I iui ' nUNK JINKIM cm tor MALCOLM IPUEV Manaelns Editor tha inf ecu J us u mil ih ; Jno) Ma i ! for l Mi ! Aff : "i! eul 1 to ! 14 ' am , H ' It. i ml I VI i R ' ' c , Co I wl 8 ml i tutored aa second alaai me Iter al too noalofflee) of Klamatk Faiia, Ore., oa August Su, imm, unoar Ml of eons-rasa, Maren I 1179 Wsx i EPLET Today's Roundup By MALCOLM tl'LEY ITS the Olortoui Fourth. Tht una tun shine out of the same blue sky on the Klamath country, but ihe day Isn't celebrated M It used to be when tills area was still In short pants, so to ipeak. In those days, big picnics In troves were the style. For a long time. It was customary to cele brate the Fourth at Council drove near Klamath Agency, and people from Klamath Falls and the sur rounding communities gathered there to eat basket lunches and tee the games and contests In which Indiana and whites par ticipated. Independence Day picnics were held In other groves In this area. Including the group of poplars at the old frame courthouse between Third and Fourth on Main. Gatherings at the Applegate place In the Swan lake district got to be traditional, as did others on Lost river near Bonanza, and In the Merrill section. At the larger of these affairs, the reading of the Declaration of Independence was an Inevitable fea ture of the program. The best elocutionist in the community was called on to Intone the heart-stirring passages; "When, In the course of human events . ; ." Some red, white and blue oratory was flung about the grove, usually from a bunting-decorated board platform, with the adult patriots listening at tentatively and the kids some of them are middle aged folk you know around town today chased each other around the edge of the crowd and occasionally had to be severely disciplined when their shouts Interfered with the "exercises." ' a a a a Modern Plan KLAMATH has Jong since outgrown those more intimate gatherings that used to mark the cele bration of the Fourth. For many years, the day passed here without any special events. A dozen years or so ago the American Legion, realizing that Klamath's position as the big town of a wide area made It the logical place for an entertainment pro gram on Independence Day, and organized the Buck aroo Days celebration, with parade, rodeo, and a public fireworks disnlay. Last year, the Klamath Basin Rodeo association was formed, and this fear, for the second time. Is sponsor of the rodeo and parade. The fireworks display has been omitted for the last two years, but we hope that It is revived. It is a public service feature that goes along with the parade in making it more traditionally a Fourth of July celebration, a a a a Declaration AS for the Declaration of Independence, It hasnt been read at a Fourth of July celebration here for years. Nowadays, as some one remarked today, we depend on the radio for that sort of thing. Last night, the document was ready over KFLW by three ABO radio voices, In the style of ABC's famed Hiroshima broadcast straightforward and without special dramatic effects. We liked it. We had forgotten how much of the Declaration Is given over to listing grievances against George III of England. In taking the great and significant step that gave us the United States, the signers spared nothing In listing their reasons for so doing, and It certainly sums up to quite a bill of complaint. As the Impressive reading of the Declaration was concluded on KFLW, the local announcer came In with a commercial for the Bearcat Haycutter. Good old USA! News Behind The News By PAUL MALLON a ASHINGTON, July Tills Fourth of July VY the most profitable reading Instead of the Declaration of Independence which we all know should be the Moscow declaration against the Mar shall plan tTass text June It was sparsely reported and Utile read. Yet those astute readers of the trends of today in the state department have found this document, making contrasting declar ations against our theory of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, to be the most revealing new creation of principles for super-government. It dis closes Russia. It says: "The Soviet people has already carried out more than one five-year plan. At present the Soviet people Is successfully," etc. It makes a singular noun out of 19S.000.000 people In Russia. It gives them a singular verb. The Amer ican people are, but the Soviet people is. These Soviet people Is progressing well hi na tional economy and culture, says this official state ment which is obviously calculated to make the hungry of Europe resist food and aid. The diplomatic skill of a Machlavelll would hardly be equal to convincing a hungry man he should not have food, but the Kremlin advises It this way: American capacity to produce expanded greatly during the war and therefore the only question Is how Europe should divide up our surplus. Of course, we have no surpluses yet, and none in prospect except In wheat and rice. We cannot get an auto mobile. Our food prices are exorbitant. But Russia does not tell this truth of the matter. It tells the hungry of Europe, quote: "The rehabilitation and further development of the national economies of European countries could be facilitated If the U. S. A. whose production capacities far from declining considerably Increased during the war. rendered the economic assistance which these countries need." SIDE GLANCES ill in. - t w m iwvf r x Will hMM fia afl K A com. tail 8 nu uKt. mc. r. u an. u a . on. 1-4 The World Today By DeWITT MacKENZIE AP Foreign Ailalri Analyst HMIAI.O NlWa, Hlamalk Palla. Ota. rIDAT, Julr 4, ISIt, fees Twt "Well, ton, my only advice to a newly married man it to stick to your decisions that It, after you've asked your wife' advice!" Russian Scheme RUSSIA rejects the French plan for tills, the British plan and the American plan, and sub mits a Russian plan which says that more than once, the Soviet Union quote "offered resistance to attempts at foreign Interference In its affairs." The Russian plan Is for Europe to take American air, dwindle our capitalistic resources, and then Europe should go Russian (totalitarian socialist!. Thereafter Russia denounces another plan, which seems to be Its own plan, namely any all-embracing plan for Europe to receive our aid, or restore Itself economically with any outside help. Certain outside countries are striving toward Intervention In Europe, says Russia, and this should be resisted by the conference. Apparently this means Rumania, Poland and Yugoslavia should resist Russia, as In tervention has become strongest in those nations. But the "certain outside countries" are not named and thus the whole idea is. to make European na tions resist any non-European support. RADIO PROGRAMS a KTLW Faataia . .: Sparta Linens 8:18 Hon Town hwl 8:28 World Neeve Summery" 8:30 Tha Sheriff AJtO 0:15 " " M " Sis Champion Ball Call ABO 7:00 GUlette Sparta Shaw ABC .?;0 Baial Aster Ore a. ABC S.-aa Swaatwead Beneraaere S:IS Maleelaa ler. 8:88 This la lour FBI ABO S'sS " " 88 Break Ua Bank ABO 8:18 " S:38ranseaa Jury Trials ABO 8-4S " la:S SUrdaa ateledlee 18:88 Eddla Baward Orck. ABC ll.-as Klohieap Neweenat 11:95 Dreamtlma 11:50 Slfja Oil U:S FRIDAY EVE, JULY Kin restore Gakrlel Realtor BBS Klamath Iheaue (lull Aroand Town BasebaU Scores Dinner Dance" Slranre Sport Stories Dinner Danee" Volco af Sparta Cisco BUS UBS Lei Gearsa Da H MBS m " Barl Ires UBS EveaJBf Caacart Glenn Hardy. News UBS Jabneon ramilr MBS Let's Dance" Henry J. Tartar UBS Fallen Lewla Jr. MBS News UBS Stasia Aa laa Lika It Ernla Heckacher Orck. SIBS aha Welahaa Orck. MBS Neva MBS SATURDAY A. M, JULY S ":4fl Firm Tnm MiMNawi, Brtwkfart JU 7:1ft Bocer Bomndnp 1-M Gnhmm Fletcher ABO 7:4S Collin Caliing ABC B:M WaJ. 0 avuel ftmlla ABO . 8:16 - " .8:30 m " ,8:4. " 9:00 Bcneetlotu " 9:15 Rhythm antl Bavsn 9:89 rVner.cD Farmer ABO lltm FdWitwtiaff Rhythm ABC 10:15 " 50:89 TeoUi Alki GiYem't. ABC 11:00 Oar Tewa Spesvlu ABC Jl:15 11:20 Sunset Boon day ABO KFLW 1450 kc- MsilefJ 9Utc1U F. Hmlrr. NewslCBt Rim and Shine MBS Headline News Best Bay Farerltee ef tester day Morning 9XaUoe Allen Preeeetl Salaa F million Flaibet Two Ten Baker MBS Ma tie Hi -ho Fo Shew Glenn Hardy. Newo MBS Dave Rom Orch. Thii U Jan MBS Matie Organ Recital Sports Parade MBS KFJI 1240 kc. SATURDAY KFLW 1450 kc. IttfONoon Edition Ntwi lt:l Uom Seaalen 12:30 Sumix Handicap ABO HAS Merrill Time' 1:00 Bodeo" 1:15 1:39 M 1:45 " S:9 Speaking of Sengs ABC J:li Salorday Concert ABC l . s -S:99 Jimmy Blair ABC 1:15 The Vagabonds ABC 3:39 String EoMmble ABC 1:4$ Texas Jim RoberUoa ABC 4:99 Reqnestfally Yours 4:15 Beqvestf nlly Tears 4:19 ReqaesUally Tears 59 " 1:11 " m J:S0 Req. fitfully Tears :4 Frank Hemingway ABO M.. JILY S KFJI 1240 kc. Name Matte News' l'oar Dance Tanes Farm Front BUI Met lien Orch. MBS Matinee New. Buddy Marine Orch. MBS Harry James Orch. Rickys Beqaest Hawaiian Calls MBS Tea Danre Marie tireea Sings MqIc Frank Hemingway MBS Better Halt MBS News MBS Christian Science Pgm. Voice of Army Traffic Safety STATIC Br VAN HEMLRT Weatherman Favors Fourth By The Associated Press Oreganlari headed to the coun try for firecrackers and festivities today i Friday i, with a smiling nod from the weatherman. The weather bureau twice re versed Itself and today said the day will be fan- In Oregon but that Washington coastal areas would be cloudy. With major businesses closed throughout the state for the three. day holiday, families set out for pageants, water festivals, air shows and rodeos scheduled in a score of Oregon towns. The St. Paul rodeo drew a crowd of 4000 to Its opening last night after a spot of bickering with the Molalla buckaroo over the cow boys. Officials of the two rodeos finally agreed that the contestants could buck broncos at Molalla in a"00'1 Bt- P4Ul ta e "over c.Ued"orald Mof.r." Gerald evening . uortrnva Hill Ijinm In Thm AH. i no oi. h Pretending not to notice there Is a camera alined his way Is music Paul wild horse race aroused extra excitement last night wnen oerald Ambler, Klamath Falls, was tossed off his mount and out of the nights events. Ambler, no bones broken, said tie d be back In the arena today. SATURDAY EVE, JULV S Dlaner Dsnco Qals Show (at Sparta Llneaa S:1S Hometown Nevre S2S Werld News Samaiarr S:3 Klamath Theatre Gelde S:4S Amor. Legion Prorram 7:M Plans FlajhoBse ABC I'M I Deal in Crime ADC 1:00 Tha Lone Ranrer ABC 1:30 The Fat Man ABO ff:00 Bill Lance ABC :1S " " IM Claremont Betel Orch. ABC I0:0a stardaat fctelodlos 10:15 - IS M Eddie Howard Orch. ABC ll:M Nichtcap Newscast tlS Drcamltma tlM Sifn Ofl 11:15 KFLW 1450 kc. Stephen Graham MBS Klamath Temple Red Brder Lalia Amer. Serenade MBS Shoal the Werhs Glen Bardr. News MBS Holly Uoaso MBS Haatinf-Plsblnf ClBh MBS Meet Marlla Drahe MBS Nat Brandwrnne Orch. MBS Lei's Dsnce John Wolahan Orch. MBS Voice el Strings MBS KFJI 1240 kc. SATURDAY EVE, JULY KFLW 1430 kc v :00 Sparta Llnenp S:1S Hometown News 1 S.-CS World News Summary . :S0 Klamath Theatre Galde " 41:4S Amer. Legion Prm. 7:00 Piano Playhouse ABC .7:1 I Deal In Crime ABO 8:00 The Lone Banger ABC S:S Tha Fat Man ABO . S:M BUI Lanca ABC ' -:IS " P:S0 Claremant Hotel orch. ABC 10:00 SUrdnst Melodies 10:15 - 10:S0 Eddie Howard Orch. ABO J 1:0 Nightcap Newscast 'll:OS Dreamtlma 11: JO Sign Off llleS KFJI 1240 kc. Dinner Dance Qals Shew Stephen Graham MBS A M M Klamath Temple Bed Brier Latin Amer. Serenade MBS Sheol the fPorha . Glen Hardy Newa MBS Holly Bonse MBS Banff rieh'g Cleb MBS Meet Mania uraaa MHH Brandwynna Orch. MBS a.c( a uance lehn WalahattOreh. MBS Voice af String! MBS SUNDAY A. SL, JULY .. e:S Church la tha Wlldwoea v 7:00 Message af Israel ABC - 70 Tha 8outhernalree ABO . 8:00 rina Ana Quartet ABO S:IS ' 8:80 Blchard Lelberl 8;4S Calvary Ecboee t 0:00 Sermons In Song , :15 Bible Auditorium at Air 1 S:S0 Sunday Strings ABO ' S:45 Raymond Swing ABO '10:00 Warriora af Peace ABO J0:1S " 10:30 Sammy Kaya Oreh. 10:SS Fact and Fiction ABO 11:00 Klara. Lutheran Church 11:16 ' 1I:S " ,lt:4S Organ Maods Eddie Howard Orch. Sunday Morning Cenccrt PUgrlm Hear MBS Lstheran Bear MBS Glen Hardya News MBS Commander Scott MBS Quiet Please MBS Island Melodies MBS Ralph Ginsberg Fashlen Flashes Canary Pet Show MBS SUNDAY P. M, JULY 8 J3ri)0 Lassie ABG 12:1S Johnny Thompson ABO ! 12:0 Week Around World ABC t " 1:00 Are These Oar Children , . ' 1:80 Lee 8weelman Show ABO t: . r 8:00 Darts far Daugh ABO . M 9:80 Counterspy ABO j 8:00 Deadline Mystery ABO a 8:30 Greatest Story Ever Told , 4:00 Sons ye. Bedding l , f4:80 f' 4:45 " ?; S:O0 Sympbeay af Melody i 8:80 Hollywood Musio Hall ABC 1:-,&S " News Matinee London String Quartet Uouso of Mystery MBS True Deteo. Mysteries MBS Those Websters MBS Abbot Mysteries MBS High Adventure MBS Uarlem Hospitality MBS Drag Net MBS Dull Show News Under Arrest MBS Nick Carter MBS SUNDAY EVE, JULY 6 ' Sv-Valter Winrhell ABO 'CilS Hometown Newa 0:8S World News Hnmurr V.CSO Klamath Thaatr Oalde .8:18 Bof lections V7:00 A Guy Named Jonee ABC 8:00 Drew Peareon ABO 8:18 Mon. Morn. Headlines ABO a:au iss ureas Hornet ABO 8:4 " 4:08 Pat Novak far Hire ABO -8:18 " ,,8:.10 Lelghtoa Nobla Orch. ABO 'J:45 1040 Caslna Gardens ABO 10:!t Eddie Reward Orch, ABC 11:00 Mghlrap Newscast 11:IM Sign Oft tins Ezpjarlng Onhnewa MBS Double or Nothing MBS Listen Carefully MBS Gabriel Heatter Shaw MBS Leave it ta tha Girls MBS Mlscba Borr Ronald Smythe Sings Jergens Journal MBS Shlela Graham MBS Glen Hardy Newe MBS Ron Miller. Newe MBS Glen Gray Casaloma Organ Recital Old Faehianed Bevival Nawe and Orgaa Meode. sirs on MONDAY A. M., JULY 7 KFJI 1240 kc. KFLW 1450 kc. 8:15 S AM Serenade ' 8:10 0:15 Farm Fare 7:00 Newe Bkfst. Edition 7:1S Rogers Boundup 7:30 Graham Fletcher ABC 7:45 Zehe Mannere ABC 8:08 The Bkfst. Club ABO 8:18 " " 8:3 8:48 8:00 Welcome Travelers ABC 9:16 8:3 Bkfst. to Bollywood ABO 8:45 " " 10:0 Galen Drake ABO 18:15 Data With Meledy 10:30 My Tree Story ABO 18:45 10:85 Mlnfstere Cenccrt 11:0 Stop and Shop 11:15 Sammy Kaye Orch. UM Club Time ABC 11:15 Ethel and Albert ABO Mcslcal Reveille P. Hemingway, News MBS Rise end shine MBS News, Uesdllne Today's Best Buys Favorltea of Yesterday Fashioa Flasbee Tips and Tunes Art Baker Notebook MBS Kale Smith Spesks MBS Victor H. Llndlabr MBS Morning Matinee Sons of Pioneers Glen Hsrdy. Newe MBS Organ Recital Home Demonstratien Les Brawn Orch. Music t Erskine Johnson MBS Queen for a Day MBS Jewish State Demand Made JERUSALEM, July 4 fy-David Ben-Ourion, white-thatched chair man of the Jewish agency execu tive, today demanded a Jewish slate in Palestine- and asserted, "We are against continuation of the man date whether a British mandate or United Nations mandate." The Russian-born Zionist leader, in testimony prepared for the Unit ed Nations special committee on Palestine seeking a solution to the problem of the Holy Land's future, declared: "You'll achieve your mission suc cessfully when you restore freedom to Palestine, give justice to the Jewish people and stability, progress and prosperity to the Middle East. "These three objectives can be accomplished by Immediate abolition of the white paper (which restricted Jewish immigration and land sales to Jews), establishment of a Jewish state and promotion of a Jewish Arab alliance." Ben-Ourlon was the first witness at a hearing of the Jewish case. He traced Zionist efforts to achieve a Jewish homeland and statehood In. Palestine. MONDAY P. M., JULY 7 12:0 Newe Neon Edltlen 12:15 Coantv Aaent Speaks 13:30 Paul Whlleman Club ABC l!:45 " 1:00 Music of Manhattan 1:13 Merrill Time 1:30 Nat. Education Conr. ABC 1:48 Talk About Books ABC 8:00 Wbat'e Doin' Ladles ABO 8:15 " " t:t5 Spotlight an H'waod ABC 8:30 Bride and Graem ABC 8:00 Ladies Be Seated ABO 8:15 -3:30 1450 Matinee 8:48 - " 8:50 " " 4:00 Requestfolly Tours 4:15 Reqnesllully Yours 4:30 " " 8:40 Who's Who In Music 4:48 Tennessee Jed ABC 6:00 Terry and the Pirates ABC 6:15 Sky King ABC 8:30 Jsrh Armstrong ABC 6:48 Frank Hemingway ABO Name Music News Voor Dance Tunes Farm Front St Market Melody Theatre MBS Johnson Family MBS Matinee News Hearts Desire MBS Lorenz Acting Chiloquin Mayor CHILOQUIN, July 4 William Lorenz is acting mayor of Chilo quin, following the resignation of Walter Zimmerman two weeks ago. The city council on Monday night chose Chairman Lorenz to fill the position until the next election. Fred Markwardt will be the new chairman and Earl Hall will fill the council vacancy. Resigning Mayor Zimmerman was appointed acting mayor upon the death of the late Mayor Henry Rodlsch. and was Inter elected In a city voting. He is giving up his post now as his future plans are indefi nite and he felt that he should give ' the council time to choose a mayor, ventures of Bill Lance." and the dm about him being a music lover Is on the up and up. At Icust In what the cap calls a new "crtme-ftitllim" series, Mssr. Lance Is a great lover of music and has to be torn away from his piano when someone has a crime for litin to solve. Last night, If you took my advice, you llbtcned to "Americas Town Meeting of the Air." Subject this week was, "Una Twentieth Century Civilization Benefited Mankind?'' It seems 1 look some of thut good ad vice myself. Much to my regret, to borrow a phrase from Omar Khayam, "I went out the same door as I went in," or words to that effect, meaning It was very enter taining but the question remains unanswered. It simmers down to a matter of personal opinion: if you feel benefitted perhaps you blame it on 20th century civilization and perhaps you don't. The same Is true of those who feel they have not benefitted. o o Before I forget, here are two selec tions for your listening selected from a great array of blurbs. To night Burl Ives will sing a song dedicated to one of the great heroes of World War II. It's called "The Ballad of Rodger Young." Burl comes on at 8:30 p. m. over KFJI. Be sure to near it. Number two is a selec tion for Saturday, July 5th. It Is the ABC Saturday Concert, which will be beamed your way from 2:15 to 3:00 p. m. Conductor will be Max Relter. Music should be excellent. . For those who plan to stay In Kla math pans, and near a radio, on Sunday the 8th. of which I am one, there are" two dramas mentioned in my blurbs which should be worth listening to. The first is "A Ouy Namea Jones, starring Knipn Bel lamy. It Is about John Paul Jones the great American sea captain. The program will commemorate the 200th anniversary of the birth of John Paul Jones. Tune In on It at 7:00 p. m. Sunday night over sta tion KFLW. In the second Instance, should you arise fairly early, say around 10:15 a. m., tune In on "Commander Scott with his Ro mance of the Highways." From what I can deduce Scott is a great sales man of the wonders of Oregon. The station, KFJI. Probably the question foif inont In the minds of ft) people out uf luu i whether the spill between ltusaia and the western allies al Hie 1'uils economlo Hurley will Increase the dnnger uf another war. Tue answer, us your columnist seen it. Is ileliiillrly "no," Mind you there s danger of further ooiifllct. But that tin rut existed long before) the Paris cotilaitince and lias no reunion to the tense drama of the past few duys. tin iii contrary, i ueneve tnnt tne Purls nlmviduwn. In which Moscow has emphasised thut there are III fact two worlds and not one, lius lessened Ihe urosiiecls of another global conflict by clurlfylng the siiuatlon. Know Where V bland We now know exactly where we stand, it is cuniiriueo inut ituaata mii'iiils to continue consolidation ul her eastern bloc of tuitions and lo expand ner aone oi Influence If she cun. Of course. Ill western democra cies long realised that this was Uie trend, but they temporised. TIifv hiuied that Moscow's ambition would be sululled when Its aone of domi nu'lort included those countries which it deemed necessary fur se curity purposes. Thut wits a vain hope, but w needed the Paris de nouement to make Its futility crystal clear. The western allies now cun get busy with the economic rehabilita tion of all European countries which wa.it.to participate In the program. Economic stubillxutloii will net us a dyke ugalnat the communistic tide wlilcli has been sweeping westward, becuuse) chaos favors communism. "But won t tills mean the division of Europe Into two blocs with clash ing Interests?" you demand. Certainly It will. li s Important to note, however, that these blocs are not new. They aren't an oulgrowth of thv Purls conference. They were the result of the we.itwurd thrust of Moscow's nine of Inllueucc. The till lereuce between them was thut the Russian bloc was thoroughly or ganised, w hereas the so-called west ern bloc was compromised of na tions which Individually were op puaed to comiiiunlMii but erf lit organized aa a unit to combat It. Hanger tjurstion That brings us buck to the qurs tlou of whether the danger of war has been Increased or decreased by the Paris alio down. Supposing the western nations didn't combine for muiuul rehabilitation and strength. they would remain lit a position which would permit a thoroughly organised and aggressive commu-nl-.m to pick them off one by one, like sitting birds. Could anything be more en couraging to further war than fur Russia or any other power to gain comoleie 'domination of Kuroue? I think not. A strong western bloc WEATHER Fair east anil partly rtmiilv low Haiti elmwets tniktioN hhI Lmrllulia Wrlllt iltirlltuost uoilluu ttiitlglil; puilly il,ioly HalliMlav anil Miiittla with s,-atlmil elttmeio mirth and west piirliuiu; aliatlitly wartner east h,rlli,it liMley. slnderata southerly winds nfl must, becoming mud. eiale wcsteily Sunday. NlMTIIKMN I'Al.lr'OHNIA: Fair In day. Saturday and Sunday hill wllh fug tir low I'lmnls locally along rtiasli sluwly rlalntf da lime lemiwi alnresi moderate lliirlliwetleiiv wind ofl t'onil, KLAMATH FALLS ANII VII'INITVl Fair tonlghll Saturday fair Willi high cloudiness: highest temueralllre yidtty IH) degioos, lowest tonight 44; high Sal urday Tti. Milling Joanne JiihnMon uf Porlliind Is line for the rodeo, vis it lug ul Urn homo of Mr, mill Mis. W. 1 Mi lntvre on I.lnroln stieel. Dave Mcliilyre, who hnd been vis iting In Portland wllh Ills niullior and abler, Klhel, came homo Willi her. Tliry traveled uy liniicd Air lines. Mra. Mt'tutyre and Klhel are expected lo fly home Saturday. Card Party The Knlglils nf Pythias will hold a short business meeting Monday al 8 p. m., followed bv a card parly, sK)iiaored by the Past Chnncellor Coiiiiuiindrts club. The public Is cordially Invited to attend. There will be many sieclal awards given during the evening. Chapter Aaalata Betty Zliklc, Ig nore Martin, Kleunoiu Weutherford and Kay Kuler. members of Knppa rlmpler of Una rllguia Phi, have douuled their lime lo uwlst Ihe Jun ior chamber of rommerrn In sellnm tickets at the three-day Klamnth liosln rodeo, July 4. ft and 8. Fishing Trip Charles Mark, own er of the Klumutli Flower shop, la aiiendlhg the holidays fishing. He Is taking his wile and daughters, Marsha and llrfkv. ami will ha gone three days. Tliey are starling nut wllh no definite plans as to location. Meetings Poslooned The meet ing of the friendship committee of the Women of the Mixe, originally slated for today. Friday, will be held Prldnv. July IB. and tne meeting scheduled for July II will be held Friday. July 39. Vlall Mr. and Mra Amna Pnukow are visitors at the Victor Onginan home. XJ45 Rndillffe. Mra. Pnukow Is employed In an engineering ca pacity with the Clreat Northern, operating from North Dakota. Plrnlr A picnic at Medicine lake is planned for the 4th of Julv by Fnnnett Hodges, her family from Merrill and relatives from al) over the county. Mrs. Hodges la employed In Ihe office of radio station KFLW. Iliime Cournly D, Clnrdon, MaU 90, Hew here lilies week from Han Fi uniisco to vlftll his nun her, Velma M. lloidon, HUM Alliimont, iniiil Monday, when lie will return la the buy area to report for further duty. Ho serves abuuid tht UbU bliungn- Niieclal Henaliin At 8 0. UL. Tues day, there will be a Hireling uf ila Women of Ihe Muoae, featuring a apoclul Uallnlllig on all cnndldulrs Joining during Ihe conference. All members are urged to attend, it Town-Mr, and Mrs. it. L. Puddock rume Into town to pur tlcUinle In the holiday rodeo anil lire Having ul the Wiiicinii I'mi. dock Is a nloi:k rnniiier at Illy, Police Have Quiet Day City Mllre business, outside of handling holiday I i n I lie, wua very minor die pnal 24 hours, but Is p pcrled to lilek up I'jdny and Aellng Pollre Judge laiiuir Tuwnseiid will have a full house of ruses when he couveiiea court lomorrow. Clarence fair. 2'Ju, Wlurd, re. M)itrd Hint a hit and run driver smn-hrd lino his rnr while It was pnrkrd on Wulnul at 8th yrMcrduy nfteiiioon, riiilug olf the left front fender. Matt Flnnlgan rrKirted Ihut some one stole a rnmeta from his novelty shop at flth mid Main yralerdnv. The camera was valued at nrouud sun. Kight drunks, one mun charged wllh selling liquor to Indians and one vagrant were lodged In the city clink Inst night. most surely will be a deterrent and may give an addlrd world lime to come to Its senses. To Bv City James Morrison. Ills wife. Wills, and two small boys left Thursday afternoon to spend the week-end at Hay City. Morrlton la a I display advertising salesman for The Herald and News. Six Die In Car Smashup TALLAHASSEE, Fla., July 4 (41 Six otciipunu of an automobile were killed early today when their car and a gasoline truck collided neor here. The highway patrol listed the dead as Mr. and Mrs. Clyde White and Mr. and Mrs. Connley While, and Miss Montez White, all of Tal luhassce, and Joan Plaskey, be lieved to have been a summer school student at the University of Florida and resident of Bris tol. Va. Three other occupants of the motor car were hospitalized al Marlanna, Fla. The highway patrol Identified them as Virginia Davis, Alice Langston and David White, all of Tallahassee. To Bav City Mnrjnrie Eagle, KFI.W receptionist, left by train Thursday night to spend Ihe week end holidays with friend. Ill Hull Krnnclaco. Hulrm Holiday Mr. and Mrs. I Li bert Addison and daughter, Mar garet, siient Uie week-end holiday In Hulrm. The Addlsoiu reside on Lake shore drive. , . Medford Boy Is Governor COItVAl.1.18. July 4 W-The "third parly" attempt doesn't work al least nol among Oregon a yuiing Iry. Al Oleusoii, Mrilford. was In stalled lust night as governor of Ihe Henver boys' state, utter defeating Hob llray, Medlord, and Don Beats, Halem. for the nffire. Olriuoii und tlruy were iiumineea of the "nationalist" and "federalist" parlies Into which the boys attend ing the Leiflon-simnaorru summer school are traditionally divided. Heals was nominated ul the last minute by an Independent third party but Ihe parly fulled to elect a single member of Us slate. IXni Henderson. Medford. defeat ed Beldon Owens, Halem. for secre tary of aline. Fred Terrlll. Eugene; Dick Itynlls, Hood River: Jack Ru ing. Salem; Dirk Itllry, Newberg: Dlik Kvnnv Halem. were among those elected to the senate. Classified Aila Bring Results. To Portland Aaron Bor, KKLW sales representative, drove lo Port laud for Uie holidays. rather than having to suddenly leave his post vacant. Lorenz has been active In civic affairs in recent years and since the first of the year has served as chair man for the council. Blckya Bequesl Say It Wllh Musle Tea Dance Bobby Norrls Strings MBS organ Muslo Living With God Fulton Lewis Jr. MBS Frank Hemingway MBS Sods O' Guns Afternoon Concert Hop Harrlgan MBS Music MBS Adventure Parade MBS Tom Mix MBS MONDAY EVE., JULY 7 8:08 Sports Lineup 8:18 Home Town News 6:S8 World News Summary 8:38 Klam. Theatre Guide 6:15 Klam. Bates Bureau 8:38 " " 6:58 " 7:00 The Lono Banger ABO 7:30 Sherlock Holmee ABO 8:00 Lum N' Abner ABO 8:18 Malcolm Epley S:S0 The Clock ABO 8:48 8:00 Dre. Talk II Over ABO 8:18 Veterans' Beport :88 El Baacha Botel Oreh. ABC 0:48 " 10:08 Stardust Melodies 10:18 ' 0:30 Louis B. Meyer Telk ABC 1:00 Nishtcsp Newscast 1:08 Dream Time 1:IS " 1:30 Sien Off U:4S KFLW 14 tO kc. Gabriel Heatter MBS Quia Show Around Town Baseball Scores Dinner Dsnce" Strange Sport Stories California Melodiee MBS Cisco Kid MBS Adven. Blchard DsvlsMBS Guest Star Dave Bose Orch. Glenn Hsrdy. News MBS Johnson Family MBS Let'e Dance Henry J. Taylor MBS Fullon Lewla Jr. MBS Newe MI1S Muslo As Vou Like II All-star Preview MBS Smile Time MBS Newa MBS KFJI 1240 kc. HEAR Rev. James Selander of the First- Baptist Church of Willmar, Minn, in two great Services at the' IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH SUNDAY T 1:00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M. Alaska Highway Said No Good dsai lls, duty j itrine pres- i Snl hlcrhunv In Alnelro Is in h ' opinion of Brig. Oen. James 6. Steese, former president of Uie Alas ka road commission, "no damned good." The retired general mntle the com ment here yesterday, adding that It Is "plain nonsense" not to have the coastal highway route Into Ueattle. He was to leave today for his first visit to the territory since 1S38. Classified Ads Bring Results. BASEBALL Cn the Air SUNDAY! Irrntrd h? PIGGLY WIGGLY and the LOST RIVER DAIRY Want To Rent Apartment or Duplex Furnished or unfurnished. Call Irving O. Miller Big Basin Lumber Co., 3144 If not In be sure to leave phone number or address First Church of Christ, Scientist A branch af The Mother Church The First Church af Christ, SclenlHI, In Boston, Mass. ... 10th and Washington Services: Sunday School, 9:30 . m. Sunday Service. 11 i. si, Wednesday Evening Meeting, 8.00 o'clock. Lesson-Sermon Subject, July 6 "GOD." Christian Science Reading Room 1023 Main St. RADIO BROADCAST SATURDAY 5:15 P. M. KFJI ' Subject, "Proof That Christian Science Heals" I an J e A small adjustment may put your pen in perfect condition. Bring it in today for expert, factory .trained servicing. e Ccniii'icparlsandoi. thorizai repair service on Parker, Sheaffer, Eversharp and all other makes. CAMEO SHOP 737 Main I PLAN ; k your world of tomorrow I iA'&fR.Ciir. with Uie Equitable today. jfLi jSwl tt y Jr-wj$? I tiAi'i.l j 4:00 P.M. 1 fWzKlffl fj KLAMATH SONS fflggm fj KFLW ABC rr " -" -.cV''a 'et S4 TMci. OPTOMETRIST COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. TWO STORES EXCLUSIVELY OPTICAL Portland: 31 S. W. Alder Klamath Falls: 730 Main JtSTABLISHtD 1B0S f- .'; nil Sis Rrilstsrrtl Oplomelrlelst nr. Sid O. Nolss, nr. O. J. Nolss, Or. . . Aleaandar, Or, I.. C, Book, fr. tyilllsnt n. slddens, Dr. Warns l Sayies. 4' V ft' 11 J mmvt