 1 T, crip lixlit texture i full priMn tcil. l ht'i liy Allien Corn I lakes Utlr iHttrrl every day- G00t)f Hot or cold-what you want is TASTE-IN JO YMENT Yon fjet extra fust cooking in AIIkts Oiitn. You get extra crisp freshness in Albers Corn I'lukcs, You f;cl txlrn ilcuMire in citting cither. Tnsic 'cm mul sec I as