. MONDAY, JULY 14, 1947 HERALD AND NEWS, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PACI SEVIN ) Seedbed Preparation Big Item In Getting Good Stand Of Hay, Pasture n Hi M'OKANK, July 14 il'i -Careful aiwlbnl preparation la u major uo. rvim secret In lli'ttlim good nlund of I my mill pasture. A I "' II (I. l-w, uuroi lUl nt WaslilnnUill HUiW cullriin, says must Northwest farmers probably have hull at loast " thin, tcrniiuly alunil f if nil iilfiilfu-awmil clover m linn mlKtiii n because they nr-Kloul Oil tho sccilucil. Proper preparation, lie tuys, li Olio "I the most liiipiirliint IiicUim In itrowliiB liny mid pasture crops which yield well mid build up will frriilliy. Wlilln poor "reel causes mime losses, l.nw uy, "by fur a lusher perceutune u( Hid failures" can bt traced tu loor seedbeds. lid Hat UllTO "IllUSt" tot MOll- boiln. First, seeds iiiujiI be packed In Brand Men For Local Area Named Deputy brand litsiectors (or thla district under the new livestock Identification mid llielt prevenllun rt. nciw effective, have Just been niKiiinred. L)ltrlct inspector! lor the six district Into which the male brand lnertliin area hat been divided were appointed several week ao. The deputy brand liupeclori for thla dlatrict are: Dlalrlrl 6 Walter Campbell. Bly; Dave Campbell, Illy: William Kit Irrdiie, Adrl: Charles Cleland, Adel; W. K. (liern. 410 H atrrel, Houth. Ijikevlew; Itollle rlrlirarier. Waimi tlre: W. W. Vanillin. Pauley; Bill Clniildln, Lens: Wade IS. PlU'her. 6031 Bmith Kill alreel. Klamath Kails: Kred Pie. Port Klamath; rimer Stukel, Merrill. iDtstrlel In lienor: B. T. McKlmriu. Klainalh Palla.l III announclni Uie drputlea, the stale departitieiit of agriculture which admlnlalera the art, called at tention to several point to clarify the law for ranchrrs and farmers within the brand liuperilon area. The law applies to movement of cattle, horaea and mulra. Transportation certificate art available at the ahcrlff ' office, the county stent's office or from any brand Inspector or deputy brand In spector, A transportation certificate will cover the movement of hvealock within the brand Inspection area except that livestock arriving at a slatiKhterhotia or salea yard will be required to be Impeded tor branda. If the movement is out of the slate or to another point In Orriinn outside Uie brand Inspection area, brand Inspection must be called for before loading. Portland Girl Killed In Wreck PORTLAND. July 14 il'i Hetty Jean Rogers, IP, a Rose festival princess of IMS, was killed early yatrrtay when an automobile she was driving plunged over an em bankment al the end of a one-way street. The girl, an Oregon State college student, had taken over tlia wheel of Uie car Just before the accident, sheriff's deputies said. Robert Lee Martin, 31, her companion, escaped serious Injuries. Secretory Named Miss Portland PORTLAND, July 14 Wi Slender, brunette Jane Hoberg, a IB-yeer-oU secretary who hopes to be a pro fessional model, will b Miss Port land in the statewide contest to name an Oregon girl for the 1047 Miss America title. She will compel against other Oregon girls at Seaside July 2ft. Hans Norland Insures House, Ml N. th 8k DIRT Sandy Loam Lawn and Fill Delivtred or loaded on truck or 1248 Madison . Ph. 4050 moist soil, llccnuss the tiny seeds uf clover, alfnlfa and grass germi nate slowly and are weak as soed II nil ii, the moisture must be at the surface of the soil, The seeds need plenty of moisture to germinate, and they must be plnnUid shallow to struggle through to the surface. Second, tho soil must be firm and well packed, A dry seed can pick up water from soil only If It la packed solidly In the soli. The Ideal seed bed should be packed without a loose layer between His surface and llu plow sole. Third, Uie soil should be free of weeds as possible. The weak seed lings need protection against the rugged competition of weeds. Two or three shallow tillage operations spaced three weeks apart will elim inate most of the weed seedlings before planting. Ijw says the exact method of preparing seedbeds varies with soil type and localities, but In all of them the seed should be packed In moist, weed-free, smooth soil to pro duct good hay and pasture. Croslnn Example Estimating that up to one half the soil In the greater part of South eastern Washington's wheal and pea area has dlsapieared "down the river" In the short time It hss been cultivated, soli conservationist point to these examples In the "big bend" area: Al Hooper. Mss and Lacrosse, In vestigators found that topsoll losses averaged 40 per cent on slopes of JS per cent or more and 20 per cent on sloiies not so steep. Rural ramblliigs: Idaho dairymen lost ilo.OOO.OOO a day In a recent checkup period be cause their milk turned sour, says O. C. Anderson. Idaho extension dairyman. He says many dairymen are not using enough water for rapid cooling of nUlk to 66 degree or lower right after It comes from the cow. The modern fsrm home needs an office, says J. Robert Dodge, agri cultural engineer at Washington Stat college. Whether the farmer calls It an office or den. the rnnni should uintaln enough equipment to enauie osci 10 seep larm records or give Susie a good place to study. Extension Kntomologlst II. O. Mauls Is recommending chlordane for grasa hopprr control In Idaho this year. Teals have shown It Is sate for warm-blooded animals when prop erly used. Ii Is lops for cockroach control and at safe in the home as uui, ne says. Spud Outlook Shows Cuts The potato supply picture Is clarl fled to some extent by Uie official estimate released this week fore. resting a iiatloiisl potato crop of 36I.OT4.00O btuhrls for 11147. This la the smallest since 19:i0. 36 per rent smaller Ulan last year's record crop, and 7 per cent below the 1038-46 average. Potato acreage Is estimated as IS tier cent below 1R4R and II per. cent below the goai set oy uie Department of Agriculture for the- 1047 plantings, lateness of the season and contin ued June rains In soma eastern and central areas rut acreage below the Marcn inlentlona-to-planl esU mates. CARD OP THANKS Wt with to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to our many friends for their kind ex pressions of sympathy and beautiful floral tributes tendered us during our recent bereavement In Uie death of our husband and father. Mrs. Julius Oss Mary and Rosle Oss Mr. and Mrs. Oall Webb Mr. and Mrs. R, J. McElroy. CARNIVAL B Dick Turner "Bamboo, ain't aha, Duttt? You irwaya wt on, for flatty tufgagaP Demos See Vandenberg As Hardest Man To Defeat No Shortage Of Oil Seen WASHINOTON. July 14 iHReo. Ellsworth ill-Ore. I said today that lack of gasoline In the midwest Is caused by shortages of oil distribut ing machinery and not by a shortage of oil. Ellsworth, a member of the house Interstate and foreign commerce committee which hat been Investi gating the gasoline supply of the country, tald the committee plant an investigation to determine why steel needed for such machinery Is In short supply. The Oregonian said demand for fuel oil and gasoline had Increased 31 per cent over the amount used in ivi. ine most "startling ' in crease, he added, wan In the use of oil burner for home heating. He said 460,000 new burners were Installed In homes In 1946 and an estimated 3460.000 will be Installed this year. Alaskan Urges More Shipping PORTLAND, July 14 uV Oover-i nor Ernest Omening of Alaska said here yesterday that Alaska was too vital to the nation's itrategy and economy to be limited to use of one seaport on the mainland. Omening tald he hopes Portland will open a shipping route to the territory In the near future. He was en route to Salt Lake City to attend the annual conference of American governors. YOUTH DIES PORTLAND, July 14 IIP) Oun wound received In an Eastern Ore gon hunUng accident In November 1844, were fatal Saturday to Robert P. Mawhlrter Jr., 30, who hat been bedridden since Injured. Questioned i xt 3 ;- 1 ! If lei. -; 5f m Mrs. Jean Martin (above), 16-year-old divorcee and cashier In a Han Lola Obispo restaurant oper ated by Morley King, was ques tioned by District Attorney H. C. Orundrll, who said he wat In vestigating possibility of a do mestic love triangle In the slaying of King' wife, Helen, whose body waa found In a trunk. Only about 600 natives remained In Dunkerque, France, when it waa liberated from the nazla In May, 1946. WASHINOTON, July 14 What republican presidential candidate do the democrats believe would be hard est to beat In 16487 If democratic senators and congressmen accurately reflect party opinion, 11 Is not Dewy. Taft or Stassen but Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, republican foreign policy maker. In an opinion poll published by Pageant magazine, Vandenberg la selec' 1 by a 3 to 1 vole over Dewey as "the republican, whom the democrats most fear at a 1646 opponent to Truman." Each of Uie 333 democratic sena tors and congressmen was asked, "As a democrat, which republican candidate would you least like to see nominated for the presidency next year? In other words, which man would be hardest to beat?" Definite answers came from IIP of the 333, more than 60 per cent of Uie total. The result, showing Van denberg as Uie hardest republican to beat, gave Uie following totals: Vandenberg. 68: Dewey, 18: War ren. 11: Taft, 10: Brlcker, 6: Blassen, 6: Martin, 3; Elsenhower, 1. Dewey In second place by 40 lengths would shock some of Uie Attention Car Owners and Truckers t'SE QUAKER STATE PRODUCTS For alandardlied. high quality Pennsylvania Motor Oils and Oreasea, call or tee HOWARD HOFFMAN DISTRIBUTOR Warehoused at 350 8pring Phone 44S5 political wiseacres. Republicans may ; accuse the democrat of trying an ! old political trick underrating their most formidable opponent in Uie hope of killing him off In his own , parly. Democrat gave two some-! what opposite explanations: first, that Dewey could be brushed off because he waa decisively defeated In 1644: second, that most demo-', cratlc congressmen do not know Dewey at well as they know their colleague Vandenberg. having had no similar opportunity to watch him In acUon at close range. ; The three votes cast for House Speaker Joseph W. Martin reflect hit dark horse status In Uie repub-' llcan sweepstakes, and the belief that he may be Uie party choice If Uie OOP convention should hit a deadlock. Turn those no-longer-used articles Into cash now I Herald and News i Want Ads are Inexpensive and bring I quick result. 1 SfecaLk Feed AND INSTALLATION MOORE PARK TUESDAY, JULY 15TH 6:30 p. m. Klamath Post No. 8 American Legion Legionnaire and Families Bring Knife and Fork Action Asked On UMT Vote WASHINOTON. July 14 (P A house armed services subcommittee voted today to seek full committee action thla session on universal mil itary training legislation. The subcommittee, headed by Rep. Towe (R-N.J.l, will reopen hearings on legislation Wednesday. Towe told newsmen It hope to fin- isn mem in several days, and sncieci: "We are hopeful of approving a bill at this session and having the full committee approve It slso That will make It ready for house consideration." Towe tald, however, that because congress plant to adjourn July 36 there la little likelihood that Uie house Itsell will act on legislation this year. Heart Attack Beats Suicide PT. PLEASANT, W. Va.. July 14 IIP) A heart attack killed Victor Bradshaw, 33, before he could fin ish committing suicide with a knife, Coroner R. W. Eshenaur reported. The knife waa found beside the body. Eshenaur tald yesterday, but a self-inflicted chest wound was not deep enough to reach the heart. Classified Ads Bring Results. Tumble Down Stairs Fatal To Logger . REED8PORT, July 14 (-Harold Olson, 61, logging foreman of the E. K. Wood Lumber Co., died yea tcrday of a skull fracture received when he tumbled down a stairway after a dance her Saturday night. Olson, survived by hit widow, died In Uie Kelr.er hospital In North Bend. Hit head struck a concrete pavement In the fall. A V. S. GOVERNMENT BUREAU REPORTaBaouneet the discovery el t aevr tannic acid treatment for try, etk and sumac poisoning. The traatateat has been found excellent! it k gentle and safe, dries up the blisters la c tar pritingly short time often witkia M hours. These gorenuncnt tadiagt are incorporated in the aew product IVY-DRY At your drugstore, S9c, irr nr kmn.tr in cow. Kimiis-. g. A "I i 4 muk mr imwiuhm , j, mr i. rn ujAir use cccm contact I WANT TO WIPE MY GLASSES AGAIN Don't varlaad your lactric circuit. .When yaw build or modernlx provide ADIQUATI WlklNO' ELECTRICAL DEALERS OF KLAMATH FALLS 4DANCE?- -l Saturday, July 19 Muilc by Poppy Gordon's Oregon Hillbillies Dancing It T1U Admission 11.0 v p... ,:a Ba U . 4 or Cent rations AGrett Wl rr ax-ayrs J r .... aVS, Shi NATIOHAl OlSTIlim NIDUCtt COIPOIATIOH. HIM TOtK, FI.T. KtHTDCKT WHISKEY lltltMI.I MUMS Willi BtUTMl lPIIITf F&ISER MORE THAN 12,000 CARS BUILT IN JUNE! Yes, Willow Run has reached a production rate of more than 12,000 Kaiser and Frazer cars per month better than a car per minute! One hundred and twenty million dollars worth have been sold at retail. And the public buys the factory output every month and aaki for more; Production is being increased! The reason for the phenomenal success of these 100-postwar automobiles is easy to discover. The 66,000 proud owners who have driven them millions of miles are the best salesmen we have! They are enthusiastic and tell their friends. They know they have something new and different They know they have styling and design far in advance of the rest of the industry. And they know they enjoy a ride no other car can equal! Drive either of these cars. Compare the ride with the best you have ever known. You win want to own a Kaiser or a Frazer. Then place your order! Increased production Jeans that we can now give you early delivery: Both cars are serviced with eenuine factory Darts (SERVICE) wherever you go by one of the four largest automobile dealer organizations in the world; F1V1 IMPORTANT REASONS WHY THC PUBLIC LIKES THI KAISIR AND THI FRAZER ! Because they are beautifult Tbey look Eko what they are the newest things on wheel! They et the fashion for all future motor cart In body lines and colcce. i. Because tbey are roomy The whole width of these car is inside! Both scats an mora than five feet wide. Six adults have mom to spare. And then, too, there is 27 cu. ft of space in the luggage compartment! 3. Because they are tafel Extra low center of gravity and stabilizer bare both front and rear, cot sway to a minimum. They kug the roadl Superlative vision in all directions. Smooth, positive braking action. 4. Because tbey perform! The economical, 100-hp., six-cylinder engine provides a very high horsepower-to-weight ratio. Sensational acceleration. UhbeUeoable gatolint tconomy! S Because of the ride. Owners say there never was a ride like thla! No ear designed before the war can even compete. This yon must experience! Compart the ride, today! CAU ON THI KAKM-TtAZfR DIAtll IN f OUR NIISHIORHOOO MIO MKt J1IM MYERS AUTO SALES Lakevlew CLARK MOTOR CO. Ssl So. 6th, Klamath FaUt JOHNSON MOTOR CO. Malta '